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5/10/13 FAQ

Tags dx 46x, sound
Edited May 1, 2012 1:21 PM by Josh Parmenter
These courses are listed as DXARTS 461/2/3.
Please note that students will need to sign up for this course number, not MUSIC
401/2/3. Also be aware that the courses are titled "Digital Sound Synthesis," "Digital
Sound Processing," and "Advanced Digital Sound Processing and Synthesis."
What DXARTS 46123 is:
DXARTS 4613 is a yearlong course on the fundamentals of computer sound
synthesis, composition, and research.
It is designed to provide a thorough technical and conceptual grounding for
future exploration for composers or digital sound synthesis designers.
It is a course that emphasizes this thorough grounding over immediate return;
often it takes well into two quarters before students are able make sounds of a
quality that they would want their dog, let alone their peers, to hear.
It is a course in which students learn to use programming languages to design
sound synthesis algorithms.
It is a course on the use of computer programming as a musiccompositional
However, the course does not presume knowledge of computer programming
of entering students.
It is an introduction into the aesthetics of computer music in the Western "Art
Music" tradition.
It is a course in which students will raise their critical awareness of electronic
sound, and probably acoustic sound as well.
It is a course in which gained technical skills and aesthetic awareness are
applied to the creation of creative works and/or the creation of new sound
synthesis tools.
However, the course does not presume that entering students know how to
compose music or, for that matter, can read music.
It is a course in which students must work hard and be selfdirected.
What DXARTS 46123 is not:
It is not a course in multitrack studio recording and mixing.
5/10/13 FAQ
It is not a course in the use of MIDI keyboards, synthesizers, or sequencing.
It is not a course in the use of commercial sound editing/mixing software (like
ProTools or Digital Performer).
It is not a course in the use of commercial tools (or "plugins") for sound
processing or synthesis.
It is not a course in analog synthesis.
It is not a course on popular song arranging or specific techniques used in
dance music, techno, etc.
It is not a course on multimedia sound, film scoring, or synchronization of
sound to video.
It is certainly not a quick and easy way to get 5 credits.
That said, the concepts, discipline, and awareness established in DXARTS 461
3 will be of value to individuals seeking to attain high quality and depth in their
artistic pursuits in the above arenas.
Common questions:
Q. Can I do homework for DXARTS 46123 on my own computer
rather than in the Digital Arts Computer Center?
A. Yes. DXARTS 4613 is taught using public domain research and
composition tools, available for most computer platforms. You will be on
your own in configuring your home system, though some hints are
provided on the course web site and other members of the class often
serve as helpful resources. However, students are encouraged to use the
lab. While in the lab you have ready access to TA's and will find that your
fellow students provide inspiration and assistance. It is very common that
the best work in the class is done by students working in the lab.
Q. I've never programmed a computer / the most complex thing I've
done with a computer is run a word processor. Should I take this
A. The course presumes that many persons in the class will have little or
no familiarity with computer programming. However, you will need to
have a comfort with computers and be able to adapt to them quickly. If
computers are absolutely alien to you, you will probably find the class very
5/10/13 FAQ
Q. I've never composed or played an instrument. Should I take this
A. The course presumes that many persons in the class will have little or
no formal skills in music. In fact, students who do not have a lot of formal
musical training often create some of the most interesting and creative
work in the class.
Q. I'm a national expert in C++, PERL, and Java, wrote my own SQL
query optimization tools using custom neural network algorithms,
study DSP books for relaxation, and have a studio full of cool music
equipment. Am I going to be bored in the class?
A. Only if you are also famous nationally as an expert composer of
experimental Computer Music! Also, while Computer Music is based in
part on fundamental computer programming and digital signal processing
concepts, the uses and specific techniques can be very different from
those found in other technology areas. As the course progresses, it will
provide a flexible framework in which you can choose to challenge
yourself technically and artistically at the level you desire.
Q. What does the computer code for this course look like?
A. Check out the class examples on the course web site.
Getting in to the course
DXARTS 4613 has become increasingly popular in recent years, with
more students applying that we can admit to the course and still have it
function effectively.
If you still have questions about the course after reviewing the above
materials, it is recommended that you talk with Nicolas Varchausky, the
DXARTS 463 TA. You can do this by email (varchaus AT u DOT
washington DOT edu).
To apply for entry to the course, complete the Online Application
Form. You will need your UW Net ID name and password to apply.
If you decide not to take the course after completing the application,
please email Joshua Parmenter (joshp AT u DOT washington DOT edu) so
we know to remove you from consideration.
Deadline for applications is June 15. Application decisions will be notified
5/10/13 FAQ
after August 1st (please note that inquiries before this date will go
unanswered). It is recommended that you register for a full slate of
courses in addition to DXARTS 461 in case you are not admitted to the

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