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ArLlsLlc ConcepL

Ludln 8ermudez
8eynaldo SanLlago

lor excluslve use ln Currlculum 8ooL Camp, !uly 2014

uerto k|co
!"#$ &'()*(#*+
Lng||sh rogram

Derechos keservados
Conforme a |a Ley
Departamento de Lducac|n de uerto k|co
L| Departamento de Lducac|n no d|scr|m|na por razn de raza, co|or, gnero,
nac|m|ento, or|gen nac|ona|, cond|c|n soc|a|, |deas po||t|cas o re||g|osas, edad o
|mped|mento en sus act|v|dades, serv|c|os educat|vos y oportun|dades de

ara props|tos de carcter |ega| en re|ac|n con |a Ley de Derechos C|v||es de
1984, e| uso de |os trm|nos maestro, d|rector, superv|sor, estud|ante y cua|qu|er
otro que pueda hacer referenc|as a ambos gneros, |nc|uya tanto a| mascu||no
como a| femen|no.
uerLo 8lco cote 5tooJotJs ll
Lngllsh rogram 2014


ACkNCWLLDGLMLN1S ...................................................................................................................... v
CCLLA8CkA1CkS .............................................................................................................................. v|
IN1kCDUC1ICN ................................................................................................................................. x
CCN1LN1 S1ANDAkDS, GkADL-LLVLL LkLC1A1ICNS AND INDICA1CkS ............................................. 1
Co||ege and Career kead|ness Lxpectat|ons for L|sten|ng: k|ndergarten S|xth Grade .......................... 2
LlsLenlng: klndergarLen Second Crade....................................................................................................... 3
LlsLenlng: 1hlrd Crade lourLh Crade ......................................................................................................... 4
LlsLenlng: llfLh Crade SlxLh Crade ............................................................................................................. 3
College and Career 8eadlness LxpecLaLlons for Speaklng: klndergarLen SlxLh Crade .............................. 6
Speaklng: klndergarLen Second Crade ...................................................................................................... 7
Speaklng: 1hlrd Crade lourLh Crade ....................................................................................................... 10
Speaklng: llfLh Crade SlxLh Crade ........................................................................................................... 12
College and Career 8eadlness LxpecLaLlons for 8eadlng: klndergarLen SlxLh Crade .............................. 14
8eadlng: klndergarLen Second Crade ...................................................................................................... 13
8eadlng: 1hlrd Crade lourLh Crade ......................................................................................................... 19
8eadlng: llfLh Crade SlxLh Crade ............................................................................................................. 22
College and Career 8eadlness LxpecLaLlons for WrlLlng: klndergarLen SlxLh Crade ............................... 23
WrlLlng: klndergarLen Second Crade ....................................................................................................... 26
WrlLlng: 1hlrd Crade lourLh Crade .......................................................................................................... 28
WrlLlng: llfLh Crade SlxLh Crade .............................................................................................................. 30
College and Career 8eadlness LxpecLaLlons for Language: klndergarLen SlxLh Crade ............................ 32
Language: klndergarLen - Second Crade .................................................................................................... 33
Language: 1hlrd Crade- lourLh Crade ........................................................................................................ 37
Language: llfLh Crade- SlxLh Crade ............................................................................................................ 40
College and Career 8eadlness LxpecLaLlons for LlsLenlng: SevenLh Crade 1welfLh Crade ..................... 43
LlsLenlng: SevenLh Crade LlghLh Crade ................................................................................................... 44
LlsLenlng: nlnLh Crade 1enLh Crade ........................................................................................................ 43
LlsLenlng: LlevenLh Crade 1welfLh Crade ................................................................................................ 46
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Lngllsh rogram 2014

College and Career 8eadlness LxpecLaLlons for Speaklng: SevenLh Crade 1welfLh Crade ..................... 47
Speaklng: SevenLh Crade LlghLh Crade ................................................................................................... 48
Speaklng: nlnLh Crade 1enLh Crade ........................................................................................................ 30
Speaklng: LlevenLh Crade 1welfLh Crade ................................................................................................ 31
College and Career 8eadlness LxpecLaLlons for 8eadlng: SevenLh 1welfLh Crade .................................. 33
8eadlng: SevenLh Crade LlghLh Crade ..................................................................................................... 34
8eadlng: nlnLh Crade 1enLh Crade .......................................................................................................... 37
8eadlng: LlevenLh Crade 1welfLh Crade .................................................................................................. 60
College and Career 8eadlness LxpecLaLlons for WrlLlng: SevenLh Crade 1welfLh Crade ........................ 63
WrlLlng: SevenLh Crade LlghLh Crade ...................................................................................................... 64
WrlLlng: nlnLh Crade 1enLh Crade ........................................................................................................... 66
WrlLlng: LlevenLh Crade 1welfLh Crade................................................................................................... 68
College and Career 8eadlness LxpecLaLlons for Language: SevenLh Crade 1welfLh Crade .................... 70
Language: SevenLh Crade LlghLh Crade .................................................................................................. 71
Language: nlnLh Crade 1enLh Crade ....................................................................................................... 73
Language: LlevenLh Crade 1welfLh Crade ............................................................................................... 73
GLCSSAk ....................................................................................................................................... 79
ALNDIk ........................................................................................................................................ 8S
Appendlx A: 8esources for 1eachlng LSL SLudenLs ..................................................................................... 83
Appendlx 8: Culdellnes ln ueveloplng a 8ubrlc .......................................................................................... 90
Appendlx C: SuggesLed 1eachlng 1echnlques and AcLlvlLles ...................................................................... 91
Appendlx u: 8eadlng SLraLegles .................................................................................................................. 93
Appendlx L: WrlLlng lorms and SLraLegles ................................................................................................. 94
Appendlx l: LlsLenlng SLraLegles ................................................................................................................. 96
Appendlx C: 1echnology ln Lhe Lngllsh Classroom ..................................................................................... 97
Appendlx P: LdlLlng Marks .......................................................................................................................... 98

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Lngllsh rogram 2014

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Lngllsh rogram 2014


The English Program acknowledges the Core Committees contribution in the structure of the Puerto
8lco Core SLandards ln order Lo gulde Leachers of Lngllsh as a Second Language Lo conLlnue work
Lowards academlc achlevemenL. 1he program revlsed Lhe developmenL of conLenL sLandards, rlgorous
grade level expecLaLlons and parLlcular lndlcaLors ln order Lo faclllLaLe a connecLlon beLween College
and Career 8eadlness.
1he Lngllsh rogram acknowledges Lhe faclllLaLors, Leachers and Plgher LducaLlon SpeclallsLs who were
so wllllngly commlLLed Lo conLrlbuLlng noL only Lo Lhe program, buL also Lo ensurlng Lhe chlldren and
educaLors were Lhe flrsL and foremosL conslderaLlon when revlslng Lhe sLandards. As Leachers use Lhls
documenL Lo plan lnsLrucLlon Lo meeL Lhe needs of all learners, Lhe Lngllsh rograms purpose ls for
Leachers Lo geL lnvolved ln Lhe Leachlng process wlLh responslblllLy Lo obLaln hlgher levels of academlc
achlevemenL. WlLh Lhls ln mlnd, we wlll be able Lo guaranLee Lhe developmenL and academlc excellence
for each and every sLudenL ln uerLo 8lco.

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Lngllsh rogram 2014



rof. kafae| komn Me|ndez

rof. narry Va|ent|n Gonz|ez
Undersecretary for Academ|c Affa|rs

rof. Ada nernndez Guada|upe
Standards and Assessment

Dra. Carmen N. |ntado Lsp|et
Aux|||ary Secretary
Academ|c Serv|ces

rof. 8eatr|z h||pott erez
Lng||sh rogram

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Lngllsh rogram 2014


8eLzalda Conzlez 8amos
rograma Lducacln 1emprana

LlsseLLe MaLos Pernndez
Lngllsh 1eacher, Lscuela de ldlomas Manuel
Cruz Maselra - 8arranqulLas

Wendy LsLrella 8los
Lngllsh 1eacher, Lscuela Superlor orflrlo Cruz -

Lnelda 8lvera Coln, Ld.u
Lngllsh laclllLaLor-8arranqulLas School ulsLrlcL

!ovlLa llores alos
Lngllsh laclllLaLor-Corozal School ulsLrlcL

nydla Lugo uuprey
Lngllsh laclllLaLor-8ayamon School ulsLrlcL

MarLa !. uvlla erez, Ld.u
Lngllsh laclllLaLor-Curabo School ulsLrlcL

lno Comez Claudlo
Lngllsh laclllLaLor-Curabo School ulsLrlcL

8uben Lebron Leon
Lngllsh laclllLaLor-Canvanas School ulsLrlcL

Angela Massl Cyola
Lngllsh laclllLaLor-Las ledras School ulsLrlcL

lveLLe Luclano Carlo
Lngllsh laclllLaLor-Aguadllla School ulsLrlcL

!o-Ann lebles Medlna
Lngllsh laclllLaLor-SanLa lsabel School ulsLrlcL

1anya l. Ayala 8lvera, Ld.uc
Lngllsh laclllLaLor-San !uan ll School ulsLrlcL

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Lngllsh rogram 2014



Awllda nleves erez
1eacher Anselmo vlllarubla LlemenLary School
Aguadllla School ulsLrlcL

Carmen Caldern 8eLancourL
1eacher AgusLln uueno LlemenLary School
Las ledras School ulsLrlcL

Carmen ereles CenLeno
Speclal LducaLlon rogram- CenLral Level

uenlsse agan
1eacher 8onlfaclo Snchez Plgh School
8arranqulLas School ulsLrlcL

!ennlfer Cruz CrLlz
1eacher Su 8osa M. 8osarlo School Las
ledras School ulsLrlcL

LlsseLLe ue !esus
1eacher Su Cscar orraLa uorla School
8arranqulLas School ulsLrlcL

Maylln CoyLla 8osarlo
1eacher !ose Colombn 8osarlo LlemenLary
School San !uan ll School ulsLrlcL

Mlldred Laboy Coln
1eacher Su Sylvla 1orres 1orres School
SanLa lsabel School ulsLrlcL

Myrna Snchez SanLlago
1eacher Carmen Sanbla LlemenLary School
San !uan ll School ulsLrlcL

naLalla Conzlez
1eacher Claudlo lerrer LlemenLary School
8arranqulLas School ulsLrlcL

Sandra Cruz
1eacher !uan !. Csuna Plgh School Curabo
School ulsLrlcL

Sonla Pernndez
1eacher 8afael onL llores lnLermedlaLe
School 8arranqulLas School ulsLrlcL

vlglllo 1orres 8lvera
1eacher ur. Maxlmo uonoso Snchez- SanLa
lsabel School ulsLrlcL


ualsy Pernndez Conzlez
Lngllsh laclllLaLor-ManaLl School ulsLrlcL

!uan valenLln !uarbe
Lngllsh laclllLaLor-Camuy School ulsLrlcL

Manuel Pernndez Carmona
Lngllsh laclllLaLor-la[ardo School ulsLrlcL

aLrlcla nleves Snchez
Lngllsh laclllLaLor-Curabo School ulsLrlcL

8eynaldo Cruz nunez
Lngllsh laclllLaLor-8arranqulLas School ulsLrlcL

vlvlana Csorlo Snchez
Lngllsh laclllLaLor-la[ardo School ulsLrlcL

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Lngllsh rogram 2014


Ana L. Coln
1eacher Carmen Z. vega LlemenLary School
8arranqulLas School ulsLrlcL

AnLhony 8osado vega
1eacher 8uben 8odrlguez CccupaLlonal Plgh
School Corozal School ulsLrlcL

Carmen Morales
1eacher Marla lll LlemenLary School San
SebasLlan School ulsLrlcL

Cabrlela AponLe
1eacher School of Languages 8arranqulLas
School ulsLrlcL

llla 8odrlguez Andlno
1eacher Mlguel Such vocaLlonal School San
!uan ll School ulsLrlcL

Sandra llgueroa ulaz
1eacher Mercedes 8osado 21
CenLury School
Corozal School ulsLrlcL

Shella 8lvera
8eLlred Lngllsh 1eacher

vaddl velez Conzlez
1eacher- Mlguel Such vocaLlonal School San
!uan ll School ulsLrlcL

?olanda Se[uela
1eacher- AgusLln SLahl Plgh School 8ayamon
School ulsLrlcL

Zenalda 8lvera
1eacher !ose C. 8arbosa School 8arranqulLas
School ulsLrlcL

Carmen l. 1lrado 8odrlguez
Lngllsh laclllLaLor Cuayama School ulsLrlcL

Lvelyn Len velez
Lngllsh laclllLaLor Areclbo School ulsLrlcL

llor de Llz erez SanLlago
Lngllsh laclllLaLor San SebasLlan School

!azmln 1orres 8lvera
Lngllsh laclllLaLor 8ayamon School ulsLrlcL

!eannlne CrLlz Morales
Lngllsh laclllLaLor Carollna School ulsLrlcL

Lou Ann 8odrlguez 8osado
Lngllsh laclllLaLor 1oa 8a[a School ulsLrlcL

Marla l. Coln CrLlz
Lngllsh laclllLaLor 8arranqulLas School ulsLrlcL

Marla 8avelo
8eLlred Lngllsh laclllLaLor

nllsa CrLlz Mollna
Lngllsh laclllLaLor Crocovls School ulsLrlcL


Anlbal Munoz Claudlo, hu.
unlversldad de uerLo 8lco, Pumacao Campus

Llsle Candelarla, hu
unlversldad de uerLo 8lco, 8lo ledras Campus

Lvelyn Lugo, hu.
unlversldad MeLropollLana Ana C. Mendez

Marla A. lrlzarry, hu
unlversldad de uerLo 8lco, 8lo ledras Campus

8osa C. 8odrlguez, hu.
Speclal LducaLlon SpeclallsL lnLeramerlcan
unlverslLy, 8arranqulLas Campus

uerLo 8lco cote 5tooJotJs x
Lngllsh rogram 2014

1he uerLo 8lco Core SLandards for Lhe Lngllsh rogram are dlvlded lnLo flve dlsLlncL sLandards:
LlsLenlng, Speaklng, 8eadlng, WrlLlng, and Language. Lach sLandard conslsLs of boLh College and Career
8eadlness (CC8) expecLaLlons and grade level lndlcaLors. 1he CC8 expecLaLlons and grade-speclflc
lndlcaLors are necessary complemenLs Lhe former provldes broad expecLaLlons, Lhe laLLer provldes
addlLlonal speclflclLy LhaL LogeLher deflnes Lhe skllls and compeLencles LhaL all sLudenLs musL masLer.
1he 8CS requlre preparlng sLudenLs for College and Career 8eadlness (CC8) expecLaLlons whlch ldenLlfy
whaL sLudenLs are expecLed Lo masLer by Lhe end of grade 12 whlle Lhe grade level lndlcaLors ldenLlfy
whaL sLudenLs are expecLed Lo masLer aL a parLlcular grade level.
1he 8CS ln Lngllsh were wrlLLen by grade level from k-12. lor each sLandard and expecLaLlon,
lndlcaLors are slde-by-slde Lo ad[acenL grades Lo show Lhelr progresslon across grades. ln conslderlng
Lhe organlzaLlon and sLrucLure of Lhe 8CS ln Lngllsh, Lhe Core uevelopmenL 1eam (Cu1) used sLandards
and expecLaLlons Lo represenL Lhe essenLlal Loplcs and skllls Lo be addressed. 1he precedlng grade level
lndlcaLors each supporL and bulld Loward Lhe CC8 expecLaLlons, clearly showlng Lhe progresslon of skllls
across grade levels. 8ulldlng backwards from CC8 expecLaLlons prevenLs Lhe omlsslon of essenLlal
developmenLal concepLs and skllls aL each grade level and supporLs Lhe arLlculaLlon of research-based
progresslons of learnlng wlLhln each sLandard. Crades k-6 conLaln addlLlonal loundaLlonal Skllls ln
8eadlng and WrlLlng, Lhese are lmporLanL skllls LhaL Leachers musL conslder aL Lhls level Lo provlde
sLudenLs a sLrong learnlng core ln Lhese sub[ecL areas. Medla, 1echnology, and CulLural Awareness skllls
are embedded LhroughouL all of Lhe sLandards aL all grade levels, raLher Lhan LreaLed ln a separaLe
secLlon. 1hls underscores Lhe need Lo uLlllze Lechnology and medla LhaL ls requlred for all sLudenLs ln Lhe
21sL cenLury.
ln addlLlon Lo deflnlng general, cross-dlsclpllnary llLeracy expecLaLlons for college and career readlness
for sLudenLs, Lhese sLandards also provlde a clear vlslon of Lhe academlc rlgor educaLors and parenLs ln
uerLo 8lco should alm for in the education of Puerto Ricos children. These learning goals help ensure
LhaL sLudenLs meeL soclal, academlc, college, and work expecLaLlons, are prepared Lo succeed ln a global
economy and socleLy, and are provlded wlLh rlgorous conLenL and appllcaLlon of hlgher knowledge
lor Lhe developmenL of Lhe uerLo 8lco Core SLandards, Lhe CommlLLee researched and used varlous
documenLs, whlch were essenLlal. 1he 8uL 2007 academlc conLenL sLandards, as well as Lhe Callfornla
Lngllsh Language uevelopmenL SLandards (CA-LLus), Lhe Learnlng rogresslon lrameworks (Lls), and
numerous oLher documenLs such as Lhe World Class lnsLrucLlonal ueslgn and AssessmenL (WluA) Lngllsh
Language uevelopmenL sLandards and Lhe Common Luropean lramework of 8eference for language
learnlng, Leachlng, and assessmenL, served as key resources used Lo supporL Lhe developmenL of Lhe
8CS ln Lngllsh. All of Lhese documenLs and ldeas were organlzed ln order Lo provlde rlgor, clarlLy, and
progresslon of across grade levels.
1he Lngllsh rogram of Lhe ueparLmenL of LducaLlon of uerLo 8lco alms Lo develop sLudenLs who can
communlcaLe creaLlvely, reflecLlvely, and crlLlcally ln Lhe Lngllsh language ln order for Lhem Lo be
college and career ready. 1hey should feel commlLLed Lo Lhelr naLlve language and Plspanlc culLure,
slmulLaneously developlng a sLrong sense of solldarlLy, respecL and appreclaLlon for oLher culLures.

uerLo 8lco cote 5tooJotJs xl
Lngllsh rogram 2014

uevelop sLudenLs Lo communlcaLe effecLlvely ln Lhe Lngllsh language, recognlzlng LhaL Lhe masLery of
Lhelr vernacular ls essenLlal for effecLlve learnlng of oLher languages. 1herefore, Lhe lnLegraLlon beLween
Lngllsh and Spanlsh programs ls cruclal. SLudenLs wlll communlcaLe orally and ln wrlLLen ln Lhe Lngllsh
language. 1he currlculum wlll fosLer crlLlcal and creaLlve Lhlnklng needed Lo meeL Lhe expecLaLlons and
demands of Lhe conLemporary global socleLy. lL wlll provlde enrlchlng educaLlonal experlences,
lnLegraLed, and challenglng whlch wlll Lake lnLo conslderaLlon, ln addlLlon Lo knowledge and skllls, Lhe
soclal, economlc, culLural, and personal background of each sLudenL. ln Lhls way, Lhey can respond Lo
new challenges and soclal responslblllLles and wlll be able Lo grasp Lhe opporLunlLles of Lhe LwenLy-flrsL
cenLury global world.
1he Lngllsh rogram ls dlrecLed Lowards Lhe developmenL of a sLudenL who ls able Lo communlcaLe
effecLlvely, boLh orally and ln wrlLLen ln Lhe Lngllsh language.
Learn|ng Iocused Goa|s
ln order for sLudenLs Lo achleve learnlng ln Lhe Lngllsh language lL ls necessary Lo:
undersLand whaL Lhey hear.
Lxpress Lhelr ldeas ln formal and lnformal conversaLlons wlLh correcL grammar, lnLonaLlon and
undersLand and lnLerpreL whaL Lhey read for en[oymenL of readlng.
Make use of Lngllsh as a communlcaLlon mechanlsm for dlfferenL purposes framed ln a varleLy of
WrlLe wlLh clarlLy, preclslon, and correcLlon.
L|sten|ng: Building on others ideas for knowledge
1he LlsLenlng SLandard lncludes skllls for presenL lnformaLlon, flndlngs, and supporLlng evldence clearly,
conclsely, and loglcally such LhaL llsLeners can follow Lhe llne of reasonlng and Lhe organlzaLlon,
developmenL, subsLance, and sLyle LhaL are approprlaLe Lo purpose, audlence, and Lask.
Speak|ng: Adaptab|e commun|cat|on and partnersh|p co||aborat|on
1he Speaklng SLandard lncludes buL noL llmlLed Lo skllls necessary for formal presenLaLlons, Lhe Speaklng
requlre sLudenLs Lo develop a range of broadly useful oral communlcaLlon and lnLerpersonal skllls.
SLudenLs musL learn Lo work LogeLher, express and llsLen carefully Lo ldeas, lnLegraLe lnformaLlon from
oral, vlsual, quanLlLaLlve, and medla sources Lo evaluaLe whaL Lhey hear, use and dlsplay sLraLeglcally Lo
help achleve communlcaLlve purposes, and adapL speech Lo conLexL and Lask.

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Lngllsh rogram 2014

kead|ng: 1ext |nvo|vedness and the growth of comprehens|on
1he 8eadlng sLandard places equal lmporLance on Lhe complexlLy of whaL sLudenLs read and Lhe sklll
wlLh whlch Lhey read. 1hls sLandard deflnes a grade-by-grade level of LexL complexlLy LhaL rlses from
beglnnlng readlng Lo Lhe college and career readlness hlgh school level. WhaLever Lhey are readlng,
sLudenLs musL also demonsLraLe a gradually growlng ablllLy Lo undersLand more from and make fuller
use of LexL, lncludlng maklng an lncreaslng number of connecLlons among ldeas and beLween LexLs,
conslderlng a broader range of LexLual evldence, and becomlng more percepLlve Lo conLradlcLlons,
amblgulLles, and poor reasonlng ln LexLs.
Wr|t|ng: 1ext sty|es, respond|ng to read|ng, and research
1he WrlLlng SLandard recognlze Lhe facL LhaL some wrlLlng skllls, such as Lhe ablllLy Lo plan, revlse, edlL,
and publlsh, are relevanL Lo many Lypes of wrlLlng, oLher skllls are more properly deflned ln Lerms of
speclflc wrlLlng Lypes: argumenLs, lnformaLlve/explanaLory LexLs, and narraLlves. 1hls SLandard sLresses
Lhe lmporLance of Lhe wrlLlng-readlng connecLlon by requlrlng sLudenLs Lo draw upon and wrlLe abouL
evldence from llLerary and lnformaLlonal LexLs. 1he slgnlflcance of forms of wrlLlng: Lypes of essays,
research, and lnvesLlgaLlons, noLably lncluded ln Lhls sLrand sLaLes Lhe lmporLance of wrlLlng skllls LhaL
are lmporLanL Lo research and are lnfused LhroughouL Lhe documenL.
Language: Convent|ons, app||cab|e and effect|ve use, and vocabu|ary
The Language standards include the essential rules of written and spoken English. The Standard is
presenLed as a maLLer of skllls and ablllLles. 1he vocabulary focuses on undersLandlng words and
phrases, Lhelr relaLlonshlps, and Lhe acqulslLlon of new vocabulary, parLlcularly general academlc words
and phrases.

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Lngllsh rogram 2014


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Lngllsh rogram 2014

Co||ege and Career kead|ness Lxpectat|ons for L|sten|ng: k|ndergarten S|xth Grade
1he k-6 sLandards on Lhe followlng pages deflne whaL sLudenLs should masLer and be able Lo do by Lhe end of each grade. 1he sLandards conslsL of boLh
College and Career 8eadlness (CC8) expecLaLlons and grade level lndlcaLors. 1he CC8 expecLaLlons and grade-speclflc lndlcaLors are necessary complemenLs
Lhe former provldlng broad expecLaLlons, Lhe laLLer provldlng addlLlonal speclflclLy LhaL LogeLher deflne Lhe skllls and compeLencles LhaL all sLudenLs musL
Co||ege and Career kead|ness Lxpectat|ons
1. Comprehend and analyze lnformaLlon from a varleLy of llsLenlng acLlvlLles Lo ask and answer quesLlons on soclal, academlc, college, and career Loplcs.

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Lngllsh rogram 2014

L|sten|ng: k|ndergarten Second Grade
k|ndergarten Students: 1st Grade Students: 2nd Grade Students:
Comprehend and ana|yze |nformat|on from a var|ety of ||sten|ng act|v|t|es to ask and answer quest|ons on soc|a|, academ|c, co||ege, and career top|cs.
k.L.1 LlsLen and lnLeracL wlLh peers and
Leachers durlng read-alouds, soclal
lnLeracLlons, group acLlvlLles, and
lnformal oral presenLaLlons.
a. Ask and answer baslc
lnsLrucLlons and rouLlne
quesLlons approprlaLe Lo Lhe
b. lnLeracL ln a soclally approprlaLe
manner Lhrough eye conLacL
and gesLures.
c. LlsLen and respond Lo slmple
commands and 2-sLep
lnsLrucLlons and dlrecLlons.
d. Cffer and respond Lo
greeLlngs/farewells uslng
approprlaLe courLesy
e. LlsLen and parLlclpaLe ln slmple
rhymes, songs, chanLs, eLc.
f. ulscrlmlnaLe and ldenLlfy
sounds ln pronunclaLlon and
speech especlally Lhose LhaL
dlffer from Lhelr flrsL language.
1.L.1 LlsLen and lnLeracL wlLh peers
durlng soclal lnLeracLlons, read-
alouds, and class, group, and
parLner dlscusslons.
a. Ask and answer quesLlons
approprlaLe Lo Lhe Loplc and
offer baslc oplnlons ln
conversaLlons uslng learned
phrases and open responses
(e.g., l llke).
b. use gesLures and expresslons Lo
demonsLraLe engagemenL and
undersLandlng ln a soclally
approprlaLe manner.
c. LlsLen and respond Lo slmple
commands and lnsLrucLlons or
dlrecLlons wlLh 3 or more sLeps.
d. Cffer and respond Lo
greeLlngs/farewells uslng
approprlaLe courLesy
e. LlsLen and parLlclpaLe ln
rhymes, songs, chanLs, eLc.
f. ulscrlmlnaLe and ldenLlfy
sounds ln pronunclaLlon and
speech especlally Lhose LhaL
dlffer from Lhelr flrsL language.
2.L.1 LlsLen and lnLeracL wlLh peers
durlng soclal lnLeracLlons, read-
alouds, and class, group, and
parLner dlscusslons.
a. Ask and answer quesLlons
approprlaLe Lo Lhe Loplc and
offer oplnlons ln conversaLlons
uslng learned phrases and open
b. use gesLures, expresslons, and
slmple words/phrases Lo
demonsLraLe engagemenL and
undersLandlng ln a soclally
approprlaLe manner.
c. LlsLen and respond Lo
lncreaslngly complex
lnsLrucLlons, commands, and
d. Cffer and respond Lo
greeLlngs/farewells uslng
approprlaLe courLesy
e. LlsLen and parLlclpaLe ln
rhymes, songs, chanLs, eLc.
f. ulscrlmlnaLe and ldenLlfy
sounds ln pronunclaLlon and
speech especlally Lhose LhaL
dlffer from Lhelr flrsL language.
g. LlsLen and respond Lo slmple
3W quesLlons.

uerLo 8lco cote 5tooJotJs 4
Lngllsh rogram 2014

L|sten|ng: 1h|rd Grade Iourth Grade
3rd Grade Students: 4th Grade Students:
Comprehend and ana|yze |nformat|on from a var|ety of ||sten|ng act|v|t|es to ask and answer quest|ons on soc|a|, academ|c, co||ege, and career top|cs.
3.L.1 LlsLen and lnLeracL wlLh peers durlng soclal lnLeracLlons, read-
alouds, oral presenLaLlons, and class, group, and parLner
a. Ask and answer deLalled quesLlons LhaL sLlmulaLe
conversaLlon and refer Lo deLalls from Lhe LexL as Lhe basls
for oplnlons and concluslons, and use approprlaLe language
sLrucLure accordlng Lo purpose and seLLlng (formal and
b. use verbal and nonverbal forms and slmple senLences Lo
demonsLraLe engagemenL and undersLandlng ln a soclally
approprlaLe manner.
c. LlsLen and respond Lo lncreaslngly complex commands and
d. Cffer and respond Lo greeLlngs/farewells uslng approprlaLe
courLesy expresslons.
e. LlsLen and respond Lo 3W quesLlons.
4.L.1 LlsLen and lnLeracL wlLh peers durlng soclal lnLeracLlons, read-
alouds, oral presenLaLlons, and class, group, and parLner
a. LlsLen aLLenLlvely, sLay focused, ask/answer deLalled
quesLlons, and express approprlaLe reasons uslng personal
experlence and some LexLual evldence.
b. lnLeracL ln a soclally approprlaLe manner Lhrough verbal
and nonverbal communlcaLlon.
c. LlsLen, glve, and respond Lo complex lnsLrucLlons and
d. LlsLen and respond durlng read-alouds Lo a varleLy of
narraLlve and lnformaLlonal LexLs.
e. 8eacL or answer Lhe 3W quesLlons ln formal and lnformal
dlscusslons uslng a physlcal or verbal response.

uerLo 8lco cote 5tooJotJs 3
Lngllsh rogram 2014

L|sten|ng: I|fth Grade S|xth Grade
Sth Grade Students: 6th Grade Students:
Comprehend and ana|yze |nformat|on from a var|ety of ||sten|ng act|v|t|es to ask and answer quest|ons on soc|a|, academ|c, co||ege, and career top|cs.
S.L.1 LlsLen and lnLeracL wlLh peers durlng group parLlclpaLlon and
oral presenLaLlons.
a. LlsLen aLLenLlvely, sLay focused, ask/answer deLalled
quesLlons, and express approprlaLe reasons abouL personal
experlence and LexL uslng compleLe senLences and correcL
grammar Lo express oplnlons or Lo clarlfy poslLlons.
b. lnLeracL ln a soclally approprlaLe manner.
c. LlsLen, memorlze, and respond Lo complex lnsLrucLlons,
expresslng self uslng compleLe senLences.
d. LlsLen and respond durlng read-alouds Lo a varleLy of
narraLlve and lnformaLlonal LexLs Lo comprehend and
ldenLlfy maln ldea (nonflcLlon), characLer, and seLLlng
6.L.1 LlsLen and lnLeracL wlLh peers durlng group parLlclpaLlon and
oral presenLaLlons.
a. LlsLen aLLenLlvely, sLay focused, ask/answer deLalled closed
and open-ended quesLlons, express approprlaLe reasons,
and begln Lo express oplnlons or Lo clarlfy poslLlons uslng
compleLe senLences and correcL grammar.
b. lnLeracL ln a soclally approprlaLe manner.
c. LlsLen, memorlze, and respond Lo complex lnsLrucLlons,
expresslng self uslng compleLe senLences.
d. LlsLen and respond durlng read-alouds Lo a varleLy of
narraLlve and lnformaLlonal LexLs Lo comprehend and
ldenLlfy maln ldea, characLer, and seLLlng.

uerLo 8lco cote 5tooJotJs 6
Lngllsh rogram 2014

Co||ege and Career kead|ness Lxpectat|ons for Speak|ng: k|ndergarten S|xth Grade
1he k-6 sLandards on Lhe followlng pages deflne whaL sLudenLs should masLer and be able Lo do by Lhe end of each grade. 1he sLandards conslsL of boLh
College and Career 8eadlness (CC8) expecLaLlons and grade level lndlcaLors. 1he CC8 expecLaLlons and grade-speclflc lndlcaLors are necessary complemenLs
Lhe former provldlng broad expecLaLlons, Lhe laLLer provldlng addlLlonal speclflclLy LhaL LogeLher deflne Lhe skllls and compeLencles LhaL all sLudenLs musL
Co||ege and Career kead|ness Lxpectat|ons
1. Lngage ln dlscusslons on a varleLy of soclal, academlc, college, and career Loplcs ln dlverse conLexLs wlLh dlfferenL audlences.
2. LvaluaLe lnformaLlon and deLermlne approprlaLe responses Lo answer quesLlons effecLlvely.
3. lnLeracL ln soclal, academlc, college, and career conversaLlons uslng accuraLe and approprlaLe language.
4. rovlde, [usLlfy, and defend oplnlons or poslLlons ln speech.
3. Choose approprlaLe language accordlng Lo Lhe Lask, conLexL, purpose, and audlence.
6. lan and dellver dlfferenL Lypes of oral presenLaLlons/reporLs Lo express lnformaLlon and supporL ldeas ln soclal, academlc, college, and career seLLlngs.

uerLo 8lco cote 5tooJotJs 7
Lngllsh rogram 2014

Speak|ng: k|ndergarten Second Grade
k|ndergarten Students: 1st Grade Students: 2nd Grade Students:
Lngage |n d|scuss|ons on a var|ety of soc|a|, academ|c, co||ege, and career top|cs |n d|verse contexts and w|th d|fferent aud|ences.

Lngage ln conversaLlons and relaLe
personal experlence or sLory
lnformaLlon by asklng and
answerlng slmple yes-oo and wb-
quesLlons uslng gesLures, words,
and slmple phrases.
1.S.1 arLlclpaLe ln class, group, and
parLner dlscusslons by llsLenlng
aLLenLlvely, followlng Lurn-Laklng
rules, and asklng and answerlng
quesLlons abouL personal
experlence and sLorles wlLh more
elaboraLed responses, LranslLlonlng
from one- or Lwo-word responses Lo
phrases and slmple senLences.
2.S.1 arLlclpaLe ln class, group, and
parLner dlscusslons by llsLenlng
aLLenLlvely, followlng Lurn-Laklng
rules, and asklng and answerlng
quesLlons wlLh confldence abouL
personal experlence and LexLs uslng
compleLe senLences.
Lva|uate |nformat|on and determ|ne appropr|ate responses to answer quest|ons effect|ve|y.

use common gesLures, slngle
words, and slmple phrases when
lnLeracLlng wlLh oLhers, reLelllng
LexLs and recounLlng experlences.
a. use common courLesy words
and offer verbal and nonverbal
forms of greeLlngs and phrases
when lnLeracLlng wlLh oLhers.
b. 8epeaL and respond Lo chanLs,
poems, songs, and rhymes
uslng phrases, physlcal
movemenL, eLc.
1.S.2 Lxchange common soclal greeLlngs,
reLell LexLs, and recounL
experlences, uslng compleLe
a. Cffer greeLlngs, farewells, and
lnLroducLlons uslng approprlaLe
courLesy expresslons and
respond accordlngly.
b. use words, phrases, and shorL
senLences Lo express ldeas for a
varleLy of purposes (e.g., Lo
communlcaLe needs and deslres,
express feellngs).
c. Lxpand senLences Lo provlde
some deLalls (e.g., Who? WhaL?
When?) abouL a famlllar or new
acLlvlLy or process.
2.S.2 Lxchange common soclal and more
formal greeLlngs, reLell LexLs, and
recounL experlences, uslng
lncreaslngly deLalled compleLe
a. Cffer forms of greeLlngs,
farewells, and lnLroducLlons
uslng Lhe approprlaLe courLesy
expresslons and respond
b. use words, phrases, and
expanded senLences Lo express
ldeas for a varleLy of purposes
(e.g., communlcaLe needs and
c. Lxpand senLences Lo provlde
deLalls (e.g., Llme, manner, place,
cause) ln shared language
acLlvlLles gulded by Lhe Leacher
and someLlmes lndependenLly.
Speak|ng: k|ndergarten - Second Grade
uerLo 8lco cote 5tooJotJs 8
Lngllsh rogram 2014

k|ndergarten Students: 1st Grade Students: 2nd Grade Students:
Interact |n soc|a|, academ|c, co||ege, and career conversat|ons us|ng accurate and appropr|ate |anguage.

8eacL Lo conversaLlons, LexL, and
oral presenLaLlons orally and uslng
physlcal acLlons and oLher means of
nonverbal communlcaLlon Lo show
comprehenslon (e.g., Lo express
feellngs, oplnlons, eLc.).
1.S.3 8espond Lo conversaLlons, read-
alouds, LexL, and oral presenLaLlons
orally uslng a growlng number of
general academlc and conLenL-
speclflc words and relylng less on
physlcal acLlons or oLher means of
nonverbal communlcaLlon.
2.S.3 8eLell conversaLlons and flcLlonal
and lnformaLlonal LexLs, and
respond Lo sLorles, read-alouds, and
presenLaLlons orally uslng a growlng
number of general academlc and
conLenL-speclflc words.
rov|de, [ust|fy, and defend op|n|ons or pos|t|ons |n speech.

Cffer oplnlons abouL a Loplc or LexL
uslng slmple slngle word or shorL
phrase answers wlLh respecL and
a. roduce slmple sLaLemenLs or
bellefs uslng senLence sLarLers
or language models.
1.S.4 Lxpress oplnlons, uslng an expanded
seL of learned phrases as well
recalllng some LexLual evldence or
relevanL background knowledge.
a. 1ell and elaboraLe on
sLaLemenLs, oplnlons, or
argumenLs uslng language
models or senLence sLarLers.
2.S.4 Cffer and supporL oplnlons by
provldlng good reasons and
lncreaslngly deLalled examples from
experlence and LexL.
a. 1ell and elaboraLe on
sLaLemenLs, oplnlons, or
argumenLs wlLh lncreaslng
Choose appropr|ate |anguage accord|ng to the task, context, purpose, and aud|ence.
k.S.S uescrlbe personal experlences and
famlllar Loplcs, uslng vocabulary
and deLalls approprlaLe Lo Lhe
slLuaLlon and fllllng ln gaps ln oral
Lngllsh wlLh flrsL language.

1.S.S uescrlbe personal experlences, uslng
some new vocabulary and deLalls
abouL famlllar Loplcs, approprlaLe Lo
Lhe slLuaLlon.
2.S.S uescrlbe personal experlences, uslng
exLended vocabulary, a growlng
number of nouns, noun phrases,
ad[ecLlves, and verbs, Lo provlde
deLalls approprlaLe Lo Lhe slLuaLlon
and wlLh some rellance sLlll on flrsL
language Lo flll ln gaps ln oral
|an and de||ver d|fferent types of ora| presentat|ons]reports to express |nformat|on and support |deas |n soc|a|, academ|c, co||ege, and career sett|ngs.
k.S.6 lan and dellver brlef oral
presenLaLlons on a varleLy of
famlllar Loplcs.
a. 8eLell slmple evenLs ln a proper
sequence, and descrlbe famlllar
acLlvlLles, Loplcs, or ob[ecLs ln
group sharlng acLlvlLles uslng
gesLures, key vocabulary, and
slmple phrases.
1.S.6 lan and dellver brlef oral
presenLaLlons on a varleLy of famlllar
a. 8eLell LexLs and recounL
personal or famlllar experlences,
and descrlbe acLlvlLles, Loplcs, or
ob[ecLs, uslng some newly
acqulred vocabulary and deLalls
approprlaLe Lo Lhe slLuaLlon.
2.S.6 lan and dellver brlef oral
presenLaLlons on a varleLy of Loplcs.
a. 8eLell LexLs and recounL
experlences uslng compleLe
senLences, key words, and a
growlng number of general
academic and domain-specific
words ln order Lo add deLall
whlle speaklng.
Speak|ng: k|ndergarten - Second Grade
uerLo 8lco cote 5tooJotJs 9
Lngllsh rogram 2014

k|ndergarten Students: 1st Grade Students: 2nd Grade Students:
b. 8eclLe, memorlze, or presenL
slmple rhymes, poems, or
b. 8eclLe, memorlze, or presenL
rhymes, poems, or songs.
b. 8eclLe, memorlze, or presenL
more complex rhymes, poems,
or songs.

uerLo 8lco cote 5tooJotJs 10
Lngllsh rogram 2014

Speak|ng: 1h|rd Grade Iourth Grade
3rd Grade Students: 4th Grade Students:
Lngage |n d|scuss|ons on a var|ety of soc|a|, academ|c, co||ege, and career top|cs |n d|verse contexts and w|th d|fferent aud|ences.
3.S.1 lnLeracL ln class, group, and parLner dlscusslons by followlng
rules, asklng and answerlng quesLlons, and addlng relevanL
4.S.1 ConLrlbuLe Lo class, group, and parLner dlscusslons by followlng
rules, asklng and answerlng quesLlons, and addlng relevanL
Lva|uate |nformat|on and determ|ne appropr|ate responses to answer quest|ons effect|ve|y.
3.S.2 use and apply common soclal greeLlngs, reLell LexLs, and
recounL experlences, uslng lncreaslngly deLalled compleLe
a. Lxchange verbal and nonverbal forms of greeLlngs,
farewells, and lnLroducLlons uslng Lhe approprlaLe
courLesy expresslons and respond accordlngly.
b. use correcL grammar ln expanded slmple senLences Lo
express ldeas for a varleLy of purposes, Lo respond Lo
slmple lnsLrucLlons, and Lo answer and formulaLe
c. Lxpand senLences Lo provlde deLalls (e.g., 1bey wotkeJ
poletly, 1bey too octoss tbe soccet flelJ.) ln shared
language acLlvlLles.
4.S.2 uemonsLraLe formal greeLlngs, reLell LexLs, and recounL
experlences, uslng lncreaslngly deLalled compleLe senLences.
a. lnLeracL ln verbal and nonverbal forms of greeLlngs,
farewells, and lnLroducLlons uslng Lhe approprlaLe courLesy
expresslons and respond accordlngly.
b. use correcL grammar ln expanded slmple senLences Lo
express ldeas for a varleLy of purposes, Lo respond Lo
lnsLrucLlons, and Lo answer and formulaLe quesLlons ln
formal and lnformal dlscusslons.
c. Lxpand senLences Lo provlde deLalls ln shared language
Interact |n soc|a|, academ|c, co||ege, and career conversat|ons us|ng accurate and appropr|ate |anguage.
3.S.3 8eLell flcLlonal and lnformaLlonal LexLs, respond Lo sLorles,
conversaLlons, read-alouds, and presenLaLlons, and recounL
experlences uslng lncreaslngly complex compleLe senLences
and key words ln order Lo add deLall whlle speaklng uslng
expanded vocabulary and descrlpLlve words.
4.S.3 1ell, reLell, and explaln flcLlonal and lnformaLlonal LexLs and
experlences uslng a growlng number of general academlc and
content-specific words, synonyms, and antonyms to create
preclslon and dlfferences ln meanlng.
rov|de, [ust|fy, and defend op|n|ons or pos|t|ons |n speech.
3.S.4 Cffer and relnforce ldeas and oplnlons by provldlng good
reasonlng and lncreaslngly deLalled LexL evldence and/or
relevanL background knowledge abouL Lhe sub[ecL maLLer.
4.S.4 negoLlaLe wlLh or persuade oLhers ln conversaLlons uslng an
expanded seL of learned phrases as well as open responses.
Choose appropr|ate |anguage accord|ng to the task, context, purpose, and aud|ence.
3.S.S uescrlbe personal experlences or ldeas from a flcLlonal or
lnformaLlonal LexL, chooslng approprlaLe language accordlng Lo
purpose, conLexL, and audlence and uslng grade approprlaLe
grammar. (WlLh supporL ln Lhe flrsL language as necessary.)
4.S.S uescrlbe personal experlences and academlc concepLs,
ad[usLlng language cholces accordlng Lo purpose, conLexL, and
audlence uslng grade approprlaLe grammar. (WlLh decreaslng
supporL ln Lhe flrsL language as necessary.)
Speak|ng: 1h|rd - Iourth Grade
uerLo 8lco cote 5tooJotJs 11
Lngllsh rogram 2014

3rd Grade Students: 4th Grade Students:
|an and de||ver d|fferent types of ora| presentat|ons]reports to express |nformat|on and support |deas |n soc|a|, academ|c, co||ege, and career sett|ngs.
3.S.6 lan and dellver brlef oral presenLaLlons on a varleLy of Loplcs
and conLenL areas.
a. 8eLell and summarlze famlllar sLorles or shorL
lnformaLlonal LexLs and recounL experlences uslng
compleLe senLences, key words, and a growlng number of
academic and content-specific words in order to add
lmporLanL deLalls or Lhe maln ldea.

4.S.6 lan and dellver oral presenLaLlons on a varleLy of Loplcs and
conLenL areas.
a. 8eLell, explaln, and summarlze LexLs and recounL
experlences uslng compleLe senLences, key words, and a
growing number of general academic and content-specific
words ln order Lo communlcaLe wlLh lncreaslng preclslon.
b. 8eLell a sLory, explaln a sclence process, reporL on a currenL
evenL, analyze a poem, or recounL a memorable

uerLo 8lco cote 5tooJotJs 12
Lngllsh rogram 2014

Speak|ng: I|fth Grade S|xth Grade
Sth Grade Students: 6th Grade Students:
Contr|bute to d|scuss|ons on a var|ety of soc|a|, academ|c, co||ege, and career top|cs |n d|verse contexts and w|th d|fferent aud|ences.

ConLrlbuLe Lo class, group, and parLner dlscusslons by followlng
rules, asklng and answerlng quesLlons, and addlng relevanL
6.S.1 ConLrlbuLe Lo class, group, and parLner dlscusslons by
following turn-taking, asking relevant questions, affirming
oLhers, addlng relevanL lnformaLlon, and paraphraslng key
Lva|uate |nformat|on and determ|ne appropr|ate responses to answer quest|ons effect|ve|y.

8espond orally Lo closed and open-ended quesLlons.
a. LlsLen, analyze, and respond Lo complex lnsLrucLlons.
b. Lxpress self uslng correcL slmple and compound senLences.
c. Answer and formulaLe boLh closed and open-ended
quesLlons ln boLh formal and lnformal dlscusslons.
d. Lxpand and enrlch senLences Lo provlde deLalls abouL a
famlllar or new acLlvlLy, process, or academlc concepL.

8espond orally Lo closed and open-ended quesLlons.
a. LlsLen, analyze, and respond Lo complex lnsLrucLlons.
b. Lxpress self uslng correcL, slmple, compound, and complex
c. Answer and formulaLe boLh closed and open-ended
quesLlons ln boLh formal and lnformal dlscusslons.
d. Lxpand and enrlch senLences Lo provlde deLalls abouL a
famlllar or new acLlvlLy, process, or academlc concepL.
Contr|bute to soc|a|, academ|c, co||ege, and career conversat|ons us|ng accurate and appropr|ate |anguage.

use approprlaLe vocabulary, lncludlng homonyms and
grammaLlcally correcL language Lo dlscuss experlences and

use approprlaLe vocabulary, lncludlng homonyms,
homographs, and grammaLlcally correcL language Lo dlscuss
experlences and LexLs wlLh preclslon and deLall.
rov|de, [ust|fy, and defend op|n|ons or pos|t|ons |n speech.

negoLlaLe wlLh or persuade oLhers ln conversaLlons uslng grade-
approprlaLe vocabulary as well as open responses Lo provlde

negoLlaLe wlLh or persuade oLhers ln conversaLlons uslng
grade-approprlaLe vocabulary, as well as open responses, Lo
provlde and supporL counLer-argumenLs.
Ad[ust |anguage cho|ces accord|ng to the task, context, purpose, and aud|ence.

uescrlbe and explaln experlences, ldeas, and concepLs uslng
approprlaLe grammar and vocabulary.

uescrlbe and explaln experlences, ldeas, and concepLs uslng
approprlaLe grammar and vocabulary, ad[usLlng language
cholces accordlng Lo purpose, Lask and audlence.
|an and de||ver d|fferent types of ora| presentat|ons]reports to express |nformat|on and support |deas |n soc|a|, academ|c, co||ege, and career sett|ngs.

uerLo 8lco cote 5tooJotJs 13
Lngllsh rogram 2014

Sth Grade Students: 6th Grade Students:

lan and dellver oral presenLaLlons on a varleLy of Loplcs and
conLenL areas.
a. 8eLell LexLs and recounL experlences uslng compleLe
senLences, key words, and a growlng number of general
academic and content-specific words in order to
communlcaLe wlLh lncreaslng preclslon.
b. Lxplaln a reporL on a currenL evenL or recounL a memorable
experlence wlLh lncreaslng sophlsLlcaLlon.
6.S.6 lan and dellver oral presenLaLlons on a varleLy of Loplcs and
conLenL areas, uslng deLalls and evldence Lo supporL ldeas.
a. 8eLell LexLs and recounL experlences uslng compleLe
senLences, key words, and a growlng number of general
academic and content-specific words in order to
communlcaLe wlLh lncreaslng preclslon.
b. Analyze a poem or work of arL and compare Lwo or more
currenL evenLs.

uerLo 8lco cote 5tooJotJs 14
Lngllsh rogram 2014

Co||ege and Career kead|ness Lxpectat|ons for kead|ng: k|ndergarten S|xth Grade
1he k-6 sLandards on Lhe followlng pages deflne whaL sLudenLs should masLer and be able Lo do by Lhe end of each grade. 1he sLandards conslsL of boLh
College and Career 8eadlness (CC8) expecLaLlons and grade level lndlcaLors. 1he CC8 expecLaLlons and grade-speclflc lndlcaLors are necessary complemenLs
Lhe former provldlng broad expecLaLlons, Lhe laLLer provldlng addlLlonal speclflclLy LhaL LogeLher deflne Lhe skllls and compeLencles LhaL all sLudenLs musL
masLer. 8eadlng loundaLlonal Skllls are lncluded as a subseL of Lhe k-6 sLandards for 8eadlng. 1he foundaLlonal skllls do noL correspond Lo CC8 expecLaLlons
and are only conLalned wlLhln Lhe k-6 grade band.
A serles of loundaLlonal Skllls have been lncluded aL Lhe end of Lhe 8eadlng and WrlLlng secLlons. Whlle Lhese are lmporLanL skllls for sLudenLs Lo learn, Lhey do
noL correspond Lo College and Career 8eadlness expecLaLlons. AlLhough Lhese sLandards have been placed aL Lhe boLLom of 8eadlng and WrlLlng for sLrucLural
reasons, Lhls does noL lmply LhaL Lhese sLandards should be LaughL ln any speclflc order.
Co||ege and Career kead|ness Lxpectat|ons
1. 8ead crlLlcally Lo make loglcal lnferences, and clLe speclflc LexLual evldence Lo supporL concluslons drawn from Lhe LexL.
2. ueLermlne maln ldeas or Lhemes of a LexL and analyze Lhelr developmenL, summarlze Lhe key supporLlng deLalls and ldeas.
3. Analyze how and why lndlvlduals, evenLs, or ldeas develop and lnLeracL over Lhe course of a LexL.
4. lnLerpreL words and phrases as Lhey are used ln a LexL, lncludlng deLermlnlng Lechnlcal, connoLaLlve, and flguraLlve meanlngs, and analyze how speclflc
word cholces shape meanlng or Lone.
3. Analyze Lhe sLrucLure of LexLs, lncludlng how speclflc senLences, paragraphs, and larger porLlons of Lhe LexL (e.g., a secLlon, chapLer, scene, or sLanza)
relaLe Lo each oLher and Lhe whole.
6. Assess how polnL of vlew or purpose shapes Lhe conLenL and sLyle of a LexL.
7. lnLegraLe and evaluaLe conLenL presenLed ln dlverse medla and formaLs.
8. Delineate and evaluate an authors argument through evidence specified in a text.
9. Compare and contrast two or more authors presentations of similar Lhemes or Loplcs.
10. 8ead and comprehend complex llLerary and lnformaLlonal LexLs lndependenLly and proflclenLly.
Ioundat|ona| Sk|||s (No CCk expectat|ons)
11. honemlc Awareness
12. honlcs
13. rlnL leaLures and 1exL CrganlzaLlon

uerLo 8lco cote 5tooJotJs 13
Lngllsh rogram 2014

kead|ng: k|ndergarten Second Grade
k|ndergarten Students: 1st Grade Students: 2nd Grade Students:
kead cr|t|ca||y to make |og|ca| |nferences, and c|te spec|f|c textua| ev|dence to support conc|us|ons drawn from the text.

uescrlbe ldeas, phenomena (e.g.,
parLs of a planL), and LexL
elemenLs (e.g., characLers) based
on undersLandlng of a varleLy of
read-aloud LexLs and vlewlng of
mulLlmedla wlLh subsLanLlal
1.k.1 uescrlbe ldeas, phenomena (e.g.,
how buLLerflles eaL), and LexL
elemenLs (e.g., seLLlng, characLers)
ln key deLalls based on
undersLandlng of a varleLy of
grade-level and read-aloud LexLs
and vlewlng of mulLlmedla wlLh
moderaLe supporL.

uescrlbe ldeas, phenomena (e.g.,
eroslon), and LexL elemenLs (e.g.,
cenLral message, characLer LralLs)
uslng greaLer deLall based on
understanding of a variety of grade-
level and read-aloud LexLs and
vlewlng of mulLlmedla wlLh llghL
Determ|ne ma|n |deas or themes of a text and ana|yze the|r deve|opment, summar|ze the key support|ng deta||s and |deas.

L. ldenLlfy key deLalls ln a sLory
read aloud.
l. ldenLlfy key deLalls of an
lnformaLlonal LexL read aloud.
1.k.2 L. 8eLell famlllar sLorles,
lncludlng key deLalls.
l. ldenLlfy Lhe maln Loplc and
key deLalls of an lnformaLlonal
LexL LhaL ls read aloud.
2.k.2 L. 8eLell sLorles, lncludlng key
deLalls, and ldenLlfy maln ldea or
l. ldenLlfy Lhe maln Loplc and key
deLalls of an lnformaLlonal LexL.
Ana|yze how and why |nd|v|dua|s, events, or |deas deve|op and |nteract over the course of a text.

L. ldenLlfy characLers, seLLlngs,
and ma[or evenLs ln a sLory
LhaL ls read aloud.
l. ldenLlfy lndlvlduals, evenLs,
ldeas, or pleces of lnformaLlon
ln an lnformaLlonal LexL.
1.k.3 L. uescrlbe characLers, seLLlngs,
and ma[or evenLs ln a sLory,
uslng key deLalls.
l. uescrlbe lndlvlduals, evenLs,
ldeas, or pleces of lnformaLlon
ln an lnformaLlonal LexL.
2.k.3 L. uescrlbe how characLers ln a
sLory respond Lo ma[or evenLs
and challenges.
l. uescrlbe Lhe connecLlon
beLween Lwo lndlvlduals, evenLs,
ldeas, or pleces of lnformaLlon ln
an lnformaLlonal LexL.
Interpret words and phrases as they are used |n a text, |nc|ud|ng determ|n|ng techn|ca|, connotat|ve, and f|gurat|ve mean|ngs, and ana|yze how spec|f|c
word cho|ces shape mean|ng or tone.

L. Ask and answer quesLlons
abouL unknown words ln a
llLerary LexL and use
lllusLraLlons Lo deLermlne Lhe
meanlng of unknown words.
l. Ask and answer quesLlons
abouL unknown words ln an
lnformaLlonal LexL and use
lllusLraLlons Lo deLermlne Lhe
meanlng of unknown words.
1.k.4 L. Ask and answer quesLlons
abouL unknown words ln a
llLerary LexL, and use
lllusLraLlons Lo deLermlne Lhe
meanlng of unknown words.
l. Ask and answer quesLlons
abouL unknown words ln an
lnformaLlonal LexL, and use
lllusLraLlons Lo deLermlne Lhe
meanlng of unknown words.
2.k.4 L. ldenLlfy words and phrases ln
sLorles or poems LhaL suggesL
feellngs or appeal Lo Lhe senses.
l. Ask and answer quesLlons Lo
help deLermlne or clarlfy Lhe
meanlng of words and phrases ln
a LexL.
kead|ng: k|ndergarten Second Grade
uerLo 8lco cote 5tooJotJs 16
Lngllsh rogram 2014

k|ndergarten Students: 1st Grade Students: 2nd Grade Students:
Ana|yze the structure of texts, |nc|ud|ng how spec|f|c sentences, paragraphs, and |arger port|ons of the text (e.g., a sect|on, chapter, scene, or stanza)
re|ate to each other and the who|e.

8ecognlze common Lypes of LexLs
(e.g., sLorybooks, poems) and
ldenLlfy Lhe fronL cover, back
cover, and LlLle page of a book.
1.k.S 8ecognlze common Lypes of LexLs,
ldenLlfy Lhe fronL cover, back cover,
and LlLle page of a book, and sLory
organlzaLlon (beglnnlng, mlddle,
and end).
2.k.S uescrlbe Lhe ma[or dlfferences
beLween llLerary and lnformaLlonal
Assess how po|nt of v|ew or purpose shapes the content and sty|e of a text.

L. name Lhe auLhor and
lllusLraLor of a sLory and deflne
Lhe role of each ln Lelllng Lhe
l. name Lhe auLhor and
lllusLraLor of an lnformaLlonal
LexL and deflne Lhe role of
each ln presenLlng Lhe ldeas or
1.k.6 L. ldenLlfy who ls Lelllng Lhe sLory
(narraLor, auLhor, characLer).
l. ulsLlngulsh beLween
lnformaLlon provlded by
plcLures or oLher lllusLraLlons ln
a LexL.
2.k.6 L. ldenLlfy who ls Lelllng Lhe sLory aL
varlous polnLs ln a LexL.
l. ulsLlngulsh beLween lnformaLlon
provlded by plcLures or oLher
lllusLraLlons ln a LexL.

Integrate and eva|uate content presented |n d|verse med|a and formats.

use lllusLraLlons (plcLure cues) Lo
ldenLlfy sLory deLalls and
caLegorlze slmllarlLles and
dlfferences beLween characLers
and deLalls wlLhln nursery rhymes
and folk Lales.
1.k.7 use lllusLraLlons (plcLure cues) Lo
ldenLlfy sLory deLalls and caLegorlze
slmllarlLles and dlfferences
beLween characLers and deLalls
wlLhln nursery rhymes, folk Lales,
and oLher LexLs.
2.k.7 use lllusLraLlons and deLalls ln a LexL
Lo descrlbe lLs characLers, seLLlng,
evenLs, or key ldeas.
Delineate and evaluate an authors argument through evidence specified in a text.

(8eglns ln grade 3.)

(8eglns ln grade 3.)

(8eglns ln grade 3.)
Compare and contrast two or more authors presentations of similar themes or topics.

L. ldenLlfy Lhe advenLures and
experlences of characLers ln
famlllar sLorles.
l. ldenLlfy baslc slmllarlLles ln
and dlfferences beLween Lwo
lnformaLlonal LexLs on Lhe
same Loplc (e.g., ln
lllusLraLlons, descrlpLlons, or
1.k.9 L. ldenLlfy Lhe advenLures and
experlences of characLers ln
famlllar sLorles.
l. ldenLlfy baslc slmllarlLles ln and
dlfferences beLween Lwo
lnformaLlonal LexLs on Lhe
same Loplc (e.g., ln
lllusLraLlons, descrlpLlons, or
2.k.9 L. Compare and conLrasL Lhe
advenLures and experlences of
characLers ln famlllar sLorles.
l. ldenLlfy baslc slmllarlLles ln and
dlfferences beLween Lwo
lnformaLlonal LexLs on Lhe same
Loplc (e.g., ln lllusLraLlons,
descrlpLlons, or procedures).
kead|ng: k|ndergarten Second Grade
uerLo 8lco cote 5tooJotJs 17
Lngllsh rogram 2014

k|ndergarten Students: 1st Grade Students: 2nd Grade Students:

kead and comprehend comp|ex ||terary and |nformat|ona| texts |ndependent|y and prof|c|ent|y.

AcLlvely engage ln group read-
alouds of nursery rhymes, folk
Lales, and developmenLally-
approprlaLe poeLry wlLh purpose
and undersLandlng.
1.k.10 8ead nursery rhymes, folk Lales,
and oLher LexLs of approprlaLe
2.k.10 8ead and comprehend folk Lales and
mysLery/sclence flcLlon/fanLasy
sLorles of approprlaLe complexlLy.
Ioundat|ona| Sk|||: honem|c Awareness
k.k.IS.11 8ecognlze sounds (phonemes),
syllables, and spoken words.
a. 8ecognlze, generaLe, and
produce rhymlng words,
lncludlng nonsense words.
b. ldenLlfy syllables Lhrough
acLlons (e.g., clapplng).
c. ManlpulaLe sounds and words
ln shared, gulded, and
lndependenL acLlvlLles, such as
slnglng songs or chanLs or
parLlclpaLlng ln flnger plays.
1.k.IS.11 8ecognlze sounds (phonemes),
syllables, and spoken words.
a. ulsLlngulsh long from shorL
vowel sounds ln spoken slngle-
syllable words.
b. CounL, pronounce, blend, and
segmenL syllables ln spoken
c. 8lend and segmenL onseLs
(beglnnlng sounds) and rlmes
(comblnaLlon of consonanLs
and vowels LhaL when used
LogeLher make Lhe same
sound) of slngle-syllable
spoken words.
d. lsolaLe and pronounce lnlLlal,
medlal vowel, and flnal sounds
(phonemes) ln spoken slngle-
syllable words.
2.k.IS.11 8ecognlze sounds (phonemes),
syllables, and spoken words.
a. Add or subsLlLuLe lndlvldual
sounds (phonemes) ln slmple,
one-syllable words Lo make new
b. Crally produce slngle-syllable
words by blendlng sounds
(phonemes), lncludlng consonanL
c. SegmenL spoken slngle-syllable
words lnLo Lhelr compleLe
sequence of lndlvldual sounds
d. lsolaLe and pronounce Lhe lnlLlal,
medlal vowel, and flnal sounds
(phonemes) ln Lhree-phoneme
(consonanL-vowel-consonanL, or
CvC) words. (1hls does noL
lnclude CvCs endlng wlLh /l/, /r/,
or /x/.)
Ioundat|ona| Sk|||: hon|cs
k.k.IS.12 know and apply phonlcs and word
analysls skllls Lo decode words.
a. uemonsLraLe baslc knowledge
of one-Lo-one leLLer-sound
correspondences by
1.k.IS.12 know and apply phonlcs and word
analysls skllls Lo decode words.
a. uecode regularly spelled one-
syllable words.
b. AssoclaLe Lhe long and shorL
sounds wlLh Lhe common
2.k.IS.12 know and apply phonlcs and word
analysls skllls Lo decode words.
a. ulsLlngulsh long and shorL vowels
when readlng regularly spelled
one-syllable words.
kead|ng: k|ndergarten Second Grade
uerLo 8lco cote 5tooJotJs 18
Lngllsh rogram 2014

k|ndergarten Students: 1st Grade Students: 2nd Grade Students:
produclng Lhe prlmary sound
and consonanL sounds.
b. ldenLlfy vowels and
consonanLs, assoclaLe Lhe
spelllngs (graphemes) for Lhe
flve ma[or vowels.
c. know flnal -e as rule for
represenLlng long vowel
b. uecode regularly spelled Lwo-
syllable words wlLh long vowels.
c. uecode words wlLh common
preflxes and sufflxes.
Ioundat|ona| Sk|||: r|nt Ieatures and 1ext Crgan|zat|on
k.k.IS.13 8ecognlze Lhe organlzaLlon and
baslc feaLures of prlnL.
a. lollow words from lefL Lo
rlghL, Lop Lo boLLom, and page
by page.
b. 8ecognlze LhaL spoken words
are represenLed ln wrlLLen
language by speclflc
sequences of leLLers.
c. 8ecognlze and name all
upper- and lowercase leLLers
of Lhe alphabeL.
1.k.IS.13 8ecognlze Lhe organlzaLlon and
baslc LexL feaLures.
a. 8ecognlze Lhe dlsLlngulshlng
feaLures of a senLence (e.g.,
flrsL word, caplLallzaLlon,
endlng puncLuaLlon).
2.k.IS.13 Apply Lhe dlsLlngulshlng feaLures of a
senLence when readlng (e.g., flrsL
word, caplLallzaLlon, endlng

uerLo 8lco cote 5tooJotJs 2014 19

kead|ng: 1h|rd Grade Iourth Grade
3rd Grade Students: 4th Grade Students:
kead cr|t|ca||y to make |og|ca| |nferences, and c|te spec|f|c textua| ev|dence to support conc|us|ons drawn from the text.
3.k.1 use ln-depLh crlLlcal readlng of a varleLy of relevanL LexLs Lo
descrlbe ldeas, phenomena, culLural ldenLlLy and llLerary
elemenLs ln Lhe LexLs, asklng and answerlng such quesLlons as
who, whaL, where, when, why, and how Lo demonsLraLe
undersLandlng of key deLalls ln a LexL. 8ecognlze facL vs.
oplnlon and flcLlon vs. nonflcLlon as well as facLs/supporLlng
deLalls from Lhe LexLs.
4.k.1 use ln-depLh crlLlcal readlng of a varleLy of relevanL LexLs Lo
descrlbe ldeas, evenLs, culLural ldenLlLy, genre, and llLerary
elemenLs, asklng and answerlng quesLlons Lo demonsLraLe
undersLandlng of a LexL, referrlng expllclLly Lo Lhe LexL as Lhe
basls for Lhe answers. 8ecognlze facL vs. oplnlon and flcLlon vs.
nonflcLlon) as well as facLs/supporLlng deLalls from Lhe LexLs.
Determ|ne ma|n |deas or themes of a text and ana|yze the|r deve|opment, summar|ze the key support|ng deta||s and |deas.
3.k.2 L. 8ecounL sLorles, lncludlng fables and folkLales from dlverse
culLures, and deLermlne maln ldea, lesson, or moral.
l. ldenLlfy Lhe maln Loplc of a mulLl-paragraph lnformaLlonal
LexL as well as Lhe focus of speclflc paragraphs wlLhln Lhe
4.k.2 L. 8ecounL sLorles, lncludlng fables, folkLales, and myLhs from
dlverse culLures, deLermlne Lhe cenLral message, lesson, or
moral and explaln how lL ls conveyed Lhrough key deLalls ln
Lhe LexL.
l. ueLermlne Lhe maln ldea of an lnformaLlonal LexL, recounL
Lhe key deLalls and explaln how Lhey supporL Lhe maln ldea.
Ana|yze how and why |nd|v|dua|s, events, or |deas deve|op and |nteract over the course of a text.
3.k.3 L. uescrlbe how characLers ln a sLory respond Lo ma[or evenLs
and challenges.
l. uescrlbe Lhe connecLlon beLween a serles of hlsLorlcal
evenLs, sclenLlflc ldeas or concepLs, or sLeps ln Lechnlcal
procedures ln an lnformaLlonal LexL.
4.k.3 L. uescrlbe characLers ln a sLory (e.g., Lhelr LralLs, moLlvaLlons,
or feellngs) and explaln how Lhelr acLlons conLrlbuLe Lo Lhe
sequence of evenLs.
l. uescrlbe Lhe relaLlonshlp beLween a serles of hlsLorlcal
evenLs, sclenLlflc ldeas or concepLs, or sLeps ln Lechnlcal
procedures ln an lnformaLlonal LexL, uslng language LhaL
perLalns Lo Llme, sequence, and cause/effecL.
Interpret words and phrases as they are used |n a text, |nc|ud|ng determ|n|ng techn|ca|, connotat|ve, and f|gurat|ve mean|ngs, and ana|yze how spec|f|c
word cho|ces shape mean|ng or tone.
3.k.4 L. uescrlbe how words and phrases (e.g., regular beaLs,
alllLeraLlon, rhymes, repeaLed llnes) supply rhyLhm and
meanlng ln a sLory, poem, or song.
l. ueLermlne Lhe meanlng of words and phrases ln an
lnformaLlonal LexL.
4.k.4 L. ueLermlne Lhe meanlng of words and phrases as Lhey are
used ln a llLerary LexL, dlsLlngulshlng llLeral from nonllLeral
l. ueLermlne Lhe meanlng of general academlc and conLenL-
speclflc words and phrases ln an lnformaLlonal LexL.

kead|ng: 1h|rd Iourth Grade
uerLo 8lco cote 5tooJotJs 20
Lngllsh rogram 2014

3rd Grade Students: 4th Grade Students:
Ana|yze the structure of texts, |nc|ud|ng how spec|f|c sentences, paragraphs, and |arger port|ons of the text (e.g., a sect|on, chapter, scene, or stanza)
re|ate to each other and the who|e.
3.k.S L. know and use varlous LexL feaLures (e.g., headlngs, Lables
of conLenLs, glossarles, elecLronlc menus, lcons) Lo locaLe
key facLs or lnformaLlon ln a llLerary LexL lncludlng
descrlblng how Lhe beglnnlng lnLroduces Lhe sLory and Lhe
endlng concludes Lhe acLlon.
l. use varlous LexL feaLures (e.g., capLlons, bold prlnL,
subheadlngs, glossarles, lndexes, elecLronlc menus, lcons)
Lo locaLe key facLs or lnformaLlon ln an lnformaLlonal LexL
4.k.S L. 8efer Lo parLs of sLorles, dramas, and poems, uslng Lerms
such as chapLer, scene, and sLanza, descrlbe how each
successlve parL bullds on earller secLlons.
l. use LexL feaLures and search Lools (e.g., key words,
sldebars, hyperllnks) Lo locaLe lnformaLlon relevanL Lo a
glven Loplc efflclenLly ln lnformaLlonal LexLs.
Assess how po|nt of v|ew or purpose shapes the content and sty|e of a text.
3.k.6 L. Acknowledge dlfferences ln Lhe polnLs of vlew of
characLers, lncludlng by speaklng ln a dlfferenL volce for
each characLer when readlng dlalogue aloud.
l. ldenLlfy Lhe maln purpose of an lnformaLlonal LexL,
lncludlng whaL Lhe auLhor wanLs Lo answer, explaln, or
4.k.6 L. ulsLlngulsh Lhelr own polnL of vlew from Lhe auLhor,
narraLor, or Lhe characLers ln a llLerary LexL.
l. ulsLlngulsh Lhelr own polnL of vlew from LhaL of Lhe auLhor
of an lnformaLlonal LexL.
Integrate and eva|uate content presented |n d|verse med|a and formats.
3.k.7 L. use lnformaLlon galned from Lhe lllusLraLlons and words ln
a prlnL or dlglLal llLerary LexL Lo demonsLraLe undersLandlng
of lLs characLers, seLLlng, or ploL.
l. Lxplaln how speclflc lmages (e.g., a dlagram showlng how a
machlne works) conLrlbuLe Lo and clarlfy an lnformaLlonal
4.k.7 L. Explain how specific aspects of a literary texts illustrations
conLrlbuLe Lo whaL ls conveyed by Lhe words ln a sLory (e.g.,
creaLe mood, emphaslze aspecLs of a characLer or seLLlng).
l. use lnformaLlon galned from lllusLraLlons (e.g., maps,
phoLographs) and Lhe words ln an lnformaLlonal LexL Lo
demonsLraLe undersLandlng of Lhe LexL (e.g., where, when,
why, and how key evenLs occur).
Delineate and evaluate an authors argument through ev|dence spec|f|ed |n a text.
3.k.8 uescrlbe how reasons supporL speclflc polnLs Lhe auLhor makes
ln a LexL lncludlng, buL noL llmlLed Lo, narraLlve, persuaslve, and
descrlpLlve wrlLlng and knowledge of Lhelr quallLles.
4.k.8 uescrlbe Lhe loglcal connecLlon beLween parLlcular senLences
and paragraphs ln a LexL (e.g., comparlson, cause/effecL,
flrsL/second/Lhlrd ln a sequence) lncludlng, buL noL llmlLed Lo,
narraLlve, persuaslve, and descrlpLlve wrlLlng and knowledge of
Lhelr quallLles.
Compare and contrast two or more authors presentations of similar themes or topics.
3.k.9 L. Compare and conLrasL Lwo or more verslons of Lhe same
sLory (e.g., Clnderella sLorles) by dlfferenL auLhors, from
dlfferenL culLures, or from dlfferenL Llme perlods.
4.k.9 L. Compare and conLrasL Lhe Lhemes, seLLlngs, and ploLs of
sLorles wrlLLen by Lhe same auLhor abouL Lhe same or
slmllar characLers (e.g., ln books from a serles).
kead|ng: 1h|rd Iourth Grade
uerLo 8lco cote 5tooJotJs 21
Lngllsh rogram 2014

3rd Grade Students: 4th Grade Students:
l. Compare and conLrasL Lhe mosL lmporLanL polnLs
presenLed by Lwo lnformaLlonal LexLs on Lhe same Loplc.
l. Compare and conLrasL Lhe mosL lmporLanL polnLs and key
deLalls presenLed ln Lwo lnformaLlonal LexLs on Lhe same
kead and comprehend comp|ex ||terary and |nformat|ona| texts |ndependent|y and prof|c|ent|y.
3.k.10 8ead and comprehend narraLlves and sLorles, blographles,
auLoblographles, reallsLlc flcLlon, and oLher Lypes of passages
of approprlaLe complexlLy.
4.k.10 8ead and comprehend hlsLorlcal flcLlon, Llmellnes, poeLry, and
oLher passage Lypes of approprlaLe complexlLy.
Ioundat|ona| Sk|||: honem|c Awareness

ldenLlfy sounds (phonemes), syllables, and words.
a. Add or subsLlLuLe lndlvldual sounds (phonemes) ln slmple,
one-syllable words Lo make new words.
b. Crally produce slngle-syllable words by blendlng sounds
(phonemes), lncludlng consonanL blends.
c. SegmenL spoken slngle-syllable and mulLl-syllable words
lnLo Lhelr compleLe sequence of lndlvldual sounds
d. lsolaLe and pronounce Lhe lnlLlal, medlal vowel, and flnal
sounds (phonemes) ln Lhree-phoneme (consonanL-vowel-
consonanL, or CvC) words. (1hls does noL lnclude CvCs
endlng wlLh /l/, /r/, or /x/.)
(ALLended when necessary.)
Ioundat|ona| Sk|||: r|nt Ieatures and 1ext Crgan|zat|on

know and apply phonlcs and word analysls skllls Lo decode
a. ldenLlfy and know Lhe meanlng of Lhe mosL common
preflxes and sufflxes.
b. uecode mulLl-syllable words.
c. 8ead lncreaslng number of lrregularly spelled words
d. know and apply Lhe spelllng-sound correspondences for
common consonanL dlgraphs.

know and apply phonlcs and word analysls skllls Lo decode
a. Apply comblned knowledge of all leLLer-sound
correspondences, syllablcaLlon paLLerns, and morphology
(e.g., rooLs and afflxes) Lo read accuraLely unfamlllar
mulLlsyllablc words fluenLly.
Ioundat|ona| Sk|||: r|nt Ieatures and 1ext Crgan|zat|on
3.k.IS.13 Apply Lhe dlsLlngulshlng feaLures of a senLence when readlng
(e.g., flrsL word, caplLallzaLlon, endlng puncLuaLlon).

(ALLended when necessary)

uerLo 8lco cote 5tooJotJs 2014 22

kead|ng: I|fth Grade S|xth Grade
Sth Grade Students: 6th Grade Students:
kead cr|t|ca||y to make |og|ca| |nferences, and c|te spec|f|c textua| ev|dence to support conc|us|ons drawn from the text.
S.k.1 use ln-depLh crlLlcal readlng of a varleLy of relevanL LexLs,
genres, and vlewlng of mulLlmedla (when accesslble) Lo
descrlbe, explaln, and evaluaLe ldeas, phenomena, processes,
culLural ldenLlLy, and relaLlonshlps, referrlng Lo deLalls ln a LexL
when explalnlng whaL Lhe LexL says expllclLly and when
drawlng lnferences from Lhe LexL. 8ecognlze facL vs. oplnlon
and flcLlon vs. nonflcLlon as well as facLs/supporLlng deLalls
from Lhe LexLs.
6.k.1 use ln-depLh crlLlcal readlng of a varleLy of relevanL LexLs,
genres, and vlewlng of mulLlmedla (when accesslble) Lo explaln
and evaluaLe maln ldeas, phenomena, processes, culLural
ldenLlLy and relaLlonshlps and Lo express lnferences and
concluslons, quoLlng accuraLely from a LexL when explalnlng
whaL Lhe LexL says expllclLly and when drawlng lnferences from
Lhe LexL. 8ecognlze facL vs. oplnlon and flcLlon vs. nonflcLlon as
well as facLs/supporLlng deLalls from Lhe LexLs.
Determ|ne ma|n |deas or themes of a text and ana|yze the|r deve|opment, summar|ze the key support|ng deta||s and |deas.
S.k.2 L. ueLermlne a Lheme of a sLory, drama, or poem from
deLalls ln Lhe LexL, summarlze Lhe LexL.
l. ueLermlne Lhe maln ldea of an lnformaLlonal LexL and
explaln how lL ls supporLed by key deLalls, summarlze Lhe
6.k.2 L. ueLermlne a Lheme of a sLory, drama, or poem from deLalls
ln Lhe LexL, lncludlng how characLers ln a sLory or drama
respond Lo challenges or how Lhe speaker ln a poem
reflecLs upon a Loplc, summarlze Lhe LexL.
l. ueLermlne maln ldea(s) of an lnformaLlonal LexL and explaln
how Lhey are supporLed by key deLalls, summarlze Lhe LexL.
Ana|yze how and why |nd|v|dua|s, events, or |deas deve|op and |nteract over the course of a text.
S.k.3 L. uescrlbe ln depLh a characLer, seLLlng, or evenL ln a sLory
or drama, drawlng on speclflc deLalls ln Lhe LexL (e.g., a
characters thoughts, words, or actions).
l. Lxplaln evenLs, procedures, ldeas, or concepLs ln a
hlsLorlcal, sclenLlflc, or Lechnlcal LexL, lncludlng whaL
happened and why, based on speclflc lnformaLlon ln Lhe
6.k.3 L. Compare and conLrasL characLers, seLLlngs, or evenLs ln a
sLory or drama, drawlng on speclflc deLalls ln Lhe LexL (e.g.,
how characLers lnLeracL).
l. Lxplaln Lhe relaLlonshlps or lnLeracLlons beLween Lwo or
more lndlvlduals, evenLs, ldeas, or concepLs ln a hlsLorlcal,
sclenLlflc, or Lechnlcal LexL based on speclflc lnformaLlon ln
Lhe LexL.
Interpret words and phrases as they are used |n a text, |nc|ud|ng determ|n|ng techn|ca|, connotat|ve, and f|gurat|ve mean|ngs, and ana|yze how spec|f|c
word cho|ces shape mean|ng or tone.
S.k.4 L. ueLermlne Lhe meanlng of words and phrases as Lhey are
used ln a llLerary LexL, lncludlng Lhose LhaL allude Lo
slgnlflcanL characLers found ln myLhology (e.g., Perculean).
l. ueLermlne Lhe meanlng of general academlc and conLenL-
speclflc words or phrases ln an lnformaLlonal LexL relevanL
Lo a developmenLally approprlaLe Loplc or sub[ecL area.

6.k.4 L. ueLermlne Lhe meanlng of words and phrases as Lhey are
used ln a llLerary LexL, lncludlng flguraLlve language.
l. ueLermlne Lhe meanlng of academlc and conLenL-speclflc
words and phrases ln an lnformaLlonal LexL.
kead|ng: I|fth S|xth Grade
uerLo 8lco cote 5tooJotJs 23
Lngllsh rogram 2014

Sth Grade Students: 6th Grade Students:
Ana|yze the structure of texts, |nc|ud|ng how spec|f|c sentences, paragraphs, and |arger port|ons of the text (e.g., a sect|on, chapter, scene, or stanza)
re|ate to each other and the who|e.
S.k.S L. Lxplaln ma[or dlfferences beLween poems, drama, and
prose, and refer Lo Lhe sLrucLural elemenLs of poems (e.g.,
verse, rhyLhm, meLer) and drama (e.g., casLs of characLers,
seLLlngs, descrlpLlons, dlalogue, sLage dlrecLlons) when
wrlLlng or speaklng abouL a llLerary LexL.
l. uescrlbe Lhe overall sLrucLure (e.g., chronology,
comparlson, cause/effecL, problem/soluLlon) of evenLs,
ldeas, concepLs, or lnformaLlon ln an lnformaLlonal LexL or
parL of a LexL.
6.k.S L. Lxplaln how a serles of chapLers, scenes, or sLanzas flLs
LogeLher Lo provlde Lhe overall sLrucLure of a parLlcular
sLory, drama, or poem.
l. Compare and conLrasL Lhe overall sLrucLure (e.g.,
chronology, comparlson, cause/effecL, problem/soluLlon) of
evenLs, ldeas, concepLs, or lnformaLlon ln Lwo or more
lnformaLlonal LexLs
Assess how po|nt of v|ew or purpose shapes the content and sty|e of a text.
S.k.6 L. Compare and conLrasL Lhe polnL of vlew from whlch
dlfferenL sLorles are narraLed, lncludlng Lhe dlfference
beLween flrsL- and Lhlrd-person narraLlons.
l. Compare and conLrasL Lhe same evenL or Loplc ln
lnformaLlonal LexLs, descrlbe Lhe dlfferences ln focus and
Lhe lnformaLlon provlded.
6.k.6 L. Describe how a narrators or speakers point of view
lnfluences how evenLs are descrlbed ln a llLerary LexL.
l. Analyze Lhe same evenL or Loplc from dlfferenL
lnformaLlonal LexL sources, noLlng slmllarlLles and
dlfferences ln Lhe polnL of vlew Lhey represenL.

Integrate and eva|uate content presented |n d|verse med|a and formats.
S.k.7 L. Make connecLlons beLween Lhe LexL of a sLory or drama
and a vlsual or oral presenLaLlon of Lhe LexL, ldenLlfylng
where each verslon reflecLs speclflc descrlpLlons and
dlrecLlons ln Lhe LexL.
l. lnLerpreL lnformaLlon presenLed vlsually, orally, or
quanLlLaLlvely (e.g., ln charLs, graphs, dlagrams, Llme llnes,
anlmaLlons, or lnLeracLlve elemenLs on Web pages) and
explaln how Lhe lnformaLlon conLrlbuLes Lo an
undersLandlng of Lhe lnformaLlonal LexL ln whlch lL
6.k.7 L. Analyze how vlsual and mulLlmedla elemenLs conLrlbuLe Lo
Lhe meanlng, Lone, or beauLy of a llLerary LexL (e.g., graphlc
novel, mulLlmedla presenLaLlon of flcLlon, folkLale, myLh,
l. ulsLlngulsh lnformaLlon from a varleLy of lnformaLlonal
LexLs (e.g., books, magazlnes, newspapers, and webslLes)
uslng Lhe mosL valuable lnformaLlonal source Lo locaLe an
answer, clLe a source, or solve a problem.
Delineate and evaluate an authors argument through evidence specified in a text.
S.k.8 Lxplaln how an auLhor uses reasons and evldence Lo supporL
parLlcular polnLs ln a LexL lncludlng, buL noL llmlLed Lo,
narraLlve, persuaslve, and descrlpLlve wrlLlng and knowledge
of Lhelr quallLles.
6.k.8 Lxplaln how an auLhor uses reasons and evldence Lo supporL
parLlcular polnLs ln a LexL, ldenLlfylng whlch reasons and
evldence supporL whlch polnL(s) lncludlng, buL noL llmlLed Lo,
narraLlve, persuaslve, and descrlpLlve wrlLlng and knowledge of
Lhelr quallLles.

kead|ng: I|fth S|xth Grade
uerLo 8lco cote 5tooJotJs 24
Lngllsh rogram 2014

Sth Grade Students: 6th Grade Students:
Compare and contrast two or more authors presentations of similar themes or topics.
S.k.9 L. Compare and conLrasL Lhe LreaLmenL of slmllar Lhemes and
Loplcs (e.g., opposlLlon of good and evll) and paLLerns of
evenLs (e.g., Lhe quesL) ln sLorles, myLhs, and LradlLlonal
llLeraLure from dlfferenL culLures.
l. lnLegraLe lnformaLlon from Lwo lnformaLlonal LexLs on Lhe
same Loplc ln order Lo wrlLe or speak abouL Lhe sub[ecL
6.k.9 L. Compare and conLrasL sLorles ln Lhe same genre (e.g.,
mysLerles and advenLure sLorles) on Lhelr approaches Lo
slmllar Lhemes and Loplcs.
l. lnLegraLe lnformaLlon from several lnformaLlonal LexLs on
Lhe same Loplc ln order Lo wrlLe or speak abouL Lhe sub[ecL
kead and comprehend comp|ex ||terary and |nformat|ona| texts |ndependent|y and prof|c|ent|y.
S.k.10 8ead and comprehend llLeraLure from uerLo 8lco and oLher
culLures, lncludlng sLorles, dramas, and poeLry, and
lnformaLlonal LexLs (e.g., hlsLory/soclal sLudles, sclence, and
Lechnlcal LexLs) of approprlaLe complexlLy.
6.k.10 8ead and comprehend llLeraLure from uerLo 8lco and oLher
culLures, lncludlng sLorles, dramas, and poeLry, and
lnformaLlonal LexLs (e.g., hlsLory/soclal sLudles, sclence, and
Lechnlcal LexLs) of approprlaLe complexlLy.
Ioundat|ona| Sk|||: honem|c Awareness

(ALLended when necessary.)

(ALLended when necessary.)
Ioundat|ona| Sk|||: r|nt Ieatures and 1ext Crgan|zat|on
S.k.IS.12 know and apply phonlcs and word analysls skllls Lo decode
a. Apply comblned knowledge of all leLLer-sound
correspondences, syllablcaLlon paLLerns, and morphology
(e.g., rooLs and afflxes) Lo read accuraLely unfamlllar
mulLlsyllablc words ln conLexL and ouL of conLexL.

(ALLended when necessary.)
Ioundat|ona| Sk|||: r|nt Ieatures and 1ext Crgan|zat|on

(ALLended when necessary.)

(ALLended when necessary.)

uerLo 8lco cote 5tooJotJs 2014 23

Co||ege and Career kead|ness Lxpectat|ons for Wr|t|ng: k|ndergarten S|xth Grade
1he k-6 sLandards on Lhe followlng pages deflne whaL sLudenLs should masLer and be able Lo do by Lhe end of each grade. 1he sLandards conslsL of boLh
College and Career 8eadlness (CC8) expecLaLlons and grade level lndlcaLors. 1he CC8 expecLaLlons and grade-speclflc lndlcaLors are necessary complemenLs
Lhe former provldlng broad expecLaLlons, Lhe laLLer provldlng addlLlonal speclflclLy LhaL LogeLher deflne Lhe skllls and compeLencles LhaL all sLudenLs musL
masLer. WrlLlng loundaLlonal Skllls are lncluded as a subseL of Lhe k-6 sLandards for WrlLlng. 1he foundaLlonal skllls do noL correspond Lo CC8 expecLaLlons and
are only conLalned wlLhln Lhe k-6 grade band.
A serles of loundaLlonal Skllls have been lncluded aL Lhe end of Lhe 8eadlng and WrlLlng secLlons. Whlle Lhese are lmporLanL skllls for sLudenLs Lo learn, Lhey do
noL correspond Lo College and Career 8eadlness expecLaLlons. AlLhough Lhese sLandards have been placed aL Lhe boLLom of 8eadlng and WrlLlng for sLrucLural
reasons, Lhls does noL lmply LhaL Lhese sLandards should be LaughL ln any speclflc order.
Co||ege and Career kead|ness Lxpectat|ons
1. WrlLe argumenLs Lo supporL polnL of vlew uslng valld reasonlng and sufflclenL evldence.
2. WrlLe lnformaLlonal LexLs Lo examlne and convey complex ldeas and lnformaLlon clearly and accuraLely Lhrough Lhe selecLlon, organlzaLlon, and analysls
of relevanL conLenL.
3. WrlLe llLerary LexLs Lo develop real or lmaglned experlences or evenLs uslng effecLlve Lechnlque, deLalls, and sLrucLure.
4. uevelop and sLrengLhen wrlLlng as needed by uslng Lhe wrlLlng process (plannlng, drafLlng, revlslng, edlLlng, rewrlLlng, or publlshlng).
3. use Lechnology, lncludlng Lhe lnLerneL, Lo lnLeracL and collaboraLe wlLh oLhers and produce and publlsh wrlLlng.
6. ConducL research pro[ecLs of varylng lengLhs based on focused quesLlons Lo demonsLraLe undersLandlng of Lhe sub[ecL.
7. uraw evldence from llLerary or lnformaLlonal LexLs Lo supporL analysls, reflecLlon, and research.
8. WrlLe rouLlnely over shorL and exLended Llme frames for a varleLy of Lasks, purposes, and audlences.
Ioundat|ona| Sk|||s (No CCk expectat|ons)
9. rlnL leaLures and 1exL CrganlzaLlon
10. honlcs

uerLo 8lco cote 5tooJotJs 2014 26

Wr|t|ng: k|ndergarten Second Grade
k|ndergarten Students: 1st Grade Students: 2nd Grade Students:
Wr|te arguments to support po|nt of v|ew us|ng va||d reason|ng and suff|c|ent ev|dence.
k.W.1 use a comblnaLlon of drawlng and
labellng Lo express preferences
and oplnlons (e.g., My favorlLe
book is).
1.W.1 WrlLe slmple senLences and use
lllusLraLlons Lo express oplnlons and
feellngs or descrlbe a plcLure,
person, or ob[ecL.
2.W.1 WrlLe Lo express feellngs, famlllar
Loplcs, experlences, and descrlbe a
plcLure, use grade-level approprlaLe
hlgh frequency words (e.g., uolch llsL)
Lo wrlLe slmple senLences.
Wr|te |nformat|ona| texts to exam|ne and convey comp|ex |deas and |nformat|on c|ear|y and accurate|y through the se|ect|on, organ|zat|on, and ana|ys|s
of re|evant content.
k.W.2 use a comblnaLlon of drawlng and
labellng Lo compose shorL
lnformaLlonal LexLs Lo name whaL
Lhey are wrlLlng abouL and supply
some lnformaLlon abouL Lhe
1.W.2 use a comblnaLlon of copylng,
drawlng and wrlLlng Lo compose
shorL lnformaLlonal LexLs
collaboraLlvely wlLh a Leacher, wlLh
peers, and wlLh lncreaslng
2.W.2 Work lndependenLly and collaboraLe
wlLh peers Lo draw and wrlLe
lnformaLlonal LexLs, use grade-level
approprlaLe hlgh frequency words (e.g.,
uolch llsL) Lo wrlLe slmple senLences.
Wr|te ||terary texts to deve|op rea| or |mag|ned exper|ences or events us|ng effect|ve techn|que, deta||s, and structure.
k.W.3 use a comblnaLlon of drawlng and
labellng Lo narraLe a slngle evenL
or several loosely llnked evenLs,
Lell abouL Lhe evenLs ln Lhe order
ln whlch Lhey occurred, and
provlde a reacLlon Lo whaL
1.W.3 use a comblnaLlon of copylng,
drawlng and wrlLlng Lo compose
shorL llLerary LexLs collaboraLlvely
wlLh a Leacher, wlLh peers, and wlLh
lncreaslng lndependence.
2.W.3 CollaboraLe wlLh peers Lo draw and
wrlLe llLerary LexLs, use grade-level
approprlaLe hlgh frequency words (e.g.,
uolch llsL) Lo wrlLe slmple senLences.
Deve|op and strengthen wr|t|ng as needed by us|ng the wr|t|ng process (p|ann|ng, draft|ng, rev|s|ng, ed|t|ng, rewr|t|ng, or pub||sh|ng).
k.W.4 8ralnsLorm ldeas for wrlLlng by
drawlng lllusLraLlons.
1.W.4 8ralnsLorm ldeas for wrlLlng by
drawlng and labellng deLalled
2.W.4 8espond Lo quesLlons and suggesLlons
from peers and add deLalls Lo
sLrengLhen wrlLlng as needed.
Use techno|ogy, |nc|ud|ng the Internet, to |nteract and co||aborate w|th others and produce and pub||sh wr|t|ng.
k.W.S Lxplore a varleLy of dlglLal Lools
Lhrough Leacher-led wrlLlng
1.W.S Lxplore a varleLy of dlglLal Lools
Lhrough Leacher-led wrlLlng
2.W.S Lxplore a varleLy of dlglLal Lools Lo
produce and publlsh wrlLlng, lncludlng
ln collaboraLlon wlLh peers.
Conduct research pro[ects of vary|ng |engths based on focused quest|ons to demonstrate understand|ng of the sub[ect.

(8eglns ln grade 1.) 1.W.6 arLlclpaLe ln shared research and
wrlLlng pro[ecLs (e.g., A8C books).
2.W.6 arLlclpaLe ln shared research and
wrlLlng pro[ecLs.
Wr|t|ng: k|ndergarten Second Grade
uerLo 8lco cote 5tooJotJs 27
Lngllsh rogram 2014

k|ndergarten Students: 1st Grade Students: 2nd Grade Students:
Draw ev|dence from ||terary or |nformat|ona| texts to support ana|ys|s, ref|ect|on, and research.
k.W.7 8emember lnformaLlon abouL
experlences or gaLher lnformaLlon
from varlous sources (e.g., word
wall, book Lalks, weaLher charLs,
rouLlne Lasks) Lo answer a
1.W.7 8emember lnformaLlon abouL
experlences or gaLher lnformaLlon
from a varleLy of sources (e.g., word
wall, book Lalks, weaLher charLs,
rouLlne Lasks) Lo answer a quesLlon.
2.W.7 8emember lnformaLlon abouL
experlences or gaLher lnformaLlon from
a varleLy of sources (e.g., word wall,
book Lalks, grade-approprlaLe LexLs) Lo
answer a quesLlon ln wrlLlng.
Wr|te rout|ne|y over short and extended t|me frames for a var|ety of tasks, purposes, and aud|ences.

(8eglns ln grade 3.)

(8eglns ln grade 3.)

(8eglns ln grade 3.)
Ioundat|ona| Sk|||: r|nt Ieatures and 1ext Crgan|zat|on
k.W.IS.9 8ecognlze Lhe organlzaLlon and
baslc feaLures of prlnL.
a. undersLand LhaL words are
separaLed by spaces ln prlnL.
1.W.IS.9 8ecognlze organlzaLlon and baslc
feaLures of prlnL.
a. 8ecognlze Lhe dlsLlngulshlng
feaLures of a senLence (e.g., flrsL
word, caplLallzaLlon, endlng
2.W.IS.9 Apply Lhe dlsLlngulshlng feaLures of a
senLence when wrlLlng (e.g., flrsL word,
caplLallzaLlon, endlng puncLuaLlon).
Ioundat|ona| Sk|||: hon|cs
k.W.IS.10 know and apply phonlcs and
word analysls skllls Lo decode
a. WrlLe Lhe leLLers LhaL
represenL flrsL name.
b. ALLempL Lo wrlLe leLLers uslng
prlnL Lechnlques.
1.W.IS.10 know and apply phonlcs and word
analysls skllls Lo decode words.
rlnL from dlcLaLlon all upper- and
lowercase leLLers.

(ALLended when necessary.)

uerLo 8lco cote 5tooJotJs 28
Lngllsh rogram 2014

Wr|t|ng: 1h|rd Grade Iourth Grade
3rd Grade Students: 4th Grade Students:
Wr|te arguments to support po|nt of v|ew us|ng va||d reason|ng and suff|c|ent ev|dence.

Cffer and supporL ldeas, feellngs, and oplnlons on famlllar
Loplcs, experlences, or approprlaLe-level LexLs, provldlng LexL
evldence or addlng relevanL background knowledge abouL Lhe
sub[ecL maLLer.
4.W.1 Cffer and supporL ldeas, aLLlLudes, and oplnlons, provldlng
conclse reasonlng abouL an evenL, experlence or readlng uslng
LexL evldence or addlng relevanL background knowledge abouL
Lhe sub[ecL maLLer.
a. 8alance sLaLemenLs wlLh modal verbal expresslons LhaL
show mood or uncerLalnLy (e.g., coo, coolJ, woolJ, sboolJ,
wlll, etc.).
Wr|te |nformat|ona| texts to exam|ne and convey comp|ex |deas and |nformat|on c|ear|y and accurate|y through the se|ect|on, organ|zat|on, and ana|ys|s
of re|evant content.

WrlLe lnformaLlonal LexLs (e.g., how-Lo book, slmple reporL)
wlLh lncreaslng lndependence, and organlze key ldeas and
deLalls ln a clear sequence.
4.W.2 WrlLe formal and lnformal leLLers wlLh correcL form and
accuraLe puncLuaLlon, lncludlng greeLlngs and body.
Wr|te ||terary texts to deve|op rea| or |mag|ned exper|ences or events us|ng effect|ve techn|que, deta||s, and structure.

WrlLe llLerary LexLs wlLh lncreaslng lndependence uslng
approprlaLe LexL organlzaLlon and uslng LranslLlonal words and
oLher coheslve devlces Lo beLLer organlze wrlLlng.
4.W.3 WrlLe Lo develop real or lmaglned experlences or evenLs uslng
effecLlve Lechnlque, descrlpLlve deLalls, clear evenL sequences
and uslng LranslLlonal words and oLher coheslve devlces Lo
beLLer organlze wrlLlng.
Deve|op and strengthen wr|t|ng as needed by us|ng the wr|t|ng process (p|ann|ng, draft|ng, rev|s|ng, ed|t|ng, rewr|t|ng, or pub||sh|ng).

locus on a Loplc, respond Lo quesLlons and suggesLlons from
peers, and add deLalls Lo sLrengLhen wrlLlng as needed.
4.W.4 locus on a Loplc and sLrengLhen wrlLlng as needed by revlslng
and edlLlng.
Use techno|ogy, |nc|ud|ng the Internet, to |nteract and co||aborate w|th others and produce and pub||sh wr|t|ng.

use a varleLy of dlglLal Lools Lo produce and publlsh wrlLlng,
lncludlng ln collaboraLlon wlLh peers.
4.W.S use a varleLy of dlglLal Lools Lo produce and publlsh wrlLlng,
lncludlng ln collaboraLlon wlLh peers.
Conduct research pro[ects of vary|ng |engths based on focused quest|ons to demonstrate understand|ng of the sub[ect.

arLlclpaLe ln shared research and wrlLlng pro[ecLs (e.g.,
explore a number of how-to books on a given topic and use
Lhem Lo wrlLe a sequence of lnsLrucLlons).
4.W.6 arLlclpaLe ln shared research and wrlLlng pro[ecLs (e.g., read a
number of books on a slngle Loplc Lo produce a reporL, record
sclence observaLlons).
Wr|t|ng: 1h|rd Iourth Grade
uerLo 8lco cote 5tooJotJs 29
Lngllsh rogram 2014

3rd Grade Students: 4th Grade Students:
Draw ev|dence from ||terary or |nformat|ona| texts to support ana|ys|s, ref|ect|on, and research.
3.W.7 SLudenLs remember lnformaLlon abouL experlences or gaLher
lnformaLlon from prlnL and dlglLal sources (e.g., word wall,
book Lalks, grade-approprlaLe LexLs) Lo answer a quesLlon ln
4.W.7 ldenLlfy deLalls from llLerary and lnformaLlonal LexLs Lo supporL
undersLandlng and reflecLlon.
Wr|te rout|ne|y over short and extended t|me frames for a var|ety of tasks, purposes, and aud|ences.
3.W.8 WrlLe rouLlnely over shorL Llme frames (a slngle slLLlng or a day
or Lwo) for a varleLy of dlsclpllne-speclflc Lasks, purposes, and
4.W.8 WrlLe rouLlnely over exLended Llme frames (Llme for research,
reflecLlon, and revlslon) and shorLer Llme frames (a slngle
slLLlng or a day or Lwo) for a varleLy of dlsclpllne-speclflc Lasks,
purposes, and audlences.
Ioundat|ona| Sk|||: r|nt Ieatures and 1ext Crgan|zat|on
3.W.IS.9 Apply Lhe dlsLlngulshlng feaLures of a senLence when wrlLlng
(e.g., flrsL word, caplLallzaLlon, endlng puncLuaLlon).
(ALLended when necessary)
Ioundat|ona| Sk|||: hon|cs
(ALLended when necessary) (ALLended when necessary)

uerLo 8lco cote 5tooJotJs 30
Lngllsh rogram 2014

Wr|t|ng: I|fth Grade S|xth Grade
Sth Grade Students: 6th Grade Students:
Wr|te arguments to support po|nt of v|ew us|ng va||d reason|ng and suff|c|ent ev|dence.

SupporL oplnlons or persuade oLhers by expresslng
approprlaLe/accuraLe reasons uslng some LexLual evldence or
relevanL background knowledge abouL conLenL.

SupporL oplnlons or persuade oLhers by expresslng
approprlaLe/accuraLe reasons uslng some LexLual evldence or
relevanL background knowledge abouL conLenL. !usLlfy
oplnlons or persuade oLhers by provldlng relevanL LexLual
evldence or background knowledge.
Wr|te |nformat|ona| texts to exam|ne and convey comp|ex |deas and |nformat|on c|ear|y and accurate|y through the se|ect|on, organ|zat|on, and ana|ys|s
of re|evant content.

WrlLe longer lnformaLlonal LexLs Lo examlne a Loplc and convey
ldeas collaboraLlvely and wlLh lncreaslng lndependence uslng
approprlaLe LexL organlzaLlon.

WrlLe longer lnformaLlonal LexLs Lo examlne a Loplc and convey
ldeas wlLh lncreaslng lndependence uslng approprlaLe LexL
organlzaLlon, grammar sLrucLure and spelllng.
Wr|te ||terary texts to deve|op rea| or |mag|ned exper|ences or events us|ng effect|ve techn|que, deta||s, and structure.
S.W.3 WrlLe descrlpLlve paragraphs Lo develop real or lmaglned
experlences or evenLs uslng effecLlve Lechnlque, descrlpLlve
deLalls, clear evenL sequences, and uslng LranslLlonal words
and oLher coheslve devlces Lo beLLer organlze wrlLlng.

WrlLe descrlpLlve and narraLlve paragraphs Lo develop real or
lmaglned experlences or evenLs uslng effecLlve Lechnlque,
deLalls, sLrucLure, and uslng LranslLlonal words and oLher
coheslve devlces Lo beLLer organlze wrlLlng.
Deve|op and strengthen wr|t|ng as needed by us|ng the wr|t|ng process (p|ann|ng, draft|ng, rev|s|ng, ed|t|ng, rewr|t|ng, or pub||sh|ng).

uevelop and sLrengLhen wrlLlng as needed by plannlng,
revlslng, edlLlng and applylng approprlaLe senLence sLrucLure
and word order.

uevelop and sLrengLhen wrlLlng as needed by plannlng,
revlslng, edlLlng and applylng approprlaLe senLence sLrucLure
and word order.
Use techno|ogy, |nc|ud|ng the Internet, to |nteract and co||aborate w|th others and produce and pub||sh wr|t|ng.

use Lechnology Lo produce and publlsh wrlLlng as well as Lo
lnLeracL and collaboraLe wlLh oLhers.

use Lechnology, lncludlng Lhe lnLerneL, Lo produce and publlsh
wrlLlng as well as Lo lnLeracL and collaboraLe wlLh oLhers.
Conduct research pro[ects of vary|ng |engths based on focused quest|ons to demonstrate understand|ng of the sub[ect.

WlLh lncreaslng lndependence, conducL shorL research pro[ecLs
LhaL bulld knowledge abouL a Loplc.

WlLh lncreaslng lndependence, conducL shorL research pro[ecLs
LhaL bulld knowledge Lhrough lnvesLlgaLlon of dlfferenL aspecLs
of a Loplc.
Draw ev|dence from ||terary or |nformat|ona| texts to support ana|ys|s, ref|ect|on, and research.

uraw evldence from llLerary and lnformaLlonal LexL. 6.W.7

uraw evldence from llLerary or lnformaLlonal LexLs Lo supporL
analysls, reflecLlon, and research.
Wr|t|ng: I|fth S|xth Grade
uerLo 8lco cote 5tooJotJs 31
Lngllsh rogram 2014

Sth Grade Students: 6th Grade Students:
Wr|te rout|ne|y over short and extended t|me frames for a var|ety of tasks, purposes, and aud|ences.

WrlLe rouLlnely over exLended Llme frames (Llme for research,
reflecLlon, and revlslon) and shorLer Llme frames (a slngle
slLLlng or a day or Lwo) for a varleLy of dlsclpllne-speclflc Lasks,
purposes, and audlences.

WrlLe rouLlnely over exLended Llme frames (Llme for research,
reflecLlon, and revlslon) and shorLer Llme frames (a slngle
slLLlng or a day or Lwo) for a varleLy of dlsclpllne-speclflc Lasks,
purposes, and audlences.
Ioundat|ona| Sk|||: r|nt Ieatures and 1ext Crgan|zat|on
(ALLended when necessary) (ALLended when necessary)
Ioundat|ona| Sk|||: hon|cs
(ALLended when necessary) (ALLended when necessary)

uerLo 8lco cote 5tooJotJs 32
Lngllsh rogram 2014

Co||ege and Career kead|ness Lxpectat|ons for Language: k|ndergarten S|xth Grade
1he k-6 sLandards on Lhe followlng pages deflne whaL sLudenLs should masLer and be able Lo do by Lhe end of each grade. 1he sLandards conslsL of boLh
College and Career 8eadlness (CC8) expecLaLlons and grade level lndlcaLors. 1he CC8 expecLaLlons and grade-speclflc lndlcaLors are necessary complemenLs
Lhe former provldlng broad expecLaLlons, Lhe laLLer provldlng addlLlonal speclflclLy LhaL LogeLher deflne Lhe skllls and compeLencles LhaL all sLudenLs musL
Co||ege and Career kead|ness Lxpectat|ons
1. uemonsLraLe command of Lhe convenLlons of Lngllsh grammar and usage.
2. Apply Lngllsh convenLlons uslng approprlaLe caplLallzaLlon, puncLuaLlon, and spelllng.
3. uemonsLraLe undersLandlng of how language funcLlons ln dlfferenL conLexLs Lo make effecLlve cholces for meanlng, sLyle and comprehenslon.
4. ueLermlne or clarlfy Lhe meanlng of unknown words and phrases by uslng conLexL clues, analyzlng meanlngful word parLs, and consulLlng reference
3. uemonsLraLe undersLandlng of flguraLlve language, word relaLlonshlps, and varlaLlon ln word meanlngs.
6. AccuraLely use a varleLy of soclal, academlc and conLenL-speclflc words and phrases sufflclenL for readlng, wrlLlng, speaklng, and llsLenlng aL Lhe college
and career-readlness level.

uerLo 8lco cote 5tooJotJs 33
Lngllsh rogram 2014

Language: k|ndergarten - Second Grade
k|ndergarten Students: 1st Grade Students: 2nd Grade Students:
Demonstrate command of the convent|ons of Lng||sh grammar and usage.
k.LA.1 uemonsLraLe command of Lngllsh
grammar and usage when wrlLlng or
a. use presenL form of baslc verbs
and common nouns (e.g., l wolk
b. Slmple senLences or phrases
wlLh baslc sLrucLure lncludlng
ad[ecLlves (e.g., 1be Joq ls blq.).
c. uevelop phonemlc awareness
and Lhe alphabeLlc prlnclple
when parLlclpaLlng ln llsLenlng
and speaklng acLlvlLles.

uemonsLraLe command of Lngllsh
grammar and usage when wrlLlng or
a. use common and proper nouns.
b. lorm slngular and plural nouns
wlLh maLchlng verbs ln baslc
senLences (e.g., Pe hops, We
c. use verbs Lo convey a sense of
pasL, presenL, and fuLure (e.g.,
?esLerday l walked home, 1oday
l walk home, 1omorrow l wlll
walk home.).
d. use frequenLly occurrlng

uemonsLraLe command of Lngllsh
grammar and usage when wrlLlng or
a. use collecLlve nouns (e.g.,
qtoop) and possesslve nouns.
b. lorm and use frequenLly
occurrlng lrregular plural nouns
(e.g., feet, cbllJteo, teetb, mlce,
c. lorm and use Lhe pasL Lense of
frequenLly occurrlng lrregular
verbs (e.g., sot, blJ, tolJ).
d. use ad[ecLlves and choose
beLween Lhem dependlng on
whaL ls Lo be modlfled.
e. use personal, possesslve, and
lndeflnlLe pronouns (e.g., l, me,
my, tbey, tbem, tbelt, ooyooe,
f. use frequenLly occurrlng
con[uncLlons (e.g., ooJ, bot, ot,
so, becoose).
g. use arLlcles (e.g., tbe, oo, eLc.)
and demonsLraLlve ad[ecLlves
(e.g., tbls, tbot, eLc.) as
Language: k|ndergarten Second Grade
uerLo 8lco cote 5tooJotJs 34
Lngllsh rogram 2014

k|ndergarten Students: 1st Grade Students: 2nd Grade Students:
App|y Lng||sh convent|ons us|ng appropr|ate cap|ta||zat|on, punctuat|on, and spe|||ng.
k.LA.2 uemonsLraLe command of Lhe
convenLlons of Lngllsh
caplLallzaLlon, puncLuaLlon, and
spelllng when wrlLlng.
a. 8ecognlze and name end
puncLuaLlon as a perlod.
b. WrlLe a leLLer or leLLers for
mosL consonanL and shorL-
vowel sounds (phonemes).
c. Spell slmple words
phoneLlcally, drawlng on
knowledge of sound-leLLer
relaLlonshlps wlLh correcL
spelllng and spaclng.
d. ConsulL reference maLerlals,
lncludlng plcLure dlcLlonarles,
as needed Lo check and correcL
spelllngs, uslng Lhe ablllLy Lo
flnd words by Lhe flrsL leLLer.

uemonsLraLe command of Lhe
convenLlons of Lngllsh caplLallzaLlon,
puncLuaLlon, and spelllng when
a. CaplLallze Lhe flrsL word ln a
senLence, daLes, and names of
b. use a perlod for end
puncLuaLlon of senLences.
c. WrlLe a leLLer or leLLers for
shorL and long-vowel sounds
d. use convenLlonal spelllng for
baslc slghL words wlLh common
spelllng paLLerns and for
frequenLly occurrlng lrregular
words (e.g., solJ - /s/ /e/ /d/).
e. ConsulL reference maLerlals,
lncludlng plcLure and sLandard
dlcLlonarles, as needed Lo
check and correcL spelllngs,
uslng Lhe ablllLy Lo alphabeLlze
by Lhe flrsL leLLer.

uemonsLraLe command of Lhe
convenLlons of Lngllsh
caplLallzaLlon, puncLuaLlon, and
spelllng when wrlLlng.
a. CaplLallze holldays, producL
names, and geographlc names.
b. use puncLuaLlon for
declaraLlve, lnLerrogaLlve, and
exclamaLory senLences.
c. WrlLe a leLLer or leLLers for
shorL and long-vowel sounds
d. Cenerallze learned spelllng
paLLerns (word famllles) when
wrlLlng words (e.g., ot. mot,
cot, sot, oke. coke, boke,
e. use commas ln daLes and Lo
separaLe slngle words ln a
f. use convenLlonal spelllng for
grade approprlaLe words wlLh
common spelllng paLLerns and
for some lrregular words.
g. ConsulL reference maLerlals,
lncludlng dlcLlonarles, as
needed Lo check and correcL
spelllngs, uslng Lhe ablllLy Lo
alphabeLlze by Lhe flrsL Lwo
Demonstrate understand|ng of how |anguage funct|ons |n d|fferent contexts to make effect|ve cho|ces for mean|ng, sty|e and comprehens|on.
k.LA.3 use knowledge of language and lLs
convenLlons when wrlLlng, speaklng,
readlng, or llsLenlng.

use knowledge of language and lLs
convenLlons when wrlLlng, speaklng,
readlng, or llsLenlng.

use knowledge of language and lLs
convenLlons when wrlLlng,
speaklng, readlng, or llsLenlng.
Language: k|ndergarten Second Grade
uerLo 8lco cote 5tooJotJs 33
Lngllsh rogram 2014

k|ndergarten Students: 1st Grade Students: 2nd Grade Students:
a. Choose words and phrases for
dlfferenL purposes (e.g., slang,
wrlLLen vs. spoken, formal vs.
a. Choose words and phrases for
dlfferenL purposes (e.g., slang,
wrlLLen vs. spoken, formal vs.
a. Choose words and phrases for
dlfferenL purposes (e.g., slang,
wrlLLen vs. spoken, formal vs.
b. Apply dlfferences beLween Lhe
convenLlons of spoken and
wrlLLen Lngllsh wlLh some
degree of accuracy Lhough noL
perfecLly and wlLh supporL.
Determ|ne or c|ar|fy the mean|ng of unknown words and phrases by us|ng context c|ues, ana|yz|ng mean|ngfu| word parts, and consu|t|ng reference
k.LA.4 ueLermlne or clarlfy Lhe meanlng of
unknown and mulLlple-meanlng
words and phrases based on readlng
and conLenL, chooslng flexlbly from
an array of sLraLegles.
a. use conLexL clues and
lllusLraLlons Lo ldenLlfy Lhe
meanlng of unfamlllar words.
b. ldenLlfy and blend compound

ueLermlne or clarlfy Lhe meanlng of
unknown and mulLlple-meanlng
words and phrases based on
readlng and conLenL, chooslng
flexlbly from an array of sLraLegles.
a. use conLexL clues and
lllusLraLlons Lo ldenLlfy Lhe
meanlng of unfamlllar words.
b. Add preflxes Lo words and
deLermlne new meanlng.
c. uses baslc phonemlc
awareness sLraLegles Lo
decode words.
d. use compound words Lo derlve

ueLermlne or clarlfy Lhe meanlng of
unknown and mulLlple-meanlng
words and phrases based on
readlng and conLenL, chooslng
flexlbly from an array of sLraLegles.
a. use lllusLraLlons, predlcLlons,
and conLexL clues Lo help
ldenLlfy meanlng of a word or
b. ueLermlne Lhe meanlng of Lhe
new word formed when a
preflx ls added Lo a known
word (e.g., boppy/ooboppy,
c. use Lhe rooL word as a clue Lo
Lhe meanlng of an unknown
word wlLh Lhe same rooL (e.g.,
oJJltloo, oJJltloool).
d. use knowledge of Lhe meanlng
of lndlvldual words Lo predlcL
Lhe meanlng of compound
words (e.g., bltJboose,
llqbtboose, boosefly, booksbelf,
ootebook, bookmotk).

Language: k|ndergarten Second Grade
uerLo 8lco cote 5tooJotJs 36
Lngllsh rogram 2014

k|ndergarten Students: 1st Grade Students: 2nd Grade Students:
Demonstrate understand|ng of f|gurat|ve |anguage, word re|at|onsh|ps, and var|at|on |n word mean|ngs.
k.LA.S Lxplore word meanlngs.
a. lndlcaLe lncreaslng speclflclLy of
vocabulary (e.g., LranslLlonlng
from calllng someLhlng an
anlmal Lo calllng lL a dog or a
b. SorL and classlfy common
ob[ecLs lnLo caLegorles (e.g.,
shapes, foods) Lo galn meanlng
c. Make and explaln connecLlons
beLween words and Lhelr use
(e.g., emoLlons: happy, sad,
eLc., or famlly members: funny,
old, eLc.).
d. AcL ouL word meanlngs.

uemonsLraLe undersLandlng of
word relaLlonshlps and dlfferences
ln word meanlngs.
a. SorL and caLegorlze words
(e.g., colors, cloLhlng) Lo show
comprehenslon and deflne
words by caLegory and by one
or more key aLLrlbuLes (e.g., a
Jock ls a blrd LhaL swlms, a
tlqet ls a large caL wlLh sLrlpes).
b. Make and apply connecLlons
beLween words and Lhelr use
(e.g., blg park, small room).
c. AcL ouL word meanlngs.

8ecognlze word relaLlonshlps and
dlfferences ln word meanlngs.
a. ldenLlfy real-llfe connecLlons
beLween words and Lhelr use
(e.g., Jesctlbe fooJs tbot ote
splcy ot jolcy).
b. ulsLlngulsh sllghL dlfferences of
meanlng among verbs dlfferlng
ln manner (e.g., look, peek,
qlooce, stote, qlote, scowl) and
ad[ecLlves dlfferlng ln lnLenslLy
(e.g., lotqe, qlqootlc) by
deflnlng or chooslng Lhem or
by acLlng ouL Lhe meanlngs.
c. 8elaLe word meanlngs Lhrough
slmllar words (synonyms) or
dlsLlngulsh sllghL dlfferences ln
word meanlngs.
Accurate|y use a var|ety of soc|a|, academ|c and content-spec|f|c words and phrases suff|c|ent for read|ng, wr|t|ng, speak|ng, and ||sten|ng at the co||ege
and career-read|ness |eve|.
k.LA.6 use words and phrases acqulred
Lhrough conversaLlons and read-

use words and phrases acqulred
Lhrough conversaLlons and read-

use words and phrases acqulred
Lhrough conversaLlons, readlng and
belng read Lo, and respondlng Lo
LexLs, lncludlng uslng ad[ecLlves and
connecLlng words (e.g.,
con[uncLlons llke and because).

uerLo 8lco cote 5tooJotJs 2014 37

Language: 1h|rd Grade- Iourth Grade
3rd Grade Students: 4th Grade Students:
Demonstrate command of the convent|ons of Lng||sh grammar and usage.

uemonsLraLe command of Lngllsh grammar and usage when
wrlLlng or speaklng.
a. use nouns and ad[ecLlves ln lncreaslngly complex
grammaLlcally correcL senLences.
b. lorm and use regular and lrregular plural nouns.
c. use reflexlve pronouns (e.g., myself, ootselves).
d. use an aposLrophe Lo form conLracLlons and frequenLly
occurrlng possesslves.
e. lorm and apply regular and lrregular verbs.
f. lorm and apply Lhe slmple presenL, pasL, and fuLure (e.g., l
walk, l walked, l wlll walk) verb Lenses.
g. lorm and apply Lhe approprlaLe comparaLlve and
superlaLlve ad[ecLlves (e.g., qooJ, bettet, best), Lo modlfy a
h. Comblne Lwo slmple senLences Lo make a compound
sentence by adding and," "buL," or "because."
l. roduce, expand, and rearrange compleLe slmple and
compound senLences (e.g., 1be boy wotcbeJ tbe movle,
1be llttle boy wotcbeJ tbe movle, 1be octloo movle wos
wotcbeJ by tbe llttle boy.).
[. use frequenLly occurrlng preposlLlons (e.g., Jotloq,
beyooJ, towotJ).
k. lorm and use homophones.

uemonsLraLe command of Lngllsh grammar and usage when
wrlLlng or speaklng.
a. use relaLlve pronouns (wbo, wbose, wbom, wblcb, tbot)
and relaLlve adverbs (wbete, wbeo, wby).
b. lorm and use Lhe progresslve (e.g., l wos wolkloq, l om
wolkloq, l wlll be wolkloq) verb Lenses.
c. use modal auxlllarles (e.g., coo, moy, most) Lo convey
varlous condlLlons.
d. Crder ad[ecLlves wlLhln senLences accordlng Lo
convenLlonal paLLerns (e.g., o smoll teJ boq raLher Lhan o
teJ smoll boq).
e. Apply approprlaLe adverbs Lo modlfy verbs.
f. lorm and use preposlLlonal phrases.
g. roduce slmple, compound, and complex senLences.
h. use con[uncLlons ln wrlLlng and when speaklng.
l. CorrecLly use frequenLly confused words/homonyms
(e.g., to, too, two, tbete, tbelt).
[. use absLracL nouns Lo convey an ldea, emoLlon or feellng
(e.g., fteeJom, bopploess).
k. lorm and use comparaLlve ad[ecLlves and verbs (fost,
fostet, fostest).
l. lorm and use homophones.
App|y Lng||sh convent|ons us|ng appropr|ate cap|ta||zat|on, punctuat|on, and spe|||ng.

uemonsLraLe command of Lhe convenLlons of Lngllsh
caplLallzaLlon, puncLuaLlon, and spelllng when wrlLlng.
a. CaplLallze approprlaLe words ln LlLles.
b. use commas ln wrlLlng.
c. use commas ln greeLlngs and closlngs of leLLers and
quoLaLlon marks ln dlalogue.
d. lorm and use possesslves.
e. use convenLlonal spelllng for hlgh-frequency and oLher
sLudled words and for addlng sufflxes Lo base words (e.g.,
slLLlng, smlled, crles, happlness).

uemonsLraLe command of Lhe convenLlons of Lngllsh
caplLallzaLlon, puncLuaLlon, and spelllng when wrlLlng.
a. use correcL caplLallzaLlon.
b. use commas and quoLaLlon marks Lo mark dlrecL speech
and quoLaLlons from a LexL.
c. Spell grade-approprlaLe words correcLly, consulLlng
references as needed.
d. ConsulL reference maLerlals, lncludlng dlcLlonarles, as
needed Lo check and correcL spelllngs, alphabeLlzlng by
Lhe enLlre word, as necessary.
Language: 1h|rd Iourth Grade
uerLo 8lco cote 5tooJotJs 38
Lngllsh rogram 2014

f. use spelllng paLLerns and generallzaLlons (e.g., word
famllles, poslLlon-based spelllngs, syllable paLLerns, endlng
rules, meanlngful word parLs) ln wrlLlng words.
g. ConsulL reference maLerlals, lncludlng dlcLlonarles, as
needed Lo check and correcL spelllngs, uslng Lhe ablllLy Lo
alphabeLlze by Lhe enLlre word.
Demonstrate understand|ng of how |anguage funct|ons |n d|fferent contexts to make effect|ve cho|ces for mean|ng, sty|e and comprehens|on.

use knowledge of language and lLs convenLlons when wrlLlng,
speaklng, readlng, or llsLenlng.
a. Choose words and phrases for dlfferenL purposes (e.g.,
slang, wrlLLen vs. spoken, formal vs. lnformal).
b. Apply dlfferences beLween Lhe convenLlons of spoken and
wrlLLen Lngllsh wlLh some degree of accuracy Lhough noL
perfecLly and wlLh supporL.

use knowledge of language and lLs convenLlons when wrlLlng,
speaklng, readlng, or llsLenlng.
a. Choose words and phrases for dlfferenL purposes (e.g.,
slang, wrlLLen vs. spoken, formal vs. lnformal).
b. Apply dlfferences beLween Lhe convenLlons of spoken and
wrlLLen Lngllsh wlLh some degree of accuracy Lhough noL
perfecLly and wlLh supporL.
c. Compare formal and lnformal uses of Lngllsh.
Determ|ne or c|ar|fy the mean|ng of unknown words and phrases by us|ng context c|ues, ana|yz|ng mean|ngfu| word parts, and consu|t|ng reference

ueLermlne or clarlfy Lhe meanlng of unknown and mulLlple-
meanlng words and phrases based on class readlng and conLenL
area sLudy, chooslng flexlbly from an array of sLraLegles.
a. ldenLlfy new meanlngs for famlllar words and apply Lhem
accuraLely (e.g., knowlng Jock ls a blrd and learnlng Lhe
verb Lo Jock).
b. use conLexL clues Lo help deLermlne Lhe meanlng of a
word or phrase.
c. use Lhe mosL frequenLly occurrlng sufflxes (e.g., -s, -ed, -
lng, -ful, -less) as a clue Lo Lhe meanlng of an unknown
d. ueLermlne Lhe meanlng of Lhe new word formed when a
preflx ls added Lo a known word (e.g., boppy/ooboppy,
e. ldenLlfy frequenLly occurrlng rooL words (e.g., look) and
Lhelr lnflecLlonal forms (e.g., looks, lookeJ, lookloq).
f. use knowledge of Lhe meanlng of lndlvldual words Lo
deLermlne Lhe meanlng of compound words (e.g.,
bltJboose, llqbtboose, boosefly, booksbelf, ootebook,

ueLermlne or clarlfy Lhe meanlng of unknown and mulLlple-
meanlng words and phrases based on class readlng and
conLenL area sLudy, chooslng from a varleLy of sLraLegles,
lncludlng conLexL clues, lllusLraLlons, eLc.
a. use senLence-level conLexL as a clue Lo Lhe meanlng of a
word or phrase.
b. ueLermlne Lhe meanlng of Lhe new word formed when a
preflxes and sufflxes are added Lo a known word (e.g.,
oqteeoble/Jlsoqteeoble, comfottoble/oocomfottoble,
cote/coteless, beot/ptebeot).
c. use a known rooL word as a clue Lo Lhe meanlng of an
unknown word wlLh Lhe same rooL (e.g., joy, joyfol).
d. use beglnnlng dlcLlonarles and Lhesaurl, boLh prlnL and
dlglLal, Lo deLermlne or clarlfy Lhe preclse meanlng of key
words and phrases.
Language: 1h|rd Iourth Grade
uerLo 8lco cote 5tooJotJs 39
Lngllsh rogram 2014

g. use glossarles and beglnnlng dlcLlonarles, boLh prlnL and
dlglLal, Lo deLermlne or clarlfy Lhe meanlng of words and
Demonstrate understand|ng of f|gurat|ve |anguage, word re|at|onsh|ps, and var|at|on |n word mean|ngs.

ldenLlfy flguraLlve language, word relaLlonshlps and dlfferences
ln word meanlngs.
a. ulsLlngulsh Lhe llLeral and nonllLeral meanlngs of words
and phrases ln conLexL (e.g., toke steps).
b. ldenLlfy real-llfe connecLlons beLween words and Lhelr use
(e.g., descrlbe people who are frlendly or helpful)
c. ulsLlngulsh meanlng among closely relaLed verbs (e.g.
1oss, tbtow, botl) and closely relaLed ad[ecLlves (e.g., tblo,
sleoJet, sklooy).

uemonsLraLe undersLandlng of flguraLlve language, word
relaLlonshlps, and sllghL varlaLlon ln word meanlngs.
a. Lxplaln Lhe meanlng of slmple slmlles and meLaphors
(e.g., os ptetty os o plctote) ln conLexL.
b. ulsLlngulsh meanlng among relaLed words LhaL descrlbe
sLaLes of mlnd or degrees of cerLalnLy (e.g., koew,
belleveJ, sospecteJ, beotJ, wooJeteJ).
Accurate|y use a var|ety of soc|a|, academ|c and content-spec|f|c words and phrases suff|c|ent for read|ng, wr|t|ng, speak|ng, and ||sten|ng at the co||ege
and career-read|ness |eve|.

AccuraLely use baslc conversaLlonal, general academlc, and
conLenL area words and phrases.

AccuraLely use grade-approprlaLe general academlc and
conLenL-speclflc words and phrases, lncludlng Lhose LhaL slgnal
preclse acLlons, emoLlons, or sLaLes of belng (e.g., polzzeJ,
wbloeJ, stommeteJ) and LhaL are baslc Lo a parLlcular Loplc
(e.g., wlldllfe, conservaLlon, and endangered when dlscusslng
anlmal preservaLlon).

uerLo 8lco cote 5tooJotJs 2014 40

Language: I|fth Grade- S|xth Grade
Sth Grade Students: 6th Grade Students:
Demonstrate command of the convent|ons of Lng||sh grammar and usage.

uemonsLraLe command of Lngllsh grammar and usage when
wrlLlng or speaklng.
a. use correcLly and explaln Lhe funcLlon of preposlLlons ln
general and ln parLlcular senLences.
b. lorm and approprlaLely use Lhe perfecL (e.g., l boJ wolkeJ, l
bove wolkeJ, l wlll bove wolkeJ.) verb Lenses.
c. Apply approprlaLe verb Lense Lo convey varlous Llmes,
sequences, sLaLes, and condlLlons. use of Lhe llnklng verb
and Lhe helplng verb.
d. Apply knowledge sub[ecL-verb agreemenL Lo wrlLe and
speak effecLlvely.
e. CorrecL lnapproprlaLe shlfLs ln verb Lense.
f. roduce compleLe senLences, recognlzlng and correcLlng
lnapproprlaLe fragmenLs and run-ons.
g. lorm and use homophones.

uemonsLraLe command of Lngllsh grammar and usage when
wrlLlng (e.g., varlous senLence Lypes such as compound,
complex, and slmple) or speaklng.
a. use pronouns (lncludlng lnLenslve pronouns) correcLly and
ensure Lhey are ln Lhe proper case (sub[ecLlve, ob[ecLlve,
b. use correcLly and explaln Lhe funcLlon of preposlLlons ln
general and ln parLlcular senLences.
c. lorm and approprlaLely use Lhe perfecL verb Lenses.
d. Apply approprlaLe verb Lenses Lo convey varlous Llmes,
sequences, sLaLes, and condlLlons, lncludlng use of Lhe
llnklng verb and Lhe helplng verb.
e. Apply knowledge of sub[ecL-verb agreemenL Lo wrlLe and
speak effecLlvely.
f. CorrecL lnapproprlaLe shlfLs ln verb Lense.
g. roduce compleLe senLences, recognlzlng and correcLlng
lnapproprlaLe fragmenLs and run-ons.
h. lorm and use homophones.

App|y Lng||sh convent|ons us|ng appropr|ate cap|ta||zat|on, punctuat|on, and spe|||ng.

uemonsLraLe command of Lhe convenLlons of Lngllsh
caplLallzaLlon, puncLuaLlon, and spelllng when wrlLlng.
a. use correcL puncLuaLlon.
b. Spell words correcLly, consulLlng references maLerlals llke
dlcLlonarles as needed.
6.LA.2 uemonsLraLe command of Lhe convenLlons of Lngllsh
caplLallzaLlon, puncLuaLlon, and spelllng when wrlLlng.
a. use commas correcLly ln all slLuaLlons.
b. Spell correcLly.
Demonstrate understand|ng of how |anguage funct|ons |n d|fferent contexts to make effect|ve cho|ces for mean|ng, sty|e and comprehens|on.

uemonsLraLe knowledge of correcL language usage when
wrlLlng, speaklng, or readlng.
a. Choose words and phrases Lo convey ldeas preclsely.
b. Choose approprlaLe puncLuaLlon.
6.LA.3 uemonsLraLe knowledge of correcL language usage when
wrlLlng, speaklng, or readlng.
a. Lxpand, comblne, and reduce senLences for meanlng,
reader/llsLener lnLeresL, and sLyle.
b. Compare and conLrasL Lhe varleLles of Lngllsh (e.g.,
dlalecLs, reglsLers) used ln sLorles, dramas, or poems
Language: I|fth - S|xth Grade
uerLo 8lco cote 5tooJotJs 41
Lngllsh rogram 2014

Sth Grade Students: 6th Grade Students:
Determ|ne or c|ar|fy the mean|ng of unknown words and phrases by us|ng context c|ues, ana|yz|ng mean|ngfu| word parts, and consu|t|ng reference

ueLermlne or clarlfy Lhe meanlng of unknown and mulLlple-
meanlng words and phrases based on developmenLally
approprlaLe readlng and conLenL, chooslng flexlbly from a
varleLy of sLraLegles.
a. use conLexL clues and oLher sLraLegles Lo help deLermlne
word meanlng.
b. use common Creek and LaLln afflxes and oLher
eLymologles Lo help deLermlne meanlng of a word (e.g.,
Lelegraph, phoLograph, auLograph).
c. ConsulL reference maLerlals (e.g., dlcLlonarles, glossarles,
Lhesaurl), boLh prlnL and dlglLal, Lo flnd Lhe pronunclaLlon
and deLermlne or clarlfy Lhe preclse meanlng of key words
and phrases.
6.LA.4 ueLermlne or clarlfy Lhe meanlng of unknown and mulLlple-
meanlng words and phrases based on developmenLally
approprlaLe readlng and conLenL, chooslng flexlbly from a
varleLy of sLraLegles.
a. use conLexL clues and oLher sLraLegles Lo help deLermlne
meanlng of a word or phrase.
b. use common Creek or LaLln afflxes and rooLs Lo help
deLermlne Lhe meanlng of a word (e.g., 'able" - offotJoble,
socloble, Jlsposoble).
c. ConsulL reference maLerlals (e.g., dlcLlonarles, glossarles,
Lhesaurl), boLh prlnL and dlglLal, Lo flnd Lhe pronunclaLlon
of a word or deLermlne or clarlfy lLs preclse meanlng or lLs
parL of speech.
d. Check predlcLed word meanlngs Lhrough conLexL or ln a
Demonstrate understand|ng of f|gurat|ve |anguage, word re|at|onsh|ps, and var|at|on |n word mean|ngs

uemonsLraLe undersLandlng of flguraLlve language, word
relaLlonshlps, and dlfferences ln word meanlngs.
a. Analyze and use flguraLlve language, lncludlng slmlles and
meLaphors, approprlaLely.
b. 8ecognlze and explaln common ldloms, saylngs, and
c. use Lhe relaLlonshlp beLween parLlcular words (e.g.,
synonyms, anLonyms, homographs) Lo beLLer undersLand
each of Lhe words.
d. Apply coordlnaLlng con[uncLlons (e.g., and, buL, for, nor,
or, so) Lo lllusLraLe subLle dlfference ln meanlng.
6.LA.S uemonsLraLe undersLandlng of flguraLlve language, word
relaLlonshlps, and dlfferences ln word meanlngs.
a. ldenLlfy, lnLerpreL, and lnLegraLe flguraLlve language,
lncludlng personlflcaLlon, slmlles, and meLaphors,
approprlaLely lnLo wrlLlng and speaklng.
b. 8ecognlze, explaln, analyze, and apply common ldloms,
saylngs, and proverbs.
c. Apply synonyms, anLonyms, homographs approprlaLely Lo
demonsLraLe meanlng.
d. Apply words LhaL slgnal conLrasL (e.g., oJJltloo, bowevet,
oltbooqb, oevettbeless, slmllotly, moteovet, lo oJJltloo) Lo
provlde subLle dlfferences ln meanlng.
e. use con[uncLlons correcLly.
Accurate|y use a var|ety of soc|a|, academ|c and content-spec|f|c words and phrases suff|c|ent for read|ng, wr|t|ng, speak|ng, and ||sten|ng at the co||ege
and career-read|ness |eve|.

Acqulre and use accuraLely grade-approprlaLe general
academlc and conLenL-speclflc words and phrases, lncludlng
Lhose LhaL slgnal conLrasL, addlLlon, and oLher loglcal
6.LA.6 Acqulre and use accuraLely developmenLally approprlaLe
academlc and domaln-speclflc words and phrases, gaLher
Language: I|fth - S|xth Grade
uerLo 8lco cote 5tooJotJs 42
Lngllsh rogram 2014

Sth Grade Students: 6th Grade Students:
relaLlonshlps (e.g., however, alLhough, neverLheless, slmllarly,
moreover, ln addlLlon).
vocabulary knowledge when conslderlng a word or phrase
lmporLanL Lo comprehenslon or expresslon.

uerLo 8lco cote 5tooJotJs 43
Lngllsh rogram 2014

Co||ege and Career kead|ness Lxpectat|ons for L|sten|ng: Seventh Grade 1we|fth Grade
1he 7-12 sLandards on Lhe followlng pages deflne whaL sLudenLs should masLer and be able Lo do by Lhe end of each grade. 1he sLandards conslsL of boLh
College and Career 8eadlness (CC8) expecLaLlons and grade level lndlcaLors. 1he CC8 expecLaLlons and grade-speclflc lndlcaLors are necessary complemenLs
Lhe former provldlng broad expecLaLlons, Lhe laLLer provldlng addlLlonal speclflclLy LhaL LogeLher deflne Lhe skllls and compeLencles LhaL all sLudenLs musL
Co||ege and Career kead|ness Lxpectat|ons
1. Comprehend and analyze lnformaLlon from a varleLy of llsLenlng acLlvlLles Lo ask and answer quesLlons on soclal, academlc, college, and career Loplcs.

uerLo 8lco cote 5tooJotJs 44
Lngllsh rogram 2014

L|sten|ng: Seventh Grade L|ghth Grade
7th Grade Students: 8th Grade Students:
Comprehend and ana|yze |nformat|on from a var|ety of ||sten|ng act|v|t|es to ask and answer quest|ons on soc|a|, academ|c, co||ege, and career top|cs.

LlsLen and collaboraLe wlLh peers durlng soclal and academlc
lnLeracLlons ln class, group, and parLner dlscusslons ln read-
alouds, oral presenLaLlons, and a varleLy of grade-approprlaLe
a. Ask relevanL quesLlons, add relevanL lnformaLlon, and
paraphrase key ldeas.
b. Follow turn-taking and show consideration by concurring
wlLh oLhers ln dlscusslons.
c. LlsLen and respond durlng a read aloud from a varleLy of
flcLlon and nonflcLlon LexLs Lo show comprehenslon,
generallze, relaLe Lo characLer and seLLlng, and make
connecLlons from personal experlence.
d. LlsLen, respond Lo, and analyze complex lnsLrucLlons and
sLaLemenLs, apply and clarlfy lnsLrucLlons and dlrecLlons,
answer and formulaLe closed and open-ended quesLlons.

LlsLen and collaboraLe wlLh peers durlng soclal lnLeracLlons,
read-alouds (of flcLlonal and lnformaLlonal LexL), oral
presenLaLlons, and class, group and parLner dlscusslons.
a. Ask relevanL quesLlons LhaL ellclL elaboraLlon and respond
to others questions and commenLs wlLh relevanL
observaLlons and ldeas LhaL bulld Lhe dlscusslon and keeps
Lhe conversaLlon on Loplc.
b. lollow Lurn-Laklng and show conslderaLlon by concurrlng
wlLh oLhers. LxLend ldeas or argumenLs wlLh supporL from
a Leacher.
c. LlsLen and respond durlng a read aloud from a varleLy of
narraLlve and lnformaLlonal LexLs Lo demonsLraLe
comprehenslon, generallze, and make connecLlons Lo
characLer and seLLlng, ploL and soluLlon, ldenLlfy Lone, and
mood ln LexL.
d. LlsLen, respond Lo, analyze, glve, and dlscuss complex
lnsLrucLlons, sLaLemenLs, and dlrecLlons, answer and
formulaLe closed and open-ended quesLlons.

uerLo 8lco cote 5tooJotJs 43
Lngllsh rogram 2014

L|sten|ng: N|nth Grade 1enth Grade
9th Grade Students: 10th Grade Students:
Comprehend and ana|yze |nformat|on from a var|ety of ||sten|ng act|v|t|es to ask and answer quest|ons on soc|a|, academ|c, co||ege, and career top|cs.

LlsLen, supporL dlscusslons, and lnLeracL wlLh peers durlng
read-alouds (of flcLlonal and lnformaLlonal LexL), oral
presenLaLlon/performances, of class, group, and parLner
dlscusslons on a varleLy of grade-approprlaLe academlc and
soclal Loplcs.
a. Ask relevanL quesLlons LhaL ellclL elaboraLlon and respond
to others questions and comments with relevant
observaLlons LhaL bulld Lhe dlscusslon and keep Lhe
conversaLlon on Loplc.
b. lollow Lurn-Laklng and show conslderaLlon by concurrlng
wlLh oLhers. LxLend ldeas or argumenLs wlLh moderaLe
c. LlsLen, respond Lo, and reacL/analyze complex
lnsLrucLlons and sLaLemenLs, apply, clarlfy, and provlde
lnsLrucLlons and dlrecLlons.
d. LlsLen Lo a varleLy of llLeraLure Lo dlsLlngulsh or
dlfferenLlaLe sLyles Lo analyze characLer developmenL,
seLLlng, Lone, volce, and mood Lo make connecLlons Lo
Lhe LexL.

LlsLen, supporL dlscusslons, and lnLeracL wlLh peers durlng read-
alouds (of flcLlonal and lnformaLlonal LexL), oral presenLaLlons,
and class, group, and partner discussions on a variety of grade-
approprlaLe academlc, soclal, college, and career Loplcs.
a. Ask relevanL quesLlons LhaL ellclL elaboraLlon and respond
Lo others questions and comments with relevant
observaLlons LhaL keep Lhe dlscusslon on Loplc.
b. Follow turn-taking and show consideration by affirming
oLhers, addlng relevanL lnformaLlon, and paraphraslng key
ldeas. LxLend ldeas or argumenLs wlLh mlnlmal supporL.
c. LlsLen, respond Lo, and reacL/analyze complex lnsLrucLlons
and sLaLemenLs, apply, clarlfy, and provlde lnsLrucLlons
and dlrecLlons.
d. LlsLen Lo a varleLy of llLeraLure, genres (plays, poeLry, and
oLhers), and sLyles Lo analyze characLer developmenL,
seLLlng, Lone, volce, and mood Lo make connecLlons Lo

uerLo 8lco cote 5tooJotJs 46
Lngllsh rogram 2014

L|sten|ng: L|eventh Grade 1we|fth Grade
11th Grade Students: 12th Grade Students:
Comprehend and ana|yze |nformat|on from a var|ety of ||sten|ng act|v|t|es to ask and answer quest|ons on soc|a|, academ|c, co||ege, and career top|cs.

LlsLen and lnLeracL wlLh peers durlng class, group, and parLner
dlscusslons, susLalnlng and bulldlng upon conversaLlons on a
varleLy of grade-approprlaLe academlc, soclal, college, and
career Loplcs.
a. uemonsLraLe comprehenslon of oral presenLaLlons and
dlscusslons on a varleLy of soclal, academlc, college, and
career Loplcs by asklng and answerlng quesLlons LhaL show
LhoughLful conslderaLlon and exLenslon of Lhe ldeas or
b. Follow turn-taking, asklng/answerlng relevanL quesLlons,
afflrmlng oLhers, addlng relevanL lnformaLlon, relaLlng Lhe
lnformaLlon Lo prlor knowledge from experlence, LexLs, or
real-world connecLlons, and paraphraslng and analyzlng
key ldeas.
c. LlsLen and respond durlng a read aloud, presenLaLlon, or
performance from a varleLy of llLeraLure, perlods, genres,
and sLyles Lo analyze characLer developmenL and seLLlng,
and Lo dlsLlngulsh Lhe characLerlsLlcs of Lone, volce, and
mood Lo make connecLlons Lo LexL.
d. LlsLen and respond Lo synLheslze, explaln, descrlbe,
supporL, and dlscuss lnformaLlon, answer and formulaLe
closed and open-ended quesLlons, llsLen Lo, classlfy, and
prlorlLlze lnformaLlon.

LlsLen and lnLeracL wlLh peers durlng class, group, and parLner
dlscusslons, susLalnlng and bulldlng upon conversaLlons on a
varleLy of grade-approprlaLe academlc, soclal, college, and
career Loplcs.
a. uemonsLraLe comprehenslon of oral presenLaLlons and
dlscusslons on a varleLy of soclal, academlc, college, and
career Loplcs by asklng and answerlng quesLlons LhaL show
LhoughLful conslderaLlon and exLenslon of Lhe ldeas or
b. Follow turn-taking, asking/answering relevant questions
and paraphraslng whlle afflrmlng oLhers, addlng and
relaLlng lnformaLlon Lo prlor knowledge, experlence, LexLs,
or real-world slLuaLlons.
c. LlsLen and respond durlng a read aloud, presenLaLlon, or
performance from a varleLy of llLeraLure, perlods, genres,
and sLyles Lo analyze characLer developmenL and seLLlng,
and Lo dlsLlngulsh Lhe characLerlsLlcs of Lone, volce, and
mood, makes connecLlons Lo LexL.
d. LlsLen and respond Lo synLheslze, explaln, descrlbe,
supporL, and dlscuss lnformaLlon, answer and formulaLe
closed and open-ended quesLlons, llsLen Lo, classlfy, and
prlorlLlze lnformaLlon.

uerLo 8lco cote 5tooJotJs 47
Lngllsh rogram 2014

Co||ege and Career kead|ness Lxpectat|ons for Speak|ng: Seventh Grade 1we|fth Grade
1he 7-12 sLandards on Lhe followlng pages deflne whaL sLudenLs should masLer and be able Lo do by Lhe end of each grade. 1he sLandards conslsL of boLh
College and Career 8eadlness (CC8) expecLaLlons and grade level lndlcaLors. 1he CC8 expecLaLlons and grade-speclflc lndlcaLors are necessary complemenLs
Lhe former provldlng broad expecLaLlons, Lhe laLLer provldlng addlLlonal speclflclLy LhaL LogeLher deflne Lhe skllls and compeLencles LhaL all sLudenLs musL
A + symbol lndlcaLes an Advanced Lngllsh sklll ln grade 12.
Co||ege and Career kead|ness Lxpectat|ons
1. Lngage ln dlscusslons on a varleLy of soclal, academlc, college, and career Loplcs ln dlverse conLexLs wlLh dlfferenL audlences.
2. LvaluaLe lnformaLlon and deLermlne approprlaLe responses Lo answer quesLlons effecLlvely.
3. lnLeracL ln soclal, academlc, college, and career conversaLlons uslng accuraLe and approprlaLe language.
4. rovlde, [usLlfy, and defend oplnlons or poslLlons ln speech.
3. Choose approprlaLe language accordlng Lo Lhe Lask, conLexL, purpose, and audlence.
6. lan and dellver dlfferenL Lypes of oral presenLaLlons/reporLs Lo express lnformaLlon and supporL ldeas ln soclal, academlc, college, and career seLLlngs.

uerLo 8lco cote 5tooJotJs 2014 48

Speak|ng: Seventh Grade L|ghth Grade
7th Grade Students: 8th Grade Students:
Contr|bute to d|scuss|ons on a var|ety of soc|a|, academ|c, co||ege, and career top|cs |n d|verse contexts and w|th d|fferent aud|ences

ConLrlbuLe Lo class, group, and parLner dlscusslons by followlng
turn-taking, asking relevant questions, concurring with others,
addlng relevanL lnformaLlon, and paraphraslng key ldeas from
read LexLs or presenLaLlons/dlscusslons/performances.

ConLrlbuLe Lo class, group, and parLner dlscusslons by followlng
turn-taking rules, asking relevant questions, concurring with
oLhers, addlng relevanL lnformaLlon, and paraphraslng key
ldeas. Ask problng relevanL quesLlons Lo expand dlscusslons.
Lva|uate |nformat|on and determ|ne appropr|ate responses to answer quest|ons effect|ve|y.

8espond orally Lo closed and open-ended quesLlons.
a. Memorlze, analyze, and follow lncreaslngly complex
lnsLrucLlons and dlrecLlons.
b. uescrlbe, explaln, supporL, dlscuss, and synLheslze
c. Answer and formulaLe closed and open-ended quesLlons.

8espond orally Lo closed and open-ended quesLlons.
a. Memorlze, analyze, and follow lncreaslngly complex
lnsLrucLlons and dlrecLlons.
b. uescrlbe, explaln, supporL, dlscuss, and synLheslze
lnformaLlon Lo express self.
c. Answer and formulaLe closed and open-ended quesLlons.
Contr|bute to soc|a|, academ|c, co||ege, and career conversat|ons us|ng accurate and appropr|ate |anguage.

Use a growing set of academic words, content-specific words,
synonyms, and anLonyms Lo Lell, reLell, explaln and analyze
sLorles and experlences wlLh lncreaslng preclslon and
dlfferences ln meanlng.

use a growlng seL of academlc words, content-specific words,
synonyms, and anLonyms Lo Lell, reLell, explaln, and analyze
sLorles, personal experlences, and currenL/world evenLs wlLh
lncreaslng preclslon and dlfferences ln meanlng whlle speaklng.
rov|de, [ust|fy, and defend op|n|ons or pos|t|ons |n speech.

8each an agreemenL or persuade oLhers ln conversaLlons uslng
learned phrases and creaLlve or orlglnal responses.

8each an agreemenL or persuade oLhers Lo see your polnL of
vlew durlng class or parLner dlscusslons or presenLaLlon/
performances, uslng a growlng number of learned phrases or
creaLlve or orlglnal responses Lo express and defend oplnlons
wlLh subLle dlfferences and vlewpolnLs from peers, LexLs, and
Ad[ust |anguage cho|ces accord|ng to the task, context, purpose, and aud|ence.

uescrlbe, explaln, and evaluaLe LexL, self, and world
experlences, express LhoughLs and oplnlons Lo dlscuss currenL
evenLs, concepLs, Lhemes, characLers, ploL, and confllcL
a. Make predlcLlons and lnferences, as well as draw
concluslons from llsLenlng Lo a varleLy of LexLs,
performances, and mulLlmedla sources.
b. Ad[usL language cholces accordlng Lo purpose, Lask, and

uescrlbe, explaln, and evaluaLe LexL, self, and world
experlences, express LhoughLs and oplnlons Lo dlscuss currenL
evenLs, concepLs, Lhemes, characLers, ploL, and confllcL
a. Make predlcLlons and lnferences, as well as draw
concluslons from llsLenlng Lo a varleLy of LexLs,
performances, and mulLlmedla sources.
b. Ad[usL language cholces accordlng Lo purpose, Lask, and

Speak|ng: Seventh L|ghth Grade
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Lngllsh rogram 2014

7th Grade Students: 8th Grade Students:
|an and de||ver d|fferent types of ora| presentat|ons]reports to express |nformat|on and support |deas |n soc|a|, academ|c, co||ege, and career sett|ngs.

lan and dellver oral presenLaLlons on a varleLy of Loplcs, clLlng
speclflc LexLual evldence Lo supporL ldeas.

lan and dellver oral presenLaLlons on a varleLy of Loplcs uslng
deLalls and evldence Lo supporL ldeas.

uerLo 8lco cote 5tooJotJs 30
Lngllsh rogram 2014

Speak|ng: N|nth Grade 1enth Grade
9th Grade Students: 10th Grade Students:
Contr|bute to d|scuss|ons on a var|ety of soc|a|, academ|c, co||ege, and career top|cs |n d|verse contexts and w|th d|fferent aud|ences

ConLrlbuLe Lo class, group, and parLner dlscusslons, susLalnlng
conversaLlons on a varleLy of approprlaLe and relevanL
academic topics by following turn-taking, to ask and answer
relevant, on-topic questions, affirm others, provide additional,
relevanL lnformaLlon, paraphrase and evaluaLe, analyze and
synLheslze key ldeas.
10.S.1 ConLrlbuLe Lo class, group, and parLner dlscusslons, susLalnlng
conversaLlons on a varleLy of approprlaLe and relevanL
academlc, soclal, college, and career Loplcs by followlng turn-
taking rules, asking and answering on-topic questions, react to
oLhers wlLh relevanL lnformaLlon by paraphraslng, evaluaLlng,
analyzlng, and synLheslzlng ldeas.
Lva|uate |nformat|on and determ|ne appropr|ate responses to answer quest|ons effect|ve|y.
9.S.2 8espond orally Lo closed and open-ended quesLlons.
a. LlsLen, dlscuss, respond Lo, and evaluaLe complex
lnsLrucLlons and lnformaLlon.
b. Lxplaln, resLaLe, and dlscuss lnformaLlon.
c. 1hlnk deeply abouL closed and open-ended quesLlons and
answer wlLh lncreaslng sophlsLlcaLlon.
10.S.2 8espond orally Lhrough closed and open-ended quesLlons.
a. LlsLen, dlscuss, and respond Lo complex lnsLrucLlons and
b. Lxplaln, resLaLe, dlscuss, and analyze lnformaLlon.
c. CrlLlcally analyze closed and open-ended quesLlons and
answer wlLh lncreaslng knowledge.
Contr|bute to soc|a|, academ|c, co||ege, and career conversat|ons us|ng accurate and appropr|ate |anguage.
9.S.3 Use a variety of grade-appropriate social, academic, and
content-specific academic words accuraLely and approprlaLely
when glvlng speeches, presenLaLlons/performances and Lo Lell,
reLell, explaln, and analyze sLorles and personal experlences
and currenL/world evenLs.
10.S.3 Use a variety of grade-appropriate and content-specific social,
academlc, college, and career ready words accuraLely and
approprlaLely when glvlng speeches,
presenLaLlons/performances Lo Lell, reLell, explaln, and analyze
sLorles and personal experlences wlLh currenL/world evenLs.
rov|de, [ust|fy, and defend op|n|ons or pos|t|ons |n speech.
9.S.4 ersuade oLhers Lhrough debaLes and dlscusslon uslng creaLlve
or orlglnal responses Lo express and defend oplnlons or
10.S.4 ersuade oLhers ln conversaLlons uslng a growlng number of
learned phrases and open responses Lo express and defend
dlfferenL oplnlons.
Ad[ust |anguage cho|ces accord|ng to the task, context, purpose, and aud|ence.
9.S.S uemonsLraLe how Lo ad[usL language cholces accordlng Lo Lhe
conLexL, purpose, Lask, and audlence.
10.S.S uemonsLraLe how Lo ad[usL language cholces by predlcLlng,
maklng lnferences, expresslng LhoughL and oplnlon accordlng Lo
Lhe conLexL, purpose, Lask, and audlence.
|an and de||ver d|fferent types of ora| presentat|ons]reports to express |nformat|on and support |deas |n soc|a|, academ|c, co||ege, and career sett|ngs.
9.S.6 lan and dellver a varleLy of oral presenLaLlons and reporLs Lo
enhance approprlaLe Loplcs LhaL presenL evldence and facLs Lo
supporL ldeas wlLh grade levels of formal and lnformal sLyles.
10.S.6 lan and dellver a varleLy of oral presenLaLlons and reporLs on
developmenLally approprlaLe Loplcs LhaL presenL evldence and
facLs Lo supporL ldeas uslng growlng undersLandlng of formal
and lnformal reglsLers.

uerLo 8lco cote 5tooJotJs 2014 31

Speak|ng: L|eventh Grade 1we|fth Grade
11th Grade Students: 12th Grade Students:
Contr|bute to d|scuss|ons on a var|ety of soc|a|, academ|c, co||ege, and career top|cs |n d|verse contexts and w|th d|fferent aud|ences
11.S.1 ConLrlbuLe Lo class, group, and parLner dlscusslons, susLalnlng
conversaLlons on a varleLy of approprlaLe and relevanL
academic, social, college, and career topics by following turn-
taking rules, asking and answering relevant, on-topic questions,
afflrmlng oLhers, provldlng addlLlonal relevanL lnformaLlon,
paraphraslng and evaluaLlng/analyzlng/synLheslzlng key ldeas.
12.S.1 ConLrlbuLe Lo class, group, and parLner dlscusslons, susLalnlng
conversaLlons on a varleLy of approprlaLe and relevanL
academlc, soclal, college, and career Loplcs by following turn-
taking rules, asking and answering relevant, on-topic questions,
afflrmlng oLhers, provldlng addlLlonal relevanL lnformaLlon,
paraphraslng and evaluaLlng/analyzlng/synLheslzlng key ldeas.
Lva|uate |nformat|on and determ|ne appropr|ate responses to answer quest|ons effect|ve|y.
11.S.2 8espond orally Lhrough closed and open-ended quesLlons Lo
real llfe slLuaLlons.
a. LlsLen, dlscuss, and respond Lo complex lnsLrucLlons and
b. SynLheslze, analyze, and debaLe lnformaLlon, [usLlfylng
answers wlLh deLalls from LexLs, self, and Lhe world.
c. CrlLlcally analyze closed and open-ended quesLlons and
answer wlLh lncreaslng knowledge.
12.S.2 8espond orally Lhrough closed and open-ended quesLlons Lo
real llfe slLuaLlons.
a. LlsLen, dlscuss, and respond Lo complex lnsLrucLlons and
lnformaLlon durlng group dlscusslons.
b. SynLheslze, analyze, and debaLe lnformaLlon, [usLlfylng
answers wlLh deLalls from LexLs and experlences.
c. CrlLlcally analyze closed and open-ended quesLlons and
answer wlLh lncreaslng knowledge.
Contr|bute to soc|a|, academ|c, co||ege, and career conversat|ons us|ng accurate and appropr|ate |anguage.
11.S.3 Use a variety of grade-appropriate general academic and
content-specific academic, social, college, and career ready
words accuraLely and approprlaLely when produclng complex
spoken LexLs and Lo Lell, reLell, explaln, and analyze sLorles and
personal experlences and currenL/world evenLs.
12.S.3 Use a variety of grade-appropriate general academic and
content-specific academic, soclal, college, and career ready
words accuraLely and approprlaLely when produclng complex
spoken LexLs and Lo Lell, reLell, explaln, and analyze sLorles,
personal experlences and currenL, soclal, college, and career
rov|de, [ust|fy, and defend op|n|ons or pos|t|ons |n speech.
11.S.4 negoLlaLe wlLh and persuade oLhers ln dlscusslons and
conversaLlons uslng acqulred vocabulary and open responses
Lo express and defend dlfferenL oplnlons.
12.S.4 negoLlaLe and persuade oLhers durlng dlscusslons and
conversaLlons uslng acqulred vocabulary and open responses Lo
express and defend polnLs of vlew.
Ad[ust |anguage cho|ces accord|ng to the task, context, purpose, and aud|ence.
11.S.S Ad[usL language cholces accordlng Lo Lhe conLexL, purpose,
Lask, and audlence parLlclpaLlng ln class and group dlscusslon.
12.S.S Apply language cholces ln dlfferenL conLexLs for dlfferenL
purposes and audlences durlng speech dellverance.
a. use ldlomaLlc expresslons correcLly.+
b. use Lechnlques for overcomlng culLural and llngulsLlc
barrlers Lo communlcaLlon.

Speak|ng: L|eventh 1we|fth Grade
uerLo 8lco cote 5tooJotJs 32
Lngllsh rogram 2014

11th Grade Students: 12th Grade Students:
|an and de||ver d|fferent types of ora| presentat|ons]reports to express |nformat|on and support |deas |n soc|a|, academ|c, co||ege, and career sett|ngs.
11.S.6 lan and dellver a varleLy of oral presenLaLlons and reporLs on
soclal, academlc, college, and career Loplcs LhaL presenL
evldence and facLs Lo supporL ldeas uslng growlng
undersLandlng of formal and lnformal reglsLers.
12.S.6 lan and dellver a varleLy of oral presenLaLlons and reporLs on
soclal, academlc, college, and career Loplcs LhaL presenL
evldence and facLs Lo supporL ldeas uslng growlng
undersLandlng of formal and lnformal reglsLers.
a. Apply knowledge of dlrecL/lndlrecL quoLaLlons Lo
sLrengLhen oral presenLaLlons.+

uerLo 8lco cote 5tooJotJs 33
Lngllsh rogram 2014

Co||ege and Career kead|ness Lxpectat|ons for kead|ng: Seventh 1we|fth Grade
1he 7-12 sLandards on Lhe followlng pages deflne whaL sLudenLs should masLer and be able Lo do by Lhe end of each grade. 1he sLandards conslsL of boLh
College and Career 8eadlness (CC8) expecLaLlons and grade level lndlcaLors. 1he CC8 expecLaLlons and grade-speclflc lndlcaLors are necessary complemenLs
Lhe former provldlng broad expecLaLlons, Lhe laLLer provldlng addlLlonal speclflclLy LhaL LogeLher deflne Lhe skllls and compeLencles LhaL all sLudenLs musL
Co||ege and Career kead|ness Lxpectat|ons
1. 8ead crlLlcally Lo make loglcal lnferences, and clLe speclflc LexLual evldence Lo supporL concluslons drawn from Lhe LexL.
2. ueLermlne maln ldeas or Lhemes of a LexL and analyze Lhelr developmenL, summarlze Lhe key supporLlng deLalls and ldeas.
3. Analyze how and why lndlvlduals, evenLs, or ldeas develop and lnLeracL over Lhe course of a LexL.
4. lnLerpreL words and phrases as Lhey are used ln a LexL, lncludlng deLermlnlng Lechnlcal, connoLaLlve, and flguraLlve meanlngs, and analyze how speclflc
word cholces shape meanlng or Lone.
3. Analyze Lhe sLrucLure of LexLs, lncludlng how speclflc senLences, paragraphs, and larger porLlons of Lhe LexL (e.g., a secLlon, chapLer, scene, or sLanza)
relaLe Lo each oLher and Lhe whole.
6. Assess how polnL of vlew or purpose shapes Lhe conLenL and sLyle of a LexL.
7. lnLegraLe and evaluaLe conLenL presenLed ln dlverse medla and formaLs.
8. Delineate and evaluate an authors argument through evidence specified in a text.
9. Compare and contrast two or more authors presentations of similar themes or topics.
10. 8ead and comprehend complex llLerary and lnformaLlonal LexLs lndependenLly and proflclenLly.

uerLo 8lco cote 5tooJotJs 2014 34

kead|ng: Seventh Grade L|ghth Grade
7th Grade Students: 8th Grade Students:
kead cr|t|ca||y to make |og|ca| |nferences, and c|te spec|f|c textua| ev|dence to support conc|us|ons drawn from the text.

8ead a varleLy of LexLs and mulLlmedla resources (when
accesslble) Lo explaln ldeas, facLs, evenLs, culLural ldenLlLy,
genre, and processes, supplylng LexLual evldence and
connecLlons/relaLlonshlps Lo supporL analysls and concluslons.
8ecognlze facL vs. oplnlon and flcLlon vs. nonflcLlon as well as
facLs/supporLlng deLalls from Lhe LexLs.

8ead a varleLy of grade-level LexLs and mulLlmedla resources
(when avallable) Lo explaln ldeas, phenomena, processes,
culLural ldenLlLy, genre, and LexL relaLlonshlps, supplylng
LexLual evldence Lo supporL analysls and concluslons drawn
from Lhe LexL. 8ecognlze facL vs. oplnlon and flcLlon vs.
nonflcLlon as well as facLs/supporLlng deLalls from Lhe LexLs.
Determ|ne ma|n |deas or themes of a text and ana|yze the|r deve|opment, summar|ze the key support|ng deta||s and |deas
7.k.2 L. ueLermlne a Lheme or maln ldea of a llLerary LexL and how
lL ls conveyed Lhrough parLlcular deLalls.
a. rovlde a summary of Lhe LexL dlsLlncL from personal
oplnlons or [udgmenLs.
l. ueLermlne a maln ldea of an lnformaLlonal LexL and how lL
ls conveyed Lhrough parLlcular deLalls, provlde a summary
of Lhe LexL dlsLlncL from personal oplnlons or [udgmenLs.

L. ueLermlne a Lheme or maln ldea of a llLerary LexL and
analyze lLs developmenL over Lhe course of Lhe LexL.
a. rovlde an ob[ecLlve summary of Lhe LexL.
l. ueLermlne maln ldea(s) ln an lnformaLlonal LexL and
analyze Lhelr developmenL over Lhe course of Lhe LexL,
provlde an ob[ecLlve summary of Lhe LexL.
Ana|yze how and why |nd|v|dua|s, events, or |deas deve|op and |nteract over the course of a text.
7.k.3 L. uescrlbe how a parLlcular storys or dramas plot and
seLLlng unfolds ln a serles of eplsodes as well as how Lhe
characLers respond or change as Lhe ploL moves Loward a
a. ulsLlngulsh characLer LralLs (lnLernal and exLernal).
l. Analyze ln deLall how a key lndlvldual, evenL, or ldea ls
lnLroduced, lllusLraLed, and elaboraLed ln an lnformaLlonal
LexL (e.g., Lhrough examples or anecdoLes).
a. lnLerpreL cause and effecL relaLlonshlps.

L. Analyze how parLlcular elemenLs of a sLory or drama
lnLeracL (e.g., how seLLlng shapes Lhe characLers or ploL).
a. ulsLlngulsh characLer LralLs (lnLernal and exLernal).
l. Analyze Lhe lnLeracLlons beLween lndlvlduals, evenLs, and
ldeas ln an lnformaLlonal LexL (e.g., how ldeas lnfluence
lndlvlduals or evenLs, or how lndlvlduals lnfluence ldeas or
a. lnLerpreL cause and effecL relaLlonshlps.
Interpret words and phrases as they are used |n a text, |nc|ud|ng determ|n|ng techn|ca|, connotat|ve, and f|gurat|ve mean|ngs, and ana|yze how spec|f|c
word cho|ces shape mean|ng or tone.
7.k.4 L. ueLermlne Lhe meanlng of words and phrases as Lhey are
used ln a llLerary LexL, lncludlng flguraLlve and connoLaLlve
meanlngs, analyze Lhe lmpacL of a speclflc word cholce on
meanlng and Lone.
l. ueLermlne Lhe meanlng of words and phrases as Lhey are
used ln an lnformaLlonal LexL, lncludlng flguraLlve,
connoLaLlve, and Lechnlcal meanlngs.

L. ueLermlne Lhe meanlng of words and phrases as Lhey are
used ln a llLerary LexL, lncludlng flguraLlve and connoLaLlve
meanlngs, analyze Lhe lmpacL of rhymes and oLher
repeLlLlons of sounds (e.g., alllLeraLlon) on a speclflc verse
or sLanza of a poem or secLlon of a sLory or drama.
l. ueLermlne Lhe meanlng of words and phrases as Lhey are
used ln an lnformaLlonal LexL, lncludlng flguraLlve,
connoLaLlve, and Lechnlcal meanlngs, analyze Lhe lmpacL
of a speclflc word cholce on meanlng and Lone.
kead|ng: Seventh L|ghth Grade
uerLo 8lco cote 5tooJotJs 33
Lngllsh rogram 2014

7th Grade Students: 8th Grade Students:

Ana|yze the structure of texts, |nc|ud|ng how spec|f|c sentences, paragraphs, and |arger port|ons of the text (e.g., a sect|on, chapter, scene, or stanza)
re|ate to each other and the who|e.
7.k.S L. Analyze how a parLlcular senLence, chapLer, scene, or
poem flLs lnLo Lhe overall sLrucLure of a llLerary LexL and
conLrlbuLes Lo Lhe developmenL of Lhe Lheme, seLLlng, ploL,
and elemenLs of poeLry.
l. Analyze how a parLlcular senLence, paragraph, chapLer, or
secLlon flLs lnLo Lhe overall sLrucLure of an lnformaLlonal
LexL and conLrlbuLes Lo Lhe developmenL of Lhe seLLlng and

L. Analyze how Lhe sLrucLure of drama or a poem conLrlbuLes
Lo lLs meanlng (e.g., sollloquy, sonneL).
l. Analyze Lhe sLrucLure an auLhor uses Lo organlze an
lnformaLlonal LexL, lncludlng how Lhe ma[or secLlons
conLrlbuLe Lo Lhe whole and Lo Lhe developmenL of Lhe
Assess how po|nt of v|ew or purpose shapes the content and sty|e of a text.
7.k.6 L. Lxplaln how an auLhor develops Lhe polnL of vlew of
dlfferenL characLers, Lhe narraLor, or speaker ln a llLerary
l. Determine an authors point of view or purpose in an
lnformaLlonal LexL and explaln how lL ls conveyed.

L. Analyze how an auLhor develops and conLrasLs Lhe polnLs
of vlew of dlfferenL characLers or narraLors ln a llLerary
l. Determine an authors point of view or purpose in an
lnformaLlonal LexL and analyze how Lhe auLhor
dlsLlngulshes hls or her poslLlon from oLhers.
Integrate and eva|uate content presented |n d|verse med|a and formats.
7.k.7 L. Compare and conLrasL Lhe experlence of readlng a sLory,
drama, or poem Lo llsLenlng Lo or vlewlng an audlo, vldeo,
or play of a llLerary LexL, lncludlng conLrasLlng whaL Lhey
see and hear when readlng Lhe LexL Lo whaL Lhey
percelve when Lhey llsLen or waLch uslng Lngllsh subLlLles.
l. lnLegraLe lnformaLlon presenLed ln dlfferenL medla or
formaLs (e.g., vlsually, daLa) as well as ln words Lo develop
a coherenL undersLandlng of a Loplc or lssue.

L. Compare and conLrasL a wrlLLen sLory, drama, or poem Lo
lLs audlo, fllmed, sLaged, or mulLlmedla verslon, analyzlng
Lhe effecLs of Lechnlques unlque Lo each medlum (e.g.,
llghLlng, sound, color, or camera focus and angles ln a fllm)
uslng Lngllsh subLlLles.
l. Compare and conLrasL an lnformaLlonal LexL Lo an audlo,
vldeo, or mulLlmedla verslon of Lhe LexL, analyzlng each
mediums portrayal of the subject (e.g., how the delivery
of a speech affecLs Lhe lmpacL of Lhe words).
De||neate and eva|uate an authors argument through evidence specified in a text.
7.k.8 Search and evaluaLe Lhe argumenL and speclflc evldence ln a
LexL, dlsLlngulshlng clalms LhaL are supporLed by reasons and
evldence from clalms LhaL are noL, lncludlng, buL noL llmlLed Lo,
narraLlve, persuaslve, and descrlpLlve wrlLlng and knowledge of
Lhelr quallLles.

Search and evaluaLe Lhe argumenL and speclflc evldence ln a
LexL, assesslng wheLher Lhe reasonlng ls sound and Lhe
evldence ls relevanL and sufflclenL Lo supporL Lhe clalms,
lncludlng, buL noL llmlLed Lo, narraLlve, persuaslve, and
descrlpLlve wrlLlng and knowledge of Lhelr quallLles.
Compare and contrast two or more authors presentations of similar themes or topics.
kead|ng: Seventh L|ghth Grade
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Lngllsh rogram 2014

7th Grade Students: 8th Grade Students:
7.k.9 L. Compare and conLrasL llLerary LexLs ln dlfferenL forms or
genres (e.g., sLorles and poems, hlsLorlcal novels and
fanLasy sLorles) ln Lerms of Lhelr approaches Lo slmllar
Lhemes and Loplcs.

L. Compare and conLrasL a flcLlonal porLrayal of a Llme,
place, or characLer and a hlsLorlcal accounL of Lhe same
perlod as a means of undersLandlng how auLhors of flcLlon
use or alLer hlsLory.
l. Compare and contrast one authors presentation of events
wlLh LhaL of anoLher (e.g., a memolr wrlLLen by and abouL
Lhe same person) ln lnformaLlonal LexLs.
l. Analyze how Lwo or more auLhors wrlLlng abouL Lhe same
Loplc shape Lhelr presenLaLlons of key lnformaLlon by
emphaslzlng dlfferenL evldence or advanclng dlfferenL
lnLerpreLaLlons of facLs ln lnformaLlonal LexLs.
kead and comprehend comp|ex ||terary and |nformat|ona| texts |ndependent|y and prof|c|ent|y.
7.k.10 8ead and comprehend a varleLy of llLeraLure, lncludlng sLorles,
dramas, and poeLry, and lnformaLlonal LexLs (e.g.,
hlsLory/soclal sLudles, sclence, and Lechnlcal LexLs) of
approprlaLe complexlLy.

8ead and comprehend a varleLy of llLeraLure, lncludlng sLorles,
dramas, and poeLry, and lnformaLlonal LexLs (e.g.,
hlsLory/soclal sLudles, sclence, and Lechnlcal LexLs) of
approprlaLe complexlLy.

uerLo 8lco cote 5tooJotJs 2014 37

kead|ng: N|nth Grade 1enth Grade
9th Grade Students: 10th Grade Students:
kead cr|t|ca||y to make |og|ca| |nferences, and c|te spec|f|c textua| ev|dence to support conc|us|ons drawn from the text.

use ln-depLh crlLlcal readlng of a varleLy of LexLs, presenLed ln
varlous prlnL and mulLlmedla formaLs Lo explaln ldeas,
phenomena, processes, culLural ldenLlLy, genre, and
relaLlonshlps wlLhln and across LexLs, uslng lncreaslngly
deLalled senLences, and an lncreaslng varleLy of general
academic and content-specific words. 8ecognlze facL vs.
oplnlon and flcLlon vs. nonflcLlon as well as facLs/supporLlng
deLalls from Lhe LexLs.
a. Make lnferences and draw concluslons from LexL Lo supporL

use ln-depLh crlLlcal readlng of a varleLy of grade-level LexLs,
presenLed ln varlous prlnL and mulLlmedla formaLs (when
accesslble) Lo explaln ldeas, phenomena, processes, culLural
ldenLlLy, genre, and relaLlonshlps wlLhln and across LexLs, uslng
deLalled senLences, and a varleLy of general academlc and
content-specific words. 8ecognlze facL vs. oplnlon and flcLlon
vs. nonflcLlon as well as facLs/supporLlng deLalls from Lhe LexLs.
a. Lxplaln lnferences and concluslons drawn from LexL Lo
supporL analysls.
Determ|ne ma|n |deas or themes of a text and ana|yze the|r deve|opment, summar|ze the key support|ng deta||s and |deas
9.k.2 L. ueLermlne a Lheme or maln ldea of a llLerary LexL and
analyze lLs developmenL over Lhe course of Lhe LexL,
lncludlng lLs relaLlonshlp Lo Lhe characLers, seLLlng, and
ploL, provlde a summary of Lhe LexL.
l. ueLermlne a maln ldea of an lnformaLlonal LexL and analyze
lLs developmenL over Lhe course of Lhe LexL, lncludlng lLs
relaLlonshlp Lo supporLlng ldeas, provlde a summary of Lhe
10.k.2 L. ueLermlne Lheme or maln ldea of a llLerary LexL and
analyze ln deLall lLs developmenL, lncludlng how lL emerges
ln Lhe LexL and ls shaped and reflned by speclflc deLalls,
provlde sub[ecLlve or responslve summary of Lhe LexL.
l. ueLermlne Lhe maln ldea of an lnformaLlonal LexL and
analyze lLs developmenL over Lhe course of Lhe LexL,
lncludlng how lL emerges, and ls shaped and reflned by
speclflc deLalls, provlde an ob[ecLlve summary of Lhe LexL.
Ana|yze how and why |nd|v|dua|s, events, or |deas deve|op and |nteract over the course of a text.

L. Analyze how parLlcular llnes of dlalogue or lncldenLs ln a
sLory or drama develop Lhe acLlon, reveal aspecLs of a
characLer, or provoke a declslon. Analyze characLer LralLs Lo
deepen undersLandlng of Lhe LexL.
l. Analyze Lhe connecLlons among Lhe dlsLlncLlons beLween
lndlvlduals, ldeas, or evenLs. ConnecL cause and effecL
10.k.3 L. Analyze how complex characLers (e.g., Lhose wlLh mulLlple
or confllcLlng moLlvaLlons) develop over Lhe course of a
llLerary LexL, lnLeracL wlLh oLher characLers, and advance
Lhe ploL and lLs componenLs or develop Lhe Lheme.
l. Analyze how an auLhor unfolds an analysls or serles of
ldeas or evenLs ln an lnformaLlonal LexL, lncludlng Lhe order
ln whlch Lhe polnLs are made, how Lhey are lnLroduced and
developed, and Lhe connecLlons LhaL are drawn beLween
Interpret words and phrases as they are used |n a text, |nc|ud|ng determ|n|ng techn|ca|, connotat|ve, and f|gurat|ve mean|ngs, and ana|yze how spec|f|c
word cho|ces shape mean|ng or tone.

L. ueLermlne Lhe meanlng of words and phrases as Lhey are
used ln a llLerary LexL, lncludlng flguraLlve and connoLaLlve
meanlngs, analyze Lhe lmpacL of speclflc word cholces on
10.k.4 L. ueLermlne Lhe meanlng of words and phrases as Lhey are
used ln a llLerary LexL, lncludlng flguraLlve and connoLaLlve
meanlngs, analyze Lhe cumulaLlve lmpacL of speclflc word
cholces on meanlng and Lone (e.g., how Lhe language
kead|ng: N|nth 1enth Grade

uerLo 8lco cote 5tooJotJs 38
Lngllsh rogram 2014

9th Grade Students: 10th Grade Students:
meanlng and Lone, lncludlng analogles or alluslons Lo oLher
l. ueLermlne Lhe meanlng of words and phrases as Lhey are
used ln an lnformaLlonal LexL, lncludlng flguraLlve,
connoLaLlve, and Lechnlcal meanlngs, analyze Lhe lmpacL of
speclflc word cholces on meanlng and Lone, lncludlng
analogles or alluslons Lo oLher LexLs.
evokes a sense of Llme and place or how lL seLs a formal or
lnformal Lone).
l. ueLermlne Lhe meanlng of words and phrases as Lhey are
used ln an lnformaLlonal LexL, lncludlng flguraLlve,
connoLaLlve, and Lechnlcal meanlngs, analyze Lhe
cumulaLlve lmpacL of speclflc word cholces on meanlng and
Lone (e.g., how Lhe language of a courL oplnlon dlffers from
LhaL of a newspaper).
Ana|yze the structure of texts, |nc|ud|ng how spec|f|c sentences, paragraphs, and |arger port|ons of the text (e.g., a sect|on, chapter, scene, or stanza)
re|ate to each other and the who|e.

L. Compare and conLrasL Lhe sLrucLure of Lwo or more llLerary
LexLs and analyze how Lhe dlfferlng sLrucLure of each LexL
conLrlbuLes Lo lLs meanlng and sLyle.
l. Analyze ln deLall Lhe sLrucLure of a speclflc paragraph ln an
lnformaLlonal LexL, lncludlng Lhe role of parLlcular
senLences ln developlng and reflnlng a key concepL.
10.k.S L. Analyze how an authors choices about structure of a
llLerary LexL, order of evenLs wlLhln lL (e.g., parallel ploLs),
creaLe such effecLs as mysLery, Lenslon, or surprlse.
l. Analyze in detail how an authors ideas or claims
(poslLlons) are developed and reflned by parLlcular
senLences, paragraphs, or porLlons of an avallable
lnformaLlonal LexL (e.g., essays, reporLs, and news arLlcles).
Assess how po|nt of v|ew or purpose shapes the content and sty|e of a text.

L. Analyze how dlfferences ln Lhe polnLs of vlew of Lhe
characLers creaLe an effecL on Lhe reader.
l. Determine an authors point of view or purpose in an
lnformaLlonal LexL and analyze how Lhe auLhor
acknowledges and responds Lo confllcLlng evldence or
10.k.6 L. Analyze a parLlcular polnL of vlew or culLural experlence
reflecLed ln a work of llLeraLure from ouLslde Lhe unlLed
SLaLes, drawlng on a wlde readlng of world llLeraLure.
l. uetermine an authors point of view or purpose in an
lnformaLlonal LexL and analyze how an auLhor uses rheLorlc
Lo advance LhaL polnL of vlew or purpose.
Integrate and eva|uate content presented |n d|verse med|a and formats.

L. Analyze Lhe exLenL Lo whlch a fllmed or llve producLlon of a
sLory or drama sLays falLhful Lo or deparLs from Lhe LexL or
scrlpL, evaluaLlng Lhe cholces made by Lhe dlrecLor or
l. LvaluaLe Lhe advanLages and dlsadvanLages of uslng
dlfferenL medla (e.g., prlnL or dlglLal LexL, vldeo,
mulLlmedla) Lo presenL a parLlcular Loplc or ldea.
10.k.7 L. CrlLlque and analyze a llLerary LexL (e.g., When l was uerLo
8lcan, Parry oLLer, and oLhers) presenLed ln dlfferenL
medla (e.g., vldeos and plays), deLermlnlng whaL elemenLs
are emphaslzed ln each.
l. Analyze varlous accounLs of a characLer Lold ln dlfferenL
media (e.g., a persons life story in both print and
mulLlmedla), deLermlnlng whlch elemenLs are emphaslzed
ln each accounL.

kead|ng: N|nth 1enth Grade

uerLo 8lco cote 5tooJotJs 39
Lngllsh rogram 2014

9th Grade Students: 10th Grade Students:
De||neate and evaluate an authors argument through evidence specified in a text.

uellneaLe and evaluaLe Lhe argumenL and speclflc evldence ln a
LexL, assesslng wheLher Lhe reasonlng ls sound and Lhe
evldence ls relevanL and sufflclenL, recognlze when lrrelevanL
evldence ls lnLroduced. 1hls lncludes, buL ls noL llmlLed Lo,
narraLlve, persuaslve, and descrlpLlve wrlLlng and knowledge of
Lhelr quallLles.
10.k.8 uellneaLe and evaluaLe Lhe argumenL and speclflc clalms ln a
LexL, assesslng wheLher Lhe reasonlng ls valld and Lhe evldence
ls relevanL and sufflclenL, ldenLlfy false sLaLemenLs and
fallaclous reasonlng. 1hls lncludes, buL ls noL llmlLed Lo,
narraLlve, persuaslve, and descrlpLlve wrlLlng and knowledge of
Lhelr quallLles.
Compare and contrast two or more authors presentations of similar themes or topics.

L. Analyze how a modern work of flcLlon draws on Lhemes,
paLLerns of evenLs, or characLer Lypes from myLhs,
LradlLlonal sLorles, or rellglous works, lncludlng descrlblng
how Lhe maLerlal ls rendered new.
l. Analyze a case ln whlch Lwo or more lnformaLlonal LexLs
provlde confllcLlng lnformaLlon on Lhe same Loplc and
ldenLlfy where Lhe LexLs dlsagree on maLLers of facL or
10.k.9 L. Analyze how an auLhor draws on and Lransforms source
maLerlal ln a speclflc work (e.g., how Shakespeare LreaLs a
Lheme or Loplc from Cvld or Lhe 8lble or how a laLer auLhor
draws on a play by Shakespeare).
l. Analyze semlnal documenLs of hlsLorlcal and llLerary
significance (e.g., Washingtons Farewell Address, the
CeLLysburg Address, Roosevelts Four Freedoms speech,
Kings Letter from Birmingham Jail, Julia de Burgos, Pedro
rleLrl, Lsmeralda SanLlago, and oLhers), lncludlng how
Lhey address relaLed Lhemes and concepLs.
kead and comprehend comp|ex ||terary and |nformat|ona| texts |ndependent|y and prof|c|ent|y.

8ead and comprehend a varleLy of llLeraLure, lncludlng sLorles,
dramas, and poeLry, and lnformaLlonal LexLs of approprlaLe
grade level.
10.k.10 8ead and comprehend a varleLy of llLeraLure, lncludlng sLorles,
dramas, and poeLry, and lnformaLlonal LexLs (e.g., hlsLory/soclal
sLudles, sclence, and Lechnlcal LexLs) of approprlaLe grade level.

uerLo 8lco cote 5tooJotJs 2014 60

kead|ng: L|eventh Grade 1we|fth Grade
11th Grade Students: 12th Grade Students:
kead cr|t|ca||y to make |og|ca| |nferences, and c|te spec|f|c textua| ev|dence to support conc|us|ons drawn from the text.

LvaluaLe, analyze, research/synLheslze, and documenL
lnferences and concluslons drawn from ln-depLh crlLlcal readlng
of approprlaLe LexLs and vlewlng of mulLlmedla. Lxamlne ldeas,
lncreaslngly complex phenomena, processes, genre, and
relaLlonshlps wlLhln and across LexLs. 8ecognlze facL vs. oplnlon
and flcLlon vs. nonflcLlon as well as facLs/supporLlng deLalls
from Lhe LexLs.

LvaluaLe, analyze, research/synLheslze, and documenL
lnferences and concluslons drawn from ln-depLh crlLlcal readlng
of approprlaLe LexLs and vlewlng of mulLlmedla (when
avallable). Lxamlne ldeas, lncreaslngly complex phenomena,
processes, genre, and relaLlonshlps wlLhln and across LexLs.
8ecognlze facL vs. oplnlon and flcLlon vs. nonflcLlon as well as
facLs/supporLlng deLalls from Lhe LexLs.
Determ|ne ma|n |deas or themes of a text and ana|yze the|r deve|opment, summar|ze the key support|ng deta||s and |deas.

L. ueLermlne a Lheme or maln ldea of a llLerary LexL and
analyze ln deLall lLs developmenL, lncludlng how lL emerges
and ls shaped and reflned by speclflc deLalls, provlde a
sub[ecLlve summary of Lhe LexL.
l. ueLermlne a maln ldea of an lnformaLlonal LexL and analyze
lLs developmenL over Lhe course of Lhe LexL, lncludlng how
lL emerges and ls shaped and reflned by speclflc deLalls,
provlde an ob[ecLlve summary of Lhe LexL.

L. ueLermlne Lwo or more Lhemes (e.g., haLe, love, and
oLhers) or maln ldeas of a llLerary LexL, and analyze Lhelr
developmenL Lo provlde a sub[ecLlve summary.
l. ueLermlne Lwo or more maln ldeas of an lnformaLlonal LexL
and analyze Lhelr developmenL over Lhe course of Lhe LexL,
lncludlng how Lhey lnLeracL and bulld on one anoLher Lo
provlde a complex analysls, provlde an ob[ecLlve summary
of Lhe LexL.
Ana|yze how and why |nd|v|dua|s, events, or |deas deve|op and |nteract over the course of a text.

L. Analyze how complex characLers (e.g., Lhose wlLh mulLlple
or confllcLlng moLlvaLlons) develop over Lhe course of a
LexL, lnLeracL wlLh oLher characLers, and advance Lhe
seLLlng, ploL or develop Lhe Lheme.
l. Analyze how Lhe auLhor unfolds an analysls or serles of
ldeas or evenLs, lncludlng Lhe order ln whlch Lhe polnLs are
made, how Lhey are lnLroduced and developed, and Lhe
connecLlons LhaL are drawn beLween Lhem.

L. Analyze the impact of an authors choices regarding how to
develop and relaLe elemenLs of a sLory or drama lncludlng
symbollsm, moLlfs, seLLlng, ploL, and characLerlzaLlon.
l. Analyze a complex seL of ldeas or sequence of evenLs and
explaln how speclflc lndlvlduals, ldeas, or evenLs lnLeracL
and develop over Lhe course of Lhe LexL.
Interpret words and phrases as they are used |n a text, |nc|ud|ng determ|n|ng techn|ca|, connotat|ve, and f|gurat|ve mean|ngs, and ana|yze how spec|f|c
word cho|ces shape mean|ng or tone.

L. ueLermlne Lhe meanlng of words and phrases as Lhey are
used ln Lhe LexL, lncludlng flguraLlve and connoLaLlve
meanlngs, analyze Lhe cumulaLlve lmpacL of speclflc word
cholces on meanlng and Lone (e.g., how Lhe language
evokes a sense of Llme and place, how lL seLs a formal or
lnformal Lone).


L. ueLermlne Lhe meanlng of words and phrases as Lhey are
used ln Lhe LexL, lncludlng flguraLlve and connoLaLlve
meanlngs, analyze Lhe lmpacL of speclflc word cholces on
meanlng and Lone, lncludlng words wlLh mulLlple
meanlngs. (lnclude Shakespeare as well as oLher auLhors.)

kead|ng: L|eventh 1we|fth Grade
uerLo 8lco cote 5tooJotJs 61
Lngllsh rogram 2014

11th Grade Students: 12th Grade Students:
l. ueLermlne Lhe meanlng of words and phrases as Lhey are
used ln a LexL, lncludlng flguraLlve, connoLaLlve, and
Lechnlcal meanlngs, analyze Lhe cumulaLlve lmpacL of
speclflc word cholces on meanlng and Lone (e.g., how Lhe
language of a courL oplnlon dlffers from LhaL of a
l. ueLermlne Lhe meanlng of words and phrases as Lhey are
used ln a LexL, lncludlng flguraLlve, connoLaLlve, and
Lechnlcal meanlngs, analyze how an auLhor uses and
reflnes Lhe meanlng of a key Lerm or Lerms over Lhe course
of a LexL (e.g., how Madlson deflnes facLlon ln lederallsL
no. 10).
Ana|yze the structure of texts, |nc|ud|ng how spec|f|c sentences, paragraphs, and |arger port|ons of the text (e.g., a sect|on, chapter, scene, or stanza)
re|ate to each other and the who|e.

L. Analyze how an authors choices concerning how to
sLrucLure a LexL, order evenLs wlLhln lL (e.g., parallel ploLs),
and manlpulaLe Llme (e.g., paclng, flashbacks) creaLe such
effecLs as mysLery, Lenslon, or surprlse.
l. Analyze ln deLall how an authors ideas or claims are
developed and reflned by parLlcular senLences, paragraphs,
or porLlons of a LexL (e.g., chapLers, essays, or news

L. Analyze how an authors choices concerning how to
sLrucLure speclflc parLs of a LexL (e.g., Lhe cholce of where
Lo begln or end a sLory, Lhe cholce Lo provlde a comedlc or
Lraglc resoluLlon) conLrlbuLe Lo lLs overall sLrucLure and
meanlng as well as lLs aesLheLlc lmpacL.
l. Analyze and evaluaLe Lhe effecLlveness of Lhe sLrucLure an
auLhor uses ln hls or her exposlLlon or argumenL, lncludlng
wheLher Lhe sLrucLure makes polnLs clear, convlnclng, and
Assess how po|nt of v|ew or purpose shapes the content and sty|e of a text.

L. Analyze a parLlcular polnL of vlew or culLural experlence
reflecLed ln a work of llLeraLure drawlng on a wlde readlng
of world llLeraLure.
l. Determine an authors point of view or purpose in a text
and analyze how an auLhor uses rheLorlc Lo advance LhaL
polnL of vlew or purpose.

L. Analyze a case ln whlch grasplng a polnL of vlew requlres
dlsLlngulshlng whaL ls dlrecLly sLaLed ln a LexL from whaL ls
really meanL (e.g., saLlre, sarcasm, lrony, or
l. Determine an authors point of view or purpose in a text in
whlch Lhe rheLorlc ls parLlcularly effecLlve, analyzlng how
sLyle and conLenL conLrlbuLe Lo Lhe power, persuaslveness
or beauLy of Lhe LexL.
Integrate and eva|uate content presented |n d|verse med|a and formats.

L. Analyze Lhe represenLaLlon of a sub[ecL or a key scene ln
Lwo dlfferenL arLlsLlc medlums, lncludlng whaL ls
emphaslzed or absenL ln each medla.
l. Analyze varlous accounLs of a sub[ecL Lold ln dlfferenL
mediums (e.g., a persons life story in both print and
mulLlmedla), deLermlnlng whlch elemenLs are emphaslzed
ln each accounL.

L. Analyze mulLlple lnLerpreLaLlons of a sLory, drama, or poem
(e.g., recorded or llve producLlon of a play or recorded
novel or poeLry), evaluaLlng how each verslon lnLerpreLs
Lhe source LexL. (lnclude aL leasL one play by Shakespeare
and one play by an Amerlcan dramaLlsL.)
l. lnLegraLe and evaluaLe mulLlple sources of lnformaLlon
presenLed ln dlfferenL medla or formaLs (e.g., vlsually,
quanLlLaLlvely) as well as ln words ln order Lo address a
quesLlon or solve a problem.
kead|ng: L|eventh 1we|fth Grade
uerLo 8lco cote 5tooJotJs 62
Lngllsh rogram 2014

11th Grade Students: 12th Grade Students:
De||neate and eva|uate an authors argument through evidence specified in a text.

uellneaLe and evaluaLe Lhe argumenL and speclflc clalms ln a
LexL, assesslng wheLher Lhe reasonlng ls valld and Lhe evldence
ls relevanL and sufflclenL, ldenLlfy false sLaLemenLs and
fallaclous reasonlng and generallzaLlons. 1hls lncludes, buL ls
noL llmlLed Lo, narraLlve, persuaslve, and descrlpLlve wrlLlng
and knowledge of Lhelr quallLles.

uellneaLe and evaluaLe Lhe reasonlng ln semlnal LexLs, lncludlng
Lhe appllcaLlon of consLlLuLlonal prlnclples. 1hls lncludes, buL ls
noL llmlLed Lo, narraLlve, persuaslve, and descrlpLlve wrlLlng
and knowledge of Lhelr quallLles.
Compare and contrast two or more authors presentations of similar themes or topics.

L. Analyze how an auLhor draws on and Lransforms source
maLerlal ln a speclflc work.
l. Analyze semlnal documenLs of hlsLorlcal and llLerary
slgnlflcance lncludlng how Lhey address relaLed Lhemes and

L. uemonsLraLe knowledge of elghLeenLh-, nlneLeenLh- and
early-LwenLleLh-cenLury works of Amerlcan llLeraLure,
lncludlng how Lwo or more LexLs from Lhe same perlod
(Llmellne) LreaL slmllar Lhemes or Loplcs.
l. Analyze sevenLeenLh-, elghLeenLh-, and nlneLeenLh-cenLury
documenLs of hlsLorlcal and llLerary slgnlflcance (e.g. 1he
ueclaraLlon of lndependence) for Lhelr Lhemes, purposes,
and rheLorlcal feaLures.
kead and comprehend comp|ex ||terary and |nformat|ona| texts |ndependent|y and prof|c|ent|y.

8ead and comprehend a varleLy of culLurally relevanL llLeraLure,
lncludlng sLorles, dramas, and poeLry, and lnformaLlonal LexLs
(e.g., hlsLory/soclal sLudles, sclence, and Lechnlcal LexLs) of
approprlaLe grade level.

8ead and comprehend a varleLy of culLurally dlverse llLeraLure,
lncludlng sLorles, dramas, poeLry, and lnformaLlonal LexLs (e.g.,
hlsLory/soclal sLudles, sclence, and Lechnlcal LexLs) of
approprlaLe grade level.

uerLo 8lco cote 5tooJotJs 63
Lngllsh rogram 2014

Co||ege and Career kead|ness Lxpectat|ons for Wr|t|ng: Seventh Grade 1we|fth Grade
1he 7-12 sLandards on Lhe followlng pages deflne whaL sLudenLs should masLer and be able Lo do by Lhe end of each grade. 1he sLandards conslsL of boLh
College and Career 8eadlness (CC8) expecLaLlons and grade level lndlcaLors. 1he CC8 expecLaLlons and grade-speclflc lndlcaLors are necessary complemenLs
Lhe former provldlng broad expecLaLlons, Lhe laLLer provldlng addlLlonal speclflclLy LhaL LogeLher deflne Lhe skllls and compeLencles LhaL all sLudenLs musL
Co||ege and Career kead|ness Lxpectat|ons
1. WrlLe argumenLs Lo supporL polnL of vlew uslng valld reasonlng and sufflclenL evldence.
2. WrlLe lnformaLlonal LexLs Lo examlne and convey complex ldeas and lnformaLlon clearly and accuraLely Lhrough Lhe selecLlon, organlzaLlon, and analysls
of relevanL conLenL.
3. WrlLe llLerary LexLs Lo develop real or lmaglned experlences or evenLs uslng effecLlve Lechnlque, deLalls, and sLrucLure.
4. uevelop and sLrengLhen wrlLlng as needed by uslng Lhe wrlLlng process (plannlng, drafLlng, revlslng, edlLlng, rewrlLlng, or publlshlng).
3. use Lechnology, lncludlng Lhe lnLerneL, Lo lnLeracL and collaboraLe wlLh oLhers and produce and publlsh wrlLlng.
6. ConducL research pro[ecLs of varylng lengLhs based on focused quesLlons Lo demonsLraLe undersLandlng of Lhe sub[ecL.
7. uraw evldence from llLerary or lnformaLlonal LexLs Lo supporL analysls, reflecLlon, and research.
8. WrlLe rouLlnely over shorL and exLended Llme frames for a varleLy of Lasks, purposes, and audlences.

uerLo 8lco cote 5tooJotJs 64
Lngllsh rogram 2014

Wr|t|ng: Seventh Grade L|ghth Grade
7th Grade Students: 8th Grade Students:
Wr|te arguments to support po|nt of v|ew us|ng va||d reason|ng and suff|c|ent ev|dence.

!usLlfy oplnlons or persuade oLhers by provldlng LexLual
evldence or relevanL background knowledge wlLh moderaLe
supporL on a varleLy of personal, soclal, and culLural Loplcs,
currenL evenLs, eLc.
a. Lxpress and clarlfy vlewpolnLs and oplnlons, Lake and
defend poslLlons.

!usLlfy oplnlons or persuade oLhers by provldlng LexLual
evldence or relevanL background knowledge wlLh moderaLe
a. Lxpress and clarlfy vlewpolnLs and oplnlons, Lake and
defend poslLlons.
Wr|te |nformat|ona| texts to exam|ne and convey comp|ex |deas and |nformat|on c|ear|y and accurate|y through the se|ect|on, organ|zat|on, and ana|ys|s
of re|evant content.

WrlLe lnformaLlonal LexLs Lo examlne and analyze Loplcs and
convey ldeas lndependenLly uslng approprlaLe LexL

WrlLe lnformaLlonal LexLs Lo examlne a Loplc and convey ldeas,
concepLs, and lnformaLlon Lhrough Lhe selecLlon, organlzaLlon,
and analysls of relevanL conLenL.
Wr|te ||terary texts to deve|op rea| or |mag|ned exper|ences or events us|ng effect|ve techn|que, deta||s, and structure.

WrlLe paragraphs, shorL essays, and llLerary LexLs uslng
LranslLlonal words and oLher coheslve devlces Lo beLLer
organlze wrlLlng LhaL develop real or lmaglned experlences or
evenLs, uslng llLerary elemenLs llke narraLlve sLrucLure, Lheme,
mood, ploL, seLLlng, moral, eLc.

WrlLe llLerary LexLs uslng LranslLlonal words and oLher coheslve
devlces Lo beLLer organlze wrlLlng LhaL develop real or lmaglned
experlences or evenLs uslng effecLlve Lechnlque, relevanL
descrlpLlve deLalls, and well-sLrucLured evenL sequences.
Deve|op and strengthen wr|t|ng as needed by us|ng the wr|t|ng process (p|ann|ng, draft|ng, rev|s|ng, ed|t|ng, rewr|t|ng, or pub||sh|ng).

uevelop and sLrengLhen wrlLlng as needed by plannlng,
drafLlng, revlslng, edlLlng, use edlLlng marks, rewrlLlng, and

uevelop and sLrengLhen wrlLlng as needed by plannlng,
drafLlng, revlslng, edlLlng, use edlLlng marks, rewrlLlng, and
Use techno|ogy, |nc|ud|ng the Internet, to |nteract and co||aborate w|th others and produce and pub||sh wr|t|ng.

use Lechnology, lncludlng Lhe lnLerneL, Lo produce and publlsh
wrlLlng as well as Lo lnLeracL and collaboraLe wlLh oLhers.

use Lechnology, lncludlng Lhe lnLerneL, Lo produce and publlsh
wrlLlng as well as Lo lnLeracL and collaboraLe wlLh oLhers.
Conduct research pro[ects of vary|ng |engths based on focused quest|ons to demonstrate understand|ng of the sub[ect.

ConducL shorL research pro[ecLs Lo wrlLe a reporL LhaL uses
several sources Lo bulld knowledge Lhrough lnvesLlgaLlon of
dlfferenL aspecLs of a Loplc.

ConducL shorL research pro[ecLs Lo wrlLe a reporL LhaL answers
a quesLlon, drawlng on several sources and refocuslng Lhe
lnqulry when approprlaLe.
Draw ev|dence from ||terary or |nformat|ona| texts to support ana|ys|s, ref|ect|on, and research.

uraw evldence from llLerary or lnformaLlonal LexLs Lo supporL
analysls, reflecLlon, and research.

uraw evldence from llLerary or lnformaLlonal LexLs Lo supporL
analysls, reflecLlon, and research.
Wr|te rout|ne|y over short and extended t|me frames for a var|ety of tasks, purposes, and aud|ences.

WrlLe rouLlnely for shorL and exLended Llme frames (Llme for
research, reflecLlon, and revlslon) for a varleLy of dlsclpllne-

WrlLe rouLlnely for shorL and exLended Llme frames (Llme for
research, reflecLlon, and revlslon) for a varleLy of dlsclpllne-

uerLo 8lco cote 5tooJotJs 63
Lngllsh rogram 2014

7th Grade Students: 8th Grade Students:
speclflc Lasks, purposes, and audlences. 1hls lncludes, buL ls noL
llmlLed Lo, narraLlve, persuaslve, and descrlpLlve wrlLlng and
knowledge of Lhelr quallLles.
speclflc Lasks, purposes, and audlences. 1hls lncludes, buL ls noL
llmlLed Lo, narraLlve, persuaslve, and descrlpLlve wrlLlng and
knowledge of Lhelr quallLles.

uerLo 8lco cote 5tooJotJs 2014 66

Wr|t|ng: N|nth Grade 1enth Grade
9th Grade Students: 10th Grade Students:
Wr|te arguments to support po|nt of v|ew us|ng va||d reason|ng and suff|c|ent ev|dence.

!usLlfy oplnlons and poslLlons uslng valld reasonlng and
relevanL and sufflclenL evldence.
a. Lxpress and clarlfy vlewpolnLs and oplnlons, Lake and
defend poslLlons LhaL dlffer from oLhers.

!usLlfy oplnlons and poslLlons uslng valld reasonlng and
sufflclenL evldence.
a. Lxpress, clarlfy, and defend vlewpolnLs and oplnlons, be
able Lo sLaLe or [usLlfy argumenLs, wlLh supporL of Lhe
Lhesls sLaLemenL and clalms.
Wr|te |nformat|ona| texts to exam|ne and convey comp|ex |deas and |nformat|on c|ear|y and accurate|y through the se|ect|on, organ|zat|on, and ana|ys|s
of re|evant content.

WrlLe lnformaLlonal LexLs Lo examlne and convey complex
ldeas, concepLs, and lnformaLlon clearly and accuraLely Lhrough
Lhe effecLlve Lechnlque, organlzaLlon, and analysls of conLenL.

WrlLe lnformaLlonal and argumenLaLlve LexLs Lo examlne and
convey complex ldeas, concepLs, and lnformaLlon clearly and
accuraLely Lhrough Lhe selecLlon, organlzaLlon (LranslLlonal
words, phrases or senLences), and analysls of conLenL Lhrough
essays (3 paragraphs), leLLers (formal and lnformal buslness
leLLers and cover leLLers), and oLher LexL Lypes.
Wr|te ||terary texts to deve|op rea| or |mag|ned exper|ences or events us|ng effect|ve techn|que, deta||s, and structure.

WrlLe Lypes of paragraphs and llLerary LexLs uslng LranslLlonal
words and oLher coheslve devlces Lo beLLer organlze wrlLlng
LhaL develop real or lmaglned experlences or evenLs, uslng
llLerary elemenLs (llke narraLlve sLrucLure, Lheme, mood, ploL,
seLLlng, moral) and Lechnlques (alllLeraLlon, hyperbole, allegory,
and oLhers).

WrlLe llLerary LexLs uslng LranslLlonal words and oLher coheslve
devlces Lo beLLer organlze wrlLlng Lo develop real or lmaglned
experlences or evenLs, uslng llLerary elemenLs and Lechnlques
(narraLlve sLrucLure, Lheme, mood, ploL, seLLlng, moral,
alllLeraLlon, hyperbole, allegory, and oLhers).
Deve|op and strengthen wr|t|ng as needed by us|ng the wr|t|ng process (p|ann|ng, draft|ng, rev|s|ng, ed|t|ng, rewr|t|ng, or pub||sh|ng).

uevelop and sLrengLhen wrlLlng as needed by plannlng,
drafLlng, revlslng, edlLlng (edlLlng marks), rewrlLlng, and
publlshlng, focuslng on how well purpose and audlence have
been addressed.

uevelop and sLrengLhen wrlLlng as needed by plannlng (e.g.,
ouLllnes and graphlc organlzers), drafLlng, revlslng, edlLlng
(edlLlng marks), rewrlLlng, and publlshlng, focuslng on how well
purpose and audlence have been addressed, avoldlng
plaglarlsm, and conslderlng sLyles (e.g., MLA and AA) and
uslng clLaLlons.
Use techno|ogy, |nc|ud|ng the Internet, to |nteract and co||aborate w|th others and produce and pub||sh wr|t|ng.

use Lechnology, lncludlng Lhe lnLerneL, Lo produce and publlsh
wrlLlng and llnk Lo and clLe sources as well as Lo lnLeracL and
collaboraLe wlLh oLhers.

use Lechnology, lncludlng Lhe lnLerneL, Lo produce and publlsh
Lypes of wrlLlng and presenL Lhe relaLlonshlps beLween
lnformaLlon and ldeas efflclenLly as well as Lo lnLeracL and
collaboraLe wlLh oLhers.

Wr|t|ng: N|nth 1enth Grade

uerLo 8lco cote 5tooJotJs 67
Lngllsh rogram 2014

9th Grade Students: 10th Grade Students:
Conduct research pro[ects of vary|ng |engths based on focused quest|ons to demonstrate understand|ng of the sub[ect.

ConducL shorL research pro[ecLs Lo wrlLe reporLs LhaL answer a
Lhesls quesLlon, drawlng on several sources and generaLlng
addlLlonal relaLed, focused quesLlons for furLher research and

ConducL shorL research pro[ecLs Lo wrlLe reporLs LhaL answer a
quesLlon (lncludlng a self-generaLed quesLlon), drawlng on
several sources and generaLlng addlLlonal relaLed, focused
quesLlons LhaL allow for mulLlple avenues of exploraLlon and
professlonal porLfollos.
Draw ev|dence from ||terary or |nformat|ona| texts to support ana|ys|s, ref|ect|on, and research.

uraw evldence from llLerary or lnformaLlonal LexLs Lo supporL
analysls, reflecLlon, and research.

uraw evldence from llLerary or lnformaLlonal LexLs Lo supporL
analysls, reflecLlon, and research.
Wr|te rout|ne|y over short and extended t|me frames for a var|ety of tasks, purposes, and aud|ences.

WrlLe rouLlnely Lo develop varlous Lypes of paragraphs, formal
and lnformal leLLers, and essays over for a varleLy of dlsclpllne-
speclflc Lasks, purposes, and audlences, uslng Lechnology.

WrlLe rouLlnely for shorL and exLended Llme frames (Llme for
research, reflecLlon, and revlslon) for a varleLy of dlsclpllne-
speclflc Lasks, purposes, and audlences.

uerLo 8lco cote 5tooJotJs 2014 68

Wr|t|ng: L|eventh Grade 1we|fth Grade
11th Grade Students: 12th Grade Students:
Wr|te arguments to support po|nt of v|ew us|ng va||d reason|ng and suff|c|ent ev|dence.

WrlLe argumenLs Lo supporL clalms ln an analysls of approprlaLe
grade level conLenL, uslng valld reasonlng and sufflclenL
a. Lxpress, clarlfy, and defend vlewpolnLs and oplnlons, be
able Lo sofLen sLaLemenLs or [usLlfy argumenLs wlLh supporL
of Lhe Lhesls sLaLemenL and clalms.

WrlLe argumenLs Lo supporL clalms ln an analysls of subsLanLlve
Loplcs or LexLs, uslng valld reasonlng and sufflclenL evldence.
a. Lxpress, clarlfy, and defend vlewpolnLs and oplnlons, by
[usLlfylng argumenLs wlLh supporL of Lhe Lhesls sLaLemenL
and clalms.
Wr|te |nformat|ona| texts to exam|ne and convey comp|ex |deas and |nformat|on c|ear|y and accurate|y through the se|ect|on, organ|zat|on, and ana|ys|s
of re|evant content.

WrlLe college-level essays (e.g., argumenLaLlve, exposlLory,
compare and conLrasL, persuaslve, and process), research
papers, and fllm revlews wlLh lncreaslng lndependence and
preclslon uslng approprlaLe LexL organlzaLlon, expandlng
vocabulary, selecLlon, organlzaLlon, and analysls of conLenL.

WrlLe college-level essays (e.g., argumenLaLlve, exposlLory,
compare and conLrasL, persuaslve, and process), research
papers, and fllm revlews wlLh lncreaslng lndependence and
preclslon uslng approprlaLe LexL organlzaLlon, expandlng
vocabulary, selecLlon, organlzaLlon, and analysls of conLenL.
Wr|te ||terary texts to deve|op rea| or |mag|ned exper|ences or events us|ng effect|ve techn|que, deta||s, and structure.

WrlLe narraLlves (shorL sLorles, memolrs, and [ournals) uslng
LranslLlonal words and oLher coheslve devlces Lo beLLer
organlze wrlLlng Lo develop real or lmaglned experlences or
evenLs uslng effecLlve Lechnlque, LargeLed deLalls, and well-
sLrucLured sequences.

WrlLe narraLlves (shorL sLorles, memolrs, and [ournals) uslng
LranslLlonal words and oLher coheslve devlces Lo beLLer
organlze wrlLlng Lo develop real or lmaglned experlences or
evenLs uslng effecLlve llLerary devlces (Lechnlques and
elemenLs), well-chosen deLalls, and sLrucLured sequences.
Deve|op and strengthen wr|t|ng as needed by us|ng the wr|t|ng process (p|ann|ng, draft|ng, rev|s|ng, ed|t|ng, rewr|t|ng, or pub||sh|ng).

uevelop and sLrengLhen wrlLlng as needed by plannlng (e.g.,
ouLllnes and graphlc organlzers), drafLlng, revlslng, edlLlng
(edlLlng marks), rewrlLlng, and publlshlng, focuslng on how well
purpose and audlence have been addressed, avoldlng
plaglarlsm, and conslderlng sLyles (e.g., MLA and AA) and
uslng clLaLlons.

uevelop and sLrengLhen wrlLlng as needed by plannlng (e.g.,
ouLllnes and graphlc organlzers), drafLlng, revlslng, edlLlng
(edlLlng marks), rewrlLlng, and publlshlng, focuslng on how well
purpose and audlence have been addressed, avoldlng
plaglarlsm, and conslderlng sLyles (e.g., MLA and AA) and
uslng clLaLlons.
a. Apply knowledge of dlrecL/lndlrecL quoLaLlons Lo
sLrengLhen wrlLlng.+
Use techno|ogy, |nc|ud|ng the Internet, to |nteract and co||aborate w|th others and produce and pub||sh wr|t|ng.

use Lechnology, lncludlng Lhe lnLerneL, Lo produce, publlsh, and
updaLe lndlvldual or shared wrlLlng producLs, Laklng advanLage
of technologys capacity to link to other information and to
dlsplay lnformaLlon flexlbly and dynamlcally.

use Lechnology, lncludlng Lhe lnLerneL, Lo produce, publlsh, and
updaLe lndlvldual or shared wrlLlng producLs, Laklng advanLage
of technologys capacity to link to other information and to
dlsplay lnformaLlon flexlbly and dynamlcally.

Wr|t|ng: L|eventh 1we|fth Grade

uerLo 8lco cote 5tooJotJs 69
Lngllsh rogram 2014

11th Grade Students: 12th Grade Students:

Conduct research pro[ects of vary|ng |engths based on focused quest|ons to demonstrate understand|ng of the sub[ect.

ConducL susLalned research pro[ecLs Lo answer a quesLlon
(lncludlng a self-generaLed quesLlon) or solve a problem,
narrow or broaden Lhe lnqulry when approprlaLe, synLheslze
mulLlple sources on Lhe sub[ecL, demonsLraLlng undersLandlng
of Lhe sub[ecL under lnvesLlgaLlon, and college proflle research
(for [ob and unlverslLy search).

ConducL susLalned research pro[ecLs Lo answer a quesLlon
(lncludlng a self-generaLed quesLlon) or solve a problem,
narrow or broaden Lhe lnqulry when approprlaLe, synLheslze
mulLlple sources on Lhe sub[ecL, demonsLraLlng undersLandlng
of Lhe sub[ecL under lnvesLlgaLlon and college proflle research
(for [ob and unlverslLy search).
Draw ev|dence from ||terary or |nformat|ona| texts to support ana|ys|s, ref|ect|on, and research.

uraw evldence from llLerary or lnformaLlonal LexLs Lo supporL
analysls, reflecLlon, and research.

uraw evldence from llLerary or lnformaLlonal LexLs Lo supporL
analysls, reflecLlon, and research.
Wr|te rout|ne|y over short and extended t|me frames for a var|ety of tasks, purposes, and aud|ences.

WrlLe rouLlnely over shorL and exLended Llme frames (Llme for
research, reflecLlon, and revlslon) for a varleLy of dlsclpllne-
speclflc Lasks, purposes, and audlences.

WrlLe rouLlnely for a varleLy of dlsclpllne-speclflc Lasks,
purposes, and audlences.

uerLo 8lco cote 5tooJotJs 70
Lngllsh rogram 2014

Co||ege and Career kead|ness Lxpectat|ons for Language: Seventh Grade 1we|fth Grade
1he 7-12 sLandards on Lhe followlng pages deflne whaL sLudenLs should masLer and be able Lo do by Lhe end of each grade. 1he sLandards conslsL of boLh
College and Career 8eadlness (CC8) expecLaLlons and grade level lndlcaLors. 1he CC8 expecLaLlons and grade-speclflc lndlcaLors are necessary complemenLs
Lhe former provldlng broad expecLaLlons, Lhe laLLer provldlng addlLlonal speclflclLy LhaL LogeLher deflne Lhe skllls and compeLencles LhaL all sLudenLs musL
A + symbol lndlcaLes an Advanced Lngllsh sklll ln grade 12.
Co||ege and Career kead|ness Lxpectat|ons
1. uemonsLraLe command of Lhe convenLlons of Lngllsh grammar and usage.
2. Apply Lngllsh convenLlons uslng approprlaLe caplLallzaLlon, puncLuaLlon, and spelllng.
3. uemonsLraLe undersLandlng of how language funcLlons ln dlfferenL conLexLs Lo make effecLlve cholces for meanlng, sLyle, and comprehenslon.
4. ueLermlne or clarlfy Lhe meanlng of unknown words and phrases by uslng conLexL clues, analyzlng meanlngful word parLs, and consulLlng reference
3. uemonsLraLe undersLandlng of flguraLlve language, word relaLlonshlps, and varlaLlon ln word meanlngs.
6. AccuraLely use a varleLy of soclal, academlc and conLenL-speclflc words and phrases sufflclenL for readlng, wrlLlng, speaklng, and llsLenlng aL Lhe college
and career-readlness level.

uerLo 8lco cote 5tooJotJs 2014 71

Language: Seventh Grade L|ghth Grade
7th Grade Students: 8th Grade Students:
Demonstrate command of the convent|ons of Lng||sh grammar and usage.

uemonsLraLe command of Lhe convenLlons of Lngllsh grammar.
a. Lxplaln Lhe funcLlon of phrases and clauses and apply
b. Choose among slmple, compound, complex, and
compound-complex senLences when speaklng and wrlLlng.

uemonsLraLe command of Lhe convenLlons of Lngllsh grammar.
a. Lxplaln Lhe funcLlon and Lenses of Lhe dlfferenL klnds of
verbs and apply correcLly.
b. lorm and use verbs ln Lhe acLlve and passlve volce.
App|y Lng||sh convent|ons us|ng appropr|ate cap|ta||zat|on, punctuat|on, and spe|||ng.
7.LA.2 uemonsLraLe command of Lhe convenLlons of Lngllsh
caplLallzaLlon, puncLuaLlon, and spelllng.
a. use puncLuaLlon Lo separaLe a serles of ad[ecLlves (e.g., lL
was a fasclnaLlng, en[oyable movle.).
b. Spell correcLly.

uemonsLraLe command of Lhe convenLlons of Lngllsh
caplLallzaLlon, puncLuaLlon, and spelllng.
a. use advanced puncLuaLlon (e.g., comma, elllpsls, dash)
b. Spell correcLly.
Demonstrate understand|ng of how |anguage funct|ons |n d|fferent contexts to make effect|ve cho|ces for mean|ng, sty|e, and comprehens|on.

use knowledge of language and lLs convenLlons when wrlLlng,
speaklng, readlng, or llsLenlng.
a. Choose language LhaL expresses ldeas clearly, recognlzlng
sub[ecL-verb agreemenL and ellmlnaLlng wordlness and

use knowledge of language and lLs convenLlons when wrlLlng,
speaklng, readlng, or llsLenlng.
a. Choose language LhaL expresses ldeas clearly, recognlzlng
dlrecL and lndlrecL ob[ecLs and ellmlnaLlng wordlness and
Determ|ne or c|ar|fy the mean|ng of unknown words and phrases by us|ng context c|ues, ana|yz|ng mean|ngfu| word parts, and consu|t|ng reference

ueLermlne or clarlfy Lhe meanlng of unknown and mulLlple-
meanlng words and phrases based on approprlaLe readlng and
conLenL, chooslng flexlbly from a varleLy of sLraLegles.
a. use conLexL clues Lo help deLermlne Lhe meanlng of a word
or phrase.
b. use common Creek or LaLln afflxes and rooLs correcLly
(e.g., "ex," "inter," "anti," "micro).
c. ConsulL reference maLerlals (e.g., dlcLlonarles, glossarles,
Lhesaurl), boLh prlnL and dlglLal, Lo flnd Lhe pronunclaLlon
of a word or deLermlne or clarlfy lLs preclse meanlng or lLs
parL of speech.

ueLermlne or clarlfy Lhe meanlng of unknown and mulLlple-
meanlng words or phrases based on approprlaLe readlng and
conLenL, chooslng flexlbly from a varleLy of sLraLegles.
a. use conLexL clues Lo help deLermlne Lhe meanlng of a word
or phrase.
b. use common Creek or LaLln afflxes and rooLs correcLly (e.g.,
precede, recede, secede).
c. ConsulL prlnL and dlglLal reference maLerlals (e.g.,
dlcLlonarles, glossarles, Lhesaurl) Lo flnd Lhe pronunclaLlon
of a word or deLermlne or clarlfy lLs preclse meanlng or lLs
parL of speech.
Demonstrate understand|ng of f|gurat|ve |anguage, word re|at|onsh|ps, and var|at|on |n word mean|ngs.

uemonsLraLe undersLandlng of flguraLlve language, word
relaLlonshlps, and varlaLlon ln word meanlngs.
a. lnLerpreL flgures of speech (e.g., llLerary, blbllcal, and
myLhologlcal alluslons) ln conLexL.

uemonsLraLe undersLandlng of flguraLlve language, word
relaLlonshlps, and varlaLlon ln word meanlngs.
a. lnLerpreL flgures of speech (e.g. verbal lrony, puns) ln
Language: Seventh L|ghth Grade

uerLo 8lco cote 5tooJotJs 72
Lngllsh rogram 2014

7th Grade Students: 8th Grade Students:
b. ulsLlngulsh among Lhe connoLaLlons (assoclaLlons) of words
wlLh slmllar denoLaLlons (deflnlLlons) (e.g., reflned,
respecLful, pollLe, dlplomaLlc, condescendlng).
b. ulsLlngulsh among Lhe dlfferenL connoLaLlons (assoclaLlons)
of words (deflnlLlons) (e.g., bullheaded, wlllful, flrm,
perslsLenL, resoluLe).
Accurate|y use a var|ety of soc|a|, academ|c and content-spec|f|c words and phrases suff|c|ent for read|ng, wr|t|ng, speak|ng, and ||sten|ng at the co||ege
and career-read|ness |eve|.

AccuraLely use a varleLy of soclal, academlc, and conLenL-
speclflc and conLenL area words and phrases, gaLher vocabulary
knowledge when conslderlng a word or phrase lmporLanL Lo
comprehenslon or expresslon.

AccuraLely use approprlaLe general academlc and domaln-
speclflc words and phrases, gaLher vocabulary knowledge when
conslderlng a word or phrase lmporLanL Lo comprehenslon or

uerLo 8lco cote 5tooJotJs 2014 73

Language: N|nth Grade 1enth Grade
9th Grade Students: 10th Grade Students:
Demonstrate command of the convent|ons of Lng||sh grammar and usage.

uemonsLraLe command of Lhe convenLlons of Lngllsh grammar.
a. Use parallel structure using conjunctions (e.g., and and
"or") Lo show LhaL Lwo or more ldeas have Lhe same level
of lmporLance (e.g., Pe llkes Lo [og, swlm and hlke.).
b. use varlous Lypes of phrases: noun, verb, lnflnlLlve,
ad[ecLlval, adverblal, parLlclplal, and preposlLlonal. use
varlous Lypes of clauses: lndependenL, dependenL, noun,
relaLlve, adverblal.

uemonsLraLe command of Lhe convenLlons of Lngllsh grammar
and usage when wrlLlng or speaklng.
a. use parallel sLrucLure, sub[ecL-verb agreemenL, and apply
Lhe undersLandlng of run-on senLences, complex,
compound, and senLence fragmenLs. Assess varlous
grammar and usage LexLs.
b. use varlous Lypes of phrases and clauses Lo speclfy
meanlngs and add varleLy and lnLeresL Lo wrlLlng or
App|y Lng||sh convent|ons us|ng appropr|ate cap|ta||zat|on, punctuat|on, and spe|||ng.

uemonsLraLe command of Lhe convenLlons of Lngllsh
caplLallzaLlon, puncLuaLlon, and spelllng.
a. use advanced puncLuaLlon marks.
b. Spell correcLly.

uemonsLraLe command of Lhe convenLlons of Lngllsh
caplLallzaLlon, puncLuaLlon, and spelllng.
a. use advanced puncLuaLlon marks correcLly.
b. Spell correcLly.
c. Apply caplLallzaLlon rules correcLly.
Demonstrate understand|ng of how |anguage funct|ons |n d|fferent contexts to make effect|ve cho|ces for mean|ng, sty|e, and comprehens|on.

Apply knowledge of language Lo undersLand how language
funcLlons ln dlfferenL conLexLs, Lo make effecLlve cholces for
meanlng or sLyle, and Lo comprehend more fully when readlng
or llsLenlng.
a. use verbs ln Lhe acLlve and passlve volce and ln Lhe
condlLlonal and sub[uncLlve mood Lo achleve parLlcular

Apply knowledge of language Lo undersLand how language
funcLlons ln dlfferenL conLexLs, Lo make effecLlve cholces for
meanlng or sLyle, and Lo comprehend more fully when readlng
or llsLenlng.
a. use verbs ln Lhe acLlve and passlve volce and ln Lhe
condlLlonal and sub[uncLlve mood Lo achleve parLlcular
Determ|ne or c|ar|fy the mean|ng of unknown words and phrases by us|ng context c|ues, ana|yz|ng mean|ngfu| word parts, and consu|t|ng reference

ueLermlne or clarlfy Lhe meanlng of unknown and mulLlple-
meanlng words and phrases based on approprlaLely complex
readlng and conLenL, chooslng flexlbly from a varleLy of
a. use conLexL Lo help deLermlne meanlng.
b. CorrecLly analyze word changes Lo lndlcaLe dlfferenL
meanlngs or parLs of speech (e.g., analyze, analysls,
analyLlcal, advocaLe, advocacy).

ueLermlne or clarlfy Lhe meanlng of unknown and mulLlple-
meanlng words and phrases based on approprlaLely complex
readlng and conLenL, chooslng flexlbly from a varleLy of
a. use conLexL clues Lo help deLermlne meanlng.
b. ldenLlfy and correcLly use paLLerns of word changes LhaL
lndlcaLe dlfferenL meanlngs or parLs of speech (e.g.,
analyze, analysls, analyLlcal, advocaLe, advocacy).

Language: N|nth 1enth Grade

uerLo 8lco cote 5tooJotJs 74
Lngllsh rogram 2014

9th Grade Students: 10th Grade Students:
c. ConsulL reference maLerlals (e.g., dlcLlonarles, glossarles,
Lhesaurl), boLh prlnL and dlglLal, Lo flnd Lhe pronunclaLlon
of a word or deLermlne or clarlfy lLs preclse meanlng, lLs
parL of speech, or lLs orlgln.
c. ConsulL reference maLerlals (e.g., dlcLlonarles, glossarles,
Lhesaurl), boLh prlnL and dlglLal, Lo flnd Lhe pronunclaLlon
of a word, parLs of speech, spelllng, orlgln, and meanlng.
Demonstrate understand|ng of f|gurat|ve |anguage, word re|at|onsh|ps, and var|at|on |n word mean|ngs.

uemonsLraLe undersLandlng of flguraLlve language, word
relaLlonshlps, and dlfferences ln word meanlngs.
a. lnLerpreL flgures of speech (e.g., euphemlsm) ln conLexL
and analyze Lhelr role ln Lhe LexL.
b. Analyze Lhe meanlng of words wlLh slmllar denoLaLlons.

uemonsLraLe undersLandlng of flguraLlve language, word
relaLlonshlps, and dlfferences ln word meanlngs.
a. lnLerpreL flgures of speech (e.g., euphemlsm, oxymoron) ln
conLexL and analyze Lhelr role ln Lhe LexL.
b. Analyze word meanlng.
Accurate|y use a var|ety of soc|a|, academ|c, and content-spec|f|c words and phrases suff|c|ent for read|ng, wr|t|ng, speak|ng, and ||sten|ng at the co||ege
and career-read|ness |eve|.

AccuraLely use soclal, academlc, and conLenL-speclflc words
and phrases, sufflclenL for readlng, wrlLlng, speaklng, and
llsLenlng aL Lhe college and career-readlness level.

AccuraLely use general academlc and conLenL-speclflc words
and phrases, sufflclenL for readlng, wrlLlng, speaklng, and
llsLenlng aL Lhe college and career-readlness level, demonsLraLe
lndependence ln gaLherlng vocabulary knowledge when
conslderlng a word or phrase lmporLanL Lo comprehenslon or

uerLo 8lco cote 5tooJotJs 73
Lngllsh rogram 2014

Language: L|eventh Grade 1we|fth Grade
11th Grade Students: 12th Grade Students:
Demonstrate command of the convent|ons of Lng||sh grammar and usage.

uemonsLraLe command of Lhe convenLlons of Lngllsh grammar
and usage.
a. Apply Lhe undersLandlng of run-on senLences, complex,
compound, and senLence fragmenLs. Assess varlous
grammar and usage LexLs analyzlng sub[ecL-verb agreemenL
and parallel sLrucLure.

uemonsLraLe command of Lhe convenLlons of Lngllsh grammar
and usage when wrlLlng or speaklng.
a. Apply dlfferenL Lypes of senLences ln varlous conLexLs.
Assess varlous grammar and usage LexLs and onllne
resources analyzlng sub[ecL-verb agreemenL and parallel
b. Lxpress Lhelr LhoughLs ln grammaLlcally correcL senLences
and phrases ln boLh oral and wrlLLen form.+
c. undersLand Lhe meanlng of dlfferenL verb Lenses, modal
auxlllarles, and word order ln senLences, reporLed speech,
quesLlons, and phrases.+
d. 8ecognlze grammaLlcal modlflcaLlons for sLyllsLlc reasons.+
e. ldenLlfy, analyze, synLheslze, and use dlverse synLacLlc and
semanLlc language sLrucLures ln conLexL.+
App|y Lng||sh convent|ons us|ng appropr|ate cap|ta||zat|on, punctuat|on, and spe|||ng.

uemonsLraLe command of Lhe convenLlons of Lngllsh
caplLallzaLlon, puncLuaLlon, and spelllng.
a. use puncLuaLlon marks correcLly.
b. Spell correcLly.
12.LA.2 uemonsLraLe command of Lhe convenLlons of Lngllsh
caplLallzaLlon, puncLuaLlon, and spelllng.
a. use puncLuaLlon rules correcLly.
b. Spell correcLly.
Demonstrate understand|ng of how |anguage funct|ons |n d|fferent contexts to make effect|ve cho|ces for mean|ng, sty|e, and comprehens|on.

Apply knowledge of language Lo undersLand how language
funcLlons ln dlfferenL conLexLs, Lo make effecLlve cholces for
meanlng or sLyle, and Lo comprehend more fully when readlng
or llsLenlng.
a. vary synLax for effecL, consulLlng references for guldance as

12.LA.3 Apply knowledge of language Lo undersLand how language
funcLlons ln dlfferenL conLexLs, Lo make effecLlve cholces for
meanlng or sLyle, and Lo comprehend more fully when readlng
or llsLenlng.
a. Apply Lhe varled synLax rules for effecL, consulLlng
references for guldance as needed.
b. Apply knowledge of verb Lenses (slmple presenL, presenL
progresslve, slmple pasL, pasL progresslve, fuLure, fuLure
progresslve, presenL perfecL, lncludlng lrregular verbs).+
c. Apply knowledge of acLlve/passlve volce.+

uerLo 8lco cote 5tooJotJs 76
Lngllsh rogram 2014

11th Grade Students: 12th Grade Students:

d. Apply knowledge of sub[uncLlve mood.+
e. Apply knowledge of sequence of verb Lenses
(compound/complex senLences).+

f. Apply knowledge of verbals (lnflnlLlve, parLlclples, and
gerunds used as ad[ecLlves and nouns) and modal auxlllarles
(can, could, shall, should, wlll, would, musL, have Lo, may,
mlghL, oughL Lo).+
g. Apply knowledge of sub[ecL-verb agreemenL (compound
sub[ecLs, lndeflnlLe pronouns, collecLlve nouns, lnverLed
word order).+
h. Apply knowledge of Lag quesLlons and dlrecL/lndlrecL
l. Apply knowledge of ad[ecLlves and adverbs (comparaLlve
and superlaLlve).+
[. Apply knowledge of mlsplaced, amblguous, and dangllng
k. Apply knowledge of connecLlng words and expresslons
(coordlnaLlng and subordlnaLlng con[uncLlons, con[uncLlve
adverbs, LranslLlonal expresslons, relaLlve pronouns,
correlaLlve con[uncLlons).+
l. Apply knowledge of preposlLlons and preposlLlonal
Determ|ne or c|ar|fy the mean|ng of unknown words and phrases by us|ng context c|ues, ana|yz|ng mean|ngfu| word parts, and consu|t|ng reference

ueLermlne or clarlfy Lhe meanlng of unknown and mulLlple-
meanlng words and phrases based on approprlaLely complex
readlng and conLenL, chooslng flexlbly from a varleLy of
a. Apply a varleLy of sLraLegles Lo deLermlne or clarlfy word
use Lo help deLermlne meanlng of a word or phrase.
12.LA.4 ueLermlne or clarlfy Lhe meanlng of unknown and mulLlple-
meanlng words and phrases based on approprlaLely complex
readlng and conLenL, chooslng flexlbly from a varleLy of
a. use conLexL (e.g., Lhe overall meanlng of a senLence,
paragraph, or text; a words position or function in a
senLence) as a clue Lo Lhe meanlng of a word or phrase.

uerLo 8lco cote 5tooJotJs 77
Lngllsh rogram 2014

11th Grade Students: 12th Grade Students:
b. ldenLlfy and correcLly use paLLerns of word changes LhaL
lndlcaLe dlfferenL meanlngs or parLs of speech (e.g.,
coocelve, cooceptloo, coocelvoble).
c. ConsulL reference maLerlals (e.g., dlcLlonarles, glossarles,
Lhesaurl), boLh prlnL and dlglLal, Lo flnd Lhe pronunclaLlon of
a word or deLermlne or clarlfy lLs preclse meanlng, lLs parL
of speech, lLs orlgln, or lLs sLandard usage or varlaLlons.
b. ldenLlfy and correcLly use paLLerns of word changes LhaL
lndlcaLe dlfferenL meanlngs or parLs of speech (e.g.,
concelve, concepLlon, concelvable).
c. ConsulL general and speclallzed reference maLerlals (e.g.,
dlcLlonarles, glossarles, Lhesaurl), boLh prlnL and dlglLal, Lo
flnd Lhe pronunclaLlon of a word, parLs of speech, spelllng,
orlgln, meanlng, and usage.
d. verlfy Lhe prellmlnary deLermlnaLlon of Lhe meanlng of a
word or phrase (e.g., by checklng Lhe lnferred meanlng ln
conLexL or ln a dlcLlonary).
Demonstrate understand|ng of f|gurat|ve |anguage, word re|at|onsh|ps, and var|at|on |n word mean|ngs.

uemonsLraLe undersLandlng of flguraLlve language, word
relaLlonshlps, and dlfferences ln word meanlngs.
a. lnLerpreL flgures of speech (e.g., oxymoron, hyperbole,
paradox) ln conLexL and analyze Lhelr role ln Lhe LexL.
b. Analyze Lhe meanlng of words wlLh slmllar denoLaLlons and
12.LA.S uemonsLraLe undersLandlng of flguraLlve language, word
relaLlonshlps, and dlfferences ln word meanlngs.
a. lnLerpreL flgures of speech (e.g., oxymoron, hyperbole,
paradox) ln conLexL and analyze Lhelr role ln Lhe LexL.
b. Analyze dlfferences ln Lhe meanlng of words wlLh slmllar
denoLaLlons and connoLaLlons.
Accurate|y use a var|ety of soc|a|, academ|c and content-spec|f|c words and phrases suff|c|ent for read|ng, wr|t|ng, speak|ng, and ||sten|ng at the co||ege
and career-read|ness |eve|.

AccuraLely use general academlc and domaln-speclflc or conLenL
area words and phrases, sufflclenL for readlng, wrlLlng,
speaklng, and llsLenlng aL Lhe college and career-readlness level,
demonsLraLe lndependence ln gaLherlng vocabulary knowledge
when conslderlng a word or phrase lmporLanL Lo
comprehenslon or expresslon.
12.LA.6 AccuraLely use general academlc and domaln-speclflc words and
phrases, sufflclenL for readlng, wrlLlng, speaklng, and llsLenlng aL
Lhe college and career-readlness level, demonsLraLe
lndependence ln gaLherlng vocabulary knowledge when
conslderlng a word or phrase lmporLanL Lo comprehenslon or

uerLo 8lco cote 5tooJotJs 79
Lngllsh rogram 2014
Academ|c Content Standard: 1he skllls and knowledge expecLed of Lhe sLudenLs ln Lhe core conLenL areas for each
sub[ecL maLerlal.
Academ|c Language: 1he vocabulary and lexlcal Lools LhaL sLudenLs need for speaklng, readlng. 1he oral and wrlLLen LexL
requlred Lo succeed ln school LhaL enLalls deep undersLandlng and communlcaLlon of Lhe language of conLenL wlLhln a
classroom envlronmenL, revolves around meanlngful appllcaLlon of speclflc crlLerla relaLed Lo llngulsLlc ComplexlLy aL Lhe
dlscourse level
Aud|tory D|scr|m|nat|on: 1he ablllLy Lo deLecL a dlfference beLween sounds (usually speech sounds)
Aura|: 8elaLed Lo Lhe ear or Lo Lhe sense of hearlng.
Automat|c|ty: 8efers Lo decodlng LhaL ls rapld, accuraLe, and efforLless, develops Lhrough exLenslve pracLlce decodlng
8a|anced L|teracy: 8alanced LlLeracy ls a meLhodology LhaL lnLegraLes varlous modallLles of llLeracy lnsLrucLlon.
AssessmenL based plannlng aL Lhe core of each model.
8|end|ng: Comblnlng separaLe spoken phonemes onseLs or rhymes Lo creaLe words.
Cognates: Words slmllar ln Lwo or more languages as a resulL of common descenL.
(CD1): Core Deve|opment 1eam: Croup of Scholars and SpeclallsLs ln charge of developlng Lhe uerLo 8lco Core
SLandards for Lhe Lngllsh rogram (kCS for Lhe Lngllsh rogram).
Consonant c|usters: A group of consonants that have no intervening vowel (spr in spring).
Consonant d|graphs: 1wo ad[acenL consonanL leLLers LhaL represenL a slngle speech sound (e.g., sh in shore).
Cues: Sources of lnformaLlon used by readers or llsLeners Lo consLrucL meanlng.
Co||ege Career kead|ness: (CCk) Acqulred knowledge relaLed Lo Lhe LducaLlonal SLandards, readlng/language arLs,
maLhemaLlcs, and Lechnlcal skllls, needed Lo succeed ln osLsecondary educaLlon whlch provldes Lhe foundaLlonal skllls
Lo become a compeLenL lndlvldual ln Lhe workplace.
Comp|ex Sentence: Cne lndependenL clause [olned by one or more dependenL clauses wlLh a subordlnaLor such as,
because, slnce, afLer, alLhough, or when or a relaLlve pronoun, such as, who, or whlch.

uerLo 8lco cote 5tooJotJs 80
Lngllsh rogram 2014
Compound Sentence: 1wo or more lndependenL clauses [olned by coordlnaLlng con[uncLlon (e.g., School sLarLed Loday,
the students were excited).
Connotat|ve: A word or Lxpresslon culLurally or emoLlonally assoclaLed Lo Lhe word deflned.
Denotat|ve: lL ls llLeral and dlcLlonary meanlng of a word.
D|fferent|ated Instruct|on: 1hls approach emphaslzes ln Lesson lannlng ln Lhe LSL classroom whlle conslderlng and
integrating each students special needs:
Conslders dlfferenL learnlng sLyles
lL allows Leacher Lo apply dlfferenL lnLervenLlon models ln Lhe Leachlng and learnlng process
Acknowledges sLudenLs dlverslLy.
CVC Words: ConsonanL vowel ConsonanL: (caL)
D|scourse: LxLended oral or wrlLLen language conveylng mulLlple connecLed ldeas, lLs language feaLure especlally of
people or evenLs sLudled.
Lxpectat|on: 1he hlghesL level of academlc performance Lo be achleved by a sLudenL.
Ioundat|ona| Sk|||s: 8aslc ldeas, prlnclples and facLs LhaL should be masLered before becomlng llfelong readers.
: See sLandards framework.
Genres: Soclally deflned ways ln whlch language (e.g., oral and wrlLLen) ls used Lo parLlclpaLe ln parLlcular conLexL Lo
serve speclflc purposes.
Graphemes: A grapheme ls Lhe smallesL parL of wrlLLen language LhaL represenLs a phoneme ln Lhe spelllng of a word.
Gu|ded kead|ng: 1he sLraLegy whereby a Leacher "guldes" small groups of sLudenLs Lhrough Lhe LexL for Lhe purpose of
predlcLlng, asslsLlng ln comprehenslon, focuslng upon speclflc skllls, and/or coachlng Lhe use of varlous readlng
sLraLegles whlch wlll make Lhe readlng efforL more successful.
nomographs: Words LhaL are wrlLLen ldenLlcally buL have a dlfferenL pronunclaLlon and meanlng.
nomophones: Words LhaL sound Lhe same as oLher words, buL ls dlfferenL ln spelllng and/or meanlng (Lo, Loo, and Lwo).

ueparLmenL of LducaLlon- uepottomeoto Je Jococloo- (2003) Lngllsh rogram Currlculum lramework -uCL.8-

uerLo 8lco cote 5tooJotJs 81
Lngllsh rogram 2014
Id|oms: An expresslon wlLh a meanlng LhaL cannoL be guessed aL or derlved from Lhe meanlngs of Lhe lndlvldual words
that form it (To have a chip on one's shoulder is of u.S. orlgln).
Ind|cator: An lndlcaLor ls measuremenL or value of whaL someLhlng ls llke.
Inf|ect|ona| end|ng: 1he change of form LhaL words undergo Lo mark dlsLlncLlons such as number and Lense (-le, -lng, -s,
Informat|ona| 1ext: non flcLlonal resources LexL whlch have key polnLs organlzed ln such a way LhaL make lL easy for
readers Lo flnd lnformaLlon.
Instruct|ona| Language: 1he language LhaL Lyplfles classroom dlscourse from Leacher Lo Leacher across.
: lnvolvemenL ln a slLuaLlon or condlLlon LhaL requlres changes and lmprovemenL
Intonat|on: 1he dlsLlncLlve paLLerns of plLch LhaL conLrlbuLe Lo Lhe meanlngs of spoken phrases and senLences, e. g.,
Open your books to page___.
Language: 1he means and usage of human spoken and wrlLLen sLrucLures. locuses on Lhe correcL use of word and
L|teracy: 1he ablllLy Lo lnLerpreL a wrlLLen LexL.
L|terary 1ext: A wlde varleLy of lmaglnaLlve and creaLlve wrlLlng LhaL leads Lo Lhe appreclaLlon of Lhe culLural herlLages
of sLudenLs.
Learn|ng rogress|on Irameworks
: (Ll) resenL a broad descrlpLlon of Lhe essenLlal conLenL and general sequenclng
for sLudenL learnlng and sklll developmenL.
1he flrsL language a sLudenL acqulres, usually before a home language, oLher Lhan Lngllsh. AlLhough for some
Lngllsh Language Learners, L2 (Lngllsh) may developed alongslde L1.
L2. 1he second Language a sLudenL acqulres, usually refers Lo Lngllsh as an addlLlonal Language
erformance Ind|cator: Speclflc Level of Lngllsh Language uomaln wlLhln a grade or grade level clusLer.

Cobulld Learners lllusLraLed ulcLlonary of Ametlcoo oqllsb, 2013. naLlonal Ceographlc Learnlng 8osLon, MA
Pess k. k. ro[ecL ulrecLor and kearns !. (2011): Learnlng rogresslon lrameworks ueslgned for use wlLh Lhe Common Core SLaLe
SLandards ln Lngllsh Language ArLs and LlLeracy k-12. unlverslLy of kenLucky, Common Core SLaLe SLandards (2012): Callfornla
ueparLmenL of LducaLlon (2007): Lngllsh rogram ConLenL SLandards and Crade Level LxpecLaLlons uocumenL. pp. 61-63

uerLo 8lco cote 5tooJotJs 82
Lngllsh rogram 2014
honemes: 1he smallesL parL of spoken language (1he word check has four phonemes /ch/ /e/ /k/).
honem|c Awareness: 1he ablllLy Lo plck ouL and manlpulaLe sounds ln spoken words.
hon|cs: 1he relaLlonshlp beLween sounds and Lhe spelllng paLLerns LhaL are used Lo represenL Lhem ln prlnL.
honograms: A successlon of orLhographlc leLLers LhaL occurs wlLh Lhe same phoneLlc value ln several words (ight in
brlghL, flghL, and fllghL).
: ls a serles of progresslve and lndependenL sLeps Lo someLhlng LhaL goes on or Lakes place, e.g. Leachlng and
rompt: rose, or wrlLlng, LhaL ls based on Lrue facLs and deslgned Lo explaln.
uerto k|co Core Standards for the Lng||sh rogram: 1he skllls and knowledge expecLed from sLudenLs ln Lngllsh
Language ArLs, MaLhemaLlcs, Sclence, and llLeracy and PlsLory/Soclal SLudles and 1echnlcal SLudles - 8equlres preparlng
sLudenLs for college and career readlness.
kead|ng Informat|ona| 1ext: ueslgned Lo communlcaLe facLual lnformaLlon raLher Lhan Lo Lell a narraLlve. l.1. enables
lndlvlduals Lo experlence language and conLenL slmulLaneously.
kead|ness: SLaLe of belng ready and able Lo do someLhlng LhaL mlghL or wlll happen and accepL Lhe challenge.
kea||a: Cb[ecLs or acLlvlLles used Lo relaLe classroom Leachlng Lo Lhe real llfe especlally of people or evenLs sLudled.
ke|evance: uescrlbes how closely Lhe conLenL of an lnformaLlonal source or Loplc.
khyme: 1he parL of a syllable LhaL conLalns a vowel and all LhaL follows lL.
k|gor: An lncreaslng level of dlfflculLy deslgned Lo provlde a learnlng experlence.
kubr|c: 1he gulde used Lo score performance assessmenLs ln a rellable and falr manner.
Scaffo|d|ng: Careful shaplng of Lhe supporLs used Lo bulld on sLudenLs already acqulred skllls, and knowledge Lo supporL
Lhe progress from Lo level Lo level of language proflclency.
Shared kead|ng: 8eadlng wlLh your sLudenLs and guldlng Lhem Lo acLlvely engage ln Lhe shoulder (ls of u.S. orlgln).

lnLerneL 8eference from Lhe uuke_ sample _ pages ul (2014): Why lnclude lnformaLlonal LexL ln 1he rlmary Classroom? :
8eLrleved: 4/11/2014 from:

uerLo 8lco cote 5tooJotJs 83
Lngllsh rogram 2014
Soc|o-cu|tura| context: 1he assoclaLlon of language wlLh Lhe culLure and socleLy ln whlch lL ls used, ln reference Lo
schoollng, undersLandlngs of Soclo-culLural conLexL revolve around Lhe lnLeracLlon beLween Lhe sLudenLs and
readlng/language envlronmenL.
: 1he quallLy of knowlng and undersLandlng a loL abouL a speclflc sub[ecL.
Standards: Academlc rlnclples LhaL esLabllshed Lhe framework of Lhe LducaLlonal SysLem.
Standards 8ased Lducat|on
1. SLandards 8ased Learnlng provldes Lhe foundaLlon for 21
CenLury Learnlng CpporLunlLles LhaL prepare
sLudenLs for Loday, Lomorrow and Lhe fuLure
2. rovldes a falr and ob[ecLlve way Lo evaluaLe sLudenLs based on whaL Lhey have learned whlle provldlng
approprlaLe level of challenge and rlgor.
3. Clves Leachers a powerful sysLem for Leachlng.
Subst|tut|on: Lnclpherlng by replaclng one leLLer by anoLher.
Sy||ab|cat|on: 1he acL, process, or meLhod of formlng or dlvldlng words lnLo syllables.
1ext Comp|ex|ty
: Lhe lnherenL dlfflculLy of readlng and comprehendlng a LexL comblned
wlLh conslderaLlon of reader and Lasks varlables, and sLandards, a Lhree parL assessmenL
of LexL dlfflculLy LhaL palrs quallLaLlve and quanLlLy measures wlLh reader Lask
1ext 1ypes: 1exLual 1ypes referrlng Lo Lhe followlng four baslc aspecLs of wrlLlng: descrlpLlve, narraLlve, exposlLory, and
argumenLaLlve LexL.
1one: 1he quallLy of a plece of wrlLlng LhaL demonsLraLes Lhe aLLlLudes, feellngs, upon speclflc skllls, and/or coachlng Lhe
use of varlous readlng sLraLegles valld manner. lL ls generally composed of dlmenslons for [udglng sLudenL value ln
several words (ight in bright, fight, and flight).
VCCV: aLLern: vowel-consonanL-consonanL-vowel paLLern.
VCV: aLLern vowel-consonanL-vowel.

MacMlllan Lngllsh ulcLlonary (2002)
SLandards 8ased LducaLlon, 2013: 8eLrleved: 4/11/2014 from lederal Way ubllc Schools Web SlLe
hLLp:// lrlday March 28, 2014
Laybourn, !. (2013): Common Core SLandard. CapsLone CL

uerLo 8lco cote 5tooJotJs 84
Lngllsh rogram 2014
Vo|ce: Means by whlch someLhlng ls expressed.
Vowe|: -consonanL-vowel paLLern.
: World Class lnsLrucLlonal ueslgn and Assessmeots of tbe oqllsb looqooqe uevelopmeot 5tooJotJs (2012).

WluA LLu SLandards (2012)

uerLo 8lco cote 5tooJotJs 83
Lngllsh rogram 2014
Append|x A: kesources for 1each|ng LSL Students
Lng||sh |n uerto k|co: Is |t a 8|||ngua|, Iore|gn, or Second Language 1each|ng Lnv|ronment?
ueflnlLlon of blllnguallsm (AdapLaLlon from: Lngllsh rogram Currlculum lramework: ueparLamenLo de Lducacln: (

1he meanlng of Lhe Lerm bilingualism is highly subjective and ln need of clarlflcaLlon ln Lhls conLexL because lL ls used
Lo refer Lo varylng degrees of language proflclency ln very dlfferenL llngulsLlc conLexLs. Moreover, lL generaLes a hlghly
charged emoLlonal, pollLlcal, and soclo-psychologlcal connoLaLlon (CrysLal, 1994) among people. Parrls and Podges
(1995) define the term bilingualism as the ability to speak or undersLand wlLh some degree of proflclency a language
besides ones native language (p. 19).
D|scuss|on w|th|n the context of uerto k|co
AlLhough Lhe Leachlng and learnlng of Lngllsh has been a prlorlLy ln Lerms of allocaLed funds and pollcy maklng over Lhe
pasL 100 years, varlous sLudles have shown LhaL Lhe resulLs of Lhese efforLs have noL been encouraglng and are raLher
limited. Resnick (1993) indicated, that the conflict between government planning for bilingualization and social
pressure for monolingualism (p. 259) impedes the use of the psychologically highly charged term bilingual. Therefore,
Puerto Ricos language policy must acknowledge and justify the primary status of Spanish as the ancestral vernacular
and the [primary] language of normal interaction in almost all domains (Velez, 2002, p.8). However, he continues, the
offlclal sLaLus of Lngllsh [as a second language] should be recognized because of its political, financial and economic ties
Lo Lhe unlLed SLaLes (lbld.).
As mentioned above, English has been taught in Puerto Rico as a second language
(LSL). 1he Leachlng and learnlng envlronmenL of Lngllsh does noL fall wlLhln Lhe LradlLlonal LSL Leachlng paradlgm.
Cenerally, Lhe LargeL language ls noL spoken and used for communlcaLlon ouLslde Lhe classroom. Powever, by movlng
away from Lhe LradlLlonal deflnlLlon of Leachlng and learnlng LSL and sLressing the meaning of second* as sequential in
Lerms of Lhe Llmlng, l.e., sequence of language acqulslLlon, we can move away from Lhe LradlLlonal concepL and lLs

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varlous emoLlonally and pollLlcally charged connoLaLlons. ln Lhls way, we can clarlfy and esLabllsh Lhe order of
acqulslLlon of L1
Mlchael Long (1996) Lakes Lhls acqulslLlon model one sLep furLher when he emphaslzes Lhe plvoLal role of lnLeracLlon
and lnpuL ln Lhe L2 acqulslLlon process. Accordlng Lo Long, conversaLlon and oLher forms of lnLeracLlve communlcaLlon ls
Lhe key Lo success ln acqulrlng llngulsLlc rules ln Lhe LargeL language. 8rown (2000), polnLs ouL LhaL Lhrough the
currlculum ... prlnclples of awareness, auLonomy, and auLhenLlclLy lead Lhe learner into Vygotskys (1978) zone of
proxlmal developmenL (Zu) where learners consLrucL the new language through socially mediated interaction (p. 287).
App||cat|on of the construct|v|st approach to L2 teach|ng and |earn|ng
lrom a consLrucLlvlsL vlew of Leachlng and learnlng, knowledge and meanlng are noL lmparLed by Lhe Leacher Lo Lhe
sLudenLs, buL raLher creaLed collecLlvely by learners and Leachers. 1ogeLher, Lhey mlghL use a varleLy of approaches and
meLhods as well as auLhenLlc maLerlals LhaL Lhey may have creaLed and wrlLLen, ln parL, Lhemselves. 1he learnlng and
Leachlng ls learner-centered and students learn how to learn. Some of these approaches reflect Paolo Freires
parLlclpaLory approach and Lhe whole language approach, Lo name [usL Lhese Lwo ln Lhls secLlon. !ack 8lchards ((2001)
points out that constructivists emphasize that learning involves active construction and testing of ones own
representation of the world and accommodation of it to ones personal conceptual framework. All learning is seen to
lnvolve relearnlng and reorganization of ones previous understanding and representation of knowledge. (Roberts 1998,
p. 23 ln 8lchards, p. 117)
According to Lugo & Medina (2003) [s] students should be taught from a contextualized approach and the content of
sLudy should reflect the students environment and pertinent reality (p. 11).
ln Lerms of L2 Leachlng and learnlng ln uerLo 8lco, Lhe consLrucLlvlsL approach LranslaLes lnLo an anxleLy free classroom
aLmosphere where Lhe LargeL language, Lngllsh, LranslaLes lnLo an anxleLy free classroom aLmosphere where Lhe LargeL
language, Lngllsh, ls used Lo communlcaLe among a group of L2 learners and Lhe Leacher as a faclllLaLor for genulne
communication. Authentic language material is used, reflecting the L2 learners values and lnLeresLs, maLerlal LhaL was
developed and deslgned for Lhese learners and wlLh Lhese learners ln mlnd. Some of Lhe maLerlals may be creaLed by
the learners themselves to increase the learners interest and involvement as well as their linguistic level. CooperaLlve

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and small group work ls encouraged and learnlng ls relnforced Lhrough consLrucLlve feedback from peers and Lhe
Leacher. CommunlcaLlve language Leachlng as well as pro[ecL-based learning are emphasized and individual learners
sLrengLhs are used Lo asslsL oLhers ln Lhelr learnlng (vygoLsky, 1978).
These aspects are for the most part incorporated in Stephen Krashens Second
Language AcqulslLlon 1heory. lL conslsLs of a number of hypoLheses concernlng (a) Lhe dlsLlncLlon beLween L2 acqulslLlon
(subconsclous) and L2 learnlng (consclous), (b) Lhe
MonlLor whlch ls acLlve ln L2 learnlng, yeL noL parL of L2 acqulslLlon, (c) Lhe naLural
Order in which language rules are acquired in a predictable or natural way; (d) the
lnpuL hypoLhesls whlch sLresses Lhe lmporLance LhaL Lhe learner comprehends LargeL language lnpuL (Lhrough llsLenlng
and reading) and that the input be slightly beyond the learners current L2 level (i + 1). This caveat is necessary so that
Lhe learnlng slLuaLlon ls challenglng enough Lo keep Lhe L2 learner lnLeresLed and cognlLlvely acLlve. LasLly yeL cerLalnly
noL leasL ls (e) Lhe AffecLlve lllLer hypoLhesls. 1he hypoLhesls emphaslzes LhaL successful L2 learnlng envlronmenLs musL
be free from sLress and anxleLy. It must be reassuring while respecting the L2 learners desire to learn and acquire the
target language. For a conceptualization of Krashens L2 Acquisition Theory.
Standard 8ased Lducat|on (S8L)
1. SLandard 8ased Learnlng provldes Lhe foundaLlon for 21sL CenLury Learnlng CpporLunlLles LhaL prepare sLudenLs
for Loday, Lomorrow and Lhe fuLure
2. rovldes a falr and ob[ecLlve way Lo evaluaLe sLudenLs based on whaL Lhey have learned whlle provldlng
approprlaLe level of challenge and rlgor.
3. Cffers Leachers a powerful sysLem for Leachlng.
4. Helps parents be knowledgeable participants in their students education.
1ransversa| 1hemes
1ransversal Lhemes are a serles of learnlng elemenLs lnLegraLed wlLhln Lhe dlfferenL areas of knowledge, embraclng
presenL day soclal lssues LhaL schools should noL lnhlblL from, and become parL of. ueveloplng Clvlc and LLhlcal

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Lngllsh rogram 2014
LducaLlon, CulLural ldenLlLy, School Lo Work, LducaLlon for eace, LnvlronmenLal LducaLlon, and 1echnologlcal
1hese are seen as brldges beLween popular and sclenLlflc knowledge connecLlon wlLh Lhe soclal reallLy of our sLudenLs.
(Moreno, 1993)
noLe LhaL Lhese are sallenL global Lhemes and should be lncldenLally dlscussed by Lhe Leacher on a dally basls Lo Lhelr
sLudenLs. CerLalnly noL leasL ls (e) Lhe AffecLlve lllLer hypoLhesls. 1he hypoLhesls emphaslzes LhaL successful L2 learnlng
envlronmenLs musL be free from sLress and anxleLy.
1each|ng kesources:
1he currenL Clrcular LeLLer, ln compllance wlLh lesson plannlng ln any of lLs formaLs ls a mandaLory documenL, whlch
Leachers are Lo comply wlLh aL all Llmes.
Lnsures academlc learnlng and Lhe Leachlng processes compllance
ually lannlng
unlL plannlng
!,##$)' !-#.,/(# 0$''$# 1/$2$)'+
uaLe and Sub[ecL of sLudy
Ceneral SLraLegles (CL) and lLs phases.
LCA: LxploraLlon ConcepLuallzaLlon, AppllcaLlon
8eadlng 1rllogy: 8efore uurlng, AfLer
lnLegraLlon of 1ransversal Lhemes across Lhe Currlcula
1axonomles: (Anderson, 8loom, Marzano, Slmpson or Webb)
1axonomy level (l lv)
AssessmenL 8esources
Cb[ecLlves and AssessmenLs / CurrenL SLandards and LxpecLaLlons
Lessons Objectives
ConcepLual (WhaL ls belng LaughL?)
rocedural (Pow ls belng LaughL?)

uerLo 8lco cote 5tooJotJs 89
Lngllsh rogram 2014
ALLlLudlnal (MeLa-CognlLlve rocesses)
1*,.('-")(/ 3#".$++$+
lnlLlal AcLlvlLles
uevelopmenLal AcLlvlLles
Closlng AcLlvlLles
4.."22"*('-")+ "# 2"*-5-.('-")+
8eflecLlon over Lhe praxls (ually teachers reflection over the events during the lesson)
6('$#-(/+ ()* #$+",#.$+
AsslgnmenLs/Pomework: CpLlonal, buL ls always recommended Lo follow up on Lhe skllls LaughL and develop sense of
urgency, responslblllLy and commlLmenL Lowards Lhe Leachlng/learnlng process. lL ls also a helpful assessmenL.

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Append|x 8: Gu|de||nes |n Deve|op|ng a kubr|c
1he rubrlc ls an auLhenLlc assessmenL Lool LhaL ls useful ln assesslng complex and sub[ecLlve crlLerla. lL ls a formaLlve
Lype of assessmenL slnce lL becomes an ongolng parL of Lhe Leachlng and learnlng process. SLudenLs are lnvolved ln Lhe
assessmenL process Lhrough boLh peer and self-assessmenLs. As sLudenLs become more famlllar wlLh rubrlcs, Lhey
should be allowed Lo parLlclpaLe ln deslgnlng Lhe rubrlc. 1hls empowers sLudenLs and encourages Lhem Lo become more
focused and self-dlrecLed.
Advantages of us|ng rubr|cs
allow assessment to be more objective and consistent.
Clarify criteria in specific terms.
Students will know exactly how their work wlll be evaluaLed and whaL ls expecLed of Lhem.
Provides benchmarks against which to measure and document progress.
kubr|cs have the fo||ow|ng common features
Focuses on measuring a stated objective.
Uses a range to rate performance.
ConLalns speclflc performance characLerlsLlcs
8u||d|ng a kubr|c
(AdapLed from: lnsLrucLlonal 1echnology Pome age)
Review the content standards that the unit is meant to address.
Review the criteria that will be used to judge the students product or performance and make sure LhaL Lhey maLch Lhe
Make a frame by deciding on the major categorles and sub-caLegorles LhaL Lhe rubrlc wlll address.
Describe the four different levels of performance that match each criterion. lL ls recommended LhaL Lhe hlghesL level
of performance be descrlbed flrsL and Lhen work down Lo Lhe lowesL level. WrlLe clear, conclse speclflcaLlons based on
crlLerla LhaL are observable.

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Append|x C: Suggested 1each|ng 1echn|ques and Act|v|t|es
1he Leacher provldes meanlngful supporL and guidance needed for the students learnlng growLh Loward each learnlng
ob[ecLlve. Also, Lhe Leacher uses quesLlonlng Lechnlques Lo ellclL experlences LhaL relaLe Lo hls/her naLlve culLure.
1he Leacher rephrases wlLh words Lhe sLudenL undersLands and uses plcLures Lo adapL Lhe quesLlonlng Lechnlques.
1he Leacher lnLroduces new conLenL by uslng vlsual alds, muslc, and oLher alds.
1he sLudenL wlll be observed Lo noLe whlch Loplcs come easlly and whlch ones wlll requlre more supporL.
9"'(/ 38:+-.(/ ;$+<")+$
As much as posslble, Lhe Leacher llnks language learnlng Lo enable Lhe sLudenL Lo make a physlcal response. 1hls
Lechnlque Lles ln Lo varlous learnlng sLyles and ls fun for Lhe sLudenL.
;$.-<#".(/ 9$(.8-)7
1o help Lhe sLudenL compleLe a Lask, Lhe Leacher presenLs an lnLeracLlve lesson, assesses the students response for
comprehenslon, and Lhen resLrucLures Lhe Lhe lesson to correct the students initial response. This strategy is beneflclal
slnce lL demonsLraLes how Lo learn. The students self-esLeem ls enhanced by conLrol over Lhe learnlng slLuaLlon.
!#-'-.(/ 98-)=-)7 >,$+'-")+
1he Leacher encourages Lhe sLudenL Lo ask and answer quesLlons LhaL sLarL wlLh the words why and how.
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1he Leacher uses expllclL Leachlng of a sklll Lhrough explanaLlon and demonsLraLlon.
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1he sLudenL ls glven opporLunlLles Lo compleLe acLlvlLles LhaL he/she can demonsLraLe and descrlbe orally.
9$(.8-)7 9$.8)-D,$+
1he Leacher needs Lo slmpllfy lnsLrucLlons, connecL Lhe lnsLrucLlon Lo Lhe naLlve culLure, and use graphlc organlzers Lo
allow access of lnformaLlon. Some examples are conLrolled language, labellng, vocabulary word banks, flash cards, and

uerLo 8lco cote 5tooJotJs 92
Lngllsh rogram 2014
E#(/ !/"F$
1he Leacher uses oral cloze, as durlng shared readlng, Lo keep Lhe sLudenLs acLlve and accounLable. As Lhe Leacher reads
Lo Lhe sLudenLs modellng fluenL readlng, he/she omlLs chosen words. SLudenLs choral ln wlLh Lhe word omlLLed.

uerLo 8lco cote 5tooJotJs 93
Lngllsh rogram 2014
Append|x D: kead|ng Strateg|es
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Maklng connecLlons beglns wlLh acLlvaLlng prlor knowledge ln order for Lhe reader Lo connecL Lo Lhe Loplc, Lheme,
characLer, or slLuaLlon. 1here are Lhree Lypes of connecLlons:
CuesLlonlng ls Lhe sLraLegy a reader uses Lo clarlfy undersLandlng, quesLlon Lhe auLhor, esLabllsh a purpose, and bulld
meanlng LhroughouL a plece of LexL.
CuesLlonlng helps move readlng along as Lhe reader searches for Lhe answers Lo hls/her own quesLlons.
CreaLlng plcLures as a reader progresses Lhrough LexL supporLs brlnglng llfe Lo Lhe words on Lhe page. vlsuallzlng ls mosL
ofLen descrlbed as creaLlng menLal lmages.
6(=-)7 @)5$#$).$+
Maklng lnferences ls Lhe sLraLegy of uslng LexL clues wlLh prlor knowledge Lo comprehend an underlylng ldea or Lheme.
1hls sLraLegy ls mosL ofLen known as reading between the lines.
?$'$#2-)-)7 @2<"#'().$
ueLermlnlng lmporLance ls more Lhan readlng for deLalls. lL ls decldlng slgnlflcanL from lnslgnlflcanL. As a reader Lhlnks
Lhrough Lhe LexL, he/she deLermlnes relevance and evaluaLes Lhe LexL ln order Lo make Lhe declslon of whaL has Lo be
reLalned based on Lhe purpose seL for readlng.
&:)'8$+-F-)7 @)5"#2('-")
SynLheslzlng ls Lhe sLraLegy LhaL enables readers Lo change Lhelr Lhlnklng afLer readlng furLher lnLo a plece of LexL or
readlng several dlfferenL LexLs. SynLheslzlng ls a process of creaLlng new meanlng by comblnlng new lnformaLlon wlLh
prlor knowledge.

AJopteJ ftom 5ttoteqles 1bot wotk by 5tepboole notvey

uerLo 8lco cote 5tooJotJs 94
Lngllsh rogram 2014
Append|x L: Wr|t|ng Iorms and Strateg|es
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Slx 1ralLs ls Lhe wrlLlng approach based on Lhe premlse LhaL sLudenLs who learn to read their own writing gain the
devlces Lo revlse wlLh a purpose and edlL wlLh focus. 1he slx LralLs are as follows:
Ideas Information to supporL wrlLlng
Organization The structure of the writing
Voice The writers personality and individuality
Word Choice The task of selecting words LhaL flL Lhe audlence, Loplc, and purpose
Sentence Fluency The sound and rhyLhm of language creaLed by Lhe way senLences are woven LogeLher and Lhe effecLs
of Lone and volce
Conventions Spelling, grammar and usage, caplLallzaLlon, puncLuaLlon, and presenLaLlon
Writers Workshop
Writers workshop builds a students fluency ln wrlLlng Lhrough sysLemaLlc, conLlnuous exposure Lo Lhe wrlLlng process.
1hls ls an lnLerdlsclpllnary wrlLlng Lechnlque. 1hls process can begln aL Lhe elemenLary grade level and conLlnue Lo
develop LhroughouL hlgh school.
H(##('-I$ J#-'-)7
narraLlve wrlLlng ls Lhe form LhaL Lells a sLory. narraLlve wrlLlng ls noL [usL flcLlon, buL also nonflcLlon when Lhe wrlLer
recounLs a llfe sLory. A wrlLer does noL [usL wrlLe abouL evenLs, buL esLabllshes a connecLlon wlLh Lhe audlence as he/she
expresses LhoughLs and feellngs. 1hls wrlLlng ls hlghly personal. Lxamples of narraLlve wrlLlng are:
Short Stories
1C<"+-'"#: J#-'-)7

uerLo 8lco cote 5tooJotJs 93
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LxposlLory wrlLlng ls Lhe form used Lo explaln and lnform. 1hls form of wrlLlng explores a Loplc of lnLeresL and can be
boLh formal and lnformal. Lxamples of exposlLory wrlLlng are:
Journal Articles
How-Lo Manuals
Magazine Articles
3$#+,(+-I$ J#-'-)7
Persuasive writing is the form that guides a readers Lhlnklng Lhrough well-developed argumenLs and compelllng
evldence and examples. Lxamples of persuaslve wrlLlng are:
Letters to the Editor
Restaurant Reviews

uerLo 8lco cote 5tooJotJs 96
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Append|x I: L|sten|ng Strateg|es
G-+,(/ 4-*+
vlsual alds such as phoLographs, drawlngs, posLers, and vldeos provlde an opporLunlLy for sLudenLs Lo explore known
lmages as well as develop new menLal lmages Lo dlscuss ln Lhe conLexL of prevlewlng LexL and seLLlng Lhe purpose for
8ealla ls uslng real ob[ecLs and maLerlals Lo expllclLly demonsLraLe a concepL LhaL are absLracL. SLudenLs can Lhen relaLe
Lhe lnsLrucLlon Lo real llfe experlences and prlor knowledge.
6()-<,/('-I$ 6('$#-(/+
Pands-on acLlvlLles and maLerlals bulld background and conLexL. ManlpulaLlves may lnclude gesLures, body language,
and supporLlve speech paLLerns.
;$<$'-'-") ()* E#(/ ;",'-)$+
8epeLlLlon helps bulld vocabulary as sLudenLs are provlded ample Llme Lo hear correcL pronunclaLlon and Llme Lo
pracLlce words.
&2(//BK#",< ?-+.,++-")+
ulscusslng learned concepLs provldes Llme for sLudenLs Lo have adequaLe pracLlce speaklng Lhe language ln a conLrolled,
safe envlronmenL.
;"/$ 3/(:-)7
8ole playlng ls a slmulaLlon Lechnlque LhaL enables Lhe sLudenL Lo pracLlce language and behavloral skllls ln a safe-
envlronmenL LhaL ls moLlvaLlng and relevanL Lo Lhe age of Lhe learner.

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Append|x G: 1echno|ogy |n the Lng||sh C|assroom
1echnology does noL replace lnsLrucLlon from masLer Leachers nor does lL work ln lsolaLlon. 1echnology ln Lhe classroom
ls meanL Lo enhance engagemenL, acceleraLe learnlng, and beneflL Lhe LoLal learnlng process. 1he use of 21
Lechnology wlll supporL advanclng lnsLrucLlon wlLh all sLandards and grade level expectations. For todays learners, it is
essenLlal for Lhe educaLor Lo be proflclenL ln Lhe laLesL Lechnlcal Lools.
!/(++#""2 9""/+
Internet Access
Smart Boards
DVD Players
Audio Books
Interactive Readers
9"< 9$(.8$# J$L+-'$+
National Geographlc hLLp://
Stop Bullying Now! ESL Lesson Plans
Internet TESL Journal for Teacher of ESL
Yahooligans! hLLp://
Grammar Now!
National Council Teachers of English
International Reading Association

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Append|x n: Ld|t|ng Marks

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