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Gerardo Lagunes Titan's Wars

I started this small story on an idea, what will happens if two super computers were forsed to start a nuclear war on which they
will be destroyed and humans will be set free, but then
I changed the story to show how nuclear war might destroy human civilisation.

In the future, supercomputers rule. Most people don't know it

but they are all watching and all knowing.
Most countries have a supercomputer because other natios have them
and they don't want to feel week and defenseless.
All of the cities computers are connected to a national supercomputer
that control all of them.

This city super computers in turn controls all of the computers connected to the
supernet, all survillence camaras, all security pass, all economic transaccions
and sometimes, all aspects of people's lives.

In that time, or even today, people's of all ages find convenient to let computer remind them of their
appointaments and dates, keep track of their emails and communicatios, their relationships to one another,
the places that they go, things that they like, their most inner thoughts and even let them control the
information they get and the music they like.

When all started, in the early years of computers, computers started to appear in items of everyday life, from
comunications, to transportation, commerce and all. After the year 2015 the age of supercomputers begin,
Jus as was predicted by Moore's law they become so smart and powerful that they become peoples's best
friend and with time they become their master.

It was posible to make robots that looked human and take over some human jobs, even if our means of
transportation were controled by supercomputers and even had one onboard, we liked to put robots in them
to drive it .- Just another proof of our narrow small inteligence - it make us feel safer having a driver look-
alike in the train, tube, metros, taxis and buses. We put robots human-look- alike even in the counter of the
tube stations just because we like human communications,and we didn't like to buy our tickets from box like
machines - most people forget to buy their tickets from
the supernet or tell their companion computers to buy it for them, and when that happens we like to go to the
constumer service counter and talk to somebody , even if that somebody was not human.

Some animals like young eagles feel better when they are fed by eagle looking puppets, other feel better
having pictures of their same specie in their cages just to make them feel better in their missery, or other that
feel better looking at images of their specie just before being taken to the slaugherhouse, This same way
humans feel safer talking to a computer or to an hologram to help them feel better and keep going with their

Ilusion keep them going on with their lives and computer had so much power.

Even the human control of the computers was an ilussion, because they were so smart and were cordinated
by a national supercomputer that nothing has hidden from them and their "programing" and thinking had
become so complex
that nobody was able to tell if computer were a proteccion or a threat.

Nobody was able to tell, 100 hundred per cent that computer were safe or a thread, and that was used by
computers, politicians and tv networks to say that if nobody had the real truth and because of that this, level
of control was safe or acceptable. Give up your freedom to have safety from other nations and other
supercomputers. Criptologic tecnology that keep our comunications and data safe from ciberterrorism added
another layer or mistery and holyness to computer
technology - people fear computer like we fear gods of today - and matematicians, programmers and
scienticist were the priest of the new religions, a bridge between humans and our gods, those who were able
to comunicate and interpret their language and tell us about our future.

Some people said that those who didn't like computers, were afraid of them, had prejudment against them or
made the
mistake of being outspoken against computers had terrible accidents. It was rare that somebody did not use
computers in their everyday life or didn't ask cuestions to computersa and that set them appart from the
crowd as hiverhater, or ciberterrorist and ciberanarquist and were eliminited so systematic that people did
not talk about it in any public or semipublic place, it was impossible to take out your cell phone's battery or
communication at home and have a real private convertation in their own homes, society just stop talking
about the fate of the hiverhaters, or anything else that might be taken against the scientific stablishement,
political stablishiment, or computer control of our societies.

News Channel were controled, if you still believe in free speech, you could talk about how agressive other
nations had become against our people, our resources and our interests and against our nations, and how
computers keep them at bay. Fear is what keep every stablishment in their post.

Information from other countries start coming in secret, about other civilisations around the world that didn't
have a strong democratic culture and couldn't keep the the truth hidden and save face, their citizens were
held hostages and in great danger, some were killed just because they were dimmed a thread by a computer
code, and that sparked protest, then riots, and when police and ciborsoldiers supress and murder people that
started the revolotions.

But the violence was short lived, how they can defeat a force so organised, allknowing and in control of the
media, the military and the political stablishment? Now their societies and nations are in full control of their
supercomputers and every citizen is asigned a duty and a control number, they are treated like an objet in a
production line by their masters and are undersurvilance all times a day, but even the human liders of those
supernations are warning us about the agressive plans of their supercomputers and asking for help.


War is coming and whoever wins we will loose. This war will be diferent from all other wars in the sense
that we will not be the ones who pull the trigger and comand the troops, and this war will not be in our best
interest, they will not ask our opinion and input and they will not negociate or take hostages.

We are just pawns in this war, we are the enemy and we are in the middle of the battlefield and we will be
only collateral damage and this war will be more destructive that all other wars combined, the clock is
already ticking, most of us already feel it, we feel the storm that is coming, we hear our liders and people in
power who know what is going on telling us is a complex and metaforic language that we are in danger, and
asking us to be prepared and pledging for help.

The cuestion may not be if war is coming, because we know that is coming, for the extrange signs of our
liders, the assasination of some outsopoken politicians and members of parlament, and the silence of the
trusted news media.

The cuestion now may be if we are going to let this war happens and we stay in the sidelines, we wait for
them to come to us or we atack them and have some control of the situacion, in any case it will be a
complete disaster, will loose hundreds of millions of our citizens, the country will be in ruins and the
enviroment will be destroyed.

This will be a hopeless war, one that cannot be win and must never be fough, Like was said liong time ago
by a westen politician.

How we have come to this? we tried to make or life more simple, we build so many conveniences to make
our life easier and we keep complicate it more, we build megacities that make us a great target and
automatised everything with computers and then we have to build more computers to protect this computers
from damage and ultimadament we build a prision around us that prevent anybody from entering and
prevent us from living.

We build our own prision.


Tuesday March 03 2009

Sheridan wyoming.

Note from the autor:

The crisis has been bad, I'm jobless like countless others in the planet (55 millions will be jobless by the end
of 2009) and that is thanks to Bush the Murderer.
The US goverment use all the money in wars, and created a huge deb crisis that now threatens political
stability in many nations of the planet.
I might have to go back to mexico and I will not have time to think, write or post in the internet any of my other writings, photos or videos.
I dont know what will happens but I might have to take this oportunity to make some trips to the jungle and take some pictures or make a documentary.

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