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Designation: F 1554 99
Standard Specification for
Anchor Bolts, Steel, 36, 55, and 105!si "ield Strength
This standard is issued under the fixed designation F 1554; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.
superscript epsilon !e" indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
1. Scope*
1.1 This specification covers straight and bent, headed and
headless, carbon, carbon boron, alloy, or high#strength low#
alloy steel anchor bolts !also $nown as anchor rods". The
anchor bolts are furnished in three strength grades, two thread
classes, and in the si%es specified in &ection 4.
1.' The anchor bolts are intended for anchoring structural
supports to concrete foundations. &uch structural supports
include building columns, column supports for highway signs,
street lighting and traffic signals, steel bearing plates, and
similar applications.
1.( &upplementary re)uirements are included to provide for
*rade 55 weldable steel, permanent manufacturers and grade
identification, and impact properties for *rades 55 and 1+5.
1.4 ,inc coating re)uirements are included in &ection - for
applications re)uiring corrosion protection.
1.5 The recommended grade and style of nut and washer
are included in ... and ..- for each grade.
1.. This specification does not cover the re)uirements for
mechanical expansion anchors, powder#activated nails or
studs, or anchor bolts fabricated from deformed bar.
1.- The values stated in inch#pound units are to be regarded
as the standard. The values given in parentheses are for
information only.
2. Referenced Documents
'.1 ASTM Standards:
15( &pecification for ,inc /oating !0ot#1ip" on 2ron and
&teel 0ardware
13441345 &pecification for /arbon and lloy &teel
6uts for 7olts for 0igh#8ressure and 0igh#Temperature
(-+ Test 5ethods and 1efinitions for 5echanical
Testing of &teel 8roducts
5.( &pecification for /arbon and lloy &teel 6uts
.-(4.-(5 &pecification for &ampling 8rocedure for
2mpact Testing of &tructural &teel
-51 Test 5ethods, 8ractices, and Terminology for
/hemical nalysis of &teel 8roducts
7 .35 &pecification for /oatings of ,inc 5echanically
1eposited on 2ron and &teel
1 (351 8ractice for /ommercial 8ac$aging
F 4(. &pecification for 0ardened &teel :ashers
F .+. Test 5ethods for 1etermining the 5echanical 8rop#
erties of ;xternally and 2nternally Threaded Fasteners,
:ashers, and <ivets
'.' Research Council on Structural Connections Stan-
&pecification for &tructural =oints >sing &T5 ('5 or
43+ 7olts
'.( ANSI/ASME Standards:
7 1.1 >nified &crew Threads
7 1.( &crew Thread *aging &ystems for 1imensional c#
7 19.'.' &)uare and 0ex 6uts
7 19.19.'5 2nspection and ?uality ssurance for 0igh
@olume 5achine ssembly Fasteners
3. Terminology
(.1 Definitions of Terms Secific to This Standard:
(.1.1 anchor !oltAa steel rod or bar, one end of which is
intended to be cast in concrete, while the opposite end is
threaded and proBects from the concrete, for anchoring other
material to the concrete. The end cast in concrete may be
either straight or provided with an anchor such as a bent hoo$,
forged head, or a tapped or welded attachment to resist forces
imposed on the anchor bolt, as re)uired.
This specification is under the Burisdiction of &T5 /ommittee F#1. on
Fasteners and is the direct responsibility of &ubcommittee F1..+' on &teel 7olts,
6uts, <ivets, and :ashers.
/urrent edition approved 5ay 1+, 1333. 8ublished =uly 1333. Criginally
published as F 1554 D 34. East previous edition F 1554 D 3-.
Annual "oo# of ASTM Standards, @ol +1.+..
Annual "oo# of ASTM Standards, @ol +1.+1.
Annual "oo# of ASTM Standards, @ol +1.+(.
Annual "oo# of ASTM Standards, @ol +1.+9.
Annual "oo# of ASTM Standards, @ol +1.+4.
Annual "oo# of ASTM Standards, @ol +'.+5.
Annual "oo# of ASTM Standards, @ol 15.+3.
vailable from <esearch /ouncil on &tructural /onnections, c4o 2ndustrial
Fasteners 2nstitute, 1-1- ;ast 3th &treet, /leveland, C0 44114.
vailable from merican 6ational &tandards 2nstitute, 11 :est 4'nd &t., 1(th
Floor, 6ew For$, 6F 1++(..
*A Summary of Changes section appears at the end of this standard.
Copyright ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C00, !e"t Con"hoho#$en, PA 1%&'()'%*%, +nite, State"-
F 1554 99
(.1.' manufacturerAthe manufacturer of the anchor bolt;
the party that performs the cutting, bending, and threading
(.1.( roducerAthe manufacturer of the steel rods or bars.
(.1.4 urchaserAthe purchaser of the finished anchor bolt,
or his designated agent.
(.1.5 resonsi!le art$Asee &ection 19; this may be the
manufacturer or supplier.
(.1.. sulierAthe agent who furnishes the finished anchor
bolt and nuts to the purchaser; this may be the manufacturer.
4. Classification
4.1 The anchor bolts are furnished in three grades denoting
minimum yield strength and two classes denoting thread class
as followsG
5.1.11 2nspection at place of manufacture, if re)uired. !&ee
5.1.1' /olor coding, if different from the standard in 13.1.
5.1.1( Test reports, if re)uired. !&ee 1-.1."
5.1.14 &upplementary re)uirements, if re)uired.
5.1.15 &pecial re)uirements, if re)uired.
6CT; 1An example of a typical order followsG 5+++ pieces; steel
anchor bolts; &T5 designations including issue date; *rade 55; /lass
'; &uppplementary <e)uirement & 1; 1.+#9#in. thread si%e by 15#in.
long, (.+#in. thread length, 4.+#in. hoo$; %inc coated by hot dipping 5.+ in.
from exposed end; each with one %inc#coated nut and washer; test report
. !aterials and !anufacture
..1 %rocessA&teel for anchor bolts shall be made by the
open#hearth, basic#oxygen, or electric#furnace process.
..' Threadin&AThreads shall be rolled, cut, or ground at
Ten"ile Strength,
$"i /MPa0
1iel, Strength,
2in, $"i /MPa0
Si3e 4ange,
in- /220
the option of the manufacturer, unless otherwise specified.
..( 'eat TreatmentG
*(7(0 /&007**(0 56 /'&(0
8& 7& /6-&710'0
** *7%* /*176**0 ** /5(00
8& 7& /6-&710'0
10* 1'*71*0 /(6'7105&0 10* /'&0
8& 75 /6-&760
1A an#hor bolt" 9ith Cla"" 1A threa,"
'A an#hor bolt" 9ith Cla"" 'A threa,"
!hen .ra,e 56 i" "pe#i:ie,, a 9el,able .ra,e ** 2ay be :;rni"he, at the
";pplier<" option-
4.' :eldable steel for *rade 55 is provided for in &upple#
mentary <e)uirement &2.
". #rdering $nformation
5.1 Crders for anchor bolts should include the following
5.1.1 (uantit$ )Num!er of %ieces*A2f the purchaser in#
tends to perform destructive tests on finished anchor bolts, the
manufacturer should be advised so that an ade)uate number
are produced, especially for the si%es and types not readily
available from stoc$.
5.1.' 6ame of product !steel anchor bolt".
5.1.( &T5 designation and year of issue.
5.1.4 *rade and class, that is, *rade (., 55, or 1+5 and
/lass 1 or '. :eldable *rade 55 may be furnished when
*rade (. is ordered. !&ee 4.1."
5.1.5 /opper, if copper bearing steel is re)uired.
5.1.. Si+e and DimensionsA2nclude the diameter and
threads !based on nominal thread diameter", bolt length, thread
length, and length of hoo$ if a hoo$ is re)uired, or provide a
drawing showing the re)uired information.
5.1.- ,inc coatings in accordance with -.1. :hen %inc
coatings in accordance with -.1 are re)uired, specify the %inc
coating process to be used, that is, hot dip, mechanically
deposited, or no preference. !&ee -.1." lso, specify the length
to be coated as measured from the exposed end.
5.1.9 ,ther Coatin&sA&pecify other protective coatings, if
re)uired. !&ee -.'."
5.1.3 6umber of nuts, either the total number or number per
5.1.1+ 6umber of washers, either the total number or
number per bolt, and dimensions if other than standard.
..(.1 :hen re)uired, the anchor bolts may be heat treated
to develop the specified properties. 0eat treatment shall be at
the option of the manufacturer.
..(.' 0eat treatment may be performed prior to or after
bending or threading.
..(.( :hen heat treatment is re)uired, the anchor bolts shall
be heat treated by )uenching in a li)uid medium from above
the transformation temperature and then tempering by reheat#
ing to a temperature not less than 9++HF !4'5H/" for *rade 55
and 11++HF !53(H/" for *rade 1+5.
..4 "endin&G
..4.1 :hen re)uired, hoo$s, shall be made by cold bending
or hot bending. The bent portion shall be free from crac$s
when examined at 1+( magnification after bending.
..4.' 0ot bending performed on bar stoc$ without heat
treatment shall not have the temperature exceed 1(++HF
!-+5H/" at any location during hot bending and shall be
allowed to air cool after bending.
..4.( 0ot bending performed on heat#treated bar stoc$ shall
not have the temperature come within 1++HF !5.H/" of the
tempering !stress relieve" temperature of the heat#treat process
at any location during hot bending and shall be allowed to air
cool after bending.
..4.4 The bending shall not reduce the cross#sectional area
below that re)uired in 1+.(.
..5 Secondar$ %rocessin&A2f a subcontractor, or party
other than the manufacturer or producer, performs heat treat#
ment, coating, welding, machining, or other process affecting
the properties or performance of the anchor bolts, the anchor
bolts shall be inspected and tested after such processing by the
party responsible for supplying the anchor bolts to the pur#
... Recommended NutsG
....1 >nless otherwise specified, all nuts used on these
anchor bolts shall conform to the re)uirements of &pecification
134 or 5.( and shall be of the grade, surface finish, and
style for each grade and si%e of anchor bolt as followsG
Si3e, in- /220
8& 71
8' /6-&75(0
Table ' for *rades 55 and 1+5.
over 1
8' 7&-0 A Heavy Hex A
/5(710'0 re)uirements specified in &uppl
8& 71
8' /6-&75(0 A Hex A Hvy Hex
9.( nchor bolts made from
over 1
8' 7&-0 A Heavy Hex A Hvy Hex
8& 71
8' /6-&75(0 D Hex DH Hvy Hex 9.4 The application of heats
over 1
8' 75-0 DH Heavy Hex DH Hvy Hex
selenium, tellurium, or lead has
not be permitted.
arbon, 2ax, =
Heat 0-'6 0-' 0-'(
Pro,;#t 0-'% 0-50 0-51
An#hor Bolt .ra,e an, Si3e,
Spe#i:i#ation A *65 4e#o22en,e, >;t
Hot)Dip or Me#hani#al
%. Chemical Composition
9.1 nchor bolts shall have a chemical composition con#
in- /220
Plain ?in# Coate, in
a##or,an#e 9ith -1 forming to the re)uirements listed in Table 1 for *rade (. and
Hvy Hex
9.' *rade 55 ordered as weldable shall conform to the
ementary <e)uirement &1.
low#carbon martensitic steel
shall not be permitted.
of steel to which bismuth,
been added intentionally shall
....' The re)uirements for the recommended grade and
style of nut may be fulfilled by furnishing a nut of one of the
grades or styles listed in &pecification 134 or 5.( having
a proof load stress e)ual to or higher than the minimum tensile
strength specified for the anchor bolt.
..- Recommended -ashersG
..-.1 The washer material and dimensions shall be specified
in the in)uiry and the order !see 6ote '".
..-.' >nless the re)uirement of ..-.1 is met, washers
conforming to the re)uirements of &pecification F 4(., Type 1
shall be furnished.
..-.( :hen anchor bolts are specified to be %inc coated, the
washers shall be %inc coated as specified in -.1, except that the
coating process for the washers need not be the same as that
for the anchor bolts and nuts.
6CT; 'A:ashers used on anchor bolts, installed in holes with dimen#
sions greater than oversi%e or short slot as defined by the <esearch
/ouncil on &tructural /onnections, re)uire design consideration. !For
guidance refer to &pecification for &tructural =oints >sing &T5 ('5
or 43+
&. 'rotecti(e Coatings
-.1 .inc/ 'ot Di or Mechanicall$ DeositedA
&pecification 15(, /lass /, and mechanically deposited,
&pecification 7 .35, /lass 5+.
-.1.1 :hen %inc#coated anchor bolts with the coating speci#
fied in -.1 are re)uired, the purchaser shall specify the %inc
coating process, for example, hot dip, mechanically deposited,
or no preference.
-.1.' :hen hot#dip is specified, the fasteners shall be %inc
coated by the hot#dip process in accordance with the re)uire#
ments of /lass / of &pecification 15(.
9.5 8roduct analyses may be made by the purchaser from
finished anchor bolts representing each heat. The chemical
composition thus determined shall conform to the
re)uirements specified in 9.1 through 9.4.
). !echanical 'roperties
3.1 "arsAThe bars or rods from which the anchor bolts are
made shall conform to the tensile properties listed in Table (,
except when heat treated after bending or threading.
3.' Anchor "oltsAThe finished anchor bolts shall conform
to the tensile properties listed in Table ( for tests on machined
specimens and Table 4 for axial tests on full#si%e threaded
anchor bolts.
1*. Anchor +olt Dimensions
1+.1 Nominal Si+eAThe nominal anchor bolt diameter shall
be the same as the nominal thread diameter.
1+.' "od$ DiameterG
1+.'.1 :hen threads are rolled, the body diameter shall not
be less than the minimum pitch diameter for the thread class,
1 or ', designated by the purchaser and specified in
6&24&5; 7 1.1. /lass ' shall be furnished when the
thread class is not specified.
1+.'.' The body diameter shall not be less than the mini#
mum maBor diameter when threads are cut.
1+.'.( The minimum body diameters are listed in Table 5
based on the re)uirements specified in 1+.'.1 and 1+.'.'.
#AB$% 1 &he'ical (e)*ire'ents for +rade 36
Dia2eter, in- /220
-.1.( :hen mechanically deposited is specified, the fasten#
8 /'00, Over
Over 1
8' to
ers shall be %inc coated by the mechanical deposition process
8& to 1 8'
/'0 to &00, in#l
& /&0 to
1000, in#l
in accordance with the re)uirements of /lass 5+ of &pecifica#
tion 7 .35.
-.1.4 :hen no preference is specified, the supplier may
furnish either a hot#dip %inc coating in accordance with
&pecification 15(, /lass /, or a mechanically deposited %inc
Mangane"e, =
0-6070-%0 0-6070-%0
0-*&70-%( 0-*&70-%(
coating in accordance with &pecification 7 .35, /lass 5+.
Threaded components !bolts and nuts" shall be coated by the
same %inc#coating process, and the supplierIs option is limited
to one process per item, with no mixed processes in a lot.
-.' ,ther Coatin&sG
-.'.1 /oatings other than the %inc coatings specified in -.1
shall be as specified by the purchaser on the purchase order.
-.'.' The complete specification shall be included as part of
the purchase order when other coatings are specified.
Pho"phor;", 2ax, =
Heat 0-0& 0-0& 0-0&
Pro,;#t 0-0* 0-0* 0-0*
S;l:;r, 2ax, =
Heat 0-0* 0-0* 0-0*
Pro,;#t 0-06 0-06 0-06
Copper, 2in, = /9hen
Heat 0-'0 0-'0 0-'0
Pro,;#t 0-1( 0-1( 0-1(
Optional 9ith the 2an;:a#t;rer b;t "hall be #o2patible 9ith 9el,able "teel-
Heat Analy"i" Pro,;#t Analy"i"
11.1.' :hen re)uired, anchor bolts having a nominal diam#
Pho"phoro;", 2ax 0-0&0 0-0&(
eter greater than 1.+ in. !'5.5 mm" may be specified to have
S;l:;r, 2ax 0-0*0 0-0*( threads conforming to the 9#Thread &eries !9 >6 &eries" in
Copper, 2in /9hen C; i" 0-'0 0-1(
6&24&5; 7 1.1, and they shall have /lass ' tolerances.
8& to ' in- /6-& to *0 220, in#l &0 50 &*
exceed the dimensions listed in Table ..
over ' to '
8' in- /*0 to 65 220, in#l &0 '' A&*
over '
8' to 5 in- /65 to 60, in#l &0 '0 &*
6CT; (A,inc#coated nuts of the grade and
#AB$% , &he'ical (e)*ire'ents for +rades 55 and 105
Co2po"ition, =
tolerances, as specified by the purchaser. /lass ' shall be
furnished when the class is not specified.
#AB$% 3 #ensile -roperties for Bars and .achined Speci'ens
56 ** 10*
Ten"ile "trength, $"i *(7(0 *7%* 1'*71*0
Ten"ile "trength, MPa /&007**'0 /*176**0 /(6'7105&0
1iel, "trength, 2in, $"i /0-' = o::"et0 56 ** 10*
1iel, "trength, 2in, MPa /0-' = o::"et0 '&( 5(0 '&
11.' Anchor "olts .inc Coated in Accordance -ith -.1/
Secification A 101/ Class C/ and Secification " 230/ Class
11.'.1 >nless otherwise specified, anchor bolts hot dip or
mechanically %inc coated in accordance with -.1.1 through
-.1.4 !re)uiring overtapped nuts, see 6ote (" shall be the
>nified /oarse Thread &eries and shall have /lass 1 or '
threads, as specified by the purchaser, before %inc coating.
@longation in ( in- /'00 220, 2in, = '0 1( 1'
fter %inc coating, and due to the %inc buildup, the pitch and
@longation in ' in- /*0 220, 2in, =
'5 '1 1*
4e,;#tion o: Area, 2in, = maBor diameters for hot#dip %inc#coated anchor bolts shall not
over 5 to & in- /6 to 10' 220, in#l &0 1( - - -
@longation in ( in- /'00 220 applie" to bar"- @longation in ' in- /*0 220
applie" to te"t" on 2a#hine, "pe#i2en"-
1+.( "end SectionAThe bend section of bent anchor bolts
shall have a cross#sectional area not less than 3+ J of the area
of straight portions. The area in the bend shall be calculated by
the following formulaG
K +.'5p1Ld
K cross#sectional area in the bend,
d K minor !or minimum" diameter at any point, generally
in the plane of the bend, and
D K maBor diameter, at the same cross section as, and at 3+
degrees to, the minor diameter.
1+.4 4en&thG
1+.4.1 The overall length of straight anchor bolts, or length
to the inside of the hoo$, shall be the specified length .
M' in.
!1( mm" for lengths '4 in. !.++ mm" or less, and .1 in. !'5
mm" for longer bolts !see Fig. 1".
1+.4.' The length of hoo$s shall be the specified length,.
1+ J of the specified hoo$ length, or .
M' in. !1( mm",
whichever is greater.
1+.5 "end An&leAThe bend angle of hoo$s shall not vary
from that specified by more than .5 degrees.
1+.. Coated 4en&thA:hen only the exposed end of the
anchor bolt is re)uired to be %inc coated, the length of %inc
coating shall not be less than that specified on the order.
1+.- ,ther DimensionsG
1+.-.1 Tolerances for dimensions other than those given in
1+.1 through 1+.. shall be as specified by the purchaser.
1+.-.' :hen tolerances are not specified, they shall be in
accordance with the manufacturerIs documented standard
prac# tice.
11. Thread Dimensions
11.1 5ncoated Anchor "oltsG
11.1.1 >nless otherwise specified, uncoated threads shall be
>nified /oarse Thread &eries as specified in the latest issue of
6&24&5; 7 1.1, and they shall have /lass 1 or '
style recommended in
....1, when overtapped the diametral allowance for the thread series
listed in the table entitled NThread 1imensions and Cvertapping
llowances for 6utsO in &pecification 5.(, will develop the bolt
tensile strength re)uired in Table 4 of this specification.
11.'.' Thread conformance shall be verified during manu#
facture. 2n case of dispute, a calibrated thread ring gage of the
same si%e as the oversi%e limit specified in 11.'.1 !/lass P
tolerance, gage tolerance plus" shall be used to verify compli#
ance. ssembly of the gage shall be possible with hand effort,
following the application of light machine oil to prevent
galling and damage to the gage.
11.( Thread 4en&thAThe thread length shall not vary from
that specified more than Q1.+ in. !'5.5 mm", R+.++ in. !+.++
11.4 Thread 6a&in& S$stemAThread acceptability shall be
in accordance with &ystem '1 or 6&24&5; 7 1.(, unless
otherwise specified.
12. ,or-manship
1'.1 nchor bolts shall be commercially smooth and free of
burrs, laps, seams, crac$s, and other inBurious manufacturing
defects that would ma$e them unsuitable for the intended
13. .um/er of Tests and Retests
1(.1 Testin& Resonsi!ilit$G
1(.1.1 The anchor bolt manufacturer or supplier, whichever
is the responsible party as defined in &ection 19, shall be
responsible for conducting or ensuring that the re)uired tests
have been conducted to determine compliance with all of the
re)uirements of this specification and the purchaser order.
1(.1.' <eports of tension tests, conducted by the steel
producer on bar stoc$ used to manufacture the anchor bolts
without additional heat treatment, may be used to )ualify the
finished anchor bolt tensile properties.
1(.1.( The purchaser shall be permitted to perform any of
the tests and inspections listed in this specification or the
purchaser order.
1(.' 4ot DefinitionG
#AB$% 4 A/ial #ensile -roperties for F*llSi0e Anchor Bolts
An#hor Bolt .ra,e
56 ** 10*
>o2inal Si3e, in-
Stre"" Area,
1iel, Strength,
2in, $lb:
2in, $lb:
+ni:ie, Coar"e Threa, Serie" /+>C0
2in, $lb:
8& '0 +>C 0-051( 1-(%7'-*& 1-1* '-&75-0 1-* 5-%(7&-' 5-5&
8( 16 +>C 0-0* &-*76-' '-( *-(7-56 &-'6 %-711-6 (-1&
8' 15 +>C 0-1&1% (-'711-& *-1 10-6715-* -( 1-7'1-5 1&-%
8( 11 +>C 0-''6 15-171(-1 (-1 1-07'1-* 1'-& '(-'755-% '5-
8& 10 +>C 0-55& 1%-&7'6- 1'-0 '*-0751- 1(-& &1-(7*0-1 5*-1

8( % +>C 0-&6' '6-(75-0 16-6 5&-67&5-% '*-& *-(76%-5 &(-*

1 ( +>C 0-606 5*-'7&(-* '1-( &*-&7*-6 55-5 *-(7%0-% 65-6
8( +>C 0-65 &&-5761-0 '-* *-'7'-* &'-0 %*-&711&-& (0-1
8& +>C 0-%6% *6-'7-* 5&-% '-7%'-1 *5-5 1'171&* 10'
8' 6 +>C 1-&0* (1-*711'-& *0-6 10*-07155-0 -5 167'16 1&(
8& * +>C 1-%0 11071*' 6(-& 1&'71(0 10&-* '5(7'(* '00
' &
8' +>C '-*0 1&*7'00 %0-0 1((7'5( 15( 51'75* '6'
8& &
8' +>C 5-'* 1((7'60 11 '&&750% 1% &067&(( 5&1
8' & +>C &-0 '5'75'0 1&& 50075(0 ''0 *007600 &'0
8& & +>C &-%5 '(675%& 1 507&6( '1 6167&0 *1(
5 & +>C *-% 5&67&( '1* &&(7*6 5'( &67(%6 6'
8& & +>C -10 &1'7*6( '*6 *5'76& 5%0 - - - - - -
8' & +>C (-55 &(57666 500 6'*7%1 &*( - - - - - -
8& & +>C %-66 *6075 5&( '&7%1( *51 - - - - - -
& & +>C 11-0( 6&57((6 5%% (51710*5 60% - - - - - -
( Threa, Serie" /( +>0
8( ( +> 0-%0 &*-(765-' '(-& *%-'7*-0 &5-& %(-(711(-* (5-0
8& ( +> 1-000 *(-07(0-0 56-0 *-07%*-0 **-0 1'*71*0 10*
8' ( +> 1-&%' (6-*711%-& *5- 11'71&' ('-1 1(67''& 1*
8& ( +> '-0( 1'17166 &-% 1*671%( 11& '60751' '1(
' ( +> '- 1617''' %%- '0(7'65 1*' 5&67&16 '%1
8& ( +> 5-*6 '067'(* 1'( '6755( 1%6 &&*7*5& 5&
8' ( +> &-&& '*(75** 160 5557&'' '&& ***7666 &66
8& ( +> *-&5 51*7&5& 1%* &07*16 '%% 6%7(1* *0
5 ( +> 6-*1 5(7*'1 '5& &((761( 5*( (1&7%6 6(&
8& ( +> -6% &&6761* ' *751 &'5 - - - - - -
8' ( +> (-%6 *'071 5'5 6'7(*1 &%5 - - - - - -
8& ( +> 10-5& 6007(' 5' 67%(' *6% - - - - - -
& ( +> 11-(1 6(*7%&* &'* ((6711'' 6*0 - - - - - -
Stre"" area" extra#te, :ro2 A>SIBASM@ B 1-1-
Ten"ile propertie" #al#;late, :ro2 the ten"ile reC;ire2ent" given in Table 5-
1iel, "trength 2ea";re, at 0-' = o::"et-
An#hor bolt" to 1
8& in- /&&-* 220 an, larger 9ith ( +> threa," an, the n;t" overtappe, to the li2it" "tate, in 11-'-1 9ill not ,evelop the ten"ile "trength in Table &
9hen the bolt an, n;t ,i2en"ion" approa#h the 2ini2;2 2aterial li2it" o: A>SIBASM@ B 1-1 an, B 1(-'-'- See 11-'-1 :or threa, "erie" that have been C;ali:ie, :or
"trength 9hen the n;t" are overtappe, to the li2it" "tate, in 11-'-1-
1(.'.1 "ar Stoc# Tensile TestsAFor tensile tests conducted
by the steel producer on bars to be used for the manufacture of
anchor bolts, a lot shall consist of bars from the same heat,
having the same diameter, and, if heat treated, heat treated in
the same furnace lot.
1(.'.' All ,ther TestsA lot is a )uantity of product of one
part number made by the same production process and subse#
)uently submitted for final inspection at one time. The maxi#
mum lot si%e traceable to final inspection shall not be larger
than '5+ +++ pieces.
1(.( Test 7re8uenc$G
1(.(.1 The number of tests shall be as follows and in Table
- and Table 9G
Te"t >;2ber o: Te"t"
Co2po"ition one per heat, 2ini2;2
Ten"ile te"t"
Bar "to#$ one per lot, 2in, a" ,e:ine, in 15-'-1
An#hor bolt" in a##or,an#e 9ith Table an, Table ( on ea#h lot ,e)
:ine, in 15-'-'
Coating 9eight an,
Threa, #on:or2an#e in a##or,an#e 9ith Table an, Table ( on ea#h lot ,e)
:ine, in 15-'-'
Overall #o2plian#e
#AB$% 5 .ini'*' Bod1 Dia'eter
Bo,y Dia2eter, 2in, in-
>o2inal Si3e,
4olle, Threa,"
C;t Threa,"
in- in-
Cla""e" 1A an,
Cla"" 1A Cla"" 'A 'A
+ni:ie, Coar"e Threa, Serie" /+>C0
8& '0 +>C 0-'10( 0-'1' 0-'56
8( 16 +>C 0-5'66 0-5'( 0-5*%*
8' 15 +>C 0-&&11 0-&&5* 0-&(''
8( 11 +>C 0-**61 0-**(% 0-60*'
8& 10 +>C 0-6&& 0-65 0-'((

8( % +>C 0-%1& 0-%&6 0-(*'5

1 ( +>C 0-%06 0-%100 0-%**
8( +>C 1-01%1 1-0''( 1-0%('
8& +>C 1-1&5% 1-1&6 1-''5'
8' 6 +>C 1-5' 1-5(1' 1-&05
8& * +>C 1-60&0 1-60(* 1-16*
' &
8' +>C 1-(5(* 1-(&55 1-%6&1
8& &
8' +>C '-0((' '-0%51 '-'1&1
8' & +>C '-51%0 '-5'&1 '-&61'
8& & +>C '-*6(6 '-*5% '-111
5 & +>C '-(1(5 '-('5 '-%611
8& & +>C 5-06(0 5-05& 5-'110
8' & +>C 5-51 5-5'55 5-&610
8& & +>C 5-*6& 5-*50 5-10%
& & +>C 5-(1' 5-(''% 5-%60%
( Threa, Serie" /(+>0
8( ( +> - - - 1-05&( 1-100&
8& ( +> - - - 1-1*% 1-''*&
8' ( +> - - - 1-&0%5 1-&*5
8& ( +> - - - 1-6*%0 1-'*'
' ( +> - - - 1-%0( 1-%*'
8& ( +> - - - '-1*(& '-''*1
8' ( +> - - - '-&0(' '-&*1
8& ( +> - - - '-6*(0 '-'*0
F2+3 1 Anchor Bolt Di'ensions
#AB$% 6 4inc B*ild*p on &oated #hreads and &orresponding
#hread Di'ensions5 6otDip 4inc &oated in Accordance 7ith
Specification A 153, &lass &
5 ( +> - - - '-%0 '-%&%
8& ( +> - - - 5-1** 5-''&%
>o2inal Si3e,
Dia2etral ?in#
An#hor Bolt Dia2ete r, 2ax, in-
B;il,;p, in-
8' ( +> - - - 5-&0& 5-&&%
8& ( +> - - - 5-6*1 5-'&(
& ( +> - - - 5-%00 5-%&(
Mini2;2 bo,y ,ia2eter i" the "a2e a" 2ini2;2 pit#h ,ia2eter- @xtra#te,
:ro2 A>SIBASM@ B 1-1-
Mini2;2 bo,y ,ia2eter i" the "a2e a" 2ini2;2 2aDor ,ia2eter- @xtra#te,
:ro2 A>SIBASM@ B 1-1 :or Cla"" 1A an, Eootnote * :or Cla"" 'A-
1(.(.' :hen the identity to a specific heat number !and
furnace lot number for heat#treated bars" has not been main#
tained, the number of tests for all re)uirements, including
tensile, shall be based on the )uantity of anchor bolts of a
given description as shown in Table 9.
1(.(.( Tensile tests on finished anchor bolts apply only
when bar stoc$ tests are not available or applicable or heat
treatment is performed after threading or bending.
1(.4 RetestsA2f a single nonconforming characteristic is
found in final inspection, the lot may be resampled for this
characteristic with a sample four times the si%e of the original
final acceptance sample. The acceptance criterion shall then be
%ero discrepancies in this larger sample.
1(.5 %urchaser9s InsectionG
1(.5.1 2f, on receipt of anchor bolts, the purchaser discovers
a single nonconforming part, he may sample the lot for such
nonconforming characteristic!s" in accordance with 1(.( using
an acceptance number of %ero.
1(.5.' 2f the nonconforming characteristic in 1(.5.1 is
thread dimension and the anchor bolt manufacturer or supplier
contests the findings, the final determination of thread accept#
MaDor Pit#h
8& '0 0-016 0-'6&% 0-'5'&
8( 16 0-01 0-5%0 0-5*01
8' 15 0-01( 0-*16* 0-&6(*
8( 11 0-0'0 0-6&5& 0-*(&&
8& 10 0-0'0 0-6(' 0-05'

8( % 0-0'' 0-(%*1 0-(''%

1 ( 0-0'& 1-0''0 0-%&0(
8( ( 0-0'& 1-1&6% 1-06*
8( 0-0'& 1-1&6( 1-0*&0
8& ( 0-0'& 1-'1% 1-166
8& 0-0'& 1-'1( 1-*&0
8' ( 0-0' 1-*'&( 1-&&56
8' 6 0-0' 1-*'&6 1-&165
8& * 0-0*0 1-%5 1-66&
' &-* 0-0*0 '-0&1 1-%0'(
8& &-* 0-0*0 '-'%1 '-1*'(
8' & 0-0*0 '-*&6% '-5(&*
8& & 0-0*0 '-%6( '-65&&
5 & 0-0*0 5-0&6( '-((&&
8& & 0-0*0 5-'%6 5-15&5
8' & 0-0*0 5-*&6 5-5(&5
8& & 0-0*0 5-%66 5-65&'
& & 0-0*0 &-0&66 5-((&'
The"e val;e" are the "a2e a" the overtap reC;ire2ent" :or 3in#)#oate, n;t"
given in Spe#i:i#ation A *65-
ability shall be as followsG a full#si%e axial tension test shall be
made on the threaded anchor bolt and nut assembly at the
manufacturerIs or supplierIs expense. The assembly shall
develop the tensile load specified in Table 4.
14. Test !ethods
14.1 Chemical ComositionA/hemical analysis shall be
conducted in accordance with Test 5ethods -51.
#AB$% 8 2nspection $e9el for Final 2nspection
T ype o: T e"t >on,e"tr;#tive T e"t" De"tr;#tive T e"t"
Bo,y ,ia2eter C - - -
Fength B - - -
Hea, C - - -
Threa, a##eptan#e B - - -
Gi";al in"pe#tion
A - - -
Ten"ile propertie" - - - B
1". $nspection
15.1 2f the inspection described in 15.' is re)uired by the
purchaser, it shall be specified in the in)uiry and contract or
15.' The inspector representing the purchaser shall have
free entry to all parts of the manufacturerIs wor$s or supplierIs
place of business that concern the manufacture or supply of the
Coating 9eightB
B - - -
material ordered. The manufacturer or supplier shall afford the
@xtra#te, :ro2 A>SIBASM@ B 1(-1(-'M-
Gi";al in"pe#tion :or type i,enti:i#ation, pre"en#e o: :ini"h, ,;,", ";r:a#e
,i"#ontin;itie", an, general 9or$2an"hip-
# AB$% : ;*'<er of # ests for Final 2nspection
Sa2ple Si3e
inspector all reasonable facilities to satisfy him that the
material is being furnished in accordance with this specifica#
tion. ll tests and inspections re)uired by the specifications
that are re)uested by the purchaserIs representative shall be
made before shipment and shall be conducted so as not to
interfere unnecessarily with the operation of the wor$s.
Fot Si3e
Fevel o:
%%% an, le"" A
1 000 to * 000 A
* 001 to '*0 000 A
1. Re0ection and Rehearing
1..1 5aterial that fails to conform to the re)uirements of
this specification may be reBected. <eBection should be reported
to the manufacturer or supplier promptly and in writing. 2n
case of dissatisfaction with the results of the test, the
manufacturer or supplier may ma$e claim for a rehearing.
C ( 1
@xtra#te, :ro2 A>SIBASM@ B 1(-1(-'M-
14.' Tensile TestsG
14.'.1 Tensile tests on bars shall be conducted in accor#
dance with Test 5ethods and 1efinitions (-+.
14.'.' Tensile tests on finished anchor bolts shall be con#
ducted in accordance with the xial Tension Test 5ethod in
5ethod F .+..
14.'.( Field strength shall be determined by the +.' J
offset method.
14.'.4 Tension tests shall be conducted on the bar stoc$ or
finished anchor bolt at the manufacturerIs or supplierIs option
but shall be conducted after the final heat treatment.
14.'.5 *rades (. and 55 in si%es 1
M' in. !(9 mm" and less,
and *rade 1+5 in si%es 1
M4 in. !(' mm" and less, shall be
tested using the full#bar section as rolled or the full#si%e
finished anchor bolt.
14.'.. 7ars and finished anchor bolts larger than those
specified in 14.'.5 shall preferably be tested full si%e, and
when so tested the results shall be compared to the tensile
properties given in Table ( for bars and Table 4 for finished
anchor bolts. :hen e)uipment for full#si%e testing of these
larger si%es is not available, or when the length of the anchor
bolt ma$es full#si%e testing impractical, standard +.5++#in.
!1'.-#mm" diameter machined test specimens shall be tested in
accordance with 5ethod F .+. and the results compared to
the tensile proper# ties given in Table (.
14.'.- 2n the event that anchor bolts are tested by both
full#si%e and machined test specimen methods, the full#si%e test
shall govern if a discrepancy between the two methods exists.
14.( .inc Coatin&A,inc coating weight and thic$ness shall
be determined in accordance with the methods specified in the
applicable %inc coating specifications referenced in -.1.
1&. Certification
1-.1 :hen specified in the purchase order, the
manufacturer or supplier, whomever is the responsible party
as specified in &ection 19, shall furnish the purchaser a test
report that includes the followingG
1-.1.1 &teel producerIs heat analysis and heat number. The
carbon e)uivalent shall be included for bars and anchor bolts
ordered in accordance with &upplementary <e)uirement & 1.
1-.1.' <esults of tensile tests.
1-.1.( ,inc coating, measured coating weight, and thic$#
1-.1.4 &tatement of compliance with dimensional and
thread fit re)uirements.
1-.1.5 /ertification that the anchor bolts were manufactured
and tested in accordance with this specification.
1-.1.. Eot number and purchase order number.
1-.1.- &T5 designation !including year", grade, and class.
1-.1.9 &i%e, description, or purchaserIs drawing number.
1-.1.3 /omplete mailing address or responsible party.
1-.1.1+ Title and signature of individual assigned certifica#
tion responsibility by the company officers.
1%. Responsi/ility
19.1 The party responsible for the fastener shall be the
organi%ation that supplies the fastener to the purchaser and
certifies that the fastener was manufactured, sampled, tested,
and inspected in accordance with this specification and meets
all of its re)uirements.
1). 'roduct !ar-ing
13.1 >nless otherwise specified !see 6ote 4", the end of
each anchor bolt intended to proBect from the concrete shall be
color coded to identify the grade as followsG
.ra,e Color
56 Bl;e
** 1ello9
10* 4e,
6CT; 4AThis color coding is intended to facilitate locating the proper
grade of anchor bolt at its designed location. The color code also
identifies the grade at delivery and at final field inspection. :hen other
color coding is re)uired to define diameter, configuration, dimensions,
etc., see 13.'.
13.' :hen color coding other than specified in 13.1 is
re)uired, it shall be specified on the in)uiry and purchase
13.( :hen permanent manufacturers identification, or per#
manent grade identification, or both are re)uired, &upplemen#
tary <e)uirement &' or &(, or both, as needed, shall be
specified on the in)uiry and purchase order.
2*. 'ac-aging and 'ac-age !ar-ing
'+.1 %ac#a&in&G
'+.1.1 >nless otherwise specified, pac$aging shall be in
accordance with 8ractice 1 (351.
'+.1.' :hen %inc#coated nuts are included on the same
order as %inc#coated anchor bolts, the anchor bolts and nuts
shall be shipped in the same container.
'+.1.( :hen special pac$aging re)uirements are re)uired,
they shall be defined at the time of the in)uiry and order.
'+.' %ac#a&e Mar#in&G
'+.'.1 ;ach shipping unit shall include or be mar$ed
plainly with the following informationG
'+.'.1.1 &T5 designation, *rade, and /lass;
'+.'.1.' &i%e;
'+.'.1.( 6ame and brand or trademar$ of the manufacturer;
'+.'.1.4 6umber of pieces;
'+.'.1.5 Eot number;
'+.'.1.. 8urchase order number; and
'+.'.1.- /ountry of origin.
21. 1ey2ords
'1.1 anchor bolts; steel
S3''45!5.TAR6 R573$R5!5.TS
The following supplementary re)uirements shall apply only when specified in the purchase order
or contractG
S1. 8rade "" +ars and Anchor +olts
&1.1 The material described in this section is intended for
CE 5 J C 1
J Cr
J Mn
J Mo
J Cu
J :
J Ni
welding. This supplemental section, by chemical composition
restrictions and by a carbon e)uivalent formula, provides
assurance of weldability.
&1.' :elding techni)ue is of fundamental importance when
bolts produced to this supplementary section are welded. 2t is
assumed that suitable welding procedures for the steel being
welded and the intended service will be selected.
&1.( The re)uirements of this supplementary re)uirement
supersede conflicting provisions of the general specification.
&1.4 7ecause of the embrittling effects of welding tempera#
tures on cold#forged steel, this supplemental section is limited
to hot#forged bolts, or, if not forged, to the thread bars, studs,
or bolts produced from hot#rolled bars without forging. /old#
forged bolts or cold#drawn threaded bars are suitable if they
are given a thermal treatment by heating to a temperature of
not less than 15++HF !915H/" and air#cooled.
&1.5 Chemical Comosition:
&1.5.1 &teel shall conform to the following limitationsG
&1.5.'.' For carbon steel, the carbon e)uivalent shall not
exceed +.4+ J when calculated as followsG
J Mn
CE 5 J C1
&1.. 5ar$ingA;ach anchor bolt conforming to this supple#
mentary re)uirement &1 shall be designated by a white paint
mar$ on the side of the bar near the end to be encased in
S2. 'ermanent !anufacturer9s $dentification
&'.1 The end of the anchor bolt intended to proBect from the
concrete shall be steel die stamped with the manufacturerIs
identification. 5ar$ing small si%es !customarily less than +.(-5
in. !3.5'5 mm"" may not be practical. /onsult the anchor bolt
manufacturer for the minimum si%e that can be mar$ed.
&'.' :hen re)uired, grade and manufacturerIs or private
label distributionIs identifications shall be separate and dis#
tinct. The two identifications shall preferably be in different
Carbon, 2ax, = 0-50 0-55
Mangane"e, 2ax, = 1-5* 1-&1
Pho"phor;", 2ax, = 0-0&0 0-0&(
S;l:;r, 2ax, = 0-0*0 0-0*(
Sili#on, 2ax, = 0-*0 0-0**
&1.5.' Car!on E8ui;alentA2n addition to the re)uirements
specified in &1.5.1, the analysis shall be such as to provide a
carbon e)uivalent !/;" meeting the following re)uirementsG
&1.5.'.1 For alloy or low#alloy steel, the carbon e)uivalent
shall not exceed +.45 J when calculated as followsG
locations and shall be separated by at least two spaces when on
the same level.
S3. 'ermanent 8rade $dentification
&(.1 2nstead of color coding as specified in 13.1, the end of
the anchor bolt intended to proBect from the concrete shall be
steel die stamped with the grade identification as followsG
.ra,e I,enti:i#ation
56 AB56
** AB**
10* AB10*
&(.' The re)uirements given in &'.1 for mar$ing small
si%es, and, in &'.' that grade and manufacturerIs
identifications be separate and distinct, shall also apply to this
supplementary re)uirement.
S4. 8rades "" and 1*" Charpy $mpact Re:uirements at
;4*<= >;"<C?
&4.1 *rades 55 and 1+5 shall have a /harpy @#6otch
impact strength conforming to the re)uirements listed in Table
&4.' Tests shall be conducted in accordance with Test
5ethods and 1efinitions (-+.
&4.( 6otch toughness tests shall be performed at the Test
Fre)uency 8 !8iece Testing" of &pecification .-( on finished
anchor bolts when the results of notch toughness tests are not
available on bar stoc$.
&4.4 6otch toughness tests shall be performed at the Test
Fre)uency 0 !0eat Eot Testing" of &pecification .-( on bar
stoc$, except when heat treatment is performed after threading
or bending, in which case the tests shall be those re)uired in
S". 8rade 1*" Charpy $mpact Re:uirements at @2*<=
&5.1 *rade 1+5 shall have /harpy @ 6otch impact strength
conforming to the re)uirements listed in Table &1.'.
&5.' Test methods and fre)uency of testing shall be as
specified in &4.' through &4.4.
#AB$% S131 %nerg1 and #est #e'perat*re (e)*ire'ents
Charpy G)>ot#h @nergy 4eC;ire2ent" Te"t Te2perat;re,
#AB$% S13, %nerg1 and #est #e'perat*re (e)*ire'ents
Charpy G)>ot#h @nergy 4eC;ire2ent" Te"t Te2perat;re, HE
Average :or 5 Spe#i2en", 2in, :tIlb: /J0 Mini2;2 :or 1
Spe#i2en, :tIlb: /J0
Average :or 5 Spe#i2en", 2in,
:tIlb: /J0
Mini2;2 :or 1
Spe#i2en, :tIlb: /J0
1* /'00 1' /160 K&0 /*0
1* /'00 1' /160 A'0 /'%0
S3!!AR6 #= CAA.85S
This section identifies the location of selected changes to this standard that have been incorporated since the
D3- issue. For the convenience of the user, /ommittee F#1. has highlighted those changes that impact the use
of this standard. This section may also include descriptions of the changes or reasons for the changes, or both.
!1" 2n 1.1 recogni%ed Nanchor boltsO are also $nown as Nanchor
!'" dded 5.1.1' for ordering color codes other than standard.
!(" <evised 13.1 and added 13.' to recogni%e other color codes
may be ordered.
!4" dded 13.( as a pointer to &' and &( for permanent grade
and manufacturerIs mar$s.
!5" <evised &(.1 to clarify paint coating is not re)uired when
permanent grade mar$ing is specified and to define the grade
ASTM International ta$e" no po"ition re"pe#ting the vali,ity o: any patent right" a""erte, in #onne#tion 9ith any ite2 2entione,
in thi" "tan,ar,- +"er" o: thi" "tan,ar, are expre""ly a,vi"e, that ,eter2ination o: the vali,ity o: any ";#h patent right", an, the ri"$
o: in:ringe2ent o: ";#h right", are entirely their o9n re"pon"ibility-
Thi" "tan,ar, i" ";bDe#t to revi"ion at any ti2e by the re"pon"ible te#hni#al #o22ittee an, 2;"t be revie9e, every :ive year"
an, i: not revi"e,, either reapprove, or 9ith,ra9n- 1o;r #o22ent" are invite, either :or revi"ion o: thi" "tan,ar, or :or a,,itional
"tan,ar," an, "ho;l, be a,,re""e, to ASTM International Hea,C;arter"- 1o;r #o22ent" 9ill re#eive #are:;l #on"i,eration at a
2eeting o: the re"pon"ible te#hni#al #o22ittee, 9hi#h yo; 2ay atten,- I: yo; :eel that yo;r #o22ent" have not re#eive, a :air
hearing yo; "ho;l, 2a$e yo;r vie9" $no9n to the ASTM Co22ittee on Stan,ar,", at the a,,re"" "ho9n belo9-
Thi" "tan,ar, i" #opyrighte, by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C00, !e"t Con"hoho#$en, PA 1%&'()
'%*%, +nite, State"- In,ivi,;al reprint" /"ingle or 2;ltiple #opie"0 o: thi" "tan,ar, 2ay be obtaine, by #onta#ting ASTM at the
above a,,re"" or at 610)(5')%*(* /phone0, 610)(5')%*** /:ax0, or "ervi#eLa"t2-or g /e)2ail0M or thro;gh the ASTM 9eb"ite
/99 9 -a"t2-org0-

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