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Father God: God is Bigger Than the Boogie Man

It is I, Father God, the one you have come to know as your mentor, friend and resource over recent
years, as I speak to you in many voices, through many sources, but you are beginning to understand
that you too can hear my voice, feel my presence, and know that I am loving, compassionate and that I
possess in unlimited measure the qualities you might call patience and tolerance.
Do you know how it is impossible for me to be otherwise? It is because I ! "ove. I was created out
of the essence of "ove, in the time before time. I do not e#perience fear, because in my eyes there is no
threat, no danger and no worry, and therefore I never e#perience anger or $ealousy, or any of the things
humans feel while in a body in lower dimensions. "et me e#plain.
%ou have lived lives in which many of you felt hunger, abuse and oppression. &erhaps you were
burned at the stake or murdered in violence in earlier times. 'hose memories register in the human
mind and tend to create fear, especially when there was no understanding that you go on ( you do not
die, you simply change the form you are inhabiting.
'his knowledge changes everything. )hat does it matter if you die of hunger or an auto accident?
%ou return to me every time, and the pain you felt vanishes into nothing. It is difficult to grasp when
you are there in a body, but you are beginning to see that all is illusion ( the darkness, the danger, the
threats to your life and the misery of poverty, for instance. ll is illusion, the play you are acting in
while you are here on *arth. 'he lessons you learn are real, for a good play does offer you the
opportunity to e#perience who you really are and what your true reactions to emotionally charged
e#periences will be. It is now time to take the ne#t step in understanding the +niverse and the part you
play in the scension of humankind.
,eloved -nes, I come to you in $oy and great pleasure, remembering the work that we have done
together in the recent past ( nearly . years of radio shows in which I came to speak with you as /orra,
and later as Father God, nearly 011 written messages which 2athryn has called 3)hen God &inched
!y 'oe3 and the book, 3)ho 4eeds "ight?3 which was a collaboration between 2athryn and 5anat
2umara, with great interest on the part of 5t. Germain, !other God and I.
'his was not the start of our work with 2athryn, however. It was I who supervised her training as a
channel beginning about 6 years ago, when I came to her through another channel in the guise of one I
greatly en$oyed portraying ( the woman called !akarta. In that role, I indulged my great love of
theater and fun, by presenting myself as a woman who was what you might call 3a character.3 It was
also I who introduced your channel 7in this lifetime, of course8 to her twin flame 5t. Germain. 5he
knew him in those days as 9amadi, which is his ancient soul name.
I have completed my channelings as /orra, for it is time for all of us to now talk face to face, so to
speak. I want you to know who I really am. !any of you have had the opportunity to spend long
hours speaking with me, reading my written messages, and learning to accept !other God and I as the
mentors and friends we wish to be for you, our ,eloved :hildren. %ou now know that I am not the big
man with a beard who sits on a cloud meting out punishments, $udgments and lightening bolts to
destroy those I condemn.
%ou also now know that I am the voice which has come to you over the eons in many forms, by many
names. *ach culture, each religion has given me a name, because I have been so active in my
involvement with humankind throughout the ages. I have been known at various times as %ahweh,
llah, 5hiva, to the ncient *gyptians as 9a, and now as I have told you, as /orra and !akarta. I have
played a role in each era to suit the tastes and understandings of the cultures themselves.
Does it shock you to know that I have played 3roles3 in my interactions with the humans who were able
to hear my voice? )hy should that surprise you, Dear -nes, when this is e#actly what you are doing
when you come here in a particular body, at a particular time, to play a particular role in which you will
e#perience life in various shadings, in order to learn and to teach. %ou have been created in the image
of God, have you not? Do you not see that this lifetime is a role that you play?
%ou also now know there is no hellfire in which bad people are forced to burn, and you are aware of
the gentle and loving voice of !other God, who is the Divine !other. 5he has given a number of live
channelings through 2athryn over the years, and 5ananda has brought you the 4ew 5criptures to help
you understand the truth about his incarnation in which he was the lead soul in the ;esus &ro$ect. <e
continues to work with her daily, and appears every 5unday on her <ealing and 'raining for scension
shows on ,log'
)e have introduced you gradually, through many formats, many channels, and in many languages.
%ou were coming out of such a dark e#perience here on *arth that it would have been impossible for
you to absorb the 'ruth, after you had been so programmed by eons of dark teachings to believe in fear,
an#iety and conflict. %ou would have all taken the stance that many still espouse> 3'his 4ew ge talk
about the power of "ight energies and the "aw -f ttraction is $ust so much hogwash. )e all know
that the Dark Forces are coming to invade *arth, and you are deliberately teaching people to be
complacent so they can be taken over more easily.3
5ome will choose to remain in darkness and to choose paranoia and fear because this is what they have
known so well that it seems like 'ruth to them. )e understand the hesitation to believe in, or even see,
the dramatic changes which are taking place now, but those of you who have followed my teachings, as
/orra, or as Father God, or as %ahweh, know better.
%es, it is true that the blessings you have been promised have been a long time coming, with many
delays, but each delay has been resolved by dealing with the minions of the cabal who have remained
to make trouble in such a way that they have now become thoroughly convinced of their own
vulnerability. 'his reali?ation will lead to further desperation, or they will have a change of heart.
It might look to some as if the last dust(ups in various places around the globe, reported in e#cessively
dramatic and e#aggerated terms, is a turn for the worse. I assure you, it is decidedly not. 'he nations
around the world which possessed nuclear bombs have already e#perienced their wake(up call. 'here
will be no more nuclear bombs e#ploded on this planet.
"ook how far you have come, Dear -nes. %ou are now able to discuss spiritual lessons amongst
yourselves, sharing your dreams and your leaps of progress toward scension. %ou are working hard
to raise your vibrations through daily meditations and wonderful e#ercises in developing and practicing
your considerable virtues, day by day.
It has been our great honor to be able to speak with you and answer your questions, and we will
continue to do so. )e have asked 2athryn to continue to channel us from time to time, so that we can
continue to 3keep in touch3 with you, as !other God and I are preparing to take over the new
responsibilities we will be assuming once the scension of &lanet *arth and all her inhabitants has been
'he Great scension of !other *arth will not be as destructive and arduous, as you have foreseen
since you have made such great progress since the Dec. 0@, 01@0 beginning of this phase of your
)e have tried to prepare you, ,eloved -nes, for the massive changes which will sweep across your
planet in the coming days. )hen you see the magnitude of those changes and the great demand for
new ideas, unshakable inner strength and resolve to be the best you can be, you will understand why we
have stepped up our lessons in recent weeks.
In the midst of these changes, the family I helped to create in my role as /orra has been broken apart by
those who have taken it upon themselves to redefine and reinterpret the recent messages in order to
create fear and division amongst the family members. I will not discuss details of the tactics which
have been used or the reasons behind it. I will only tell you that this is not an argument or a
disagreement which could be healed by both parties coming to some sort of middle ground. )e have
not suggested this, because it is not a case that both parties played a part in the dissension. 2athryn
was simply doing her $ob, bringing through the messages she has been given clearly, accurately and
without complaint. 'his is a matter of integrity for her, and for any channel whose credibility depends
upon remaining clear and open to 'ruth.
)e will give you our decision, and from this you will discern 'ruth. )e have given numerous
warnings, requested outside channelers to assist us and used every means possible to convince the
<ollow *arth 4etwork folks under nne De<artAs leadership to cease and desist, but to no avail.
)e have therefore decided in the :ompany of <eaven to discontinue our participation and all
channelings through them until such time as they turn toward the "ight. )e will then welcome them
back with open arms. +ntil then, we cannot in good faith provide further notoriety to ones who use it
to slander their friend who brought intelligence, integrity and credibility to their pro$ect.
)e apologi?e to 2athryn for bringing this information through her, and we again ask for volunteers
who have brought through the words of !other God or me, to channel the 'ruth we bring ( that /orra
has been retired, and no one will be channeling him now, although we will continue to come to you as
!other and Father God through 2athryn and other sources outside the <ollow *arth 4etwork. )e are
grateful for your generosity and for your participation in carrying the truth to the world.
I have asked that these message be posted on 2athrynAs site, where it will be available for all to see, as
we did with the earlier messages from 5ananda and 5t. Germain. I will then not ask anyone to bring
forth our words on this topic again. It will be handled with compassion, but the 'ruth must no longer
be allowed to be suppressed.
!any, many of those who read our messages have written to 2athryn to e#press their love and thanks
for the hard work she has contributed to our pro$ect of awakening and teaching you in preparation for
your scension. )e are delighted at the outpouring of love. )e can now tell you that she was rather
undaunted by the entire drama, but each of you who wrote to her also learned a very important lesson.
%ou were awakened further by the need to choose "ight in the quality of the material you read and the
information you decide to follow. 'his is a crucial step in your growth as !asters. %ou also took the
opportunity to e#press love and gratitude, and you grew in "ight in the process.
nd now, I hope I will make you laugh when I quote a very amusing childrensA song. It is a very
effective reminder of the illusions which create fear. I urge you to remember> 3God is bigger than the
,oogie !an... God is bigger than the monsters under your bed...3 and you, ,eloved -nes, must
remember that the ,oogie !an has no power over you, as long as you remain true to your heart.
9emember now and always, ,eloveds, that we are with you, by your side, in all that you do. Feel the
energy of our beings and the "ove in our hearts for you. %ou can know us by our words, yes, but
remember that anyone can say the words and make them sound convincing. %ou must discern 'ruth by
using your hearts. -nly a heart can feel love, and only a heart knows who we truly are by the feel of
our "ight energy.
!any of you are $ust beginning to be able to feel your way through a dilemma by using your hearts.
Do not try to rely on comparing one argument against another or even one argument alone. %ou cannot
discern truth by hearing words, no matter how convincingly they are presented. %ou can only know
truth by knowing the heart of the one speaking the words, and by feeling the resonance in your own
heart when you feel the presence of God in the words.
I love you without end, and without any conditions whatsoever. %ou are perfect in my eyes, and you
are learning...
I am your Father God.
'ranscribed by 2athryn *. !ay, ;uly @B, 01@., C &!, 4ew %ork
&ermission is given to copy and share this message, providing it is given in its entirety without
additions or deletions, and credit is given to the channel and to the website,

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