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Chinese dietetic therapy

The nutritional therapy in Chinese Medicine, or simply called food-therapy, was handed down by
our ancestors experience after permanent struggle with diseases, and its rewards when applying
food as a prophylactic to prevent diseases.
1. Origins
Our countries food-therapy goes back to the sia-!ynasty, more than "### years ago. $i-$i a
high minister of the %hang-!ynasty emphasi&es decoctions' value, especially as medicaments. (n
the Tang Ye Lun )discourse about decoctions and li*uids+ it was ,ust the method of preparing
soup that was used to treat diseases. -nd early in the .hou-!ynasty the court had already the
position of a /nutritionist/in the palace, who had to check the special relations between the
nutritional intake and its influence on health' as well as the *uality of food - not unlike the work
done now by the -merican 0ood-!rug--dministration.
(n a famous Chinese classic named Qian Jin Yao Fang ) 1ecepies of thousand gold coins value+
one chapter is found especially about therapy with food. The books author compares2
/Medicaments are ferocious like soldiers of the high guard, and hence should not be
thoughtlessly applied in minor cases./ 3hereas /0ood can dispel harmful influences, be*ueath
the internal organs, refresh the spirit and replenish the *i and blood./
(t also advises2 To cure a disease try first dietetics, if this doesn't help you can consider
pharmaceutical treatment. e promoted the application of dietetics as well and especially in
the geriatric treatments. The book contains food-therapy recipes and supportive nutritional
methods and was later supplemented by .hang !ing and changed to the name Shi Liao Ben Cao
) Materia medica of food therapy+, and hereafter considered the basic classic about dietetics. (n
another book about old age and its nutrition, called Lao Lao Xuan Nian it is emphasi&ed2 Taking
medicine to prevent diseases is not as good as preventing diseases by the well chosen foods and
beverages./ which is such, because the weakness of the old age is often resulting from the
deficiency of the stomach and spleen-system and via those geriatric diseases can be prevented
and cured as well.
-s we can see from these few *uotes above, the therapists from past to present have gained a
long-term clinical, experimental experience of high value, with its theoretical results in
nutritional health care, all in order to keep healthy and defeat aging and prolong life and so
providing an abundance of reference materials. 4owadays the modern medicine and dietetics
have risen to an almost perfect degree of theory and application of the food-therapy. The
dieteticists methods are based on the traditional origins of food therapy
having tested a great amount found in foods chosen to strengthening the aging body and after
having researched treatments of old age and prolonging life a lots of therapies spread from this
root to benefit our happiness in the present days.
2. Application of the food therapy
I. Supplementive nutrition
The functions of the stomach5spleen system decrease in old age, and the digestion system
suffers from weakness, which all often results in a lacks of essential nutritive factors and so
finally leads to diseases. with food therapy those malfunctions can be corrected and moreover
the necessary factors be reinstalled in order to regain the body's primary strength. The book
Shou Shi Bao Yuan )6onglivety by preserving the source+ tells us about a powerful recipe, called
Yang Chun Bai Xue Gao )%now-white 6amb of the $-47 $outh+ consisting of 0u-ling (ndian bread
)pachyma cocos, poria+, 8uryalisseed, $amaimoroot, 6otosseed9,
mixed with rice, glutinous rice, some sugar etc. to form a small cake that, after drying is taken
by old people or young women to enhance greatly the strength of spleen and kidney systems.
(n order to harmoni&e functions of distorted organs, the organs of animals are also often used in
TCM2 :ovines pancreas for diabetes, pigs heart for treating angina pectoris and insomnia or
sheep's thyroid glands for hypothyreosis to name a few. This kind of organ /substitute/ therapy,
also called organ treatment and has undergone clinical research and application with definite
9;Chinese names2 bai fu-ling, *ian shi, huai shan yao, lian rou
((. armoni&ing the e*uilibrium of organs
(f the organs in the body become weaker, it is )as TCM defines+ because of a loss of e*uilibrium
between $(4 and $-47, being the main reason for any resulting diseases. 0ood and beverage are
able to correct this imbalance, in the same way a treatment should do. %o by the right selection
of food the organ systems' balance can be regained and it is only then, that a positive result by
any treatment can be achieved easily, no matter which kind of therapy is applied.
0ood therapy is often applied under varying circumstances of personal constitution, time, and
disease. %o if there is a /heat/-syndrome )often easily dry mouth, acne, hard stool, deep yellow
urine etc.+ or /heat/ disease, cooling foods will be prescribed, as mung-beans, watermelons,
pears, coicis seeds )$i yi ren+ etc. (f a /cold/-syndrome is present )cool extremities, fear of cold
temperature, diarrhea after eating cooled food etc.+ or even a /cold/ disease, then warming
foods are recommended, such as ginger, garlic, deer meat and walnuts.
%eniors suffer often from vertigo and a di&&y feeling, caused by a $(4-deficiency of liver and
kidney systems. (n such cases a higher intake of shellfish and seafood is recommended.
Constipation and dry bowels call for more greasy foods containing vegetable oils, like almonds
or pine seeds as well as for fibrous plant roots.
(f the lung is affected and coughing prevails, white pears, lilly bulbs and ginkgo seeds ) bai xue
li, bai he, bai guo+ are of good use.
(f the heart and the spleen system is deficient, cinnamon and red lychee are very useful. The
medicine has to be arranged differently, according to each individuals body-constitution, with
principles like /hot treats cold/, /cold treats hot/ a.s.o. in order to guarantee a predictable
outcome of all cases in vivo.
(((. 0ood restrictions for seniors
The term suitable or unsuitable foods is referring to foods with medical properties that can or
should be eaten in higher amounts or respectively foods that represent taboos, because of their
harmful effects on the patient or the positive result of the therapy, which hence should be
eaten only rarely or not at all.
Older persons with weakened spleen and stomach system functions especially after a disease
have to pay even more attention to that, a fact, that is already known by the most people,
which is why there are two common *uestions during the anamnesis often asked2 3hat should (
eat < 3hat is bad for me < :eing such shows that many people know about the importance of
applied food therapy, and that they are willing to care about it - once they are ill.
A. Classifcation of foods:
-ccording to TCM food, like medicine can be divided into the characteristics cold-hot-cool-
warm, which when applied right, can help the patient to overcome an inclination to or even a
manifested disease and thus achieve the same goal which medicaments would.
ere now a listing of often used foods with medical properties and their coresponding
a. Foods ith arming !ualities"
6ong-yan fruits2 %upport heart, calms down nervous system, nourishes blood,
improves function of the spleen system
6ychee fruits2 %weet-warm *uality with blood nourishing properties, in the
face blood circulation and moistness improves when often eaten.
%ugarcane2 %upports the middle-abdomen area, relieves pain, moistens
lung system, stops coughing
6entils2 strengthens spleen system, nourishes stomach system,
)string beans+ transforms, dispells and moisturi&es /summer heat/ ) shu ; overheated system+
:oxthorn2 helps digestion, strengthens stomach system, revives and
)%hancha+ revitali&es blood, transforms stagnation
3alnuts2 %upports kidneys, helps the $-47, restrains )overactive+
lung system, calms breathing, moistens intestines, improves
Other warming foods
7rainproducts2 4oodles, fermented rice, bean pickles, soy sauce, vinegar
=egetables2 7inger, garlic, onion, chinese chives, coriander leaves,
mustard, carrots, ,iu bai )a kind of shallots grown covered
to remain white+
0ruits2 >lums, olives, papayas, black plums, chestnuts, grapes
%ugars2 oney, bleached and raw sugar
Meat2 Chicken, duck, fowl, dog, goat, beef, deer, cat
0ish2 %ilver carp, shad, shrimps, eel, catfish
#. Foods ith $ooling properties
8uryalis seeds2 replenishes spleen system, prevents loose bowels, long
application makes body light and improves the *i.
7reen mungbeans 2 clears heat, detoxifies, dispels summer heat )shu+, *uietens
beans the troubled spirit
8locharitis tuberositas )3ater chestnut+2 dissolves phlegm, disintegrates massed swellings,
heat, increases secretions, reduces swellings of the thyroid gland
Chrysanthemum flowers 2 refreshes liver, clears eyes, dispels heat 5 wind symptoms
Mulberries 2 nourishes and raises $in and blood, applied at deplete $in
symptoms of kidney and liver system and for early grey hair
6illy bulbs 2 moisten lung system, stop coughing
?akifruit syrup2 clears heat, *uiets the troubled spirit, strengthens spleen system, transforms
>ears 2 when fresh cool heat symptoms, stop coughing, when cooked nourish the $in and
moisten dryness
3atermelon 2 *uenches thirst, cools heat, dispel summer heat )shu+, increases urination@ the
,uice when regularly in high amounts applied cures edema and inflammation of the kidneys
Other cooling foods
7rains 2 rice, oat, tofu, fermented soybeans, thick soy sauce
Tuberous vegetables 2 xian cai )kind of spinach+, rape, Chinese cabbage, cucumber, bitter
gourd, bamboo sprouts, taros, eggplants
0ruits 2 water caltrops, lotos roots, sugar canes, gingko nuts, dried kakifruits
7ame 2 meat of hare and deer
%ea fruit 2 eel, frog, lobster, turtle, tortoise, clam, oyster, etc.and misc.
c. Neutral foods ( food with neither hot nor cold properties)
6otosseed 2 nourishes heart system, be*ueaths mind, improves kidney
system, strengthens softened tissue, benefits health of spleen system, stops loose bowels
8uryalisseed2 benefits kidney sys., strengthens and clears it, benefits
health of spleen system, stops loose bowels
)- congee of the two above cures diarrhea and spermatorrhea+
:lack seed 2 nourishes and improves kidney and liver system, moistens
of sesame dry bowels and improves their secretion, in order to improve
defecation of old people and patients with chronic constipation
3heat 2 nourishes heart sys., calms spirit, often with ,u,ube fruits and
li*uorice applied for restlessness, insomnia and un*uiet
dreams. 0or all post menopausal syndromes, wheat is
recommended to be taken in a long term for a very beneficial effect.
$am root )$ucca+2 supplements spleen- and stomach- , improves kidney- and
lung systems. 0or prevention of symptoms accompanying diabetes, chronic asthma, coughing
children, it should be prepared as tea and drunk twice a day.
Au,ube fruit2 supplements and improves spleen- and stomach system, nourishes blood, calms
Other neutral foods
7rains 2 glutinous rice, polished round grained non-glutinous rice ),ing mi+, black beans, soy
beans, peas
Tuberous vegetables2 calabash, pumpkin
0ruits 2 pipa, green plums, peanuts
7ame 2 pork, wild goose )yan+
%ea fruit 2 carp, cuttlefish
B. Characteristics and taboos of some foods
The characteristics of food and their taboos
The food and beverage that we daily consume )be it of hot or of cold character+ should be
chosen differnetly according to different constitutions and diseases. Therefore the differnt
characteristics and their appropriate and inappropriate applications are listed below2
1. Hot and spicy food:
Onions, ginger, Chinese chives, chili, pepper, etc. which belong to foods with warm5hot
characteristics are in small amounts able to increase bowel movement and defecation and
hence recommended for patients with deplete and cold symptoms of stomach and spleen
systems, suffering from sudden and large watery stools with pain. 8ating too much of it can
cause phlegm, fire and wind symptoms and harm the eyesight.
0urthermore they should not be consumed by patients with the following diseases2
a. %ymptoms of depletion and $(4 in kidney and liver systems such as
insomnia, hypertension, blurred vision and a hot temper.
b. :lood related symptoms2 bleeding pupurea, menorrhagia patients
should all eat this food in only small amounts.
c. >hlegm related symptoms2 >atients with humid asthma during the hot
seasons bearing a yellowish, tenacious phlegm that is hard to cough out.
d. 8ye related symptoms2 patients with loss of eyesight, red or
bloodshot eyes in relation with high blood pressure, will also
find hot and spicy foods to be unsuitable for them in larger amounts.
e. -bscess and furuncle related symptoms2 8specially swollen, red and acute periods of
carbuncles and furuncles.
2. Fresh and cool food:
-ll leguminous fruits and raw vegetables, cool drinks, etc. belong to cool-cold foods are able to
clear hot and warm symptoms and can increase production of body fluids, hence suit for
symptoms like thirst, pain when swallowing, constipation and dark yellow urine.
The are not recommended for patients with depletion and cold caused belly-ache, diarrhea,
vomiting etc.
>atient often note that when they drink cooled drinks, cold watermelon or banana etc., they
have almost immediately afterwards abdominal pain with an urging bowel-movement that
causes them to rush to toilet with a slight diarrhea, which all are indications of an vacuity and
deplete stomach and spleen system.
3. reasy and fat food:
-nimal fat and roasted food with rich and heavy taste can produce heat and phlegm and so
harm stomach and spleen system. >atients with a feeling of external heat and sudden watery
stools in huge amounts should avoid those kind of food. 0or those with liver diseases, stroke,
diabetes, chronic stomach and intestinal diseases these foods are also on the taboo list.
!. Food "ith high allergenic factors:
-nimals including carp, shrimps, scabbard fish )a kind of eel+, dog-meat, pork, rooster, beef,
pork as well as among vegetables mushrooms, pumpkin, li*uorice buds and leaves )huang hua
cai+, coriander )yuan sui+, etc. all belong to phlegm, fire and wind symptom producing food.
>atients with ypertension, corona diseases, artero-sclerosis and such are better not to eat too
much of it, since it would increase the fire5wind symptoms present. 8ating too plenty of them
much can furthermore cause purulent abscissa, urticaria, tuberculosis, hematoemesis and other
blood stirring, fiery diseases.
Yin deficiency
Principle of treatment: Nourish yin and increase body fluids.
Formula of choice: Since yin deficiency frequently causes heat, methods for nourishing yin are often used
with those for expelling heat use !a"or #rigin$Supplementing %ecoction to treat yin deficiency of the li&er
and 'idneys, in which ginseng, dioscorea root and licorice root replenish the spleen, prepared rehmannia
root and tang'uei nourish li&er yin and cornus fruit and lycium berry in&igorate 'idney yin.
%eficiency of lung yin can be treated with (ily )ulb !etal$Securing %ecoction, in which rehmannia root
nourishes yin and clears away heat from the blood ophiopogon root, scrophularia root and lily bulb nourish
yin, ,moisten the lungs, remo&e phlegm and arrest cough tang'uei and white peony root in&igorate blood
and nourish yin and licorice root and platycodon root eliminate phlegm and coordinate the effects of the
other ingredients in the formula.
)urdoc' root purifies and cleanses the tissues and blood. *he whole plant has a mild diuretic, sweat$
inducing, and laxati&e properties. +t has a reputation for treating s'in eruptions such as boils and acne. *he
bitter taste of burdoc' is tonic to the digesti&e system and the lea&es stimulate the secretion of bile.
)urdoc' lea&es are used as a poultice for s'in problems and bruises. )urdoc' helps to dispel heat from the
Foods for ,cne and -osacea that ha&e a cool or cold nature can clear heat in exactly the same way that
herbs act. Some of the foods that are cooling in nature include cucumber, mung beans, bean curd .tofu/,
lettuce, pears, mushrooms, spinach, strawberries and tomatoes.
0hen dried, lotus seed 'ernels are &alued for their healing powers in *1!, which uses the dried seeds to
dispel pathogenic heat from the heart to treat fidgets and spontaneous bleeding caused by excessi&e heat.
Some 1antonese use the 'ernel or whole dried lotus seeds for ma'ing porridge and desserts.
2unbu$'ombu and sargassum, which dispel heat, disperse accumulation and reduce phlegm, can
effecti&ely arrest goiter, scrofula, tumour, oedema, testicular pain and swelling.
,s you will see from the text, the nature of
food can be affected by coo'ing. +n general
terms, frying and roasting in oil increase the
heating properties of food, while ba'ing has a
similar, but less mar'ed effect .ba'ed foods often
ha&e a drying effect, especially on the colon/.
You should note that when the term 3roasting4
is applied to the ingredients used in herbal
preparations it means dry$roasting in a pan o&er
a flame. Steaming and boiling slightly counteract
any cooling properties of food, but will also help
to moderate the effects of some 0arm or 5ot
foods because of the watery component. For
example, raw peanuts ha&e a Neutral nature and
a propensity for the channels of the Spleen and
For instance, ba'ed
crabs clear %amp and 5eat when used medicinally,
yet crab is commonly seen to aggra&ate
s'in conditions such as urticaria which in&ol&e
the same factors.1hinese 6
%ietary *herapy
%andelion has long been pri7ed in 1hinese medicine for its healing abilities, especially its ability to dispel
heat, reduce inflammation and infection, and detoxify and cleanse the li&er. +ts recorded use in 1hinese
medicine dates bac' to the 8th century ,.%. when it was widely used for fighting infections such as boils,
carbuncles, bronchitis, tonsillitis, and clarifying the s'in, bile ducts and gastrointestinal tract.
+t is today used in 1hina as a treatment for mastitis .swollen or inflamed breasts/, and that remedy is
listed below.
%andelion is used in powdered form, or in water or alcohol extract, or as a "uice. +t can be pluc'ed from
your bac'yard and boiled and it ma'es an ideal green &egetable loaded with minerals and cleansing
properties. +ts bitterness can be offset by adding some potato to the water and + ha&e often added strained
tomatoes, which cuts the bitter fla&or too. *his combination of tomato and dandelion is surprisingly tasty
and not as acidic as it may sound.
+n particular, 9hang et al. thin' that excessi&e sex causes consumption and damage of the yang qi and that
the e&il qi contracted during sex resulting in ,+%S should be classified as yi du, a species of :epidemic
toxins: in 1hinese medicine. ,ccording to Nigel 0iseman and Feng Ye;s , Practical %ictionary of 1hinese
!edicine .Paradigm Publications, )roo'line, !,, <==>/, epidemic disease refers to a transmissible disease
that affects many members of a community, while toxins are an especially &irulent form of e&il qi. Shuai
?ue$7hong, author of 5an Ying Shuang @ie 1hang Yong 9hong Yi !ing 1i Shu Yu .1hinese$Anglish
Practical 1hinese !edical *erminology/, 5unan Science B *echnology Press, 1hangsha, <=>6, defines
epidemic qi as a strongly infectious species of e&il qi. 9hang et al. also recogni7e that these epidemic
toxins may be contracted &ia blood transfusion and may be transmitted from mother to child in utero.
Spleen$'idney qi &acuity
Symptoms: )odily emaciation, fatigue, lac' of strength, spontaneous perspiration, fear of wind, duct and
abdominal glomus and fullness, diarrhea, borborygmus, low bac' and 'nee soreness and limpness,
possible generali7ed superficial edema, di77iness, tinnitus, seminal incontinence, impotence, a somber
white facial complexion, a low, wea' &oice, a pale tongue with white fur, and a wea' pulse .which means a
deep, fine, forceless, slow pulse/.
-x: )n 9hong Yi Ci *ang .Supplement the 1enter B )oost the Ci %ecoction/ plus @in Dui Shen Ci 0an
.Dloden 1abinet 2idney Ci Pills/
+ngredients: -adix ,stragali !embranacei .5uang Ci/, -adix 1odonopsitis Pilosulae .%ang Shen/,
-hi7oma ,tractylodis !acrocephalae .)ai 9hu/, Pericarpium 1itri -etriculatae .1hen Pi/, -hi7oma
1imicifugae .Sheng !a/, -adix )upleuri .1hai 5u/, coo'ed -adix -ehmanniae .Shu %i/, Fructus 1orni
#ffcinalis .Shan 9hu Yu/, -adix %ioscoreae #ppositae .Shan Yao/, 1ortex -adicis !outan .%an Pi/,
Sclerotium Poriae 1ocos .Fu (ing/, -hi7oma ,lismatis .9e ?ie/, -adix (ateralis Praeparatus ,coniti
1armichaeli .Fu 9i/, 1ortex 1innamomi 1assiae .-ou Dui/, Semen 1uscutae 1hinensis .*u Si9i/, Semen
Eaccariae Segetalis .0ang )u (iu ?ing, etc.
(ung qi &acuity
Symptoms: Faint, low &oice, fear of wind, spontaneous perspiration, cough, shortness of breath,
sometimes cold, sometimes hot, easy catching of colds, a somber white facial complexion, a pale tongue,
and a wea' pulse.
-x: )u Fei *ang @ia @ian .Supplement the (ungs %ecoction with ,dditions B Subtractions/
+ngredients: -adix Panacis Dinseng .-en Shen/, -adix ,stragali !embranacei .5uang Ci/, coo'ed -adix
-ehmanniae .Shu %i/, Fructus Schisandrae 1hinensis .0u 0ei 9i/, 1ortex -adicis !ori ,lbi .Sang )ai Pi/,
-adix ,steris Farfarae .9i 0an/, Scierotium Poriae 1ocos .Fu (ing/, -hi7oma ,tractylodis !acrocephalae
.)ai 9hu/
Spleen qi &acuity
Symptoms: , sallow yellow facial complexion, poor appetite, torpid inta'e, lassitude of the spirit, lac' of
strength, loose stools, spontaneous perspiration, a pale tongue with thin fur, and a wea' pulse.
-x: @ia 0ei Si @un 9i *ang .,dded Fla&ors Four Dentlemen %ecoction/
+ngredients: -adix Panacis Dinseng .-en Shen/, -adix ,stragali !embranacei .5uang Ci/, -hi7oma
,tractylodis !acrocephalae .)ai 9hu/, -adix Dlycyrrhi7ae .Dan 1ao/, Sclerotium Poriae 1ocos .Fu (ing/,
Semen %olichoris (ablab .)ai )ian %ou/
5eart$spleen dual &acuity
Symptoms: 5eart palpitations, insomnia, profuse dreams, worry and anxiety, &exation, agitation, and
restlessness, generali7ed lac' of strength, di77iness, chilled hands and feet, loose stools or diarrhea, torpid
inta'e, itchy s'in, a red rash on the face or a somber white facial complexion, a pale tongue with white,
glossy fur, and deep, forceless pulse.
-x: Dui Pi *ang @ia @ian .-eturn the Spleen %ecoction with ,dditions B Subtractions/
+ngredients: -adix ,stragali !embranacei .5uang Ci/, -hi7oma ,tractylodis !acrocephalae .)ai 9hu/,
-adix 1odonopsitis Pilosulae .%ang Shen/, -adix ,ngelicae Sinensis .%ang Dui/, Sclerotium Pararadicis
Poriae 1ocos .Fu Shen/, Semen 9i7yphi Spinosae .Suan 9ao -en/, coo'ed -adix -ehmanniae .Shu %i/,
-adix Sal&iae !iltiorrhi7ae .%an Shen/, Pericarpium 1itri -eticulatae .1hen Pi/, uncoo'ed #s %raconis
.(ong Du/, -hi7oma Polygonati .5uang @ing/, -adix Dlycyrrhi7ae .Dan 1ao/
abrus root$ xiangsi7igen$ increases sali&ation, quenches thirst, moistens lungs, dispels heat, promotes
bean lotusFsubstitute for lotus seedG $ 'ushilian$ dispels toxic heat in the heart, benefits 'idneys,
strengthens spleen, controls diarrhea, astringes.
cassia seed $ "ueming7i$ cleanses li&er, clears &ision, dispels wind$heat, promotes defecation.
crotalaria $ yebaihe$ dispels heat, promotes diuresis, remo&es toxin.
crotalaria, yellowH $ huanghua diding$ clears heat, detoxifies, promotes diuresis
desmodium FlysimachiaG $ "inqiancao$ relie&es water retention, promotes urination, cleanses heat, resol&es
dampness, remo&es toxin, disperses swelling, promotes diuresis.
desmodium triquetri $ hulucha$ clears heat, detoxifies, eliminates phlegm, resol&es accumulation.
dolichos $ baibiandou$ supplements spleen, expels dampness, disperses summer heat, remo&es heat.
erythrina $ haidongpi$ remo&es wind, promotes the flow of meridians, clears up heat, eliminates dampness,
'ills parasites.
indigofera $ a source of qingdai$ remo&es heat, remo&es toxin, disperses swelling.
licorice $ gancao$ supplements spleen, replenishes qi, clears heat, remo&es toxin, moistens lungs, controls
cough, harmoni7es stomach and spleen, harmoni7es all drugs.
mimosaH $ hanxiucao$ clears heat, tranquili7es, resol&es accumulations, detoxifies.
phaeseolus, red $ chixiaodou$ remo&es heat, promotes diuresis, disperses blood, remo&es swelling.
phaeseolus $ ludou$ dispels accumulated heat, remo&es all toxins.
pueraria $ gegen$ resol&es surface, expels heat, promotes furuncle eruption, increases sali&ation, controls
diarrhea, nourishes muscles and &essels.
pueraria flower $ gehua$ dispels heat in the stomach.
sophora $ 'ushen$ dispels heat, dries.

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