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this information is presented by:

Aquarius Flower Remedies
37 Woodway Street, Chudleigh,
Devon, TQ13 0JU, England
+44 (0)1626 854289
and forms part the appendix of our book
Oil and Water available at:

The Links between Bach Flower Remedies
and Aquarius Mediterranean Flower Remedies

In the following list the 38 remedies of Edward Bach have been linked to the 38
Mediterranean Flower Remedies from Aquarius. If a remedy from the Bach repertory
has been identified for use, it may prove helpful to the prescription and treatment to
consider adding remedies from the Aquarius range that closely align: the Aquarius
remedies may fit the person more accurately, or add an extra dimension to the healing.

The Twel ve Healers

Agrimony Jerusalem Sage
Centaury Persian Lilac
Cerato Morning Glory, Scabious
Chicory Cardoon, Oregano, Sedge
Clematis Bougainvillaea, Christ Thorn, Peach
Gentian Bellflower, Pepper Tree, Rock Rose
Impatiens Kermes Oak, Mallow, Moricandia
Mimulus Euphorbia, Mignonette
Rock Rose Rock Rose
Scleranthus Eucalyptus, Scabious
Vervain Mallow, Hibiscus
Water Violet Field Marigold, Spearmint

The Seven Helpers

Gorse Pine, Rock Rose
Heather Cape Sorrel, Hibiscus, Sedge
Oak Andryala, Bellflower, Pepper Tree, Persian Lilac
Olive Bellflower, Christ Thorn, Mallow, Pepper Tree, Persian Lilac,
Rock Rose, Sedge
Rock Water Bougainvillaea, Hibiscus
Vine Asphodel, Moricandia, Oregano, Sedge
Wild Oat Oleander, Rocket

The Second Nineteen

Aspen Mullein
Beech Asphodel, Field Marigold
Cherry Plum Mustard, Sedge
Chestnut Bud Bugloss, Cyclamen
Crab Apple Asphodel, Pepper Tree, Pine, Spearmint
Elm Kermes Oak
Holly Asphodel, Cardoon
Honeysuckle Bougainvillaea, Christ Thorn, Peach
Hornbeam Bellflower, Christ Thorn, Pepper Tree,
Larch Almond, Carduus, Eucalyptus, Oleander, Rocket
Mustard Crimson Pea, Mustard, Oleander,
Pine Asphodel, Bougainvillaea, Bugloss
Red Chestnut Persian Lilac
Star of Bethlehem Crimson Pea, Eucalyptus, Hotentot Fig, Moricandia, Mustard,
Rock Rose
Sweet Chestnut Margarita, Sedge
Walnut (protection) Christ Thorn, Euphorbia, Persian Lilac, Pepper
Tree, Spearmint
(changes) Crimson Pea, Hotentot Fig, Pine
White Chestnut Scabious
Wild Rose Pine
Willow Cardoon

Amplifying the Healing Process

The above list of the Bach remedies breaks the set down into three distinctive sub
groups: Twelve Healers, Seven Helpers and Second Nineteen. The Twelve Healers
appeared in 1933, followed by, initially the Four Helpers in the same year and then the
Seven Helpers in 1934. At the beginning of 1935 Bach had nineteen remedies and
decided to double up to 38 hence the second nineteen; this he did in one year.

The Twelve Healers are very much personality remedies, twelve distinctive personality
types are described in the repertory. For example, Bach writes of the Water Violet
personality as quiet, independent, capable and self-reliant, where as the Impatiens type
is impatient, quick in thought and action, accident prone, passionate and quickly rises to

In the following year Bach began making a new set of remedies, The Helpers, with a
new and different reason underpinning his work. This is what he wrote about them in
1934, If the patient does not seem to be responding after one of the Healers has been
given, there are seven more remedies to prepare the way; because, when an illness is
old, it has become more established and may require help before it responds easily, so
the seven remedies for such cases are called the Seven Helpers. Therefore, if a case has
not improved with what is considered the right one of the Healers, give treatment with
one of the Helpers.

Amplification of vibrational essences is therefore something that has been around since
the beginning of this form of medicine.

Here is a recipe combining all the Bach Helpers with five from Aquarius. In a 30 ml
dropper bottle put a small amount of brandy in the bottom, up to one quarter full, top up
with spring water. To this water/brandy solution add two drops from the bottles of the
following stocks in this order: Margarita, Mullein, Bougainvillaea, Hibiscus, Pepper
Tree, Gorse, Oak, Heather, Rock Water, Olive, Vine, and Wild Oat. Label the bottle

Put four drops from the bottle in any other bottle of flower essences to help strengthen
or restart the healing process. The drops may also be taken on the tongue or in a glass of
water when any form of medicine is being used, be that allopathic or alternative, to open
the healing channels within the subtle anatomy. The three Aquarius essences can also
be used in their oil form as additions to therapeutic oils to enhance their effects.

Aquarius - Bach Essences and The Planetary Rays

In the final descriptions of his 38 remedies, The Twelve Healers and Other Remedies,
published in 1936, Dr. Bach lists them under seven headings: fear, uncertainty,
insufficient interest in present circumstances, loneliness, over-sensitive to influence and
ideas, despondency and despair and over-care for welfare of others. Bachs intention in
his final years was to simplify the descriptions of the remedies, in order to make it as
easy as possible for anyone to prescribe for themselves or others. Putting them all under
these seven headings was part of his attempt to simplify and clarify matters. With this
in mind, I have categorised Aquarius and Bach essences under the headings of the
planetary rays to shed more light on the core impulses of the essences as well as their
similarities and differences.

This is by no means a complete listing as the theory of the planetary rays can become
complicated when two or more combine. Furthermore, some of the remedies do not
align neatly under one particular ray. It must be stressed that although there is value in
laying out the Aquarius and Bach remedies under these ten planetary headings, and
thereby view them from a different angle, it does not represent a complete system to
understand the remedies by or apply to the astrological features of an individual as
depicted in their natal horoscope, transits or progressions. There can be no substitute to
a thorough understanding of the repertory of these two sets of remedies. Bach him self,
made a number of attempts to codify his set of 38 but only fragments of these notes have

survived: he deliberately destroyed them on a bonfire at Mount Vernon. Even now, his
last attempt under the seven headings is in reality of little practical use in helping to
determine which essence to use and serves primarily as an aid to insight into the nature
of the remedies.


From the centre of the solar system the Sun radiates its life-giving energies. As we turn
to face the golden disk each morning, all of creation rises from the dark sub-conscious
state of rest to conscious activity in the light.

The Sun is at the centre or heart of any matter and so within us our Inner Sun is at the
centre of being, shining its own unique light into the world. This light is our truth, this
truth is our love, this love is our desire to live. Such words as ego, will and spirit have
been used to name our solar quality. Others sense the radiance from our being as
warmth, generosity, vitality, love of life.

Love, light, life and truth are the qualities at the heart of the Sun when we connect
with them, walk the Path of the Sun, we are adhering to virtues that underpin all
religions and philosophies since the beginning of time. When we fail to live to these
simple solar virtues, not walking on that well-defined path, we are in danger of
becoming lost.

More common terms for the shining of the inner light from the heart into the world are
self-expression and creativity. Self-confidence and being true to ourselves occur when
we connect with our Inner Sun. Healing of the Inner Sun may be required if it is under-
performing, giving rise to such traits as lack of confidence and shyness, but also if it is
too strong, leading to such traits as arrogance, conceit and pride.

The glyph of the Sun, a circle with a central dot, symbolises a basic truth of this
planetary ray. It resembles an egg, seed or embryo, something that has the potential to
grow. We are eternally moving or growing towards our full capability. Growth,
development, expansion, improvement, realization and evolution are powerful solar

In truth all flower essences can be related to the Sun, so central to life, health and our
reasons for living is this planet. The influence of the solar ray permeates all the other
planetary rays not only because it is the central force of the solar system but because of
the significant fact that our eyes would not see any of the other planets without the Suns
reflection off their surfaces and atmospheres.

Carduus Thistle and Larch are essences for greater self-confidence and low self-
esteem. The main difference between the two is that there is a tendency in the Carduus
personality to harbour feelings of self-criticism and self-disgust; the lack of confidence
eats away at the soul. Larch folk are more accepting of their perceived limitations.
Furthermore, Larch can mask their lack of self-confidence with feelings of admiration
for others, which is not a facet of the Carduus personality.


Christ Thorn from its appearance shows its connection to the energies of the Sun. It
centres us, brings us back to ourselves as well as being a stimulator of the High Heart

Gorse is indicated when the light is not shining out of individuals. They may well be
cold and pale. Bach linked this remedy directly to the element of fire.

Hibiscus works on those who have become lost in the power of their own egos. It is
indicated when too much fire is burning at the centre of our being and the greedy ego
has become deluded in a world of its own making.

Oleanders impulse is to bring us back to the Way of the Sun, our inner knowing that
we are expressing and living the truth that comes from our heart.

Pepper Tree makes our aura more receptive to the Green Christ or Green Sun, the force
of nature that generates growth. Growth is synonymous with health, vitality and vigor.
We are always growing on some level, walking the Path of the Sun, moving closer to
our full potential and this essence reminds us of this universal truth.

Vervain is the Healer related to the zodiac sign of Leo, ruled by the Sun. Like Hibiscus,
this flower remedy is indicated for arrogance and other states of mind that create a sense
of fanatical elitism.


The Sun, a star 93 million miles from the Earth is a completely different type of celestial
body to the Moon, the Earths satellite a mere 250,000 miles away, and yet they appear
exactly the same size in our heavens. The Sun and Moon are the yin and yang of our
heavens: the Sun is hot, projecting light, while the Moon is cold and reflects; the Sun
shows the same face every day yet the lunar disk is constantly waxing and waning; the
Sun is associated with the daytime, consciousness and activity, while the Moon governs
the night when we dream and the subconscious mind prevails.

Since the Sun is our celestial father and the Moon our celestial mother, the ray of the
Moon is therefore concerned with nurturing and nourishing. The light of the Moon is
white, like the milk that flows from the mammary glands to nourish the young. Close,
loving care and support are therefore also the concerns of this planetary ray. The mother
is protective and this is another important quality found in the lunar ray. The Moon
rules the sign of Cancer and the crab has a hard protective shell.

As the Sun is associated with the warmth needed for growth, the Moon is associated
with the life-giving waters. The Moon governs all types of liquids, including the oceans
and its tides. The element of water is closely linked to our emotions and their powerful
and changing effects upon us. Water is the element of retention that is one of the
indicators why the Moon is associated with the past, memories and reflections. From a
karmic perspective the Moon is the indicator of the most recent previous life.


Women are linked to the Moon through the menstrual cycle since it closely mirrors the
monthly changes of the lunar disc from new to full / dark to old and back again.

Christ Thorn is a versatile and powerful protector. Since it also has strong connections
to the solar ray, this essence is one that is frequently used.

Clematis is the remedy for those who spend too long in the lunar dream state at the
expense of the conscious solar. They are not well balanced between the two rays of the
luminaries. This Healer is assigned to the sign of Cancer

Euphorbia is the essence for any dysfunctional patterns in our ability to nurture and
nourish ourselves. Its spiritual service to humanity is to align our light bodies with the
Great Cosmic Mother.

Honeysuckle aligns very strongly with the lunar ray because it is the remedy for those
who live in the past. Honeysuckle is the spiritualised version of Clematis.

Walnut is another remedy for protection, indicated when we are too easily influenced
by others.


Mercury is the planet of the lower mind, that part of our mental functioning concerned
with the everyday/mundane aspects of living. It is our intellect, our rational and logical
mind that computates or works things out. It is distinctive from our higher mind,
which is concerned with wisdom. The higher mind intuits, senses, philosophises and
delves into the mysteries of the meaning of life.

The mercurial ray splits very clearly into an active and passive mode. The active
principle of Mercury is mental functioning. Mercury is the planet of the active mind:
curiosity, inquisitiveness, cleverness, quick wit and intelligence. The ancient Greeks
considered Mercury as the inventor of speech and writing and therefore intimately
concerned with communication. The god with the winged sandals is mercurial, versatile
and dexterous yet difficult to pin down and noted for his trickery.

The negative aspects of the active mercurial principle include: contradictions,
confusions, too much diversity and changeability, nervousness, being too clever,
unreliability, dishonesty and superficiality.

Cerato is the Healer assigned to the sign of Gemini, ruled by Mercury in its active
mode. This remedy is for those who have an imbalance between their higher and lower
minds that manifests as distrust of their intuition and a compulsion to seek advice from
outside, rather than inner resources.

Chestnut Bud is for those who are not learning from their experiences. There is poor
integration between the higher and lower minds. Experiences are not being translated
into wisdom and drawn upon. The unfurling leaf, used in the making of this remedy,
signifies a child-like naivety in the mind.

Cyclamen too is indicated for those not learning from experiences. However, this
essence is specifically for the same mistakes repeatedly being made and does not
contain the innocence of Chestnut Bud.

Morning Glory addresses issues that arise when there are too many distractions and the
mind continually goes off at a tangent. Curiosity may well be rampant and need to be
checked by thoughtful deliberation. It brings the minds focus back to a central point or

Scabious types are continually seeking knowledge and facts, the concerns of the lower
mind, at the expense of listening to their higher minds intuition. They are less gullible
than the Cerato type and their questioning is at a deeper, less trivial, level.

White Chestnut is indicated when there is a sense of being plagued by unwanted
thoughts. Such thoughts are most frequently experienced as inner arguments or mental
chatter that offer no peace of mind.

The passive mode of Mercury manifests much more in actions than thoughts. Through
its rulership of Virgo, Mercury is concerned with practical applications of knowledge.
This passive mode of Mercury governs the learning of skills and crafts. The Earth sign
of pragmatic Virgo has rulership over the hands: here is a powerful symbol of Mercurys
action being concerned with our ability to serve, help and heal others.

Centaury folk find themselves overworked, a weakness in their personalities so often
leads them into positions where they are dominated by stronger individuals, finding
themselves in servile positions. This Healer aligns with Virgo, the sign of the zodiac
associated with servants and slaves.

Persian Lilac folk, like the Centaury, have issues to do with service for they find
themselves worn out through helping others. The difference between the two is that
Centaury are exploited through their weak will, while Persian Lilac suffer exhaustion
through a great desire to be of service to others.

Discrimination and criticism are also key words for the passive mode of the mercurial

Beech is the remedy for those who are overly critical of others, seeing little good in
what they do.

Carduus Thistle is the remedy for those who are overly critical of self. They
continually undermine their own confidence, abilities and achievements by thoughts of
imperfection. This consciousness can affect all aspects of their life.

Crab Apple is another remedy for those who display self-criticism. Here, however, it
manifests as feeling tainted or unclean in some way. Unlike Carduus, it is for one
particular impurity that seems so essential to be cleansed.


Venus governs the principle of attraction, hence its association with love, harmony and
beauty. The desire to unite is found at the heart of this planetary ray. In its positive
mode it manifests through Libra, the sign of relationships.

Cape Sorrel is a relationship remedy that deals with many issues in our close and
intimate relationships that arise out of the instinctive need for love and to be loved.

Field Marigold is another remedy for relationships. It helps when finding common
ground between individuals and can be used when problems are projected onto others.
It is also indicated when there is a sense of being cut off from the warmth of others.

Heather is for those who create imbalances in their relationships by their inability to
empathise with others: they expect sympathy but are unable to give the same in return.
Bach linked this remedy to Air, the element of relationships and communications.

Red Chestnut is specifically for fears we may have for anothers safety or welfare.
Such fears can be acute when close friends and family members are held in mind.

Water Violet is also useful when there is a sense of being cut off from the warmth of
others. However, it is much more specific than Field Marigold: the loneliness is created
by the aloofness of the Water Violet personality.

The passive mode of Venus manifests in the sign of the bull, Taurus. This zodiacal sign
is noted for its appreciation and acquisition of beautiful and precious objects. From a
healing perspective it is better to consider Taurus with its opposite sign, Scorpio, rather
than on its own. Within the zodiac the Taurus/Scorpio polarity is concerned with
holding on and letting go, acquiring and relinquishing, permanence and impermanence,
the seeking of security and stability and its inevitable loss. In these areas we encounter
some of our greatest lessons. Pluto is the ruling planet of Scorpio so the flower essences
that work within this planetary ray are of extreme importance to our healing process.

Almond is the vibrational essence for those who feel ugly or physically unattractive.
This remedy connects us more fully with our inner beauty or splendour and encourages
it to shine more brightly into the world.

Gentain is the Healer assigned to Taurus. One weaknesses of this sign of the zodiac is a
tendency for depression, this can be seen as the bull getting stuck in the mud. Gentain is
the remedy for depression from a known cause.


Mars governs the opposite principle to Venus. As Venus brings things together, Mars
pulls apart and separates. Mars is the red planet and in ancient cultures was associated
with summer heat, pestilence, fire and blood. He is the brave and courageous warrior
god, invoked for acts of war. In its active mode Mars manifests through Aries, first sign
of the zodiac. The archetypal Aries personality is rash, passionate, impulsive and quick
to anger. Mars is the fighter within; it bestows ambitions, drive and passion for life. Its
metal is iron/steel, which is not only hard and enduring but magnetic too. The
magnetism of Mars relates on a personality level to charisma, particularly in its passive
mode of manifestation through Scorpio.

Impatiens is the remedy for impatience. It is the Healer associated with the sign of
Aries. In the northern hemisphere Aries heralds the spring equinox, when the Earth is
bursting into life once more. This quality is found in the Impatiens personality as a
nervous tension that wants to drive forward as fast as possible. They are poor team
players, as their impatience drives them apart from others, hence Bach put this remedy
under the heading of Loneliness.

Mallow aligns squarely with the martian ray for the impulse of this essence is
separation. It can be used to pull us away from situations we have become too focused
on or obsessed with. It is cooling to rash, impulsive thoughts and actions, helping us
foster more patience.

Moricandia is an essence made at the spring equinox. It is for those who rush headfirst
into situations. Like the typical Aries, the Moricandia personality is forceful and direct
without much awareness of the feelings and sensitivities of others.

Mullein connects with this planetary ray because it is used to bring the soul to a point
on its journey where it can open up to new possibilities, start afresh, begin a new cycle
of growth.

Below are three of the Bach remedies that paint pictures of a lack of martian light in the

Hornbeam is for temporary fatigue, the type associated with that Monday Morning
feeling. It will vanish when something stimulating comes along to change the mental

Olive is for chronic fatigue, when our batteries are completely run down and do not
seem to charge up.

Wild Rose, for apathy and resignation, is used when the vital forces are low. This is the
remedy for the wet lettuce with no backbone or spunk.

The passive mode of Mars manifests through Scorpio. The Scorpion has two rulers,
Mars and Pluto, so this mode will be included under the ray of Pluto.



Jupiter governs the principle of expansion. The jovian ray is beneficial to our being for
it brings relaxation, warmth and joy. In its active mode is rules Sagittarius, sign of the
higher mind. Jupiter bestows to the sign of the archer the quality of mental expansion,
through inner journeying or outer exploration.

Agrimony is the Healer associated with Sagittarius. One of the weaknesses of this
particular zodiacal sign is depression and an important aspect of Agrimonys healing is
to bring true happiness to those who hide their sadness behind a veneer of joviality.

Jerusalem Sage essence has similar qualities to Agrimony, in that it addresses an
inability to face inner pain, through displacement activities in the outer world. As in
Agrimony, there is in Jerusalem Sage folk an outer display of ebullience masking
unhappiness. The distinction between the two is Agrimonys inner suffering contains
mental torture and anguish whilst Jerusalem Sages inner world is empty, cold, boring
and devoid of meaning.

Mignonette aligns strongly with the ray of J upiter because at the core of this flower
essences vibrational impulse is the desire to expand, reach out, and move beyond the
confines created by fear and lack of confidence.

Mustard in both Aquarius and Bach are remedies for lack of joy and depression. The
Bach Mustard is for a depression that descends like a black cloud with no apparent
reason, while the Aquarius Mustard addresses depression that is caused by a deep or
traumatic wound inflicted at an earlier time in life.

The passive mode of Jupiter manifests through the sign of Pisces, which is also ruled by
Neptune. Passive Jupiter is addressed under the Neptunian ray.


Saturn is an extremely important planet when viewed from the healing perspective. The
impingement of this ray on our lives creates many painful situations in need of healing.
Saturn governs the opposite principle to Jupiter, contraction. Whilst Jupiter is hot,
Saturn is cold and manifests through the rulerships of the winter signs of Capricorn and
Aquarius. (Capricorn manifests the passive mode of Saturn while Aquarius its active
mode.) Cold slows things down and to the naked eye Saturn is the slowest moving of
the planets. Limitation and restriction are also key qualities of this planetary ray.

It is no coincidence that the name of this planet is so close to Satan, for Saturn is the
planet of fear, an emotion that restricts and limits our true potential. Another
personification of Saturn occurs during the month of Capricorn, at New Year, when
Father Time, carrying the sickle over his shoulder, heralds the death of the old year.
The Greek name for Saturn is Cronus, Lord of Time, and time is the greatest restriction

or limitation we encounter on the material level of existence. The ray of Saturn
therefore also governs the ageing process that is so strongly implicated in the
deterioration of health.

Saturn takes 29 years to complete one cycle of the twelve zodiacal signs and in the
ancient world this corresponded to the time of death through old age. Hence another
image of Saturn is The Grim Reaper, which of course links into our primeval fear of
dying. Before the modern discovery of Uranus, Saturn was at the limits of the known
universe, beyond lay the unknown. This planetary ray takes our consciousness to the
very edge of the mundane and physical world, further away, across the veil, lay the
spiritual realms.

The restrictions of Saturn manifest not only physical limitations and emotional
limitations, such as fear, but mental limitations too. Saturn shapes the edges of what we
are able to accept, the laws, conventions and rituals by which we govern life on the
personal as well as the collective level. Saturn produces inflexibility on all levels.

The limitations of Saturn do have positive sides. The barriers we encounter can just as
easily be our protection from unwanted outside influences; without solid walls our
houses would be very cold and insecure. When we meet our limitations there are often
major lessons for the ego; Saturn has been named the Great Teacher for this reason. The
weightiness and heaviness of slow pondering Saturn my well pull us down emotionally
but it also grounds us and keeps our feet on Mother Earth.

The light of this planetary ray continually reminds us of our limitations and
responsibilities on the material plane of existence and if we stray too far from its light
we will be brought back to reality with a painful bump. Saturn may well apply the
brakes when we least want to be stopped, causing anger and frustration, yet its
restrictive nature can also create opportunities for self-discipline and the strengthening
of moral fibre, determination and resolve. The contraction of Saturn can strengthen by
concentrating, focusing and intensifying that which is too illusive.

Bellflower addresses that saturnine aspect of living we perceive as mundane and boring,
the daily grind of repetition and hard physical work. Its strong connection to this
planetary ray means it is useful as a tonic on the physical and mental levels for
weariness. It is also good for the ageing process.

Bougainvillaeas vibrations penetrate deeply into our being and address stiffness and
rigidity, wherever it may manifest. It is therefore also useful in the ageing process,
particularly when any form of inflexibility occurs.

Bugloss helps us feel more grounded when we have been displaced. The feeling that
this essence addresses is the sense of having our roots lifted out of the Earth.

Christ Thorn has a powerful protecting and grounding vibration to impart. Use
alongside Walnut, which has similar properties.

Elm helps when turning ideals into practical plans and actions, and addresses pain that
emerges when we feel weighed down with those saturnine responsibilities and duties.

Kermes Oak encourages patience, strengthens resolve and brings greater awareness to a
long-term perspective.

Mimulus is the Healer aligning with Capricorn. Mimulus is for any type of known fear,
whilst Aspen, the spiritualised version of Mimulus, is for unknown fears, a sense of
foreboding that cannot be explained rationally.

Oak is well grounded but has a tendency to overwork. It is an excellent remedy to use
in combination with Bellflower and Bougainvillaea for those whose work is physically
and mentally taxing and who therefore tend to over-work.

Peach is useful for those who have a large gap between their ideal and real worlds. It
works powerfully on the etheric template, the closest layer of the subtle anatomy to the
physical, by slowing down vibratory rates.

Rock Rose-Aquarius addresses the mental and emotional weight of Saturn that
manifests as deep worry, concern and preoccupation with burdensome thoughts. The
dead-end that can occur with saturnine consciousness is also addressed by this essence.

Rocket essence is a grounding energy of high spiritual forces. It can help focus
ambitions and ideals in the real world.

Rock Water is for inflexibility and being over-strict with oneself and therefore can be
indicated for stiffness on all levels. The difference between the inflexibility of Rock
Water and Bougainvillaea is that the Rock Water types do not give up the struggle
easily, while the Bougainvillaea folk easily fall by the wayside.

Wild Oat is one of the remedies for uncertainty, specifically in the area of vocation. It
helps increase commitment and focus on objectives so distractions do not become so

The Trans-Saturn Planetary Rays

The distance from the Earth to the Sun is termed 1 Astronomical Unit (1 AU). The
distance from Saturn to the Sun is 10 AUs. To the ancients this was the edge of the
solar system. However, when the next planet out, Uranus, was discovered in the 18
century, it was found to be 20 AUs from the Sun. The size of our known solar system
doubled overnight. The 19
. and 20
. century discoveries of Neptune and Pluto
confirmed that the astrological energies of the planets beyond Saturn are completely
different in nature to the inner seven. Neptune is 30 and Pluto 40 AUs from the Sun.

Since the outer is a reflection of the inner, the model of our solar system reflects back to
us the polarity of consciousness we encounter between the mundane, symbolised by the
inner seven, and the spiritual, symbolised by the distant and far-flung Trans-Saturn



Uranuss discovery coincided with the beginning of the wests industrialization. On the
collective level it has become linked with radical change, mass migration and
technology. When we come under the light of this ray on an individual level we
experience such things as sudden and unexpected events, critical and life-changing
situations, flashes of insight (the eureka moment) and the dawning of a new level of

The flower essences that resonate with the uranian ray can be said to be edge remedies,
dealing with exceptional states of consciousness that are, hopefully, only encountered
occasionally beyond the normal or everyday range of experiences. Many of these are
not easily controllable, some totally outside of control. When we leave behind the
protection of Saturn, or Uranus breaches our defenses, we enter the realms of the
unknown and the whole range of emotions that entails.

Cherry Plum is used on states of consciousness that create extreme fright and feelings
of losing control. There is desperation, to the point of suicidal or murderous impulses in
the state of consciousness associated with the use of Cherry Plum.

Hotentot Fig is indicated when aspects of our being that have become crystalised into a
saturnine form, such as understandings and beliefs, are seriously challenged. The
uranian ray brings in a new reality and when it hits the existing one a conflict occurs.
This can be experienced in such ways as a personal crisis or standing at the cross roads
unsure of the direction to take. These are appropriate times to use this essence.

Mullein essence softens the outer layer of the aura to help us accept more fully fresh
impulses into our being. This hardening or crustiness forms to protect us yet can also
act as a constraint.

Pine Aquarius is indicated for those who have reached a point where their denial or
repression of deep inner needs, by over-reliance on determination and strength of
character, is causing intense pain. Their admirable levels of self-discipline are no longer
acting in their best interests. This is an essence for release and breakthrough, the often
traumatic shift of consciousness out of Saturn into Uranus - extremely appropriate to use
around the healing crisis.

Rock Rose Bach is indicated when there is a real or imaginary sense of threat. Fear
panic, terror and overwhelming alarm are all indicators for the use of this remedy.

Star of Bethlehem is for the classic response to the light of Uranus entering life shock
and trauma.

Sweet Chestnut is for anguish and despair created by reaching the limits of endurance.
It is a useful remedy to use alongside Pine-Aquarius.



Neptune is god of the oceans and seas, the universal waters symbolising the collective
unconscious aspects of humanity. The ray of Neptune has become associated with
altered or different states of consciousness (created naturally or by drugs), psychic
abilities, higher levels of consciousness and perception. Whatever the light of Neptune
touches, is refined or spiritualised to some degree, rising, becoming more ethereal and
light-filled. This is the action of Neptune. Those who come strongly under this ray tend
to veer towards the intuitive rather than rational, and are gentle and sensitive souls
possessing a great deal of artistic refinement.

Clematis has strong resonances with the Neptunian ray because it is used as a remedy
for those who drift off into other realities through day-dreaming. They lack interest in
their physical reality, preferring fantasies of an idealistic future.

Eucalyptus is a personality remedy for those who are strongly affected by this planetary
ray. They are well aware of the spiritual dimensions to life yet lack inner trust and
confidence to appreciate their own spirituality. Their yearning for the bliss of higher
realms makes them prone to becoming too easily influenced by those they perceive as
being more spiritual or enlightened than themselves.
Hibiscus addresses delusional states of consciousness created by arrogance and
exaggerated self-importance. Those in need of this essence often possess very negative
opinions of their reality in stark contrast to some idealised state they would prefer to be
living in.

Margarita connects with the all embracing, universal principal that is contained in this
ray. It can be added to any mix of flower essences to create a bond within the
combination. It works as a flux within the subtle anatomy to ensure good flow.
Psychologically it is indicated when there is insufficient acceptance in life.

Peach is indicated for those who escape their physical reality through the use of drugs.
It has a powerful influence upon the etheric level, helping to bring the energies back into
the body.

Spearmint folk are gentle, delicate and aloof. Their refined natures make them overly
sensitive to much that is harsh and brash existing on this physical plane of existence.


Pluto was discovered in 1930 and is synonymous with the political climate at the time:
the rise of fascism, extremism and the awesome destruction of atomic weaponry.
Mythology tells us that Pluto (Hades to the ancient Greeks) is the god of the underworld,
the abode of the dead. No altars were built to this god. Plutos action can best be
described as transformative. This is often achieved by destruction of existing structures
(be they on the physical, emotional, mental or spiritual) followed by a rebuild. Death,
burial and rebirth occur on the part of the Circle of Life that comes under the rulership
of this planet. Psychologically Pluto is our shadow, the part of ourselves we are
ashamed of and keep hidden away. This aspect of our being is kept in the dark, away

from the light of truth and love. It is into this area we stuff our repressed feelings.
Karmically Pluto is the indicator of powerful ancient past lives that are still affecting us
at a deep level.

From a healing perspective Pluto is very important. Pluto is the Great Cleanser, purging
and releasing toxicity, often in quite dramatic fashions. Plutos action is like that of a
volcano: it draws subconscious/unconscious energies to a single point where they erupt
out into conscious awareness. This can happen on any level of being and often more
than one at the same time. When we are going through a Pluto sensitive time we will
most likely be in turmoil, seeing ourselves in a dark tunnel with no light at the end, or a
deep pit out of which we are unable to claw, or possibly we may experience the Pluto
period as the dark night of the soul.

Pluto is the planet of power in all its forms. This is something highly magnetic in
nature; we can be strongly attracted or repelled by it. Pluto consciousness is always
polarised: all is black or white with little that is gray in between. Pluto brings drastic,
irrevocable actions without the option of compromise. The deepest lesson that comes
from this planetary ray is letting go. We learn that the more we hold on to that we have
outgrown, the more painful it is to let go; if we do not relinquish voluntarily, Pluto will
ripe from our grasp. Pluto rules Scorpio and is the opposite sign to the material beauty
contained in Taurus. The beauty and the power found here links this planetary ray with
gold, not the metal but the emotional response to it such as desire, greed, power and

Asphodel is a powerful cleanser and purger of toxic energies within the system. It can
be used when the shadow is seen and dark and difficult emotions are confronted, such as
intense fear, hatred, shame, blame and anger, directed at the self or others.

Cardoon addresses bitter emotions such as resentment and desire for revenge that arise
out of a sense of being grievously wronged. Forgiveness and acceptance are required
but this is unable to occur because painful emotions have become atrophied in the aura
by the egos wounded pride.

Cherry Plums fear of loss of control can manifest in plutonic fashion as murderous or
suicidal feelings.

Chicory is the Healer associated with Scorpio. Here the plutonic ray manifests on the
emotional level as a desire to control the lives of others, influence their thoughts and
action by the use of emotional persuasion and manipulation.

Crimson Pea is the essence to use when profound life changes are occurring. It assists
the soul in the process of transformation that is inevitably a stressful and potentially
painful process to endure. This is the remedy to use when death is close.

Holly addresses dark plutonic emotions such as envy, jealousy, suspicion and hatred.
The emotions can be projected on to others or internalized on to the self.

Oregano is the remedy for letting go. It is for those who carry around their baggage
and need to release on the emotional level.

Sedge supports us through periods that could be described as the dark night of the
soul. It is for an extreme state of mental anguish which clouds judgments to the extent
that there is a danger of loosing sight of the basic inherent goodness with humanity.
Polarisation of consciousness occurs when in this state.

Vine is for those who feel they have to be in control and will dominate others in an
autocratic or tyrannical manner in order to keep their hands on the reins of power. Like
Sedge they may well have lost touch with their conscience, but for Sedge it is
temporary, brought on by mental anguish while for Vine it is a personality flaw.

Willow is for bitterness and resentment arising out of adversity or misfortune. It is
similar to Cardoon but less specific. The Willow type can feel hard done to by many
general aspects of living; it is in their personality to feel wronged or slighted by what
others can easily accept. They will blame others for difficult situations and resent
anothers success. However, Cardoon is angry and embittered by one particular event or
situation in the past, which they are unable to forget.

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