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Dear Supporting Churches, May/Jun 2014

What an incredible two months it has been as God has given much increase to our ministries here in Uganda!

We restarted the work on the facilities for the church at Muhindi as the dry
season has come. I had the privilege of making the trek to Muhindi where I got
my hands very dirty packing mud to build up the walls, and slinging mud to
build out the walls, much to the amusement of the locals as they have never
seen a Mzungu do such work. We hope to have the building complete by our
next prayer letter, but the lack of funds may stretch out the completion.

I also had the privilege of preaching the first anniversary service for Muhindi Faith Baptist
Church as over 300 people congregated to hear Gods word preached and join the celebration.
Three local leaders were in attendance and at least two people made professions of faith in Jesus Christ.

We are now 6 weeks into the operation of our third primary school: Faith Baptist Christian
Academy of Uganda. God has blessed us with 14 very capable teachers and 100 eager students.
In addition, we were blessed greatly with donations from 6 individuals/churches who each gave
$500 to help us equip our 8 classrooms. This allowed us to buy desks, chalkboards, tables,
benches, podiums, books, and charts. We have far to go to be where God wants us, but we have
made tremendous progress to date, which we thank God for. Thank you for your prayers.

Trenton, our nine year old son, is doing great. The cast has been removed and he feels no pain, although his arm is
very weak. Please continue to pray for a full recovery, and a return of the strength in his arm.

We continue to minister to the people of Ruti and Byanamira where we pray that God will
birth churches. Please join us in praying that God will send a pastor to each of these
congregations. We had our first baptisms in Byanamira where three people were baptized in
a most beautiful setting as the picture shows, but the greatest beauty was seeing these three
people follow Jesus in baptism.

A Kenyan man that Ive been working with, George, has told me that he is certain that God is calling him back to
Kenya, to minister in the largest slum in the world, Kibera, where nearly one million people pack into a 1-1/2 sq
mile area. I am fully convinced that the calling is of God, so Im asking George to go to Kibera this December to
survey the work, and then to prepare to go. Be praying for George as God readies him for this great need.

We sent out our first missionary/church planter, Patrick, who has returned to his village in the Tororo District. He
has already led two men to the Lord, but has suffered terrible attacks on his family and himself. Please pray for
Patrick and his family as they begin a work for the Lord amongst their own.

This past 2 months has seen 53 professions of faith and 3 baptisms, all to the glory and honor of the Saviour.

Continue to pray for your laborers and work in Uganda; our labor and investment is all in vain if God is not doing it
through us.

Together in His Majestys Service,
The Tracht Family

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