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On Spiritual Bypassing, Relationship, and the Dharma

An interview with John Welwood by Tina Fossella

TF: You introduced the term spiritual bypassing 30 years ago now. For those who are
unfamiliar with the concept, could you define and explain what it is?

JW: Spiritual bypassing is a term I coined to describe a process I saw happening
in the Buddhist community I was in, and also in myself. Although most of us
were sincerely trying to work on ourselves, I noticed a widespread tendency to
use spiritual ideas and practices to sidestep or avoid facing unresolved emotional
issues, psychological wounds, and unfinished developmental tasks.

When we are spiritually bypassing, we often use the goal of awakening or
liberation to rationalize what I call premature transcendence: trying to rise above
the raw and messy side of our humanness before we have fully faced and made
peace with it. And then we tend to use absolute truth to disparage or dismiss
relative human needs, feelings, psychological problems, relational difficulties,
and developmental deficits. I see this as an occupational hazard of the spiritual
path, in that spirituality does involve a vision of going beyond our current
karmic situation.

TE: What kind of hazard does this present?

JW: Trying to move beyond our psychological and emotional issues by
sidestepping them is dangerous. It sets up a debilitating split between the
buddha and the human within us. And it leads to a conceptual, one-sided kind of
spirituality where one pole of life is elevated at the expense of its opposite:

Absolute truth is favored over relative truth, the impersonal over the personal,
emptiness over form, transcendence over embodiment, and detachment over
feeling. One might, for example, try to practice nonattachment by dismissing
ones need for love, but this only drives the need underground, so that it often
becomes unconsciously acted out in covert and possibly harmful ways instead.

TF: Might this account for some of the messiness in our sangha communities?

JW: Definitely. It is easy to use the truth of emptiness in this one-sided way:
Thoughts and feelings are empty, a mere play of samsaric appearances, so pay
them no heed. See their nature as emptiness, and simply cut through them on the
spot. In the realm of practice, this could be helpful advice. But in life situations
these same words could also be used to suppress or deny feelings or concerns
that need our attention. Ive seen this happen on a number of occasions.

TF: What interests you most about spiritual bypassing these days?

JW: Im interested in how it plays out in relationships, where spiritual bypassing
often wreaks its worst havoc. If you were a yogi in a cave doing years of solo
retreat, your psychological wounding might not show up so much because your
focus would be entirely on your practice, in an environment that may not
aggravate your relational wounds. Its in relationships that our unresolved
psychological issues tend to show up most intensely. Thats because
psychological wounds are always relational they form in and through our
relationships with our early caretakers.

The basic human wound, which is prevalent in the modern world, forms around
not feeling loved or intrinsically lovable as we are. Inadequate love or

attunement is shocking and traumatic for a childs developing and highly
sensitive nervous system. And as we internalize how we were parented, our
capacity to value ourselves, which is also the basis for valuing others, becomes
damaged. I call this a relational wound or the wound of the heart.

TF: Yes, something we are all familiar with.

JW: There is a whole body of study and research in Western psychology showing
how close bonding and loving attunement what is known as secure
attachment have powerful impacts on every aspect of human development.
Secure attachment has a tremendous effect on many dimensions of our health,
well-being, and capacity to function effectively in the world: how our brains
form, how well our endocrine and immune systems function, how we handle
emotions, how subject we are to depression, how our nervous system functions
and handles stress, and how we relate to others.

In contrast to the indigenous cultures of traditional Asia, modern child-rearing
leaves most people suffering from symptoms of insecure attachment: self-hatred,
disembodiment, lack of grounding, chronic insecurity and anxiety, overactive
minds, lack of basic trust, and a deep sense of inner deficiency. So most of us
suffer from an extreme degree of alienation and disconnection that was unknown
in earlier times from society, community, family, older generations, nature,
religion, tradition, our body, our feelings, and our humanity itself.

TF: And how is this relevant for how we practice the dharma?

JW: Many of us and I include myself here originally turn to the dharma, at
least in part, as a way of trying to overcome the pain of our psychological and
relational wounding. Yet we are often in denial or unconscious about the nature

or extent of this wounding. We only know that something isnt right and we
want to be free from suffering.

TF: We may turn towards the dharma from a wounded place that we're not even aware

JW: Yes. We turn to the dharma to feel better, but then may unwittingly wind up
using spiritual practice as a substitute for facing our psychological issues.

TF: So how does our psychological wounding affect our spiritual practice?

JW: Being a good spiritual practitioner can become what I call a compensatory
identity that covers up and defends against an underlying deficient identity, where
we feel badly about ourselves, not good enough, or basically lacking. Then,
although we may be practicing diligently, our spiritual practice can be used in
the service of denial and defense. And when spiritual practice is used to bypass
our real-life human issues, it becomes compartmentalized in a separate zone of
our life, and remains unintegrated with our overall functioning.

TF: Can you give some more examples of how this shows up in Western practitioners?

JW: In my psychotherapy practice I often work with dharma students who have
engaged in spiritual practice for decades. I respect how their practice has been
beneficial for them. Yet despite the sincerity as practitioners, their practice is not
fully penetrating their life. They seek out psychological work because they
remain wounded and not fully developed on the emotional/relational/personal
level, and they may be acting out their wounding in harmful ways.


Its not uncommon to speak beautifully about the basic goodness or innate
perfection of our true nature, but then have difficulty trusting it when ones
psychological wounds are triggered. Often dharma students who have
developed some kindness and compassion for others are hard on themselves for
falling short of their spiritual ideals, and, as a result, their spiritual practice
becomes dry and solemn. Or being of benefit to others turns into a duty, or a way
of trying to feel good about themselves. Others may unconsciously use their
spiritual brilliance to feed their narcissistic inflation and devalue others or treat
them in manipulative ways.

People with depressive tendencies who may have grown up with a lack of loving
attunement in childhood and therefore have a hard time valuing themselves,
may use teachings on non-self to reinforce their sense of deflation. Not only do
they feel bad about themselves, but they regard their insecurity about this as a
further faulta form of me-fixation, the very antithesis of the dharma which
further fuels their shame or guilt. Thus they become caught in a painful struggle
with the very self they are trying to deconstruct.

The sangha often becomes an arena where people play out their unresolved
family issues. Its easy to project onto teachers or gurus, seeing them as parental
figures, and then trying to win their love or else rebelling against them. Sibling
rivalry and competition with other sangha members over who is the teachers
favorite is also common.

Meditation is also frequently used to avoid uncomfortable feelings and
unresolved life situations. For those in denial about their personal feelings or
wounds, meditation practice can reinforce a tendency toward coldness,
disengagement, or interpersonal distance. They are at a loss when it comes to
relating directly to their feelings or to expressing themselves personally in a

transparent way. It can be quite threatening when those of us on a spiritual path
have to face our woundedness, or emotional dependency, or primal need for

Ive often seen how attempts to be nonattached are used in the service of sealing
people off from their human and emotional vulnerabilities. In effect, identifying
oneself as a spiritual practitioner becomes used as a way of avoiding a depth of
personal engagement with others that might stir up old wounds and longings for
love. Its painful to see someone maintaining a stance of detachment when
underneath they are starving for positive experiences of bonding and connection.

TF: So, how do we reconcile the ideal of nonattachment with the need for human

JW: Thats a good question. If Buddhism is to fully take root in the Western
psyche, in my view, it needs to become more savvy about the dynamics of the
Western psyche, which is rather different from the Asian psyche. We need a
larger perspective that can recognize and include two different tracks of human
development which we might call growing up and waking up, healing and
awakening, or becoming a genuine human person and going beyond the person
altogether. We are not just humans learning to become buddhas, but also
buddhas waking up in human form, learning to become fully human. And these
two tracks of development can mutually enrich each other.

While the fruition of dharma practice is awakening, the fruition of becoming a
fully developed person is the capacity to engage in I-Thou relatedness with
others. This means risking being fully open and transparent with others, while
appreciating and taking an interest in what they are experiencing and how they

are different from oneself. This capacity for open expressiveness and deep
attunement is very rare in this world. Its especially difficult if you are
relationally wounded.

In short, dharma is all too often used as a way to deny our human side. As one
Western Zen teacher profiled in The New York Times told of being advised by one
of his teachers: What you need to do is put aside all human feelings. When
entering psychotherapy decades later, he recognized this had not been helpful
advice, and it had taken him decades to realize this.

But if we hold a perspective that includes the two developmental tracks, then we
will not use absolute truth to belittle relative truth. Instead of the either/or logic
of, Your feelings are empty, so just let them go, we could take a both/and
approach: Feelings are empty, and sometimes we need to pay close attention to
them. In light of absolute truth, personal needs are insubstantial like a mirage,
and fixating on them causes suffering. Yes, and at the same time, if a relative
need arises, just shunting it aside can cause further problems. In terms of relative
truth, being clear about where you stand and what you need is one of the most
important principles of healthy communication in relationships.

The great paradox of being both human and buddha is that we are both
dependent and not dependent. Part of us is completely dependent on people for
everythingfrom food and clothing to love, connectedness, and inspiration and
help with our development. Though our buddha nature is not dependent
that's absolute truth our human embodiment is that's relative truth.

Of course, in the largest sense, absolute and relative are completely interwoven
and cannot be kept apart: The more we realize the absolute openness of what we

are, the more deeply we come to recognize our relative interconnectedness with
all beings.

TF: So we can be both attached and nonattached?
JW: Yes. Nonattachment is a teaching about our ultimate nature. Our buddha
nature is totally, intrinsically nonattached. Attachment in the Buddhist sense has
the negative meaning of clinging. Being free and open, our buddha nature has no
need to cling.

Yet to grow into a healthy human being, we need a base of secure attachment in
the positive, psychological sense, meaning: close emotional ties to other people
that promote connectedness, grounded embodiment, and well-being. As John
Muir the naturalist wrote: When we try to pick out anything by itself, we find
that it is bound fast by a thousand invisible cords that cannot be broken, to
everything in the universe. Similarly, the hand cannot function unless it is
attached to the armthats attachment in the positive sense. Were
interconnected, interwoven, and interdependent with everything in the universe.
On the human level we cant help feeling somewhat attached to people we are
close to.

Thus its natural to grieve deeply when we lose someone were close to. When
Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche attended the memorial service for his dear friend
and colleague Suzuki Roshi, he let out a piercing cry and wept openly. He was
acknowledging his close ties to Suzuki Roshi, and it was beautiful that he could
let his feeling show like that.

Since we cannot avoid some kind of attachment to others, the question becomes,
Are we engaging in healthy or unhealthy attachment? What is unhealthy in

psychological terms is insecure attachment, for it leads either to fear of close
personal contact or else to obsession with it. Interestingly, people growing up
with secure attachment are more trusting, which makes them much less likely to
cling to others. Maybe we could call that nonattached attachment.

Im afraid that what many Western Buddhists are practicing in the relational area
is not nonattachment, but avoidance of attachment. Avoidance of attachment,
however, is not freedom from attachment. Its still a form of clinging clinging
to the denial of your human attachment needs, out of distrust that love can be
TF: So avoidance of attachment needs is another form of attachment.

JW: Yes. In the field of developmental psychology known as attachment
theory, one form of insecure attachment is called avoidant attachment. The
avoidant attachment style develops in children whose parents are consistently
unavailable emotionally. So these children learn to take care of themselves and
not need anything from others. Thats their adaptive strategy, and its an
intelligent and useful one. Obviously if your needs arent going to be met, its too
painful to keep feeling them. Its better to turn away from them and develop a
do-it-yourself, detached compensatory identity.
TF: So theres a tendency to use Buddhist ideas to justify dismissing the natural
inclination to want bonding and attachment?
JW: Yes. Many of us who are drawn to Buddhism are avoidant attachment types
in the first place. When we hear teachings on nonattachment its like: Oh that
sounds familiar. I feel really at home here. In this way a valid dharma teaching
becomes used to support our defenses.

But I want to be clear that Im not trying to pathologize anyone. All of this is just
something to understand with kindness and compassion. Its one of the ways we
try to cope with the wound of the heart. Not needing anyone allows one to
survive and manage in an emotional desert. But later on, in adulthood, the
avoidant attachment type has a hard time developing deep ties with others, and
this can lead to a deep feeling of isolation and alienation, which is a very painful
TF: What happens in a sangha community if the majority of people have an avoidant
attachment style of relating?
JW: Avoidant types tend to be dismissive of other peoples needs because, guess
what, theyre dismissive of their own needs.
TF: Then what happens?
JW: What happens is that people feel justified in not respecting each others
feelings and needs. Not surprisingly, need becomes a dirty word in many
spiritual communities.
TF: And people dont feel free to say what they want.
JW: Right. You don't say what you want because you dont want to be seen as
needy. Youre trying to be nonattached. But that is like an unripe fruit trying to
detach itself prematurely from the branch and hurl itself to the ground instead of
gradually ripening to the point where its naturally ready to let go.

The question for dharma practitioners is how to ripen so that we become
naturally ready to let go of clinging to self, just as a ripe fruit naturally lets go of
the branch and falls to the ground. Our dharma practices of wisdom and
compassion definitely help with this ripening. But if were using our practice to
avoid our feeling life, this will definitely stunt the ripening process, rather than
support it.
TF: Becoming a full human being. Is that what you mean by becoming ripe?
JW: Yes, becoming a genuine human being through working honestly with
emotional, psychological, and relational issues that prevent us from being fully
present in our humanness. To be a genuine person is to relate to ourselves and
others in an open and transparent way.
If theres a large gap between our practice and our human side, we remain
unripe. Our practice may ripen, but our life doesnt. And theres a certain point
when that gap becomes very painful.
TF: So youre saying that spiritual bypassing not only corrupts our dharma practice, it
also blocks our personal ripening?
JW: Yes. One way it blocks ripening is through making spiritual teachings into
prescriptions about what you should do, how you should think, how you should
speak, how you should feel. Then our spiritual practice becomes taken over by
what I call the spiritual superego the voice that whispers shoulds in our
ear. This is a big obstacle to ripening, because it feeds our sense of deficiency.

One Indian teacher, Swami Prajnanpad, whose work I admire, said that
idealism is an act of violence. Trying to live up to an ideal instead of being
authentically where you are can become a form of inner violence if it splits you in
two and pits one side against the other. When we use spiritual practice to be
good and to ward off an underlying sense of deficiency or unworthiness, then
it turns into a sort of crusade.
TF: So dismissing how you feel can have dangerous consequences.
JW: Yes. And if the ethos of a spiritual organization leads to dismissing your
feelings or relational needs, this can lead to big communication problems, to say
the very least. Its also not a great setup for a marriage if one or both partners is
dismissive of emotional needs. So not surprisingly, Buddhist organizations and
marriages often turn out to be just as dysfunctional interpersonally as
nonbuddhist ones. Marshall Rosenberg teaches that honestly and openly
expressing and listening to feelings and needs forms the basis for a nonviolent
resolution of interpersonal conflicts, and I would agree with him.
From my perspective as an existential psychologist, feeling is a form of
intelligence. Its the bodys direct, holistic, intuitive way of knowing and
responding. It is highly attuned and intelligent. And it takes account of many
factors all at once, unlike our conceptual mind, which can only process one thing
at a time. Unlike emotionality, which is a reactivity that is directed outward,
feeling often helps you contact deep inner truths. Unfortunately, traditional
Buddhism doesnt make a clear distinction between feeling and emotion, so they
tend to be lumped together as something samsaric to overcome.
TF: Theres a de-emphasis on taking feeling seriously on some level, Like not exploring
what goes on inside us when we become triggered by our partners, for example.

JW: Yes. The truth is, most of us don't get as triggered anywhere in our lives as
much as in intimate relationships. So if we use spiritual bypassing to avoid
facing our relational wounds, were missing out on a tremendous area of
practice. Relational practice helps us develop compassion in the trenches,
where our wounds are most activated.
And beyond compassion we also need to develop attunement: the ability to see
and feel what another person is going through what we could call accurate
empathy. Attunement is essential for I-Thou connectedness, but its only
possible if we can first of all be attuned to ourselves and track what we are going
TF: What kinds of tools or methods have you found effective for working with difficult
feelings and relational issues?
JW: Ive developed a process I call unconditional presence, which involves
contacting, allowing, opening to, and even surrendering to whatever were
experiencing. This process grew out of my practice in Vajrayana and Dzogchen,
as well as my psychological training. It presupposes that everything we
experience, even the worst samsaric things, has its own intelligence. If we meet
our experience fully and directly, we can begin to uncover that intelligence and
distinguish it from distorted ways in which it manifests.
For example, if we go deeply into the experience of ego inflation, we may find a
more genuine impulse at its corethat its a wounded way of trying to proclaim
our goodness, to remind ourselves and affirm that we are basically good.
Similarly, at the heart of all the darkest human feelings and experiences there is a
seed of intelligence which, when revealed, can point in the direction of freedom.

TF: Can you say more about your psychological method?
JW: I help people inquire deeply into their felt experience and let it gradually
reveal itself and unfold, step by step. I call this tracking and unpacking: You
track the process of present experiencing, following it closely and seeing where it
leads. And you unpack the beliefs, identities, and feelings that are subconscious
or implicit in what youre experiencing. When we bring awareness to our
experience in this way, its like unraveling a tangled ball of yarn: different knots
are gradually revealed and untangled one by one.
As a result, we find that were able to be present in places where weve been
absent or disconnected from our experience. Through reaching out to parts of
ourselves that need our help, we develop an intimate, grounded kind of inner
attunement with ourselves, which can help us more easily relate to others where
they are stuck as well.
Ive found that when people engage in both psychological and meditative
practice, the two can complement each other in mutually beneficial, synergistic
ways. Together they provide a journey that includes both healing and
awakening. Sometimes one way of working is more appropriate for dealing with
a given situation in our lives, sometimes the other is.
I take some encouragement in this approach from the words of the 17

Gyalwang Karmapa, who has made a point of saying that we need to draw on
any teaching or method that can be of help to sentient beings, be it secular or
religious, buddhist or nonbuddhist. He even goes so far as to suggest that if you
fail to engage in methods that are appropriate just because they do not conform
to Buddhist philosophy, you are actually being derelict in your bodhisattva duty.

TF So all of this is about compassion.
JW: Yes. The word com-passion literally means feeling with. You cant have
compassion unless youre first willing to feel what you feel. This opens up a
certain rawness and tenderness what Trungpa Rinpoche spoke of as the soft
spot, which is the seed of bodhicitta.
TF: Its vulnerable.
JW: Yes. Thats the sign that youre getting close to bodhicitta. That rawness is
also quite humbling. Even if weve been doing spiritual practice for decades, we
still find these big, raw, messy feelings coming up --- maybe a deep reservoir of
sorrow or helplessness. But if we can acknowledge these feelings, and open
ourselves nakedly to them, were moving toward greater openness, in a way that
is grounded in our humanness. We ripen into a genuine person through learning
to make room for the full range of experiences we go through.
TF: How do you know when youre indulging or wallowing in feelings?
JW: That question always comes up. Wallowing in feelings is being stuck in
fixation fed by going over and over stories in your mind. Unconditional
presence, on the other hand, is about opening nakedly to a feeling instead of
becoming caught up in stories about the feeling .
TF: Not creating a story around a feeling.

JW: For example, if the feeling is sadness, wallowing might involve fixating on a
story like poor me, rather than directly relating to the actual sadness itself,
which may allow it to loosen up.
So delving into feelings might sound like indulgence, but I would say that the
willingness to meet your experience nakedly is a form of fearlessness. Trungpa
Rinpoche taught that fearlessness is the willingness to meet and feel your fear.
We could expand that to say fearlessness is the willingness to meet, face, include,
make room for, welcome, allow, open to, surrender to whatever were
experiencing. Its actually quite brave to acknowledge, feel, and open to your
need for healthy attachment and connectedness, for example, especially if youre
relationally wounded. Indulgence, on the other hand, means fixating on the need
and being run by it.
TF: That brings a certain freedom.
JW: Yes, the relative freedom of, Im willing to feel whatever Im feeling. Im
willing to experience whatever Im experiencing. I sometimes call this applied
presence applying the presence weve discovered through meditation to our
felt experience.
TF: In our post-meditation practice.
JW: Right. This helps to integrate the realization of emptiness as complete
openness into our life. With spiritual bypassing, emptiness doesnt become
integrated with our feeling life. It can turn into a personal dryness where we
cant actually feel ourselves.

TF: What would help our sangha communities develop in more emotionally honest
JW: We need to work on relationships. Otherwise our relational wounds are all
going to be played out in the sangha unconsciously. We need to recognize that
everything we react to in others is a mirror of something were not facing or
acknowledging in ourselves. These unconscious projections and reactions always
become played out externally in groups.
For instance, if Im not able to own my own needs, then I will tend to dismiss
others needs and see them as a threat because their neediness subconsciously
reminds me of my own denied needs. And I will judge others and use some kind
of dharma logic to make them wrong or make myself superior.
TF: So people need to be doing their personal work?
JW: In conjunction with their spiritual practice. Unfortunately, its not easy to
find psychotherapists who work with present experiencing in a body-based way,
rather than conceptually. Maybe we need to develop some simple ways in
Western dharma communities to help people work with their personal material.
TF: How can we become more conscious in our sanghas?
JW: We could start by recognizing the fact that spiritual communities are subject
to the same group dynamics that every group is. The hard truth is that spiritual
practice often does not heal deep wounding in the area of love, or translate into
skilful communication or interpersonal attunement.

I see relationship as the leading edge of human evolution at this time in history.
Although humanity discovered enlightenment thousands of years ago, we still
havent brought that illumination very fully into the area of interpersonal
relationships. Group dynamics are especially difficult because they inevitably
trigger peoples relational wounds and reactivity. Honestly recognizing this
might help us work more skillfully with communication difficulties in the
TF: How can we work with that?
JW: Being aware that we inevitably project our unconscious material on other
group members would be a good start. We also need to learn how to speak with
each other personally and honestly, from our present experience instead of
parroting teachings about what we think we should be experiencing. And there
needs to be what Thich Nhat Hanh calls deep listening, based on learning to
listen to our own experience. Listening is a sacred activity a form of
surrendering, receiving, letting in. We need to recognize this as part of our
spiritual work.
TF: Thich Nhat Hahn said that to love is to listen.
JW: Yes. We also need to develop a tremendous tolerance and appreciation for
different personal styles of embodying the dharma. Otherwise, if we settle for a
one-size-fits-all dharma, we are doomed to endless holier-than-thou competition
and one-upmanship.
While we all venerate the dharma, we will all have different ways of embodying
and expressing it. As Swami Prajnanpad said, Everything is different, nothing

is separate. So vive la difference, its a beautiful thing. Honoring individual
differences would go a long way toward reducing sangha in-fighting.
TF: One last question about attachment in relationships: Are you saying that to be truly
nonattached, one has to be attached first?
JW: In terms of human evolution, nonattachment is an advanced teaching. Im
suggesting that we need to be able to form satisfying human attachments before
genuine nonattachment is possible. Otherwise, someone suffering from insecure
attachment is likely to confuse nonattachment with avoidant attachment
behavior. For avoidant types, attachment is actually threatening and scary. So
healing for avoidant types would involve becoming willing and able to feel their
need for human connectedness, instead of spiritually bypassing it. Once that
happens, then nonattachment starts to make more sense.
The late Dzogchen master Chagdud Tulku made a powerful statement about the
relationship between attachment and nonattachment. He said, People often ask
me do Lamas have attachments? I dont know how other Lamas might answer
this, but I must say yes. I recognize that my students, my family, my country
have no inherent reality... [Here hes speaking absolute truth.} Yet, I remain
deeply attached to them. [Here hes speaking relative truth.] I recognize that my
attachment has no inherent reality. [absolute truth]. Yet I cannot deny the
experience of it [relative truth]. And he ends by saying, Still, knowing the
empty nature of attachment, I know my motivation to benefit sentient beings
must supersede it.
I find this a beautiful articulation of nonattached attachment and the both/and
approach. It joins absolute and relative truth while situating it all in the largest
possible context. Everythings included.

This is what is often missing in dharma communities: acknowledging and
embracing our humanness alongside our aspiration to go beyond ourselves.
Bringing these two together can be tremendously powerful.

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