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Billy Elliot

Chapters 1-2
1 Answer these questions.
a) Where does Billy fnd his nan?
b) Who are Jackie and Tony?
c) Where does Billy go on Saturday morning?
d) Who is Debbie?
2 Billy calls his grandmother Nan. e calls his !ather "ad. #hat do you call your
parents and grandparents$ As% other students.
& #hat is li!e in Billys house li%e at the start o! the story$ 'al% to other students.
( Boys dont do )allet in Billys world. #hy does he *oin the class+ do you thin%$ #rite
down some ideas.
Chapters &-(
1 #ho says or thin%s these things a)out )allet$ Choose !rom these names.
Boys at school Nan Tony ichael Debbie
a) !Ballet"s not #ust $or girls."
b) !%ots o$ boys do ballet."
c) !Where are your &ink ballet shoes' Billy?"
d) !iners do not do ballet."
e) !Ballet shoes( )o* lo+ely("
2 ,i!e on stri%e is di-cult. Correct these sentences.
a) The *eather is going to be hotter soon.
b) The strikers are going to ha+e lots o$ $ood
$or ,hristmas.
c) The strikers ha+e got lots o$ money.
d) The mines are closing and the young men
are ha&&y.
e) No miners are *orking.
Chapters .-/
1 #or% with a partner. 0ou are in the )allet class when Billys dad comes in. #hat do
1rs #il%inson and the girls say a!ter Billy and his dad lea2e$ #rite down some ideas.
2 Complete the sentences with words !rom the )o3.
Diferent- famous- kitchen letter- money- pub- shouts-
a) Billy at his $ather and runs out o$ the house.
b) r Wilkinson o$ten goes to the .
c) rs Wilkinson doesn"t *ant $or the ballet lessons.
d) -ene .elly *as a dancer like /red 0staire.
e) Billy"s mam *rote a to Billy be$ore she died.
$) Tony and Jackie ha+e ideas about the strike.
g) Jackie hits Tony in the at $our o"clock in the morning.
& 'al% to a partner. Answer these questions.
"o you thin% 1rs #il%insons house is a happy house$ #hat is 'ony going to do with the
police )aton+ do you thin%$
Chapters 4-5
1 #hy does Billy cry$ 'ic% 617 the reasons. Because 8
a) his dad hit Tony.
b) his mam is dead.
c) he doesn"t *ant to do the audition.
d) rs Wilkinson doesn"t *ant to hel& him.
e) rs Wilkinson hits him.
2 Answer these questions.
a) Why do the &olice *ant Tony?

b) What do the &olice do *ith their batons?

c) Where did Tony slee& in the &olice station' do you think?

d) Tony shouts !)a&&y ,hristmas" to the &eo&le in the court. Does he mean it?

e) )o* does Tony kno* that rs Wilkinson is $rightened?

& 'hin% o! two ad*ecti2es to descri)e each character in this scene. 9se your dictionary
to :nd new words.
rs Wilkinson
Chapters ;-1<
1 #or% with a partner. =ne o! you is 1ichael. 'he other is >ac%ie. At the end o! Chapter
;+ imagine >ac%ie as%s 1ichael questions a)out Billy and his dancing. #hat does
1ichael tell him$ a2e a con2ersation.
2 All >ac%ies ideas change a!ter he sees Billy dance. Are these sentences true 6'7 or
!alse 6?7$
a) Jackie thinks Billy is a $antastic dancer.
b) rs Wilkinson is going to gi+e Jackie money $or the audition.
c) Jackie is going to be a scab $or a *eek.
d) Jackie *alks to the mine.
e) Tony goes into the mine *ith Jackie.
$) Tony and Jackie both *ant to hel& Billy no*.
& #ho 8
a) has no ,hristmas tree this year?
b) sees Billy"s dad come into the Social frst?
c) says' !)el& the boy' Jackie("?
d) thinks Billy is the best?
e) bangs on the scab bus *indo*s?
$) is going to fnd the money $or the audition?
Chapter 11@ Epilogue
1 ?ind words or phrases to complete these sentences.
a) hel&ed *ith the money $or the audition.
b) Dad sold to get money.
c) Billy didn"t like the 2oyal Ballet School because it *as .
d) T. 2e3 *asn"t the kind o$ music $or the 2oyal Ballet School.
e) When Billy dances' there"s .
2 ow does Billy !eel when he reads the letter !rom the Aoyal Ballet Bchool$ 'al% to
other students. 9se a dictionary to :nd new words.
1 All these things are dangerousE mining+ )o3ing+ smo%ing cigarettes. #hy are they
dangerous$ #rite sentences. #hich is the most dangerous$ #hich is the least
2 Cmagine that Billy doesnt get into the Aoyal Ballet Bchool. #hat do you thin%
happens to him$
#rite a)out his li!e.
& Ct is the end o! Billys :rst day at the Aoyal Ballet Bchool. e writes a letter to his
dad. #hat does he say$ ow does he !eel$

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