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Redgame 2 minecraft

User manual, for version 2.3

Thank you for buying our product. It is highly recommended to read this as it
will tell you all about your new redgame 2, how to program it, general
precautions and general operation instructions. We hope you enjoy it.


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Table of Contents
Specifications and features: .................................................................................................................... 3
Features: ............................................................................................................................................. 3
Turning on, off, and resetting ................................................................................................................. 3
Debugging and debug-mode............................................................................................................... 3
Notes on the random number generator: .......................................................................................... 4
Command protocol: ................................................................................................................................ 4
Execution order: .................................................................................................................................. 4
GOTO system and program memory: ................................................................................................. 4
Program memory: ............................................................................................................................... 5
GOTO selector: (white) ....................................................................................................................... 5
Mode/function: (black) ....................................................................................................................... 5
ALU functions: (mode 0) ................................................................................................................. 5
GPU functions (mode 1) .................................................................................................................. 5
RAM and registers: (pink n green) ...................................................................................................... 6
Rules and regulations with memory: .............................................................................................. 6
Registers, what they do, what they are for and what they connect to: ......................................... 6
Overclocking and bug reporting. ............................................................................................................ 7
crash prevention and common errors. ................................................................................................... 7
ERR01: illegal memory function! ........................................................................................................ 7
ERR02: program slot not specified! .................................................................................................... 7
ERR03: cannot keep up! ...................................................................................................................... 7
ERR04: incompatible with MC 1.0! ..................................................................................................... 8
ERR05: program not found! ................................................................................................................ 8
ERR99: unknown problem! ................................................................................................................. 8

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Specifications and features:
feature spec
ALU bits: 10
RAM: 300 bits
ALU: Arentel 1009 opti
Clock speed: 35 ticks (3.5 seconds)
Commands per tick: 3 (thats almost 10 ticks per command!!!)
Command size: 34 bits
Program memory: 2 kilobits (2.04 kilobits to be exact)

GPU and dynamic user input
Software shutdown
Manual tick for debugging
User friendly manual
10 bit binary to decimal decoder
2 KILOBITS of program memory
300% more efficient command system (compared to a regular redstone computer) making it
up to 300% faster
Dual conditional branching
Random number generators (RNGs)
Easy to read piston monitors all in one place.
Turning on, off, and resetting
Using the redgame 2.1s power controls cant be easier. Press on to turn on, press off to pause the
computer, or press reset after that to restart, followed by on. If the program shuts down the
computer via software shutdown, it will automatically reset it for you. If the computer refuses to
startup, it can indicate that it has not found a program in program memory. This is because since
redgame 2.1 the boot manager has had a major overhaul. Features include:
Single press reset
Software shutdown both turns off the clock, and performs a reset automatically.
Power indicator
Simple to use
Crash management.
Prevention of startup while in debug mode.
Debugging and debug-mode.
In the redgame 2.1, debugging features have been implemented. This makes it easier to test your
program and find out what is wrong. Near the program memory, pieces of white wool with signs and
levers or buttons can be used to debug the noted part of the computer. Using the levers will cause
the redgame 2.1 to enter debug mode in which the computer CANNOT be turned on normally, to

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prevent malfunction. This is because these levers are used to check your protocol and if the
hardware associated with it is doing its job, because during normal operation this hardware is only
activated for a second or so. It can be used to check if your code really is addressing the RNG, for
example. Or if the GPU actually does respond.
Notes on the random number generator:
1. Do not save and quit while this is on or while the computer is running!
2. The control switch is located on the user input panel, because the computer reads it as
input. A repeater underneath indicates its state.
3. Once turned off, please wait for about 5 seconds for the clock to stop before quitting.
4. It is possible to manually make the number generator make, for example, 4 or 1 bit numbers
instead of 10, and is by default set to 4 bits.
Command protocol:
The redgame 2 protocol is extremely powerful and is capable of doing up to 3 things in 1 command,
maximising the computers speed, literally making it up to 300% faster.
The system is as follows:
1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6
type Read
sector command sector command
for GOTO Save
Save to Load
command command GOTO
if 0
if 0<
GOTO if 0<
Number of
4 5 1 5 1 5 1 2 4 2 4
Colour white pink pink Dark-
black black red red Green green
We will go into more detail in these sections.
Execution order:
To prevent data corruption, everything is done after each other, so that you do not attempt to load
data from the ALU before it has finished computing. It is very important to know this order,
otherwise you may execute things incorrectly, giving unexpected results. The order is as follows:
1. Command loaded
2. Function set/preformed.
3. RAM function/ SAVE
4. Conditional branching.
GOTO system and program memory:
The GOTO system is precisely the same as in the redgame 1. It is very simple, if the answer is 0, it
goes to that red command. if not(1,2,3....maximum number) then it goes to the green command. If
you do not wand conditional branching, make red and green the current command + 1. If you want
un-conditional branching, make red and green the same.

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For conditional branching, the 4 bit white value decides what will be branched. It can be the ALU
output, a user input, even the state of the random number generator, or RNG.
Program memory:
The program memory is accessed from a 2 bit drive sector and a 4 bit command. Thus, there are
4 sectors with 15 commands each, giving 60 commands. While this is little, it is sufficient, especially
knowing that 1 command can perform 3 functions at the same time, which means it can be
equivalent to 180 commands in some other computer.
Another cool feature of the redgame 2 is that it now fully supports software shutdown, which means
the program can turn off the computer, clock and all! This can be done by going to command **
0000, where ** is any program sector. This will turn of the clock and in order to turn it on, it must be
GOTO selector: (white)
These are what you can chose from to read its state and to branch from depending on its value:
What it is: Value to read it:
Random number generator state(useful for
games that need this to prevent cheating)
Switch #1 *010
Switch #4 *001
Switch #2 *011
Switch #3 *000
ALU if 0 *101

NOTE: if the leftmost bit (*) is on, everything else is ignored and it performs random branching (if
the RNG is on!)
Mode/function: (black)
The rightmost bit in this section selects between ALU or GPU functions. 0= ALU. 1= GPU
ALU functions: (mode 0)
Function to perform: Value in binary:
Addition *001#
subtraction *010#
XOR *011#
OR *100#
IMPLES *101#
AND *110#
Shift value 1 left, shift value 2 right. *111#
NOTE: the leftmost value (*) is only used in GPU commands!
# means invert or not. 1= invert, 0 = not invert
GPU functions (mode 1)
last 2 bits- function middle 2 bits- GPU draw mode First bit-indicator
01= draw shape 11= full rectangle 1= general indicator on

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10= clear screen 01= first half of hollow
0=general indicator off
11= update numscreen 10= second half of hollow

00= do nothing 00= dot mode
RAM and registers: (pink n green)
The redgame 2 has 3 types of memory:
Read-write RAM memory
Read-only OR write only registers
Read only program memory.
Programs can freely access all 3 of these, program memory via conditional branching. The other 2
will be explained here. The redgame 2 allows for memory access while other functions are being
In order to access ether the RAM or registers, the last bit indicates witch one we are using. 1 means
RAM, and 0 means ROM. ROM only uses 3 of the 5 leftover bits, because there is more RAM than
ROM. The other 2 bits are ignored.
Rules and regulations with memory:
1. RAM can be saved and loaded to another RAM slot
2. Loading from a register is completely different to saving from a register, as loading will give
you inputs and saving will save to output registers.
3. Save registers can be saved to by RAM
4. Load/input registers can be saved to RAM
5. You can NOT save to a save register from a load register! You must first save to RAM!
6. The 1
RAM slot is disabled, and it seems 1 more is possibly inaccessible, giving 30 or 31 bits
of RAM.
7. There are 7*2 registers, both in and output.
Registers, what they do, what they are for and what they connect to:
Registers are pieces of memory witch interact with things outside or inside of the computer. If you
want to do a math function, the 2 numbers must be put into the 2 registers before it can be used by
the ALU, and then you must read the ALU output register to be able to retrieve this data. Registers
connect to all input and output devices, like the GPU, random number generator, and User input.
This is what connects to what:
Binary value: If loading from register: If saving to register:
100**0 ALU answer ALU number 1
010**0 Random number (if RNG is on) ALU number 2
011**0 ROM 3 Y2 (GPU)
001**0 ROM 1 Y1 (GPU)
101**0 ROM 2 X2 (GPU)
110**0 User input X1(GPU)
111**0 ROM 4 Number screen value

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The ROM values can be used as constants or as settings for a program, while User Input can be used
as a input or controlled value given by the user.
The number screed and GPU value changes will not take effect until a certain GPU command is
Overclocking and bug reporting.
The redgame 2.2 comes overclocked, but the redgame 2.1- and 2.3+ do not. You can increase the
speed by right-clicking a repeater in clock stage 2, increasing the speed by 6 ticks! going any further
will possibly require modification of clock stage 3, and possibly the number screen updater. If you
can successfully overclock it, please tell me.
Not that because redstone has changed in MC 1.0.0+, some things may not work. Please report any
thing that does not work and I will try to fix it!
crash prevention and common errors.
The redgame 2 features crash handling, which means if there is a problem, it will shut itself down.
Although errors can be disabled if it is false triggered, exclusive testing has been done to ensure that
all errors are almost 100% guaranteed to be caught. also note the redgame has no way of displaying
what error has occurred, so you need to look into it yourself. These are errors that will cause the
redgame to crash:
ERR01: illegal memory function!
This causes the redgame to crash if the program attempts to save AND load from registers. If you
want to save something from a register to another register, it must be saved to the RAM first. If the
computer is told to ignore the error (error bypass switch near to clock stage 2) the target register
will be set to 0, so do not be surprised.
ERR02: program slot not specified!
This error cannot be ignored, but it can be fixed.
To fix: Please note that when using conditional branching/GOTO, the first 2 bits are the program
sector, not part of the slot, which are the remaining 4 bits. This is not always necessarily an error, as
it can be used for software shutdown.
ERR03: cannot keep up!
If the clock speed is too fast and the computer cannot complete a function in the clock time, it will
To fix: lengthen the clock(clock stage 2) or modify the master clock executer (clock stage 3). Not that
this error will sometimes pass through the system unnoticed, so if you are seeing problems, try slow
the clock and notify me.

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ERR04: incompatible with MC 1.0!
If you have the redgame 2.0-2.2 or any beta release, it will refuse to start-up. Technically, it is
crashing due to a program not found error, case critical, mostly because the equipment used to read
the program is broken with the new redstone physics. Along with error 99,actually.
To fix: downgrade minecraft, or get version 2.3+
ERR05: program not found!
This occurs when the program reading equipment or GOTO gets 0. Almost equivalent to error 02,
except the crash can come from the other components. This can be caused by world corruption,
creepers, ghasts, endermen or simply not having a program loaded (it shud come with a demo
To fix: re-download, or import/program the program memory.
ERR99: unknown problem!
The redgame can probably crash for Meany very minor reasons, or malfunction from performing an
untested command. If you are absolutely sure that there is something wrong, tell me and give me as
munch info as you possibly can, and I will look into it. Here is a list of known errors that will not crash
the computer, as someone may use it intentionally:
Adder overflow.
Shift overflow.
Data overrides.

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