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We live in an ever progressing and developing society. Education in this society is not
only a demarcation of the wealthy and poor but also of the uneducated and educated.
Your reputation and social image is dependent on your educational qualifications.
More than your salary, caste, creed or religion, people care about your degree for it
demarks you from the rest. Society is also a cluster of different people, to deal with
each we need knowledge of the system as well as our rights and duties which is only
taught to us through different mediums of education. This helps us become a
member of the society we live in and participate actively in the changes and
development required in the society.

2. The Difference
For education also makes us gain the knowledge of differentiating between different
aspects of work, life and curriculum. For a person who isnt educated he/she cannot
discriminate as to when he is being fooled or when the stats are true. Country works
on a certain curriculum, to follow those routes like in banks, government offices and
day to day needs we need to be educated so that no one can hoax us with their
knowledge. Your way of talking, perception and interaction in a social gathering shall
always stand out compared to the one who is illiterate.

3. Nobody can fool you
The lower class of the society is often faced with the issue of not being literate like
those who are more privileged, living in urban dynasties. Hence often the selfish
urban tend to use the innocence and illiteracy of the uneducated in their favor. Often
we come across cases where the farmers sign across wrong papers and have to
face long life penalty for giving their land to someone else. This is only because the
farmer is illiterate and hence can be easily fooled by words. Whereas an educated
person is smart enough to demarcate the cunningness of those around and is less
probable to be shot by such cases.

4. Independent
Education makes your growth optimum and helps you become independent to start
your own life. It makes you reliable on your instincts and knowledge to take the right
decision that does not harm your image and respect. An independent thought process
is developed when your brain is open to all the forms of life and knowledge about how
advanced the world has become and you witness the improvement in lifestyle. This
makes you create your own mentality rather than being a herd follower of your
ancestors it also gives you a broader outlook towards life and your career.

5. Knowledgeable
Education makes you knowledgeable, it makes you stand tall in a discussion and
participate enthusiastically with no shame of going dumb. Knowledge makes you
aware, potentially updated and also open minded. A person who lacks knowledge is
considered to be foolish and regarded as either a learner or an illiterate. Though
knowledge might turn to against you if not used in the best of intentions and calibre.

6. Stability

When you are educated, you shall get a job easily. A career can be established by your
credits and achievements in the educational field. This not only makes you
independent but also helps you create a living. Stability comes when you are on your
own, this cannot be achieved until you can excel in all forms and fields with a
rigorous effort on scrubbing your caliber. We are all blank frames until and unless a
drawing is not drawn, the frame shall remain un noticed and blank. If it is a good
image, carefully drawn, specialized by critics the final result shall be explicit
compared to rough drawings done by an un- experienced artist hence to be stable and
be valued by the world we need education. Education shall support our endeavor and
also speak on our behalf of our credits.

7. Living
For a living, it has become mandatory for a citizen to be educated. Not only they are
termed as barriers or qualifications to cross before coming in for an interview, but
education also decides your performance in an interview. An educated person is
aware of his surroundings and therefore can give explicit answers to questions asked
whereas an illiterate might not be able to comprehend the questions that shall be
bombarded on him. Moreover to apply for a job, the educational qualifications of a
student act as the eligibility criteria which is must before the student is able to fill an
application. Education opens to the world of our own where we can earn and form a
living for ourselves.

8. Sense of right and wrong
To know if you are right, you should might as well know, WHAT IS RIGHT? If we go
by terms of what people say there will be a huge confusion in our understanding,
leading us to unwanted and fraud situations. This can only be corrected or check if we
are educated enough to not be waved away. When a small child is given a toffee,
he/she accepts it without understanding its ingredients, taste or what it might do to
their health. Though if the same toffee is given to an educated person, he/she can
sense the difference by checking their ingredients, taste or smell. This is because
experience can education has made them aware of the difference between right and

9. Wisdom
Education is often compared with wisdom. A person who is educated has wisdom and
knowledge. Wisdom to know the correct and knowledge to reason it. Wisdom acts as
the stepping stone during a persons growth. A matured person is often considered to
have more wisdom than a teenager because he/she has faced the cons of life and
come out with experience that make them smart, careful and aware. These things can
be taught to you in school/ colleges or by your parents or by personal experience but
when we lack the urge to learn it is then that are downfall starts.

10. Career
A career makes our identity, it also decides our work frame, area of interest, caliber
and future. This career holds true only when a person is educated. Education gives
him/her the knowledge of their field so that they can pursue the career of their
interest full fledged. On the contrary those who are illiterate are considered for labor
jobs which do not require understanding, knowledge or development. They act as a
source to the needs of the educated. Hence to have a secure and balanced career we
need to work hard, learn new things, gain knowledge, spread our experience, help
the society and become educated.

1. Allows you to get a higher paying job, which allows you to be more financially secure.
2. Teaches you how to handle responsibility.
3. Gives you the necessary tools to think for yourself and back up your arguments.
4. Exposes you to more of your peers allowing you to see and experience diversity and
different points of view.
5. Helps you realize your potential, which allows you to empower yourself to do more than
you thought you could do before.
6. In the process of getting an education, you make new friends, and these friendships
could last a lifetime.
7. Gives you a better, more developed understanding of the world and current events.
8. Opens up the possibility of more job opportunities.
9. Allows you to learn the mistakes of those who came before you, so that you do not
repeat the same mistakes.
10. Learn time management skills and getting things done on time.
11. School teaches you that every bad action made has a discipline which goes with it.
12. Develop social skills for interacting with people you do not normally interact with.
13. Teaches you organizational skills which will one day come in handy.

While provisions of food, shelter, and healthcare are all necessary for alleviating
poverty in the developing world, the most sustainable way to help a community
improve its standard of life in the long run is to provide education for its residents.
Educated people are more aware of health issues, they farm more effectively, and
they can begin to help others around them.

Education can save lives. A child born to a mother who can read is 50% more likely to live past age 5
Every additional year of maternal education reduces the child mortality rate by 2 percent
Education can help bridge the gender gap. As of today women constitute two thirds of the world's
illiterate population
According to USAID, more education for girls is one of the best ways to fight hunger. It even
outperforms temporarily increasing the food supply.
According to the International Food Policy Research Institute 40% of the decrease in malnutrition
between 1970 and 1995 was the result of better farming practices stemming from increased

If every child in the world received a primary education then in the next decade an estimated 7 million
cases of HIV could be avoided

Some say education is the process of gaining information about the surrounding world
while knowledge is something very different. They are right. But then again,
information cannot be converted into knowledge without education. Education makes
us capable of interpreting things, among other things. It is not just about lessons in
textbooks. It is about the lessons of life.

A direct effect of education is knowledge gain. Education gives us knowledge of the
world around. It develops in us a perspective of looking at life. It helps us form
opinions and develop a point of view. The information we are constantly bombarded
with, cannot be converted into knowledge without the catalyst called education.
Education makes us capable of interpreting things rightly and applying the gathered
information in real life scenarios. Education is not limited to lessons from textbooks.
Real education is obtained from the lessons taught by life.

Education is important because it equips us with the expertise that is needed in
helping us realize our career goals. Expertise is an in-depth knowledge about a specific
field and it's ought to open doors to brilliant career opportunities. Education fetches
better prospects of career growth. Good education is an eligibility criterion for
employment in any sector of the industry. Be it any field, education always proves to
be rewarding. We are weighed in the market on the basis of our educational skills and
on how well we can apply them.

The words 'cultivate' and 'civilize' are synonymous with 'educate'. That says it all.
Education is important as it teaches us the right behavior and good manners, thus
making us civilized. It is the basis of culture and civilization. It is instrumental in the
development of our values and virtues. Education cultivates us into mature individuals;
individuals capable of planning for the future, and taking the right decisions in life. It
gives us an insight into living, and teaches us to learn from experience. It makes us
self-confident, and develops our abilities to think, analyze, and judge. It fosters
principles of equality and socialism. It forms a support system for one to excel in life.
It is the backbone of society. It won't be wrong to say that good education makes us
more human.

Education paves the path to disillusionment. It wipes out the wrong beliefs from our
minds. It helps create a clear picture of things around, and erases all the confusion. It
kindles the flame of curiosity and helps awaken the abilities to question, and to reason.
The more we learn, the more questions we have, and without questions, there are no
answers. Education teaches us to find answers. It makes us more self-aware. It leads
us to enlightenment.

Though not enlisted as one of the three basic human needs, education is equally
important. For the progress of a nation, for the enrichment of society in general,
education is important. A country's literate population is its asset. In today's
competitive world, it won't be wise to neglect the importance of education for the
development of society as a whole. Most countries have realized this. It has led to the
development of many government-aided educational programs and government grants
to schools and colleges. The motive behind this is fostering education in society. The
future of a nation is safe in the hands of the educated. Education is important for the
social development and economic growth of a nation.

"An investment in knowledge pays the best interest." - Benjamin Franklin
"Our progress as a nation can be no swifter than our progress in education. The human
mind is our fundamental resource." - John F. Kennedy

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