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Upper-Intermediate - Sex Education Class (D1458)

Ch en L ei, n k` an ya.
Chen Lei, check it out.
h eh e, h ah a.
Heh-heh. Hah-hah.
A: 47
h aiy ou h` oumian, d` s`sh q y` e.
In the back too, page 47.
nmen z` ai k` an sh enme?
What are you two looking at?
gu` o hur sh` sh engl w` eish eng k` e, w omen z` ai y` ux.
We have Physiology and Hygiene class in a bit. Were
preparing for class.
nmen n ansh eng ji ` u xhuan k` an zh` ezh ong w uli ao de d ongxi.
You boys only like to look at this kind of boring stuff.
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zh` e sh` k exu e.
This is science.

k exu e? n` a Ln F eng w o w` en n, n zhd` ao n sh` z enme

l aid` ao zh` e ge sh`ji ` e sh` ang de?
Science? Then I ask you Lin Feng, do you know how you
came into this world?
w o m ama shu o w o sh` t a c ong l ajt ong l ji anl ai de.
My mom says she picked me up out of the trash can.

w uzh, t ` ai w uzh! r enl ` ei de f any an, k` ao de sh` jngz h e

lu anz de ji eh e, xngch eng sh` oujnglu an x`b ao, r anh` ou x`-
b ao f enli ` e, zh uji ` an xngch eng r ent de g` eg` e sh engl q`gu an.
Ignorant, so ignorant. The proliferation of the human race
depends upon the joining of the sperm and the egg, which
develops into a zygote cell, after which the cell splits and
the organs of the human body slowly begin to take shape.
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w a, zh en l`hai, n sh` z enme zhd` ao de?
Wow, thats really impressive. How do you know all this?

sh u sh` ang d ou y ou a, b` ugu` o w o m ama y e ji ao guo w o yxi e

xi anggu an de zhshi.
Its all in the book. But, my mom also taught me a bit of
related knowledge as well.
n m a zh en k aif` ang!
Your mom is really open.
zh` e b` ush` k ai bu k aif` ang de w` ent, zh` e sh` zh` engqu` e de
x`ng ji ` aoy` u.
This isnt a question of whether or not someone is open, its
proper sex education.

w o sh` angs` k` and` ao w omen g eb` de ay d` uzi h en d` a, n` a

xi aob aobao ji ` u z` ai t a de d` uzi l lo.
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Last time I saw the lady from next door, her belly was really
big. Then theres a baby inside her stomach.

sh` a, zh` engqu` e de shu o sh` z` ai zg ong l, xi aob aobao t ong-

gu` o qd` ai c ong t aip an hu` oq u yngy ang, zh uji ` an zh angd` a
ch ush eng.
Thats right. Technically speaking, the baby is in her womb.
The baby gets its nutrition through the umbilical cord and
placenta, gradually growing bigger, and eventually being

n` a X u Xi aotng, n g angc ai shu o de jngz h e lu anz sh` z en-

me ji eh e de ne?
Well, Xu Xiaoting, the sperm and the egg you were just talk-
ing about; how do they come together?
zh` e ge w o m ama d` ao m ei shu o, k en eng gu` o hur l aosh hu`
ji ang de ba.
This, my mom didnt say. Maybe the teacher will talk about
it in a bit.
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h ao, t ongxu emen, w omen zh` e ji e k` e ne, ji ang de sh` r ent

de sh engzh x`t ong. d` aji a b a sh u f and` ao d` s`sh w u y` e, ji e
xi ` al ai nmen z`j k` an yxi ` a, y ou w` ent dehu` a k ey w` en.
OK, students. In class today well be talking about the re-
productive system of the human body. Everyone open your
books to page 45, and take a look for yourselves. If you
have any questions, you may ask.
l aosh, Ch en L ei y ou w` ent. n shu o ya, ku` ai shu o ya!
Teacher, Chen Lei has a question. Say it! Hurry, say it!
l aosh, jngz h e lu anz sh` z enme ji eh e de?
Teacher, how do the sperm and the egg come together?

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o, Ch en L ei t ongxu e de w` ent h en h ao. d` aji a zh` engzh qng-
ch un q, su oy ji anji an de hu` k aish gu anzh` u li angx`ng de
w` ent. zh` e ge ne, sh` r enl ` ei de b enn eng. gu` o hur ne, w o-
men y` ao k` an y ge qngch un q x`ng ji ` aoy` u de pi anzi. n an-
sh eng g en zhe w o q` u y ao lng y ao sh`, n u

ush eng g en zhe

b anzh ang q` u y ao lng ` er sh`.
Chen Leis question is a very good one. Youre all just enter-
ing puberty, so youll gradually start to notice things about
the opposite sex. This is human instinct. In a little while,
well watch an adolescent sex education lm. The boys will
go with me to room 101, and the girls will go with the class
monitor to room 102.
Key Vocabulary
sh engl physiological
w uzh ignorant
f any an to proliferate, to multi-
jngz sperm
lu anz egg, ovum
ji eh e to join up
xngch eng to take the shape of
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sh` oujnglu an zygote
x`b ao cell
f enli ` e to split
q`gu an organ
xi anggu an related
k aif` ang open, open-minded
x`ng sex, sexual
zg ong womb, uterus
qd` ai umbilical cord
t aip an placenta
hu` oq u to obtain
yngy ang nutrition
sh engzh reproduction
x`t ong system
zh` engzh right at the time of
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gu anzh` u to pay special attention
li angx`ng male and female
b enn eng instinct
qngch un q puberty, adolescence
Supplementary Vocabulary
g aow an testicle
ch ansh eng to produce
lu anch ao ovary
p aich u to discharge
sh engzh q`-
gu an
reproductive organ
ynjng penis
ynd` ao vagina
f ay` u to grow, to develop
d` uq navel
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ynn ang scrotum
p ailu an to ovulate
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