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To provide details for Citizen Concern H-14-096

H-14-096 Details Information

What state or local organization is involved?
Seattle schools

Please provide a detailed description of the assertion or outstanding achievement, including
who, when, where, what, how and how much.
Failure to provide "least restrictive" accommodation for special education students. IEP
transportation requirements are not reviewed annually to determine if/when students should
be: 1) educated in the use of regular transit; and 2) prepared for life beyond school by learning
how to use public transit.

How did this issue come to your attention?
Discussions with central staff

What employee(s), contractors, etc., were involved in the assertion or achievement? Please
include employee titles if possible.

Please provide the names of any witnesses to the assertion or achievement, if possible.

Please provide any additional details or comments that would help us understand your
assertion or achievement.

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