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Amazon Marketplace for Prestashop

Version 3.8/3.9
Company SMC (
Written by Olivier B. (a..a !elete)
!ate "#/"3/$$
%p&ate& $"/"'/$3
(lat)orm (restas*op
+icense B,siness
.*e mo&,le /ma0on Maretplace )or (restas*op 1ives yo, t*e opport,nity to-
2mport or&ers )rom /ma0on plat)orms
Create pro&,cts s*eets on /ma0on Maretplace
Sync*ronise an& a&3,st yo,r prices an& 4,antities
/&3,st prices &epen&in1 ,pon competition (associate& service)
.*e &ata are sent t*ro,1* /ma0on Web Service in 5M+ )ormat.
.*is application *as been &esi1ne& to avoi& t*e repetitive an& annoyin1 tas o) importin1 or&ers
to t*e prestas*op bac o))ice an& per)ormin1 ,p&ates.
.*e application is base& on t*e SO/(/5M+ client/server arc*itect,re6 base& in t,rn on t*e
/ma0on MWS /(2 arc*itect,re.
2mportin1 an& e7portin1 is carrie& o,t instantly. .*e /ma0on plat)orm ,s,ally taes anyt*in1
bet8een a )e8 secon&s to a )e8 min,tes to be ,p&ate&.
2t is a M,lti-(lat)orm application6 an& 8ors across all /ma0on plat)orms )or 8*ic* yo, *ave a
seller9s acco,nt.
2M(O:./;.- .*e pro&,ct s*eet creation is not man&atory < 2) yo,r pro&,cts are 8ell re)erence&
on /ma0on (by =/;) yo, co,l& sip t*e (ro)ile an& Mappin1s tabs steps.
.*e s,pport is >:== <6 to contact ,s -
=mail - contact?
The support is offered by email only.
2nstallation is easy-
2n t*e baco))ice o) yo,r site6 1o to t*e Mo&,les tab an& clic on /&& ne8 mo&,le-
Clic on C*oose )ile6 Aama0on.0ipB6 an& clic on t*e b,tton A%ploa& t*is mo&,leB
.*en 8ait )or t*e installation to complete.
2n some case6 on some servers6 t*e a,tomatic installation co,l&nCt 8or.
2) t*is option &oes not 8or i)6 )or e7ample6 t*e 0ip )ile is not )o,n& on t*e server6 simply ,n0ip
t*e )ile ama0on.0ip in yo,r server9s mo&,le &irectory.
Do bac to t*e Mo&,le pa1e o) yo,r mana1ement section an& con)i1,re t*e mo&,le-
>or eac* lan1,a1e active in yo,r (restas*op con)i1,ration t*e mo&,le 8ill &isplay a tab to allo8
yo, to associate it to t*e /ma0on plat)orm.
>irst yo, 8ill *ave to c*oose t*e associate& plat)orm6
Eo, m,st associate an /ma0on plat)orm an& t*e associate& c,rrency.
Save t*e settin1s.
Con)i1,re yo,r /ma0on Maretplace lo1in in)ormation as s*o8n *ere-
Con)i1,re yo,r access co&es )or all t*e plat)orms yo, 8ill ,se.
.o obtain yo,r eypairs6 yo, 3,st *ave to clic on t*e lin belo8 -
2M(O:./;. - Eo, m,st be lo11e&-on in yo,r /ma0on Seller Central acco,nt to be allo8e& to
access to t*is lin.
/)ter t*at yo, 3,st *ave to c*ec yo,r connection by clicin1 on C*ec Connectivity -
2) yo,r eypairs are 8ron1 yo, 8ill obtain an error messa1e. Eo, 8ill *ave to c*ec t*em.
2) yo, &onCt obtain any messa1e or i) yo, 1et anot*er error yo, m,st contact ,s.
.*is mo&,le is m,lti-plat)orms6 m,lti-c,rrencies6 m,lti-lan1,a1e6 as it 8ors )or all )orei1n
/ma0on plat)orms-
- /ma0on >rance
- /ma0on 2talie
- /ma0on =spa1ne
- /ma0on :oya,mes %nis
- /ma0on /llema1ne
- /ma0on %.S.
- /ma0on Cana&a
- /ma0on Fapan
- /ma0on C*ina
/ma0on =,rope -
>or /ma0on =,rope an& %ni)ie& acco,nt yo, m,st select t*e =,rope option in t*e parameter tab
an& )ill t*e maretplace 2! )or eac* e7pecte& maretplace.
Eo, co,l& )in& belo8 t*e maretplaces 2! )or main /ma0on co,ntries -
Maretplace !omain Maretplace 2&
Cana&a /@=%G$W.DC.BD@
>rance 888.ama0on.)r /$3V$2B3V2EHHI
Dermany 888.ama0on.&e /$(/'J9K%LM>:9
2taly /(F'F:/9;DKV#
Spain /$:LL%(2ICS9IS
%nite& Lin1&om, /$>83D8C@/:OJ(
%nite& States /.V(!L2L5"!=:
>or eac* =,ropean plat)orm yo, 8ant to ,se6 yo, m,st con)i1,re t*e maretplace 2! -
=7ample -
Sync*roni0ation >iel& -
/vailable val,es -
>or =,rope c*oose =/;$36 >or %nite& States %(C.
2) yo, *ave a mi7 o) pro&,cts 8*ic* are containin1 =/; an& %(C yo, co,l& c*oose MBot*M
2) yo, are Fe8eler an& sellin1 in t*is cate1ory or also )or *an&icra)t an& yo, &onCt *ave =/;/%(C
co&es yo, m,st c*oose MSL%M.
2) yo, *ave an =/;/%(C e7emption )rom /ma0on6 please contact ,s to active t*is option.
2mportant - 2n mose cases yo, 8ill *ave to c*oose =/;$3 or %(C.
AS! has the Priority -
2n partic,lar case yo, co,l& nee& t*is )eat,re. 2nterestin1 8*en some pro&,cts *ave m,ltiple
/S2;/=/;. Eo, m,st tal abo,t t*is 8it* yo,r /ma0on seller s,pport.
Shippin& -
.*is t*e carrier 8*ic* 8ill be ,se& to noti)y t*e s*ippin1 8it* t*e tracin1 n,mber.
.*e list contains all t*e s,pporte& carriers. 2) yo,rs is not in t*e list6 please c*oose MOt*erM.
Shippin& Methods -
.*is is a Mmappin1M 8*ic* allo8 to associate t*e /ma0on s*ippin1 met*o& to yo,r (restas*opCs
>or e7ample -
St& %L !om is t*e stan&ar& s*ippin1 met*o& con)i1,re& in yo,r /ma0onCs acco,nt
=7p %L !om is t*e e7press s*ippin1 met*o& con)i1,re& in yo,r /ma0onCs acco,nt
Eo, associate eac* met*o& to a carrier in yo,r s*op an& t*e associate& (restas*op carrier 8ill
appear on t*e c,stomer invoice.
2) yo, are not s,re abo,t t*ese settin1s yo, s*o,l& le)t t*e &e)a,lt val,es. W*en yo, 8ill import
t*e or&ers )or t*e )irst time t*e met*o&s 8ill be s,11este& an& yo, 8ill be able to con)i1,re t*e
s*ippin1 as 8ell.
Shippin& O'errides -
Eo, can con)i1,re t*e &e)a,lt met*o& ,se& to overri&e t*e s*ippin1 )ees i) yo, are ,sin1 s*ippin1
overri&es on t*e pro&,ct s*eet.
2) yo, 8ant to no8 t*e &e)a,lt s*ippin1 met*o& yo, are ,sin16 yo, m,st lists somes or&ers in
t*e tab Or&ers N /ma0on.
Attention - .*ese parameters are reserve& )or an a&vance& ,sa1e o) t*e mo&,le. Eo, s*o,l& sip
t*ese instr,ctions i) yo, are ,sin1 t*e mo&,le )or t*e )irst time.
Price formula -
.*is settin1 a&3,st yo,r sellin1 price )or /ma0on Maretplace.
?O$"P means t*at yo, increase t*e sellin1 price by $"P )or /ma0on.
?O@ means t*at yo, increase t*e sellin1 price 8it* Q@ a&&itionnal val,e.
? means t*at yo, &o not mo&i)y t*e sellin1 price.
Attention- (lease &o not ,se anot*er or e7tra c*aracters t*at co,l& res,lt in a e7port )ail,re.
P*P )allback -
(I( price )ormattin1 ),nction6 essential )or a&aptin1 prices &epen&in1 on t*e plat)orm6 )or
>or ,sin1 a point as t*e &ecimal mar not ro,n&in1 t*e price -
number_format(@, 2, ".", "");
.o ro,n& ,p to one &ecimal a)ter t*e &ecimal mar-
.*e + symbol acts as a re)erence to t*e initial price.
Attention - 2n most case yo, &onCt nee& to mo&i)y t*is parameter. .*at co,l& carry t*e mo&,le
in a )ail,re.
/ctive >B/ S,pport :
/ctive t*e >B/ S,pport. (lease tal 8it* yo, /ma0on acco,nt mana1er to no8 more abo,t t*is
/ctive Wo0api -

W*et*er to e7port6 yes or no6 promotional prices or sales.
Calc,lation o) ta7es -
Sen& prices 8it* all ta7es incl,&e& to /ma0on.
>or incomin1 or&ers6 t*e mo&,le 8ill apply t*e V/. rate provi&e& in t*e article recor&.
:ecommen&e& settin1- Ees
/cco,nt .ype -
Dlobal or in&ivi&,al acco,nt type-
Dlobal &oes not create a ,ser re1istration an& re1isters or&ers ,n&er a ,ni4,e ,sername at
/ma0on Maretplace.
2n&ivi&,al allo8s )or t*e creation o) a c,stomer acco,nt per or&er.
:ecommen&e& settin1- 2n&ivi&,al
.itle >ormat -
(ro&,ct name )ormat accor&in1 to t*e /ma0on recommen&ations.
2) yo,r pro&,cts names &oesnCt incl,&e t*e man,)act,rer name6 yo, 8ill *ave to c*oose t*e
secon& ra&io b,tton.
We recommen& to tal 8it* yo,r /ma0on seller s,pport abo,t t*is.
Or&ers Stat,ses -
(lease select t*e initial or&er state on import an& t*e s,bse4,ent state on s*ippin1.
.*e mo&,le 8ill ,p&ate a,tomatically t*e or&ers stat,ses on /ma0on on s*ipment.
S*op - ((restas*op $.K N)
(lease c*oose t*e associate& s*op to lin to /ma0on.
(lease ;ote- .*e maretplaces are not m,lti-s*op. >or t*at reason6 t*e m,lti-s*op s,pport
&oesnCt *ave any sens )or t*e maretplaces mo&,le. >or t*at reason t*e mo&,le as yo, to be
line& to a S*op.
>,rt*ermore i) yo, 8ant to sell a pro&,ct / )rom t*e S*op $ an& a pro&,ct B )rom t*e S*op @ yo,
8ill *ave to create a S*op 3 8*ic* contains t*e pro&,cts / an& B.
Ware*o,ses - ((restas*op $.K N)
>or a&vance& stoc mana1ement.
B,l Mo&e -
.*is mo&e allo8 to ,p&ate a,tomatically yo,r or&er stat,ses on /ma0on in batc* an& b,l mo&e.
B,l mo&e in*ibits a,tomatic ,p&atin1 o) stat,s6 t*e ,p&ate is perio&ically per)orme& by a
sc*e&,le& tas.
.*is )eat,re is interestin1 i) yo, *ave more t*an $" or&ers per &ay.
/ cron %:+ 8ill appear on t*e main tab.
(ro&,cts Con&ition - ((restas*op $.# N)
/ma0on con&itions si&e / (restas*op con&itions si&e6 please associate t*e parameters.
=ns,res correspon&ence bet8een t*e state/con&ition o) pro&,cts in yo,r (restas*op store an&
/ma0on pre&e)ine& states an& con&itions.
/&vance& (arameters -
On t*is pa1e6 yo, 8ill notice an a&vance& parameters men, s8itc*er.
.*is section is reserve& to a&vance& mo&,le ,sers an& )or a&vance& /ma0on ,sers.
>or )irst time6 8e recommen& to yo, to i1nore t*ese settin1s an& to ,se t*e &e)a,lts
.*e cate1ory tab allo8 to select 8*at yo, 8ant to e7port on /ma0on.
Eo, *ave to select t*e cate1ories 8*ic* 8ill be e7porte& on /ma0on. .*e pro)ile selector is not
man&atory. 2t 8ill be i) yo, nee& t*e pro&,ct creation )eat,re.
2mportant - (ro)ile selection an& con)i1,ration are not man&atory an& not necessary.
(ro&,ct S*eet Creation -
.*e ne7t section &escribe *o8 to mana1e pro)iles an& create pro&,cts s*eets on /ma0on.
.*e ri1*t 8ay is to veri)y )irst i) yo, really nee& t*at )eat,re.
.o &o t*is6 yo, s*o,l& ,se t*e /ma0onCs searc* en1ine to veri)y some samples o) yo,r pro&,cts
an& to c*ec i) t*ey are e7istin1 or not on /ma0on.
2) yo,r pro&,cts alrea&y e7ists on /ma0on yo, co,l& sip t*is step.
(ro)ile con)i1,ration -
.o create pro&,ct s*eets on /ma0on yo, m,st con)i1,re pro)iles 8*ic* 8ill be associates to yo,r
cate1ories -
Eo, *ave to c*oose a )rienl&y name an& sets it c*aracteristics.
/ma0on Cate1ory an& S,b-Cate1ory
.*e pro&,ct type
.*e man&atory )iel& on /ma0on )or t*is cate1ory
.*e )iel& 8*ic* 8ill be ,se& )or variants (e1- Color6 Si0e)
.*e /ma0on Bro8se ;o&e (see t*e online /ma0on &oc,mentation)
.*e price )orm,la (t*e e7planation is insi&e t*e mo&,le6 8it* t*e online *elp)
2) yo, are ,sin1 combinations6 yo, 8ill m,st con)i1,re t*e Color R Si0e Mappin1 in t*e Mappin1
.o obtain t*e ri1*ts val,es )or t*e mappin1 an& t*e ot*er vali& val,es yo, m,st &o8nloa& t*e
=7cel template correspon&in1 to t*e cate1ory on /ma0on Seller Central.
>or eac* con)i1,re& pro)ile yo, m,st associates t*e correspon&in1 cate1ory -
=7ample -
.*e mo&,le 8ill e7port )or eac* selecte& cate1ories an& pro)iles t*e correspon&in1s pro&,cts to
/ma0on i) t*e creation mo&e is active.
>onctions -
$ S Sen& t*e pro&,cts names R &escriptions (man&atory in creation mo&e)
@ S Create (ro&,cts - active t*e creation in t*e interacti'e mode .
3 S Sen& ima1es
T) 2nteractive mo&e is t*e inverse o) cron mo&e. 2n t*at case interactive meant A8eb mo&eB
.*e creation mo&e is impossible in cron mo&e. 2tCs only available in interactive mo&e.
Attention :
.*e man,)act,rer name m,st be sets in t*e pro&,ct s*eet
.*e man,)act,rer part n,mber is man&atory in some cases (ie- /,tomotive) an& itCs
matc* to t*e s,pplier re)erence in (restas*op.
.*e man&atory )iel&s (i) e7istin1) m,st be )ille& in t*e mo&,le con)i1,ration
.*e pro&,ct creation mo&e 8ors in AinteractiveB mo&e only. 2t &oesnCt 8ors in cron
2) yo, *ave an e7istin1 catalo1 on /ma0on t*ere is a ris to *ave &,plicate pro&,cts
>or eac* e7port yo, s*o,l& 1enerate a report. .*at co,l& *elp in case o) nee& o) s,pport
)rom /ma0on. .*is is an essential element an& t*ey 8ill as )or it.
Mappin1s R Combinations -
=ac* combination *as an ,ni4,e :e)erence )iel& )ille& an& also an =/;$3 or %(C.
>or some cate1ories yo, 8ill *ave colors an& si0es6 )or e7ample )or Clot*es.
Eo, 8ill *ave to set,p )or t*e associate pro)ile t*e associations bet8een /ma0on an& (restas*op
)iel& -
2n t*e Mappin1 tab yo, 8ill in&icate all t*e mappin1 to main1 matc* t*e /ma0on val,e 8it*
yo,r S*op val,e. Eo, 8ill )in& t*e appropriates val,es in t*e =7cel creation )ile.
Iere a s*ort e7ample6 )or bl,e 3eans -
Attention - .*e attrib,tes 8ill be only e7porte& i) t*e mappin1s are )ille&.
>or %.S. Eo, 8ill )in& t*e )iles *ere -
>or %.L. -
>or ot*er co,ntries - 3,st type A>lat >ileB in t*e Seller Central searc* en1ine ...
Case $ -
Iere is a vali& sample o) a pro&,ct s*eet 8it* combinations -
.*e re4,ire& )iel& is only t*e :e)erence. The reference 0ill match the S1U on Amazon.
Iere is t*e combinations tab sample -
.*e re4,ire& )iel&s are t*e Reference (SL%) 8*ic* must be uni2ue an& t*e =/; or %(C co&e.
Case @ -
Iere is a vali& sample o) a pro&,ct s*eet 8it*o,t combination -
.*e re4,ire& )iel&s are t*e :e)erence an& t*e =/; or %(C co&e.
The reference 0ill match the S1U on Amazon.
mportant - .*e re)erence/SL% )iel& is man&atory an& important. 2n all cases6 it is ,se& to
sync*roni0e& yo,r s*op 8it* /ma0on.
Product Sheet %3tension for Amazon
On eac* pro&,ct s*eet yo, 8ill )in& a complementary /ma0on tab -

Attention - (lease note t*at t*is e7tension is ),lly optionnal an& not*in1 is re4,ire&.
/ction -
.*is option allo8s yo, to tri11er an action on t*e ne7t man,al or a,tomatic catalo1
2) yo, 8ant to create an article6 clic on Create B,tton an& Save. !,rin1 t*e ne7t
sync*roni0ation in creation mo&e6 i) t*e pro)ile is correctly con)i1,re&6 t*e pro&,ct 8ill be
create& on /ma0on.
2mportant - t*is is not re4,ire& to clic on t*e M%p&ateM b,ton. =very pro&,ct s*eet mo&i)ication
or stoc ,p&ate 8ill 1enerate& an ,p&ate on /ma0on.
The Reference field 4S1U5 must be6 in all cases6 uni2ue.
/S2; -
=r1onomic option6 &isplays a b,tton MVie8 on /ma0onM allo8in1 &irect access to t*e pro&,ct on
>orce (rice-
Over8rite t*e store price6 replace it 8it* a speci)ic price to /ma0on.
!elay be)ore t*e pro&,ct is s*ippe& in &ays. By &e)a,lt /ma0on consi&ers t*at t*e pro&,ct is
s*ippe& in @ &ays. Eo, can c*an1e t*is val,e to a val,e bet8een $ an& 3".
=7tra .e7t -
.e7t ,s,ally ,se& to in&icate t*e pro&,ct con&ition/state )or ,se& pro&,cts6 *ere an e7ample -
S*ippin1 Overri&e -
Eo, set yo,r &e)a,lt s*ippin1 on /ma0on as yo, 8ant. B,t yo, 8ant to set,p s*ippin1 per
pro&,ct. .*is )iel& allo8s yo, to replace t*ese &e)a,lts. Eo, can speci)y " )or )ree6 not*in1 to
&onCt replace or t*e s*ippin1 amo,nt yo, 8is* to e7port.
(ropa1ations -
>or almost every con)i1,ration item appears t*is s,bmen, -
.*is allo8s to apply t*e val,e t*at yo, speci)ie& )or t*e ot*er items in t*e selection.
>or e7ample6 i) yo, 8ant to )i7 t*e s*ippin1 )ees to ' e,ros )or all items o) a man,)act,rer6 yo,
3,st *ave to in&icate ' e,ros in )orce t*e s*ippin1 )iel& an& clic (ropa1ate to N Man,)act,rer.
.*e mo&,le create& t8o tabs-
2n Catalo1 tab -
2n Or&ers tab -
Attention - 2) t*e tabs &oesnCt appear6 please loo )or permissions in yo,r (restas*op pro)ile
Synchronization 8 %3port
Do to Catalo1 N /ma0on.
2t is *i1*ly important to initially consi&er t*e &i))erence bet8een an offer an& a product6 8*ic*
&epen&s primarily on t*e type o) in)ormation incl,&e& in eac* &ata set-
/n o))er6 )or e7ample6 is a &ata set incl,&in1 a re)erence 2!6 t*e 4,antity6 t*e price6
/ pro&,ct6 on t*e ot*er *an&6 is a &ata set incl,&in1 t*e &escription o) t*e article6 t*e
pro&,ct &escription6 ima1es6 pro&,ct )eat,res6 pict,res6 etc.
.*e mo&,le ),nctions in t8o mo&es- MMatc*in1M mo&e an& MCreationM mo&e.
Matc*in1 mo&e allo8s yo, to associate t*e o))er yo, inten& to s,bmit 8it* an e7istin1
pro&,ct spec s*eet on /ma0on.
2n t*is mo&e6 t*e =/; co&e is ,se& to i&enti)y t*e pro&,ct an& create t*is o))er in yo,r
/ma0on acco,nt.
.*e Creation mo&e is necessary 8*en t*e pro&,ct is non-e7istent on /ma0on.
.*e mo&,le 8ill t*en 1enerate a pro&,ct an& its associate& o))er in yo,r /ma0on
Iybri& sit,ations-
/ma0on allo8s yo, to complete an& ,p&ate yo,r spec s*eets by a&&in1 ima1es6 pro&,ct
)eat,res6 an& &escriptions no matter 8*ere t*e pro&,ct spec s*eet ori1inate&.
2n t*is case6 t*e pro&,ct &ata yo, s,bmit m,st matc* per)ectly 8it* t*e &ata store& at
>or e7ample-
- Si0e 3J /&i&as s*oes 8ill not matc* si0e 3J 9 /&i&as s*oes.
.*is 8o,l& pro&,ce a matc*in1 error.
2) yo, 1et Matc*in1 errors b,t t*ey are not proven an& yo, consi&er t*at t*e error comes
)rom t*is pro&,ct on /ma0on6 yo, s*o,l& 1et in to,c* 8it* yo,r /ma0on Seller S,pport
t*ro,1* t*e messa1in1 in yo,r Seller Central /cco,nt.
Sync*roni0e - (Matc*in1 Mo&e)
:orkflo0 -
/n action is a price ,p&ate6 stoc movement6 ima1e insertion6 /ma0on pro&,cts options
c*an1e etc...
/n eli1ible pro&,ct )or sync*ronisin1 is a pro&,ct 8*ic* *ave a selecte& cate1ory in t*e
mo&,le con)i1,ration6 8*ic* *ave a SL% (:e)erence >iel&) an& an article co&e
/ lo1 is an *istory o) events6 relate& to pro&,cts 8*ic* are eli1ibles6 save& )or every
This tab will send on Amazon, in matching mode, all the actions contained in the log.
Options -
Sen& .itle/!escriptions - ,p&ate t*e title an& &escription o) t*e pro&,cts on /ma0on
!isplay 5M+ - ,se),ll to c*ec t*e stream content an& ,se),ll )or t*e s,pport
!elete - Sen&in1 t*e same content b,t in M!eleteM mo&e. (2n case or s,pport or )or
a&vance& ,sa1e)
=ntire Catalo1 - Will sen& t*e entire catalo1 in matc*in1 mo&e &epen&in1 t*e mo&,le
Understand easily ho0 it 0orks -
.ry by yo,rsel) < (lease 1o on a pro&,ct s*eet6 mo&i)y t*e 4,antity an& come bac to t*is tab.
Clic on MVeri)yM.
/s t*e action *as been save& in t*e lo16 yo, s*o,l& see a ne8 entry6 lie t*is -
Creation -
:orkflo0 -
/ pro)ile is a representation o) pro&,ct c*aracteristics6 a typolo1y6 classi)ication an& its
speci)ics attrib,tes an& combinations. Eo, can set,p a ),ll pro)ile in t*e mo&,le
/n eli1ible pro&,ct )or creation is a pro&,ct 8*ic* *ave a SL% (:e)erence >iel&)6 an
article co&e (=/;/%(C)6 a selecte& cate1ory in t*e mo&,le con)i1,ration6 an& an
associate& pro)ile.
/ selecte& pro&,ct )or creation is a pro&,ct 8*ic* *as been selecte& )or creation in t*e
pro&,ct s*eet6 lie t*is -
This tab send a product stream to Amazon in creation mode for the eligibles selected products
for creation.
Options -
Sen& .itle/!escriptions - ,p&ate t*e title an& &escription o) t*e pro&,cts on /ma0on
!isplay 5M+ - ,se),ll to c*ec t*e stream content an& ,se),ll )or t*e s,pport
!elete - Sen&in1 t*e same content b,t in M!eleteM mo&e. (2n case or s,pport or )or
a&vance& ,sa1e)
=ntire Catalo1 - Will sen& t*e entire catalo1 in matc*in1 mo&e &epen&in1 t*e mo&,le
:elations - Sen& relations only6 ,se),ll to create/recreate parent/c*il&ren relation in
some cases.
Understand easily ho0 it 0orks -
Create a pro&,ct ($ pro&,ct only) Meli1ible )or creationM
%se t*e &isplay 5M+ option to &isplay t*e res,lt
Sen& t*e stream onto /ma0on
%se t*e report to see t*e res,lt
Operations "o&s
/)ter sen&in16 yo, 8ill 1et a simpli)ie& operation lo1 -
2mportant - (lease note t*e S,bmission 2!s. .*ey 8ill be re4,ire& in case o) s,pport eit*er by
/ma0on or by Common-Services.
2n t*e lo1 yo, 8ill obtain some messa1es abo,t t*e 4,ality o) t*e &ata sent.
/re treate&-
- !,plicate re)erence
- Missin1 re)erences
- .*e pro&,ct co&es (=/; / %(C) erroneo,s
- Missin1 )iel&s
- etc.
!epen&in1 on t*e severity a 8arnin1 can be &isplaye& or t*e pro&,ct i1nore&.
>or eac* e7port yo, nee& to 1enerate a report-
.*at ,s,ally taes a )e8 min,tes be)ore it 8ill be available )or some pro&,cts (or more )or
Sample o) report 8*ic* incl,&es some errors -
.*e report contains e7plicable or e7plaine& errors.
>or almost common mistaes6 t*e /ma0on online *elp is s,))icient to e7plain t*e problem.
/ lin to t*e /ma0on S,pport in relation 8it* t*e messa1e &isplaye& is provi&e&.
2n ot*er cases please contact ,s )irst6 8e 8ill tell yo, i) it is necessary to contact /ma0on to )i7
t*e problem.
;B- .*e mo&,le eeps permanently t*e latest report 8*ic* yo, can vie8 at any time. .*e
S,bmission 2! is in&icate& 8it*in parent*esis in t*e title o) every )ee&-
>or any s,pport in4,iry6 eit*er to /ma0on or Common-Services6 yo, m,st attac* or in&icate -
.*e pro&,ct in)ormations (;ame6 SL%6 =/;)
.*e pro&,ct Cate1ory6 an& (ro&,ct .ype )ille& in t*e pro)ile con)i1,ration
.*e ),ll-te7t copy o) t*e pro&,ct report 1enerate& by t*e mo&,le
Optional b,t &esire& - a ),ll-te7t copy o) t*e 5M+ 1enerate& by M!isplay 5M+M option
Only t*ese in)ormations allo8 ,s to obtain a &ia1nosis in case o) error an& to o))er t*e best
mportant - /ny in4,iry 8*ic* 8ill not ),l)ill t*ese re4,irements 8ill be consi&ere& as n,ll an&
Do to Or&ers N /ma0on6 select a plat)orm an& a &ate ran1e -
.*e or&ers list 8ill appear -
2t 8ill appear t*e &atas )rom /ma0on -
(lat)orm )la1
Or&er 2!
S*ippin1 Met*o&
>,l)ilment in)ormation
Dran& .otal
>or every or&er yo, import t*ere 8ill be an or&er s,mmary an& a lin to t*e or&er in t*e
(restas*op baco))ice.
On 1oin1 on t*e or&er pa1e yo, 8ill obtain a similar or&er to a (restas*op stan&ar& or&er.
Eo, 8ill *ave also a ne8 /ma0on area 8it* t*e /ma0on Or&er 2! an& a &irect lin to yo,r or&er in
/ma0on Seller Central.
mportant - .*e SL% )iel& is ,se& to matc* pro&,cts 8it* /ma0on in yo,r s*op in all cases. 2) t*e
SL% &oesnCt matc* any re)erence6 t*e or&er 8ill not be importe&.
S)*%#U"%# TAS1S
>or eac* plat)orm yo, 8ill )in& a tas list 8*ic* allo8 yo,6 )or e7ample6 to ,p&ate yo,r stocs
on /ma0on.
Sc*e&,le& tas are also name& McronM.
.*ese tass m,st be con)i1,re& by yo,r 8ebmaster6 8eb a1ency6 *ost mana1er or t*e person in
c*ar1e o) yo,r 8ebsite.
.*ere is 3 possible tass -
Products Task -
%p&ate Stocs R (rice on /ma0on
$ tas per maretplace.
:ecommen&e& Sc*e&,lin1 - =very Io,r
Orders Task -
2mports or&ers )rom /ma0on
$ tas per maretplace.
:ecommen&e& Sc*e&,lin1 - =very Io,r
Statuses Task . -
%p&ates or&ers stat,ses on /ma0on (2=- S*ippe&)
$ tas )or =,rope6 $ tas per maretplace )or ot*er co,ntries.
:ecommen&e& Sc*e&,lin1 - =very # Io,r 8it*in openin1 *o,rs
T) .*is tas is only necessary i) yo, c*oose MB,l Mo&eM )or or&ers ,p&ates.
Attention - .*e sc*e&,le& tass set,p m,st be carrie& o,t 8*en t*e ),ll operation o) t*e mo&,le
*as been veri)ie& an& t*at everyt*in1 is ),nctional6 it is t*e )inal step.
Attention - Be care),l not to r,n t*ese scripts too o)ten or t*e normal operation o) t*e mo&,le
may be altere&. /ma0on places a &aily limit on t*e n,mber o) re4,ests.
Complementary 2n)ormations on /ma0on Blo1 -
.*e mo&,le 8ors t*ro,1* t*e ,se o) Ioos (restas*op.
(ro&,cts -
W*en a pro&,ct is a&&e&6 mo&i)ie& or &elete& t*ese actions are save& in t*e &atabase.
.*is operation is i&entical in case o) stoc moves.
W*en yo, la,nc* an /ma0on ,p&ate 6 t*e mo&,le retrieves t*e *istory o) t*ese actions an&
,p&ate yo,r /ma0on inventory accor&in1ly.
Attention - 2) yo, are ,sin1 a b,l ,p&ate script6 a (OS or any tools to ,p&ate yo,r stocs yo,
s*o,l& veri)y t*ey are actin1 as all t*e (restas*op compliant script an& ,sin1 MIooM to noti)y t*e
mo&,le abo,t t*e ,p&ates.
2n case o) &o,bt6 please as to yo,r 8ebmaster or t*ir& party so)t8are e&itor.
>E26 t*e &e)a,lt (restas*op import script is con)orm 8it* t*is ,sa1e.
Developper Note -
2n a&&ition to yo,r script6 yo, m,st ,se a Ioo to ,p&ate t*e stoc level -
'id_product' => $id_product,
'id_product_attribute' => $id_product_attribute,
'quantity' => $stock_available>quantity
Or&ers -
W*en t*e parametere& stat,s is reac*e& -
.*e mo&,le tri11ers t*e s*ippin1 noti)ication 8it* tracin1 n,mber to /ma0on.
!o not *esitate to contact me 8it* yo,r )ee&bac an& any c*an1es yo, 8o,l& lie to see.
The support is done by email only:
+imits o) s,pport -
/re o,t o) responsabilities t*e limits &,e to t*e 4,antities (pro&,cts6 ima1es6 cate1ories)
/re e7cl,&e& t*e ma3or ,p&ates o) (restas*op
/re e7cl,&e& t*e server or *ostin1 c*an1es an& (I( ,p&ates
2n case o) mo&i)ication o) t*e mo&,le itsel)6 t*e s,pport is revoe&.
.*e set,p s,pport can be o))ere& only one time
+imits o) 8arranty -
We can recommen& an *oster on &eman& or yo, co,l& c*oose any (restas*opCs
recommen&e& *oster b,t all t*e ot*er ones are e7cl,&e& )rom t*e so)t8are 8arranty.
2n case o) maretplace ab,se6 e7cl,sion or revoation6 any 8arranty co,l& not be
.*e so)t8are is &elivere& an& rep,te& as 8orin1 8ell on a &e)a,lt (restas*op so)t8are.
2) yo,r s*op is mo&i)ie& yo, m,st claim any 8arranty to t*e t*ir& party provi&er 8*ic*
reali0e& t*ose.
2n)ormation s,r la licence -
#$ %&'()* &+ ,()*%-*
$ '.is source /ile is sub0ect to a co11ercial license /ro1 -23, -4)
$ Use, copy, 1odi/ication or distribution o/ source /ile 5it.out 5ritten
$ license a6ree1ent /ro1 t.e -23, -4) is strictly /orbidden7
$ (n order to obtain a license, please contact us: olivier8s1art1arseille7co1
$ 777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777
$ (%+&342'(&% -U3 ,2 ,()*%)* 9'U'(,(-2'(&%
$ ,'utilisation de ce /ic.ier source est sou1ise a une licence co11erciale
$ concedee par la societe -4)
$ 'oute utilisation, reproduction, 1odi/ication ou distribution du present
$ /ic.ier source sans contrat de licence ecrit de la part de la -23, -4) est
$ expresse1ent interdite7
$ :our obtenir une licence, veuille; contacter la -23, -4) a l'adresse:
$ 777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777
$ 8packa6e 242<&%
$ 8copyri6.t )opyri6.t (c! =>?>=>?@ -72737, -4) (.ttp:##5557s1art1arseille7co1!
$ 8aut.or &livier A7
$ 8license )o11ercial license
$ -upport by 1ail : olivier8s1art1arseille7co1
$ -upport on /or1 : &livier A > 27B72 delete
$ -kype : delete?@_/r
Speci)ic pricin1 arran1ements may be ma&e in t*e )ollo8in1 cases-
(restas*op (artner /1ency
M,lti-Site Client

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