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Learn The Easy How You Can Build Your

Own SCR/TRIAC Tester

Although you dont find SCR and Triac in all electronic equipment, this
does not mean that both are not important components. You need to learn
how to test it so that when you come across one in the future you will now
if it is good or bad during troubleshooting. You can test these components
using meters but with the SCR!Triac tester you will find that it is easier to
test as compare to using "ultimeter. #efore $ start describing how to build
this tester, $ guess that it is important to now some of the basic operation
of SCR and Triac.

What is SCR?

SCR stands for silicon%controlled rectifier &or semiconductor%controlled
rectifier'. $t is a four%layer solid state de(ice ha(ing an input control
terminal &gate%)', an output terminal &anode%A' and a terminal common to
both input and output &cathode%C or *athode%A'. $t generally operates as an
AC switch for lighting and heating control. $n the normal +off+ state, the
SCR restricts current to the leaage current. ,hen the gate%to%cathode
(oltage e-ceeds a certain threshold, the de(ice will turns +on+ and conducts
current. The de(ice will remain in the +on+ state e(en after gate current is
remo(ed so long as current through the de(ice remains abo(e the holding
current. .nce the current falls below the holding current for an appropriate
period of time, the de(ice will switch +off+. The SCR can be found in
switch mode power supplies &S"/S'. 0or your information not all S"/S
use SCR.

What is Triac?

The TR$AC is a three%terminal de(ice similar in construction and operation
to the SCR. The TR$AC controls and conducts current flow during both
alternations of an ac cycle, instead of only one. #oth the SCR and the
TR$AC ha(e a gate lead. 1owe(er, in the TR$AC the lead on the same side
as the gate is +main terminal 2%"T2, T2 or e(en A2,+ and the lead opposite
the gate is +main terminal 3%"T3, T3 or e(en A3.+

$t can be triggered by either a positi(e or a negati(e (oltage being applied
to its gate electrode &with respect to T2, otherwise nown as "T2 or A2'.
.nce triggered, the de(ice continues to conduct until the current through it
drops below a certain threshold (alue, the holding current, such as at the
end of a half%cycle of alternating current &AC' mains power.

A TR$AC is generally used for motor speed control and in light dimmer. $f
you repair 4aser printer you will find a Triac in the power supply area to
control the heating element.

Scheatic !ia"ra O# The SCR/Triac Tester

Co$onents needed to %uild the SCR/Triac Tester

2% 2- circuit board
3% 2- small bo-
5% 5- grommets
6% 5- 57cm wire
8% 9 (olt battery
:% 9 (olt battery holder
;% 2- 3;7 ohm < watt resistor
=% 23 (olt 5 watt light bulb
9% 23 (olt light bulb holder
27% 5- test clips &preferably three different colors'
22% 2- on!off switch
23% 2- normally open switch &push to on switch'
25% 6- circuit board screw holder

You ay also need&

2% A power drill to mae holes in the circuit board and the small bo-.
3% >ouble sided tape to secure the battery holder
5% Sand paper to clean up the dirty layer on the circuit trac
6% >ifferent color of wires
8% A pen nife to cut off unwanted circuit trac and
:% /rinted words or alphabet plus glue for labelling
;% >ifferent part number of SCR and Triac for testing purposes.

The $rocedure o# #i'in" this tester can %e seen #ro the $hotos %elow&

Testin" SCR&

/lease clic on the youtube (ideo to see how $ test the "CR277%: SCR.

Testin" Triac&

The pinout of a Triac is usually T2 &"T2 or A2', T3 &"T3 or A3' and )ate
&)'. ?ust connect the test probes as follows@ The A*A probe to AT2A, the AAA
probe to AT3A and the A)A probe to A)ATBA. Turn on the switch and then press
the )ate button on the tester and you should e-pect the lamp to light.

Conclusion( #y ha(ing this tester you will not ha(e doubt if the SCR or the
Triac will breadown when under load as compare to using multimeter to
test it. #y looing at the light bulb you can Cudge if the component is
woring or not. $f there is a constant light you can be sure it is woring. $f
the light ha(e intermittent flashes and do not light at all then you can
suspect that the component under test may ha(e problem. $ suggest that you
compare with a nown good woring component for best result. $f using 9
(olt does not pro(ide a good result to you then try use 23 (dc to retest and
see the result. #y the way , you ha(e the choice on how you place the
circuit board or components, this entirely depends on your preference and
not necessary ha(e to follow the abo(e design. Tae care and may )od
always bless you and your family.

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