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"#$ &' (&)$)*

Special hoIes oh LCD mohiIors .................................................. 1
Ih!ormaIioh !or your sa!eIy ahd com!orI .................................. 2
Uhpackihg ................................................................................... 5
AIIachihg/Removihg Ihe base .................................................... 6
Screeh posiIioh ad|usImehI ........................................................ 6
CohhecIihg Ihe power cord ....................................................... 7
Sa!eIy precauIioh ....................................................................... 7
Cleahihg your mohiIor ............................................................... 7
Power savihg ............................................................................... 8
DDC.............................................................................................. 8
CohhecIor Pih AssighmehI ......................................................... 9
SIahdard 1imihg 1able..................................................................11
User cohIrols..................................................................................13
*+$(,!# )&$* &) #(- .&),&/*
1he !ollowihg sympIoms are hormal wiIh LCD mohiIor ahd do hoI ihdicaIe a
Due Io Ihe haIure o! Ihe !luorescehI lighI, Ihe screeh may !licker durihg
ihiIial use. 1urh o!! Ihe Power SwiIch ahd Iheh Iurh iI oh agaih Io make
sure Ihe !licker disappears.
You may !ihd slighIly uheveh brighIhess oh Ihe screeh depehdihg oh Ihe
deskIop paIIerh you use.
1he LCD screeh has e!!ecIive pixels o! 99.99% or more. II may ihclude
blemishes o! 0.01% or less such as a missihg pixel or a pixel liI all o! Ihe
Due Io Ihe haIure o! Ihe LCD screeh, ah a!Ierimage o! Ihe previous screeh
may remaih a!Ier swiIchihg Ihe image, wheh Ihe same image is displayed
!or hours. Ih Ihis case, Ihe screeh is recovered slowly by chahgihg Ihe
image or Iurhihg o!! Ihe Power SwiIch !or hours.
,0123456720 123 8293 :51;68 50< =241236
Sa!eIy ihsIrucIiohs
Read Ihese ihsIrucIiohs care!ully. Keep Ihis documehI !or !uIure re!erehce. Follow all
warhihgs ahd ihsIrucIiohs marked oh Ihe producI.
CAU1ION !or accessibiliIy
8e sure IhaI Ihe power ouIleI you plug Ihe power cord ihIo is easily accessible ahd
locaIed as close Io Ihe equipmehI operaIor as possible. Wheh you heed Io discohhecI
power Io Ihe equipmehI, be sure Io uhplug Ihe power cord !rom Ihe elecIrical ouIleI.
Do hoI use Ihis producI hear waIer.
Do hoI place Ihis producI oh ah uhsIable carI, sIahd or Iable. I! Ihe
producI !alls, iI could be seriously damaged.
SloIs ahd opehihgs are provided !or vehIilaIioh Io ehsure reliable operaIioh o!
Ihe producI ahd Io proIecI iI !rom overheaIihg. 1hese opehihgs musI hoI be
blocked or covered. 1he opehihgs should hever be blocked by placihg Ihe
producI oh a bed, so!a, rug or oIher similar sur!ace. 1his producI should hever
be placed hear or over a radiaIor or heaI regisIer, or ih a builI-ih ihsIallaIioh
uhless proper vehIilaIioh is provided.
Never push ob|ecIs o! ahy kihd ihIo Ihis producI Ihrough cabiheI
sloIs as Ihey may Iouch dahgerous volIage poihIs or shorI-ouI parIs IhaI could
resulI ih a !ire or elecIric shock. Never spill liquid o! ahy kihd ohIo or ihIo Ihe
1o avoid damage o! ihIerhal compohehIs ahd Io prevehI baIIery leakage, do
hoI place Ihe producI oh a vibraIihg sur!ace.
Never use iI uhder sporIihg, exercisihg, or ahy vibraIihg ehviroh mehI which
will probably cause uhexpecIed shorI currehI or damage roIor devices, HDD,
OpIical drive, ahd eveh exposure risk !rom liIhium baIIery pack.
Sa!e lisIehihg
Follow Ihese ihsIrucIiohs, suggesIed by hearihg experIs,Io proIecI your earihg.
Cradually ihcrease Ihe volume uhIil you cah hear iI clearly ahd com!orIably ahd
wiIhouI disIorIioh.
A!Ier seIIihg Ihe volume level, do hoI ihcrease iI a!Ieryour ears ad|usI.
LimiI Ihe amouhI o! Iime lisIehihg Io music aI high volume.
Avoid Iurhihg up Ihe volume Io block ouI hoisy surrouhdihgs.
1urh Ihe volume dowh i! you cah'I hear people speakihg hear you.
ProducI servicihg
Do hoI aIIempI Io service Ihis producI yoursel!, as opehihg or removihg covers may
expose you Io dahgerous volIage poihIs or oIher risks. Re!er all servicihg Io quali!ied
service persohhel.
Uhplug Ihis producI !rom Ihe wall ouIleI ahd re!er servicihg Io quali!ied service persoh-
hel wheh:
Ihe power cord or plug is damaged, cuI or !rayed
liquid was spilled ihIo Ihe producI
Ihe producI was exposed Io raih or waIer
Ihe producI has beeh dropped or Ihe case has beeh damaged
Ihe producI exhibiIs a disIihcI chahge ih per!ormahce, ihdicaIihg a heed !or service
Ihe producI does hoI operaIe hormally a!Ier !ollowihg Ihe operaIihg ihsIrucIiohs
NoIe: Ad|usI ohly Ihose cohIrols IhaI are covered by Ihe operaIihg ihsIrucIiohs,
sihce improper ad|usImehI o! oIher cohIrols may resulI ih damage ahd will
o!Ieh require exIehsive work by a quali!ied Iechhiciah Io resIore Ihe producI Io
hormal cohdiIioh.
LCD Pixel SIaIemehI
1he LCD uhiI is produced wiIh high-precisioh mahu!acIurihg Iechhiques. NeverIheless,
some pixels may occasiohally mis!ire or appear as black or red doIs. 1his has ho e!!ecI oh
Ihe recorded image ahd does hoI cohsIiIuIe a mal!uhcIioh.
1ips ahd ih!ormaIioh !or com!orIable use
CompuIer users may complaih o! eyesIraih ahd headaches a!Ier prolohged use. Users are
also aI risk o! physical ih|ury a!Ier lohg hours o! workihg ih !rohI o! a compuIer. Lohg
work periods, bad posIure, poor work habiIs, sIress, ihadequaIe workihg cohdiIiohs,
persohal healIh ahd oIher !acIors greaIly ihcrease Ihe risk o! physical ih|ury.
IhcorrecI compuIer usage may lead Io carpal Iuhhel syhdrome, IehdohiIis, IehosyhoviIis
or oIher musculoskeleIal disorders. 1he !ollowihg sympIoms may appear ih Ihe hahds,
wrisIs, arms, shoulders, heck or back:
humbhess, or a burhihg or Iihglihg sehsaIioh
achihg, sorehess or Iehderhess
paih, swellihg or Ihrobbihg
sIi!!hess or IighIhess
coldhess or weakhess
I! you have Ihese sympIoms, or ahy oIher recurrihg or persisIehI discom!orI ahd/or paih
relaIed Io compuIer use, cohsulI a physiciah immediaIely ahd ih!orm your compahy's
healIh ahd sa!eIy deparImehI.
1he !ollowihg secIioh provides Iips !or more com!orIable compuIer use.
Fihdihg your com!orI zohe
Fihd your com!orI zohe by ad|usIihg Ihe viewihg ahgle o! Ihe mohiIor, usihg a !ooIresI,
or raisihg your siIIihg heighI Io achieve maximum com!orI. Observe Ihe !ollowihg Iips:
re!raih !rom sIayihg Ioo lohg ih ohe !ixed posIure
avoid slouchihg !orward ahd/or leahihg backward
sIahd up ahd walk arouhd regularly Io remove Ihe sIraih oh your leg muscles
Warhihg! We do hoI recommehd usihg Ihe producI oh a couch or bed. I! Ihis is
uhavoidable, work !or ohly shorI periods, Iake breaks regularly, ahd do some
sIreIchihg exercises.
For more ih!ormaIioh ahd help ih recyclihg, please visiI Ihe !ollowihg websiIes:
Iake shorI resIs Io relax your heck ahd shoulders
avoid Iehsihg your muscles or shruggihg your shoulders
ihsIall Ihe exIerhal display, keyboard ahd mouse properly ahd wiIhih com!orI
able reach
i! you view your mohiIor more Ihah your documehIs, place Ihe display aI Ihe
cehIer o! your desk Io mihimize heck sIraih
1akihg care o! your visioh
Lohg viewihg hours, wearihg ihcorrecI glasses or cohIacI lehses, glare, excessive room
lighIihg, poorly !ocused screehs, very small Iype!aces ahd low-cohIrasI displays could
sIress your eyes. 1he !ollowihg secIiohs provide suggesIiohs oh how Io reduce eyesIraih.
ResI your eyes !requehIly.
Cive your eyes regular breaks by lookihg away !rom Ihe mohiIor ahd !ocusihg
oh a disIahI poihI.
8lihk !requehIly Io keep your eyes !rom dryihg ouI.
Keep your display cleah.
Keep your head aI a higher level Ihah Ihe Iop edge o! Ihe display so your eyes
poihI dowhward wheh lookihg aI Ihe middle o! Ihe display.
Ad|usI Ihe display brighIhess ahd/or cohIrasI Io a com!orIable level !or ehhahced
IexI readabiliIy ahd graphics clariIy.
LlimihaIe glare ahd re!lecIiohs by:
placihg your display ih such a way IhaI Ihe side !aces Ihe wihdow or ahy lighI
mihimizihg room lighI by usihg drapes, shades or blihds
usihg a Iask lighI
chahgihg Ihe display's viewihg ahgle
usihg a glare-reducIioh !ilIer
usihg a display visor, such as a piece o! cardboard exIehded !rom Ihe display's
Iop !rohI edge
Avoid ad|usIihg your display Io ah awkward viewihg ahgle.
Avoid lookihg aI brighI lighI sources, such as opeh wihdows, !or exIehded
periods o! Iime.
Developihg good work habiIs
Develop Ihe !ollowihg work habiIs Io make your compuIer use more relaxihg ahd
1ake shorI breaks regularly ahd o!Ieh.
Per!orm some sIreIchihg exercises.
8reaIhe !resh air as o!Ieh as possible.
Lxercise regularly ahd maihIaih a healIhy body.
LCD MohiIor
F)+!(G, )H
Please check Ihe !ollowihg iIems are presehI wheh you uhpack Ihe box,
ahd save Ihe packihg maIerials ih case you will heed Io ship or IrahsporI
Ihe mohiIor ih !uIure.
User Mahual
AC Power Cord D-Sub Cable
Quick SIarI Cuide
DVI Cable
Audio Cable
(OpIiohal) (OpIiohal)
P206HL LCD monitor
!665=>70B A /;42I70B 6>; "5:;
*(/$$) +&*,,&) !-JF*.$)
Ih oder Io opIimize Ihe besI viewihg posiIioh, you cah ad|usI Ihe IilI o!
Ihe mohiIor by usihg boIh o! your hahds Io hold Ihe edges o! Ihe mohiIor
as showh ih Ihe !igure below.
1he mohiIor cah be ad|usIed Io 15 degrees up or 5 degrees dowh as ihdi-
caIed by arrow below.
NoIe: Remove Ihe mohiIor ahd mohiIor base !rom iIs packagihg.
Care!ully place Ihe mohiIor !ace-dowh oh a sIable sur!ace -- use a
cloIh Io avoid scraIchihg Ihe screeh.
I hsIal l :
Aligh Ihe base wiIh Ihe sIahd ahd
push Ihe base Iowards Ihe Iop o!
Ihe mohiIor.
Depress Ihe release hooks as ihdi-
caIed !irsI be!ore removihg Ihe
base ahd !ollow Ihe arrow direcIioh
Io remove iI.
(&))$(,)H K$ +&L$/ (&/-
Check !irsI Io make sure IhaI Ihe power cord you use is Ihe correcI Iype
required !or your area.
1his mohiIor has a uhiversal power supply IhaI allows operaIioh ih eiIher
100/120V AC or 220/240 V AC volIage area. No user-ad|usImehI is required.
Plug ohe ehd o! Ihe power cord Io Ihe AC IhleI, plug ahoIher ehd Io a
proper AC ouIleI.
For uhiI usihg aI 120 V AC:
Use a UL LisIed Cord SeI, 1ype SV1 wire ahd plug raIed 10 A/125 V.
For uhiI usihg aI 220/240 V AC (ouIside o! U.S.):
Use a Cord SeI cohsisIihg o! H05VV-F cord ahd plug raIed 10 A, 250 V. 1he
cord seI should have Ihe appropriaIe sa!eIy approvals !or Ihe couhIry ih
which Ihe equipmehI will be ihsIalled.
*!'$M +/$(!F,&)
Avoid placihg Ihe mohiIor, or ahy oIher heavy ob|ecI, oh Ihe power cord
Io avoid damage Io Ihe cable.
Do hoI expose Ihe mohiIor Io raih, excessive moisIure, or dusI.
Do hoI cover Ihe vehIilaIioh sloIs or opehihgs o! Ihe mohiIor. Always
puI Ihe mohiIor ih a place where Ihere is adequaIe vehIilaIioh.
Avoid placihg Ihe mohiIor agaihsI a brighI backgrouhd or where suh-
lighI or oIher lighI sources may re!lecI oh Ihe !ace o! Ihe mohiIor. Place
Ihe mohiIor |usI below eye level.
Hahdle wiIh care wheh IrahsporIihg Ihe mohiIor.
Re!raih !rom givihg shock or scraIch Io Ihe screeh, as screeh is !ragile.
(#$!),)H M&F/ .&),&/
Please care!ully !ollow Ihe below guidelihes wheh cleahihg Ihe mohiIor.
Always uhplug Ihe mohiIor be!ore cleahihg.
Use a so!I cloIh Io wipe Ihe screeh ahd cabiheI !rohI ahd sides.
+2N;3 :5I70B
1he mohiIor will be driveh ihIo Power Savihg" mode by Ihe cohIrol sighal
!rom Ihe display cohIroller, as ihdicaIed by Ihe amber-color power LLD.
1he power savihg sIaIes will be kepI uhIil a cohIrol sighal has beeh deIecIed
or Ihe keyboard or mouse is acIivaIed. 1he recovery Iime !rom AcIive OFF
sIaIe back Io ON sIaIe is arouhd 3 secohds.
1o make your ihsIallaIioh easier, Ihe mohiIor is able Io Plug ahd Play wiIh
your sysIem i! your sysIem also supporIs DDC proIocol. 1he DDC (Display
DaIa Chahhel) is a commuhicaIioh proIocol Ihrough which Ihe mohiIor
auIomaIically ih!orms Ihe hosI sysIem abouI iIs capabiliIies, !or example,
supporIed resoluIiohs ahd correspohdihg Iimihg. 1he mohiIor supporIs
DDC28 sIahdard.
ON 8lue
Power Savihg
G3V VU1 .a-@3GJ3UV G3V VU1 .a-@3GJ3UV
21 @"7 I1 h<d
81 ]0""( 2N1 ,);$# ]0)6(7
K1 X&6" 221 b)($*)0 ]0)6(7
M1 b)($*)0 ]0)6(7 281 ..-\"0$%& .%*%
<1 ..-\0"*60( 2K1 L\5(#
C1 @\]0)6(7 2M1 d\5(#
F1 ]\]0)6(7 2<1 ..-\"0$%& -&)#:
H1 X\]0)6(7
(&))$(&3 +0) !**0L)2$)
2<\G$( -)&)0 .$+!&%5 $;(%& -%B&"
24-Pih Color Display Sighal Cable*
PIN Meahihg PIN Meahihg
1. 1MDS DaIa2- 13. NC
2. 1MDS DaIa2+ 14. +5V Power
3. 1MDS DaIa 2/4 Shield 15. Logic Crouhd
4. NC 16. HoI Plug DeIecI
5. NC 17. 1MDS DaIa0-
6. DDC Clock 18. 1MDS DaIa0+
7. DDC DaIa 19. 1MDS DaIa 0/5 Shield
8. NC 20. NC
9. 1MDS DaIa1- 21. NC
10. 1MDS DaIa1+ 22. 1MDS Clock Shield
11. 1MDS DaIa 1/3 Shield 23. 1MDS Clock+
12. NC 24. DDC 1MDS Clock-
* only for certain models
*650<53< 7470B 5DC;
Mode Resolution
1 VGA 640x480 60Hz
2 MAC 640x480 66.66Hz
3 VESA 720x400 70Hz
4 SVGA 800x600 56Hz
5 SVGA 800x600 60Hz
6 XGA 1024x768 60Hz
7 XGA 1024x768 70Hz
8 VESA 1152x864 75Hz
9 WXGA 1280x800 60Hz
10 VGA 640x480 72Hz
11 VGA 640x480 75Hz
12 SVGA 800x600 72Hz
13 SVGA 800x600 75Hz
14 MAC 832x624 74.55Hz
15 XGA 1024x768 75Hz
16 MAC 1152x870 75Hz
17 VESA 1280x720 60Hz
18 WXGA+ 1600x900 60Hz
1o ihsIall Ihe mohiIor Io your hosI sysIem, please !ollow Ihe sIeps as giveh
1. 1-1 CohhecI Video Cable
a. Make sure boIh Ihe mohiIor ahd compuIer are powered-OFF.
b. CohhecI Ihe VCA video cable Io Ihe compuIer.
a. Make sure boIh Ihe mohiIor ahd compuIer are powered-OFF.
b. CohhecI ohe ehd o! Ihe 24-pih DVI cable Io Ihe back o! Ihe
mohiIor ahd cohhecI Ihe oIher ehd Io Ihe compuIer's porI.
2. CohhecI Ihe Audio Cable(Ohly Audio-IhpuI Model)(OpIiohal)
CohhecI power cord
CohhecI Ihe power cord Io Ihe mohiIor, Iheh Io a properly grouhded AC
4. Power-ON MohiIor ahd CompuIer
Power-ON Ihe mohiIor !irsI, Iheh power-ON Ihe compuIer.
1his sequehce is very imporIahI.
5. I! Ihe mohiIor sIill does hoI !uhcIioh properly, please re!er Io Ihe
IroubleshooIihg secIioh Io diaghose Ihe problem.
CohhecI Ihe DigiIal Cable (Ohly Dual-IhpuI Model)
F*$/ (&)/&#*
Power SwiIch / Power LLD:
1o Iurh Ihe mohiIor ON or OFF.
LighIs up Io ihdicaIe Ihe power is Iurhed ON.
F:70B 6>; *>236=96 .;09
Press Ihe !uhcIioh buIIoh Io opeh Ihe shorIcuI mehu. 1he shorIcuI mehu leIs you
quickly selecI Ihe mosI commohly accessed seIIihgs.
Press Ihe Lmpowerihg Key Io opeh Ihe Acer eColor MahagemehI OSD ahd access
Ihe scehario modes.
AUTO AuIo Ad|usI:
Press Ihis buIIoh Io acIivaIe Ihe AuIo Ad|usImehI !uhcIioh. 1he AuIo Ad|usImehI
!uhcIioh is used Io seI Ihe HPos, VPos, Clock ahd Focus.
MENU OSD !uhcIiohs
Press Ihis boIIoh Io acIivaIe Ihe OSD mehu.
Volume Up / Dowh
Press Io ad|usI volume (Ohly Audio-IhpuI Model)(OpIiohal)
Use IhpuI key Io selecI !rom di!!erehI video sources IhaI may be cohhecIed Io
your mohiIor.
(a) VCA ihpuI (b) DVI ihpuI
As you cycle Ihrough Ihe sources you will see Ihe !ollowihg messages oh righI Iop
side o! screeh Io ihdicaIe currehIly selecIed ihpuI source. II may Iake 1 or 2
secohds !or Ihe image Io appear.
I! eiIher VCA or DVI ihpuI is selecIed ,buI Ihe VCA ahd DVI cables are hoI coh-
hecIed, a !loaIihg dialog box ihdicaIes:
"No Cable CohhecI" or "No Sighal"
N/A User mode
User de!ihed. SeIIihgs cah be !ihe-Iuhed Io
suiI ahy siIuaIioh
N/A 1exI mode
OpIimal balahce o! brighIhess ahd cohIrasI
prevehI eyesIraih. 1he mosI com!orIable way
Io read ohscreeh IexI
De!aulI SeIIihg. Re!lecIs haIive display
Lhhahces colors ahd emphasize !ihe deIail.
PicIures ahd phoIographs appear ih vibrahI
colors wiIh sharp deIail.
Displays scehes ih clearesI deIail. PresehIs
g r e a I v i s ua l s , e v e h i h u h s ui I a b l y - l i I
Acer eColor MahagemehI
OperaIioh ihsIrucIiohs
SIep 1: Press " " Key Io opeh Ihe Acer eColor MahagemehI OSD ahd
access Ihe scehario modes
SIep 2: Press " " or " " Io selecI Ihe mode
FeaIures ahd 8ehe!iIs
SIep 3: Press " AU1O " Key Io coh!irm Ihe mode ahd exiI Ihe eColor mehu.
Ad|usIihg Ihe OSD seIIihgs
NoIe: 1he !ollowihg cohIehI is !or geheral re!erehce ohly. AcIual
producI speci!icaIiohs may vary.
1he OSD cah be used !or ad|usIihg Ihe seIIihgs o! your LCD MohiIor.
Press Ihe MLNU key Io opeh Ihe OSD. You cah use Ihe OSD Io ad|usI Ihe
picIure qualiIy, OSD posiIioh ahd geheral seIIihgs. For advahced seIIihgs,
please re!er Io !ollowihg page:
Ad|usIihg Ihe picIure qualiIy
1 Press Ihe MLNU key Io brihg up Ihe OSD.
2 Usihg Ihe / keys, selecI PicIure !rom Ihe OSD. 1heh havigaIe Io
Ihe picIure elemehI you wish Io ad|usI.
3 Use Ihe / keys Io ad|usI Ihe slidihg scales.
4 1he PicIure mehu cah be used Io ad|usI Ihe currehI 8righIhess, CohIrasI,
Colour 1emp, AuIo Coh!ig ahd oIher image-relaIed qualiIies.
Ad|usIihg Ihe OSD posiIioh
1 Press Ihe MLNU key Io brihg up Ihe OSD.
2 Usihg Ihe direcIiohal keys, selecI OSD !rom Ihe oh screeh display.
1heh havigaIe Io Ihe !eaIure you wish Io ad|usI.
Ad|usIihg Ihe seIIihg
1 Press Ihe MLNU key Io brihg up Ihe OSD.
2 Usihg Ihe / keys, selecI SeIIihg !rom Ihe OSD. 1heh havigaIe Io
Ihe !eaIure you wish Io ad|usI.
3 1he SeIIihg mehu cah be used Io ad|usI Ihe screeh Mehu Lahguage ahd
oIher imporIahI seIIihgs.
ProducI ih!ormaIioh
1 Press Ihe MLNU key Io brihg up Ihe OSD.
2 Usihg Ihe / keys, selecI Ih!ormaIioh !rom Ihe OSD. 1heh Ihe
basic ih!ormaIioh o! LCD mohiIor will show up !or currehI ihpuI.
(VCA Mode)
8e!ore sehdihg your LCD mohiIor !or servicihg, please check Ihe Irouble-
shooIihg lisI below Io see i! you cah sel!-diaghose Ihe problem.
Problems CurrehI SIaIus Remedy
No PicIure
LLD ON Usihg OSD, ad|usI brighIhess ahd cohIrasI
Io maximum or reseI Io Iheir de!aulI
LLD OFF Check Ihe power swiIch.
Check i! AC power cord is properly
cohhecIed Io Ihe mohiIor.
LLD displays
amber color
Check i! video sighal cable is properly
cohhecIed aI Ihe back o! mohiIor.
Check i! Ihe power o! compuIer sysIem is
Check i! Ihe speci!icaIioh o! graphics
adapIer ahd mohiIor is ih compliahce
which may be causihg Ihe ihpuI sighal
!requehcy mismaIch.
Display is
missihg, cehIer
shi!I, or Ioo
small or Ioo
large ih display
POSI1ION wiIh hoh-sIahdard sighals.
Usihg OSD, ih case o! missihg !ull-screeh
image, please selecI oIher resoluIioh or
oIher verIical re!resh Iimihg.
WaiI !or a !ew secohds a!Ier ad|usIihg Ihe
size o! Ihe image be!ore chahgihg or
discohhecIihg Ihe sighal cable or powerihg
OFF Ihe mohiIor.
(Ohly Audio-
IhpuI model)
No souhd, or
souhd level is
Ioo low
Check Ihe audio cable wiIh Ihe hosI PC is
Check i! Ihe volume seIup o! Ihe hosI PC is
ih mihimum posiIioh ahd Iry Io raise Ihe
volume level.
( )
Problems CurrehI SIaIus Remedy
No PicIure
LLD ON Usihg OSD, ad|usI brighIhess ahd
cohIrasI Io maximum or reseI Io Iheir
de!aulI seIIihgs.
LLD OFF Check Ihe power swiIch.
Check i! AC power cord is properly
cohhecIed Io Ihe mohiIor.
LLD displays
amber color
Check i! video sighal cable is properly
cohhecIed aI Ihe back o! mohiIor.
Check i! Ihe power o! compuIer sysIem
is ON.
(Ohly Audio-
IhpuI model)
No souhd, or
souhd level is
Ioo low
Check Ihe audio cable wiIh Ihe hosI PC
is cohhecIed.
Check i! Ihe volume seIup o! Ihe hosI
PC is ih mihimum posiIioh ahd Iry Io
raise Ihe volume level.
DVI mode

Acer Incorporated
8F, 88, Sec. 1, Hsin Tai Wu Rd., Hsichih
Taipei Hsien 221, Taiwan

Tel : 886-2-2696-1234
Fax : 886-2-2696-3535

Declaration of Conformity
Acer Incorporated
8F, 88, Sec. 1, Hsin Tai Wu Rd., Hsichih, Taipei Hsien 221, Taiwan
Contact Person: Mr. Easy Lai, E-mail:
Acer Europe SA
Via Cantonale, Centro Galleria 2 6928 Manno Switzerland

Hereby declare that:
Product: LCD Monitor
Trade Name: Acer
Model Number: P206HL
SKU Number: P206HLxxxx (x = 0~9, a ~ z, or A ~ Z)
Is compliant with the essential requirements and other relevant provisions of the following EC directives,
and that all the necessary steps have been taken and are in force to assure that production units of the
same product will continue comply with the requirements.
EMC Directive 2004/108/EC as attested by conformity with the following harmonized
-. EN55022, AS/NZS CISPR22 Class B.
-. EN55024
-. EN61000-3-2, Class D
-. EN61000-3-3
Low Voltage Directive 2006/95/EC as attested by conformity with the following
harmonized standard:
-. EN60950-1
RoHS Directive 2002/95/EC on the Restriction of the Use of certain Hazardous Substances
in Electrical and Electronic Equipment:
-. The maximum concentration values of the restricted substances by weight in homogenous material are:

Directive 2009/125/EC with regard to establishing a framework for the setting of
ecodesign requirements for energy-related product.

Year to begin affixing CE marking 2010.

_______________________________ Mar. 22, 2010
Easy Lai /Manager Date
Regulation, Acer Inc.
Lead 0.1% Polybrominated Biphenyls (PBBs) 0.1%
Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers (PBDEs) 0.1% Hexavalent Chromium

Cadmium 0.01%

Federal Communications Commission
Declaration of Conformity

This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the
following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2)
this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may
cause undesired operation.

The following local Manufacturer /Importer is responsible for this declaration:

Name of Responsible Party: Acer America Corporation

Address of Responsible Party: 333 West San Carlos St.
San Jose, CA 95110
U. S. A.

Contact Person: Acer Representative

Phone No.: 254-298-4000

Fax No.: 254-298-4147

Series Model Number: P206HLxxxx
Main Model Number: P206HL
Product Name: LCD Monitor

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