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Republic of the Philippines


Tana! "oac! Ma#in$u%ue
Mi$&Te#' E(a'ination
Na'e) Date)
Cou#se*+# , Section) Sco#e*Ratin-)
Test I. Choose the correct answer from the choices i!en. Encirc"e the "etter that corres#on$s to
%o&r answer.
./ It is the stu$0 of hu'an1in$ in all ti'es an$ places/
a/ Sociolo-0
b/ "iolo-0
c/ Anth#opolo-0
$/ Paleontolo-0
2/ It is the scientific stu$0 of hu'an societ0 an$ hu'an inte#action/
a/ Sociolo-0
b/ "iolo-0
c/ Anth#opolo-0
$/ Paleontolo-0
3/ 4hich of the state'ents belo5 is t#ue about sociolo-06
a/ Sociolo-0 $e'an$s e'pi#ical e7i$ence that lin1s sociolo-ical i$eas to li7e$ e(pe#ience
b/ Sociolo-0 is a 'o#all0 en-a-e$ $iscipline
c/ Sociolo-0 e'phasies hu'an socialit0 as cent#al to its pu#suit
$/ All is t#ue/
8/ A pe#son inte#este$ in 'an0 $iffe#ent aspects of societ0 such as culture, socialization, criminology,
social inequality, social groups, organizations, social change, social institutions an$ the li1es an$
scientificall0 stu$ies hu'an inte#actions/
a/ Sociolo-0
b/ Anth#opolo-0
c/ Sociolo-ist
$/ Anth#opolo-ist
9/ A pe#son 5ho scientificall0 stu$ies 'an! specificall0 the natu#al histo#0 of 'an1in$/
a/ Sociolo-0
b/ Anth#opolo-0
c/ Sociolo-ist
$/ Anth#opolo-ist
:/ It is anal0tical an$ st#uctu#al in natu#e an$ $oes not accept at face 7alue co''on sense
un$e#stan$in-s o# publicl0 state$ positions about societ0; #athe#! it see1s to p#obe beneath the su#face
fo# the actual $0na'ics/
a/ Philosophical in%ui#0
b/ Anth#opolo-ical $isco7e#0
'ision( MSC-a premier College in the Region along the fields of Instruction, Research, Extension and Production
)ission( Proide quality, responsie and dynamic leadership in the areas of Education, !echnology, Engineering, Enironment, "griculture, #isheries,
Culture, "rts and Sciences to empo$er %od-fearing indiiduals $ho are innoators and protectors for the sustaina&le deelopment of the proince and the
country as a $hole'
*+&i"$ a ,rihter f&t&re with )SC-
Republic of the Philippines
Tana! "oac! Ma#in$u%ue
c/ Sociolo-ical in%ui#0
$/ Ps0cholo-ical e(a'ination
</ In 5hat centu#0 $oes 'o$e#n anth#opolo-0! in both its ph0sical an$ cultu#al aspects! sta#te$6
a/ $u#in- the 'i$$le a-es
b/ a#oun$ the ei-hteenth centu#0
c/ in nineteen hun$#e$s
$/ a#oun$ the t5entieth centu#0
=/ 4ho 5as the 'an behin$ the $e7elop'ent of sociolo-06
a/ E'ile Du#1hei'
b/ Au-uste Co'te
c/ Si-'un$ >#eu$
$/ Cha#les ?/ Coole0
@/ Du#1hei' lai$ the foun$ation fo# Mo$e#n Sociolo-0/ In so $oin-! 5hich of the topics liste$ belo5
$i$ he stu$0 appl0in- e'pi#ical 'etho$6
a/ $e7iant beha7io#s
b/ suici$e
c/ nati7e societies
$/ t#ibes
.A/ ?o5 $oes Anth#opolo-0 sta#te$ in the Philippines6
a/ as a fiel$ stu$0 of A'e#icans to e(plain 7a#ious $i7e#-ent social pheno'ena a'on- the nati7es
b/ as a Ch#istian 'issiona#0 acti7it0 to e(plain the ele'enta#0 fo#'s of nati7e #eli-ious life
c/ as a p#actical acti7it0 of colonie#s in the se#7ice of Ch#istianit0 an$ the Spanish Go7e#n'ent
d. as a case stu$0 to $ete#'ine the $i7ision of labo# in the Philippine societ0
../ ?e le$ a#cheolo-ical e(plo#ations in the Philippines $u#in- the .@
a/ Alf#e$ Ma#che
b/ Pi-afetta
c/ Loa#ca
$/ Placencia
.2/ ?e ele7ate$ anth#opolo-0 as an aca$e'ic $iscipline at the Uni7e#sit0 of the Philippines/
a/ P#of/ Ma#celo Tan-co
b/ >#/ Balentin Ma#in
c/ Otle0 ?/ "e0e#
$/ Se#afin Maca#ai-
.3/ ?e int#o$uce$ sociolo-0 in the Philippines in .=@: as a cou#se on c#i'inolo-0 at the Uni7e#sit0 of
Santo To'as/
a/ P#of/ Ma#celo Tan-co
b/ >#/ Balentin Ma#in
c/ Otle0 ?/ "e0e#
$/ Se#afin Maca#ai-
'ision( MSC-a premier College in the Region along the fields of Instruction, Research, Extension and Production
)ission( Proide quality, responsie and dynamic leadership in the areas of Education, !echnology, Engineering, Enironment, "griculture, #isheries,
Culture, "rts and Sciences to empo$er %od-fearing indiiduals $ho are innoators and protectors for the sustaina&le deelopment of the proince and the
country as a $hole'
*+&i"$ a ,rihter f&t&re with )SC-
Republic of the Philippines
Tana! "oac! Ma#in$u%ue
.8/ ?e 5as the fi#st >ilipino to #ecei7e a $octo#ate $e-#ee in sociolo-0 in .@3@/
a/ P#of/ Ma#celo Tan-co
b/ >#/ Balentin Ma#in
c/ Otle0 ?/ "e0e#
$/ Se#afin Maca#ai-
.9/ Anothe# pe#specti7e 5hich $i#ects sociolo-ists to consi$e# the s0'bols an$ $etails of e7e#0$a0 life!
5hat these s0'bols 'ean! an$ ho5 people inte#act 5ith each othe#/
a/ Conflict Pe#specti7e
b/ S0'bolic&Inte#actionist Pe#specti7e
c/ >unctionalist Pe#specti7e
$/ All of the abo7e
.:/ Acco#$in- to this sociolo-ical pe#specti7e! each aspect of societ0 is inte#$epen$ent an$ cont#ibutes
to societ0Cs function as a 5hole/
a/ Conflict Pe#specti7e
b/ S0'bolic&Inte#actionist Pe#specti7e
c/ >unctionalist Pe#specti7e
$/ All of the abo7e
.</ ?e su--este$ that social consensus ta1es one of t5o fo#'s/
a/ Cha#les ?/ Coole0
b/ Ma( 4ebe#
c/ Da#l Ma#(
$/ E'ile Du#1hei'
.=/ A fo#' of social cohesion that a#ises 5hen people in a societ0 'aintain si'ila# 7alues an$ beliefs
an$ en-a-es in si'ila# t0pes of 5o#1
a. O#-anic soli$a#it0
b/ Mechanical soli$a#it0
c/ Social -#oup
$/ Collecti7e -#oup
.@/ A fo#' of social cohesion that a#ises 5hen the people in a societ0 a#e inte#$epen$ent! but hol$ to
7a#0in- 7alues an$ beliefs an$ en-a-e in 7a#0in- t0pes of 5o#1/
a. O#-anic soli$a#it0
b/ Mechanical soli$a#it0
c/ Social -#oup
$/ Collecti7e -#oup
2A/ The0 challen-e the status %uo! encou#a-e social chan-e Ee7en 5hen this 'eans social #e7olutionF!
an$ belie7e #ich an$ po5e#ful people fo#ce social o#$e# on the poo# an$ the 5ea1/
a/ S0'bolic inte#actionist
b/ Conflict theo#ists
c/ >unctionalist
$/ All of the abo7e
'ision( MSC-a premier College in the Region along the fields of Instruction, Research, Extension and Production
)ission( Proide quality, responsie and dynamic leadership in the areas of Education, !echnology, Engineering, Enironment, "griculture, #isheries,
Culture, "rts and Sciences to empo$er %od-fearing indiiduals $ho are innoators and protectors for the sustaina&le deelopment of the proince and the
country as a $hole'
*+&i"$ a ,rihter f&t&re with )SC-
Republic of the Philippines
Tana! "oac! Ma#in$u%ue
2./ The0 belie7e that societ0 is hel$ to-ethe# b0 social consensus! o# cohesion! in 5hich 'e'be#s of the
societ0 a-#ee upon! an$ 5o#1 to-ethe# to achie7e! 5hat is best fo# societ0 as a 5hole/
a/ S0'bolic inte#actionist
b/ Conflict theo#ists
c/ >unctionalist
$/ All of the abo7e
22/ The0 belie7e that people attach 'eanin-s to s0'bols! an$ then the0 act acco#$in- to thei# subGecti7e
inte#p#etation of these s0'bols/
a/ S0'bolic inte#actionist
b/ Conflict theo#ists
c/ >unctionalist
$/ All of the abo7e
23/ This co'es about th#ou-h the influence of the totalit0 of in$i7i$uals an$ co''unities! -#oups an$
'o7e'ents 5ithin that societ0 as a 5hole/
a/ Social chan-e
b/ T#ansfo#'ation of societ0
c/ Social -#oupin-s
$/ Social inte#action
28/ A ne-ati7e socio&cultu#al t#ansfo#'ation cha#acte#ie$ b0 the p#esence of e(t#e'ist #eli-ion!
pa#anoi$ o# -enoci$al #e-i'es! -ospels of hate; at 5a# 5ith o# in lea-ue 5ith the selfish an$ $ualistic
abo7e 5ho ha7e totall0 lost all contact 5ith la#-e# #ealit0/
a/ Ethnocent#is'*Dualistic*"aseline
b/ Plu#alistic*4o#l$cent#ic*E7olutiona#0
c/ Delusional
$/ E-ocent#is'*Selfishness
29/ Anothe# ne-ati7e socio&cultu#al t#ansfo#'ation cha#acte#ie$ b0 un#e-ulate$ capitalis'! i'pe#ialis'!
Gin-ois'! totalita#ianis'! autho#ita#ianis' $o'inate$ b0 lac1 of e'path0/
a/ Ethnocent#is'*Dualistic*"aseline
b/ Plu#alistic*4o#l$cent#ic*E7olutiona#0
c/ Delusional
$/ E-ocent#is'*Selfishness
2:/ It is also 1no5n as I'pe#ial Consciousness o# Social Da#5inis'/
a/ Ethnocent#is'*Dualistic*"aseline
b/ Plu#alistic*4o#l$cent#ic*E7olutiona#0
c/ Delusional
$/ E-ocent#is'*Selfishness
2</ Cha#acte#ie$ b0 socialie$ consciousness! H-oo$ citiensH! conse#7atis'! an$ b0 li'ite$
consciousness #athe# than ba$ o# e(ploitati7e/
a/ Ethnocent#is'*Dualistic*"aseline
b/ Plu#alistic*4o#l$cent#ic*E7olutiona#0
'ision( MSC-a premier College in the Region along the fields of Instruction, Research, Extension and Production
)ission( Proide quality, responsie and dynamic leadership in the areas of Education, !echnology, Engineering, Enironment, "griculture, #isheries,
Culture, "rts and Sciences to empo$er %od-fearing indiiduals $ho are innoators and protectors for the sustaina&le deelopment of the proince and the
country as a $hole'
*+&i"$ a ,rihter f&t&re with )SC-
Republic of the Philippines
Tana! "oac! Ma#in$u%ue
c/ Delusional
$/ E-ocent#is'*Selfishness
2=/ The#e is the i$eal of establishin- ne5 -lobal ci7iliation an$ inte-#al 5o#l$ -o7e#n'ent in this 1in$
of socio&cultu#al t#ansfo#'ation/ An$ the inspi#ation is f#o' the i$eational an$ hi-he# e'otional
plane! pu#e i$eas an$ e'path0/
a/ Plu#alistic*4o#l$cent#ic*E7olutiona#0
b/ ?olistic S0ste's*Ne5 Pa#a$i-'*Inte-#al/
c/ Pa#tial an$ Co'plete Realiation
$/ Esote#ic*Gnostic
2@/ Rep#esents an e'e#-in- Risin- Cultu#e*Post 'ate#ialis'! 5hich is finall0 #isin- to the le7el of
s0ne#-etic natu#e an$ inspi#e$ b0 i$eational plane of pu#e i$eas! but 'i(e$ 5ith lo5e# influences/
a/ Plu#alistic*4o#l$cent#ic*E7olutiona#0
b/ Mesote#ic*P#e&-nosis
c/ Esote#ic*Gnostic
$/ Delusional
3A/ Rep#esents consciousness un$e# the influence of hi-he# i'pulses! 5ith the a$7e#se #ece$in-
a/ Plu#alistic*4o#l$cent#ic*E7olutiona#0
b/ Mesote#ic*P#e&-nosis
c/ Esote#ic*Gnostic
$/ Delusional
3./ Inspi#e$ b0 spi#itual hie#a#chies! subtle ph0sical inte#action 5ith -#oss ph0sical
a/ Esote#ic*Gnostic
b/ Mesote#ic*P#e&-nosis
c/ Pa#tial an$ Co'plete Realiation
$/ E-ocent#ic*Selfish
32/ Re%ui#es $i7iniation to be collecti7el0 attaine$/
a/ Esote#ic*Gnostic
b/ Mesote#ic*P#e&-nosis
c/ Pa#tial an$ Co'plete Realiation
$/ E-ocent#ic*Selfish
33/ Inspi#ation he#e f#o' subtle ph0sical*ast#al*spi#itual #eal's is positi7e o# ne-ati7e! an$ so'eti'es
a/ Esote#ic*Gnostic
b/ Mesote#ic*P#e&-nosis
c/ Pa#tial an$ Co'plete Realiation
$/ E-ocent#ic*Selfish
'ision( MSC-a premier College in the Region along the fields of Instruction, Research, Extension and Production
)ission( Proide quality, responsie and dynamic leadership in the areas of Education, !echnology, Engineering, Enironment, "griculture, #isheries,
Culture, "rts and Sciences to empo$er %od-fearing indiiduals $ho are innoators and protectors for the sustaina&le deelopment of the proince and the
country as a $hole'
*+&i"$ a ,rihter f&t&re with )SC-
Republic of the Philippines
Tana! "oac! Ma#in$u%ue
38/ It 'a0 be that a fe5 societies attaine$ this in the past but this 5as al5a0s 'i(e$ up 5ith #eli-ious
a/ Esote#ic*Gnostic
b/ Mesote#ic*P#e&-nosis
c/ Pa#tial an$ Co'plete Realiation
$/ E-ocent#ic*Selfish
39/ 4hich of the follo5in- state'ents is t#ue about social chan-e6
a/ Social chan-e is pe#7asi7e
b/ Social chan-e is a continuous t#ansfo#'ation
c/ Social chan-e 'a0 be const#ucti7e o# $est#ucti7e
$/ All state'ent is t#ue
3:/ It is the p#ocess b0 5hich a pe#son o# -#oup of pe#sons 5o#1 to-ethe# to p#e7ent! #esist o# accept
chan-e $ue to its possible conse%uences/
a/ Social chan-e
b/ Social 'o7e'ent
c/ Continuous t#ansfo#'ation
$/ Pe#7asi7e social chan-e
3</ A sou#ce of social chan-e 5hich inclu$es the cli'ate an$ the natu#al an$ ph0sical #esou#ces of the
a/ Ph0sical en7i#on'ent
b/ I$eolo-0
c/ Technolo-0
$/ Population
3=/ An0 chan-e a'on- these 5ill #esult in the chan-e of peopleIs life patte#n fo# people 5ill fin$ 5a0s
to cope 5ith such chan-e in o#$e# to su#7i7e/
a/ Ph0sical en7i#on'ent
b/ I$eolo-0
c/ Technolo-0
$/ Population
3@/ Consi$e#e$ as a 'aGo# sou#ce of chan-e to$a0; as the pace of it beco'es #api$! so $oes the patte#n of
beha7io# of its people/
a/ Ph0sical en7i#on'ent
b/ I$eolo-0
c/ Technolo-0
$/ Population
8A/ This cause of social chan-e #esulte$ in class st#u--les an$ i'pose$ a fo#ce$ chan-e in e7e#0 societ0/
a. ManIs thou-hts an$ i$eas
b/ ManIs sociolo-ical nee$s
c/ G#oup conflict an$ social ine%ualit0
$/ ManIs ph0sical! ps0cholo-ical an$ sociolo-ical nee$s
'ision( MSC-a premier College in the Region along the fields of Instruction, Research, Extension and Production
)ission( Proide quality, responsie and dynamic leadership in the areas of Education, !echnology, Engineering, Enironment, "griculture, #isheries,
Culture, "rts and Sciences to empo$er %od-fearing indiiduals $ho are innoators and protectors for the sustaina&le deelopment of the proince and the
country as a $hole'
*+&i"$ a ,rihter f&t&re with )SC-
Republic of the Philippines
Tana! "oac! Ma#in$u%ue
8./ A $ecline in its nu'be# an$ -#o5th #ate puts a count#0 in $an-e# of bein- e(tinct 5hile
e(cessi7eness of it lea7es a count#0 unable to p#o7i$e fo# all the peopleIs nee$s/
a/ Technolo-0
b/ Cultu#al inno7ation
c/ Population
$/ Ph0sical en7i#on'ent
82/ Anothe# sou#ce of social chan-e 5hich a#ises f#o' the st#u--le bet5een capitalists an$ 5o#1e#s! o#
bet5een the e(ploitin- an$ the e(ploite$ class/
a/ Cultu#al inno7ation
b/ Conflict an$ chan-e
c/ In$i7i$ual action
$/ I$eolo-0
83/ Anothe# sou#ce of social chan-e cha#acte#ie$ b0 a #elati7el0 spontaneous action 5hich occu#s 5hen
people t#0 to 5o#1 out co''on #esponses to situation/
a/ I$eolo-0
b/ In$i7i$ual action
c/ Collecti7e beha7io#
$/ Conflict an$ chan-e
88/ Cause of social chan-e that in o#$e# to be satisfie$! 'an use$ his 'in$ an$ abilit0! #esultin- to
in7entions! $isco7e#ies an$ inno7ations/
a. ManIs thou-hts an$ i$eas
b/ ManIs sociolo-ical nee$s
c/ G#oup conflict an$ social ine%ualit0
$/ ManIs ph0sical! ps0cholo-ical an$ sociolo-ical nee$s
89/ ManIs capacit0 to thin1 an$ influence othe#s J 5hethe# b0 spea1in- up o# 5#itin- J 5hich #esulte$ to
social chan-e/
a/ ManIs thou-hts an$ i$eas
b/ ManIs sociolo-ical nee$s
c/ G#oup conflict an$ social ine%ualit0
$/ ManIs ph0sical! ps0cholo-ical an$ sociolo-ical nee$s
8:/ To satisf0 this is to cope 5ith the chan-in- en7i#on'ent an$ the $e'an$s of societ0 in 5hich the
chan-in- en7i#on'ent an$ the $e'an$s of societ0 in 5hich he is pa#t of/
a. ManIs thou-hts an$ i$eas
b/ ManIs sociolo-ical nee$s
c/ G#oup conflict an$ social ine%ualit0
$/ ManIs ph0sical! ps0cholo-ical an$ sociolo-ical nee$s
8</ E(ponente$ b0 Da#l Ma#(! this theo#0 of social chan-e 7ie5s societ0Is st#uctu#e an$ ele'ents as
constantl0 chan-in- #esultin- in conflict/
a/ Multilinea# e7olutiona#0 theo#0
b/ Rise an$ fallK o# c0clical theo#0
'ision( MSC-a premier College in the Region along the fields of Instruction, Research, Extension and Production
)ission( Proide quality, responsie and dynamic leadership in the areas of Education, !echnology, Engineering, Enironment, "griculture, #isheries,
Culture, "rts and Sciences to empo$er %od-fearing indiiduals $ho are innoators and protectors for the sustaina&le deelopment of the proince and the
country as a $hole'
*+&i"$ a ,rihter f&t&re with )SC-
Republic of the Philippines
Tana! "oac! Ma#in$u%ue
c/ Unilinea# e7olutiona#0 theo#0
$/ Conflict theo#0
8=/ It 7ie5s societ0 as p#o-#essin- f#o' a si'ple to a co'ple( fo#' of o#-aniation/
a/ Multilinea# e7olutiona#0 theo#0
b/ Rise an$ fallK o# c0clical theo#0
c/ Unilinea# e7olutiona#0 theo#0
$/ Conflict theo#0
8@/ It 7ie5s societ0 as 'o7in- in a $efinite $i#ection! cha#acte#ie$ b0 constant $e7elop'ent o# chan-e/
a/ Unilinea# e7olutiona#0 theo#0
b/ E7olutiona#0 theo#0
c/ Multilinea# e7olutiona#0 theo#0
$/ LRise an$ fallK o# c0clical theo#0
9A/ It 7ie5s the occu##ence of chan-e in se7e#al lines that $o not lea$ to a sin-le $i#ection/
a/ Unilinea# e7olutiona#0 theo#0
b/ E7olutiona#0 theo#0
c/ Multilinea# e7olutiona#0 theo#0
$/ LRise an$ fallK o# c0clical theo#0
9./ >o#e#unne#e$ b0 Talcott Pa#sons! this theo#0 e'phasies that societ0 is co'pose$ of $iffe#ent pa#ts!
each of 5hich has co'ple'enta#0 functions/
a. C0clical theo#0
b. Conflict theo#0
c. St#uctu#al functionalis' theo#0
d. Unilinea# e7olutiona#0 theo#0
92/ The state'ent Lso'e ci7iliations 5hich e(pe#ience$ p#o-#ess an$ -lo#0 befo#e slo5l0 #e-#ess 5hile
societies 5hich ha7e been 5ea1 befo#e in technolo-0 an$ in political po5e# ha7e no5 accele#ate$K
is a $esc#iption of social chan-e f#o' 5hich theo#06
a/ >unctionalist theo#0
b/ Unilinea# e7olutiona#0 theo#0
c/ Multilinea# e7olutiona#0 theo#0
$/ LRise an$ fallK o# c0clical theo#0
93/ One of the fou# p#ocesses of social chan-e 5hich #efe#s to the inc#easin- co'ple(it0 of social
a/ Diffe#entiation
b/ A$apti7e up-#a$in-
c/ Inclusion
$/ Balue -ene#aliation
98/ It 'eans the $e7elop'ent of ne5 7alues lea$ to le-iti'iin- an$ tole#atin- acti7ities/
a/ Diffe#entiation
b/ A$apti7e up-#a$in-
c/ Inclusion
'ision( MSC-a premier College in the Region along the fields of Instruction, Research, Extension and Production
)ission( Proide quality, responsie and dynamic leadership in the areas of Education, !echnology, Engineering, Enironment, "griculture, #isheries,
Culture, "rts and Sciences to empo$er %od-fearing indiiduals $ho are innoators and protectors for the sustaina&le deelopment of the proince and the
country as a $hole'
*+&i"$ a ,rihter f&t&re with )SC-
Republic of the Philippines
Tana! "oac! Ma#in$u%ue
$/ Balue -ene#aliation
99/ Refe#s to the assi'ilation of -#oups into societ0 5hich 5e#e p#e7iousl0 e(clu$e$ $ue to -en$e#!
social class an$ othe# facto#s/
a/ Diffe#entiation
b/ A$apti7e up-#a$in-
c/ Inclusion
$/ Balue -ene#aliation
9:/ Anothe# p#ocess of social chan-e 5hich happens 5hen social institutions beco'e 'o#e specialie$
in thei# pu#poses/
a/ Diffe#entiation
b/ A$apti7e up-#a$in-
c/ Inclusion
$/ Balue -ene#aliation
9</ Define$ as t5o o# 'o#e hu'ans 5ho inte#act 5ith one anothe#! sha#e si'ila# cha#acte#istics an$
collecti7el0 ha7e a sense of unit0/
a/ Societ0
b/ Population
c/ Social -#oup
$/ T#ibe
9=/ The si'plest social #elationship in7ol7in- onl0 a pai# of people 5ith attache$ #oles an$ is
cha#acte#ie$ b0 a hi-h e(chan-e of info#'ation an$ inti'ac0 because it allo5s the -#eatest
oppo#tunit0 fo# total in7ol7e'ent bet5een the t5o pe#sons/
a/ D0a$
b/ T#ia$
c/ Sub-#oup
$/ All of the abo7e
9@/ Co'pose$ of th#ee o# 'o#e people inte#actin- as a -#oup/
a/ D0a$
b/ T#ia$
c/ Sub-#oup
$/ All of the abo7e
:A/ Si'pl0 a -#oup that is a pa#t of a la#-e# -#oup/
a/ D0a$
b/ T#ia$
c/ Sub-#oup
$/ All of the abo7e
Test II. Fi"" in the ,"an. with the correct answer that wo&"$ #ro#er"% com#"ete the statement.
Encirc"e on"% the "etter of the correct answer from the choices i!en.
'ision( MSC-a premier College in the Region along the fields of Instruction, Research, Extension and Production
)ission( Proide quality, responsie and dynamic leadership in the areas of Education, !echnology, Engineering, Enironment, "griculture, #isheries,
Culture, "rts and Sciences to empo$er %od-fearing indiiduals $ho are innoators and protectors for the sustaina&le deelopment of the proince and the
country as a $hole'
*+&i"$ a ,rihter f&t&re with )SC-
Republic of the Philippines
Tana! "oac! Ma#in$u%ue
:./ Anth#opolo-0 is the science of /
a/ the natu#al histo#0 of 'an1in$
b/ li7in- bein-s
c/ the st#uctu#e an$ functions of the hu'an bo$0
$/ the ope#ations of the hu'an 'in$
:2/ Sociolo-0 is the science that $eals 5ith /
a/ the scientific in7esti-ation of the ope#ations of the hu'an 'in$
b/ the scientific stu$0 of 'anCs $ut0 o# #ules o# con$uct to5a#$ his fello5'en
c/ the scientific stu$0 of hu'an societ0 an$ hu'an inte#action
$/ the scientific stu$0 of the o#i-in an$ $e7elop'ent of a#ts an$ sciences! opinions! beliefs!
custo's! la5s! institutions -ene#all0 a'on- 'an1in$
:3/ Pi-afetta! Loa#ca! Placencia! an$ >#/ Chi#ino 5ho 5#ote ethno-#aphic $ata about the ea#l0 cultu#e
an$ societ0 in the #e$isco7e#e$ a#chipela-o 5hich 5as na'e$ L>ilipinasK in hono# of Din- Philip II
of Spain 5e#e /
a/ ch#onicle#s
b/ 5#ite#s
c/ anth#opolo-ists
$/ sociolo-ists
:8/ Social chan-e is if in the cou#se of ti'e! social p#oble's ha7e accele#ate$ an$
positi7e 7alues ha7e 7anishe$ slo5l0/
a/ const#ucti7e
b/ $est#ucti7e
c/ #elati7e
$/ ine7itable
:9/ Social chan-e is if it has positi7e #esults/
a/ const#ucti7e
b/ $est#ucti7e
c/ #elati7e
$/ ine7itable
::/ of cha#is'atic pe#sonalities in #eli-ion an$ in politics le$ to the fo#'ation of
social 'o7e'ents/
a/ I$eolo-0
b/ Conflict an$ chan-e
c/ Collecti7e beha7io#
$/ In$i7i$ual action
'ision( MSC-a premier College in the Region along the fields of Instruction, Research, Extension and Production
)ission( Proide quality, responsie and dynamic leadership in the areas of Education, !echnology, Engineering, Enironment, "griculture, #isheries,
Culture, "rts and Sciences to empo$er %od-fearing indiiduals $ho are innoators and protectors for the sustaina&le deelopment of the proince and the
country as a $hole'
*+&i"$ a ,rihter f&t&re with )SC-
Republic of the Philippines
Tana! "oac! Ma#in$u%ue
:</ is a sou#ce of social chan-e 5hich #ep#esents an atte'pt b0 the people to chan-e
aspects of thei# social -o7e#n'ent/
a/ I$eolo-0
b/ In$i7i$ual action
c/ Collecti7e beha7io#
$/ Conflict an$ chan-e
:=/ is accepte$ as a no#'al an$ $esi#able aspect of social chan-e an$ cannot be
a/ Chan-e
b/ Conflict
c/ P#o-#ess
$/ E7olution
:@/ >o#e#unne#e$ b0 Talcott Pa#sons! as a theo#0 of social chan-e belie7e$ in a balance$
s0ste' of institution/
a/ c0clical theo#0
b/ conflict theo#0
c/ st#uctu#al functionalis' theo#0
$/ unilinea# e7olutiona#0 theo#0
<A/ Man is b0 natu#e a bein-/
a/ intelli-ent
b/ hu'an
c/ social bein-
$/ a$7entu#ous
<./ A t#ue e(hibits so'e $e-#ee of social cohesion an$ is 'o#e than a si'ple
collection o# a--#e-ate of in$i7i$uals! such as people 5aitin- at a bus stop! o# people 5aitin- in a
a/ f#ien$ship
b/ b#othe#hoo$
c/ social -#oup
$/ 'an
<2/ Paul ?a#e #e-a#$s the $efinin- cha#acte#istic of a -#oup as /
a/ social classification
b/ social 'o7e'ent
c/ social cohesion
$/ social inte#action
<3/ ManIs nee$ to associate 5ith othe# people! to belon- as a social bein- an$ $epen$ on othe# people as
othe#s $epen$ on hi' in so'e aspects -#a$uall0 tu#ns hi' into a 'e'be# of a -#oup 5hich e(e#ts
influence in shapin- his /
a/ fi-u#e
b/ futu#e
'ision( MSC-a premier College in the Region along the fields of Instruction, Research, Extension and Production
)ission( Proide quality, responsie and dynamic leadership in the areas of Education, !echnology, Engineering, Enironment, "griculture, #isheries,
Culture, "rts and Sciences to empo$er %od-fearing indiiduals $ho are innoators and protectors for the sustaina&le deelopment of the proince and the
country as a $hole'
*+&i"$ a ,rihter f&t&re with )SC-
Republic of the Philippines
Tana! "oac! Ma#in$u%ue
c/ $estin0
$/ pe#sonalit0
<8/ is a -#oup of $iffe#ent pe#sonalities f#o' i$entifie$ an$ classifie$ -#oups 5ith
$istinct cha#acte#istics/
a/ societ0
b/ cultu#e
c/ fa'il0
$/ sho5bi in$ust#0
<9/ Societ0 is consi$e#e$ because it has 7a#ious t0pes/ A nu'be# of s'all
-#oupin-s 'a0 co'p#ise a pa#ticula# societ0/
a/ la#-est a'on- the -#oups
b/ a $istinct cultu#e sha#e$ b0 'ost o# al'ost all of its 'e'be#s
c. to ha7e a 'e'be#ship f#o' a #ep#o$ucti7e sou#ce
d. to last lon-e# than its lifeti'e in$i7i$ual -#oup 'e'be#s
<:/ Societ0 because if a 'e'be# 5ith a lifeti'e 'e'be#ship passes a5a0! the societ0
#e'ains as a hu'an #ace an$ still e(ists on this ea#th/
a. is la#-est a'on- the -#oups
b. has a $istinct cultu#e sha#e$ b0 'ost o# al'ost all of its 'e'be#s
c. has a 'e'be#ship f#o' a #ep#o$ucti7e sou#ce
d. lasts lon-e# than its lifeti'e in$i7i$ual -#oup 'e'be#s
<</ Societ0 is consi$e#e$ to because 5hen in$i7i$uals al'ost auto'aticall0
beco'e 'e'be#s of societ0 5hen the0 a#e bo#n 5hile the ol$ ones 5ho passe$ a5a0 a#e #eplace$ b0
0oun- in$i7i$uals 5ho a#e socialie$ acco#$in- to the a$opte$ cultu#e/
a. be la#-est a'on- the -#oups
b. ha7e a $istinct cultu#e sha#e$ b0 'ost o# al'ost all of its 'e'be#s
c. ha7e a 'e'be#ship f#o' a #ep#o$ucti7e sou#ce
$/ last lon-e# than its lifeti'e in$i7i$ual -#oup 'e'be#s
<=/ Societ0 ; a patte#n of beha7io#! 7alues an$ lan-ua-e e(ist a'on- the 'e'be#s/
a. is la#-est a'on- the -#oups
b/ has a $istinct cultu#e sha#e$ b0 'ost o# al'ost all of its 'e'be#s
c. has a 'e'be#ship f#o' a #ep#o$ucti7e sou#ce
d. lasts lon-e# than its lifeti'e in$i7i$ual -#oup 'e'be#s
<@/ Cate-o#ical -#oup! a--#e-ate -#oup! collecti7e -#oup! an$ associational -#oup a#e classification of
-#oups acco#$in- to /
a/ social boun$a#ies an$ a$he#ence to a special set of no#'s
b/ inte#action an$ #elationship
c/ 'e'be#ship
$/ natu#e! fo#'! obGecti7es an$ inte#actions
=A/ is a -#oup 5ith 'e'be#s of app#o(i'atel0 the sa'e a-e! social status! an$
'ision( MSC-a premier College in the Region along the fields of Instruction, Research, Extension and Production
)ission( Proide quality, responsie and dynamic leadership in the areas of Education, !echnology, Engineering, Enironment, "griculture, #isheries,
Culture, "rts and Sciences to empo$er %od-fearing indiiduals $ho are innoators and protectors for the sustaina&le deelopment of the proince and the
country as a $hole'
*+&i"$ a ,rihter f&t&re with )SC-
Republic of the Philippines
Tana! "oac! Ma#in$u%ue
a/ Refe#ence -#oup
b/ In&-#oup
c/ A--#e-ate -#oup
$/ Pee# -#oup
Test III. Determine to which theorist the term/s i!en are associate$. Encirc"e on"% the "etter that
corres#on$s to %o&r answer.
=./ The Social Self
a/ Cha#les ?o#ton Coole0
b/ Si-'un$ >#eu$
c/ Geo#-e ?e#be#t Mea$
$/ Alf#e$ A$le#
=2/ I$! E-o! Supe#e-o
a/ Cha#les ?o#ton Coole0
b/ Si-'un$ >#eu$
c/ Geo#-e ?e#be#t Mea$
$/ "u##hus >#e$e#ic S1inne#
=3/ Th#ee Neu#otic T#en$s! I$ealie$ Self&I'a-e! Self&?at#e$! Real Self
a/ Cha#les ?o#ton Coole0
b/ Da#en ?o#ne0
c/ E#ic >#o''
$/ Alf#e$ A$le#
=8/ Th#ee Le7els of E(pe#ience) P#otota(ic! Pa#ata(ic! an$ S0nta(ic
a/ Cha#les ?o#ton Coole0
b/ Da#en ?o#ne0
c/ ?a##0 Stac1 Sulli7an
$/ Melanie Dlein
=9/ ?u'anistic Ps0choanal0sis
a/ ?a##0 Stac1 Sulli7an
b/ E#ic >#o''
c/ Mean Pia-et
$/ Alf#e$ A$le#
=:/ "eha7io# Potential
a/ Albe#t "an$u#a
b/ Ab#aha' ?/ Maslo5
c/ Ca#l Ranso' Ro-e#s
$/ Mulian Rotte#
=</ >ou# Sta-es of Co-niti7e De7elop'ent) E.
F Senso#0&Moto# Sta-e! E2
F P#eope#ational Sta-e! E3
Conc#ete&Ope#ational Sta-e! an$ E8
F >o#'al&Ope#ational Sta-e
'ision( MSC-a premier College in the Region along the fields of Instruction, Research, Extension and Production
)ission( Proide quality, responsie and dynamic leadership in the areas of Education, !echnology, Engineering, Enironment, "griculture, #isheries,
Culture, "rts and Sciences to empo$er %od-fearing indiiduals $ho are innoators and protectors for the sustaina&le deelopment of the proince and the
country as a $hole'
*+&i"$ a ,rihter f&t&re with )SC-
Republic of the Philippines
Tana! "oac! Ma#in$u%ue
a/ ?a##0 Stac1 Sulli7an
b/ E#ic >#o''
c/ Mean Pia-et
$/ Alf#e$ A$le#
==/ ?ie#a#ch0 of Nee$s
a/ Albe#t "an$u#a
b/ Ab#aha' ?/ Maslo5
c/ Ca#l Ranso' Ro-e#s
$/ Mulian Rotte#
=@/ In$i7i$ual Ps0cholo-0
a/ ?a##0 Stac1 Sulli7an
b/ E#ic >#o''
c/ Da#en ?o#ne0
$/ Alf#e$ A$le#
@A/ The Loo1in-&Glass Self
a/ Cha#les ?o#ton Coole0
b/ Da#en ?o#ne0
c/ ?a##0 Stac1 Sulli7an
$/ Melanie Dlein
@./ Inte#nal ps0chic #ep#esentations of ea#l0 si-nificant obGects
a/ Cha#les ?o#ton Coole0
b/ Da#en ?o#ne0
c/ ?a##0 Stac1 Sulli7an
$/ Melanie Dlein
@2/ Real Self 7s/ I$eal Self
a/ Albe#t "an$u#a
b/ Ab#aha' ?/ Maslo5
c/ Ca#l Ranso' Ro-e#s
$/ Mulian Rotte#
@3/ "#in-in- Gen$e#
a/ Geo#-e Dell0
b/ Ca#ol Gilli-an
c/ Ca#l Mun-
$/ La5#ence Dohlbe#-
@8/ The "eha7io# of O#-anis's
a/ "u##hus >#e$e#ic S1inne#
b/ Mulian Rotte#
c/ E/L/ Tho#n$i1e
$/ E#ic1 E#i1son
'ision( MSC-a premier College in the Region along the fields of Instruction, Research, Extension and Production
)ission( Proide quality, responsie and dynamic leadership in the areas of Education, !echnology, Engineering, Enironment, "griculture, #isheries,
Culture, "rts and Sciences to empo$er %od-fearing indiiduals $ho are innoators and protectors for the sustaina&le deelopment of the proince and the
country as a $hole'
*+&i"$ a ,rihter f&t&re with )SC-
Republic of the Philippines
Tana! "oac! Ma#in$u%ue
@9/ Epi-enetic P#inciple
a/ "u##hus >#e$e#ic S1inne#
b/ Mulian Rotte#
c/ E/L/ Tho#n$i1e
$/ E#ic1 E#i1son
@:/ T#ial&an$&E##o# "eha7io#
a/ "u##hus >#e$e#ic S1inne#
b/ Mulian Rotte#
c/ E/L/ Tho#n$i1e
$/ E#ic1 E#i1son
@</ = "asic A#chet0pes
a/ Geo#-e Dell0
b/ Ca#ol Gilli-an
c/ Ca#l Mun-
$/ La5#ence Dohlbe#-
@=/ Mo#al De7elop'ent) P#e&con7entional Le7el! Con7entional Le7el! an$ Post&con7entional Le7el
a/ Geo#-e Dell0
b/ Ca#ol Gilli-an
c/ Ca#l Mun-
$/ La5#ence Dohlbe#-
@@/ Self&Sche'as
a/ Geo#-e Dell0
b/ Ca#ol Gilli-an
c/ Ca#l Mun-
$/ La5#ence Dohlbe#-
.AA/ Recip#ocal Dete#'inis' an$ Inte#nal Dete#'inants
a/ Albe#t "an$u#a
b/ Ab#aha' ?/ Maslo5
c/ Ca#l Ranso' Ro-e#s
$/ Mulian Rotte#
.A./ The lo7e of $eath
a/ Den$#ophilia
b/ "iophilia
c/ Nec#ophilia
'ision( MSC-a premier College in the Region along the fields of Instruction, Research, Extension and Production
)ission( Proide quality, responsie and dynamic leadership in the areas of Education, !echnology, Engineering, Enironment, "griculture, #isheries,
Culture, "rts and Sciences to empo$er %od-fearing indiiduals $ho are innoators and protectors for the sustaina&le deelopment of the proince and the
country as a $hole'
*+&i"$ a ,rihter f&t&re with )SC-
Republic of the Philippines
Tana! "oac! Ma#in$u%ue
$/ Pi$ophilia
.A2/ The infatuation 5ith oneIs o5n self/
a/ Philia
b/ Phobia
c/ Mali-nant Na#cissis'
$/ Mania
.A3/ Denotes the e'otions an$ i$eas that the 'in$ 1eeps in the unconscious! 7ia $0na'ic #ep#ession!
that concent#ate upon a bo0Is $esi#e to se(uall0 possess his 'othe#! an$ 1ill his fathe#
a/ Pha#aoh Co'ple(
b/ Ele1t#a Co'ple(
c/ Oe$ipus Co'ple(
$/ Supe#io#it0 Co'ple(
G o o $ L u c 1 N
P#epa#e$ b0)
Note$ b0)
Dean! SEn-
'ision( MSC-a premier College in the Region along the fields of Instruction, Research, Extension and Production
)ission( Proide quality, responsie and dynamic leadership in the areas of Education, !echnology, Engineering, Enironment, "griculture, #isheries,
Culture, "rts and Sciences to empo$er %od-fearing indiiduals $ho are innoators and protectors for the sustaina&le deelopment of the proince and the
country as a $hole'
*+&i"$ a ,rihter f&t&re with )SC-

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