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Limiting amplifiers are used in transmitter. During a transmission, there may be peaks
occasionally which may overload the modulator valves and trip the transmitter. The
occasional peaks may be for a short duration and it can not be controlled manually.
Modulation of the transmitter also has to be kept very high of the order of 70 or more
on average. To take care of all these things, limiting amplifiers are used in transmitter.
!n "!# Limiting "mplifiers of Meltron make M$ %77 D& Limiter are being used in large
numbers. Many of the stations may also be using Limiting "mplifiers of '$L make. The
principle of working and the modules used in both the Limiting "mplifiers are same. !n
the Meltron Limiter, integrated circuits (mostly operational amplifiers) are used. *hereas
the same function is realised in '$L Limiter using transistors.
+ver driving the audio stage of transmitter is protected by the Limiting "mplifier by
employing a combination of pre,delay and feed back control. The audio signal is
delayed by appro-imately .00 micro second during which time necessary control signal
is calculated and set. The limiter (both Meltron and '$L) uses the combination of
compressor and e-pander circuits, which increases the audio level (density) as is
necessary for e-tending broadcast in fringe area.
Broadcast Specifications of ME 277 DX Limiter
!nputs / !nput !mpedance 000 +hms
1ominal !nput level , %0 d'm to 2 34 d'm
Ma-imum !nput level 2 %5 d'm (3%.%6 7 appro-.)
+utputs / 'alanced floating impedance ma-imum 50 ohms.
1ominal output level , %0 d'm to 2 34 d'm
8re9uency #esponse .0 :; to 34 k:; 2 0.. d'
<tatic <ettings /
Limiter threshold "t internal nominal level
=ompressor #atio % to 0 ad>ustable
=ompressor ?ain 0 to 3@ d' ad>ustable
<T!(T) Aublication 307 005B!=(#adio)B%000
Induction Course (Radio)
$-pander (switchable) , 54 to ,04 d' ad>ustable
$-pander ratio % fi-ed
Dynamic Settins !
"ttack time / Less than 300 micro secs. !mperceptible due to .00 micro secs delay of
the signal.
#elease time / "utomatic, programme dependent, switchable to manual and can be
ad>usted from 0.4 to 7 seconds.
<ignal to 1oise #atio /
?ain C 0 $-pander +1,70 d'
?ain C 3@ $-pander +1,.0 d'
?ain C 3@ $-pander +88,46 d'
:armonic Distortion / Less than or e9ual to 0.%.
Brief "or#in of t$e Limitin amp%ifier
Meltron Limiter M$ %77 D& is a control amplifier. !t consists of a limiter, a compressor
and e-pander. The peaks of the audio signal at the input of the transmitter is prevented
for e-ceeding a predetermined amplitude and Low level signals are amplified.
The audio signal is controlled using a multiplier signal is weighted by a factor DgD such
that the output signal corresponds to the desired function.

&i' (
*hen g C 3, the output C input level
g greater than 3, input is amplified at the output
g less than 3, input is reduced at the output
The factor g depends upon the program signal and is determined in the amplification
computer. !n the D& Limiter the ?ain =ontrol factor DgD is obtained with a combination of
signal delay of about 0.. milli second and feed back control. "s shown in fig. %, the input
signal is delayed before it reaches the multiplier. The amplification factor g is
determined during the delay period.

"E&!L"#F MELT!AL!$#
<T!(T) Aublication 30@ 005B!=(#adio)B%000
&i' 2 B%oc# Diaram
The amplification factor g itself is ascertained using a feed back regulation system which
consists of a ?"!1 =+MAET$# and "u-iliary multiplier. The au-iliary multiplier and the
multiplier employ identical circuitry, so that g serves directly as a factor for both.
The delay time 0.. milli sec is brief enough not to disturb comparative listening between
the input signal and output signal, but sufficiently long to allow the control process to
have been completed when the input signal emerges from the delay network,
independent of over driving at the input and practically imperceptible to ear.
Static )$aracteristics
"s indicated previously the D&,Limiter includes a limiter, compressor and e-pander.
The limiter prevents all signals from e-ceeding the pre determined threshold, while
signals at power levels are not affected. The limiter responds to peak amplitudes. <hort
signal peaks that are not indicated by conventional level meters like 7E meter because
of the time constants employed will nevertheless lead to signal limiting. The limiter will
thus protect the transmitting tubes against arcing.
The compressor is to increase the loudness of the modulation signal. This enable
broadcasting coverage for instance to be e-tended without increasing transmitter power.
The compressor function is by employing a non constant amplification characteristics at
medium level. The closer the level approaches the limiting threshold, the more
amplification is reduced.
"n e-pander is linked directly to the compressor. Low level signals down to level
immediately above the noise level are e-panded. "s a result the signal level may be
boosted without raising the noise level. Endesirable increase in noise are there by
prevented during pauses in the modulation.
Aerformance of the M$ limiting amplifier can be e-plained first with reference to its static
operating curves.
The amplification factor 3 (0 d') increases at an angle of 54
up to the limiter threshold
and the output level is e9ual to the input level. !n parallel to this line is the line depicting
the ma-imum amplification 3@ d' to which the compressor can be ad>usted. This is
termed as compressor gain. !n addition to the gain, the compressor is further
characterised by the ratio. "ny setting between % and 0 (%/3 and 0/3) may be made. !f
the compressor ratio is 0/3 a 0 d' increase in the input level will produce only 3 d'
increase in the output levels. The circuit of the compressor designed such that the
operating curve is rounded at the top, advancing smoothly to the limiter region without
an abrupt change.
<T!(T) Aublication 306 005B!=(#adio)B%000
Induction Course (Radio)
The second region of non,constant amplification is created by the e-pander, which is
effective in the lower range of signal. The change in amplification is designed as an
e-pansion ratio / the e-pander in the M$ %77 D& Limiter e-hibits a fi-ed ratio of 3/% i.e. if
the input level increases by 3 d', the output level is increased by % d'. <ignals are
e-panded in an ad>ustable range such that the threshold of the e-pander is generally set
above the noise level so that only the signal information is amplified. !ncreases in the
noise during pauses in the modulation are thus effectively prevented.
&i' + Ref'Dr',o!-STI(T)../0(D)(12)
Dynamic )$aracteristics
"mong the dynamic characteristics, the release performance of a particular interest. "ll
transient events are completed within the delay time and not perceived an unpleasant.
The M$ %77 D& Limiter is characterised by a three segment release curve. !t begins
with a holding phase (3) of 50 mili sec to prevent the limiter from reacting a new to every
half,wave of a low,fre9uency signal, a process which would inevitably cause higher
distortion, immediately thereafter, a rapid release phase (%) follows, which is hardly
perceived by the ear and prevents e-cessive level and loudness losses. The original
amplification is restored, however, only after a very long, practically inaudible phase (.).
<T!(T) Aublication 370 005B!=(#adio)B%000
The additional feature of the D&,Limiter is that the release performance is programme
dependent, i.e. controlled from the signal characteristics. 7ery brief over driving in an
otherwise low signal level will be followed by rapid release, where as an e-tended high,
level signal with occasionally over,driven peaks will cause a release phase of very long
duration. !n this manner, for instance, a short signal impulse will not reduce the level for
an in appropriate interval, while dreaded GpumpingG effects will be prevented to a great
e-tent for signals fre9uently e-ceeding the threshold.
1ormal <etting of the M$ %77 D& Limiter as recommended by D?/"!# /
$-pander thresholds , 40 d'
=ompressor ratio %/3
=ompressor ?ain 3@ d'
1ominal input level , 0 d'm
1ominal output level 2 0 d'm
Threshold of limiting , 0 d'm
The 20 d'm output of limiting amplifier will be followed by a 0 d' multiple pad for
feeding 0 d'm input to the transmitter for300 modulation.
8or limiting amplifier alignment, 3 k:; is to be fed from the audio console of control room
through the normal programme chain. The level of the audio console at control room
should be ad>usted such that the 7E meter indicate 2 .7E. 1ow the limiting amplifier
input will be ad>usted at threshold of limiting and the output ad>usted to 64 modulation.
During normal progamme, the 7E meter will peak to ;ero and as such the peak
programme level the input of limiter will always be . d' less than the threshold of limiting
The above alignment once made, may not be disturbed thereafter.
!f the limiter is kept off, the input will be automatically available at the output terminal.
:ence during normal transmission, care should be taken that the limiter is switched +1.
3) !nstruction manual, Meltron M$ %77 D&,Limiter
%) D?/"!#, 1ew Delhi. AHD Enit =ircular 1o. %0(3)B@5,DTD dated 37B%0.%.@6.
<T!(T) Aublication 373 005B!=(#adio)B%000
Induction Course (Radio)
Maharashtra $lectronics =orporation Ltd.,
"udio 7isual Division,
MEM'"! , 6..
Standard Test )onditions
<upply voltage / "= %.0 7 rms. 40 :;
Temperature / 34
= to .4
#elative :umidity / 54 , 74
3.0 ?eneral / 7isual $-amination
%.0 Mechanical / +peration of controls and switches
..0 Measuring Aarameter /
0 d'u / 0.774 7
<ource !mpedance / 000 ohms balanced
Load !mpedance / 000 ohms balanced
..3 Limiting Threshold (ad>ustable) / , %0 d'u to 2 34 d'u
..% Ma-. !nput level / 2 %5 d'u
... +utput level #ange / , %0 d'u 2 34 d'u
..5 $-pander threshold / , 54 to , 04 d'
"d>ustability ('elow Lim. Threshold)
..4 =ompressor #atio ad>ustability / (%/3 to 0/3)
..0 =ompressor ?ain ad>ustability / (0 to 3@ d')
..7 ?ainB#atio ! H !! selectable
5.0 Aerformance Test /
5.3 1ominal !nput level / , 0 d'u
(Threshold of limiting, L$D >ust +88, Meter !ndication 0)
5.% 1ominal +utput Level / ,40 d'u
5.. $-pander Threshold / , 40 d'u
5.5 =ompressor ?ain / 3@ d'
5.4 =ompressor #atio / %/3
<T!(T) Aublication 37% 005B!=(#adio)B%000
4.0 8re9uency #esponse
=+MA +88, $&A +88, #$8, 8#$I, 3 k:;
8re9uency in :; .0 0. 3%4 .00 3J %J 5J @J 30 J 3%J 34J Limits
!nput ,0 d'u ,0.%0 ,0.00 0 0.0% 0 ,0.0% ,0.0@ ,0.33 ,0.30 ,0.06 ,0.3. 2 0..
+utput 20 d'u
!nput ,33 d'u ,0.%4 ,0.00 0 0 0 ,0.0% ,0.06 ,0.33 ,0.33 ,0.05 ,0.34 2 0..
+utput 20 d'u
0.0 <ignal to 1oise #atio
Enweighted in d' =omp. ?ain 0
$-p. +1
=omp. ?ain 3@
$-p. +1
=omp. ?ain 3@
$-p. +88
Limits 70 70 46
!nput , 0 d'u
+utput 2 0d'u
77.70 77.0% 00.@6
7.0 Distortion
Thd !1 .0 :; 3 k:; 34 k:; +utput
"t 1om. Level (, 0d'u)
Lim. Threshold (,0d'u)
0.07 0.00 0.00 2 0d'u 0..
"t 34 d' above nom. Level
(26 d'u)
Lim. Threshold (26 d'u)
0.3. 0.07 0.06 2 0 d'u 3
@.0 Limiter <pecifications
@.3 "ttacJTime (0 s)
@.% #elease Time (. sec.) typical (manual)
@.. Limiter :eadroom 34 d' min.
@.5 Limiter =haracteristics
!nput level in d'u ,0 ,5 ,% 0 2% 25 2@ 230 Limits (,0
to 26)
Meter !ndication 0 ,% ,5 ,0 ,@ ,30 ,35 ,30 2 3.4
+utput level in
0.03 0.07 0.33 0.3. 0.35 0.35 0.3. 0.3. 2 0.%
6.0 =ompressor <pecification / 1om. !nput Level / ,0 d'u
1om. +utput level / 20 d'u
<T!(T) Aublication 37. 005B!=(#adio)B%000
Induction Course (Radio)
6.3 "ttack time / %.4 ms
6.% #elease time / 0.4 to 7 sec ad>ustable
6.. =ompressor =haracteristics
!1AET L$7$L !1 d'u
Test =onditions ,40 ,50 ,.0 ,%0 ,30 ,0
Meter !ndication 0 230 234 230 24 0
Typical values in d'u ,55 ,%5 ,6 ,5 3 0
=omp. ?ain 3@ d'
=omp. #atio %/3
$-p / 40
,5..63 ,%5.33 ,6..0 ,..5@ 3.%. 0.0%
30.0 $ndurance Test / (%5 :rs)
<T!(T) Aublication 375 005B!=(#adio)B%000
Limiters are commonly employed at the programme input of 8M Transmitters to protect
against over,deviation. "ccurate control of the programme level by a suitable method is
absolutely essential for maintaining the peak deviation below the permitted ma-imum
value. Esually the level control proceeds the pre,emphasis. !f we consider a reference
deviation of 2 50 k:; corresponding to 0 d' at 400 :;., we have a margin of only 4.4
d'. 'ut the pre,emphasis circuit that follows, boosts the signal up to 3..4 d' at 34 k:;
thereby e-ceeding the permissible margin by about @ d'. !f the time constant of level
meter is taken into account, the increase would be still higher. *ithout limitation or peak
clipping this would lead to intolerable peak deviations. !n case the programme level
control is affected after the pre,emphasis, over modulation can be avoided, but the
average deviation would be reduced unnecessarily.
!t has thus been realised that the conventional limiter together with the constant pre,
emphasis of 40 microseconds cannot provide any protection. !n conventional limiting
amplifiers gain variations affect all sound signals e9ually i.e. they are not fre9uency
dependent. Tests have shown that the shortcomings of conventional limiters can be
avoided by employment of fre9uency selective form of limiter.
"s long as the resulting output signal is much below the nominal level, standard 40
micro second pre,emphasis is employed. *hen high fre9uency components of the
programme signals e-ceed the prescribed limits, pre,emphasis is reduced momentarily
to avoid overloading. Arinciple of operation of variable or adaptive pre,emphasis
followed in the 1ew Transient Limiter is illustrated in fig. 5. :ere pre,emphasis time
constant is reduced by shifting the start of the boost sufficiently towards higher
fre9uencies until the established threshold can be maintained. The variable time
constant is implemented by a 9uite simple circuit. The signal is reproduced linearly and
over a separate path, with a 0 d' per octave increasing gain characteristics, and the
results are added. The level of the portion with increasing gain is controlled by a
multiplier and thereby determines the pre,emphasis corner fre9uency when both
portions are summed together.
!n "!# 7E meters are normally used for aligning and monitoring of levels of programme
chain. The signal levels read on the 7E meter are not necessarily the true signal levels
of the bus they are monitoring. <ince the 7E meter is an average reading meter, the
peaks touching 07E on 7E meter may be actually 0 to @ d' higher. This is very
important factor, which is normally over looked while deciding the threshold point. Till
peak reading meters are introduced in the department, sufficient headroom is necessary
to accommodate the margin of peak readings. Thus, in order to arrive at proper line up
settings, implications arising from various options re9uire due consideration.
<T!(T) Aublication 374 005B!=(#adio)B%000
Induction Course (Radio)

(a) 'lock Diagram of M$ %00 &
Transmitter Limiter



!nput level
(b) 7ariable Are,emphasis
(c) <tatic operating curve of the M$ %00 &
Transient diameter
%0 d' 30 0 ,30 ,%0 ,.0
:; %J
&i' .
<T!(T) Aublication 370 005B!=(#adio)B%000
Sa%ient &eatures
The <alient features of these limiters are /
i) The programme signal is internally pre,delayed thereby allowing control circuitry
to reduce the total gain of the unit before over driving occurs at the output. This
ensures proper limiting without the production of any Transients.
ii) " switchable adaptive pre,emphasis is provided in the limiter itsel,f which can be
used for while keeping off the transmitter pre,emphasis. Threshold of pre,
emphasis can be set to any value between 0.4 to 4.4 d' above limiter threshold
for mid fre9uency signals.
iii) " switchable fi-ed de,emphasis circuit is provided. This is to be switched on for
measurement purposes or when the pre,emphasis of the transmitter cannot be
switched off.
iv) " switchable compressor +1B+88 mode is provided. !n the off mode no
compressor is used and the limiter limits the signals sharply when the levels
e-ceed the threshold. !n the +1 mode of the compressor, the sharp limiting at
the threshold is made rounded and smooth.
v) Limiter threshold can be set at nominal level which is ad>ustable between ,%0 to 2
34 d'u (0 d'u C 0.774 7).
vi) " clipper threshold is also available to set the ma-imum deviation limit.
vii) #elease time of . sec. +r "uto dependent on programme levels is selectable.
viii) The limiter gets by passed through the main relay contacts >ust by switching off
the main +1B+88 switch,
i-) +utput of the limiter is ad>ustable between ,%0 d'u to 2 34 d'u.
)ontro%s A8ai%a9%e:&actory Settins
The following controls are available for ad>ustment in these limiters. The
valuesBpositions of control set in the factory are also given.
3. !nput "d>. (# 30@ on !nput 'oard) /
The input level can be ad>usted by this potentio meter from ,%0 to 2 34 d'u continuously
in two plug in ranges ,%0 to 0 and 0 to 234 d'. 1ominal input level has been set to 2
0d'u in the range 0 to 234 d'u.
<T!(T) Aublication 377 005B!=(#adio)B%000
Induction Course (Radio)
%. Limiter Threshold / (# 430 , on ?ain =omputer 'oard).
This is set at nominal input level (20 d'u in this case).
.. Threshold of adaptive pre,emphasis / (# 5.6 , on Are,emphasis 'oard) /
This is ad>ustable between 0.4 and 4.4 d' above limiting threshold, factory setting C %.0
5. =lipper Threshold / (#,5.% on Are,emphasis 'oard) /
"d>ustable between 3 and 0.4 d' above limiting threshold. 8actory setting C %d'.
4. +utput Level / (#,%36 , on +utput 'oard) /
"d>ustable between ,%0 to 2 34 d'u continuously in two plug in ranges ,%0 to 0 and 0 to
234 d'u. "d>usted for 2 5 d'u (at 400 :;).
0. #elease time / (K 403 , on ?ain =omputer 'oard) /
<elected between . selected for auto mode (Arogramme dependent).
7. =ompressor +1B+88 / (K 40% , on ?ain =omputer 'oard)
<elected for D+88D mode.
@. Are,emphasis / (K 50. , on Are,emphasis 'oard) /
<electable 74 to 40 micro second, 40 micro sec. is selected.
6. "daptive Are,emphasis +1B+88 / (< %00 on output 'oard) /
<elected for D+1D position.
30. De,emphasis +1B+88 / (K 505 on Are,emphasis 'oard)
Jept D+88D.
Instruments Re;uired
3. Low distortion audio oscillator (alternatively output from tone generator in
switching console can also be used).
%. Level meter (alternatively a 7E meter available on consoleBprogramme input rack
can be used).
Line up 4rocedure for Audio )$ain and &M Transmitter !
<witch on the transmitter to the rated power.
<witch off pre,emphasis in transmitter.
<T!(T) Aublication 37@ 005B!=(#adio)B%000
$nsure the limiter setting as follows /
A$ +1
"d A$ 40 Micro sec.
=om. +88
D$ +88
#elease Time "ET+
1ote / Enit is calibrated at factory for a nominal input level of 2 0 d'u and output level 2
5 d'u and need not be disturbed until stated otherwise.
(a) 8or =o,sited 8M <tation /
8eed 400 :; sinusoidal tone via switching console and ad>ust the input to the limiter
as 0 7E with 7E meter or level meter. ?reen L$D on limiter (0 d' below threshold)
should have tendency to illuminate or will >ust illuminate. "d>ust input level control
(!1"DK) on the limiter input card if re9uired.
=heck the output of the limiter at DL!M +ETD >ack on the console with level meter or
7E meter. !t should read , % d'u. "d>ust output control on the output card of limiter if
"d>ust the "8 level ad>uster ('=D <witches) on the front panel of the transmitter to
get the deviation of 2 .0 k:; on e-citer meterB8JDL demodulator.
"d>ust the output level of the switching console again to give 0 d' above 0 7E at 400
:;. The input of the limiter will be 0 d'u and red L$D should have tendency of
illumination or will >ust illuminate.
=heck the deviation on $-citer meterB8JDL demodulator. !t should be 2 00 k:;.
Limiter will now limit all input signal peaks above 2 0d'u. The transmitter
deviation will be limited to 2 00 k:; at 400 :; and 2 74 k:; at high fre9uencies.
8eed 7 k:; at 2 0 d'u and check that deviation does not e-ceeds. Ender these
settings green L$D will be glowing very fre9uently, #ed L$D will be glowing
occasionally and yellow L$D will be glowing rarely.
1ote / !f the deviation are not coming as stated above, limiter should be removed from
the circuit and calibration may be done according to the technical manual.
(b) 8or 1on,=osited 8M <tation /
8eed 400 :; sinusoidal tone from switching console and ad>ust the output level as 0
7E at line out >ack or <TL in >ack ,in,control room.
"d>ust attenuator D"t %D of programme input rack at transmitter to get ,%0 d'm at the
input of $9ualised line "mplifier (G$9ualised line "mp. !1G)
<T!(T) Aublication 376 005B!=(#adio)B%000
Induction Course (Radio)
"d>ust gain of $9ualised Line "mplifier to get 0 d'm at the input of Limiter (Kack Lim
"lign limiter and transmitter as per steps described above from a (i) to a (vi) of co
sited 8M stations.
1ote / !n case of 7 k:; at step a (vi) ad>ust :8 gain of line e9ualiser to give 2 0d'u at
input of limiter.
=aution 1otes /
Are,emphasis in Transmitter is to be kept +88.
De,emphasis in Limiter is to be kept +88.
+nce aligned, controls should not be disturbed.
Line up to be checked before every transmission by feeding 400 :; at 0 7E from
control room. 8JDL demodulator of 8M transmitter should read 2 .0 k:; deviation.
*henever Limiter is by passed or removed the pre,emphasis in the transmitter must
be switched +1.
<T!(T) Aublication 3@0 005B!=(#adio)B%000

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