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1. Busting the myth or respecting beliefs.

You as an engineer / scientist shall deal with a number of customs

and/or superstitions. Enumerate at least three. Identify one, discuss and validate whether plausible or not. Hint:
research about superstitions / customs / beliefs which are somewhat scientifically accepted.
2. ohlberg!s "heory of #oral $evelopment. Enumerate the stages and levels and cite e%amples.
&ontrast/compare each levels.
'. &urriculum visit( Environmental Eng!g and )afety #anagement *+efer to &,E$ &#- 2. for the curriculum/,
0cademic freedom of faculty in institution of higher learning, actual practice. )ynthesi1e the aforementioned
aspects .
.. "he government client or the general public2 3histleblower *3hich interest you should protect2 &ite e%amples/
4. 5egal / Ethical Issues in ,enry vs. 6araday $iscovery *"he nature of dispute and how it was resolved/
7. 5egal / Ethical Issues in &avendish vs. -hm $iscovery *"he nature of dispute and how it was resolved/
8. Banning of Incinerator *assert why it should be banned with little emphasis of 9-" implementing it/
:. Implementation of Incinerator *assert why it should be implemented with little emphasis of banning it/
;. Bio 6uels 0ct of the <hilippines *assert why it should be held with little emphasis of 9-" implementing it/
1=. Bio 6uels 0ct of the <hilippines *assert why it should be implemented with little emphasis of holding it/
Common Criteria for Grading: Proficient English grammar (Functionalist), adherence with citation as well
as coherence of the same. At least minimum of 10 sources (order of reference: !ournal, "oo#s, ertinent sites
a$oiding %i#iedia and "logs&forums). Contrast, s'nthesi(e and&or e$aluate the ethical and or&legal
imlications. Prefera"l' loo# to the Code of Ethics of Electronics Engineers
+andom selection of topics
9.B. )chool +ules on plagiarism, copyright infringement, academic dishonesty applies.
&ontent *>uantity/>uality/ ? 24@
&oherence ? 24@
English proficiency ? 24@
&itations /6ormatting ? 24@
)egal and Ethical *mlications of Plagiarism
Abstract: Plagiarism is very significant issue involving students and professionals as well as
government officials in the Philippines. The issues discussed and to be resolved in this paper
are: WHETHER R !T plagiarism involve criminal / civil liability to the perpetrator of the
same" WHETHER R !T the #ourt of law has $urisdiction in the cases of plagiarism
committed in the %cademic institutions as well as Professional rgani&ations.
eywords( legal, ethical, plagiarism, copyright, publish, intellectual honesty

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