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the ori gin of spe cies could not be un der stood.

. And what are be hav iour and hab

its? They are prod ucts of our thoughts and vo - li tions, both prod ucts of hu man
con scious ness. So a cons cious strugg le against the old state of ex is tence plays
the most im por- tant role in hum an evo lu tion. Schrdinger writes !f this is
granted, it foll ows that con scious ness and disc ord with one"s own self are ins epa
ra bly lin#ed up, even that they must, as it were, be prop ort ional to each other.
This sounds a para - dox, but the wise st of all times and peop les have tes ti $ed to
con $rm it. %en and women for whom this world was lit in an un usu ally bright light
of awaren ess, and who by life and word have, more than oth ers, formed and trans-
formed that wor# of art which we call hum an- ity, test ify by speech and writi ng or
even by their very lives that more than othe rs have they been torn by the pangs of
in ner dis cord. &et this be a cons ol at ion to him who also su' ers from it. (ith out
it noth ing en dur ing has ever been be - got ten.) Through strong or ga ni* ing prin
ci ples, life moves with the power of thought to pro gres - sively higher org an i* at
ional leve ls. Abrah am %aslow said that if one has to learn runn ing, one better fol
low +lym pic run ners. !f one has to $nd what is the high est hum an evo lu tion, one
should loo# to a ,hrist, -ud dha or .ama #ri - shna. /atan0ali"s 1oga Sutrashave pre
scribed two con di tions for evo lu tion. 2irst, the change or evo lu tion of one spe
cies into an other occ urs by the inf ill ing of na ture 345tyantarapari65ma7
pra#8ty5p9r5t, :.;<, which means, evo lu tion happ ens when the inc om pleten ess
felt by the or gani sm is com pleted by new ad di tions to it, which are the ex press
ions of its own inh ere nt po tent ial. Small $sh chased by bigg er hung ry ones may
have de vel oped wings, and by be - com ing birds evaded the 0aws of death. Sec -
ond,/atan0ali says, a new env i ron ment brings out the org ani sm"s hidd en de sires
which can
be ful $lled in that env i ron ment 3Tatas tad vip5#a
anugu65n5mevaabhivya#tirv5san5n5m, :.=<.>o #nowl edge of life or genes will be
comp lete un- less it ta#es note of both the ex tern al en vi ron - ment and the in ter
nal hid den pos si bil i ties of the liv ing or gan ism it self.
?enetic Science >eeds a >ew +rientation (hat is a gene? !n a ;@@) publ i cat ion,
phys i cist 2rit0of ,apra writes All we can say about genes is that they are con - tin u
ous or dis con tin u ous A>A segm ents whose pre cise struc tures and spec i$c func
tions are de - term ined by the dyn ami cs of the epigenetic net - wor# and may
change with changi ng cir cum - stances. The gene in dus try beg an in the BCD@s
when prop erty rights were given to plant breed ers for new va ri eti es of Eow ers
through ge netic eng i neeri ng. !n BC=@, the FS Su preme ,ourt gave the landm ar#
dec is ion that gen eti c ally modi f ied mic ro-org ani sms could be pate nted. This
led a group of sci ent ists from harm less pat ent ing of life to Gmo nop o li *a tion of
life" through ad vanced biotechnology re searches re sult ing in mar #et monopolies.
>ew threats were per ceived. !n the boo# ?e netic Hn gi - neeringI Aream or
>ightm are? ge net i cist %ao (an Jo writes that the emerg ence of Gnew vi - ruses
and an tib i otic res is tance in the past de- cade may well be con nected with the
large-scale comm erc iali *at ion of gen etic eng i- neer ing dur ing the pe riod".:
%ore over, ,apra writes that it has been ex per i men tally con $rmed that Ggene ex
pres - sion dep ends on the ge netic and cel lu lar en vi - ron ment and can change
when genes are put
-ioethics for Science and Technology A Jindu /erspective BDK
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