You are on page 1of 15

Basic GTS Enterprise

Device Communication Server

Copyright 2007-2012 GeoTelematic Solutions, Inc.
All rights resere!
GTS Enterprise Installation/Configuration Guide Page 1 of 15
Manual Revision HIstory
Rev Date Changed Author
0.1.0 2010%12%'1 Initial (elease )*+
0.1.1 2011%0,%01 -p!ate! CalAmp accumulator properties )*+
GTS Enterprise Installation/Configuration Guide Page 2 of 15
Device Communication Server - CalAmp
1 Introduction
Con!iguring the Server
"1 Changing the Server #$isten# %orts
" Setting the #&ni'ue-ID# %re!i( Characters
") Setting the CalAmp %roperties
"* Changing the De!ault EventCode to StatusCode +apping
", Setting the Availa-le Server-To-Device Commands
) Running the Server
)"1 +anuall. Starting the Server
)" Automaticall. Starting the Server on S.stem Re-oot
)") +onitoring the $og /ile
* Adding Devices to an Account
*"1 Creating a 0e1 Device Record
*" The #Server ID# /ield"
, Testing a 0e1 Con!igured Device
,"1 +onitoring the $og /iles
," 2ie1ing the &nassigned Devices Report
A3 Trou-leshooting CalAmp Device Connection Issues
GTS Enterprise Installation/Configuration Guide Page 3 of 15
13 Introduction
This manual ! ho& to con/igure an! run the GTS 0nterprise !eice communication serer 1*CS2 /or the
CalAmp har!&are G3S trac4ing%telematic !eices. The /ollo&ing /eatures are supporte! /or the CalAmp *CS$
(eceie incoming !ata pac4ets ia -*3.
Support /or sen!ing comman!s to the !eice through the login &e.-inter/ace.
GTS Enterprise Installation/Configuration Guide Page 4 of 15
3 Con!iguring the Server
The /ollo&ing section re/ers to the runtime con/iguration /ile /or the CalAmp !eice communication serer, &hich
can .e /oun! in the GTS Installation !irectory at 5dcservers/dcserver_calamp.xml5.
"13 Changing the Server #$isten# %orts"
The ports on &hich the CalAmp *CS listens /or incoming !ata pac4ets is speci/ie! on the 5ListenPorts5 tag$
I/ re6uire!, the 5listen5 port can .e change! to /it the re6uirements o/ your runtime enironment, ho&eer the
speci/ie! ports a.oe are those recommen!e! .y CalAmp an! shoul! remain as speci/ie! unless other&ise
necessary. The script programme! into the CalAmp !eice &ill also nee! to .e con/igure! to transmit !ata to the
same port as the serer use! to listen /or incoming !ata pac4ets. 178T0$ Some ersions o/ the CalAmp !eice
/irm&are re6uire that the speci/ie! port .e less than '27972.
The 5listen5 ports must .e open through the /ire&all in or!er /or the remote !eice to sen! !ata to the CalAmp
I/ pac4et ac4no&le!gment is re6uire!, any ac4no&le!gments sent .y the serer .ac4 to the remote !eice must
.e sent /rom the same I3 a!!ress to &hich the remote !eice sent it:s !ata pac4et. I/ your serer respon!s to
more than one I3 a!!ress, then the CalAmp serer listener must .e .oun! to the same I3 a!!ress%inter/ace use!
.y the remote trac4ing !eices. This is set in the top-leel 5dcservers.xml5 /ile, on the 5DCerverCon!i"5
tag, 5#ind$ddress5 attri.ute.
"3 Setting the #&ni'ue-ID# %re!i( Characters"
The -ni6ue-I* pre/i; characters can .e set in the 5%ni&ue'DPre!ix5 tag section$
These pre/i; characters are use! to :prepen!: to the I)0I or 0S7 reporte! .y the !eice to loo4 up the
o&ning Account%*eice recor! /or this !eice. +or instance, i/ the CalAmp !eice reports the 0S7 as the mo.ile-
I* an! the 0S7 is 5-.2/0012355 1/or e;ample2, then the system &ill search /or the o&ning *eice using
the /ollo&ing -ni6ue-I* 4eys, in the or!er speci/ie!$
7ote that the :+: character .y itsel/ in!icates that the system shoul! loo4 up the 0S7 &ithout any pre/i;ing
GTS Enterprise Installation/Configuration Guide Page 5 of 15
The CalAmp !eices can .e scripte! to report the !eice 0S7, I)0I, or other possi.le uni6ue mo.ile i!, ho&eer,
the !e/ault 10-!igit 0S7 1&hich typically .egins &ith the !igit 5-52 is the recommen!e! alue to use as the uni6ue
mo.ile i!.
To .in! a CalAmp !eice to a speci/ie! Account%*eice recor!, set the 5-ni6ue I*$5 /iel! on the *eice%<ehicle
A!min page to the appropriate pre/i;e! uni6ue-i! alue. +or e;ample$
%ni&ue 'D4 ca_-.2/001235
")3 Setting the CalAmp %roperties
3roperties &hich e//ect the .ehaior o/ the CalAmp serer are set in the 5Properties5 tag section. The
/ollo&ing properties may .e set 1chec4 the 5dcservers/dcserver_calamp.xml5 /ile /or the latest aaila.le
property settings2$
<Propert5 6e5="minimumpeed7P8">..0</Propert5>
This is the minimum accepta.le spee! alue, .elo& &hich the !eice &ill consi!ere! not moing, an! the spee!
&ill .e e;plicityly set to 50.05.
<Propert5 6e5="statusLocation'n9otion">true</Propert5>
I/ 5true5, the *CS &ill replace an eent &hich other&ise is !e/ine! to .e a general STATUS_LOCATION status
co!e instea! &ith a STATUS_MOTION_IN_MOTION status co!e, i/ the in!icate! spee! o/ the ehicle is greater
than =ero.
<Propert5 6e5="simulateDi"ital'nputs">0x00</Propert5>
I/ speci/ie!, this mas4 alue in!icates &hich o/ the CalAmp !igital inputs shoul! .e chec4 /or state changes, an! i/
a state change is !etecte!, an eent &ith the appropriate !igital input state change status co!e &ill .e generate!.
The special alue 5!alse5 is the same as entering a mas4 alue o/ 505, &hich in!icates that no !igital input state
changes shoul! .e !etecte!.
<Propert5 6e5="estimate:dometer">!alse</Propert5>
I/ 5true5, the *CS &ill calculate the current eent o!ometer .ase! on the !istance traele! since the last ali!
G3S location.
<Propert5 6e5="simulate;eo<ones">true</Propert5>
I/ 5true5, the *CS &ill chec4 /or geo=one arrials%!epartures an! insert the appropriate arrie%!epart eents.
<Propert5 6e5="starttopupported">!alse</Propert5>
This property shoul! .e set 5true5 i/ the CalAmp script supports generate! Start%Stop status co!e eents /rom
&ithin the CalAmp trac4ing !eice itsel/. This property shoul! .e set 5!alse5 i/ the CalAmp script !oes not
support generating Start%Stop status co!e eents.
<Propert5 6e5="accum.odometer">=/</Propert5>
<Propert5 6e5="accum.#atter5">=/</Propert5>
<Propert5 6e5="accum.idle*ime">=/</Propert5>
<Propert5 6e5="*ime">=/</Propert5>
<Propert5 6e5="accum.>or6*ime">=/</Propert5>
<Propert5 6e5="accum.#ra6e?orce">=/</Propert5>
<Propert5 6e5="accum.driver'D">=/</Propert5>
<Propert5 6e5="accum.!uelLevel">=/</Propert5>
<Propert5 6e5="accum.temp0">=/</Propert5>
<Propert5 6e5="accum.temp/">=/</Propert5>
<Propert5 6e5="accum.temp2">=/</Propert5>
<Propert5 6e5="accum.temp.">=/</Propert5>
GTS Enterprise Installation/Configuration Guide Page 6 of 15
The CalAmp serer supports arious accumulator alues, inclu!ing Odometer 1.ase! on internally calculate!
G3S !istances2, Idle-Time 1internally calculate! o/ secon!s that the engine is running, .ut the ehicle is
stoppe!2, Run-Time 1internally calculate! o/ secon!s that the engine is running2, Driver ID 1usually
o.taine! /rom an i>utton 4ey-/o.2, an! Temperatures 1usually o.taine! /rom a *allas Semicon!uctor 1-&ire
temperature sensor2. The alue /or these properties shoul! match the accumulator use! on the CalAmp !eice
&hich proi!es this in/ormation. A alue o/ 5=/5 in!icates that the CalAmp script !oes not proi!e in/ormation /or
the speci/ie! accumulator type.
See the 5accum.XXXXXXXX5 property !e/initions in the 5dcservers/dcserver_calamp.xml5 /ile /or the latest
aaila.le accumulator settings.
"*3 Changing the De!ault EventCode to StatusCode +apping"
The 0entCo!e to StatusCo!e mapping is speci/ie! in the 5@ventCode9ap5 an! 5Code5 tag sections. The
/ollo&ing is the !e/ault mapping use! to map CalAmp eent co!es to GTS status co!es$
<@ventCode9ap ena#led="true">
<(== *Aese are tAe de!ault @ventCode to tatusCode translations4 ==>
<Code 6e5="0x00">0x?020</Code> <(== 04 tatusCodes.*$*%_L:C$*':B ==>
<Code 6e5="0x0/">0x?0/0</Code> <(== /4 tatusCodes.*$*%_'B'*'$L'C@D ==>
<Code 6e5="0x02">0x?D-/</Code> <(== 24 tatusCodes.*$*%_C:B?';_D@@* ==>
<Code 6e5="0x0$">0x?0-0</Code> <(== /04 tatusCodes.*$*%_E%@DF ==>
<Code 6e5="0x//">0x?///</Code> <(== /24 tatusCodes.*$*%_9:*':B_*$D* ==>
<Code 6e5="0x/2">0x?//2</Code> <(== /14 tatusCodes.*$*%_9:*':B_'B_9:*':B ==>
<Code 6e5="0x/.">0x?//.</Code> <(== /04 tatusCodes.*$*%_9:*':B_*:P ==>
<Code 6e5="0x/-">0x?//-</Code> <(== 204 tatusCodes.*$*%_9:*':B_D:D9$B* ==>
<Code 6e5="0x/5">0x?//3</Code> <(== 2/4 tatusCodes.*$*%_9:*':B_'DL@ ==>
<Code 6e5="0x/3">0x?//$</Code> <(== 224 tatusCodes.*$*%_9:*':B_@GC@_P@@D ==>
<Code 6e5="0x/2">0x?//1</Code> <(== 2.4 tatusCodes.*$*%_9:*':B_@GC@_'DL@ ==>
<Code 6e5="0x/1">0x?0.0</Code> <(== 2-4 tatusCodes.*$*%_@GC@_HD$7'B; ==>
<Code 6e5="0x/0">0x?0.2</Code> <(== 254 tatusCodes.*$*%_@GC@_C:DB@D'B; ==>
<Code 6e5="0x/H">0x?/2.</Code> <(== 224 tatusCodes.*$*%_9:*':B_$CC@L@D$*':B ==>
<Code 6e5="0x/C">0x?//?</Code> <(== 214 tatusCodes.*$*%_9:*':B_8@$D'B; ==>
<Code 6e5="0x2/">0x?2/0</Code> <(== ..4 tatusCodes.*$*%_;@:?@BC@_$DD'I@ ==>
<Code 6e5="0x22">0x?2.0</Code> <(== .-4 tatusCodes.*$*%_;@:?@BC@_D@P$D* ==>
<Code 6e5="0x.0">0x?-20</Code> <(== -14 tatusCodes.*$*%_'BP%*_:B_00 ==>
<Code 6e5="0x./">0x?-2/</Code> <(== -04 tatusCodes.*$*%_'BP%*_:B_0/ ==>
<Code 6e5="0x.2">0x?-22</Code> <(== 504 tatusCodes.*$*%_'BP%*_:B_02 ==>
<Code 6e5="0x..">0x?-2.</Code> <(== 5/4 tatusCodes.*$*%_'BP%*_:B_0. ==>
<Code 6e5="0x.-">0x?-2-</Code> <(== 524 tatusCodes.*$*%_'BP%*_:B_0- ==>
<Code 6e5="0x.5">0x?-25</Code> <(== 5.4 tatusCodes.*$*%_'BP%*_:B_05 ==>
<Code 6e5="0x.3">0x?-23</Code> <(== 5-4 tatusCodes.*$*%_'BP%*_:B_03 ==>
<Code 6e5="0x.2">0x?-22</Code> <(== 554 tatusCodes.*$*%_'BP%*_:B_02 ==>
<Code 6e5="0x.1">0x?-21</Code> <(== 534 tatusCodes.*$*%_'BP%*_:B_01 ==>
<Code 6e5="0x.?">0x?-0/</Code> <(== 3.4 tatusCodes.*$*%_';B'*':B_:B ==>
<Code 6e5="0x-0">0x?--0</Code> <(== 3-4 tatusCodes.*$*%_'BP%*_:??_00 ==>
<Code 6e5="0x-/">0x?--/</Code> <(== 354 tatusCodes.*$*%_'BP%*_:??_0/ ==>
<Code 6e5="0x-2">0x?--2</Code> <(== 334 tatusCodes.*$*%_'BP%*_:??_02 ==>
<Code 6e5="0x-.">0x?--.</Code> <(== 324 tatusCodes.*$*%_'BP%*_:??_0. ==>
<Code 6e5="0x--">0x?---</Code> <(== 314 tatusCodes.*$*%_'BP%*_:??_0- ==>
<Code 6e5="0x-5">0x?--5</Code> <(== 304 tatusCodes.*$*%_'BP%*_:??_05 ==>
<Code 6e5="0x-3">0x?--3</Code> <(== 204 tatusCodes.*$*%_'BP%*_:??_03 ==>
<Code 6e5="0x-2">0x?--2</Code> <(== 2/4 tatusCodes.*$*%_'BP%*_:??_02 ==>
<Code 6e5="0x-1">0x?--1</Code> <(== 224 tatusCodes.*$*%_'BP%*_:??_01 ==>
<Code 6e5="0x-?">0x?-0.</Code> <(== 204 tatusCodes.*$*%_';B'*':B_:?? ==>
GTS Enterprise Installation/Configuration Guide Page 7 of 15
<Code 6e5="0x50">0x?-H0</Code> <(== 104 tatusCodes.*$*%_@L$P@D_L'9'*_00 ==>
<Code 6e5="0x5/">0x?-H/</Code> <(== 1/4 tatusCodes.*$*%_@L$P@D_L'9'*_0/ ==>
<Code 6e5="0x52">0x?-H2</Code> <(== 124 tatusCodes.*$*%_@L$P@D_L'9'*_02 ==>
<Code 6e5="0x5.">0x?-H.</Code> <(== 1.4 tatusCodes.*$*%_@L$P@D_L'9'*_0. ==>
<Code 6e5="0x5-">0x?-H-</Code> <(== 1-4 tatusCodes.*$*%_@L$P@D_L'9'*_0- ==>
<Code 6e5="0x55">0x?-H5</Code> <(== 154 tatusCodes.*$*%_@L$P@D_L'9'*_05 ==>
<Code 6e5="0x53">0x?-H3</Code> <(== 134 tatusCodes.*$*%_@L$P@D_L'9'*_03 ==>
<Code 6e5="0x52">0x?-H2</Code> <(== 124 tatusCodes.*$*%_@L$P@D_L'9'*_02 ==>
<Code 6e5="0x30">0x?D-1</Code> <(== 034 tatusCodes.*$*%_%P@BD ==>
<Code 6e5="0x3/">0x?D-$</Code> <(== 024 tatusCodes.*$*%_D@%9@ ==>
<Code 6e5="0x33">0x?D//</Code> <(== /024 tatusCodes.*$*%_H$**@DF_L@I@L ==>
<Code 6e5="0x20">0x?030</Code> <(== //24 tatusCodes.*$*%_@GC@_$CC@L ==>
<Code 6e5="0x2/">0x?03/</Code> <(== //.4 tatusCodes.*$*%_@GC@_$CC@L_2 ==>
<Code 6e5="0x22">0x?032</Code> <(== //-4 tatusCodes.*$*%_@GC@_$CC@L_. ==>
<Code 6e5="0x23">0x?0.0</Code> <(== //14 tatusCodes.*$*%_@GC@_HD$7'B; ==>
<Code 6e5="0x22">0x?0./</Code> <(== //04 tatusCodes.*$*%_@GC@_HD$7'B;_2 ==>
<Code 6e5="0x21">0x?0.2</Code> <(== /204 tatusCodes.*$*%_@GC@_HD$7'B;_. ==>
<Code 6e5="0x2C">0x?0.2</Code> <(== /2-4 tatusCodes.*$*%_@GC@_C:DB@D'B; ==>
<Code 6e5="0x2D">0x?0.1</Code> <(== /254 tatusCodes.*$*%_@GC@_C:DB@D'B;_2 ==>
<Code 6e5="0x2@">0x?0.0</Code> <(== /234 tatusCodes.*$*%_@GC@_C:DB@D'B;_. ==>
<Code 6e5="0x00">0x?0-/</Code> <(== /--4 tatusCodes.*$*%_'9P$C* ==>
<Code 6e5="0x??">0x?020</Code> <(== 2554 tatusCodes.*$*%_L:C$*':B ==>
This section is use! to map a !e/ine! CalAmp eent-co!e to a GTS 0nterprise status-co!e. It can also .e use!
to ignore an eent /or a speci/ic eent co!e alue.
The alue that shoul! .e speci/ie! on the Co!e 56e55 attri.ute is the !e/ine! eent co!e &hich is sent .y the
CalAmp !eice on the !ata pac4et. This alue may .e speci/ie! in either !ecimal, or he;i!ecimal notation.
The te;t alue o/ the 5Code5 tag shoul! .e the status-co!e to &hich the eent co!e shoul! .e mappe!. The
special alue 5i"nore5 can .e use! to cause eents &hich speci/y this eent co!e to .e ignore!. The special
alue 5de!ault5 in!icates that the status co!e on the generate! eent shoul! .e STATUS_LOCATION i/ the
ehicle is not moing, an! STATUS_MOTION_IN_MOTION i/ the ehicle is moing. <alues speci/ie! as either
!ecimal or he;i!ecimal &ill .e use! as the status co!e on the generate! eent.
<alues receie! /rom the !eice &hich are not mappe! in the a.oe 5@ventCode9ap5 section &ill .e
automatically mappe! to the co!e 50x@0XX5, &here 5XX5 is the he; representation o/ the co!e receie! /rom the
(e/er to the 5Status Codes and Description5 !ocumentation /or a list o/ currently !e/ine! status co!es.
GTS Enterprise Installation/Configuration Guide Page 8 of 15
",3 Setting the Availa-le Server-To-Device Commands"
Comman!s &hich are to .e sent to the CalAmp !eice .ase! on user re6uests are !e/ine! in the 5Commands5 tag
<Commands dispatcAPort="./050">
<Command name="LocateBo>" ena#led="true">
<Description>Locate Bo></Description>
<trin" protocol="udp"><()CD$*$)ac64!alse action4/0 data14/,,></trin">
<Command name="Locate9" ena#led="true">
<Description>9 Locate</Description>
<trin" protocol="sms"><()CD$*$)(D.J/J/0,,></trin">
=== (D.J/J/0
=== / = end report in $C7 !ormat
=== /0 = *Ae status/event code placed in tAe reported event
The 5Commands5 tag attri.ute 5dispatcAPort5 is use! to !e/ine the local port that the &e.-inter/ace &ill use to
connect to the CalAmp !eice communication serer to in!icate that a gien comman! shoul! .e sent. The &e.-
inter/ace sen!s a comman! re6uest to the CalAmp *CS, &hich then /or&ar!s the comman! to the CalAmp
!eice .ase! on the speci/ie! transport me!ia 1ie. -*3 or S)S1email22.
The 5Commands5 su.-tag 5$clBame5 is use! to speci/y the AC? name use! to allo&%!eny access to this !eice
comman! /eature /or speci/ic users. This AC? name shoul! also .e speci/ie! in the 5private.xml5 or
5private_common.xml5 /ile. To control speci/ic comman!s, the AC? 4ey !e/ine! in the 5private.xml5 or
5private_common.xml5 /ile, shoul! .e this AC? name, /ollo&e! .y a colon 15$52, /ollo&e! .y the speci/ic
comman! name.
The 5Command5 su.-tags !e/ine the speci/ic aaila.le comman!s. The 5name5 attri.ute speci/ies the comman!
name. The 5ena#led5 attri.ute speci/ies &hether this comman! is ena.le! or !isa.le!. *isa.le! comman!s &ill
not .e !isplaye!.
GTS Enterprise Installation/Configuration Guide Page of 15
The 5Command5 tag, 5*5pe5 su.-tag, speci/ies &here this comman! shoul! .e ma!e aaila.le /or user selection.
<ali! alues may .e spearate! .y commas, an! may .e 5map5 to speci/y that the comman! shoul! .e aaila.le on
the *eice Trac4 )ap page in a comman! pull-!o&n selection menu, or 5admin5 to in!icate that the comman!
shoul! .e aaila.le on the 5Properties5 page &hich can .e !isplaye! /rom the *eice A!min list page.
The 5Command5 tag, 5Description5 su.-tag, speci/ies the *escription%Title that &ill .e use! to !escri.e the
comman! in the pull-!o&n selection menu, or &hen !isplaye! on the *eice A!min 3roperties page.
The 5Command5 tag, 5trin"5 su.-tag, speci/ies the comman! &hich is to .e sent to the CalAmp !eice. The
5protocol5 attri.ute speci/ie! the transport me!ia use! to sen! the comman! to the !eice. Accepta.le alues
are &ither 5udp5 or 5sms5 1sms comman!s &ill .e sent to the S)S email gate&ay !e/ine! in the *eice recor!2.
In the case o/ 5sms5 protocol%transport, the alue o/ this tag is the actual comman! string &hich &ill .e sent to the
CalAmp !eice as a te;t message 1assuming that an appropriate S)S gate&ay is in use2.
The 5Command5 tag, 5tatusCode5 su.-tag, speci/ies the status-co!e o/ an au!it eent that shoul! .e generate!
&hen this comman! is sent to the !eice at the re6uest o/ a user. I/ no status-co!e is speci/ie!, then no eent &ill
.e generate!.
GTS Enterprise Installation/Configuration Guide Page 1! of 15
)3 Running the Server
To .egin listening /or incoming eents the serer must .e starte!. This section ! the process /or manually
starting the CalAmp serer, an! ho& to set up the system to hae is automatically start the CalAmp serer on
system re.oot.
)"13 +anuall. Starting the Server
The comman! /or manuall starting the CalAmp serer is as /ollo&s$
> cd K;*_8:9@
> #in/ =s calamp
To start the CalAmp serer &ith ! logging 1use/ul &hen testing or !e.ugging2, the option 5=de#u"5 may .e
a!!e! to the comman! line.
The serer &ill start, an! logging in/ormation &ill .e sent to the /ile 5K;*_8:9@/lo"s/calamp.lo"5.
+or ! purposes, it is sometimes use/ul to hae the logging output sent !irectly to the console, instea! o/ the
log /ile. In this case the option 5=i5 can also .e a!!e! to the comman!-line. @hen logging to the console, hit
control-C to stop the serer.
To ie& the running serer, you can use the"aa5 comman!$
> K;*_8:9@/#in/psLava
P'D Parent L %ser Mava class/Lar
====== ====== = ======== ==================================================
5-3.0N /O / open"ts or".apacAe.catalina.startup.Hootstrap
310.3N /O / open"ts /usr/local/;*_2.-.-=H2./#uild/li#/calamp.Lar
To stop the running CalAmp serer, enter the /ollo&ing comman!$
> cd K;*_8:9@
> #in/ =s calamp =6ill
This &ill stop the running CalAmp serer.
)"3 Automaticall. Starting the Server on S.stem Re-oot
The auto-start script /or +e!ora%Cent8S is locate! at 5K;*_8:9@/#in/on#oot/!edora/open"ts5, an!
shoul! hae .een installe! into the system !irectory 5/etc/init.d5 &hen the GTS &as installe! 1other
!istri.utions o/ ?inu; &ill re6uire other auto-startup scripts2.
This startup script uses the con/iguration speci/ie! in the /ile 5K;*_8:9@/#in/serverList5 to !etermine &hich
!eice communication serers to start up &hen the system is re.oote!. The line in this /ile that re/ers to the
CalAmp *CS shoul! appear similar to the /ollo&ing$
execerver "Cal$mp" "calamp" "KPoptionQ" ""
GTS Enterprise Installation/Configuration Guide Page 11 of 15
The /irst 6uote! string contains the *CS !escription. The secon! 6uote! string contains the I* o/ the !eice
communication serer an! must match a li.rary "ar /ile &ith the same name at
5K;*_8:9@/#uild/li#/calamp.Lar5. The thir! 6uote! string must contain the e;act alue 5KPoptionQ5,
&hich is use! &ithin the startup script to pass comman!-line arguments to the *CS startup co!e. The /orth
6uote! string is use! to pass other optional !e/ault or constant arguments to the *CS startup co!e.
)")3 +onitoring the $og /iles
@hen starte!, the CalAmp *CS &ill create the /ollo&ing output log /iles$
This /ile contains the process-i! 13I*2 o/ the CalAmp *CS e;ecution process. This 3I* is use! .y the 5=6ill5
option to terminate the running CalAmp *CS.
This log /ile is &here all other logging in/ormation is place! regar!ing the receipt an! parsing o/ !ata /rom the
remote CalAmp trac4ing !eices. As this /ile gro&s, it &ill .e 5rotate!5 into other log /iles timestampe! as /ollo&s$
@here 5YYYYMMDDHHMMSS5 represents the Aear%)onth%*ay%Bour%)inutes%Secon!s time that the /ile &as trimme!
an! rotate!.
The 5calamp.lo"5 /ile &ill re/lect any current connection attempts /rom remote CalAmp trac4ing !eices. As
!eices sen! their !ata to the serer, the receipt o/ the incoming !ata pac4ets, along &ith parsing results, &ill .e
!isplaye! in this log /ile.
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*3 Adding Devices to an Account
@hen !ata is receie! /rom a remote CalAmp trac4ing !eice, the CalAmp serer loo4s up the 0S7%I)0I
in the *eice ta.le to !etermine &hich Account%*eice o&ns this !eice. This section ! ho& to create a
*eice recor! an! associate an CalAmp trac4ing !eice &ith the *eice recor!.
*"13 Creating a 0e1 Device Record
-sing the &e.-inter/ace, log in to the appropriate Account &hich shoul! o&n the CalAmp trac4ing !eice, then
traerse to the 5*eice A!min5 page 1or 5<ehicle A!min5, etc, i/ so name!2. Create a ne& *eice as in!icate! in
the GTS 0nterprise Tutorial !ocumentation, then 50!it5 the ne&ly create! *eice recor!.
8n the 0!it page, there &ill .e a /iel! !escri.e! as /ollo&s$
-ni6ue I*$ C D
In this /iel! enter the alue 5ca_<ESN_Number>5, replacing 5<ESN_Number>5 &ith the !eice 0S7 +or
instance, i/ the 0S7 is 5-.2/0012355, then enter the alue 5ca_-.2/0012355 in this 5-ni6ue I*$5 /iel!.
A/ter ma4ing changes to the *eice recor!, clic4 the 5Change5 .utton.
*"3 The #Server ID# /ield
The 5Serer I*5 /iel! !isplaye! as a column title on the *eice list page, an! as a rea!-only /iel! on the *eice
0!it page, is assigne! a alue &hen the CalAmp !eice sen!s its /irst !ata pac4et to the serer. -ntil then, this
alue &ill remain .lan4.
@hen ie&ing a list o/ create! *eice recor!s &ith assigne! CalAmp !eices, recor!s &hich still hae .lan4
5Serer I*5 /iel!s in!icate that no incoming !ata pac4et has .een receie! /or this particular *eice.
GTS Enterprise Installation/Configuration Guide Page 13 of 15
,3 Testing a 0e1 Con!igured Device
This section ! the process /or monitoring ne&ly con/igure! CalAmp !eices that hae .een assigne! to
an Account%*eice recor!.
,"13 +onitoring !or Incoming Connections
The Account report 5?ast Eno&n *eice ?ocation5 can .e use! to !isplay the last 4no& location o/ a gien !eice,
&hich can also .e use! to !etermine &hether any eents hae .een receie! /rom a speci/ic CalAmp !eice.
The 5Serer I*5 /iel! on the *eice recor! &ill also in!icate i/ a !ata pac4et has arrie! /rom a speci/ic CalAmp
!eice an! success/ully assigne! to the *eice recor!.
I/ no in!ication on the *eice reports, or 5Serer I*5 /iel! is ei!ent, then the log /ile itsel/ can .e consulte! /or
in!ications o/ incoming !ata pac4ets /rom the CalAmp !eice. The in/ormation in the log /ile can in!icate &hether
an I)0I may not hae .een properly assigne!, so the CalAmp *CS is una.le to !etermine &hich
Account%*eice the incoming !ata pac4et .elongs to.
,"3 2ie1ing the &nassigned Device Report
In the case &here an CalAmp !eice is put into serice &ithout haing .een assigne! to an Account%*eice
recor!, or &here the 0S7 &as incorrectly entere! in to the *eice recor!, the CalAmp *CS may not
4no& to &hich Account%*eice the incoming !ata pac4et .elongs.
@hen the CalAmp *CS cannot !etermine the o&nership o/ an incoming !ata pac4et, it &ill place the 0S7%I)0I
an! currently G3S location into the 5-nassigne!*eices5 ta.le. The 5-nassigne! *eices5 report can .e selecte!
/rom the System A!ministrator login panel 15System A!min5 ta., 5SysA!min (eports5 menu option, 5-nassigne!
*eices5 report2. This report &ill sho& the 5Serer I*5 1CalAmp2, 5-ni6ue I*5 10S7 or I)0I num.er2, an! the last
time !ata &as receie! /rom this !eice. This in/ormation can .e use! to !etermine &hether an 0S7%I)0I
&as eer assigne! to an Account%*eice recor!, or i/ an 0S7%I)0I &as incorrectly assigne! to an
Account%*eice 1ie. transpose! !igits, etc2.
GTS Enterprise Installation/Configuration Guide Page 14 of 15
A3 Trou-leshooting CalAmp Device Connection Issues
The /ollo&ing are /e6uently-as4e!-6uestions regar!ing commonly occurring connection issues.
4$ I:e con/igure! an CalAmp !eice to sen! !ata to the serer, .ut hae not receie! any !ata.
A$ )onitor the 5calamp.lo"5 /ile /or possi.le incoming connections /rom the !eice. I/ there is no in!ication that
the serer is receiing any communication /rom the remote !eice, the most common reasons to chec4 inclu!e$
)a4e sure !eice has a ali!%actie SI) car!.
)a4e sure the !eice has .een programme! &ith the proper A37 15Access 3oint 7ame52 con/iguration as
speci/ie! .y your &ireless serice proi!er.
)a4e sure the !eice has .een programme! &ith the proper host an! port o/ your serer.
)a4e sure the serer /ire&all allo&s incoming -*3%TC3 connections on the speci/ie! port. I/ the serer itsel/
proi!es its o&n /ire&all, then chec4 the /ire&all settings. 8n ?inu;, this is usually controlle! .y 5ipta#les5.
The comman! to !isplay the current ipta.les con/iguration is 5ipta#les=save5 1must .e run as 5root52.
See 5http$%%&&&./!ocs%ipta.les%ipta.les-sae.html5 /or more in/ormation.
4$ I see !ata arriing /or my !eice in the 5calamp.lo"5 /ile, .ut it is al&ays the same eent that is .eing sent oer
an! oer.
A$ I/ this occurs /or all con/igure!%connecte! CalAmp !eices, the pro.lem is li4ely that returne! -*3
ac4no&le!gments are not .eing returne! properly to the !eice. The most li4ely reason /or this is that your
computer respon!s to more than one I3 a!!ress, an! the returne! -*3 pac4ets are .eing sent /rom a !i//erent I3
a!!ress than the one that the !eice is con/igure! to sen! !ata to. This can .e /i;e! .y setting the 5#ind$ddress5
attri.ute in the 5dcservers.xml5 /ile in the GTS installation !irectory 1then restart the CalAmp *CS2. In some
cases, the SI) car! &ireless serice proi!er !oes not allo& returne! -*3 pac4ets to .e sent /rom the serer .ac4
to a !eice. In this case, it may .e necessary to program the CalAmp !eices to not re6uire a return
A$ I/ this occurs /or only one !eice 1ie. other !eices are reporting as e;pecte!2, this this is li4ely !ue to the G3S
receier:s ina.ility to o.tain a ne& G3S /i;, an! the preious G3S /i; is .eing resent. This usually means that the
!eice is simply in an area &here the G3S satellites cannot .e seen 1ie. In!oors, etc2. 8n rare occasions, this can
mean that the G3S antenna has .ecome unplugge!, or has .een !amage!.
4$ The receie! eents hae a ali! latitu!e%longitu!e, .ut !o not hae an o!ometer alue.
A$ The CalAmp *CS property 5estimate:dometer5 allo&s ena.ling a calculate! o!ometer alue, .ase! on the
!istance traele! .et&een successie G3S points. To ena.le a calculate! estimate! o!ometer alue, ma4e sure
this property is set to 5true5. Alternatiely, the CalAmp can .e programme! to inclu!e an o!ometer alue in the
!ata pac4et, calculate! internally .ase! on successie G3S locations.
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