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We, at the Indian Institute of Management Lucknow, are conducting a research study
on Organizational Citizenship eha!ior "OC# and performance of employees$

%ere, we are seeking your cooperation and help in our academic ad!enture of
understanding the key dri!ers of high OC and performance$ &pecifically, we would
like to understand how personality of employees, leadership styles, management
practices in %R area influence OC and performance$

'lease help us with your !iews on (uestions)statements presented in this (uestionnaire$
*our !iews will +e kept confidential and will +e used only for academic purposes$

We highly appreciate your contri+ution to our academic endea!or$ *our comments
and feed+ack on this (uestionnaire are most welcome$ If you ha!e any (uestion
regarding this study we shall +e glad to discuss with you$ &hould you re(uire
consolidated results of the study, we will +e happy to share it with you$

&hailendra &ingh, 'rofessor "shail,iiml$ac$in#
&hu+ham Mishra , &ummer Intern
%uman Resource Management -roup
Indian Institute of Management Lucknow
'ra+andh .agar, Off &itapur Road, Lucknow/001213
'h4 51/600/07311318 2600/0739121/1028 :a;4 51/600/0739106


Directions to fill the questionnire/ 'lease tick mark "<# against the option you choose$ =here
is no right or wrong answers$ In following items, the term procedures means the method used to
come up at your outcome like pay, bonus, promotion etc.
1>.e!er, 0>Rarely, 3> &ometimes, 9>Rather Often and 6> ?lways




%a!e you +een a+le to e;press your !iews and feelings during those

%a!e you had influence o!er the outcome arri!ed at +y those procedure@
%a!e those procedures +een applied consistently@
%a!e those procedures +een free from +ias@
%a!e those procedures +een +ased on accurate information@
%a!e you +een a+le to appeal the outcome arri!ed at +y those procedures@
%a!e those procedures upheld moral and ethical standards@
Aoes your outcome reflect the effort you ha!e put into your work@
Is your outcome appropriate for the work you ha!e completed@
Aoes your outcome reflect what you ha!e contri+uted to the organization@
Is your outcome Bustified, gi!en your performance@
%as your super!isor treated you with respect@
%as your super!isor +een candid in his)her communications with you@
%as your super!isor e;plained the procedures thoroughly@
%as your super!isor treated you with dignity@
%as your super!isor treated you in a polite manner@
%as your super!isor refrained from improper comments or remarks@
%as your super!isor communicated details in a timely manner@
Aoes your super!isor change his)her communications according to the
indi!idualCs specific needs@

Were your super!isorCs e;planations regarding the procedures reasona+le@

Plese tic' (r' )*+ or )circle+ ,inst the o-tion .ou choose/ There re no ri,hts or 0ron,
ns0ers/ 1in2l. re-l. the ite(s 3. 'ee-in, .our su-er4isor in the (in2/

Ao you know where you stand with your managerDdo you usually know how satisfied your
manager is with what you do@

Eery Aissatisfied Aissatisfied &o/&o &atisfied Eery &atisfied

%ow well does your manager understand your Bo+ pro+lems and needs@
.ot a +it ? little ? fair amount Fuite a +it ? great deal

%ow well does your manager recognize your potential@
.ot at ?ll ? little Moderately Mostly :ully

Regardless of how much formal authority he)she has +uilt into his)her position, what are the
chances your manager would use his)her power to help you sol!e pro+lems in your work@
.o chance &mall Moderate %igh Eery high

?gain, regardless of the amount of formal authority your manager has, what are the chances that
he)she would G+ail you outH at his)her e;pense@
.o chance &mall Moderate %igh Eery high

I ha!e enough confidence in my manager that I would defend and Bustify his)her decision if
he)she were not present to do so@
&trongly Aisagree Aisagree .eutral ?gree &trongly ?gree

%ow would you characterize your working relationship with your manager@

I;tremely poor 'oor ?!erage ositi!e Eery 'ositi!e

'lease tick mark "<# against the option you choose$ =here are no rights or wrong answers$

1>&trongly Aisagree, 0>Aisagree, 3> Mildly Aisagree, 9>.eutral, 6>Mildly ?gree, 1> ?gree, J 7 >
&trongly ?gree

ITE!S " # $ % & 5 6
My attendance at work is a+o!e the norm$
I do not take e;tra +reaks$
I follow organization rules, policies and regulations e!en when no one is

I +elie!e in honest dayCs work for an honest dayCs pay$
I am one of the most conscientious employees$
I focus on significant matters instead of tri!ial ones$
I always focus on positi!e side of the matter instead of negati!e side$
I take initiati!e in sol!ing issues$
I adBust well in the organization$
I downplay smaller issues rather than complaining a+out it to in!ite

I attend meetings that are not mandatory, +ut are considered important$
I attend functions that are not re(uired, +ut help the company image$
I keep a+reast of changes in the organization$
I read and keep up with organizational announcements, memos and so

I take steps to pre!ent pro+lems with other workers$
Ite(s " # $ % & 5 6
I am mindful of how my +eha!ior affects other peopleCs Bo+$
I fa!or the rights of others instead of a+using it$
I try to a!oid creating pro+lems for coworkers$
I consider the impact of my actions on coworkers$
I help others who ha!e +een a+sent
I am always ready to help or to lend a helping hand to those around me
I am willingly helping others who ha!e work related pro+lems$
I help orient new people e!en though it is not re(uired$
I help others who ha!e hea!y workloads$
I feel (uite confident that my leader will always try to treat me fairly$

A3out !. !n,er7 Su-er4isor " # $ % & 5 6
My manager would ne!er try to gain an ad!antage +y decei!ing others$

I ha!e complete faith in the integrity of my manager)super!isor$

I feel a strong loyalty to my leader$

I would support my leader in almost any emergency$

I ha!e complete sense of loyalty toward my leader$

%e has a clear understanding of where we are goingK$

%e 'aints an interesting picture of the future for our group$

%e is always seeking new opportunities for the organization$

%e inspires others with his)her plans for the future$

%e is a+le to get others committed to his)her dream$

%e leads +y GdoingH rather than simply +y GtellingH$

%e pro!ides a good model for me to follow$

%e leads +y e;ample$

%e fosters colla+oration among work groups$

%e encourages employees to +e Gteam playersH$

%e gets the group to work together for the same goal$

%e de!elops a team attitude and spirit among employees$

%e shows us that he)she e;pects a lot from us$

%e insists on only the +est performance$

%e will not settle for second +est$

%e acts +y taking into consideration of my feelings$

%e shows respect for my personal feelings$

%e +eha!es in a manner thoughtful of my personal needs$

%e treats me +y taking into consideration of my feelings$

%e challenges me to think a+out old pro+lems in new ways$

%e asks (uestion that prompt me to think$

%e has stimulated me to rethink the way I do things$

%e has ideas that ha!e challenged me to ree;amine some of +asic
assumptions a+out my work$

Or,ni8tion " # $ % & 5 6
I am (uite proud to +e a+le to tell people who it is I work for

I sometimes feel to stay with this employment for good

I am willing to put myself out to help the organization

I!en if the firm were not doing too well financially, I would +e reluctant
to change to another employer$

I feel myself to +e part of the organization

In my work I like to feel I am making some effort, not Bust for myself
+ut for the organization as well$

=he offer of a +it more money with another employer would not
seriously make me think of changing my Bo+$

I would recommend a close friend to Boin our staff$

=o know that my own work had made a contri+ution to the good of the
organization would please me

-enerally speaking I am !ery satisfied with this Bo+$

I am generally satisfied with the kind of work I do in this Bo+$

Most people in this Bo+ are !ery satisfied with the Bo+$

=he organization strongly considers my goals and !alues

=he organization !alues my contri+ution to its well/+eing

=he organization really cares a+out my well/+eing

=he organization takes pride in my accomplishments

=he organization shows concern for me

=he organization is willing to help me if I need a special fa!or

I intend to look for a Bo+ outside of my organization within the ne;t year$

I intend to change this company as soon as possi+le

I often think a+out (uitting my Bo+ at organization$

9 He inclu2es she lso

To how many of your employees do these
work practices apply?

Check One Box for Each Practice

None or
Very Few




All or
Nearly All
Compensation and enefits
'ay for performance
'erformance appraisal for pay increases
Competiti!e and fair pay compared to other

Incenti!e compensation
Comprehensi!e fringe +enefits
'rofit sharing or gainsharing
-roup/+ased pay
'ay for skills or knowledge
Imployee stock ownership
'u+lic recognition and other non/financial rewards
Lo+ and Work Aesign
Aecentralized participati!e decision making
'roBect or other temporary work teams
Lo+ analysis
Lo+ rotation or cross functional employee utilization
&elf/managed work teams, (uality teams, etc$
Imployee discretion and autonomy
Lo+ enlargement and enrichment
=raining and Ae!elopment
I;tensi!e training
=raining to impro!e performance
=raining for Bo+ or firm/specific skills
=raining for career de!elopment
Cross/functional or multi/skill training
.ew employee training and orientation
Recruiting and &election
&electi!e hiring of new employees
&pecific and e;plicit criteria used to hire new

Multiple selection methods to screen Bo+ applicants
Imployment tests or structured Bo+ inter!iews
'lanning for selection and staffing procedures
Imployee Relations
Lo+ security or an emphasis on permanent Bo+s

Low status difference +etween employees J

Conducting employee opinion or attitude sur!eys

:ormal information sharing program

Imployees recei!e market, firm performance,
or strategic information

Imployee input and suggestion processes

'erformance Management and ?ppraisal
?ppraisals +ased on o+Becti!e results or +eha!iors

?ppraisals for de!elopment or potential

:re(uent performance appraisal meetings

Imployees are promoted from within the

'romotions are o+Becti!ely +ased on merit

Career planning

Many opportunities to get promoted

Aefined career paths and Bo+ ladders

=he topic of this sur!ey is !ery important$

I am usually too +usy to fill out sur!eys$

)Plese tic' (r' )*+ ,inst the o-tion .ou choose/ There re no ri,hts or 0ron, ns0ers/+
.eutral Moderate

" # $ % &
I tend to +ounce +ack (uickly after hard times
I usually find way out through stressful e!ents
It does not take me long to reco!er from stressful e!ent
It is easy for me to reco!er when something +ad

I usually come through difficult times with little trou+le
I get o!er easily from set/+acks in my life
'lease read each statement carefully and decide if you e!er feel this way a+out your Bo+$ Msing the scale +elow,
-lese in2icte ho0 frequentl. .ou feel tht 0./
.e!er Rarely Occasionally :re(uently Eery :re(uently
1 0 3 9 6
?t my Bo+, I feel strong and !igorous$ 1 0 3 9 6
When I get up in the morning, I feel like going to work$ 1 0 3 9 6
When I am working, I lose track of time$ 1 0 3 9 6
I am proud of the work I do$ 1 0 3 9 6
In office, I remain immersed in work$ 1 0 3 9 6
I can continue working for !ery long periods at a time$ 1 0 3 9 6
I am enthusiastic a+out my Bo+$ 1 0 3 9 6
?t my work, I feel like +ursting with energy$ 1 0 3 9 6
=ime flies when I am working$ 1 0 3 9 6
12$ My Bo+ inspires me$ 1 0 3 9 6
Rte .our -erfor(nce 3. tic' (r' )*+ ,inst the o-tion .ou choose
-ood ?!erage elow
'oor Mn/

6 5 & % $ # "
Fuality of output)performance
Fuantity of output)performance
=imely completion of assignment
Coping with une;pected demands
O!erall contri+ution to the
organizational goals$

Rte .our -erfor(nce 3. tic' (r' )*+ ,inst the o-tion .ou choose

1>=otally Aisagree, 0>Aisagree, 3> Mildly Aisagree, 9>.eutral, 6>Mildly ?gree, 1> ?gree, J 7 >
&trongly ?gree
ITE!S " # $ % & 5 6
%a!e a good sense of why I ha!e certain feelings most of the time
%a!e good understanding of my own emotions
Really understand what I feel
?lways know whether or not I am happy
?lways know my friendsC emotions from their +eha!ior
I am a good o+ser!er of othersC emotions
I am sensiti!e to the feelings and emotions of others
I ha!e good understanding of the emotions of people around me
?lways set goals for myself and then try my +est to achie!e them
?lways tell myself that I am a competent person
I am a self/moti!ated person
I would always encourage myself to try my +est
I am a+le to control myr temper and handle difficulties rationally
I am (uite capa+le of controlling my own emotions
I can always calm down (uickly when I am !ery angry
I ha!e good control of my own emotions
A3out :ou;

1$?ppro;imately how many years has your organization conducted operations in India@

0$?ppro;imately how many employees does your organization ha!e in India@ OOOemployees$

3$ What is your own primary Bo+ area@ "check one#4
OOperations)'roduction O Ingineering OInformation &ystems O %uman Resources
O &ales)Marketing O ?ccounting OOther "please specify# OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

9$ ?ge/ OOOOOO years 6$ -ender 4 Male ):emale )Other


7$ I;perience in present organization4 OOOO years N$ Aesignation4 Managerial4 Lunior)
Middle) =op ) .on/Managerial

5$Mnion4 Mnion Mem+er) .ot ? Mnion Mem+er ) Mnion does I;ist in my company

12$ Monthly 'ay/ =ick mark appropriate one4

Rs$Mp to 32P Rs$32//62,P Rs,61/122 P Rs,121Q022P ?+o!e 022P

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