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Space Programming using Power Symbols
Whi l e worki ng wi th power symbol s i n MahaVastu Programmi ng, you shoul d be very cauti ous; they are
the fi nal fi ni shi ng touches, to be performed i n the bui l di ng, i n order to compl ete the process of desi red
mani festati on. Before appl yi ng power symbol s, al l the other steps must have been compl eted i n your
bui l di ng.
Fi rst step, vi z. bal ance of the fi ve el ements, shoul d be compl eted
Second, l ocati on of the entrance shoul d be anal ysed and corrected, i f requi red, usi ng MahaVastu
Techni ques; as onl y a correct entrance connects i nner space of a bui l di ng wi th the Uni versal Space. Thi s
i s exactl y l i ke connecti ng a computer to the el ectri c suppl y.
Thi rd, eval uate the strengths and weaknesses of Vastu Zones to understand the powers that are shapi ng
your l i fe si tuati ons. Wi thout compl eti ng these three steps, the fourth step wi l l not work per se.
For appl i cati on of power symbol s i n MahaVastu Programmi ng, one must anal yse the Kosha (among
thePanchkoshas) wi th whi ch the probl ems are connected.
Fol l owi ng are some of the power symbol s, whi ch when used j udi ci ousl y, can compl etel y transform your
l i fe:

Yaksharaj Kuber i s the l ord of weal th and guardi an of al l the treasures i n the Uni verse. When pl aced i n
the appropri ate MahaVastu Zone, i t creates new opportuni ti es i n your career and ensures the ri ght
money fl ow i n your home.

By pl aci ng a brass Lion i n the appropri ate MahaVastu Zone of your home, the i mmedi ate change that
your dear ones wi l l noti ce i s the strengtheni ng of your personal i ty and your presence becomi ng more
graci ous and powerful .

As per MahaVastu, the Sun represents the governi ng or rul i ng power. It al so hel ps you use your wi sdom
and ski l l s to bui l d rel ati ons that spread your gl ory, name and reputati on al l around. To create powerful
effect, Sun shoul d be hung i n the East (E) MahaVastu Zones of your home.

As per the Purani c tal es, Kamdhenu Cow was one of the 14 gems that were recei ved when the gods and
demons churned the oceans. When pl aced i n the appropri ate MahaVastu Zone, the Kamdhenu Cow
converts the energy responsi bl e for contempl ati on, worry and i nner confl i ct i nto producti ve and frui tful
acti on and assi sts you i n ful fi l l i ng your wi shes..

You can reap hi gher profi ts i n busi ness rel ati onshi ps at the ri ght ti me, by pl aci ng a pai r of bl ack and whi te
brass Rabbi ts i n the East -South-East (ESE) MahaVastu Zones of your home.

Garuda i s l ord Vi shnu' s trusted mount and attendant. Lord Vi shnu mai ntai ns the whol e Uni verse
and Garuda functi ons as the tool of God i n that. Garuda' s form i s that of an eagl e i n body wi th human
head and hands. It i s the combi nati on of sharp foresi ght, acti on wi th human i ntel l i gence and
consci ousness. That i s why, i n MahaVastu thi s i s used as a symbol to sharpen your ski l l s to control your
systems i n a better way.

Swasti ka has been used i n every anci ent ci vi l i sati on i n some form or the other. It represents the basi c
frequency of the Uni verse. So, any space can be synchroni sed wi th the uni versal mi nd by merel y drawi ng
a Swasti ka there. By formi ng a Swasti ka i n any Zone, we harmoni se the Zone wi th the Uni versal
Consci ousness, spontaneousl y, thereby, faci l i tati ng the desi red outcome.

The pair of Horses symbol i ses speed and whi te symbol i ses best qual i ty. Whi te horses pl aced i n the
appropri ate MahaVastu Zone of your house, i mproves your access to banks and fi nanci al i nsti tuti ons,
and you get the best support from your bank for l oans, or over -draft faci l i ti es. Thi s MahaVastu remedy
al so ensures trust of your support systems i n you and your company.

Chaupad enabl es you to perform master strokes every ti me, at the ri ght ti me and at the ri ght pl ace. It
makes you a better pl ayer i n your fi el d by awakeni ng your l atent tal ents. You become smart enough to
use al l your resources, ski l l sets, knowl edge, and avai l abl e opportuni ti es to hi t the ri ght targets.

Ashoka Pi l l ar has been adopted as the offi ci al embl em of Government of Indi a. Vastushastri Khushdeep
Bansal , for the fi rst ti me, di d a number of experi ments wi th i t as a MahaVastu power symbol . He found
the Ashoka Pi l l ar, pl aced i n the appropri ate MahaVastu Zone, guarantees government support. It al so
yi el ds excepti onal resul ts i n areas such as - government favours, promoti ons and recogni ti on.

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