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lnt J Rock Mech Min. Sci. & Gcomech Abstr. Vol. 22, No. 5, pp.

No. 5, pp. 313-321, 1985 0148-9062/85 S3.00+0.00

Printed in Great Britain. All rights reserved Copyright ~ 1985 Pergamon Press Ltd
Mechanical Properties
of Rock Joints
Sliding on rock joints occurs in situ under various boundary conditions. A
servo-controlled direct shear testing machine was constructed to simulate these
bounda O, conditions in the laboratory. Thirty-one sandstone samples were
tested with two varying loading paths: (a) constanci, of the normal /orce and
(b ) restriction of the dilation. The dilation was restricted by introducing a
stiffness normal to the joint plane. The results of the experiments indicate that
shear force and normal displacement (dilation) are both Junctions of normal
force and shear displacement. Furthermore, it could be proved ,for the
investigated material that the ffictional behaviour is independent of the loading
path. Based on the interpretation of the experimental results, a constitutive law
.for rock ,joints was developed. The constitutive law allows the calculation of
stresses and strains in a rock joint.
--Five material constants are needed. The)" are determined by testing one
sample in two conventional normal force-controlled direct shear tests.
--The constitutive equations allow consideration o[" the non-lineari O, oJ the
material behaviour.
The constitutive law was implemented in a finite element program. The
comparison of the experimental with the calculated results indicates good
Stability analysis in j oi nt ed rock is often governed by the
stability of a critical j oi nt . In such cases, it is assumed
t hat any i nt eract i on between the rock and the j oi nt does
not exist; the j oi nt can therefore be considered isolated.
The mechanical characteristics of the j oi nt plane are
necessary for assessing instability, The direct shear test
is a suitable experiment to det ermi ne these paramet ers.
Apar t from a few exceptions, the normal force has
generally been held const ant in shear tests report ed in
the literature. This experimental boundar y condi t i on
corresponds in situ to a rock block slide at the surface
(Fig. 1). The block is able to slide freely, The normal
force acting on the j oi nt remains const ant duri ng the
In cont rast to this, a rock block sliding into an
under gr ound cavity cannot slide freely. The sliding will
be hi ndered by the stiffness of the surroundi ng rock,
which leads to the act i vat i on of an addi t i onal normal
force. This in situ boundar y condi t i on can be simulated
in the l abor at or y by using a spring stiffness normal to the
j oi nt plane. The afore-ment i oned pr obl em- - sl i di ng un-
der the restriction of di l at i on- - i s significant in under-
ground cavity const ruct i on (cavern const ruct i on,
mining, tunnel const ruct i on).
Due to the lack of suitable testing machines, system-
atic experiments could not be carried out until now. The
* Deutsche Bundesbahn. Haupt verwal t ung. Fachbereich Neu-
baustrecken Friedrich Ebert Aul age 43-45. D-6000 Frankfurt am
Main. F. RG.
established research group "Fel smechani k" at Karl sruhe
University conduct ed suitable experiments. The purpose
of the work was threefold:
- - t o carry out experiments on rock j oi nt s to obt ai n
relations between the forces and displacements;
- - f r om the experiments, to derive a law which describes
the material behavi our;
- - t o investigate the influence of a restriction in the
di l at i on 9n the frictional behavi our, bot h experi-
ment al l y and theoretically.
Experimental equipment
The afore-ment i oned condi t i ons required the con-
st ruct i on of a suitable shear machi ne (Fig. 2). The test
specimen with the j oi nt under investigation is cont ai ned
in shear boxes A and B. The normal force is applied
t hrough vertical hydraul i c cylinder 2, and the shear force
is applied t hrough hori zont al hydraul i c cylinder 1. Both
cylinders are servo-controlled. The relative movement in
the j oi nt is caused by the sliding of the lower part B
under the upper part A.
Two forces (shear and normal ) as well as two displace-
ments (shear and normal ) are measured. It is presumed
t hat these four paramet ers sufficiently describe the fric-
tional behavi our of rock j oi nt s (Fig. 3). The control of
the tests, as well as dat a collection, is performed by a
comput er. Thus, the test procedure is fully aut omat i c. A
detailed description of the experimental procedure is
given in Nat au et al. [1].
Di r ect s h e a r t e s t I
I 1
[ K - O - - N - o o n s , I I
"i" /
/ / / / / / I / / / : i / ' / / / - / . / / / / / / / / / / /
T : s h e a r f o r c e N : n o r ma l f o r c e K : rock s t i f f n e s s
Fig. I. Simulation of the in situ boundar y condi t i ons in the direct shear test.
@ Upper s h e a r box
uo.r, e r0o.
7 a s h e a r f or c e
Hydr aul i c press~
3or mal f or c e
Force meosur l n( j
c el l , s heor f o r c e
@ For ce r neosut qng
c e l l , n o r ma l f or c e
@ Servo v a l v e
( ~ Rai l er bear i n( j
( ~ Di s p l a c e me n t
me o s u n n g f r a me
Fig. 2, Di agrammat i c i l l ust rauon of the shear machine.
Test material
A " Ma u l b r o n n e r Schi l f " sandst one was used as the
t e s t ma t e r i a l . I t w a s s p l i t i n a " B r a z i l i a n t e s t " . T h e r e f o r e ,
a n a t u r a l ma t e r i a l w i t h a r t i f i c i a l l y p r o d u c e d j o i n t s w a s
u s e d i n t h e e x p e r i me n t s .
Test procedure
Due to the obj ect of t he i nvest i gat i ons, t he tests were
c a r r i e d o u t a l o n g b o t h l o a d i n g p a t h s s h o w n i n Fi g . 4.
Di r e c t s hear t est
T : t o n g e n l i o l f or c e
N : n o r m a l f or c e t N
s : s hear d i s p l a c e me n t i N
h : n o r ma l d i s p l a c e me n t ~ ~ - q t l ~ -
(ddotion) T ~ h
A r i t h me t i c a l si gn
N - pr es s ur e p o s i t i v e
h - d i l a t i o n negat i v e s
Fig. 3. Concept o1" the direct shear test.
LOading oath
K = 0 # N = const . K # 0 ~ N # const
I n p u t p a r a me t e r s
Operating speed -~ O p e r a t i n g speed
N o r m a l force N St i f f n e s s
Out Put p a r a me t e r s
Sh e a r f o r c e T Sh e a r f o r c e
Di I o h o n h Dd o l l o n n
Norma~ f or ce N
Fig. 4 Loading pat h m the direct shear test.
3 0 0 - T, N [ k N]
1 5 0 -
Shear teSl' SOl'td S t Ol'~e
10oding pat h I ~ N = const .
= 2r am/ r am --2B
F~ 4,.50 cm 12
SNIO, N =81kN [
I _
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . I L ~
SN~ N = l ~ k N I I II
7- N she0r, nor mal fOrCe
5 h shear t nor mal dtsplu~zement
a T peak OT res~ Vh rest
Fig. 5. Sandstone test curves, loading path 1.
Loadi ng pat h I cor r esponds to the convent i onal shear
test when the nor mal force is held const ant duri ng the
test. In this case, the i nput par amet er , beside the oper-
at i ng speed, is t he nor mal force N. The out put par ame-
ters are represent ed by the shear force and the nor mal
di spl acement (dilation).
However , in l oadi ng pat h II, t he nor mal di spl acement
is hi ndered dur i ng the test by a linear spring stiffness K.
This spring stiffness cor r esponds in situ to the defor-
mat i on modul us of t he rock~
K represent s a system par amet er for the j oi nt and
shoul d not be conf used with the nat ural stiffness of the
j oi nt . In the test, K is si mul at ed via the comput er . In
addi t i on, the measur ement s of the nor mal di spl acement
gauge and the nor mal force are linked t oget her. So, the
increase in nor mal force amount s to AN = K ~Ah.
In l oadi ng pat h II, the initial nor mal force and the
~tiffness are pr edet er mi ned in addi t i on to the oper at i ng
speed. The out put par amet er s consist of the shear force
T, the nor mal force N and the nor mal di spl acement h.
Experimental interpretation
Using sandst one j oi nt s, 17 tests were carri ed out with
l oadi ng pat h I and 14 tests with l oadi ng pat h II. A
selection of typical test curves is present ed in Figs 5 and
6, The axes consi der the shear force, nor mal force, shear
di spl acement and nor mal di spl acement . Thus, all the
i nf or mat i on t hat can be obt ai ned f r om the direct shear
test is i ncl uded in this present at i on, di rect l y pr oduced by
the comput er . The origin of t he di agr am shows the
original state at the st art of the test. Typi cal of the shear
f or ce- shear di spl acement curve f r om l oadi ng pat h I (Fig.
5) is t hat , aft er a very small shear di spl acement , the
maxi mum is mobi l i zed.
Af t er a l}~rge shear di spl acement , the shear force falls
until it reaches a const ant . Accor di ng to the definition,
300 T.N [ WN]
l ' . SK5, AN = 2 4 0 WN N
1 5 0 ] SK4, , 40 = 8 0 kN ! N
. . . . . . . . . . . . . I (
~ I / 7 - - ! i N
; I I ~ I ~SK3, AU ZO .N It'
. . . . . . . .
Shear t est sandstone /
l oadi ng pat h I I , K =3 0 k N / mm
} = 2 r a m/ r a i n , h [ r a m ]
F': 4 5 0 c m ~ 2 --2B
T N . : s h e o % nor mal force
$ . h : shear, normal Chsplocement
T rest h rest
Fig. 6 Sandstone test curves, loading path II.
2 T ~ = T / / V
She~r test sandstone
1oadi n~ p a t h I , N = ons t .
.~ = 2 r a m/ r a i n
F = 4 5 0 m 0 2
~SN3, N = 1 6 kN
~"~SNI O, N: 81 WN
i ' =
I i ,
i I I
t 1
:~0 ! s [ mm] 40
v = d h l d s
~ N. : s h e a r , n o r ma [ force
s . h : s h e a r , n o r ma l d i s p l a c e me n t
o p . p e a k ,~ i , p e a k O ~rest
Fi g. 7. Mobi l i zed coefficient o f fri ct i on # and angl e o f di l at i on v as a f unct i on o f t he shear di spl acement a nd nor mal force
f r om s ands t one t est s, l oadi ng pat h I.
the residual frictional force is noted where the relevant
dilation curve (quadrant IV) produces a horizontal
tangent. The conventional shear test curves are well
known from the literature and therefore will not be
described here in detail.
The curves from three shear tests with a restriction of
dilation loading path II) are shown in Fig. 6,
The original conditions (operating speed and initial
normal force) were the same as for loading path I. but
a stiffness of k = 30 kN/mm was maintained during the
test. A comparison of Fig. 5 with Fig. 6 shows how the
loading path influences the test curves.
At a low initial normal force, a comparison of tests
SN3 and SK3 shows a shear force peak for loading path
I, whereas, for loading path II, the shear force increases
gradually and reaches a maximum value after a large
shear displacement.
The curves for both loading paths become very similar
with increasing initial normal force. At such a high initial
normal force, a comparison of tests SN15 and SK5
shows a heavy suppression of the dilation which results
from the high load level: so. the normal force-hardly
From the first comparison, the curves for the loading
paths I and II are similar at a high toad level, but they
are qualitatively and quantitatively different at a low
load level.
For a further interpretation of the test results, the
presentation shown in Figs 7 and 8 proved significant.
Instead of the shear force and normal displacement, the
mobilized coefficient of friction /~ and the angle of
dilation v are shown on the vertical axis. The mobilized
coefficient of friction u is defined as the quotient of the
shear force and normal force. The angle of dilation v is
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . N15,N =; =42 kN
3 0 0 N[ k N] 15o
' ' ~ . . . . . . . L . . . . . . . . . . ~ J
Shear test sandstone
l o a d i n g p a t h I , N= const.
= 2 mm/ mm
F = 4 5 0 c m (i 2
- 1
i I
20 s [mm] 4 0
1, i i ~ I
v = d h / d s
EN, s h e a r , n o r ma l force
s . h s h e a r , n o r ma l di s DI oc emeof
o FpeoW & v p e a k n #. r est
Fig. 8. Mobi l i zed coefficient of fri ct i on # and angl e o f di l at i on v as a f unct i on of t he shear di spl acement and nor mal force
f r om s ands t one tests, l oadi ng pat h !1.
T ( k N )
derived from the normal displacement over the shear
displacement. Shear displacement and normal force re-
mained as the horizontal axes.
The curves in Figs 7 and 8 were graphically derived
from the test curves in Figs 5 and 6 with the help of a
computer. A comparison of the derived test curves
shows that the two functions, coefficient of friction over
shear displacement and angle of dilation, are quali-
tatively similar. Quantitative differences are shown only
at the peak coefficient of friction and peak angle of
dilation as a function of the load level,
In this presentation, further characteristic properties
can be observed, which are significant for the later
formulation of a constitutive law:
--peak shear displacement, residual shear displacement
and residual coefficient of friction are independent of
the load levek
--however, the mobilized peak coefficient of friction and
the peak angle of dilation are functions of the load
For the next step in the interpretation, the mobilized
peak coefficient of friction, /~peak, the residual
coefficient of friction,/~res, as well as the peak angle of
dilation, vpeak, from all sandstone tests are presented as
a function of the normal force (Fig. 9).
The measured values are marked depending on the
loading path Each measured value lies on a curve. This
means, that the material parameters /~peak, ~res and
vpeak are independent of the loading path. This obser-
vation leads to the assumption that the entire shear
process is independent of the loading path. This assump-
tion has consequences for the development of a consti-
tutive law for rock joints. The correctness of this as-
sumption could be proved for the tested joints. A
detailed description of the procedure can be found in
Leichnitz [2].
[3 w e l l I I Q
i.z = T I N [ - 2 2 -
e o
o o J
O 0
o ~ D ~ o ~
300 / V [ k N ] 150 0 /
A I i ~ A A ~ A~
S h e o r t e s t s o n d s ? o n e ~AEZ~
F : 4 5 0 c mi 2
lOOdlng Doth T , looding pa~h I I
o /a, p e o k
& v P e o k a
~ p e a k = u : dh/ds [ - ] - 1 J
Fig. 9 Peak coefficient o f fri ct i on, /~peak: r esi dual coefficient o f
fri ct i on, iLres: and peak angl e of di l at i on, vpeak, as f unc t i ons of
nor ma l force.
T(i) d $
N ( k N )
$ ( r a m)
dr =~t d$* F* dN
- i t ( r a m )
i , i
I t l
I I ) '
N ( k N )
Fi g 10. Geohaet ri ca] i nt er pr et at i on o f t he t ot al di fferent i al o f t he
f unct i on T = T(s, N) and h = ,~(s, N) .
The results of the experimental tests show that the
shear force and the normal displacement are indepen-
dent of the chosen loading path. Geometrically this
means that the shear force and normal displacement act
on only one three-dimensional surface influenced by the
shear displacement and normal force. Such surfaces are
presented in Fig. 10 as a computer plot.
Constitutive relations
As the experiments have shown, shear force and
normal displacement are functions of the shear displace-
ment and normal force and not of the stiffness. This
connection is expressed by equations (1) and (2) in Fig.
I I. The total differential of both functions is given by
equations (3) and (4). The partial differentials of shear
force and normal displacement with respect to shear
displacement and normal force are abbreviated by ~*
c~*. v* and l/h-*. These abbreviations are known as
stiffness functions. Figure 11 illustrates their physical
- - 6" for example, shows the change in shear force with
shear displacement at constant normal force.
--#* shows the change in shear force with normal force
at constant shear displacement.
--v* and I/K* have an analogous meaning for the
normal displacement functions.
- - 6" corresponds to a shear stiffness in a rock joint:
whereas l/x* corresponds to a normal stiffness in a
rock joint.
--v* describes an angle of dilation and/~* describes a
differential angle of friction.
After substituting equations (5-8) in equations (3) and
(4) and after rearrangement, it is possible to solve them
in terms of the force increments dT and dN. Thus, the
constitutive law is formed as equation (11). Constitutive
laws that are similar to equation (11) can also be used
for other two-dimensional problems (e.g. axially sym-
metric triaxial test, biaxial test), The specific character-
istics of the problem are considered in the development
of the stiffness functions. Furthermore, the extent to
which the constitutive law describes the actual behaviour
of the determined material is defined by the stiffness
- h
T= ~" (s,N) ( 1 )
h=h(s,N) (2)
dT ; a / ~ d s a.__~ d N (3)
as aN
dh = " ~- s ds ~ d/V ( 4 )
a s a N
( 6 ;
a s x "W" a N
d T - ~ * (:Is + / ~ (:IN ( 9 )
- d h : u * d s - l l ~ ' * d N ( 10)
Io:l I ' ' " I'D ]
OT ~ /~ v x ' , p . d $
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (11)
i " " : - J
/ l \ .
For ce v e c t o r S t i f f n e s s mat r i x Di spl acement vect or
Fi g. I I . Co n s t i t u t i v e r el at i ons.
functions. Muehlhaus [3] introduced a constitutive la~
similar to equation (11), The stiffness matrix consists of
constants, so that the force-displacement relations are
linear. The experimental investigations showed however,
that the behaviour of the material is non-linear Es-
pecially with a restriction of the dilation, discrepancies
are found between the actual and calculated behaviour
of the material by using a linear scale. Therefore.
attempts were made to find scales for the stiffness
functions that sufficiently describe the behaviour of the
The mobilized coefficient of friction and the angle of
dilation, both functions of the shear displacement,
proved suitable as a mathematical description of the
experimental curves (Fig. 12). No closed functions were
found that would lead to satisfactory results. Thus. the
shear displacement was divided into a part up to the
peak and a part from the peak to the residual shear
displacement. Quadratic parabolas were chosen as scale
functions for the first part, and logarithmic functions for
the second part. The form of the scale functions as well
as their coefficients are determined in such a way that
they take into account information derived from the
experimental data:
--peak shear displacement, residual shear displacement
and residual coefficient of friction are independent of
the load level.
u- I :W. D
/'LD " ~I p
I _ s z 2 s l
sZ + So FZZ' ~D ~" B n ( 8/ $ D )
+Am(N/N.) A' - ( ~P-Y" ) B (#p-l~,}
In [N I N, ) n I s. / $p}
Section I O<~s~sD
/ S e c t i o n TT i $~<8 ~S,
(Nc/ NI ~ . ' (s./s 1
f . p
I n(f i N, ) = ~ -- k - ! ~ ( - ~ - I n ( s / s p )
c I ' . . r k ' I .
- u , -- d , h / d $
v I = l/p + ~ ' i i ~ Up + D I n ( s l s p )
up = u l p + c m ( N I N ~) c = m ( N c l N 1 } D , i n ( s r / s p )
: coef f i ci ent of f r i c t i on s~ : sp~.~w
v : angl e of di l at i on Sr : 5r.sf
,u.~,up: /~,u peak N I : st andard f or ce
/~r : M - r est N c : N c t m c o ~
p-lp- v~p : Fp,~p (N=N~)
Fig. 12. Ma t he ma t i c a l r el at i ons bet ween t he coeffi ci ent of f r i ct i on,
angl e of di l at i on, s he a r di s pl acemenl and n o r ma l force
- - t he r e is a l ogari t hmi c dependence of the peak
coefficient of friction and the angel of di l at i on on the
l oad level.
The mobi l i zed coefficient of friction and the angle of
di l at i on as funct i ons of shear di spl acement and normal
force are descri bed by the equat i ons shown in Fig. 12.
The shear force and nor mal di spl acement can be deri ved
f r om these t wo funct i ons. The shear force is given by the
defi ni t i on of the mobi l i zed coefficient of friction
T =/ x .No and the nor mal di spl acement is given by the
i nt egrat i on of the angle of di l at i on with respect to the
shear di spl acement h =. f v- ds . The stiffness funct i ons
can be cal cul at ed from the part i al di fferent i at i on of the
shear force and nor mal di spl acement with respect to
shear di spl acement and nor mal force (Fig. 13).
In this way, the const i t ut i ve law is fully defined. In
or der to car r y out cal cul at i ons with the const i t ut i ve law,
the experi ment al det er mi nat i on of five mat eri al con-
stants is necessary. All five const ant s can be det ermi ned
in convent i onal nor mal force-cont rol l ed direct shear
tests. It is sufficient to car r y out t wo tests on one
B = B ( N )
I M a t e r i a l c o n s t a n t s
S ~ , S~ ,#~ , ,4 , N c
r- 1
! ~p+F~ i
'=1 % = - -
I 1 - # p # r I
C o e f f i c i e n t o f f r i c t i o n , A n g l e o f d i l a t i o n
~ = ~ ( s , N ) v = ~ , ( s , N )
I r = u ' N h : f u d s I
L_ _[
l l p = u ~ ( , ' V )
D = Z} ( N )
S h e a r f o r c e D i l a t i o n
T= ? ' ( s , N ) h = h ( $ , N )
I . . . . .
r - I
r o r , a T , o _ _ ~ h , a ~ _ h i
i ~ s can a s can t
L . . . . . . . I
S t i f f n e s s 8 * / x * u "~ funchons~.~ ]
; L- - - >- : - - - - U>- -
I=ig. 13 Flmx di agr am s ho~i ng t he mat hemat i cal oper at i ons requi red
lo pr oduce the const i t ut i ve ]a~ l'or rock j oi nt s.
Calculation procedure, / or the el ement ary test
A cor nput er was pr ogr ammed to exami ne the agree-
ment of the const i t ut i ve law with the experi ment al
curves. Wi t h this pr ogr am, the prognosi s of a restriction
of the di l at i on in the shear test is possible, using the
material const ant s det ermi ned from the convent i onal
shear test. Fi gure 14 shows a par amet er st udy regardi ng
the initial nor mal force carri ed out with the J OI NT
pr ogr am. The average values of the charact eri st i cs deter-
mined f r om the sandst one tests were used as i nput
par amet er s for the cal cul at i on. For the cal cul at i on, the
same initial l oads as in the experi ment were used in or der
to allow a compar i son. In Fig. 14 the cal cul at ed curves
are dr awn as cont i nuous and the experi ment al curves as
di scont i nuous lines. Thi s shows t hat t here is a good
agreement with the results.
Calculation with a f i ni t e el ement program
The const i t ut i ve law was i mpl ement ed utilizing finite
el ement pr ogr am. The cal cul at i on of boundar y value
pr obl ems is possible with this pr ogr am. As an exampl e,
the sliding of a block into an under gr ound void shown
in Fig. 1 is descri bed (Fig. 15).
The influence of different stiffness on the stability of
rock bl ocks was investigated in a par amet er study. The
collapse takes place when the shear stress curve pr oduces
a hor i zont al tangent. Thi s means, in situ, t hat the bl ock
cannot wedge itself any f ur t her but slides i nt o the void.
The worki ng loads, cal cul at ed for different values of the
modul us of elasticity, are shown in Fig. 15.
The wor ki ng l oad increases less and less with in-
creasing modul us of elasticity; it appr oaches an ul t i mat e
value at a large rock stiffness.
The obj ect of the i nvest i gat i on was the quant i fi cat i on
of the infludnce fact ors f or sliding on fully separat ed
surfaces. In the cont ext of stability i nvest i gat i ons for
cavi t y const r uct i on, the influence of a rest ri ct i on of
di l at i on duri ng sheari ng behavi our was exami ned. The
experi ment al i nvest i gat i ons served as a basis for t he
devel opment of a const i t ut i ve law.
The law deri ved is based on the fol l owi ng assump-
- - t h e j oi nt s are i ndent ed and are free f r om any inter-
medi at e mat eri al ;
- - mo n o t o n i c increase of the shear di spl acement is appli-
- - s he a r force and nor mal di spl acement act on one area;
- - t h e magni t ude of the oper at i ng speed is irrelevant.
A compar i son of the const i t ut i ve law with the experi-
ment al curves shows t hat cal cul at i on of sliding with a
rest ri ct i on in di l at i on is possible.
Receiz' ed 29 ,4ugust 1984: rect sed 30 Januar y 1985.
K 30 kN/mm
3 o o i T,N [kN] AN~240 kN
300 NEWN] 15o
Material constants
sp =0.Smm sr :29.8mm
/~r = 0.78 N =1648 kN
A : - - 0.'~62
o I
- i o 2 hEmm~
~= TIN
~ ~ ~ ~ - ~ 8 0 k N $ K 4
~ . ~ , - ~ = - - ..
~IN : 20 NN
20 s [ mi n i 40
I 4
j A N : 20 kN
~ f / A N: 8 0 , N
3001 ~]NEkN] ,150 ' ~ 0 ~ 20, s e r u m "I 4 0 ,
_ 0 . S J _ ~= dh/ds
Fig, 14. Calculated curves for a restriction of t he di l at i on in t he shear test; vari at i on of the initial normal force (calculation
with HPL JOI NT program).
- - - - - T . . . . 4 1 " - - - - ~ ~ - - ---- I ~ . . . . I" -
: / I e 1 ' , E e - ~. . , . ~r o ~
I t I I . I j
t I I 1 1 t i t /
i ; I I ' i ~ n o r m o l s t ~ s s
i I I ] I T shNr strain
I ~ ] d j o i n t lhickmlss
', \ / , ,
- - - , . . . . . t . . . . T . . . . r - - - - r -
T = M / l e o r stress
= n0rmol StrlSS
: E modulus 1 I ~lzJ.6 1oL ~. =stupor , , r a i n
= ( T,T ) critical
1 ~ ~ ,npu, poromet.r
. . . . . T r = 3~0
. . ~ ~,,d,O.OZm ~r :O.8
= 0.32.5
~,----- 2.5m = ~o : 6 MNl m 12
o " c =4OMN/m f2
3 0 - ' r , o ' C M N / m t 12]
1 5
~ ~ " i sTo/~ == I 0 5 MN/m ! 2
/ / _.~:/~-,`5 , o ' . . m t 2
I d
`5 3.0
y[ ' ]
Fig. 15. Calculation example of a "rest rai ned sliding b o d y "
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