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I mportance Of Gomutra I n Ayurveda With Additional Reference

Of Panchagavya:
Since thousands of years, we worship cow as KAMADHENU, the God who fulfills our desire. We
worship cow as the mother of all entities, which gives all pleasures to everyone. Even when a mother is unable
to feed her baby with milk, the cows milk meets the need. Hence by all such reasons cow is considered as the
mother and also respected her with offerings and poojas. Similarly the products obtained from cow are also
beneficial to all mankind in many ways.
The urine, milk, ghee, curd and dung obtained from cow are beneficial in different ways as food
supplement, medicine, etc. Collectively these 5 products from cow is called as PANCHAGAVYA, which
holds its own importance in spiritual and medicinal aspects. In India, we use panchagavya as such or in single
or in combination with other drugs for medicine and spiritual uses traditionally. Similar to sweet man use milk
of cow from birth to death, hence it is also called asaajanmasaatmaya. But in general the importance is much
given to milk and milk products other than the rest four obtained from cow. When we consider panchagavya,
the reference says:
Gavyam pavitram cha rasayanam cha patthyam cha hrudayam
Balam bhuddhi syaat aayupadam raktavikaara hari
Tridosham hrudrogam vishaapaham syaat.
Which means panchagavyam is as purest as Gangajalam, the greater elixir, the proper diet which is pleasing
to heart, gives mental strength by enhancing intellect, enhancing the quantity and quality of life, and cures the
disorders arising due to intoxicated blood disorders. It balances the tridosha, cures heart related disorders and
best in pacifying the effects of poisons.
Yattwak asti gatam paapam deham tistatti mamke
Praashanaat panchagavyasya dahasagniriva dhanam
Which means from skin to bones whatever sins (diseases) are in my body are destroyed by panchagavya just
as a fire destroys fuel. Similar is the effect of panchagavya in human body.
Hence panchagavya is been given much importance in both medicinal and spiritual aspects. Therefore
similar to milk importance has to be given to other four products also. It has to bring into practice.
In concern with Gomutra the spiritual, medicinal and traditional values are higher. Traditionally,
Gomutra is being sprayed in courtyards and home for its holy purpose. When sprayed, it is said to bestow all
happiness, purity, prosperity, positive health, wealth etc. Cow is considered as dwelling place for all God and
Goddess. Since ancient times people own cow and feed with care for cultural values. They also make use of
cow in getting milk and other products. Further looking in higher level in Hindu dharma cow is pet of majority
of God and Goddess like Lord Shiva, Goddess Parvathy, Lord Vishnu, Lord Krishna, Lord Ragavendra etc to
name a few. Thus feeding and taking care of cow is considered as an auspicious duty in Indian tradition and
spiritual system.
In case of medicinal benefits though all the five products are considered equally important, the use of
Gomutra is highlighted here.
All ancient text books of Ayurveda explain the importance of cows urine in treatment of various
disorders. Ayurveda alone can explain 8 types urine with their properties and uses, among which cows urine is
considered as the best. Astanga Samgraha of vagbhatta quotes:
Mutram Go aja avi mahishi gaja ashwa oustra kharodbhavam|
Pittalam ruksha teekshna ushnam lavanaanurasam katuhu||
Krimi shopha udhara anaaha shoola pandu kaphaanilaan |
Gulma aruchi visha switra kusta arshaamsi jayeet laghu ||
Vireka astaapana alepa swedadishu cha poojitam |
Deepanam paachanam bhedi teshu gomutram uttamam ||(Ast. Sam)
This quotation explores that among 8 urine, namely urine of cow, goat, sheep, buffalo, elephant, horse, camel
and mans urine, the urine of cow is said to be best. (Indication of the word mutra also in texts refers to go
mutra in general. Gomutra should only be collected from a healthy cow. Ayurveda also give lakshnas (sign) of
healthy cow. ) Gomutra is hot in potency, rough/dry in nature with strong penetrative power. Such a quality is
highly necessary to penetrate and spread the medicine deep into the body through all deep and minute channels
and pores of body. Such a quality is also beneficial reaching brain and even minutest to psychic level.
The taste is pungent followed by salty. Gomutra is light and so easily digestible. This induces appetite,
even splits complex substances to lightest or simpler form. Considering all the above said qualities Gomutra is
used in different indications through different modes of preparation of medicaments as in case of purgatives, in
kashaya vasti, as topical applications, in sudation therapy etc are used in case of intestinal worms, edema,
anasarca, ascitis/ organomeaglies, abdominal distensions, various painful conditions, in anemia and other
disorders related to kapha and vata origin. It is also directly indicated in texts the usage in abdominal lumps,
anorexia, intoxication, poisons, leprosy and other skin related disorders, hemorrhoids, fistula etc.
In India, drinking of cows urine has been practiced for thousands of years. One form of cows urine
with popular use now a day is cows urine distillate (Gomutra arka in Ayurveda). A transparent liquid
obtained when cows urine is subjected to the process of distillation. This distillate shows more acceptability
than crude cows urine and also shows all properties equal to crude cows urine. Recent researchers prove that
cows urine distillate acts as a bio-enhancer of antibiotic activity. Thus it is the best example to prove the
efficacy of Gomutra holds its fame in Ayurveda since thousands of years where modern world of research is
being just proving it in new dimension.
The healing properties of cows urine are mentioned in many ancient Hindu texts too. And are
studied by several authors, there are several reports about the importance of Gomutra in prevention of various
diseases caused by microbes and other psychological factors. Microbes are one of the culprits causing disease
in humans, animals and plants. Several bacteria, fungi, viruses, protozoa, helminthes are responsible for
causing millions of infections and deaths every year.
Even though researchers and pharmaceutical industries have produced a number of new anti
microbial drugs, resistance to drugs used as therapeutic agents. Now a days the modern research world make
interest in Ayurveda and its hidden facts along with other traditional medicines using plants, cows urine and
other animal products to observe and make use of anti microbial properties associated with anti-biotics.
Keeping these in mind we the members of traditional science practitioner are very fortunate and
proud to speak on the usages of Gomutra before this modern scientific world. The knowledge on Gomutra is
detailed well in sastras. Being highly recommended by sastras it is considered as holy and safe to use. The
known Ayurveda sastra throws light in Gomutra as natural form of antibiotic and anti microbial and being
named as sanjeevani. Gomutra is highly potent medicine in curing top ranked infectious diseases. It also acts
on kidney and liver in detoxifying them, which are considered as the major organs of purification. What more
is best in purifying the organs of purifications itself Gomutra helps in cleaning the system from toxins and acts
as antidote that protect the body from various types of poisons.
This same magical liquid is used as eco-friendly home disinfectant and natural insecticide. Taking
bath with few amount of Gomutra mixed in warm water not only purifies physical body but also purifies
supreme soul and protects body from being attacked by biological germs and invisible evils. Hence, Gomutra
is compared as pure and sacred as Ganga jala for its pavitram (purity). Therefore Gomutra is sprinkled over
body and head or bathed along with water to destroy the sins and also diseases caused by sins in previous birth
and present birth too as said in classics.
The laboratory analysis of cows urine shows that it contains iron, copper, nitrogen, sulphur,
manganese, carbolic acid, silicon, chlorine, magnesium, melci, titric, citric, sucerinic citrates, calcium salts,
enzymes, mineral salts, vitamins like A,B,C,D,E, creatinine, uric acid, hormones, gold acids etc, and most
interestingly hipuric acid, which removes toxins through urine, Aurum hydroxide, which acts as germicide
and there by acts as immunomodulators in increasing immunity if body and build resistance against all minor
to major infectious agents.
The above mentioned contents of Gomutra on an analysis are found to be very useful in balance of
body constitutes. Thus whenever we urinate there is a loss of such micro nutrients, which are well
compensated by daily intake of Gomutra.
There are several forms of intake like-
1. As crude Gomutra freshly collected first urine in morning from a healthy cow.
2. As a distillate (Gomutra arka) as mentioned earlier.
3. As a medicated product like panchagavya grutha or just mixing 5 products daily.
4. As Gomutra vasti (enema) in various disorders mentioned in Ayurvedic classics.
5. As nasal administration Nasya, for many psychological disorders.
6. Gomutra Ghana vati available as tablet form in markets can also be used.
All these are based on requirement. In general it is advisable to consume 5 20 ml of Gomutra for maintaining
positive health.
Gomutra is considered as antifungal, antibacterial, anti allergic, antibiotic, antimicrobial,
antihelmentic etc in modern terms. But the usage of Gomutra is innumerable, yet few conditions are listed
further based on its guna (character) and dosha (effects). Though Gomutra is pittala, it istridosha hara. When
dose and usage are fixed on requirements and based on condition, mode of administrations, mode of
preparation, it becomes like nectar, thus pacifying all 3 doshas. Thus the usage of Gomutra is accounted from
small infection to severe disorder. Few well established results and which are in practice are stated below as
Note: dose and volume etc are not discussed here as it is fixed based on condition, type of patient, type of
disorder etc. hence it is carefully administered by physician after complete analysis of patients criteria.
In Hypercholesterolemia: Gomutra along with jeeraka, honey and triphala churna taken in empty stomach
daily reduces cholesterol, harmful alkaloids, etc.
In Obesity: Gomutra along with honey and lime juice made as a drink consumed daily reduces weight greatly
without any harm to other systems.
In High Degree Fevers: Gomutra especially arka can be administered along with jeeraka water reduces the
fever and also kindles digestive fire.
In Astma and Other Bronchial Disorders: Gomutra mixed with shunti and pippali and little honey. This
mixture is administered for 1-2 week twice daily in empty stomach in morning and at bed time at night. This
also reduces wheeze.
In Stomach Pain and Abdominal Colics: (Other Than Appendicitis And Renal Colics): Warm the
Gomutra along with vata shamaka tailam and applied warm over pain region and done smooth massage
in anulomana direction.
In Hypertension/Depression/Headaches: Gomutra is heated with ghee and the fumes are inhaled followed by
application of same mixture in naval (nabhi). This also releases thamas.
In Baldness/Alopecia: - Gomutra nasya
In Sinusitis: Gomutra nasya, and internally Gomutra and trikatu churnam .
In Tonsillitis: Gomutra is mixed along with soft ksharas and applied over infected tonsils continuously for 10
In Jaundice: Gomutra administered internally along with katuki and jeeraka in empty stomach twice daily
starting with lesser dose thereby increasing the amount daily.
In Blood Intoxication: Gomutra along with fresh amalaki juice twice daily.
In Diabetes: Gomutra alone taken in empty stomach in morning and after food at night reduce diabetes by
enhancing the production of insulin making pancreatic function active. (Note strict avoidance of curd and
sweet intake is recommended).
In Acne/ Pimples: Gomutra alone is daily used to wash face twice daily in case of white head pimples (pus). It
also reduces formation of excess sebum and thus leaves skin dry.
In Dysmenorrhea: Gomutra along with takra (butter milk) or navaneeta (butter) with few drops of tila taila is
In Leuchorrhea: Gomutra is added with triphala kashaya with or without lime is used as dough or genital
wash daily.
In Leucoderma: Gomutra mixed with avalgujaadi beeja churnam and applied external over the skin.
In Fungal Skin Disorders/Itches/Eczema: Gomutra along with khadhira churna and applied regularly for 10
15 days to avoid recurrence.
In Heart Disorders: Gomutra along with matulunga swarasa and saindhava lavana is indicated
In Amenorrhea: Gomutra with tila taila and amalaki swarasa
In Rheumatoid/Osteo/Gouty Arthritis Pain & Inflammation: Gomutra mixed along with cow dung and
heated. It is applied warm over painful joints, gives quick relief from pain.
In Dermal Warts: Gomutra with kshara and tila taila external application.
In Hyper Thyroid: Gomutra along with aswagandha along with any guggulu preparation is given.
In Conjunctivitis/ Eye Inflammation: Gomutra arka is dropped as eye drops.
In Sprue Syndrome/Amoebiasis: Gomutra with vilwa swrasa.
In Anemia/ Edema: Gomutra along with ardraka swarasa.
In Dental Pain: Gomutra along with tilataila and lavanga churna for gurgled.
In Nasal Polyps: Gomutra with a pinch of saindava lavana used as nasya.
In Bloating of Abdomen/ Admaana: Gomutra with lashuna and triphala kashaya is administered.
In Dandruff: Gomutra with tila taila and lemon juice is applied on scalp and head bath taken in Luke warm
In Dizziness/ Excess Day Sleep/Giddiness: Gomutra nasya relives thamas.
In general the dose or amount of Gomutra is taken half the amount the dose in vata when compared to the dose
of kapha. Still half the amount dose of vata in case of pittaja disorders.
1. It prevents heart disorders.
2. It maintains equilibrium of water content and acid base balance.
3. It cleans kidney and liver and strengthens their activities.
4. It cleans all channels of body and also opens obstruction in channels thus can even reach
brain. Hence it is highly indicated in all disorders of brain/ neurological conditions like apasmara,
unmade, atattvabinivesha , compulsive disorders and other psychiatric complaints.
5. It is potent anti-poisonous.
6. It removes the deposits of other chemical residue taken during any long term drug therapy.
7. It enhances the function of respiratory system.
8. It enhances the function of nervous system.
9. It enhances the mobility of smooth muscles.
10. It clears the viscous obstructions in blood vessels.
11. It enhances the complexion of skin.
12. It enhances metabolic activity of cells.
13. It accelerates the sexual centers and there by improves reproductive system.
14. It enhances tissue metabolism.
15. It slows down aging process.
16. It detoxifies blood and hepatic circulation.
17. It enhances production of bile and pancreatic secretions.
18. It corrects menstrual disorders.
19. It boosts immunity power by increasing the resistance power.
20. It maintains the level of insulin by enhancing the function of pancreas.
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