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UNIT 4 ID TAG LIST (90%) 2006

MUSCLES 53. Facial Nerve (CN VII)

1. Sternocleidomastoid 54. Olfactory (CN I)
2. Platysma 55. Optic Nerve (CN II)
3. Thyrohyoid 56. Optic Chiasm (CN II)
4. Omohyoid 57. Trigeminal Ganglion (CN V)
5. Sternohyoid 58. CN VII, VIII (grouped together inside of skull)
6. Sternothyroid 59. CN IX, X, XI (grouped together inside of skull)
7. Geniohyoid 60. Nasociliary, Lacrimal, Frontal
8. Digastrics 61. Ophthalmic (CN V1)
9. Mylohyoid 62. Oculomotor (CN III)
10. Stylohyoid 63. Trochlear (CN IV)
11. Orbicularis Oculi 64. Abducens (CN VI)
12. Orbicularis Oris 65. Glossopharyngeal (CN IX)
13. Buccinator 66. Superior alveolar nerves
14. Temporalis 67. Supratrochlear
15. Masseter 68. Supraorbital
16. Lateral Pterygoid 69. Nasopalatine
17. Medial Pterygoid 70. Recurrent Laryngeal, aka Inferior Laryngeal
18. Levator Palpebrae Superioris 71. Epidural, Subdural Hematomas
19. Superior Rectus 72. Nerve Innervation to the Tongue
20. Superior Oblique
22. Lateral Rectus 73. Superior Orbital Fissure
23. Inferior Rectus 74. Foramen Rotundum
24. Inferior Oblique 75. Foramen Ovale
25. Genioglossus, Hyoglossus 76. Foramen Spinosum
26. Styloglossus, Stylopharyngeus 77. Foramen Lacerum
27. Stylohyoid, Geniohyoid 78. Greater petrosal hiatus
28. Vallate Papillae (Circumvallate) 79. Internal acoustic (auditory) Meatus
29. Fungiform Papillae 80. Jugular Foramen
30. Filiform Papillae 81. Foramen Magnum
31. Lingual Tonsil 82. Mandibular Foramen
32. Tensor Veli Palatini 83. Mental Foramen
33. Levator Veli Palatini 84. Stylomastoid Foramen
34. Palatoglossus (Anterior) 85. Sphenopalatine Foramen
35. Palatopharyngeus (Posterior) 86. Carotid Canal
36. Cricothyroid 87. Hypoglossal Canal
37. Posterior Cricoarytenoid 88. Pterygoid Canal
38. Transverse Arytenoid (and oblique) 89. Optic Canal
39. Pharyngeal Constrictor Muscles 90. Incisive Canal
91. Palatine Canal
NERVES 92. Inferior Orbital Fissure
40. Cervical Plexus and branches 93. Pterygopalatine Fossa
41. Ganglia – pterypalatine, ciliary, 94. Ant, Middle, Post Cranial Fossa
submandibular, otic 95. Nasal meatuses
42. Ansa Cervicalis 96. Semilunar Hiatus & Bulla
43. Vagus (CN X) 97. Nasolacrimal Duct
44. Spinal Accessory (CN XI) 98. Pterygomaxillary Fissure
45. Hypoglossal (CN XII ) 99. Maxillary Sinus & Ostium
46. Superior laryngeal w/ internal, external 100. Sphenoidal Sinus
branches 101. Frontal Sinus
47. Palatine 102. Ethmoidal Air Cells
48. Trigeminal (CN V) & Ganglion 103. Cavities: Nasopharynx
49. Superior Cervical Ganglion & sympathetic 104. Cavities: Oropharynx
chain 105. Cavities: Laryngopharynx
50. Inferior Alveolar (branch of CNV3) 106. Piriform Recess
51. Lingual (branch of CN V3)
52. Auriculotemporal (branch of V3) BONES (SKULL)
2006 UNIT 4: ID TAG LIST 1
107. Frontal tonsils, uvula
108. Parietal
109. Occipital MENINGES
110. Temporal 158. Dura
111. Sphenoid 159. Arachnoid
112. Ethmoid 160. Pia
113. Vomer 161. Falx Cerebri
114. Maxillary and teeth 162. Tentorium Cerebelli
115. Zygomatic 163. Falx Cerebelli
116. Nasal
118. Mandible and teet 164. External Auditory Meatus
119. Palatine Bone 165. Auditory Tube, Eustachian Tube
120. Inferior, Middle and Superior Nasal 166. Middle Ear and Inner Ear
Concha Components
121. Mylohyoid Line 167. Thyroid, Cricoid, Epiglottis,
122. Mandibular Foramen 168. Arytenoids, Vocal Cords
123. Mental Spines (Genial Tubercles) 169. Torus tubarius
124. Digastric Fossa 170. Cartilages: Arytenoid
125. Hiatus Semilunaris 171. Tempormandibular joint and disc
126. Pharyngeal Tubercle
127. Hyoid
128. Malleus, Incus, & Stapes
129. Styloid Process

130. Common Carotid
131. Internal Carotid
132. External Carotid
133. Superior and Inferior Thyroids
134. Occipital
135. Lingual
136. Facial
137. Superficial Temporal
138. Maxillary
139. Middle Meningeal
140. Inferior Alveolar
141. Vertebral
142. Basilar & Circle of Willis
143. Posterior Cerebral
144. Subclavian and branches
145. Middle cerebral
146. Sphenopalatine artery
147. Anterior Cerebral
148. Ophthalmic Artery
149. Supraorbital

150. Internal/External Jugular
151. Cavernous Sinus
152. Venous Sinuses: Superior Sagittal
Venous Sinuses: Sigmoid,
Transverse, Confluens

153. Thyroid & Parathyroids
154. Parotid and Parotid Duct
155. Sublingual & Lacrimal
156. Submandibular gland & duct
157. Palatine, lingual and phyarngeal

2006 UNIT 4: ID TAG LIST 2

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