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M2000 Server Reinstallation Guide INTERNAL

Product Name Confidential Level

iManager M2000-II INTERNAL
Product Version Total 11 pages
M2000 Server Reinstallation Guide
Prepared b !"ste# engineering gro$p !ate 200-0-20
Revie"ed b L$ %i 001&6'2& !ate 200-(-21
Revie"ed b !ate """"-##-dd
Approved b L$ %i !ate 200-(-2&
#ua"ei Tec$nolo%ies &o'( Ltd'
All ri%$ts reserved
20)*+,+2) #ua"ei &on-idential Pa%e ) o- )*
M2000 Server Reinstallation Guide INTERNAL
.pdate #istor
!ate Version !escription Aut$or
200-0-20 V0)( Initial dra-t /u 0ende
200-0(-2& V1)0 .pdated Lu 1i
2002+*+)0 V)') update auto install !V! in-ormation Lu 1i 00)*3,24
20)*+,+2) #ua"ei &on-idential Pa%e 2 o- )*
M2000 Server Reinstallation Guide INTERNAL
)') Application Scenarios'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''*
)'2 Restrictions''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''*
)'5 Preparations'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''*
)'* 6peration Principles''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''4
)'4 Reinstallin% t$e Sin%le+Server Sstem'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''4
)'4') Installin% t$e 6peratin% Sstem and Patc$es on t$e Server'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''4
)'4'2 Installin% and &on-i%urin% t$e VolumeMana%er''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''3
)'4'5 &on-i%urin% t$e !is7 Arra'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''',
)'4'* Installin% and &on-i%urin% t$e Sbase'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''8
)'4'4 Installin% t$e M2000 Server So-t"are''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''2
)'3 Reinstallin% t$e Local #A Sstem''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''2
)'3') Installin% t$e 6peratin% Sstem and Patc$es on t$e Active and Standb Nodes
)'3'2 Installin% t$e Sun &luster on t$e Active and Standb Nodes''''''''''''''''''''''''''')0
)'3'5 &on-i%urin% t$e Sun &luster on t$e Active and Standb Nodes''''''''''''''''''''''))
)'3'* Installin% and &on-i%urin% t$e VolumeMana%er -or t$e Active and Standb
Nodes ))
)'3'4 &on-i%urin% t$e !is7 Arra'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''')2
)'3'3 Installin% and &on-i%urin% t$e Sbase on t$e Active Node''''''''''''''''''''''''''''')5
)'3', Installin% t$e Sbase on t$e Standb Node'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''')5
)'3'8 Installin% t$e M2000 Server So-t"are'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''')*
20)*+,+2) #ua"ei &on-idential Pa%e 5 o- )*
M2000 Server Reinstallation Guide INTERNAL
1)1 Appli*ation !*enarios
9or certain reasons( t$e operatin% sstem and database so-t"are need to be reinstalled -or t$e on+
site M2000 server' Nevert$eless( t$e reinstallation procedure is di--erent -rom t$at o- t$e initial
installation' T$us( t$e reinstallation cannot be per-ormed accordin% to t$e M2000 Initialization
Installation Guide' T$is %uide is applicable to t$e scenario "$ere t$e dis7 arra is in t$e normal
state and t$e sin%le+server sstem or t$e local #A sstem needs to be reinstalled'
1)2 Restri*tions
T$is %uide is applicable to t$e scenarios "$ere ,5 G: or )*3 G: local $ard dis7s and arra $ard
dis7s are used' T$ere are no special re;uirements -or t$e server tpe' T$e 5500( 3)50( or 3)*0 dis7
arra can be used'
T$e si<e o- t$e $ard dis7s and t$e number o- $ard dis7s -or t$e 3)20 dis7 arra need to be
returned' T$is %uide can be used onl "$en t$e Plat-ormTools is customi<ed accordin% to t$e
actual conditions o- t$e arra'
T$is %uide is applicable to t$e reinstallation o- onl t$e Sun Servers( "it$ so-t"are plat-orm is
Solaris )0 and Sbase )4'
All t$e data on t$e ori%inal server is cleared a-ter t$e reinstallation'
.nless ot$er"ise speci-ied( all t$e operations described in t$is %uide are per-ormed b user root'
1)+ ,reparations
T$e -ollo"in% materials need to be prepared be-ore t$e reinstallation'
1. Cable
Serial port cables used to connect t$e dis7 arra or t$e server
2. Software and tools
=uic7 installation !V!
04))*282 Auto>Install>!V!)?5>9or Solaris>6S>sun*u>V2')+-or 6SS
04))*285 Auto>Install>!V!2?5>9or Solaris>6S>sun*v>V2')+-or 6SS
04))*28* Auto>Install>!V!5?5>9or Solaris>APP>V2')+-or 6SS
.or !$n&$ server platfor#/ it s0o$ld $se 0111&22 2 0111&2&
.or !$n&v server platfor#/ it s0o$ld $se 0111&2+ 2 0111&2&
!$n&$ platfor#- !$n Netra 20/2&0/ !$n .ire V0/V(0/ !$n .ire &00/E&(00
!$n&v platfor#- !$n !E T1220/ !E M&000/M1000
T0ere are onl" t3o 4V4s for old version 5$i*6 installation 4V4/ 3it0o$t !$n&v 4V4/ it still *an $se
for !$n&$ servers)
G.I terminal so-t"are@ 0ina/e or /mana%er
&orrespondin% Plat-ormTools version
20)*+,+2) #ua"ei &on-idential Pa%e * o- )*
M2000 Server Reinstallation Guide INTERNAL
3. Documentation and manual
M2000 Software Initialization Installation Guide and M2000 Commissioning Guide o-
relevant versions
4. Get server information, backup 3PPs license
IP address( user name( and pass"ord o- t$e server S&?RS&
Record settin%s in server( includin% IP address( $ostname and Time Aone'
:ac7 up t$e license o- t$e Sbase database
&op t$e -iles under t$e ?opt?sbase?S1SAM+2>0?licenses director to ot$er computers'
9or t$e servers BV820( E*200( and #A serversC e;uipped "it$ a dis7 arra( t$e license o- t$e
ori%inal Volume Mana%er so-t"are needs to be saved' Run t$e -ollo"in% command be-ore t$e
Record and save all t$e output in-ormation -or -uture use'Run t$e previous command
respectivel on t$e active and standb nodes in t$e #A sstem'
1)& 7peration ,rin*iple
EDecution en%ineers must read t$is %uide care-ull' !urin% t$e eDecution procedure( t$e steps
provided in t$is %uide s$ould be -ollo"ed eDactl and cannot be adEusted' All t$e Solaris
commands in t$is %uide can be copied and run directl' T$e eDecution procedures o- all t$e
commands must be recorded as lo%s' Generall( t$e Telnet tools support t$is -unction' 9or
eDample, c$oose #ile $ %o& Session -or t$e Secure&RT'
I- ou $ave an problems durin% t$e eDecution procedure( contact M2000 tec$nical support
1)1 Reinstalling t0e !ingle-!erver !"ste#
T$is c$apter is applicable to t$e reinstallation -or onl t$e sin%le+server sstem'
)'4') Installin% t$e 6peratin% Sstem and Patc$es on t$e Server
)' Po"er o-- t$e dis7 arra and disconnect all t$e cables o- t$e net"or7 card on t$e server'
Po"er on t$e dis7 arra and connect t$e cables a-ter t$e installation is completed'
2' Insert t$e correspondin% 6S ;uic7 installation dis7 BAuto>Install>!V!)?5 or
Auto>Install>!V!)?5C into t$e !V!+R6M drive o- t$e server'
5' &onnect a P& "it$ t$e server t$rou%$ t$e serial port cables or t$e IP address o- t$e S&'
*' 0$en t$e sstem s"itc$es to t$e 6F state( run t$e -ollo"in% command@
o7 boot cdrom ' install
0$en t$e sstem displas GInstall as t$e SE&6N! node o- Sun &luster !ual sstemH Ide-ault@nJ"(
20)*+,+2) #ua"ei &on-idential Pa%e 4 o- )*
M2000 Server Reinstallation Guide INTERNAL
enter n'
T$e sstem installation is completed automaticall about 54 minutes later' A-ter t$e server starts(
t$e sstem prompts ou to select t$e 7eboard tpe' Select t$e de-ault (S)*n&lis+ and press #2'
T$en( tpe t$e pass"ord o- user root to lo% in to t$e server' T$e server is mirrored a-ter t$e server
starts' 1ou can use t$e metastat command -or c$ec7'
4' Insert t$e APP ;uic7 installation dis7 BAuto>Install>!V!5?5C into t$e !V!+R6M drive o-
t$e server'
3' Initiali<e t$e basic con-i%uration o- t$e server'
!cd ,cdrom,cdrom-,baseconfi&
Confgure default system parameters:
1. Single server system
2. HA Node1
3. HA Node2
4. Netra 24 administration !onsole
". HA Node1 #$at!%man&
'. HA Node2 #$at!%man&
(. )t%er systems #Not modifying t%e *+ address&
,. -uit
+lease sele!t a option:1
Are you sure ./01N2 Y
T$is process ta7es about -ive minutes' T$e server automaticall restarts once'
Modi- t$e basic con-i%uration'
&$an%e t$e IP address recorded in t$e ,etc,+osts -ile to t$e actual IP address' A-ter t$e ,etc,+osts
-ile is con-i%ured( enter w/0 to save t$e -ile and eDit'
KeDport TERM
Kvi ?etc?$ost
Set t$e de-ault %ate"a( modi- t$e ,etc,defaultrouter -ile( and add t$e IP address o- t$e de-ault
%ate"a to t$e -ile' T$en( enter w/0 to save t$e -ile and eDit'
Kvi ?etc?de-aultrouter
Set t$e subnet mas7( open t$e ,etc,netmasks -ile( and add t$e IP address o- t$e subnet mas7 to t$e
-ile' T$en( enter w/0 to save t$e -ile and eDit'
Kvi ?etc?netmas7s
A-ter t$e con-i%uration is completed( restart t$e operatin% sstem to ma7e t$e con-i%uration ta7e
)'4'2 Installin% and &on-i%urin% t$e VolumeMana%er
20)*+,+2) #ua"ei &on-idential Pa%e 3 o- )*
M2000 Server Reinstallation Guide INTERNAL
T$e server "it$out a dis7 arra( suc$ as t$e Netra2*0 server( need not be installed "it$ t$e
)' Install t$e VolumeMana%er'
!cd ,cdrom,cdrom-,veritas
! .,install.1213.s+
0$en t$e sstem displas GAre you sure ?[Y/N]G( enter 4'
T$is process ta7es about )4 minutes'
2' Install t$e V/VM patc$'
! .,install.1213.patc+.s+
0$en t$e sstem displas GAre you sure ?[Y/N]G( enter 4'
T$is process ta7es about -ive minutes' T$e server automaticall restarts once'
5' &on-i%ure t$e V/VM'
! .,confi&.1213.s+
0$en t$e sstem displas GEnter your license key:G( enter t$e license o- t$e V/VM
and t$e license bac7ed up in t$e preparations'
)'4'5 &on-i%urin% t$e !is7 Arra
)' Install t$e $ost mana%ement so-t"are o- t$e dis7 arra'
9or t$e 5500 dis7 arra@
!cd ,cdrom,cdrom-,33--arra5
Install t$e arra mana%ement so-t"are@
! .,install.33--arra5soft.s+
9or t$e 3)*0 dis7 arra@
cd ,cdrom,cdrom-, 614-arra5
9or t$e 3)50 dis7 arra( t$e $ost mana%ement so-t"are needs to be installed t$rou%$ t$e dis7
delivered "it$ t$e arra' T$is so-t"are mi%$t not be installed currentl'
2' .se t$e Plat-ormTools to create volumes'
.pload t$e Plat-ormTools to t$e server( and t$en decompress t$e Plat-ormTools'
Run t$e -ollo"in% commands to set t$e aut$ori<ation -or t$e Platform7ools director@
! cd ,opt,Platform7ools
! c+mod )8 999 ,opt,Platform7ools
Run t$e -ollo"in% commands to start t$e Plat-ormTools@
! cd ,opt,Platform7ools
! .,setup
&$oose :nstallation > Sin&le s5stem > Corresponding server type > Create volumes
133Customi4e t%e Solaris
2335n!apsulate lo!al dis6s
3337irror lo!al dis6s
20)*+,+2) #ua"ei &on-idential Pa%e , o- )*
M2000 Server Reinstallation Guide INTERNAL
433Create volumes
"33Set Sy8ase parameters
'33Create an )7C data8ase
T$e steps )++&ustomi<e t$e Solaris( 2++Encapsulate local dis7s( and 5++Mirror local dis7s need not
be per-ormed'
)'4'* Installin% and &on-i%urin% t$e Sbase
)' Install t$e Sbase'
Kcd ,cdrom,cdrom-,s5base
K .,install.s5base.s+ ,opt,s5base 4
2' Install t$e license o- t$e Sbase'
.pload t$e S5base %icense -ile bac7ed up in t$e preparations to t$e server( cop it to t$e
,opt,s5base,S4S;3)2.-,licenses director( and c$an%e t$e o"ner'
!c+own dbuser<staff ,opt,s5base,S4S;3)2.-,licenses,=.lic
5' &reate t$e master database o- t$e Sbase'
!.,create.s5base.master.s+ ,e"port,+ome,s5bdev > +ost :P$ S4?
Enter t$e IP address o- t$e local $ost in +ost :P'
*' Run t$e -ollo"in% commands to install t$e &P253 &$inese c$aracter set -or domestic users'
T$is set is not re;uired -or overseas users'
! ., install.CP@36.c+araset.s+ S4? emsems
4' .se t$e Plat-ormTools to customi<e t$e parameters o- t$e Sbase and to create t$e 6M&
&$oose :nstallation M Sin&le s5stem > Corresponding server type > Set S5base parameters
&$oose :nstallation > Sin&le s5stem > Corresponding server type > Create an A3C database
)++&ustomi<e t$e Solaris
2++Encapsulate local dis7s
5++Mirror local dis7s
*++&reate volumes
4++Set Sbase parameters
3++&reate an 6M& database
20)*+,+2) #ua"ei &on-idential Pa%e 8 o- )*
M2000 Server Reinstallation Guide INTERNAL
)'4'4 Installin% t$e M2000 Server So-t"are
Re-er to GInstallin% t$e M2000 Server So-t"areG in t$e M2000 Commissioning Guide (Sun, S10)'
1)6 Reinstalling t0e Lo*al 8A !"ste#
T$is c$apter is applicable to t$e reinstallation o- onl t$e #A sstem'
)'3') Installin% t$e 6peratin% Sstem and Patc$es on t$e Active and Standb
Per-orm t$e operations described in t$is c$apter on t$e active and standb nodes respectivel'
)' Po"er o-- t$e dis7 arra and disconnect all t$e cables o- t$e net"or7 card on t$e server'
Po"er on t$e dis7 arra and connect t$e cables a-ter t$e installation'
2' Insert t$e correspondin% 6S ;uic7 installation dis7 BAuto>Install>!V!)?5 or
Auto>Install>!V!)?5C into t$e !V!+R6M drive o- t$e server'
5' &onnect a P& "it$ t$e server t$rou%$ t$e serial port cables or t$e IP address o- t$e S&'
*' 0$en t$e sstem s"itc$es to t$e 6F state( run t$e -ollo"in% command@
o7 boot cdrom ' install
0$en t$e sstem displas GInstall as the SECOND node of Sun Cluster Dual
syste? [default:n]" and t$e standb node o- t$e Sun &luster #A is installed( enter 1 to
continue' 6t$er"ise( enter n' T$e sstem installation is completed automaticall about 54 minutes
later' A-ter t$e server starts( t$e sstem prompts ou to select t$e 7eboard tpe' Select t$e de-ault
(S)*n&lis+ and press #2' T$en( enter t$e pass"ord o- user root to lo% in to t$e server' T$e server
is mirrored a-ter t$e server starts' 1ou can use t$e metastat command -or c$ec7'
Note@ 9or t$e #A sstem suc$ as t$e Netra 2*0( t$e ,etc,vfstab -ile needs to be edited on t$e
active node( and t$e line containin% t$e ,e"port,+ome is commented o-- -or t$e reverse mountin%'
T$is operation is not per-ormed -or ot$er tpes o- servers'
!7*83Bvt1-- Ce"port 7*83
!vi ,etc,vfstab
Add K in t$e -ront o- ?dev?md?ds7?d40 ?dev?md?rds7?d40 ?eDport?$ome u-s 2 es to
comment out t$is line'
!cd ,
!umount ,e"port,+ome
Insert t$e APP ;uic7 installation dis7 BAuto>Install>!V!5?5C into t$e !V!+R6M drive o- t$e
4' Initiali<e t$e basic con-i%uration o- t$e server'
20)*+,+2) #ua"ei &on-idential Pa%e 2 o- )*
M2000 Server Reinstallation Guide INTERNAL
!cd ,cdrom,cdrom-,baseconfi&
Confgure default system parameters:
1. Single server system
2. HA Node1
3. HA Node2
4. Netra 24 administration !onsole
". HA Node1 #$at!%man&
'. HA Node2 #$at!%man&
(. )t%er systems #Not modifying t%e *+ address&
,. -uit
+lease sele!t a option: 2 or 3 ,,*nter 2 for t+e active node and enter 3 for t+e
standb5 node.
Are you sure ./01N2 Y
T$is process ta7es about -ive minutes' T$e server automaticall restarts once'
Modi- t$e basic con-i%uration'
&$an%e t$e IP address recorded in t$e ,etc,+osts -ile to t$e actual IP address' A-ter t$e ,etc,+osts
-ile is con-i%ured( enter w/0 to save t$e -ile and eDit'
!e"port 7*83
!vi ,etc,+ost
Set t$e de-ault %ate"a( modi- t$e ,etc,defaultrouter -ile( and add t$e IP address o- t$e de-ault
%ate"a to t$e -ile' T$en( enter w/0 to save t$e -ile and eDit'
!vi ,etc,defaultrouter
Set t$e subnet mas7( open t$e ,etc,netmasks -ile( and add t$e IP address o- t$e subnet mas7 to t$e
-ile' T$en( enter w/0 to save t$e -ile and eDit'
!vi ,etc,netmasks
A-ter t$e con-i%uration is completed( restart t$e operatin% sstem to ma7e t$e con-i%uration ta7e
)'3'2 Installin% t$e Sun &luster on t$e Active and Standb Nodes
Per-orm t$e operations described in t$is c$apter on t$e active and standb nodes respectivel'
)' Install t$e Sun &luster'
!cd ,cdrom,cdrom-,suncluster
0$en t$e sstem displas GAre you sure ?[Y/N]G( enter 4'
T$is process ta7es about -ive minutes'
2' Install t$e Sbase A%ent pac7a%e'
20)*+,+2) #ua"ei &on-idential Pa%e )0 o- )*
M2000 Server Reinstallation Guide INTERNAL
0$en t$e sstem displas GAre you sure ?[Y/N]G( enter 4'
5' Install t$e patc$ pac7a%e o- t$e Sun &luster'
0$en t$e sstem displas GAre you sure ?[Y/N]G( enter 4'
T$is process ta7es about -our minutes' T$e server automaticall restarts'
)'3'5 &on-i%urin% t$e Sun &luster on t$e Active and Standb Nodes
)' &on-i%ure t$e Sun &luster on t$e active node -irst'
0$en t$e sstem displas GAre you sure ?[Y/N]G( enter 4'
T$e active node automaticall restarts'
2' &on-i%ure t$e Sun &luster on t$e standb node a-ter t$e active node starts'
0$en t$e sstem displas GAre you sure ?[Y/N]G( enter 4'
T$e standb node automaticall restarts'
5' &on-i%ure t$e ;urom device onl on t$e active node'
!cd ,cdrom,cdrom-,suncluster
! .,confi&./urom.device.s+
0$en t$e sstem displas GAre you sure ?[Y/N]G( enter 4'
)'3'* Installin% and &on-i%urin% t$e VolumeMana%er -or t$e Active and Standb
Per-orm t$e operations in t$is c$apter on t$e active and standb nodes respectivel'
)' Install t$e V/VM'
!cd ,cdrom,cdrom-,veritas
! .,install.1213.s+
0$en t$e sstem displas GAre you sure ?[Y/N]G( enter 4'
T$is process ta7es about -i-teen minutes'
2' Install t$e V/VM patc$es@
! .,install.1213.patc+.s+
0$en t$e sstem displas GAre you sure ?[Y/N]G( enter 4'
T$is process ta7es about -ive minutes' T$e server automaticall restarts once'
5' &on-i%ure t$e V/VM@
! .,confi&.1213.s+
0$en t$e sstem displas GEnter your license key:G( enter t$e license o- t$e V/VM
20)*+,+2) #ua"ei &on-idential Pa%e )) o- )*
M2000 Server Reinstallation Guide INTERNAL
and t$e license bac7ed up in t$e preparations'
)'3'4 &on-i%urin% t$e !is7 Arra
)' Install t$e $ost mana%ement so-t"are o- t$e dis7 arra on bot$ t$e active and standb nodes'
9or t$e 5500 dis7 arra@
!cd ,cdrom,cdrom-,33--arra5
Install t$e arra mana%ement so-t"are@
! .,install.33--arra5soft.s+
9or t$e 3)*0 dis7 arra@
!cd ,cdrom,cdrom-, 614-arra5
9or t$e 3)50 dis7 arra( t$e $ost mana%ement so-t"are needs to be installed t$rou%$ t$e dis7
delivered "it$ t$e arra' T$is so-t"are mi%$t not be installed currentl'
2' .se t$e Plat-ormTools to create volumes onl on t$e active node'
.pload t$e Plat-ormTools to t$e server( and t$en decompress t$e plat-orm tools'
Run t$e -ollo"in% commands to set t$e aut$ori<ation -or t$e Platform7ools director@
! cd ,opt,Platform7ools
! c+mod )8 999 ,opt,Platform7ools
Run t$e -ollo"in% commands to start t$e Plat-ormTools@
! cd ,opt,Platform7ools
! .,setup
&$oose :nstallation > Dual s5stem > Dode1 > Corresponding server type > Create volumes
133Customi4e t%e Solaris
2335n!apsulate lo!al dis6s
3337irror lo!al dis6s
433Create volumes
"33Set Sy8ase parameters
'33Create an )7C data8ase
T$e steps )++&ustomi<e t$e Solaris( 2++Encapsulate local dis7s( and 5++Mirror local dis7s need not
be per-ormed'
9or details( see t$e relevant operations in t$e so-t"are installation %uide'
)'3'3 Installin% and &on-i%urin% t$e Sbase on t$e Active Node
20)*+,+2) #ua"ei &on-idential Pa%e )2 o- )*
M2000 Server Reinstallation Guide INTERNAL
1ou need to per-orm t$is operation onl on t$e active node'
)' Install t$e Sbase'
Kcd ,cdrom,cdrom-,s5base
K .,install.s5base.s+ ,opt,s5base 4
2' Install t$e license o- t$e Sbase'
.pload t$e S5base %icense -ile bac7ed up in t$e preparations to t$e server( cop it to t$e
,opt,s5base,S4S;3)2.-,licenses director( and c$an%e t$e o"ner'
!c+own dbuser<staff ,opt,s5base,S4S;3)2.-,licenses,=.lic
5' &reate t$e master database o- t$e Sbase'
!.,create.s5base.master.s+ ,e"port,+ome,s5bdev > +ost :P$ S4?
Enter t$e IP address o- t$e local $ost in +ost :P'
*' Run t$e -ollo"in% command to install t$e &P253 &$inese c$aracter set -or domestic users'
T$is settin% is not re;uired -or overseas users'
!., install.CP@36.c+araset.s+ S4? emsems
4' .se t$e Plat-ormTools to customi<e t$e parameters o- t$e Sbase and to create t$e 6M&
&$oose :nstallation > Dual s5stem > Dode1 > Corresponding server type > Set S5base
&$oose :nstallation > Dual s5stem > Dode1 > Corresponding server type > Create an A3C
133Customi4e t%e Solaris
2335n!apsulate lo!al dis6s
3337irror lo!al dis6s
433Create volumes
"33Set Sy8ase parameters
'33Create an )7C data8ase
)'3', Installin% t$e Sbase on t$e Standb Node
)' Run t$e -ollo"in% commands to stop t$e Sbase service on t$e active node@
!su ) dbuser
)bas+)3.--E is/l )SS4? )(sa )Pemsems
1$ s+utdown S4?.?;CF(P
2$ &o
1$ s+utdown
20)*+,+2) #ua"ei &on-idential Pa%e )5 o- )*
M2000 Server Reinstallation Guide INTERNAL
2$ &o
2' Lo% in to t$e active node as user root( and run t$e -ollo"in% commands to tar t$e -iles
installed "it$ t$e Sbase on t$e active node@
! cd ,opt
! tar cvf s5base.tar s5base
5' Per-orm t$e -ollo"in% operations to upload t$e ,opt,s5base.tar -ile pac7a%e o- t$e active
node to t$e ,opt director o- t$e standb node@
1) Run t$e -ollo"in% command on t$e active node to transport t$e -ile to t$e standb node
t$rou%$ t$e 9TP@
! ftp IP address of the active adaptor for the public network on the
standby node
2) Enter t$e pass"ord o- user root on t$e standb node to lo% in to t$e standb node'
3) Run t$e -ollo"in% command to access t$e ,opt director o- t$e standb node'
ftp$ cd ,opt
4) Set t$e binar mode -or transportin% a -ile'
ftp$ bin
5) Transport t$e ,opt,s5base.tar -ile pac7a%e'
ftp$ put ,opt,s5base.tar
6) EDit -rom 9TP'
ftp$ /uit
*' Lo% in to t$e standb node as user root( and run t$e -ollo"in% commands to install t$e
Sbase on t$e standb node@
! cd ,opt
! tar "vf s5base.tar
! c+own )8 dbuser<staff ,opt,s5base
)'3'8 Installin% t$e M2000 Server So-t"are
9or details( see to GInstallin% t$e M2000 Server So-t"areG and GRe%isterin% t$e Sbase and
M2000 Server ApplicationsG in t$e M2000 ! System Commissioning Guide (Sun, S10)'
20)*+,+2) #ua"ei &on-idential Pa%e )* o- )*

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