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Welcome to this 100-day of Prayer schedule.

It is our hope and belief that these next 100 days

will serve as a turning point for yourself individually and for the nation of Kenya.
We, as a nation, and individually, are at a crisis point. If it is not the threat of terrorism on one
side, then it's the travel advisories. If not the travel advisories, then its our tribal differences
that are breeding hatred. If not that, then its the cost of living that has greatly escalated. We
have reached a point of crisis, and who better to turn to at this stage than God? Who else can
help us? Who else can deliver us?
Last year we celebrated our Jubilee, yet these crises threaten to wipe out our very existence. I
believe that they are the spirits of the age antagonizing against the calling of God in this land.
We have a choice to either listen to the voice of the enemy, or to the voice of the Lord. As for
me and my house, we will serve the Lord.
These crises are part of the gross darkness that will cover the earth (Is 60:1-2), but in the midst
of this the church is rising. These crises are birth pangs that need to give way to the 'New
Kenya'. It is such an awesome privilege to be a part of this process. Generations down the line
will look back at this historic moment and say 'that's where things changed', and I will have
been part of the change. You too can be part of this by joining us over the next 100-days.
I would like to encourage you to pick a day every week when you can fast and pray through the
various issues highlighted in this document. If fasting on a weekly basis is too much, then fast
at least once over these 100 days. Our desire is to see the prayers of the saints ascending as
incense before the very throne of God. God will hear, and God will act. The 100-day focus starts
on Saturday the 5th of July 2014 and ends on Sunday the 12th of October 2014. We plan to
culminate the event with a large celebration where believers from all walks of life can come
and celebrate the goodness of the Lord. O Give thanks unto the Lord because He is good, and
His mercy endureth forever!
Lastly I would like to acknowledge the teams that have contributed to this effort. This
document has been compiled through the efforts of Kenya House of Prayer, Global Spheres and
the prayer sub-committee of the EAK.
Kenya, Let's Pray!
Bishop Mark Kariuki,
Chair, Evangelical Alliance of Kenya
100 Days of Prayer for Kenya
100 Days of Prayer for Kenya
Effective prayer builds on the Word of God. This is why many of the prayer points have scripture
verses alongside to provide guidance as we pray. Isaiah said that the Word of God would not
return unto Him void but would prosper whereunto he had sent it (Is 55:11). Let us return the
Word of the Lord unto Him.
James says that the effective fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much (James 5:16). He
emphasizes the fact that effective prayer is fervent prayer. We too need to pray fervently. So pick
a time when you're sober and alert. Find a time when you're not too tired or bogged down. This
is the best time to pray. It may mean not watching the first 20 minutes of news, but fervent
prayer will help you shape the news. Find the best time for you to pray fervently and mark this
as your hour of prayer.
It is our prayer that during this season, we will also find time to fast regularly. Our
encouragement is for you to fast at least one day a week over the season. If that is not possible
then fast as per your conviction, but don't forget the necessity of fasting. There are some things
that will not change in our lives without prayer and fasting (Matt 17:21).
What happens during a time of intense spiritual activity is that there can be collateral damage.
We should not be ignorant of this. It is important during this time (and any other time you may
be in the middle of intense spiritual activity) to cover your families, businesses and other loved
ones with the blood of Jesus. Moses gave us a precedence for this during the first Passover
(Exodus 12). The Israelites were to apply the blood of the Passover lamb to the doorposts of
their houses. Thus as the angel of death hovered over Egypt, He would pass over their houses.
Their families were hidden under the blood. The blood of Jesus is what speaks for us to do, and
we and our households need to be found under the blood during this season.
100 Days of Prayer for Kenya
Find groups of people with whom you can meet regularly to pray through the issues highlighted.
One will put a thousand to flight, and two will put ten thousand (Deut 32:30).
During times of prayer, various promptings may come to your heart. Be sensitive to these. Many
times these gentle nudges are the leadings of the Spirit concerning various issues. It is important
to test them and ensure that they align with the Word of God. Once you've confirmed this, then
follow them through in the place of prayer.
Various prophecies have been spoken over this nation. We bring a few of these prophecies to
100 Days of Prayer for Kenya
you for your own edification and comfort. They will also help to align us with God's purposes
and timings for the nation of Kenya.
PROPHECY ABOUT KENYA uttered in Arabic by Prophet Maged Gimian, from Egypt, at ICIPE
hall, Nairobi, Kenya, On April 28th 2007. Translated word by word by Dr. Nabil Morcos into
The Lord gave me the scroll, and said to me Eat it, so I ate it, and it was sweet in my mouth
but bitter in my belly. Then the Lord said to me Prophesy now over people, tongues, nations and
tribes. I have called you to Kenya, as I have called Jonah my servant, to convey the gospel of
grace before the eternal gospel which is full of judgment to my people in Kenya. This is the time
of grace, the time of acceptance and the time of salvation; the time when epochs will change.
I've sent you to them, to my people in Kenya, because I love them, so that they won't lose their
history and their destiny as a nation.
This is a very difficult time over the whole world, for I have put in the heart of the beast that is
coming out of Hades to wipe out peoples, nations and tribes from existence. (Some) nations will
be crushed away completely. Old political borders will be removed in (various) geographical
areas, to be replaced by new political borders. Old political systems will collapse, resulting in
economical destruction to many nations. Some nations which have been starving will be
satisfied, but only at the expense of the destruction of other nations. Other satisfied nations will
get hungry to the mercy of God and to the loaf of bread. International and regional Political
plans and coalitions will change, and the assistance coming from dependence on Babylon and its
power will collapse.
(Some) nations will fall down once they see their great symbols (leaders) break down in front of
their eyes. Construction of many towers of Babylon will come to a stop; and nations, tribes,
homes and families will divide and break up, and the brother will kill his brother in a spirit of
ecstasy to bring victory to the beast and to Babylon which is carried by the power of the satanic
This is the time of the judgment of God on all those nations and people which have submitted to
the spirit of Babylon. They will be destroyed by the beast. Yet I've put in his heart to accomplish
my own purposes. I am the chastiser of nations, am I ignorant? I am the chastiser of nations, for
I have made and formed the nations; can I then be ignorant? For they have despised me! They
call my name upon themselves but only my name without their wholehearted obedience.
(Therefore) I will severely shake nations, and many civilizations will vanish away. Yet my mercy
100 Days of Prayer for Kenya
won't be removed from them. This is why I've sent you to Kenya, for I have given Kenya a short
(grace) period to recognize the time of her visitation by the Lord, for this is the time of Kenya's
visitation, for I have loved Kenya, and the blood of its saints who were martyred is still screaming
in my ears. Yet, here is the patience of the saints and their faith.
I have loved Kenya, therefore I'll grant her a (grace) period of 10 years starting from today the
28th April 2007 , to repent and turn back; for my people to repent from deception, crookedness ,
and maliciousness; from worldly ways and agendas, and from sordid/shameful gain. I am calling
my people to repent. Let your leaders climb up with me to the mountain of Olives, to
Gethsemane and let them shed blood instead of tears, so that I won't wipe away my people in
Kenya and allow them to be taken to captivity and their land given away to another nation.
Let the political, economic and spiritual leaders of Kenya proclaim that Kenya is for Christ; yes,
Kenya is for me, and not for strangers. Kenya is currently governed by a strange economic power,
for all its wealth goes to strangers. What a pity that my beloved people in Kenya are poor, eating
the crumbs like dogs from the tables of their masters. I have blessed the land of Kenya, but its
wealth is in the hands of strangers. Those strangers govern Kenya economically by exercising an
evil spiritual power, emanating from the spirit of Babylon and spirit of the beast. They control
everything, yet from behind the scenes.
Let my people turn back to me so that I may have mercy on them from all strangers and evil
people. Fear God, ye spiritual leaders of my people in Kenya. Why are you craving after the love
of money? There is great abundance in my heavenly stores for you. Be sanctified, get purified
and call upon the Lord so that I may heal your land and raise the dead. You will then witness the
generation of my miracles and signs, and you will then witness the acts of Elijah and his power
when it sweeps upon this country, exposing and destroying all the principality of Jezebel;
defeating and killing the prophets of Baal; and destroying all idolatrous worship. You will then
witness from the east, west, north and south- my prophets who are carried by the wind of the
spirit of Elijah, restoring the hearts of Kenyans to one another, so that the Lord will raise new
families who are sanctified, purified and healed, and who will form a great nucleus for a new
generation that the Lord will create to restore Kenya, lest my judgment comes upon you.
I love you, so help me to lift you up. Come close to me and I will come closer. Don't touch my
anointed ones. Don't kill my prophets. Release the generation of Elijahs and I will then
encourage you.
I am reminding you one more time: I have given to you a grace period of ten years starting from
now, so that you restore Kenya to me. If you won't raise the heroes, Kenya will fall down in a
progressive series of a very steep decline in the form of disasters, starvations, wars, with the end
result that Kenya will fall down and be given to another, and vanish away from existence with no
Beware, for if Kenya falls down, many other nations will fall down and vanish away by the
vanishing of Kenya. Beware of the strangers amidst you, and from the stranger and false prophet
who is coming these days, bringing to you the law/code of the gentiles and not my law, in order
to govern maliciously and wilily. I will have mercy upon you says the Lord.
The Lord showed me that Kenyans are kindhearted and generous, but their land is being
exploited. Listen, Oh people of Kenya. You are not slaves in this land. You are the owners of this
land. God wants to restore the wealth of this land to you.
The Lord showed me another thing about Kenya: How can the church in Kenya send out
missionaries as long as it is lingering in poverty, and the wealth of the country is not owned by
the church? The Lord, therefore, tells you: Restore the wealth of this land to you. The Lord warns
you from the stranger, but not from the refugee. There is a stranger who is governing you via a
strange spiritual economical satanic power. Time has come to see great (Kenyan) Christian
businessmen who would govern the economy of Kenya instead of the stranger.
Then there is another stranger that is already coming to Kenya. It is another strange religious
power which has no spiritual history in this land, yet it is now invading Kenya in a very subtle and
secretive way. (Those words were given to me by the Lord before I've ever met any person from
Kenya). The destiny of Kenya is in your hands. The destiny of East Africa and many other African
nations, including the destiny of Egypt is in your hands. Don't ever say I am a despised nation
Or I am a small nation, for the Lord has his own laws: He chooses the despised and those who
are not, to nullify those who are.
100 Days of Prayer for Kenya
100 Days of Prayer for Kenya
Summary of Prophecies by Apostles Chuck Pierce and Emmanuel Kure at All
Saints Cathedral Hall on the 26th and 27th of August 2013
100 Days of Prayer for Kenya
Day 1: 2 Chron 7:14. Personal humility and repentance.
! Use these Scriptures for self-examination 2Cor 13:5, Ps 15, Ps 24:2-4, Isa 33:14-15.
Cardinal question In which ways have I offended or sinned against God?
! What are the things that can dirty a man's hand in the realm of the spirit. The ways
in which we minister, live at home, business conducts.
! What is in your heart? Your motives. Thoughts, intentions, your opinion or view of
others, what offences are you carrying? Is their pride, strife, stubbornness,
disobedience, anger, anxiety, worry, false ambition, covetousness, envy,
competition rivalry spirit, lies, witchcraft, seduction, gossip, false impression etc?
! Check your relationship with your husband, wives, fianc, in-law, neighbor.
Day 2: Rom 12:1-2. CONSECRATION
! Rededicate yourself a living sacrifice unto God
! Rev 5:9-10, 1 Peter 2:9, Zach 3:4 Ask the Lord to remove or purge you from old satanic
filthy garment (heritage) to enable you serve in the New Priesthood of Christ.
Day 3: 1 Thessalonians 5:18. Thanksgiving for yourself
! Thank God for how far He has brought you. Thank Him for your
successes and for your 'failings' (learning points). He has been leading you and
teaching you.
! Thank Him for your family, property etc.
Day 4: 1 Timothy 2:1. Thanksgiving for the leaders of the land
! Thank God for the President, Cabinet Secretaries, Governors, Senators, MPs, MCAs,
Opposition leaders and all elected leaders in the land.
! In 2013 Kenya turned 50. We have been through hills and valleys, and that milestone is
a good milestone to thank God for.
! Thank God for the opposition and their role in keeping the Government in check. Thank
God that this will be done in humility.
Day 5. 1 John 1:9. Repentance for our communities and tribes
! Every tribe has strengths and weaknesses. They also have customs and
traditions that contradict God's word. What cultures or traditions does your tribe
celebrate that contradicts the Word of God? Take time to bring these before the Lord
and repent of them.
100 Days of Prayer for Kenya
! What strongholds does your tribe or community struggle with? Repent of these before
the Lord. Ask God to purge your community of ungodly values and ungodly traditions.
Ask Him to open the eyes of the community to areas where they have missed the
mark, and for the humility and willingness to accept this correction.
! Ask God for a divine visitation of your community that would cause them to depart
from ungodly traditions and to embrace the principles of God.
Day 6. Ps 106.1. Thanksgiving for our tribal diversity as a nation.
! List down five tribes in this nation and list down the strengths that the tribe brings to
Kenya. Praise God for the strengths that the different tribes bring.
! Thank God that our tribal diversity is a reflection of the multi-sided wisdom of God
(Eph 3:10). Thank God that this wisdom is revealed.
Day 7. Col 3:17. Thanksgiving for our natural resources.
! Thanks God for the resources that God has endowed this nation with. Thank God for
the oil, natural gas, gold, water, coal, iron, titanium, rare metals etc.
! Thank God for the mountains and valleys, the seas and lakes, the beaches, the game
parks, the wildlife and even the arid and semi-arid areas. Thank God that the
purposes for everyone of these resources will be fulfilled.
1 Timothy 2:1-4 I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be
made for all peoplefor kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives
in all godliness and holiness. This is good, and pleases God our Savior, who wants all people to be
saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth.
1 Timothy 1:12 I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who has given me strength, that he considered me
trustworthy, appointing me to his service.
! Thank the Lord that this president is an answer to prayer. Beseech the Lord to save our
president and baptize Uhuru Kenyatta in the Holy Spirit, and his testimony will be
used in high places.
! Plead with the Father in heaven to pour out his blessings on Uhuru Kenyatta and
Margaret's marriage and their family. Sanctify the president in truth, humility and quiet
! Pray for the Deputy President William Ruto and his wife Rachael, and their family that
theirs will be an ever blessed family and will serve the people of Kenya as unto the Lord

Isaiah 58:8 your light will break forth like the dawn, and your healing will quickly appear; then
your righteousness will go before you, and the glory of the LORD will be your rear guard
100 Days of Prayer for Kenya
! Light of truth to guide Uhuru Kenyatta's steps, and godly wisdom to grace his mind and
encircle him.
! God to guide President Uhuru Kenyatta in leading this nation and
especially in appointments and unity of the Nation for in the LORD's hand the king's
heart is a stream of water that he channels toward all who please him (Prov 21:1)
! God to send pure-hearted spiritual advisors into Uhuru Kenyatta's life and that of the
Deputy President just as King Solomon recruited wise counselors to advise in all
matters because "with many advisors there is success" (Proverbs 24:6).
Day 10: A Compassionate leadership
2 Chronicles 10:7-9 7 They replied, If you will be kind to these people and please them and give
them a favorable answer, they will always be your servants.8 But Rehoboam rejected the advice
the elders gave him and consulted the young men who had grown up with him and were serving
him. 9 He asked them, What is your advice? How should we answer these people who say to
me, 'Lighten the yoke your father put on us'?
! That the president will listen to the concerns of the people of Kenya, show them
kindness, and please them as the wise elders advised King Rehoboam so that the
people will be their subjects and will always show respect to the presidency
! Ask God to rule in the affairs of our nation; that the president will be able to have
undistracted attention in his service to the nation as he implements godly solutions on
major political and national problems including security, medical services, education
and poverty.
Day 11: Church support
1 Pet 2:17 Show proper respect to everyone, love the family of believers, fear God, honor the
! Entreat the Lord to raise up the Church of Kenya to support the president's plan for the
needy and poor, the underprivileged and outcasts and for doors to open and
opportunities to arise through which President Uhuru Kenyatta can display God's favor
and righteousness.
Psalm 34:4 When I needed the Lord, I looked for Him I called out to Him, and He heard me and
responded. He came and rescued me from everything that made me so afraid.
! The God of peace will keep Uhuru Kenyatta from all fear, disease, physical sicknesses
depression, poor self-esteem, and intimidating thoughts but to fill him with
unspeakable joy.
! Take authority in Jesus' name over strongholds of wickedness in the nation (witchcraft,
wickedness, sorcery, freemasonry, fake prophets, illuminati, tribal gods, .) and cover
the president with the power of the cross so that he can overcome evil counsel,
evil temptations and evil influences; that God to shield our president from the devil
and all his schemes
100 Days of Prayer for Kenya
Ps 68:1-2 1 Let God arise, let his enemies be scattered: let them also that hate him flee before
him. 2 As smoke is driven away, so drive them away: as wax melteth before the fire, so let the
wicked perish at the presence of God.
! Invoke the terror of the Lord upon the terrorists, where ever they are in their bases and
training cells, in the fields where ever they are assigned for their terror missions,
among all their leaders and fighters, in their most fortified garrisons. Pray the earth
beneath them to tremble and let the voice of trembling be heard in all their camps
(Jeremiah 30:5)
! Petition the Lord to:
O keep us from the hands of the terrorists and to preserve, protect, defend and
save our nation from the schemes of the terrorists
o Visit and ensnare the terrorists in their places of consultation, planning and
o Cause their sacrifices to become a trap for them and the false peace they
proclaim to be overturned
o Cause their eyes to be darkened so they don't see (turn their satanic wisdom used to
forge weapons of terror into total ignorance and confusion). Declare Isa. 44:24-25
o Confuse the fruit of their doctrine and make their productivity so feeble and void
o Cause His anger and fierce indignation to continually burn against them and catch up
with them
o Cause their dwelling places to be desolate
o Cause the path of the terrorists to be slippery
o Arise Oh Lord and scatter the terrorists, driving them as smoke and melt them as wax in
the fire; rebuke the terrorists and all those who delight in war
o Ask the Lord to strengthen our security agencies, in wisdom and the gathering of
intelligence information; to give them courage and firmness in dealing with terrorism;
to drive away every fear of terror of any sort from them (Isaiah 54:14); to give them
confidence and assurance of the Lord's presence to protect and defend our nation
o Proclaim Isa 54:14-17 that Kenya shall be established in righteousness, Kenya shall be
far from even the thought of oppression or destruction, for Kenya shall not fear terror,
for it shall not come near Kenya.
o Proclaim Ps 147:12-14. Ask the Lord to command His special angels, the Cherubims to
be on 24 hour patrol around you and your County, cutting off all intruders with the
flaming sword that moves in all directions (Genesis 3:24).
Day 14: Decrees for the President.
Proclaim the following scriptures making mention of the President:
1 Thessalonians 5:23-24 Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify Uhuru Kenyatta completely;
and may his whole spirit, soul, and body be preserved blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus
Christ. 24 He who calls him to govern Kenya is faithful, who also will do it.
100 Days of Prayer for Kenya
Jude 24-25 Now to Him who is able to keep President Uhuru Kenyatta from stumbling, and to
present him faultless before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy, to God our Savior, who
alone is wise, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and forever.
Numbers 6:24-27 The LORD bless you and keep you President Uhuru Kenyatta; the LORD make
His face shine upon you, and be gracious to you; the LORD lift up His countenance upon you, and
give you peace.' So that you shall put the Name of God and of our Saviour on the people of
Kenya, to bless us.
Hebrews 13:20-21 Now may the God of peace who brought up our Lord Jesus from the dead,
that great Shepherd of the sheep, through the blood of the everlasting covenant, make you,
President Uhuru Kenyatta complete in every good work to do His will, working in you what is well
pleasing in His sight, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory forever and ever. Amen.
Romans 16:25-27 Now to Him who is able to establish Uhuru Kenyatta according to the
commandment of the everlasting God, to God, alone wise, be glory through Jesus Christ forever.
Day 15: THANKSGIVING Ps 100, 136,138
136:1 1O give thanks unto the Lord; for he is good: for his mercy endureth for ever.
! Thank God for the prophetic visitation, Redemption, mercy, favour to Kenya and to
our leaders, peoples, officials, land, and resources
! Thank God for grace, recovery, transformation, reformation and harvest of the souls in
this season of Jubilee
! Thank God for locating the Governor, Senator, MCA (Name/title), County/national
representatives and their families. Ask God for His blessings, love, peace, protection
and shielding of the Governor, the County Government leaders and their domain of
1 John 1:9 9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us
from all unrighteousness.
! Personal Sins. Use these Scriptures for self-examination 2Cor 13:5, Ps 15, Ps 24:2-4,
Isa 33:14-15. Cardinal question In which ways have I offended or sinned against God?
! Repent of the sins of the Governor, Senator, MCAs and County leaders,
iniquities, bloodshed, idolatry, witchcraft, sorcery, divination, charm, satanic
covenants & curses.
! Repent of any evil foundation of the County Government and the
practices of the past.
! Repent of the failure of the church towards discipling of the County throne.
! Appropriate the blood of Jesus Christ for atonement: Redemption upon
100 Days of Prayer for Kenya
thrones of the County Government Governor, Senator, MCA, representatives.
! Renounce the ancient covenants, altars, initiations, marriages,
dedications to the heavens and waters practiced over the throne of the County
! Ask the Lord to take away the reproaches, curses iniquities of the throne, sins, and
perplexities using Joshua 5:9, Jer. 30:17. Ask the Lord Jesus to bring the Governor into a
perpetual covenant with Him. Ps 89: 3-4.
! Call on the Lord Jesus Christ to establish his throne, character, scepter and dominion
over the throne, the Governor, the County Government leaders and their domain
of rulership.
Prov 18:21 21 Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the
fruit thereof.
! Make proclamations using for example Isa 9:6-7, Rev 11:15; reconcile the
Governor, and his county leadership, and his throne to the Lordship of our Lord Jesus
Christ Heb 1:9-10
! Pray for the Governor for proper knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ John 17:3.
! Pray for the wife and children of the Governor that they will be like Cornerstones
Psalm 144: 12-15, Psalm 147: 10-14, Psalm 148: 1-14.
Prov 21:1 The king's heart is in the hand of the Lord, as the rivers of water: he turneth it
whithersoever he will.
! Ask God to stir up and lead the elected politicians to execute His
! Ask God to raise Cyrus Company with the heart of David at County Government level;
the Nehemiah Company with the burden to rebuild waste places; the Daniel Company
who will declare the kingdom of God in their offices; the Joseph Company who will be
known for integrity and management acumen.
! Ask God to instruct them, teach them, direct them, lead them and show them the way
to govern
! Ps. 72:1, Isa 11:1-2. Ask God to put His seven-fold Spirit- the Spirit of the LORD, the
Spirit of wisdom and understanding, the Spirit of counsel and might, the Spirit of
knowledge and of the fear of the LORD, into the Governors and County officials.
! Ps. 72:2, 4 Ask God to help the leadership of the County Government to give justice to
the people and be able to defend the poor and the needy. Let Him break in pieces
the satanic princes and the oppressors in all sectors of the economy.
! Ps. 72:6,7, Ezek 37:15-28 Ask God to cause peace, love and unity to manifest amongst
all tribes or groups in the County as part of the fruits of righteous leadership; let there
be extinction of tribalism and evil in the County so that Kenya can be a place of refuge.
100 Days of Prayer for Kenya
Ps 67:5-7 5 Let the people praise thee, O God; let all the people praise thee.
6 Then shall the earth yield her increase; and God, even our own God, shall bless us. 7 God shall
bless us; and all the ends of the earth shall fear him.
! Pray for a buoyant economy at the County, ask God to mobilize investors to establish
industries in the County. Ask God to raise the Nehemiah Company to rebuild the
waste places of the County and to expressly give Eleventh Hour anointing to the
Governor and the County Government to revive the County economy: e.g. energy
sector, manufacturing, and agriculture
! Ask God to cause the County Government to put in place solid welfare programmes for
the poor and the needy (e.g. Education, Healthcare, Electricity, Water, Transport,
Housing, etc.)
! Ask God to cause our economy in Kenya to boom and make life to be comfortable so
that the people would bless the County and National Governments and glorify God.
! Ask God to open the graves and bring out all sectors of the economy from the graves
of corruption, occultism, idolatry, bloodshedding, violence, injustice, witchcrafts, water
spirits, new world order, etc. Prophesy to the dry bones situations to arise and shine!
Ps 72:1-2 1 Endow the king with your justice, O God,the royal son with your righteousness. 2
May he judge your people in righteousness, your afflicted ones with justice.
! Ask God to lead the Legislators to make righteous laws and create strong
institutions that would enforce these laws in all towns/villages of the County, and to
pass righteous laws mandating the County (and even national) governments to provide
adequate welfare packages for all e.g. transport services, low cost houses, electricity,
water, health care delivery services, rehabilitation centres (for the destitute, old
people and orphans), mechanic villages in major towns, artisan villages ( for
welders, furniture makers, etc), building material villages, waste disposal sites, passable
roads, market stalls, equipping of schools.
Ps 72:11 11 May all kings bow down to him and all nations serve him
! Pray that God will do a new work whereby our kings and tribal leaders will truly bow
their knees and pay tribute to the Lord Jesus. Many of them still pay tribute to and
worship other gods.
! Pray that there will be an increasing manifestation of the rule of Christ in the County
through the praying church as He rules in the midst of his enemies (Psalm 110:2)
! Pray that the enemies of Christ in the County will lick the dust. These include the
powers of idolatry and false religions. Ask the Lord to derail their plans.
! Pray that the desert tribes of Kenya will bow down to the Lord Jesus and
experience socioeconomic transformation.
100 Days of Prayer for Kenya
Day 22:
Ephesians 2:1-13. Recognize your condition, as well as your position. Thank Him, for the change
that Holy Spirit has brought you. Thank Him, for His love that has gotten you through so many
situations. Thank Him, that we are maturing into the fullness of His plan.
Day 23:
1 Thes. 5:16-24. Decree that your whole spirit, soul and body will be sanctified! If you have a
part of your body that is not working properly, ask the Lord to heal and cleanse that portion.
Include any organs that you know have been affected by sin.

Day 24:
Psalm 23. Agree with God for the restoration of your soul. SOUL is linked with "breathing."
Soul refers to the entire inner nature and personality of a person.
Day 25:
Matt 5:1-12. Ask the Lord to make your heart PURE! Declare that the seat of your feelings,
desires, affections, and aversions will come under the alignment of the Holy Spirit.
Day 26:
Romans 6. Make a list of any place that sin has dominion over you. Decree that by the power
of the Holy Spirit, you are freed and cleansed. Watch for sins of omission such as gossip,
criticizing, judging, etc. At times these are hidden from us and produce unbelief in us.
Day 27:
Prov 13. Ezek 36. Declare that all hope deferred is broken from you, and loosed and removed
from influencing your life. Thank Him for a new heart and spirit. Declare the power of scattering
over your life is broken.
Day 28: Psalm 62. Psalm 32. Declare your emotions healed and your spirit free.
Worship throughout the day. Use praise music. If you are driving, then sing with the music.
Healing scriptures are important to recite. Decree that all depression and oppression must
leave. Expect God to move on your behalf. Expect miracles and healings to begin to happen in
you and through you!
Day 29:
Acts 8-9. Notice how Saul's identity changed to Paul. Ask God to drop any scales from your eyes
that are keeping you from seeing His plan for your future.
100 Days of Prayer for Kenya
Day 30:
Deut. 26:16-19. Declare that you will be set on high in a new place with a seal called SPECIAL.
Decree life and life abundantly.
Day 31:
Acts 3:22-23. Prov 29:18. Thank God for the prophets in your life. If you have quenched the
prophetic anointing in your life, confess it as sin. Ask the Lord to open up new vision and
revelation over your life.
Day 32:
Revelation 1-3. Notice the Revelator. Ask the Spirit of God to catch you up into a new place of
revelation. Notice what the Spirit of God is saying to the churches. Ask the Lord to speak to you
and let you hear what the Spirit is saying to the Church today.
Day 33:
Revelation 12, 18, 19. Ask the Lord to show you how to war in the earth. Ask Him to show you
how to protect that which is being brought forth in this hour on your behalf. Declare Babylonian
structures that have you held captive will begin to fall.
Day 34:
Deut. 8. Deut 28. He gives you power and strength to gain wealth so you can advance His
covenant plan for your life. Ask Him for power and strength to gain wealth. Ask the Lord to
"command a blessing on your storehouse." If you do not have a storehouse, ask the Lord to give
you a plan to develop one.
Day 35:
Isaiah 61-62. You are anointed! Do not keep silent. Ask the Lord how to confess your faith. Go
through your new gate. Decree that you are not a city forsaken but that you will be "SOUGHT
AFTER." The redeemed of the Lord say SO. Shout "SO!" Ask the Lord how He wants your gift to
be aligned to the corporate body of Christ.
100 Days of Prayer for Kenya
In our culture, there are Seven Mountains (think of them as spheres or simply areas) of
influence, and the modern church is being called to build influences on each of those
mountains. If we are to impact our County and our nation for Jesus Christ, we have to affect the
seven mountains. It is in these mountains where battles are won or lost. Indeed, the greater the
influence of the mountain, the greater the warfare. Whoever controls the seven mountains in a
Community, City, County or nation will determine whether that society will be a sheep or goat
nation. Sheep nations represent those who follow Christ; goat nations represent those who
follow other gods (Matt 25:32).
The seven mountains, each with many subgroups under the main categories, are:
! Religion/Worship: this mountain deals with who we worship, or who we ascribe worth
to. Jesus needs to become the central focus of all those on this mountain. We need
to come back to the place of true worship.
! Business: this mountain revolves around prosperity and the economy of
nations. It is through prosperity that the cities of God will be spread abroad.
! Government, leadership and politics: this mountain interprets and enforce laws. It is
also instrumental in providing direction and setting the pace for the
! Media: media is supposed to be a vehicle for redemptive news. It is the
instrument through which news is communicated. Unredeemed mediais like Isa 5:29
it's more about bad news and what's wrong with society.
! Arts, Sports and entertainment: this mountain focuses on the different ways in which
we celebrate and enjoy life.
! Education: this mountain prepares us for life. It equips us with the skills and abilities
needed to make something of ourselves in life. It also shapes our world view.
! Family: this mountain revolves around family and social issues. Most of the ills in
society can be traced back to this mountain.
Day 36:
2 Chron 7:14-16. Pray that there would be Repentance, that the blood of Jesus would cleanse
the church of sin. Repent for the sins of the church which include Pride, leading to disunity &
competition among ministers, ministers loving dishonest Gain (the sin of Balaam-resulting in
witchcraft in the house of God), the defilement of God's altar (the pulpit) by ministers who
approach it to minister while living an immoral and impure lifestyle. Like priest, like people
100 Days of Prayer for Kenya
Day 37:
Heb 12:14. Pray that there would be a sincere, passionate return to the Fear of God in the lives
of individual believers. Pray that believers would live a holy life, valuing righteousness, purity
and holiness. Pray that the church corporate would Return to her Divine Mandate & Purpose:
a. To live lives of obedience to the Word of God
b. To be salt and light in society
c. To take the gospel to the uttermost parts of the earth
Day 38:
John 17:23. Pray that the church would unite around the true gospel. Pray that we would no
longer be separated by petty differences, lack of humility, and a desire to build for self rather
than building for the kingdom.
Day 39:
Luke 4:16-18. Pray for a fresh anointing to come upon the church that she may carry out her
God-given duty of setting the captives free with a fresh zeal and power. Pray that the church
would champion the cause of the less privileged in society the poor, the widow, the orphan,
the prisoner and the alien.
Day 40:
Zech 12:10a. Psalm 27:8. Pray for the Restoration of the spirit of prayer & love for God's word in
the church, both in the pulpit and in the pew. Pray that the church would arise in militancy in
spiritual warfare. Pray against religion, tradition and carnality pervading a large cross-section of
the church.
Day 41:
Luke 19: 42, 44b. Pray that the church in Kenya would not miss the hour of her visitation; that
the church in Kenya would enter her prophetic destiny which is to be a LIGHTHOUSE unto the
nations of Africa, to be a missionary sending church. Our redemption draws nigh!
Day 42:
Job 22:8. Decrees over the mountain of worship. We decree and declare
o . that the pastors and church leaders in Kenya to set an example of holiness, integrity
and Christ-like character.
o . that the pulpits in our nation are aflame with the truth of God's Word, never
shrinking back or compromising.
o .that the Christians of Kenya will devote themselves to obedience, prayer, being
watchful and thankful, walking in repentance and humility, believing the promises of
God, and witnessing signs, wonders, and miracles.
o .. that the Church in Kenya will not miss the hour of her visitation. In this season of
Jubilee the church will enter her prophetic destiny.
100 Days of Prayer for Kenya
O .for a warrior spirit of intercession that will stand and fight against the forces of
darkness over our nation.
O .the stirring up and release of spiritual gifts in the church for the binding up of the
broken-hearted, freedom of the captives and release from darkness of those that are
o .that the church returns to obedience and her assignment of being the salt and light
in the society, and of taking the gospel to the uttermost parts of the earth.
Day 43: Prov 9:10. Col 3:16. 1 Cor 3:18. Praying for our National Educational System.
Pray for God to direct the hearts of those influencing the education mountain to submit to that
which is right in the sight of God. Pray for unrighteous leadership to be uprooted and godly
leadership to be employed throughout our nation's educational system (principals, counselors,
university professors and positions within the Ministry of Education, County Education
departments, etc.) Pray for a shifting within the educational mountain, such that the Body of
Christ would be granted favor and be given strategies to influence education and reverse the
decline of quality, morally sound education across the nation.
Day 44: Deut 6:5-10. Eph 6:1-4. Role of Parents in their Children's Education.
Pray that parents would recognize and be more proactive concerning their responsibility and
fundamental rights in directing the education and upbringing of their own children in the fear of
the Lord. Pray that parents would have wisdom and revelation for implementing effective
strategies in disciplining and instructing our children.
Day 45: Deut 6:5-10. Role of Teachers in Children's Education.
Pray that teachers would recognize and be more proactive concerning their responsibility in
directing the education of children. Pray that teachers would have wisdom and revelation for
implementing effective strategies in disciplining and instructing children in Godliness. Pray that
the teaching profession would be characterized by a sense of calling, and not by lack of choice
or financial gain. Pray for a strong moral foundation in the teaching staff in schools, and that
their educational philosophies would be characterized by the fear of God. Pray for revival in the
teaching profession.
Day 46: Matt 18:6. Ps 119:9. Lev 18:22, 24.
Homosexuality, Sexual Perversion, drug and alcohol abuse in our Children's Schools.
Pray for exposure to public scrutiny those who are covertly working to advance the homosexual
indoctrination of our children through the educational system. Pray that God would raise up
righteous leaders to successfully contend against the encroachments of the homosexual activists
upon our nation's educational system. Pray that defenders of family and protectors of our
children's welfare remain strong and courageous and true to their calling. Come against drug
100 Days of Prayer for Kenya
and alcohol abuse in schools. Pray for the exposure of drug cartels that are working to enslave
the school-going youth. Pray for protection of our children's minds and hearts as they sit in
school, college and university classrooms.
Day 47: Col 2:8. 2 Cor 10:3-5. School curricula and textbooks.
Pray for exposure to public scrutiny of those who are covertly working to advance anti-godly
indoctrination of our children through the educational system. Pray that truth will be upheld in
our children's classrooms and textbooks concerning different religious beliefs and practices and
issues of sexuality and morality. Pray that God would raise people to shape the curricula in a
manner that would promote His purposes for the different generations.
Day 48: 1 Tim 4:6-8. Joel 2:28. Revival on College Campuses and Children's Classrooms.
Pray that houses of prayer would be raised up on every college and university campus in the
nation to contend against the tide of perverse ideology and unrighteousness and usher in God's
presence to hover over our schools & colleges. Pray for wisdom and boldness for Christian
schoolteachers and college professors to stand up for and instruct their students in what is true,
holy and pure and be agents of love & revival among those they teach. Pray for God to Ignite
prayer revivals among school children. Pray that Christian ministries in Kenyan schools will be
Day 49: Job 22:8. Decrees over the mountain of education.
We decree and declare
o ..Kenya will turn to kingdom education and not just pursue knowledge as the goal
o .that the Ministry of Education and officials who make decisions about our children's
education materials will have God's guidance and wisdom
o .that each principal and/or headmaster would sincerely care about their students
and staff, and administer their school with Godly wisdom to achieve academic
o .for God's blessing upon every educator in Kenya and their families.
o .that teachers would strive to bring out the best in each student while teaching
respect for all in authority.
o .that teachers would instill high moral standards in every student.
o .that teachers will have Godly concern for the well-being of each student, and
consistently exert a positive influence on their students, causing them to feel secure
and valued.
o .for God's protection over every school in Kenya
o .that every student will persevere to learn well and graduate successfully.
o .that students in Kenya will never be victims of religious, or ethnic discrimination, and
that any physical, mental, or sexual abuse that is taking place upon any child within the
schools will be revealed and brought to justice.
o .that the Lord will advance the standards of purity and abstinence, and destroy the
100 Days of Prayer for Kenya
strong influences of sexual immorality and perversion that are affecting children in
o .that our Children will grow in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men.
o .that each student in Kenya will develop wisdom and discernment beyond their
years, and have courage to resist peer pressure to do wrong.
o .that anointed students will be raised up to lead Bible studies and prayer groups
within the schools of Kenya.
Day 50:Heb 10:38-39. Phil 4:8. Repentance for Retreating.
Repent personally and on behalf of the Kenyan church for abdicating her role on the
arts/sports/entertainment mountain. Repent for the silence, which has caused a moral decline
in the industry. Pray that there would be a greater understanding on how the arts affect us for
good or evil. Pray that the arts and those with creative gifts would be welcomed back into the
church and released to function for the glory of God, and that the spirit of religion would be
uprooted. Pray for the Holy Spirit's conviction where we have enjoyed or tolerated arts and
entertainment with content that is offensive to God (violent games, perverse images and music,
etc.), which has caused ours and our children's hearts and minds to become defiled. Make
covenant with your eyes to not look upon any ungodly thing. Make covenant with your ears to
not listen to any ungodly thing.
Day 51: Rom 1:25. Ps 24:4-5. Repentance for Idolatry.
Repent personally and on behalf of the Kenyan Church for our participation in idolatry,
witchcraft, and occult practices that pervade the arts/sports/entertainment mountain. Repent
for the worship of man and mammon through idolizing stars (actors, singers, musicians,
dancers, athletes, models, etc.) and the idolatry of fame, beauty, fashion and wealth. Ask God
for eyes to see the humanity and spiritual poverty within the lives of the rich and famous, and
for a heart that is moved with compassion to intercede for the prosperity of their souls. Ask
God for opportunities to minister to those in the arts and entertainment arena and bring them
to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.
Day 52: Ex 35:31-34. Rom 9:17. Zech 1:21b. Redeeming the Arts/Sports.
Release a spirit of holy inspiration, technical excellence and divine creativity among Godly
artisans, athletes and entertainers. Call forth the creativity to express and celebrate who God is
and His divine attributes through the arts/sports, drawing all men and women to a saving
knowledge of Jesus Christ. Release the wisdom of God for those in the
arts/sports/entertainment industry for the good and faithful stewardship and expression of
their God-given gifts, talents and abilities. Pray for the restoration and empowerment of the
various forms of artistic expression that the world has perverted and the church has neglected.
100 Days of Prayer for Kenya
Day 53: Ps 5:12. Deut 8:1.Releasing Provision and Protection.
Ask that the Spirit of God would breathe on every God-inspired idea so that Christ will be
proclaimed and His light would shine out of the darkness. Pray for increased favor, visibility,
influence and strategic relational connections for believers within the arts and entertainment
industry. Pray that those called to finance the kingdom by investing in the arts and
entertainment industry would arise and be quickened by the Holy Spirit in their giving. Pray that
believers in the arts and entertainment industry would walk in the favor of the Lord and be
quickly promoted to positions of great influence. Pray for ample covering (intercessors, church
family support, mentors, accountability partners, principled managers, divine protection, etc.)
for Christians who desire to make an impact in this mountain. Pray for protection over the
marriages and families of artists, athletes and entertainers from the pressures and temptations
prevalent within the industry.
Day 54: Acts 26:17-19. Matt 6:22. Is 11:9. Righteous Standards for Cultural Reformation.
Pray that God would raise up men and women of prayer to intercede for holiness in
arts/sports/entertainment mountain. Pray that Christians would become increasingly active in
this arena by boycotting ungodly forms and sources of art and entertainment and strongly
supporting Godly movies, music, television shows, plays, etc. Release the fear of the Lord upon
those in the entertainment industry, such that righteousness and integrity-especially among
believers-would be brought back to this mountain and once again we would see Biblical, family
values set in place and honored. Pray for defenders of Godly standards in the arts and
entertainment industry to be voted into office, and used of God to contend for standards of
righteousness to be established and adhered to within the industry. Pray that a great revival and
visitation of the Holy Spirit will invade the porn industry. Intercede for the prodigals within the
arts and entertainment industry to return to their Father and to their true calling - (Many young
artists, entertainers and athletes had Christian roots and original intentions to stay pure in this
industry, but the challenges to keep the faith have proven difficult.) Pray that there be a new,
God-honoring, renaissance and revival of the arts.
Day 55: Hab 2:14. Releasing believers into arts/sports/entertainment.
Pray for the Church to regain its biblical worldview and manifest it through
arts/sports/entertainment. Pray that the light of Christians in the industry will shine brightly so
others will see their good works and give glory to God. Call forth a Godly, prophetic company of
writers, musicians, film producers, painters, sculptors, athletes etc. to arise and display the
splendor and power of the Lord through all their works. Pray for the Lord to raise up those who
would pioneer new venues for Godly art and entertainment.
Day 56: Job 22:8. Decrees over the mountain of arts/sports/entertainment.
We decree and declare
o ....that the church in Kenya begins using the arts for the kingdom of God and His glory.
o .that God will raise up men and women in Kenya who have Godly character and
100 Days of Prayer for Kenya
anointed talents or gifts to influence the art, sports and entertainment world with
righteousness, and grant them favor to do so.
o .the release of divinely inspired plays and movies with messages of truth and virtue
to be written in Kenya and given to good directors who will impact the movie and play
o .the release of financial blessings upon the wholesome arts and entertainments in
o .that all the arts in Kenya be turned from perversion and idolatry to purity, because
the Lord created the arts for His glory.
o .the financial blessing on wholesome arts and entertainments in Kenya and the
cutting off of the funding of entertainment productions that are wicked and perverse.
o .the Lord sends laborers into the harvest field of the arts, sports and entertainment
industry in Kenya and brings about the salvation of many souls.
o .to give Christian sports personalities a platform to speak the Word of God boldly in
Day 57:
Genesis 2:21-25. Acts 16:24-28. God is the originator of the first family, yours and all the other
families on earth. He has a purpose for every family in Kenya. Thank God for your family
ancestry; parents, brothers, sisters, children, grandchildren, in-laws. Celebrate God's wonderful
gift of people who love unconditionally. Spend time thanking God for the way He has taken
care of your ancestors. Appreciate Him for His wonderful plan for every family in our land.
Action: Commit to visit an elderly family member you have not seen in a long while. Embrace a
family member - spouse child, brother, sister, mother, father and let them know that you
appreciate them.
Day 58:
Lamentations 5:1-7. Daniel 1:6. I acknowledge that 'Both my father's house and I have sinned'.
Repent as a family for forsaking God, His commandments and original purpose for the family.
Repent for the three sins of idolatry, bloodshed and immorality that have contributed greatly
for the desolation in the family unit in our nation. Repent for disrespecting/dishonoring
parents, breaking the marriage covenant, angering children and neglecting responsibility at
every family level. Action: Gather your nucleus family together and lead them in this prayer.
Day 59:
Genesis 14:14. Genesis 18:18-19. Deuteronomy 6:6-9. Psalm 127:3-8. Genesis 24:60. Psalm
112:1-3. Abraham raised his household to be an army. The family is meant to be a training
ground of an army of sons and daughters taught of the Lord who will possess every gate in
society. Pray that every family in Kenya will return to this God given mandate of deliberately
100 Days of Prayer for Kenya
training the next generation in righteousness. Most adults struggle in life because of things
they learnt/did not learn at home. Pray to bring an end to all the errors of the forefathers and
lay a new foundation for Instruction, Training, Discipline, Obedience, Respect, Honour, Good
Habits, Love and Unity in our families.
Day 60:
Malachi 4:6. Ask God's forgiveness for the abandonment of responsibility by parents especially
the fathers. Pray that God will raise many fathers throughout our society (a true father no
longer lives for himself but rather for those that he is father to). Pray also that God would raise
through the Body of Christ men who will exercise servant leadership to their families
Day 61:
Romans 1:18-32. The family unit is under attack from the spirit of the age as men sink further
into depravity. Pray that against the so called gay rights (sad wrongs); that these will never be
entrenched into our laws.
Day 62:
Psalm 68:5-6. God is a father of the fatherless, a defender of widows. He sets the solitary in
families. Where is your brother? Pray that the widow, the fatherless, single, elderly and the sick
will be embraced and taken care by their families. Action: Reach out to a family member in this
Day 63:
Psalm 113:8-9. Leviticus 25:25-26. The Book of Ruth - God raises the poor from the dust and
sets them among the princes of His people. Pray that there will be many kinsman redeemers for
the poor in our families in the order of Boaz. That there will be an equitable redistribution of
resources nationally and at family level, improving the livelihoods of many poor family
Day 64: Is 59:12-14.Repentance for Turning our Back on God and Truth. Repent personally and
on behalf of the Kenyan church for: abdicating her role on the media and communications
mountain and allowing ourselves to be deceived and swayed by the media rather than
searching for truth in the Word of God. Pray that there would be a greater understanding on
how the media and communication affect us for good or evil. Repent on behalf of the media
industry for: reporting a world view that focuses on humanistic foundations, propagating fear
through inaccurate reporting and turning their backs on God and the truth. Invite God back into
media and communication streams.
100 Days of Prayer for Kenya
Day 65: Is 5:20. 2 Cor 10:3-6. Eph 6:12-13. Waging War for the Airwaves and our Freedom of
Bind the strongman that wants to instill fear and anxiety in people through the media. Bind
that spirit that wants to manipulate and report news that is either untruthful or slanted to
persuade inaccurate reporting. Bind the spirit that wants to silence those standing for truth,
censor the media and block communications lines. Pray that those working covertly to control
media would be exposed, all unholy alliances would be broken, and all communication lines
unblocked and healed. Pray for the displacement of the demonic authority over this mountain
by those who fill the airwaves with the Good News of the Kingdom.
Day 66: Phil. 4:8-9. 1 Sam. 2:35-36. Is 59:19. Raising a Standard of Truth.
Ask God to raise up more Kingdom voices in mass media and grant favor, strength and
excellence to those already there. Pray that believers working in the media industry will be
bold to report the news from a Kingdom perspective. Ask God to raise up news networks,
newspapers, blogs and other media methods that have Gods agenda, are Kingdom-minded,
culturally relevant and competitive with secular sources. Release vision and encouragement
over young spiritual leaders who are called of God to infiltrate the media industry and make a
powerful impact. Pray that the accurate reporting among some news outlets will force a new
level of accountability upon other news outlets. Pray that elected officials would be more
proactive in influencing national policy to make television and radio programming appropriate
for the general public.
Day 67: 1 Cor 16:9. Eph 6:19-20. Deut 8:18. Equipping God's Media Army.
Release a spirit of holy inspiration, technical excellence and divine creativity among Godly
communicators for effectively demonstrating a biblical worldview through the written or
spoken word. Pray for open doors to careers, increased favor, visibility, influence and strategic
relational connections for believers within the media industry. Pray for the transfer of wealth to
come into the hands of Godly Christians who possess the revelation for the implementation of
new Kingdom-based media models and strategies. Release the wisdom of God for those in the
media industry for the good and faithful stewardship and expression of their God-given gifts,
talents and abilities. Pray for ample covering (intercessors, church family support, mentors,
accountability partners, principled, divine protection, etc.) for Christians who desire to make an
impact in this mountain.
Day 68: 2 Cor 6:7-8, 11. Acts 4:29, 31. Is 52:7. Hab 2:14. Releasing God's Media Army:
The Bearers of Good News. Pray for the Church to regain its biblical worldview and manifest it
through the media. Pray that God will raise up a courageous new generation of
uncompromising godly representatives in the media that will cause truth and righteousness to
come forth and impact government and every sphere of societal influence. Pray that believers
in the media industry would follow Jesus' instructions to live as sheep among wolves and be
wise as serpents and harmless as doves. Pray for the guidance and anointing of the Holy Spirit
100 Days of Prayer for Kenya
upon what believers in media speak and write so that it shapes perceptions of truth and reality.
Pray that the light of Christians in the industry will shine brightly so others will see their good
works and give glory to God. Pray for a great harvest of souls to be brought into the Kingdom as
the Word goes forth through all media outlets.
Day 69: Eph 6:19. Prov 21:1. Current crop of media personalities.
Pray that all who work in the media industry would cherish truth more strongly than their own
prejudices and personal agendas. Pray that those in the communication arts would present
truth in a way that will enlighten hearts rather then inflame passions and conflicts. Pray for
protection over the marriages and families of media practitioners from the pressures and
entrapments of influence. Pray for revival among journalists, broadcasters, television producers,
news network executives, and all those in the media industry. Pray for the Spirit of Truth to
become the spirit of the men and women working in our nation's media marketplaces.
Day 70: Job 22:8. Decrees over the mountain of media.
We decree and declare
o .that God brings to the forefront righteous men and women who are called to work
in media and communication systems, and anoint them with His grace, favor, and
success to influence the media and communication outlets.
o .a release of funding and promotion for those men and women called by God to
influence the media and communication outlets.
o .that the spirit of truth would expose deception and uncover the works of the
antichrist spirit at work within the media all of our communication outlets.
o .the raising of the standard of righteousness and integrity within the media and all
communication outlets and the inspiration of all reporters to be God-fearing, unbiased,
and truthful in reporting the news.
o .the drying up of funding that is financing and fueling the pornography, sexual
promiscuity and perversion, violence, drug abuse, rebellion, anti-marriage, anti-family,
pro-abortion and anti-God lifestyles.
o . Protection over those working in the media and communications field who are
standing for Judeo-Christian values within our society, and give them strength and
boldness as they stand for truth.
o .that God will pour out His Spirit upon people involved in the media in Kenya and
enable them to produce fruits of righteousness within their sphere of influence.
o .that the Christians in Kenya are effective witnesses in sharing personal testimonies
of God's power, love, and truth with gentleness and respect via the social media.
o .that the Spirit of Truth exposes all deception at work within every communication
outlet in Kenya.
100 Days of Prayer for Kenya
Day 71:
1 Sam 12:4 You have not cheated or oppressed us, they replied. You have not taken anything
form anyone's hand.
Repent of the entrenchment of corruption in our economic activities and governance. Pray and
decree an end to this vice in this new season. That God will raise men like Samuel in the market
place who neither oppress nor condone corruption
Day 72:
Lev 26:9 I will look on you with favour and make you fruitful and increase your numbers, and
will keep my covenant with you.
Pray for favour upon the economy of the nation, mention all the enterprises you can remember
and decree favour upon them. Pray for increase in business, productivity, tourism numbers, jobs
created, new start-ups. Pray for a better business environment in this new season to attract
more investors, favour with investors. Pray for the small and medium enterprises to flourish and
the jua kali sector to develop further and not stagnate in traditional methods of yesteryears.
Day 73:
Prov 12:27. The lazy man does not roast his game, but the diligent man prizes his possessions.
Pray for the wisdom and grace to add value to our raw materials and farm produce to standards
that compete on the world market. Pray for the right gate keepers in negotiating prices for our
products and contracts for works within our nation so that we are not taken advantage of by
other nations or multinationals.
Day 74:
Luke 19:13 And he called his ten servants, and delivered them ten pounds and said unto them,
Occupy till I come.
Pray for believers to rise up in the market place, see the opportunities, put to work the wisdom
given by God and actively be involved in developing the economy. Call forth many with a calling
in the market place to emerge, cast off fear and long held beliefs that believers cannot make it
in the market.
Day 75:
Rev 18: 23 The light of a lamp will never shine in you again. The voice of bridegroom and bride
will never be heard in you again. Your merchants were the world's great men. By your magic
spell all nations were led astray.
Pray against every form and influence of Babylonic principles on our economy and the market
place. Pray against the use of magic, occultism, blood sacrifices and such in our markets. Pray
against every secret brotherhood, cartel systems that control certain traders and hinder others
from joining or succeeding there. Pray for righteous Kenyans to break though in fields long a
preserve of few exploitative individuals
100 Days of Prayer for Kenya
Day 76:
Lev 26:6 I will grant peace in the land, and you will lie down and no-one will make you afraid. I
will remove savage beasts from the land, and the sword will not pass through your country
Pray for a peaceful and secure environment to do business in Kenya. Pray for wisdom for the
leadership and security agencies to curb all forms of insecurity and threats. Pray for the citizens
to respect each others rights to property and enterprises
Day 77: Isaiah 65:21-24. Decrees over the Economy of Kenya for the next 50 years and
We decree and declare
o wisdom and knowledge from above for proper and appropriate business ideas to
transform Kenya immensely
o witty inventions and discoveries that propel the nation to great development heights
in infrastructure and technology
o grace to labour and put many young people to the job market
o godly ethics inculcated in business to rid our society of exploitation and oppression
of workers. That everyman in Kenya will enjoy the labour of his hands
o . That no foreigners or foreign enterprises will exploit our resources to the
disadvantage of our nation
o that our enterpises will grow beyond our borders become mighty on earth
o that our resources will be exploited in godly ways, preserving the environment and
being used wisely for the betterment of our nation.
o blessings upon our trade, manufacturing, service industry, farming
Day 78: 1 Tim 2:1-4. Praying for Those in Authority.
Give thanks for Kenya and our government and take time to bless all those in positions of
authority. Pray for our governmental leaders, that they would choose to walk in wisdom, Godly
counsel, and the fear of the Lord, and come to the knowledge of the truth. Pray for the
exposure of hidden motives, corruption and immorality in government. Pray for the President
and Deputy President for their protection, welfare, wisdom to lead the nation and make the
right decisions, and continual humility before the Lord. Pray for the Cabinet secretaries,
principle secretaries and other government officials that they would use their positions to
facilitate God's purposes for the nation. Pray for the cabinet to promote laws that would
promote infrastructure development, value addition to our agricultural produce, and proper
stewardship of our newly found mineral wealth.
Day 79: Mic 6:8. Senate & the National Assembly.
Pray for Laws that promote righteousness and justice. Pray for laws that promote the welfare of
the poor, oppressed and the minorities. Pray for integrity among the legislators. Pray for the
100 Days of Prayer for Kenya
facilitation of laws that would create pathways for God's purposes to come to pass. Pray for
laws that would positively address social imbalances in the community, the rich-poor divide and
youth unemployment. Pray that the church would embrace and develop a kingdom strategy for
influencing and impacting government at all levels.
Day 80: Rom 13:1,4. Ex 18:21. County Governments.
Pray for proper service delivery to the people. Pray for right support staff within the County
institutions. Pray for proper structures to handle county resources, whether from the National
government or from the minerals and other resources within the county. Pray for infrastructure
that would promote the needs and welfare of the poor and oppressed. Pray for integrity in our
County Governors, and a desire to leave a positive legacy for the succeeding generations.
Day 81: 2 Chron 19:6-7. The Judiciary.
Pray for the Kenyan Supreme Court Judges by name. Pray that the fear of the Lord would come
upon the judges of our land, such that they would render righteous and just judgments. Pray for
the challenges within the judicial system that God would provide wisdom and solutions to
delayed rulings, lack of capacity (judges, magistrates, researchers, stenographers), inefficient
systems, corruption and power struggles. Pray for Judges who love righteousness and truth.
Pray that the JSC would value integrity, competence and justice. Pray that the Judicial system as
a whole would value justice and integrity.
Day 82: Ps 127:1b. Ps 122:6. National Security Issues.
Pray for the National Security apparatus that they would do what is right in terms of providing
security. Pray for the Police force that they would develop a passion for righteousness and
truth. Pray against corruption in the Police force. Pray for laws that promote the welfare of the
Police, and of the Security forces at large. Pray against terrorism, and that God would
continually expose the plans of enemy to bring fear, confusion and death. Pray for our military
and intelligence services that they would promote the welfare of the nation and that they
would be dedicated to serve and protect the nation. Pray that God would seal every loophole
that the enemy is using to infiltrate our Security apparatus.
Day 83: Gen 12:3. Ps 122:6. Foreign affairs. In His righteousness, God judges the nations
according to how they deal with Israel.
Pray that Kenya would remain a staunch friend and supporter of Israel. Pray that our bi-lateral
and multi-lateral relationships would be for the welfare of Kenyans and the promotion of God's
purposes for the land. Pray against relationships with governments that have intentions to
frustrate God's plans for the nation of Israel. Pray for harmonious relationships with our
neighbors. Pray that Kenya would be a blessing to the nations around us and that our voice in
Africa would be established.
100 Days of Prayer for Kenya
Day 84: Job 22:8. Decrees over the mountain of governance and politics.
We decree and declare
o . God-given wisdom for all leaders in Kenya. The Lord reveals Himself for a personal
relationship with each one, and opens their ears so they will know the voice of God and
be led by His direction.
o .that wise men and women like Joseph and Daniel will be raised up with abilities to
solve problems and bring Godly influences to the leaders of Kenya.
o . our legislators are clear-minded and well-informed so they can pass wise laws for
the land that promote the welfare of the people and the will of God.
o . divine protection and wisdom for all elected officials. May they be visited by the
Lord and make righteous decisions.
o . the Lord's protection from any social unrest, terrorism, geo-physical disaster and any
other enemy warfare. Our leaders are prepared to face any crisis and deal with any
challenge that manifests.
o . the Lord's protection upon the President of Kenya, Uhuru Kenyatta and his family,
and the deputy President, William Ruto and his family. We declare angelic protection
over them as well as those around them.
o . that the Christian heritage of our nation would not be undermined and lost by
ungodly influences.
o . the Spirit of the Lord rests upon our Judges with discernment, wisdom, knowledge
and understanding and the fear of the Lord as they make decisions for the people.
o . angelic visitations and God encounters for our Judiciary in the night seasons where
the fear of the Lord will overtake them-especially all new court appointments.
o . that all bad laws are struck down and laws are upheld that are based on God's Word
and His truths.
o . that the Lord cleans out the corruption in government
o . the Lord fills government leaders and servants with character and integrity; that
these men and women will not be bought or bribed to pervert justice or twist our laws
for evil.
o . the Lord places wisdom, understanding and insight upon the leaders to solve
problems and bring solutions for the different Counties.
o . that the financial funding supporting the pro abortion, anti-family-marriage and
homosexual agenda would be cut off. The Lord exposes and thwarts the plans of these
evil men.
o . that Israel would be supported by our government.
o .that Kenya's police force effectively addresses crime and upholds the law.
o .divine protection over every police officer and member of the defense forces in
Kenya so that no harm will befall them in the line of duty, and we speak peace in their
homes and marriages.
100 Days of Prayer for Kenya
! Isa 32:17-18. Ask God the Holy Spirit to restore DR Congo from blood shedding to
peaceable habitation and quiet resting places.
! Ps 68:30, Ps 46:9, Gal 4:28-30. Pray to see peace of Christ Jesus in DR Congo
! Ask God to rebuke the company of gunmen and scatter those who delight in war in this
! Ask God to cause war to cease in all the two nations of Africa.
! Isa 32:17-18. Ask God the Holy Spirit to restore CAR from bloodshed to peaceable
habitations and quiet resting places.
! Ps 68:30, Ps 46:9, Gal 4:28-30. Pray to see peace of Christ Jesus in Central African
Republic from the false peace of false religions.
! Ask God to scatter those who delight in war in the two nations.
! Ask God to cause war to cease in this nation.
Ravaged by war, warlords, Islamic powers, and jihadists, Somalia at first glance seems to be
beyond repair. A new government inaugurated in August 2012 appears to be slowly gaining
ground against a longstanding insurgency. In a nation of about 10 million people of which 85%
are Somali, the nation is declared 99.67% Sunni Islam. Somali Christians exist (estimated at
fewer than 200 people), despite fierce persecution following the 2009 approval by parliament to
implement Shariah law nationwide. The radical Islamic group al-Shabaab has vowed to eradicate
all Somali Christians, and they have especially targeted converts from Islam. The group has
executed dozens of Christians since 2009. In February 2012, al-Shabaab leaders announced their
alliance with al-Qaeda. There have been several instances of al-Shabaab adherents targeting
Somali Christians across borders in countries like Kenya. The power of our cry is that it reaches
heaven's throne and the ears of God who exercises His sovereign rule and we get to be part of it
through prayer. Remember that every Somali is created in the image of God.
! Pray for the economic, social, physical health and restoration of the nation of Somalia
asking God to bring order and stability, to uphold the righteous, and to destroy the
wicked. We ask with the prophet Amos that justice would roll down like waters, and
righteousness like an ever-flowing stream in Somalia (Amos 5:24).
! Pray that God will protect and have mercy on the women who are mutilated, raped,
and abandoned and to defend the innocent.
! Just as the Kenya Defense Forces entered Somalia in October 2011 to rescue her from
warlords, beseech God to rescue Somalia from the grip of the sons of the bondwoman,
turn their hearts to God through practical demonstrations of Christ's love, and turn
Christian persecutors into pastors.
100 Days of Prayer for Kenya
! Ask God to give Somali people who have left the country and become Christians a
burden to return and spread the gospel in their native land.
Decades of civil war and inter-tribal conflict claimed millions of lives, caused unspeakable
suffering and destroyed the nation's economy and infrastructure. Thousands of Sudanese spent
many years as refugees, particularly in Kenya. In 2012, we rejoiced with the people of South
Sudan as they gained independence and became the world's newest nation, after a referendum
that was peaceful and orderly. It is a testimony to the power of prayer and the will of people
who insisted that a peaceful future is possible for South Sudan. At the end of 2013, fighting
erupted between forces loyal to President Salva Kiir, who belongs to the Dinka ethnic group, and
former Deputy President Riek Machar, who belongs to the Nuer. The fightingboth political and
ethnichas resulted in at least 1,000 deaths. More than 600,000 people are displaced. We mourn
with those who have lost loved ones in this current unrest, with the children and adults who
have become traumatized again and again, and for those who are injured, imprisoned and
hiding. Many South Sudanese want an end to the hostilities. We all rejoiced and thanked the
Lord for the signing of the ceasefire by both President Kiir and Riek Machar in Ethiopia on 9
May, since the conflict could destroy all they have strived for.
! Pray against all forms of tribalism, corruption, injustice, division, confusion, darkness
and greed that may linger in the hearts of the people of South Sudan. Ask the Lord to
grant His grace and blessing in abundance as the people build their nation for the glory
of God.
! Rom 12:16, Heb 10:24. Plead with God that peace, reconciliation and political stability
will prevail amongst the political leaders and communities in South Sudan as they work
towards being of the same mind and working towards provoking love and good works.
! Seek the Holy Spirit to guard and protect the Church as she strives for the peace,
freedom and stability in South Sudan through expressions of love and unity in Christ
! Pray and ask the Lord Jesus to guide leaders of South Sudan, President Kiir and the
former vice President Machar, in the process of building the nation with His favour,
wisdom, compassion and strength.
! Ask God to give courage to the leaders to reject ethnic resentment as well as ethnic
conflicts and to overcome hurt, hostility and bitterness in their hearts so that all may
become reconciled citizens in the new nation.
! Ask the LORD Jesus to renew the will for honest and hard work, and bring the people of
South Sudan closer to His heart in the spirit of service, unity and lasting peace.
! Pray that South Sudan would be a country where justice, liberty and prosperity for all
shall truly reign, a country where people will live long and children will not die young
and senselessly, where lessons from history will be learned and issues resolved quickly
to avoid suffering of many.
! Pray that God will unite South Sudan people from every tribe, tongue through the help
100 Days of Prayer for Kenya
of the Holy Spirit, and that God will bless the Republic of South Sudan, that God's will
be done in the land.
! Pray that righteousness would rule in Nigeria and sin, corruption, injustice would be
uprooted. Prov 14:34.
! Come against the spirit of the Boko Haram, abd trust God for the exposure of the
networks and support systems that maintain it.
! Pray that the church in Nigeria would truly arise and become the salt and the light of
the nation (Matt 5:13-16). Pray that the light of the church would be felt in the nation.
Ask God to give the church divine solutions to the challenges the nation is facing.
Day 90: EGYPT
! Pray for a rebuilding of the altar of the Lord in the midst of the land. Is 19
! Pray for open doors for kingdom advancement in the midst of the sociopolitical
! Pray for the church in the land to serve with renewed strength and renewed zeal. That
they would be strengthened for the journey that lies ahead of them.
! Pray for an outpouring of the Spirit in the land, and that through this the church would
be thrust into its position as salt and light.
! Pray for the social challenges in the land high incidences of rape, robbery and violence,
alcoholism and other vices that God would provide divine solutions to these problems.
! Pray for racial harmony.
Day 92: An outpouring of the Holy Spirit on Israel
! Isa 32:15-18, Gen 1:1-2, Acts 1:4-8, Acts 2:1-8. Ask God for the outpouring of the Holy
Spirit in greatest measure in Israel, let the Holy Spirit brood over the seats of
government, institutions, and the people; let the Holy Spirit come down in every family,
every town/village of Israel.
! Ezek.36:25-27, Ezek.1:1-4. As the Holy Spirit comes down:
! Let Him open the heaven over the Arabs and the Jews.
! Let Him to destroy the covering of blindness, hatred, envy, jealousy, false religion, great
deception, false teaching over the Arabs (Isa.25:7);
! Let Him cause the Arabs to live amicably with the Jews in the covenanted land, the land
of Israel.
! Let Him destroy the covering of blindness, rebellion, stubbornness, unbelief, etc, from
the Jews so that they would embrace God's covenant and the Messiah;
100 Days of Prayer for Kenya
! Let Him convince them to recognize Jesus Christ as the Messiah.
! Let Him extend the Grace of Salvation to the Orthodox Jews, and give them repentant
! Let them have encounter with the Lord like Saul on the road to Damascus
Day 93: Receptivity to the Gospel
! John 3:16, Acts 9:1-19. Ask God to open the hearts and ears of Jews and Arabs to
Christian messages on TV, Radio and Crusades. Ask God to direct their attention to the
Christian columns in the magazines and newspapers.
! Let Him make the hearts of the Devotees of False religions and orthodox Jews to know
and understand the Bible; their tongues shall not belittle or criticize Jesus Christ again
but speak plainly about Him. Isa. 32:4
! Let God send His Word and light into communities of Great Deception in Israel and
Middle East; Let the Holy Spirit convict them and raise zealous Evangelists, Prophets,
and Apostles that will spread the gospel.
Day 94: Protection from her enemies
! Isa. 19:23-25, Isa. 9:8. Most nations in the Middle East, Arab nations, and Islamic
nations are ganging up to wipe out Israel. Ask God to strengthen the Jews to maintain a
full grip of their land and resist every evil counsel to quit the Promised Land, the
covenanted land.
! Gen. 24:40, Isa. 37:36, Isa 40:1-2. Ask God to give angelic assistance to Israel. Proclaim
and fasten to Jerusalem Isa. 40:28-31. Ask God to renew the strength of the Israelites
! Ps. 68:30, Ps. 46:9-10. Ask God to rebuke the company of gunmen in the Middle East
and scatter those who delight in war against Israel. Ask God to cause war to cease; let
Him demolish the armory of Israel's enemies.
! Isa. 49:24-26, Isa. 53 Job 5:12-14 Isa. 44:25. Ask God to contend with the enemies of
Israel. Let the oppressors of Israel feed on their own flesh and be drunk in their own
blood. Ask God to disappoint all the devices of the enemies of Israel so that their hands
cannot perform their enterprise; let them meet with darkness in the day time and
grope in the noonday as in the night. Ask God to frustrate the tokens of the Liars, and
terrorist groups militating against Israel and turn their knowledge to foolishness.
Day 95: Jews from the diaspora
! Pray for the restoration of Jews in the Diaspora. This is commonly known as JEWISH
ALIYAH. About half of the Jewsish population lives outside of Israel. There are 371,000
Jews in Canada, 5,714,000 in USA, 97,000 Jews in Brazil, 262,000 in Argentina, 519,000
in France, 288,500 in UK, 102,000 in Germany, 60,000 in Hungary.
! Jer. 16:16, Hosea 11:10, Hag 1:14. Ask God the Holy Spirit to stir up the spirit of all Jews
in the Diaspora to return to Israel.
! Ask God to quicken the Fishers and Hunters to facilitate the return of the Jews from
other parts of the world and compel them to return to Israel.
100 Days of Prayer for Kenya
! Ps 122:6-7, Isa 32:17-18. Pray for the peace of Israel. Ask God the Spirit to make Israel
to be a peaceable habitation and a quiet resting place. Ask the Holy Spirit to
overwhelm the people of Israel and the fruit of righteousness be peace and the effect
of righteousness be quietness and assurance forever.
! Proclaim that the people of God, the Israelites shall dwell in a peaceable habitation, in
sure dwellings, and in quiet resting places.
Day 96: The fullness of Isaiah 19
Remember Isa. 19:23-25 is tied to the covenant that Abraham made in the heartland of Israel.
Ask God to strengthen the pillars and foundations of the House of Israel. Ask God for the
fullness of Isaiah 19 so that Egypt (Africa), (Assyria) Middle East and Israel will worship God
together as a blessing in the midst of the earth.
Day 97: The Israeli government
Pray that God would be glorified in the decisions that the Government makes. Pray that God
would order their hearts towards His purpose for the land (Prov 21:1). Pray for their protection
and well-being.
Day 98: Pray for the Jewish believers
Pray for the Jewish believers that God would give them strength to continually stand for what is
true (Eph 3:16). Pray that the church in Jerusalem would indeed be the salt and light of the
Day 99: Ps 100:4. Praise God for your life.
Spend the day praising and worshipping God for your life, your relationships and your church.
Day 100: Ps 100:4. Praise God for the nation.
Spend the day praising God for the nation of Kenya, and for the great plans He has for the

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