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Book Review

Naadi Predictions A Mind Boggling Miracle

New book Naadi Predictions - A mind Boggling Miracle! by
Wing Commander !as!ikant "ak brings w!ole lot o# #res!
in#ormation and e$%eriences o# Naadi lovers #orm all %arts o#
&ndia and world'
(!is book is %ioneering work %)t )% #or more t!an *+ years o# dee%
st)dy by a)t!or #rom !is days o# Air ,orce -ni#orm till !is %ost
retirement time o# !is dee% st)dy' .is total dedication is #oc)sed
on Naadi Ma!aris!i/s yeoman service' .e !as also taken to task
many o# centers w!o are tarnis!ing t!e image o# Ma!aris!i/s &mage
and works'
.e !as encom%assed all as%ects o# Naadi astrology0 as a nonbeliever
to begin wit!0 dis%elled all do)bts cree% in every body/s mind' .e
!ad not scared to take on many non believers o# astrology' 1et !)mbly stays !e is a non starter in
elementary o# Astrology!
(!e reader gets convinced wit! !is word to word !a%%ening as %redicted' Be it !is meeting wit!
1ogi Ram )rat! 2)mar or Ramani 3)r)4i/s Ann)al #)nction w!ere t!o)sands o# devotees
gat!er to get blessings o# 2ak B!)4ander Ma!aris!i or #labbergasting e$%erience o# &rratai Naadi
o# 5Anna/ -lag!nat!an'
6i#e c!anging instances narrated o# ot!er Naadi eekers in racy style by a)t!or creates dee%
im%act #or t!ose w!o are searc!ing #or way o)t #or t!eir e$treme %redicaments' Many !ave
ret)rned #rom 5not!ing to live #or sit)ations/ based on Naadi Ma!aris!i/s sel#less g)idance'
.is e$%loratory work on 7+8 years %ast case o# aint 9nyanes!wara/s %alm lea# gives !is dee%
involvement in t!e s)b4ect'
&n t!e w!ole book star %ersonality is 3% Ca%t Rakes! Nanda' .is raising o#
arva 9!arma tem%le0 installing stat)e o# Agast!ya Ma!aris!i0 !is devotion
to Meenaks!i Naadi/s Pro# AN2 wamy and keenness to !el% t!e needy is
very a%tly sketc!ed in caricat)re o# !im standing wit! : mobiles #or t!e service
o# Naadi seekers' .is astonis!ing enco)nter wit! Bra!am ooks!ma Naadi0
w!erein !is %arents :8 marriage anniversary was #o)nd mentioned0 adds to
!is %revio)s astonis!ing e$%eriences' (!at !e was !anded over t!e
original %alm lea# s!ows c!ange o# a%%roac! by Naadi center owners towards tr)e Naadi lovers
Book reading becomes lig!t wit! witty dis%lays o#
meaning#)l cartoons' A)t!or says0 rationalists
and at!eists )se Astrology as %)nc!ing bag' Media
takes care o# %)blis!ing t!eir views %rom%tly'
Astrologers take !el% o# Naadi 3rant!as to s!)t
!oarse voices o# c!allengers0 like da)g!ter in law skill#)lly wins !er !)sband to control mot!er
in law/s lo)d mo)t!'
&n one c!a%ter0 #ive letters s!ot
at well known non believer
astro%!ysicist 9r' ;ayant
Narlikar by Princ' 3alatge
give reader an idea abo)t !is
co)ldn/t careless a%%roac!0 in
contrast to anot!er e<)ally
well known scientist
9r'=i4ay B!atkar' .is
a##irmative views to come
#orward #or scienti#ic st)dy
o# Naadi %alm leaves to #ind
!ow t!e names and ot!er
in#ormation is etc!ed o)t on
%alm leaves are recorded on
back cover o# t!e book'
Re%ort on *
con#erence cond)cted in
Prag)e0 C>ec! Re% is
interesting' &t t!rows lig!t on
!ow t!e western %eo%le #ind t!is
astrological treas)re wit!
res%ect and in<)isitiveness'
(!ere will be !ardly any
reader w!o will not like to get
!is Naadi reading done at
earliest %ossible c!ance' )c! is t!e im%act o# t!is #ascinating to%ic %resented in e<)ally
ent!ralling manner'
&nterested reader can c!ose s)itable addresses o# !is town-city0 #rom ??8 Naadi center addresses
scatters all over &ndia!
A)t!or @ Wing Commander !as!ikant "ak ARetdB
P)blis!er @ 9iamond Books0 C-D8 "k!ala &nd)strial Estate Area0 P!ase &&0
New 9el!i **88?8'
PriceF Rs'?:8G- PagesF ?HI'
WebsiteF www'd%b'in
&BNF +*-7*+?-HJ+-*

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