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Misrak TVET College

Training, Teaching and Learning Materials Development

Ethiopian TVET-System
Level I
&nit o( Competence) Operate 'ersonal Computer
Module Title ) Operating 'ersonal Computer
L# Code ) ICT IT%* M+, L+* *
TTLM Code ) ICT IT%* TTLM+, +-**
LO ,) 'rint In(ormation
INTRODUCTION Learning Guide # 20
Learning #uide Date) +-./+*0 'age 1 o( *1
evision !uthor) ICT, IT 2 Misrak TVET College
Misrak TVET College
Training, Teaching and Learning Materials Development
This learning guide is developed to provide 3ou the necessar3 in(ormation regarding the (ollo4ing
content coverage and topics 2
%elect the de(ault printer and check printer settings
'rinter documents
Vie4 the progress o( print 5o6s
This guide 4ill also assist 3ou to attain the learning outcome stated in the cover page7
%peci(icall3, upon completion o( this Learning #uide, 3ou 4ill 6e a6le to 2
!dd printers i( re8uired and ensured to have correct priner !eing!
Change de(ault printer i( appropriate
'rint in(ormation (rom an installed printer
Learning A"i#iie!
*7 ead the speci(ic o65ectives o( this Learning #uide7
/7 ead the in(ormation 4ritten in the 9In(ormation %heets *: in pages 1.-7
17 !ccomplish the 9%el(.check: in page ,7
07 I( 3ou earned a satis(actor3 evaluation proceed to 9Operation %heet *: in pages ;.<7 "o4ever, i(
3our rating is unsatis(actor3, see 3our teacher (or (urther instructions or go 6ack to Learning
-7 ead the 9Operation %heet *: and tr3 to understand the procedures discussed7
,7 I( 3ou satis(actoril3 per(ormed Operation %heet *, proceed to 9Operation %heet /: in pages *+.
**7 "o4ever, i( 3our rating is unsatis(actor3, see 3our teacher (or (urther instructions or go 6ack
to Operation %heet *7
;7 ead the 9Operation %heet /: and tr3 to understand the procedures discussed7
>7 I( 3ou satis(actor3 per(ormed Operation %heet /, proceed to 9Lap Test on page */7 "o4ever, i(
3our rating is unsatis(actor3, see 3our teacher (or (urther instructions or go 6ack to Operation
%heet /7
<7 Do the 9L!' test: ?i( 3ou are read3@ and sho4 3our output to 3our teacher7 $our teacher 4ill
evaluate 3our output either satis(actor3 or unsatis(actor37 I( unsatis(actor3, 3our teacher shall
advice 3ou on additional 4ork7 Aut i( satis(actor3 3ou can proceed to Learning #uide /*7
$our teacher 4ill evaluate 3our output either satis(actor3 or unsatis(actor37 I( unsatis(actor3,
3our teacher shall advice 3ou on additional 4ork7 Aut i( satis(actor3 3ou can proceed to the
neBt topic7
In$%r&ai%n S'ee
Se(e" 'e de$au( priner and "'e")
priner !eing!
Learning #uide Date) +-./+*0 'age 2 o( *1
evision !uthor) ICT, IT 2 Misrak TVET College
Misrak TVET College
Training, Teaching and Learning Materials Development
Se(e" 'e de$au( priner and "'e") priner !eing!
'rinters that 3ou can access (rom 3our computer ma3 6e directl3 connected to 3our
'C or 3ou ma3 have access to printers over a net4ork7 ! ne*%r) priner could serve
man3 computers so 3ou ma3 not 6e the onl3 person sending 5o6s to a printer7 In this case
it is particularl3 use(ul to 6e a6le to vie4 the progress o( 3our print 5o6s as the3 ma3 6e
sitting in a 8ueue 4aiting to 6e printed7 $ou can also cancel a print 5o6 a(ter 3ou have sent
it to the printer7
C'e") priner! +%u "an a""e!!
I( printing over a net4ork there ma3 6e more than one printer 3ou can access7 To
check the printers that 3ou have access to)
*7 Click on Sar and then select the C%nr%( ,ane(7
/7 on ,riner! and -a.e! to open this item7
17 In ,riner! and -a.e! 3ou see the names o( the computerCs that 3ou should
6e a6le
to access7
-igure 1/ 'rinters and FaBes ?under the Control 'anel@ 4here 3ou can see the printerCs
3ou have access to
C'ange 'e de$au( priner
Learning #uide Date) +-./+*0 'age 0 o( *1
evision !uthor) ICT, IT 2 Misrak TVET College
Misrak TVET College
Training, Teaching and Learning Materials Development
I( 3ou have access to more than one printer, then one o( those printers 4ill 6e the
de$au( priner7 This means it is automaticall3 selected 4hen 3ou send a 5o6 to print7 In
-igure 1 3ou can see that the de(ault printer has a tick neBt to it7
To set a printer as the de(ault printer)
*7 In the ,riner! and -a.e! 4indo4 on the name or icon o( the
/7 %elect Se a! De$au( ,riner (rom the menu7
-igure 2/ on a printer to select %et as De(ault 'rinterDto make this printer the
I( 3ou onl3 have one printer availa6le then 3ou 4ill not need to set a de(ault printer7
C'e") prining pre$eren"e! $%r a priner
'rinting pre(erences include options (or printing such as)
the siEe o( the paper 3ou are printing to
4hether the document 3ou are printing has a horiEontal ?landscape@ or vertical
?portrait@ la3out
4hether 3ou 4ant to print on 6oth sides or onl3 one side o( the paper
ho4 man3 copies o( the document 3ou 4ant to print7
Learning #uide Date) +-./+*0 'age 1 o( *1
evision !uthor) ICT, IT 2 Misrak TVET College
Misrak TVET College
Training, Teaching and Learning Materials Development
$ou can change these options ever3 time 3ou send a document to the printer 6ut
3ou can also set de$au( options so that 3our pre(erred options are the de(ault until 3ou
change them7
To check or change the de(ault printing pre(erences (or 3our printer)
*7 In the ,riner! and -a.e! 4indo4 on the name or icon o( the
?%ee -igure 2@
/7 %elect ,rining ,re$eren"e! (rom the menu7
-igure 0/ The 'rinting 're(erences (or Microso(t O((ice Document Image Friter
17 To change the paper siEe 3ou 4ant to print on, click on the arro4 neBt to the
under ,age !i2e7 %elect a di((erent paper siEe (rom the popup menu7
07 To change the orientation o( 3our document page click in the 6utton neBt to
,%rrai or Land!"ape7
-7 Click OK to save an3 changes or Can"e( to keep the same settings7
Learning #uide Date) +-./+*0 'age 3 o( *1
evision !uthor) ICT, IT 2 Misrak TVET College
Misrak TVET College
Training, Teaching and Learning Materials Development
The pre(erences 6oB (or a printer 4ill have di((erent options depending on the
model o( the printer, 6ut the 6asic options sho4n in -igure 0 should 6e availa6le (or all
$ou can select more printing pre(erences in a pr%gra&4! ,rin 5%. at the time o(
Se($6C'e") 1 7rien Te!
Name:____________________ Date:_________________
In!ru"i%n/ !ns4er all the 8uestions listed 6elo4, i( 3ou have some di((icult3 doing this sel(
check,(eel (ree to ask 3our teacher (or clari(ications7
*7 Fhat printer could serve man3 computers so 3ou ma3 not 6e the onl3 person sending 5o6s
to a printerG
/7 This printer is automaticall3 selected 4hen 3ou send a 5o6 to print7
17 #ive the (our ?0@ 'rinting pre(erences options (or printing7
07 "o4 to set de(ault printerG
-7 In changing printing pre(erence, 4hat are the / orientation o( the documentG
,7 Fhere 3ou can select more printing pre(erenceG
Learning #uide Date) +-./+*0 'age 8 o( *1
evision !uthor) ICT, IT 2 Misrak TVET College
Misrak TVET College
Training, Teaching and Learning Materials Development
$ou must a6le to get > points to 6e competent other4ise 3ouHll take another
Operai%n S'ee 1
,rin d%"u&en!
,rin d%"u&en!
$ou can send a document to the printer (rom the desktop or (rom 4ithin the
application program that created the document7
,rin %ne %r &%re d%"u&en! $r%& 'e de!)%p
To print one or more documents (rom the desktop)
*7 Open a (older that contains one or more documents7
/7 Click on the name o( the (ile 3ou 4ant to print7
17 To print more than one (ile, hold do4n the C%nr%( ?Ctrl@ Ie3 on 3our ke36oard
keep clicking on (iles to add them to the selection7
07 Fhen all the (iles are selected, on one o( the selected (iles7 %elect
(rom the menu7
!ll the (iles 3ou selected 4ill 6e sent to the printer7
,rin a *e5 page
To practice printing a document (rom 4ithin an application program, tr3 printing a
page (rom a 4e6site7 $our computer needs to 6e connected to the Internet and have a
4e6 6ro4ser such as Internet EBplorer7
*7 on the Internet EBplorer icon on the desktop to open the program7
?I( 3our 4e6 6ro4ser is not on the desktop 3ou ma3 need to open the program
Sar then the A(( ,r%gra&! menu7@
Fhen the 6ro4ser program is open 3ou 4ill see the Internet EBplorer menus at
the top o( the 4indo47
/7 Click on the -i(e menu then select ,rin (rom this menu7
Learning #uide Date) +-./+*0 'age 9 o( *1
evision !uthor) ICT, IT 2 Misrak TVET College
Misrak TVET College
Training, Teaching and Learning Materials Development
-igure 1/ The 'rint command is under the File menu
17 The ,rin 6oB allo4s 3ou to change the printer and change the printing
pre(erences (or
the 5o67 ?Note that an3 changes here do not permanentl3 override the de(ault
Learning #uide Date) +-./+*0 'age : o( *1
evision !uthor) ICT, IT 2 Misrak TVET College
Misrak TVET College
Training, Teaching and Learning Materials Development
-igure 3/ The 'rint 6oB allo4s 3ou to change print settings and to print (rom 4ithin an
07 Fhen 3ou have made an3 changes to the print options click on ,rin to send
the page
to the printer or click on Can"e( i( 3ou donHt 4ant to print the page7
$ou can print a document (rom 4ithin an3 application program in the same 4a37 That is)
*7 Open the document 3ou 4ant to print ? on the (ilename i( it is not alread3
/7 Click on the -i(e menu then select ,rin7
17 In the ,rin 6oB check the printing pre(erences (or 3our 5o67
07 Click on ,rin7
Learning #uide Date) +-./+*0 'age ; o( *1
evision !uthor) ICT, IT 2 Misrak TVET College
Misrak TVET College
Training, Teaching and Learning Materials Development
Operai%n S'ee 2 Vie* 'e pr%gre!! %$ prin <%5!
Vie* 'e pr%gre!! %$ prin <%5!
I( a document is taking a long time to print or the printer is 6us3 4ith other
peopleHs print 5o6s, 3ou can check all the 5o6s that have 6een sent to a printer and see
4here 3our 5o6 is in the 8ueue7
From the 8ueue 3ou can also delete a print 5o6 i( 3ou decide 3ou 4ant to cancel it7
To vie4 the progress o( a print 5o6)
*7 Open ,riner! and -a.e! in the C%nr%( ,ane(7
/7 the printer icon to open the print monitor 4here 3ou can see the
currentl3 in the 8ueue (or that printer7
-igure 8/ Close up o( a print 8ueue
17 The print monitor lists the (iles that have 6een sent to the printer 4hich are
either in progress or 4aiting to 6e printed7 The order o( (iles in the list is the
order the3 4ill 6e printed7 Check the Sau! column ?neBt to D%"u&en Na&e@
to see the name o( the (ile that is currentl3 printing7
Once a 5o6 has printed it 4ill disappear (rom the 8ueue7
Learning #uide Date) +-./+*0 'age 10 o(
evision !uthor) ICT, IT 2 Misrak TVET College
Misrak TVET College
Training, Teaching and Learning Materials Development
De(ee a prin <%5
To delete a 5o6 (rom the print 8ueue)
*7 In the print monitor 4indo4 ?-igure 8@ click on the name o( the document 3ou
4ant to delete7
/7 'ress the De(ee ke3 on 3our ke36oard7
17 The (ollo4ing 6oB appears)
07 Click on =e! to delete the print 5o67 Click on N% i( 3ou do not 4ant to delete it7
-7 The 4ord De(eing 4ill appear in the Sau! column7
Note) I( 3ou are 4orking over a net4ork, 3ou cannot usuall3 delete the print 5o6s
that some else has sent ?as 3ou 4ould not have the permission to do this@7
S'%r"u! % 'e prin &%ni%r
Note) i( 3ou are not 8uick enough the document ma3 start to print 6e(ore 3ou get a
chance to delete it7 %o 3ou ma3 like to use a shortcut to access the print monitor 8uickl37
There ma3 6e a shortcut to the print monitor on the Ta!) >ar o( 3our desktop7
Other4ise, 3ou can create a shortcut to a print monitor)
*7 Open ,riner! and -a.e! in the C%nr%( ,ane(7
/7 Click on the printer icon 3ou 4ant to access7 "old do4n the mouse 6utton and
drag the icon to the desktop7
17 ! shortcut to the print monitor is no4 on the desktop7
$ou can this icon an3time to check the print 5o6s sent to this printer
and to delete the 5o6s 3ou have sent7
Learning #uide Date) +-./+*0 'age 11 o(
evision !uthor) ICT, IT 2 Misrak TVET College
Misrak TVET College
Training, Teaching and Learning Materials Development
Lap Te!
,ra"i"a( De&%n!rai%n
Time started) JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ Time (inished)
In!ru"i%n!/ $ou are re8uired to per(orm the (ollo4ing individuall3 4ith the presence o(
3our teacher7
*7 'rint this document
/7 Vie4ing the progress o( the print 5o6
17 Deleting a print 5o6
Learning #uide Date) +-./+*0 'age 12 o(
evision !uthor) ICT, IT 2 Misrak TVET College
Misrak TVET College
Training, Teaching and Learning Materials Development
$our teacher 4ill evaluate 3our output either satis(actor3 or unsatis(actor37 I(
&nsatis(actor3, 3our trainer shall advice 3ou on additional 4ork7 Aut i( satis(actor3,
3ou can proceed to the neBt topic7
Learning #uide Date) +-./+*0 'age 10 o(
evision !uthor) ICT, IT 2 Misrak TVET College

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