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+++"Starting to Asura kingdom" one hundred and seventy sixth


Members of the journey is eight person.
Ariel, Luke, Sylphy, Elmore, Kleene.
To this Princess escort, Ghyslaine, Ellis, and Me is added.
one huge two wheeled carriage, and five horse.
never i think that journey preparation for huge Kingdom Asura,
Asura second Princess Ariel Anemoi Asura was a simple preparation.

Ostensibly because we return in incognito.
hiding the truth from the public that know we returning via

However, in spite of the incognito, large number of human lined at
the entrance of the magic city Shari'a.
The head teacher of magic University and officer of the student
General Manager of the magic guild.
the long line of Mashirube-gu studio.
Others, representative of the royal family, long line of nobles of
the three great powers of magic and organization of something,
they came to see Ariel off one after another.

didnt they know the meaning of Incognito word.
even though it not mean that you cant send a big number of
farewell escort in grandiose way.
There is a farewell march anyway...... Also, it's the results of Ariel

Orusuteddo is mighty, but his connection with human race is almost
there might be come the time when he need his connection with
I thought so, so i them in his place.


Now, it's starting.
moving, I combined horse and teleportation magic, a horse-drawn
Go to the air fortress in horse-drawn carriage, you can use the
teleportation magic to the team while riding a horse-drawn
carriage, and transferred to the northern part of the upper jaw of
the red dragon, it's southward by land as it is.

Pergius also set up a magic circle where horse-drawn carriages can
If you get there, within Asura Kingdom, Almanfi will come and i
want him to draw the magic circle. (TL: or maybe Rudy try to say
to send Almanfi to Asura Kingdom and made him draw magic
circle there)
i tried to voiced that opinion, but he said that out of 13
people[including Pergius] there is only two person who could draw
teleportation magic circle. Theyre Pergius and Sylvaril .

In addition, it look like teleportation magic circle cant be installed
air fortress magic run by Pergius magic, but to keep it active
certain condition must be meet.
The condition, that's magic.
in the Past, taking advantage of the characteristics of the place
with High density of magic, by absorbing magic from the
surrounding, a genius that created a thing called teleportation
magic produced a magic tool to semi-permanently activate the
In other words, without a place with High density of magic,
teleportation magic circle can not make.

back at the desert and magic forest that i used when i go to
Vegarid continent, could it be thats the reason.
Of course, it has become possible to studies that after previously
activated by attaching the magic crystal periodically.
By crystal magic, it's manual feed type magic.
because "Magical power density is thin", in most area that forming
Asura kingdom.
Attach the magic crystal in an emergency, and keep it removed
when it is not necessary.
only few number of people know where is The place to install the
magic crystal.

what was destroyed this time is the type that didnt require magic
crystal and type that using magic crystal, in short everyone of
them is destroyed.

The magic, location, and equipment.
Without knowledge of the three, it is not possible to make the
transfer magic.

So how did Pergius intend to come to the royal palace Asura.
no, for now they didnt tell me that you didnt need to worry about
that. You know Because of Ariel sama, it look like they intend to
make a surprise appearance.

"Look Rudeus!The pea-like town! ! Carved! Look great! Its

the Moment when we transferred to the air fortress, Ellis raised
her voice.
You can look down from the sky by jumping off the horse, she
began to raise her voices of admiration when looking up at the
a childlike reaction that i dont expect come from twenty-year-old
girl, we cast a wry smile.
its really heartwarming.

somehow the mood become better after seeing Ellis reaction.
It's Sylvaril who has been waiting in magic circle before.
To see Ellis go crazy, she was feel proud in her mind.
Enough to be seen with the mask over her face.

" Ke~i male Breaker is Landscape from the air Citadel, I hope you
like it"
"its the best! First of this!"

seeing carefree smile of Ellis, Ellis favorability in Sylvaril rises.
That human beings, is probably the most honest one.

is that so, then allow me to introduce myself. Im first familiar of
Pergius sama, Sylvaril of void. Best regard.
"Ellis Grey rat!"

Ellis seemed to be itching to go into the castle.
did it just my imagination or its look like Sylvaril showing around
with happy mood and even explain this and that.
While watching that charming scene, we followed them.
we guided by Sylvaril that explaining this and that to Ellis, it's
between the audience.
It's a plan for the greeting to Pergius before our departure.

"Came in"

As before, Pergius proudly sitting on a chair surrounded by spirits.
The only greeting this time.
When Ariel came out earlier, you tried to said that directly.
Ellis came Zu~itto before her.

"What matter?"

Was freeze.
In my mind, the sight of Pergius beating Ellis with his clenched fist
trying to pick a fight with Pergius, no matter what he wont be so
generous if that really happen.
when i hurriedly trying to stop her, Ellis lowering her head.

"nice to meet you, my name is Ellis Grayrat, just the other day i
become Rudeus wife. Best regard for the future too(TL:
maybe something close to nice to meet you)

I was taken aback.
Wait a minute, where is we now, where are you hat in hand is, who?

"the former Dragon King Pergius Dora.
Ellis Gray rat. I know, training in sword holy land, almost
challanging Orusuteddo, befitting of your nick name [Berserk King
class sword].
"...... E~to, that the immature me. Though there is still some

Ellis trying to be humble, but its futile.
Possibly, it may be rote.

"Its commendable attitude. Differents Ellis Gray rat, I liked it"

Pergius looks happy.

"I that. We must apologize for the incident with my subordinate
Eight years ago for our difference "

Ellis face up, she made a quizzical look.
That face,'s face she do not remember.

"I do not mind!"
"is that so? ...... then thank you"

Pergius laugh and enclosed, he shook his hand carelessly.
Ellis stood up, she walked towards me with smiling ear to ear face.
It is a face of she did this about, and, because I can do it if you
think it is going to do.
she might have been practicing that all the way.

Anyway, Pergius seems to like Ellis.
his Attitude is different from when with me.
Again, for me there is no human from right side and the wrong side
is, Na is liked by everyone.
friendship is a good thing.

"Everybody, come here"

After Ariel give her greeting, with Sylvaril guidance of, were
leaving audiance room.

The teleportation magic, from the doorway we were now using, was
in the place where it turned around.
There is nothing now, in the back of a huge hall which was deserted,
teleportation magic was give off a faint light.
Sylvaril had explained this and that about the hall, but let omitted

we got to the magic.


Teleportation magic destination was the ruins.
It is the ruins of teleportation magic.
the same one was also in Vegarid mainland and near Ranoa kingdom.

According to the Orusuteddo, there are many more of these ruins
in the old days, a variety of races seems to have been moving in the

It became totally prohibited from being exploited in the war.
some Balaur hate it, thus theyre hidden, it's so because they put a
barrier in the ruins they were using on their own.
Anywhere in the world, that guy that against the world for their
own convenience always exist.
Now that you can move comfortably thanks to that, not going to
blame that desire.

Were among the dense forest was a ruin.
Of the valley called "upper jaw of red dragon", it's a little
northwest on the map According to the information received was
confirmed in advance.

However, there is where the problem was about to occur.
every carriage transferred with teleportation magic is good, but
that carriage cant get out of the ruins.
either someone or anyone......never think about this.

thats Where im amazed, two servant of Ariel, began to
disassemble the carriage carefully.
When you break up the horse-drawn carriage with fluid motion, two
people carried that outside the ruins.
And I thought it's awfully small horse-drawn carriage, but it seems
to have been assembled.
From there, laden with parts of the carriage horse, move to the
nearest highway.
assembling a horse-drawn carriage at the nearest road, finished in
no time.

since the day ended when you leave the highway, it was decided to
camped there near the highway.

"Whew ......"

Surrounding the bonfire, to prepare for rice.
This location with the forest around, firewood for cooking the food
also was not worried.
I mean, it's been collected from the demon that has been killed in
the forest.
And Demon-Beast Race Firewood
And give it some wild grass.
, they really is exist everywhere.
It's even living in my house, and maybe there is possibly that trent
is the next ruler of the world.

It's a place to sit directly on the ground in an ordinary way, but
one of her men had brought a carpet.
Should say youre princess party indeed.

Sylphy and two servant was in charge of cooking.
i offered to help, but was turned down softly.
Well, with Sylphy skill even if i help it just get in the way.
Only told once, to make tableware and cookware if its not enough.

in the middle of cooking holding my hand while feeling bored.
if i thought to patrolling the surrounding area to alert the party
for incoming danger, Ghyslaine and Ellis already do that.
Its look like my turn wont come.
In this journey, there is no work for me.
Think first.
i've Never experienced even the time when i traveled alone, had
been asked to bother you in the party of each place.
In those days, I having a lot of magic that has been useful as a
convenient chore.
It's up from the purification of water to the production of

Only have a few people that can activate servant magic, my work
seems to disappear here.

Also, not taking care of Ariel princess I have work to do.
By fight against Hitogami, who assess whether the Apostle of
Hitogami, I can beat the guy.
The forecast for today, is Luke, and Darius, one person after.
The high as possible, god of water styleor Kitatei.
I have heard in Orusuteddo workaround each.
as I learned that i Simulate many times in my brain, I should I try
out in combat.

"By the way ......"

looking at Luke while muttering.
In a splendid armor figure, he stood close to the Ariel.
In the case of emergency, it's standing position Ru Kavaje Ariel

If ......, Luke things are Apostle of Hitogami.
As determined I would not kill him.
i wonder What Orusuteddo intend to do to Luke.
Luke's leader for Ariel.
If you're that willing help even after becoming the king, It Would
not that bad for apostle of Hitogami.

No, you, me, and Asura's kingdom to aiding Orusuteddo, in the
That means that, Luke will be dead by the time.
So, whether there is no less relevant.
But, either there wouldnt a meaning for Ariel to became king if you
died immediately.
No, the event "Ariel is the king" that is, it is surely would be a
turning point.
or Event of "first prince becomes king," that is, will surely become
our Bad End flag.
Once ...... Uh-huh, you can either keep listening even at the next
I do know if I will tell.

Orusuteddo does not tell in detail about the event 100 years later.
i also heard Hitogami saying the world destroyed and youre die,
but it was return to only possibility in some cases. Hitogami long
as Korosere, it was like looking good but what about next world.

Well, even if youre going to destroy the world in the future, the
me in the present cant afford to worrying about that.
My goal for now is to protect my family as hard as i can mutter.
It would be irresponsible, but i cant be so hard headed.
The events of the future, must be settle up by the human from
that generation.

but whether my descendant would lend their hand to Orusuteddo
even with the world will perish knowing beforehand.
Or would they lend their hand, without knowing about it.
If it is the latter, it's likely a bit cute.
Also for the time being, for that possibility, it would be nice if i
left some word.

"Im done, Rudy, Gyslaine, also Ellis lets eat!.
In her words, my thinking was interrupted.
Well, even after i came back from the Asura kingdom, I should
write the diary.
i have tendency to forget thing.

Dinner was delicious.
Should say Sylphy indeed.
Or the two attendants also amazing.
In the state where the food wont be satisfied, they could make it
delicious. Now, i will ask them to teach me if there is free time.


Ariel is only one that using the tent, and the rest of us to watch in
Watch in two people set.
That said, it's seven, except for Ariel.
There is a time zone that is set with three people.

At that time, one people to patrol the surrounding.
Me, Sylphy, Ellis, and Ghyslaine.
All in capacity basis, is one who can defeat the demon alone.

"I'm going to patrol the surrounding"

The first day is my turn.
as i tell that to other, i began to getting away from the bonfire.
Toward the deep forest ahead.

In total darkness, the only light source is the torch that i hold now.
However, I know that there are no monsters in this area.
While not intending to be vigilant, but getting too cautious is never


then after walking for about five minutes.
very well away from bonfire.
Abruptly from the dark, a guy appeared.
Sanpakugan silver-haired with golden eyes.
a Man with scary face like a devil, he was floating in the darkness.


Scream came out involuntarily, I was about to let the torche fall
from my hand.

"Hattie ...... cheers for good work sorry for being rude,

While greeting, I was sitting in a nearby tree roots.
Orusuteddo also sit down on the tree root in front of me.
Orusuteddo is tracking us.
Thing that, Pergius will also know.
Then, you would have use magic.
thus he and me scheduled a period of contact during the journey.
Because it is suspicious if we meet too often, so its once every few
day. It's only when my turn to patrolling around.

"whats the news?"
"There is no suspicious movement, especially Luke. Journey is going

And, I dispense the scheduled contact.
It's the first day, and not much to be said in particular.
Orusuteddo also seems did not expect something extraordinary,
did not come to hear something to pursue.

"That's good. Maybe there wont be anything for few day"
"Just be extra careful when you passing [upper jaw of the red
dragon] area "

Upper jaw of the red dragon.
It is a connected valley at Akaryu Mountains that separating the
northern earth and Asura kingdom.
its close call since the large horse-drawn carriage breadth is
almost at the same size with the road.
By the way, once I have had nearly killed by Orusuteddo, in the
lower jaw of the red dragon.

passing the valley, there is a large forest.
It's famous forest in the Asura kingdom.
that forest called "Akaryuu no Hige".
But, in many cases it is become one with valley to the north and
called [Upper Jaw of the Red Dragon].

The time being, there's also a part of the Asura kingdom, to the
south from the forest border of the Asura kingdom.
close with the south side of the forest, there is a great wall
erected there, with hundreds soldier standby there.
In order to not let the monster go to the south side, or to prepare
for the invasion from the North.
The reason is different.

And the most important point.
This is deep forest, but also a place that is often used when you kill
a royalty.
It is a country, not even witnesses once you entered the forest.
some area of the forest, there is powerful monster, bandit sinking
their fang on the north and south path also running rampant.
Secret place to kill someone, it's a great place.

If, Darius had received advice from Hitogami, thi is the time when
he will send his assassin.
After all, to send soldiers to the northern part of the upper jaw of
the red dragon can be considered as invasion to another country.
if attacked the Princess after passing south checkpoint within
Asura Kingdom, it will surely become big news.
it will become minus point for Darius with some circumtances.
Therefore, the first cance to kill the princess is, here.
If it is here, most risk is small, it is possible to kill Ariel.
Orusuteddo was not so glaring.

"So, in the fact that as planned"

If there is an attack, it is possible to suggest taking risky route.
if It's through the highway its dangerous, let's go through a
different route.
And, we could also going with the flow and scouting for thief group
in which Tris become its member.

If there is no attack, Orusuteddo moves at that time.
only me know that.
To this end, a scroll with a picture of a summoning magic in advance,
you have to prepare the magic crystal.
You have also provided excuse, would be interfering with someone
servitor not a demon around here.
All, it's as planned.

"If there is an attack, likely to come from Kitatei Obel Corvette is
high, Beware of that guy"
"Yes. It even as planned"
"Oh ......"

Asura kingdom if you are hired the god of water styleand if Kitatei.
Possibility that as attackers, and to dispatch Kitatei high,
Orusuteddo had seen so.
The swordsman named Obel, such work is it's a good.

Wacky swordsman as if to embody the Kita-shin-ryu.
Until hairstyle, the way of fighting from the costume, all wacky.
Child of surprise.
"Peacock sword" Obel Corvette.

The possibility to fight him and god of water, already telling Ellis in
if im right. At one time, Ellis have learned swordsmanship from
Reida and Obel.
The fighting opponent is a teacher and its a hitting contest to
decide a winner.
I had thought so, but she was only answered with her arms folded
"Yes! Trap Udeganaru" she said.

The two people, I wonder did have a close relationship like
And I wonder Ellis, you do not have friends in holy places of the
sword I mean.
Im a little worried.

"I'm worried about something"
"What are you worried about?"
"It's you"
"I had to say that, infront of battles youre so optimistic"

I wonder so.
Maybe so.
That said, i was ready.
i also heard about instruction for what to do.
Although there is a chance that Obel wont come, but i still have to
simulate several ways.
Also i know in my head that he is a terribly strong opponent.
After that, I just deal with it calmly.
It is hard to say that thorough, Must.......not feel nervous than
Rather, I should ...... It is more efficient to relax at this stage is

"Okay, thats it for once and take this"

Orusuteddo took out a bundle from several sheet of papers from
his bosom.
It was a scroll with a picture of a complex magic.

It is magic of the "king class healing magic.
She used to be a saying that you could only use up to advanced
healing magic.
so In case of emergency, use it. "
"Yes ......"

The healing magic of the king class, to what extent it could heal.
Even such as missing an arm, or did It dawned on me can play.
leave the offense and evasion to the other party, and the defense
to me.
In light of it, we could centainly hold for long time.

"I Are there magic to healing magic of the king class" (TL: i dont
know how to translate this)
"most of the magic in this world could be reproduced"
"most of it.........then there is some that coudnt?"
"as long as its not a unique magic with a special trigger"
"Like what?"
Demonic technique like"Beast, gravity magic ...... Spending ORyu.
I must Hoguse the management, such things are not possible to use

demonic technique, or the guy I have call me magic voice.
Once, I too'm able to place you to surprise your opponent.
Partner because only the wince loudly, although I just subtle
whether forms a body of as magic.

"While you hear of my future self had been mastering the gravity
Perhaps, it would have required considerable time to master it.
research, understanding, and time for training "
"...... Orusuteddo-sama, I've heard that you can use all technique in
this world.
Do you can also use gravity magic? "
"Oh. It is not a user friendly technique"

Oh, so you could.
That's expected.

"it is not necessarily as i could use it from the time I was born ...,
one at a time to do so again, do you remember went?"
"It is so."

I see.
At the moment, i cant even imagine the principle even if i heard it.
If you do it in long period of time, its something that i intend to do,
such as anti gravity.

Well, rather than to pursue what you do not know if you can do, its
better to do what i can do right now.
if You look at that direction , surely you could afford more than
you expected.
All right.
What you should ask after Luke ...... or another things.

Come to think of it , Orusuteddo-sama.
As apostle of Hitogami, Luke didnt have the kind of power that
could put me in Life-or-Death situation? "
"If you can not kill with it, then How come he could succeded
enthroned princess Ariel become a king?"
"It could be anything, there is a time when the guy also escaped
from the spell of Hitogami"
"Apostle of Hitogami Would you be okay to keep doing? Such as
Leave it up to three people?"
"no problem, and can remain apostle of Hitogami is human, as a
result of future prediction of guy he is until"

Result of future prediction until there?
Boss, the important thing like that, I want you to say earlier, c'mon.
What paddle like Slussen, for some reason there may be a situation
Apostles' s change in the middle of the fight?

"Then, there is a border turning point. For this time, Future Sight
of guy, or place it, such as, whether or not the king Ariel has
rejected Darius and Gravuel"
"It's up to, and does not change the Apostles?"

From ...... in later years thatis important.
Fair to middling.
Let's say it is good just to know.
This one reviews until after the Apostle does not change.
The thing to say to the contrary, the one review once you have it it
ceases to be a apostle automatically.
Well, could be messengers again but remains.

And to the caliber of Orusuteddo,
It's the remains of the Apostle died and the results of the future
is to predict until the apostle frame remained.
Well, I mean kill.

"in return. When it comes too late, This could be due to suspicious"

To say so, and finished the scheduled contact with Orusuteddo.

Return to the bonfire at a quick pace, and reported that there is
no abnormality around.
The change on time, I dropped in on blankets.

In this way, the first day of the trip to the Asura kingdom went

+++"Upper jaw of red dragon" one hundred and seventy seventh

Upper jaw of the red dragon.
Valley with just one road that continues on.
It is not as straight as Seiken Road.
However, it is one straight road with no fork in the road.
Is between the border and the border, a neutral area that didnt
have owner.

If you are moving there, nearly ran big number of quotient corps.
tens of wagon, and carrying fifty horses and more animal.
its Large firm surely, they carry the load from Asura kingdom to
the big three magic.

The long line of them, with human walking in regular interval.
It's adventurers escort.
They have been glared at us with sharp eyes eye.

To see it, suddenly I remembered that old day.
There was also that when you move indeed, to the north, I was also
part of the escort of the quotient Corps say oh.
not a too large quotient corps, but if i remember correctly it has
many young merchant in it.
I think they call me one way or another, but i didnt think they will
remember the name of one person.

At that time, I was alone.
I Was so lonely.

After all, it's time I was under the impression that I has been
abandoned by Ellis.
It's time that I thought it was over as a man.
It's time that I thought nothing matter anymore, there is nothing
to believe in this world.
In those days, strengthtening my body, and worship the god is my
only truth in this world.

Since then, I was in various ways.
get my confidence back by Sylphy, and now father of one child.
its not something that i could thing as venerable, but once my
father too. Clearing misunderstanding with Ellis, now she is my
Roxy also come along and married to me, and now she is pregnant
with my second child.
with those three wifes, my night life also become more merrier.
What do I will say at the time you see this kind of situation.
If you think you wanna borrow a chest of someone Hey, ...... this
situation maybe they will willingly.

"hey...... why are you suddenly become so quiet like a mouse"

i heard Ellis voice from my side.
I suddenly noticed, unaware to me that Ellis and my Bridle
By the way, since I can not riding a horse, now im stuck at Sylphy

"Hey Ellis"
"Can I grope your tits?"
"what are you saying so suddenly after becoming quiet......... it
turned out to be useless"

It was no good.
It's mon it or not you get to understand that it also asked willingly.

............ Well.
if the me at that time, looking at the me at now i wont say anything.
Just laughing lonely, and say "congratulations".
the me in the past, was one of those guys.
i would take some distance while congratulate them, acting like
that happiness is unrelated to me.

"You know, Rudy"

Came a voice from the front, it's Sylphy.

"i listened you asking Ellis for grope her, and wondering..............why
you didnt ask me? "

If you notice, my hand was massaged Sylphy breast.
my palm feel lonely in this journey.

"Oh, sorry it was so sweet. So Unconscious I... "
"dont worry, because no little demon here, but you have to hold
back when were leaving the valley ......?"
"Thank you, thank you, Sylphy, youre really an Eko ...... and Eko, or
"I wonder ...... be grateful while massaging the breast"

While scraping and crunching sound from the back her ear, Sylphy
gave a wry smile.
I groped at every thing After I married her chest.
So, also groping Sylphy chest feel most familiar to me.
my Fondness for Sylphy chest deepened.

"It 's good to ride behind me tomorrow, Rudeus!"

Ellis is burned with rivalry, to say so while her face become flushed,
and ran away to the front row.
Haha~tsu, it is very popular.

Well ......, we will exit the valley soon.
the ambush will surely come, so lets switched for a moment.


When you exit the upper jaw of the red dragon, forest had spread.
the valley exit located in slightly higher altitude.
From quite distance from the spreading forest below, i could see a
But, because of the tree height, i cant see the road in the middle
of the forest. I do not know where the location of the ambush in
this forest.
Whatever happens here, it wont be found by anyone.

Orusuteddo says.
from Here, seems can see the exit of the forest from the walls.
in other word, who entering the forest and who come out from it
could be confirmed.
In contrast, from the forest to here, the entrance cant be seen
from the wall.
to the ambusher, this is geographical advantage.
A perfect place to ambushing us.

"At last, I came back to here"

At the entrance to the forest, Sylphy has stopped the horse.
Luke was also stopped.
Horse-drawn carriage was also stopped.
As for Ghyslaine, and Ellis also stop their horse.

Servant, was down from the driver's seat.
Luke and Sylphy was also down from the horse.
From horse-drawn carriage, Ariel came out.
She had a small bouquet.
on the roadside, five people walked up to the stone.

look like ordinary stone.
In particular, does not mean there is something decorative.
However, on the surface, indicia characters are engraved.

Ariel is the first that placing the bouquet on top of the stone, I'm
hooked up.

Pose of prayer Millis cult.
Ariel is not a devout Muslim religion.
never seen her figure praying to god.\
Luke also like that.
i dont know about the Attendants, but Sylphy also different.

In other words, the one that resting under the stone is people that
known to Ariel.
Dead in this forest, in the upper jaw of the red dragon, her Knight
escort, her art teacher, or her servant.
I hear in the upper jaw of the red dragon many of her escort dead,
especially near the border.

then, Let me also keep hands together forthe time being.

from here, the possibility for ambush will increasing. So, lets
camp here for now and continue our journey tomorrow.
In the words of Ariel, Sylphy went back to the horse.
her face, it seemed to be more firmer than before.


In the evening of that day, I went to re-confirmation of the
formation once again.
On top of that, it should be recap and from that, moving to
identify each member from their technique so we wont fall into

Ghyslaine and Ellis is our main attacker.
with her fast respond to any situation, Sylphy become a support.
I have predictability eye as a rear guard.

basically I stand in a position to pay attention to every member.
Foreseeing eye, cant see something that isnt in my field of view.

In addition, valet Elmore and Luke is protecting Ariel.
i wish those three member also well equipped, but it cant be helped
since their combat power is underpowered.
Even if they fight alongside Ghyslaine and Ellis, they would get in
the way.
Well, i mean in preparation for a surprise attack, they must be at
Ariel side to protect her.

Use the magic tool to mimicking Ariel, valet Kleene moving as her
It is a magic tool to change the hair color and face.
For this day, the two squire's was trimmed their hair about same
length as Ariel.
their Height and figure are different, but ... Well, there is no
Anyway,the life of two people servant 's mean for Ariel remaining
I do not know anything about it, but, I'd like to finish this without
killing anyone.

Tomorrow, we will move on the assumption that there is attack.

"We have to move with transfer magic, to the place the assailant
wont after us?"

to that question from someone, Ariel replied.

"senior minister Darius who is thorough. He already making
preparation the moment father become ill.

The thing with.
The other party or any other party, and no one knows yet.
But, I already shared information about Kitatei god of water
stylethat was hired to Asura kingdom.
On top of that, Kitatei Obel will also become our enemy.
Im tell them with that preparation in mind.

i thoght about how to fight him, so we coul also dealing with this
problem better, but if Obel and Luke was the apostle of Hitogami,
there is a possibility they already made countermeasure.
making preparation to fight him, while they made preparation to
destroy that.
once that happen.

a will do so to deal with it personally this time.
warning everyone from Obel surprise attack, while protecting
everyone safety.
It's going to be a feeling rather than protecting Ghyslaine and
everyone ..., im the one being protected.
Anyway, let's do our best so that no one died.


The next day.

were moving based on the formation discussed at the meeting.
Ghyslaine and Ellis, horse riding Sylphy and I followed in the front
riding the horse-drawn carriage riding is the two squire and Ariel,
followed by Luke at the back of the horse-drawn carriage.

when were on the forest road while on alert. There was a curved
road that hard to predict what come after that.

Just before there.
I found a short tree, with some marks from Aru somewhat carved.
Mark that looks like a $ is something that has been discussed with
Orusuteddo in advance.
"Ahead, theres ambush" meaning.

Apparently, it seems to not need to know in advance.
Facing the fullest capability of predictability eye, I was clutching
my cane.
Artificial arm of Zalif also activating, I want to be able to start
the sucking demon stone palm at any time.
From the forest, blowguns and poison dart might come flying
suddenly, or it may come and release shower of advanced magic
toward horse drawn carriage.
Either, if that already seen by predictability eye, I should be able
to avoid.

However, there was no need for that.
Ghyslaine and Ellis Horse go to the front.
blocking the way of those two is the figure of armored soldier
standing side-by-side.
numbering, more than dozen people.


I stop the horse Ghyslaine and Ellis looking at the distance.

"It's nothing!"

Gyslaine word didnt answer Armored Soldier question.
Because of the full face helmet, I can not see their facial
In the soldiers Armored , there are those who put the flashy
conspicuously feathers.
they would be a captain.


They were silent.
In silence, they just blocking the road.

"Rudy get down ......"

In response to the words, I jumped off the horse, moved to the
Ariel horse drawn carriage vicinity.
Sylphy is still riding a horse, going ahead.
While taking position between Ghyslaine and Ellis, was staring
towards the captain.

Its Fitz of Royal Escort!
behind me in this carriage is known as the second princess Ariel
Anemoi-Asura from Asura kingdom!
Where is the soldiers! Say your name! "

Manly voice sound rang in high.


But the captain does not answer.
But in silence, drawing their sword.


Starting with it, other soldier also drawing their sword.
And High-pitched sound Jakin to echoed through the forest.
At the same time Karawarawara, soldiers armed to the teeth
came out from the forest.
Most of them had a sword, but I have a cane and were consisting
only several people.

"Enemy attack!"

Get off the horse, Luke already taking stance.
servant Elmore on driver's seat is clasped her whip filled with
in the horse-drawn carriage, servant Kleene disguised as Ariel.

Check it, face forward.

"Back Aaa!"

Already started, Ghyslaine and Ellis facing the sword wielding
soldier first.
they defeating the soldiers with their sword that so fast that it
wont even left after image.
Towards the other side Even though the sword first, and was
attacked is here and is fast, how this.

"Magic Leave it!"

Sylphy had to resist precisely the magic of flying for two people.
I can not see, but it seems there are magician behind the soldiers.

the number of the troops is almost 30.
And because they still come out from the forest, it look like there
is more of them.
However, it seem such number wont be advantage when facing
Ghyslaine and Ellis.
theyre reducing the number in the blink of an eye.

Ellis moving on her own.
Ghyslaine will cover her blind spot,
furthermore Sylphy supported them with magic.
while their fighting style didnt enclosed by the enemy, theyre
slaughtering the armored knights.
that Three people ...... is strong.
It's okay even if i leave them alone.

"Luke senpai! Is there an enemy behind you? "

Response from Luke to protect the back of the horse-drawn
its look like they do as much as to luring us to escape from behind.
Or trap?
I wonder if its trap.

"What're you going to do about it, or draw?"
"No, I seem to be able to break through, and here before ......"

And, when I saw. Before the flock of soldiers cracked.
Then, look at the person who came out from between them.
Ghyslaine and Ellis stopped moving.

The person was smaller than expected.
his size would be only about one meter.
Child's family.
his small body wrapped in full body armor.
His armor polished clean, so clean that it shining brightly in the day.
with his short posture, he totally like mirror ball.

I felt when he come out in front, soldiers surrounding him
somewhat released relaxed athmosphere.
It is a feeling you give as teacher.
Apparently, he seems to be the strong man.
or, is that guy Obel?

"My name is Kita-o WE Star!
One person Kita-shinsan swordsman!
or called light and darkness!

...... The Who?.

"I found the tail, " black wolf "Ghyslaine!
i request one on one fight in this emergency case! ! "

Mirror ball was drawing his sword.
fitted with his short stature, its a short sword with 30
centimeters in length.
Even so, a single combat is.
It is a situation of dozens versus three already, but I wonder what
going on.


Ghyslaine that has been pointed, give one snort.
It was directed to the WE ter that pointed his sword.

it Would be nice!
Ghyslaine Ken-o of "black wolf"!
is your opponent! "

And holding a reserve sword on her waist, Ghyslaine was facing the
So, the flow of time was stopped.
Soldiers that you want to set aside here stopped walking, and start
looking at the surrounding at a distance while fallback.
Sylphy also fallback while warily glancing at the soldier movement.
Man called Kita-o that is, kept the melee, and he made that kind of

But Ellis cant read the situation.
The soldiers that went down, it was nearing dancing and just in

"eh, Ellis! Wa...!"

Sylphy also unintentionaly entering the fray.
covering Ellis back, while the meele began.

Two people would it be okay.
The number of enemies are many.
i looks at them for a moment, they didnt even received one attack.
So there is plenty of room.
...... All right, its okay to leave them for now.

I want to shackle them, but I can not move on this opportunity.
Because, due Ellis rampage, the distance between the horse-drawn
carriages and her widening a bit.

Still, Obel is not coming out.
Until he comes out, I can not move.

Obel is good at surprise attack.
must keep my eyes opened wide, a single stroke from behind.
It's very simple surprise, but the timing's really excellent.
Gap of consciousness.
I come with a gap of a fraction of a second.
If you want to crush the powerful magician in particular, hit them
when they shot their magic.

Therefore, Orusuteddo said.
if its turned out to be a battle, dont use any magic till that guy
show himself.
even if your ally in pinch, dont give them any support.
And if you wait, Obel would change his target, he will launch an
attack on those who most off guard.
And, you could start from here.

So, I can not move.
I should be alert on my sorrounding with eyes wide open.

Even so, I feel little bad.
Forget Kita-o WE ter, came out it was unexpected.
If, another strong guy comes out and its not Obel, wont be able
to give instructions of withdrawal.

"Ugh, you eat!"
"Haha~a! A" black wolf "Ghyslaine! Is your skill rotting!"

And facing that mirror ball, Ghyslaine is pressed somewhat.
Or rather, Gyslaine movement is strange.
a moment Ghyslaine tries to get out to attack, only to stop, and
turn her face.
WE ter didnt miss a chance like that.
he entering into Ghyslaine body quickly with a movement that you
cant expect from his short limb, then showering a thrusts.
his thrusts only making shallow wound on Ghyslaine skin it look like
she avoided fatal blow.

From earlier, Ghyslaine didnt even take a step forward and
launching her attack.
she readied her stance and motion of the attack, but turned away
each time for some reason, and thats allowing the WE ter to made
his first move.
there must be something.
But, i do not know it from my position.

What you are.
I try to look at the WE ter.
he is sparkling and shiny as a mirror ball, and hard to see.
While achieving the Reach and certain Ghyslaine, he is out in front
of the left hand.
The left hand, didnt hold anything.
Nara, or are using something magic?
Ghyslaine are turned away.
The thing is, sand?
You're trying to blinding her?

No, like that do not.
I can not see something in as out of hand.
But, Conwy Tha is an instant move the left hand to be sure, is
Ghyslaine turn away.
And, sometimes directing the left hand, and sometimes it is not for.

...... No, do so.
's Light.
And by reflecting sunlight with that armor, such as a mirror, and
he has robbed Ghyslaine sight.
Every time Ghyslaine is going to attack, intentionally.

I do use the skill salty is!

However, Ghyslaine's spicy likely.
If you leave this, you might lose.

Should i cover for her?
if now it wont be too late.
First of all, is Obel really here?
give a hint to Ghyslaine about that potato-man trick, or leave her
All right.

i began to pouring magic in the cane.
using Earth and water magic.
In a little more loosely, the usual quagmire.
Mixing magic -.

"" Doroame![mud rain] ""

in a moment Clouds covered the sky.
Raindrops that falling is brown like chocolate.
in a moment It was covered all over the battle zone.
Rain containing a mere mud.
There is no attack power.
if it fall on the ground, it will turned into a loose mud, took the
soldiers movement.
Some slip, I fell down.

Ellis, you train your legs. so there is no impact on the Ghyslaine.
Also Sylphy, while it dyed her white hair, but let set aside that for


And WE ter that his whole body polished becomes mud, mirror ball
lost its light.

"Ah A~a~a~a~a moth!"

Yell of Reppaku of Ghyslaine rang in the woods.
From the sword of Koshidame, sword of light is emitted.
To avoid that WE ter rolled his body, blood was blown far from the

with this its good.
Continued ... keep caution for Obel.
And, I looked back.


Right behind, there was a man.
i see a strange person.

wearing rainbow coloured jacket, up to knee pants, three sword on
the waist. There is a peacock tattoo on the cheek, hairstyle was
open like a satellite dish.
hes wearing a cloak of sallow in the back.
and from that cloak, silky sand spilling making a road.
Road has continued to the holes in the immediate vicinity, the hole
is the blind spot behind Luke.
This fellow, He was hiding digging a hole in the road.


Physiognomy, dress to match.
This guy's Kitatei Obel.

"I ...... and notice"

The next moment, foreseeing eye was watching the movement of
[The cock a sword which had the right hand]

"This is the distance ...... but sorry to sneak attack on magician!"

[Obel is swinging down the sword]

I was out in front of the left hand in the moment.
The left hand, the artificial arm Zalif is attached.
Artificial arm does not feel the weight, but still more of Obel early.

"my arm, Fly! ""

And Zalif releasing ridiculous acceleration.
But, Obel succesfully evading that with a backflip while tilting his
neck, its to soon to make Obel surprised with that arm.
With noise and Badzun, Zalif movement stopped in the distant tree.
While holding the sword, Obel saw alternately the arm that flew
and here's with round eye.

"Do not, what a strange way ......"

my heart is beating fast.
I knew that Obel will come with his trick.
Damn ...... Although I knew about that from Orusuteddo.
is this the result of breaking my concentration a little?

and It was decided that i will fight Obel one-on-one.
my opponent was a Kitatei.
not necessarily weak when fighting normally, Even more specializes
in surprise attack.
But, ... that have heard of the action to be taken after exposing
the figure.
The win, I'm fine, do calm down, I'm strong, I'm strong, Iams
Troon, I'm Stallone.

"Rudeus of" quagmire ""

Obel did not attack immediately.
While standing there, he spoke to me.

"I have heard the story, but, indeed, this is likely Tezuyo"

Why not come at me.
I do use the remedies that it does not come at the very least ...

"my name ......, Where did you hear?"
"when im teaching sword art to that beast over there.
she always said Rudeus is awesome "


"a man who could tamed that beast, would be a praiseworthy man.
Surely as the rumor said.......even his arm can fly

it Seems he have been fascinated by my Russia missile.
And he has been seen with vigilant eye so he wont do anything
strange to other.
hes bad-mannered guy.
...... a person that look like rare animal.

But, pretty much vigilance.
After all, Ghyslaine that defeated WE ter has been come towards
us at the end of my field of vision.
It's not far distance, would you come sooner.
If it is two-on-one, our winning percentage woul risen tremendously.

"Ellis, and Ghyslaine.
Fitz of silent, and Rudeus of quagmire.
As a precaution, we have brought Conwy Tha ... but.
with Rudeus here we cant kill the target, isnt this a bit hars on us

Obel is convinced himself alone and, OK, I nodded.
I wonder come.

"But, no shortage for the opponent!"

Not come.
But, if the current situation, even if a few seconds must hold him,
and defeat him with Gyslaine help.
Then, the technique that Obel used, I know roughly.
Be Shitome.

"certainly my name is, Kitatei Obel Corvette!"

sheating the sword in his left and right hand.
I also ...... pouring magic into my wand to response to it.

"I should leave ...... pushing!"

Obel started running.
not toward me, but toward Gyslaine.
That one?
Now, Did you say Sallaba?

"Oh, it ...... Gyslaine long time no see"
"Gaa A~a~a~a~a!"
"I have seen nothing yet not to change"

Obel threw the bag that was in his hand unawares.
the bag flies to Ghyslaine , In a smooth parabola .
The moment, Ghyslaine cut off at the hollow bag.

As soon as that, from the bag, things like smoke suddenly were
Ghyslaine face is ...... showered by it immediately.

"" rock Shell! ""
"Contact Otto~o!"

Obel avoided rock shell that come flying from behind with fluid
Ghyslaine can not chase ...... there.
Flour that was showered on her face, made her eyes excreting
huge amount of tears and causing her to sneezing repeatly.
Mixed with spices, it's special tear gas from Obel.
slipping through Ghyslaine like a cockroaches, Obel getting close to
Sylphy and Ellis that slaughtering the soldier.

"It's withdrawal! Withdrawal! flee!"

In that words, men begin to escape into the forest all at once.
And, Ellis noticed Obel at the same time.
moving her body to protect Sylphy, you are trying to intercept him.

"My sword, light flame! '"

At the same time the chanting stopped, Obel sword covered in
While stepping with side step, quickly removing something from his
waist, Obel included in the mouth.
I also know this trick.
In time.

"Water Wall!"

Oil gushes from Obel mouth to ignite the flaming sword, and attack
But the magic i launched managed to stop it.
The fire hit the water wall, it is extinguished in a moment.

Ellis does not matter, such as that of the water wall in front of you.
In order to shred magic every opponent of me, it was nearing the
sword to Obel to Kesagake from Daijodan.

"Aaa was!"

Sound of Zan~tsu, was heard.
With a thud, the upper body of the Obel is divided, and fell to the


While I was delighted, Ellis made a tut-tutting.
If you look closely, what fell to the ground it was not the upper
body of Obel.
it's a Log.
All too soon, log've had lying around on the ground.
the log wrapped with sand covered with cloak.

N ......?
I wonder what kind of thing.
It should still be seen in the foreseeable eye, you do not know what

And, the moment I thought.
Toward the log, something was flying.
's Claw.
Claw with a rope, he flew toward the log.
Claw is caught with Gachiri in cloth, I kept on pulling at a stretch.
Cloth dance lightly hollow, I settled into the original man with the
tip of the rope.

In the forest, there was a Obel that was wearing a cloak and
camouflage in flower.
Obel that he was recovered in the claw cloth.
is that cloak some kind of magic item?
To swap in an instantly party wearing, cloak the two, such as.
Or Utsusemi no jutsu[subtitute art].
It'll not hear it, boss!

"I mad dog Na raised his arm! Let Mieyo phases also! Let me be
rude this time!"
" wait Elise!"

Ellis tried to chase the Obel, but she was stopped in the Sylphy.

"in the forest there is big number of soldier, dont chase after

In her words, Ellis was looking towards me.
Then, to the direction in which Obel disappeared.
And one a tut-tut, she sheated her sword.


With an ill-tempered look, and Ellis walks into this place,
Sylphy to continue vigilance around while holding a cane.
For now, sign of the enemy disappeared from the surroundings.
The remaining Is just corpse.

"Whew ......"

For now, the raid will end with this.

But, Obel launch his surprise attack, so must stay alert.
At least, it attempts to continue vigilance until night.


After the battle.

The enemy nearly destroyed.
Damage of this place is almost nil.
the damage is only Ghyslaine sneezeing and tears that cant be
stoppped for almost an hour.
For detoxification and healing magic did not work, it was just a
little impatient, but the symptoms subsided when flushed with
water magic.
often feel the weakness of healing and detoxification magic.
Maybe it does not work in the hay fever.
In this world, but it is unlikely to Then hay fever.

I cleared up the corpse immediately to the roadside.

It was also good to leave it, but here's in the forest.
If you leave dead people alone, dead bodies would be revived and
become the undead.
Act of leaving the corpse,'s a contraindication basically.
And stripped the armor, off by putting together the roadside ones
likely to be relic, go burn the corpse.


While you have the work, Luke complexion become grim.
while working together, his complexion suddenly become bad.
its not mean he didnt familiar with corpse, he is focusing at the
corpse armor.
there is Something, I wonder.

"Hey, Luke ..., What this Crest"

The reason was found immediately.
from lot of corpse there is some of it.
In their armor, a Crest was emroiled.
The Crest is symbolize a certain lord from asura kingdom.
Mirubottsu is that territory, the name of the territory.
It is a territory that is housed in one of the four major local
aristocracy with a very strong force in the Asura kingdom.
The soldiers who attacked us, and it comes from soldiers who rule
over that territory.

it means.
Luke muttered by guess.

"Stupid ......"

Mirubottsu territory lord.
Philemon Notus Gray rats, he was betrayed Ariel.

+++One hundred and seventy eighth episode "inferred"

One hour after the ambush.
After putting away the dead bodies, we're erecting the camp in
the place that was somewhat secluded in the forest.

making bonfire while sorrounded by stone fence, were performing
a war council.

"Stupid ...... ...... such a fool"

Luke had a stuporous look.
from listening the talk that Philemon turned his back from us, he
murmured rashly with vacant eyes.

Will it be so strange.
No, or only to Luke.
I used to Ariel other servant is nonchalant.
also, there Is seems to have considered that possibility.

Only Luke's shocked, because he is Philemon relatives.
Or, I wonder it was unexpected blow from Hitogami.

What you was immediately blown.
And what had turned out to be a lie is that it was immediately
blown that.
Basically, the guy I to would not say that it is only a convenient.
For the ...... side, or I should get out.
No, here is where i give some suggestion.

"what is it Rudeus sama?"
i think Obel will come again when we still passing this forest, or
when were in the border, even after passing the border. I think he
will attack us on regular basis

Ariel was puzzled.

"I guess, it is?"

Such a thing, we have no choice but to face it, would that it had
been assumed like that from the beginning.

I was able to fight him this time, but Obel was more formidable
enemy than I thought,
Raid ...... number of the enemy was more than I thought.
Apparently, the other side going all-out to kill you, Ariel sama.
for the next attack, they will come with more preparation to
ambush us "
"......, is it that difficult to just fight them off?"

hearing Ariel word, i nod.

i wont say its difficult........but.
Perhaps, for the next attack, there would be a barrier.
And plenty of trap i think "
it is, but without transfer magic we could only goes on to proceed"

Deployment of conversation as expected.
my talk with Ariel is so easy.
its like, she really know what i want to say.

" Yeah, but if you already know they will lay a trap all we need to do
is avoid it"
"In ...... Well, is there another way to cross the border without
walking into their trap?"

Unawares, to us our surrounding also facing us and listening to our
conversation with serious face.
I feel that its a little hard to talk about it, but Who cares.

listen to this. In the border, there are Bandits and slave trader
whom their main occupation is smugling.
And let's put a cross.
Hopefully, you may pass the border without entering the barrier "

If you say so, Ariel was posing as thoughtfully as "Hmm".
Sylphy is, giving a somewhat quizzical face.
didnt heard anything from Ghyslaine and Ellis.

"Rudeus sama Did not you said earlier, that this is not to be guilty
"Yes. It does not change that regard.
But, it seems to have misjudged a little, the severity of the
Would Seniharahakaerarenai "
"...... Is that so?"

I was nodding and saying that, Ariel as convinced.
She stared at Sylphy then overlooks at the surroundings, while her
eyebrows forming / \.

"Sylphy, What do you think?"
I think it is good ....
I do not know how credible the thief band is,
But if Rudy suggest that, i think it is less dangerous "

And, I'm not satisfied with what he said.
why he didnt say that in advance.
But,why did you give that suggestion only after were ambushed?,
I'll Thats seemed to indicate the attack though?


The pondering the neck, Ariel saw Luke.
So, Luke looked up and stop-and-go as Yuki.
his eye a little sad, or its just my eyes.

"You, ... what you are plotting?"

he said clearly.
In a trembling voice.
with the face full of doubt.
he seen me.

"your Motion, it was like you already know that Obel will come to
launch a surprise attack "
"i already predicted that"
"its look like you already know his fighting style "
"It because there is a foreseeable eye for me"

Only Luke.
And though such would not have appeared almost Become a blind
spot, do not you know well.

"Obel time to quitting from his hiding spot also awfully good"
"If you are Shitome me with a single blow of the first, I would
have been attacked not drawn"
"I know, but why you Did not stop that guy from escaping?"
It 'was stopped ".... if I use large scale attack magic.
In that case, Sylphy and Ellis will be in my line of fire
Are you sure that's even with the Imbued products
M a g i c I t e m s
they could
evading my magic attack "
"What if it is ......"

your comment is just like im joined hand with Obel.

...... Oh, is that so?
Whether such a scenario.
i joined hand with Obel, and Darius, and orchestrated that attack,
its really the easiest way to tell.
im not partnering with Obel and Darius, with a little though you will
surely know that....

"...... Luke senpai. Didnt I helping Ariel sama because of you asked
me to?"
I ...... you asked. Yes, but its not funny if even my father betray
me... "

Luke Behavior is suspicious.
It would be the work of Hitogami again.
what the Heck, Hitogami is thinking ...... I wonder if he give Luke
any advice.

Wait, maybe now, Luke is not visible to Hitogami?
it should be since he is near Orusuteddo now.
The presence of Orusuteddo has become a jammer for Hitogami.
The thing is, there is a possibility that advice to Luke is not pithy

...... Or, maybe a possibility that Hitogami already discard Luke.

"From a little while ago ....what are you gonna say"

I'm glaring at Luke with a look that making Ellis frustrated.
its look like she ready to beat him anytime.
Sylphy looking alternatively between Lume and me with more
sharper than usual look.
Ghyslaine look like somone with huge ? on her head.


with a severe face, Luke turned his face to Ariel.

"I wont agree. Rudeus recent action is a bit funny"
"is that ...... right?"
Also alleged to the band of thieves, I do not knowif its really okay.
didnt pass the barrier though we already agreed to passing there,
I think back once, here and should gain the cooperation in Pergius-
sama "

Are you sure, asking for Pergius help .
Indeed, you have a point.
And ask them to put one or two Pergius spirit as an escort, enhance
strength, forced the wings.
Yeah, i also feel that this is quite good idea.

If Ariel is alright with that, i can only get along.
because i must get in touch with Tris whom in thieves band.
Apart from it, it is not necessary always together with Ariel.
but....if i leave here there is possibility Ariel will die.

" what Do you think ...... Elmore, Kleene ?"
"I support Luke-sama"
"Me too"
"Is that so?"

Two servant is likely to support the Luke.
This, or two pairs of two.
However, this band is not a democracy.
this party Leader is Ariel.
we determined at the discretion of the Ariel.

Well, if its useless, i will try to contact Tris alone.
and set a point for reconnaissance beforehand.
or it must be suspicious if i going alone.
maybe ...... taking Ellis or Sylphy.


Ariel was not consulted with Ghyslaine and Ellis.

for a moment i though there is a shadow on her face.
she is narrowing her eyes, staring at bonfire, indulge in deep


After a while, she looked up.
looking alternately at Luke and me.
after looking at us twice, her line of sight stopped at Luke.

"I will go with Rudeus sama plan"

Luke beginning to get angry.

"Pergius -sama, wont be so kind as lend a hand at the king whom
fled from their own kingdom.
if only on this level, i wont rely on him "

To say so, Ariel wink her eyes to me.
Did you mean ......, you did a favor for me intentionally?
I wonder what kind of thing.
Why, Ariel want me to have a favor to her.
Convenience is good ... but.

"But, the original or any children there is no way dead.
with the like of band of thieves! We wont know what theyre
plotting Ariel-sama - "

with Ariel call, Luke is dumbfounded.

"There will not be supposed to like? Rudeus did you copper is such a
thing suddenly?"
"It is, but the father is ......"
didnt we already discussed about the possibility that Philemon will
betray us from before.
didnt you have said before, if its father it maybe so "
" although I thought so before certainly.
However, my ...... i heard about it with my ear before "

And, Luke held his mouth before he speak.
Ariel also seem a Little surprised in this reaction.
The wide-eyed, and trembling lips.

"I think Luke by chance, and by chance, but ............ did you hear
itfrom your brother"

So Ariel, cut the words.
Then, in different tone, she was asked to Luke.

"Luke Notus Gray rat, who are you?"

Luke looked at Ariel with a look that starting to understand.
And Sylphy, I saw the men.
And from seeing that they face an anxious, again, he saw the eyes
of Ariel.
Then kneeling without diverted his eye, and said while looking up.

"im your knight."
" and I am your princess, so."

Luke face down, Ariel nodded.
Two people were smiling expression satisfactory care inherent like
It was he did is enough if it is Iere, it's sufficient to Kikere it.
It was everything he did is sufficient by itself.
Two people smiling expression satisfactory care, Sylphy also,
servants also, it was a face that was hot.

"Let's leave, Rudeus sama please lead the way"

Anyway, with this were contacting the bandit.

I will not betray Luke.
But anxiety remained.
the word that almost leaked by Luke, is certaintly Hitogami


Return to the highway once, then entering the forest again.
i already know the Thieves band position.
enter into the forest from certain mark on the rock, it's straight
to the east.
Are there bandits of example, at the eastern edge of the forest.
They say that theyre under the cliff at the foot of the mountain.

However, movement speed is slow.
thanks to pulling the horse laden horse-drawn carriage that was
Ariel was also riding a horse at first, but after seeing how high the
it is she come down immedately.
Because there is a risk of fall from a horse.

were moving through area where its usually impassable while
pulling the horse.
If you make the way with magic, you dont have to do roundabout
In that case, it will make it easier to tracking us.
However, if were fighting againts demon on the way, the trace will
remains absolutely.
Those who do not care too would be nice.

on The way, were resting so many time.
because Ariel complained that her foot is sore reapeatly.
It will be because you are not familiar walk through the forest.
However, Ariel did not say any complain aside from that.
Sylphy repeatly applying healing magic to her feet, and waiting her
catching her breath.


There is no conversation in particular.
You think, that of the Apostles of Hitogami.
And it fact what was the advice that if Hitogami is said to the

Luke, Apostle of Hitogami.
he have gotten some advice.
No doubt it.
But it is unclear at what point, and about that.

By from my example, Hitogami do not give me advice so often.
It came out in a short span occasionally, there is room for a year
If Luke also is similar, advice would be once or twice this time.

The high as possible, just before Luke comes to my place.
Its to made I
as Ariel fellow.
It will be a thing called.
It is advice that is directly linked to the action of Luke.

But to see the attack of this time, I feel it a little different to.
Perhaps, that he received advice is that on Notus home.
And now, I've been bit to me awfully.
Like, I was showing a threatening attitude and Iwanbakari culprit.
for example, "Im about to take over the Notus house" or ...?

No, stupid.
If you think a little, you'll find i dont want that.
If i really interested in that, i wont live in magic city Shari'a, and
because you would have done to take Ariel more aggressively.

But values can vary among individuals.
what value they held the most.
I asked someone to have aimed at it, you might not or suspects.
if youre Luke what dou you want the most, or maybe want to
become Head of Notus home.
Although not visible so.

This time, Philemon betrayed Ariel.
This is, or would not due to the advice of Hitogami.
It is not written statement to that effect in the diary ....
No, Ellis was at Philemon mansion in that world diary.
Ellis in Boreas, Boreas is from first prince faction.
If you think so, even without Hitogami intervention Philemon will
most likely betray us.

Well, no wonder its Philemon after all.
Given the influence and what you can do, it's backward compatible
to Darius.

That's right, Darius.
another apostle.
Darius Silva Ganiusu senior minister.
Advice to him I wonder kind of advice.

I should have got the information "Ariel is heading to the Royal
Palace" at least.
Ariel had said, "Darius is supposed to have predicted our return at
the time the king became ill" she said.
However, our enemy has so many strong force.
In Kitatei, and Kita-o.
Both should be valuable forces.
Will you be placed against an opponent whom you uncertain to.
As with respect to the second prince, I should leave it for now.

Koch has been moving at transfer magic.
I do not understandhow fast the information to reach the Asura
kingdom from magic city Sharia.
However, it would be slow If you place a WE ter and Obel
information from reaching.

For that matter, Obel came straight to me.
Instead of Ariel, it's me.

Will you should also take this into consideration.
possibility ...... that Darius target is not a Ariel, he is targeting me.

Either one or good.
For Hitogami and Darius, Ariel and me is their hurdle.
also his advice must be something like that.
Its easy to understand.

One of the last, is uncertain as ever.
Im wondering about Obel last sentence.
Obel had said, "if i know youre in this place......i should brought
Conwy Tha".
...... If it becomes.
No, Darius or even know it.
Only this time, I saw the person who could immediatlydetermined
whether Apostles of Hitogami or not.
It seems he knew my presence, but will also hear it from Darius.
Either way, Obel's an opponent i should I defeat.

Even so, facing Obel mysterious fighting style.
Imbued products
M a g i c I t e m s
As well, he had also mastering a variety of tools.
Such as oil, such as tear gas.
I'm sure, he still has some trick in his sleeve.
Like impression is colored article but was strong this time,
The story of Orusuteddo, and that strong even if it becomes to
each other usually tries to cut.

Once, I had heard about him, but it was a big difference chen
youre wath it with your own eyes.
I'm not going to was off guard, and that spot he had to do a cover
of Ghyslaine, but only one wrong choice, taken behind.
It's where you want Shitome but surely following .......
It is a story Orusuteddo says, kill the guy that went into relief
once that's hard.

It is no longer visible at all, even though stand out so much, after
he is entering the forest.
Name of Kitatei isnt for show.
Well, rather than peacock sword such as Kitatei, and had a good
feeling ninja.
No, that's NINJA.
He was in a different world NINJA.

...... Such as oil such as that tear gas, I also wonder if i shouls
trying to imitate him.



Contact the Orusuteddo.
At the Battle of once, it should be reported in many cases.

"Did you miss Obel"
"Yes, sorry. ... Although I have heard the action to be taken"
"No, it is good. Though i only asked that guy moving surprisingly
And, there is no supposed to be a Shitome Obel which was in the
escape "

Obel movement after he decide to withdraw is fast.
His Pattern is rich, I do not know of the Imbued products
M a g i c I t e m s
he was
using as well.
Orusuteddo but seems to know most of the pattern,
I is not able to address all.
Well, Well with it, although I think even as I need to give me
Shitome Orusuteddo is proactively.

...... No, let's go in a direction that does not rely so much.
Does not solve anything in justification by faith.
Leave Obel to me.
I is he need to do.
Let us think so.

"Even so, it's WE Star whonis he"
"Someone will be proposed. Hitogami would call the shots"
"...... Well, or What kind of guy he is"

Once, i should heard about the other forces.

WE ter of "darkness and light".
In Kita-o of wacky Faction, it's disciples of Kalman III.
Indeed, he is Notus home bodyguard for a long time \"

isnt he perhaps, Paul teacher.

"As his name indicated, he is good at blinding using the light.
By using the mirror and armor he polished the daytime,
using the fog and inking his whole body when it is night, to
assimilate the darkness using the magic tool that emit black smoke

Therefore, daytime foul armor, Through the bright fire magic at
night, make a deal.
They say that.

"Arms of the sword is not to say that apart from immature, but
once you took such technique ..., you will be able to cope even
Ghyslaine and Ellis"

Thing called.
Using the shody technique, but it seems that that support only.
Do not'm, I'm not to not get used to Kita-o just blinding.

"However, do not Omoen and only WE ter. Besides, ordeal I might
have hired some"
"Kita-o class, are you?"
"Would not it Ken-o but ordeal may have some ...... Mizu-o,
MizuKiyoshi, is kensei"
"We hire a lot, what going to stifle the Koch"
"No, as long as there are state god of water, that it probably would
not Darius also hire a bouncer so many, or one person at best, it's
two people"

Because has the force of an absolute god of water, the other side
also for some reason that they are off guard.
We're supposed to say one more thing that seems to hire more
but ...... is Hitogami per.
It's to advice after all.

"But, if it is this time, Kita-shinsan swordsman would have been the
Asura domestic Nii all.
There is also a possibility that has hired them all "
"I'm Kita-shinsan are swordsman,'s such"
"Oh, also information on what to do guy, et al, let me tell me"

Kita-shinsan swordsman.
It is self-proclaimed to be have dominated the top of Kita-shin-ryu,
there is four man with that level.
It is a feature everyone has a novel technique,'s a poseur.

After you taught me what to do for the guy, et al, and then
proceeds to the next topic.

" but what, For Luke "
"It's good sign.
Hitogami is seen the future, but because, the prediction is not
good at it.
If you manipulate multiple Apostle, thus that rip is often

In short, Hitogami thing I do not give advice at the thought of
cooperation between the Apostles.
This time, Luke had been appalled 's there was a discrepancy with
the advice and to Obel per or Darius,.
The Hitogami, advice might be accurate, but it's full of lie at the
Even for Luke, it might have been decorated with a convenient lie.

"I would think there is a possibility Hitogami is, that, by omitting
"There is a great possibility.
Luke Fate is weak. Hitogami also wont expect him to be his piece.
Only, in order to see your action, hes a watchdog.
However, at least with me nerby, the monitoring also should not
functioning almost "
"... But, only three people to not use the pawn, or will that such a

When I hear so, Orusuteddo made a frown.

"For Hitogami that could see all of that, what he feared the most
is invisible opponent.
And to wear a monitoring role, It will not be the reason more "
"I see ......"

It's what to you from someone's point of view Hitogami, is sealed
the ability to rely most.
If it were not for Luke, I would be that the prediction of the
future that changes not even tell.
I will have to be challenged not even hint, that is weak.
If you think so, or not I take I let go of Luke.
, Including the implications of restraint.

Behind the scenes that collapse the check, you are subject to the
risk that is located in Barre Orusuteddo.
And they've found the person you do not know where you are if
original, By mount a jamming to Luke, located in the same implicitly.
And you bring the results of how this risk return was said, do not
know yet ....

Uh-huh, that you think is too complicated, and I do settled anyhow.

"For now, Luke or would be safe to leave him alone"
"Oh, its okay But be wary.
Hitogami When you became a javelin,
That to overdo not think ahead to the Apostle often "
"Well, ah ......"

For example, you can dare to Orusuteddo me, such as I.

"Kill If you move large conspicuous"
"Before the ..., and once Luke, what good to make contact"
"ehat im going to speak with him?"
"Whether or not there is contact with Hitogami, where or got any
So as not to hear, if possible, the words of Hitogami,
I think in the hope or reversed spy, and either trying to convince "
"Law ......"

I feel that you can not.
Luke is suspicious of me.
must be from something Hitogami said to him.
And even at the stage of, which way you believe, I would not be
stacked trust only get to believe in Luke.
Involvement of Luke and I Then, it rubbed it to that.

"I think it waste ......, but lets try"

Alright, I took the permission.
Look at the timing, just to talk afterward.
While it may prove to be able to poke a boomerang.

"So far, things are going well.
Hitogami not even typing the hand well.
It should in this trend "

Thus, a regular report was completed.


I left the original Orusuteddo.

Plan is on track.
The word, would be the street indeed.
The fight Obel in beard of red dragon, next is to make Tris
become our fellow.
Is there a different place and assumed in a small part, but it is not
enough to must change its plan.
What if, should I move forward with confidence.

It can be seen that even for, but honesty, I was wondering that
youre afraid after so fan on track.
This, such as arrays of Luke, like a rip is because are glimpses.

But Orusuteddo apparently do not feel so.
Probably because you have not seen the site actually.
Or maybe you're thinking rip somewhat negligible.
Or whether I have too much thinking.
What Orusuteddo may or are thinking, I do not know.

he didnt move because there is no problem.
I mean, I understand.
Many there be a result of moving recklessly, things deteriorated.
its better to regret doing it, rather than regret not doing it
phrase often heard in the previous life.
But, it's only if you want to regret for the two choices.
Status quo, because one's a selection.
I want to choose not regret more if possible.

As I, I think about Luke such as Ariel, who was moved by the
reaction a little more is good.
In fact, I'm going to speak when the opportunity comes with
respect to Luke.
You have not decided for more information What I speak, and it
may prove to be a boomerang.
However, for information about the risks associated with the
Hitogami, who had been saying might be nice.

The person who can not say, but might be nice.


While think so, I'm back to the place where all of us sleep.
To two people coming out of the forest in the casual gesture, to
the turn of the bonfire, I tell that the surrounding area is safe.
Today, had a turn of the bonfire along with me, is servant Kleene
and Sylphy.
I have had a short walk, its not even take 30 minutes in length.

During that 30 minutes, figure of the bonfire, had one more.
3 Tsuda.
Someone happened.
If there is an attack of monsters while imnot here, Ghyslaine
might have happened or Ellis.

But the figure was not so large.
But larger than the delicate and petite Sylphy.
And the average woman, about same as Kleene.
her back higher than those two, but she isnt Ellis.
nor servant Elmore.
Why she is going on.

When I approached I thought so, one of the figure has risen.

"It is a good night. Rudeus-sama"

Was Ariel.
Behind the bonfire, she stood.
Shadow to make the fire, was making a shadow on her beautiful
I have a face that Kleene and Sylphy is in trouble.

"why we didnt take a little walk?"

While smiling fearless smile, Ariel, said so.

+++ one hundred and seventy ninth episode "Ariel Choice"

Under the moonlight.
I walk with Ariel in the forest.
were alone.
Sylphy, the two servant, and also Luke isnot here.

Ariel holding the torch, she lead the way.
if youre going too far, its likely were going to the place where i
just meet Orusuteddo a while ago.

"and Rudeus sama, for a long time i want to hear those two person
story before i meet them "

Kleene and Sylphy didnt tailing us.
Ariel's stopped.
she say she have something important to tell me, so she brought me
ito the forest.
Midnight tryst.
what you will talking about.
it seem not to make me into her attendant for going to toilet.
Wont be surprised if youre going to show something to me that
you usually didnt show to anyone, but i dont know why you take me

Ariel, I now were walking about five minute from the bonfire.
Make sure was taking enough distance, she looked back.

"Rudeus sama because i want this topic to be secret matter, now
lets began the discussion "

lets stop the joke for now.
Ariel want to talk about serious matter.

"......what kind of talk?

already expected this, but just to be safe.
giving fearless smile, Ariel touched my chin.
hey.....touching is NG.

"Well, lets not hurry the night is still long"
"my longest night means, short time for sleep"
"Without saying so, I just want you to talk in the more open manner
Rudeus sama"

after say so, Ariel taking her hand from me. And sat down to the
nearest tree root.
for the time being, i should fully release my magic eyes.
This is not because i feel wary to Ariel.
its just for insurance if something going happen to Ariel.

"which remind me, about Sylphy and Ellis sama. They get along
really well "

suddenly taking the upper hand in conversation?
No, this would be this girl clue for conversation.

"Well .... originally I though theyll often quarrelling, but it seems
to me theyre getting along really well "

to be honest i always wondering if taking Ellis may may lead to
conflict and chaos in my family.
I was wondering if Roxy and Sylphy, should quarreling more.
But you shouldnt d fight if youre quarreling with family.

the other day, while Rudeus sama patrolling like this,
ive come to those two people, were talking about this and that "
"Hee~, what!"
youll be fine if i leave it to Rudeus, for Ellis sama stay silent and
hear all you say, Rudy also make mistake, and, I'm no good unless
im following Sylphy guidance "

being relied is nice, but honestly Ellis, you really are too
overestimate me.
its nice of you that youre trying to help me without Sylphy
knowing about it.
I think those two still has some anxiety, about me become
Orusuteddo underling.
Without a complaint in particular, without disagree, just for now
youre willingly to follow me.

"Those two person is exact opposite.
Ellis sama trying to fight and stand in front of Rudeus sama.
Sylphy ...... shes going to support Rudeus sama from the back"
"somehow i just welcome them to my place"

my love for those two come from gratitude.
its something that i wont forget, till my death.

"What's interesting, is how you handle Sylphy and Ellis sama
without bad occurance happen to ehm?"
"bad occurance ?"
Yes, Ellis sama going along with the flow. like also seem to accept
it "Yes.
I think though feel reluctance Sylphy also in the same case "

I wonder indeed.
I did not notice until she said.
I mean, well on second thought, recently, i didnt have many
conversation with those two.
my sight is narrowed.
I feel that im already familiar with Ellis way of thinking, and just
left it.
...... I have not seen, Sylphy looking after Ellis with half baked

"It's interesting. How Sylphy way of looking at her junior"
"Ariel sama, I will not look good"
"unlike Rudeus sama whom missing a small detail like that"

To say so, Ariel has a fascinating glance.
I want you to not blatantly showing such temptation.

"well, since Rudeus sama is busy every day. So its look like youre
missing missing what i saw in those two. "

Ariel looking at my eyes, playing with the topic.
Or is it the main subject.

i would like to ask such thing to Rudeus sama, but....what do you
think about Luke? "

what i think about Luke?
It 's not that of Orusuteddo.

"even if you said now"

Well well, Ariel, or they want what kind of comeback.

"Rudeus sama, your bad habit is come out"
Answer me honestly. Im master of art of conversation.
Such thing is irreplaceable for someone in my stature "

I wonder if there is such a habit.
But, I feel that we have been talking and thinking about just such a
thing these days is.
Partnering with Orusuteddo, become Hitogami enemy.
I do not just no way.
Tomosureba, It's also the other family.

"I - I think Luke is two-timing"

suddenly, Ariel said so.
Luke Betrayal.
Oh, from that word.

"i didnt say this to Sylphy"

I bet.
But, that's a little shock.

".....Ariel sama i think you must place more trust to Luke"

I was wondering at that question and answer, Ariel confirmed Luke
Sylphy Similarly, should betray Luke is, no.
Two people servant also, would be similar.

there is no reason for Luke to betray me.
If he want to betray my, he should do it since long time ago.
but, thats because he lack the reason to do so. If he has he could
betray me at any time "
"In ..., why?"
if he were forced to betray me, i cant helped it. Like for
example........his family become a hostage, or because his pride in
his home "

Ariel said so quietly.
family become a hostage.
Oh I see.
If you think so, even if you are not through the Hitogami
separately, words and deeds of Luke what can be explained.
forcing him to betray Ariel, by taking his family as hostage by
And, with Notus soldier attacking Ariel, the promise is broken.
If you think so, by that time it all make sense.

Since then, Luke has remained silent eeriely.
And ...... in need to determine whether to return Ariel side, you can
either leave it with Darius to side, do not look to Ariel?

"So, this way I'm listening.
what do you think.
Rudeus sama, didnt you recently suddenly offering your help to
me? "

And, I also whether they suspected Possibly.
because of Luke, doubt for me also growth.
by that words, assumed that im teamed up with Luke.

what do you want at place like this?
if im also a betrayer, i might kill you anytime now. Ariel sama? "
if that the case then sorry ....
i just didnt have eyes to see people true nature. Then kill me
quietly "

Should see liver is, sitting.
No, no-brainer, is not such as I betrayed.
To enumerate the reasons that I will not betray it's easy.

i mean.....i think Luke isnt two timing.
However, he is being used "
"by who?"

she make a difficult question to answer.
I wonder what you say even out the name of the Hitogami.
It's easier to Speaking of revealing everything effortlessly ... but.
I take Mateyo, and it will ask you to do this, in fact, whether there
is a possibility that Ariel Apostle of Hitogami?
He said that there is no ... but Orusuteddo.

Easy does it
Benefits of the things that are known to Ariel, disadvantage.
First of all ...... Think it.

It will be even asked to Rudeus like, it is difficult to answer, as ",
to say.
If you can say easily, and you'll have me to say a long time ago "

The following words of Ariel had been put force like abort the
thought of me.

"So, would you to introduce"

Ariel was laughing.
In the dark, I was smiling in a friendly face.

"A person who ...... Orusuteddo like Rudeus like is taking occasional

What do you mean.
Has Kongaraga~tsu.
Name of Orusuteddo came out?
Did not you talk of Luke?
That one?

You will not that a "strange?
The Rudeus like, since I an under the Orusuteddo-like "
"I would like to ascertain I, like Orusuteddo is whether the" either
side "and"

Does it mean Orusuteddo or Ariel side, is whether Grabell side?
Damn, I want do not do the conversation euphemistic much.
I happened to Ariel-sama always easy to talk of.

The "... assess, in the last serving of sake that what you do?"
"If if is" this side ", as was the person what kind of horrible
example, I plan to put up with it me."
"Patience, are you?"
"Therefore it is necessary to work the royal family, to get along
with people even unpleasant, it will probably be okay"

I wonder if such a mon.
Curse of Orusuteddo but do not think things like that

"If" the other side "?"
"On this side, I retract"

Confidently, Ariel said so.
I great.

...... Do we have to "nearby?
Or Orusuteddo like, is towards its liaison "

However, I also this difficult.
This is also, Kaneru know if I decide in my own discretion.
Ariel seems to be going to endure, but the curse of Orusuteddo
It's being recognized as enemy just by looking.
To say when you put up, I must not actually met, and as a result, If
I is recognized as enemy to Ariel, made a disastrous appearance.

We're supposed to, such as declared to say whether, by refused If
you refused, and it may guilty.
At least, he is not going to interfere with the royal road of Ariel
It's us in Hitogami you would like to disturb the royal road of Ariel,
and would like to interfere with the Hitogami.
To explain it, but it's seems difficult.

"you didnt need to worry about it"

His voice was heard from behind me.
Looking back in a hurry, he is there.

Instead of ghouls ...... silver-haired golden eye, its Orusuteddo.

" Ariel Anemoi-Asura, I wont reject If you wanted to talk to me "

Orusuteddo sharp Discernment was silenced Ariel.
Facing his eyes as if received a shock, Ariel leg is trembling and
shes leaked.

"Oh ...... Oh ......"

Face distortion in fear, I had to face the nightmare as if was a
dream that comes true.
Now, I also confirm ...... or traitor.

"Oh ......"

The moment I thought so, Ariel face is changed to ectasy look.
Looking at that ectasy face, I thought.
And, it is okay.


After a while, Ariel was readied herself.
Now, as if stuck-up, you are youre showing ordinary look.

Pants and trousers dirty, I was allowed to drying it with original
mix water magic to wash it, a combination of fire and wind in the
"dry steam".
In exchange for rapid drying, the cloth fabric is damaged,
Because Aisha get angry if i use it, it is designated as a forbidden
technique in my home.
well there is no choice, this time its can be said as emergency case.

Anyway ......, also I'm going to have lived for a long time so,
but I did not think the day for me to wash princess panty to come.
As expected, of a princess even her pants is high quality in this
world ...... I wonder if its silk.

While such work is over, I had been dressed my robe to Ariel.
Length is it limited to those long robes again.

Currently, wearing dry trousers and pants, Ariel is airily.
I, wearing a robe Princess of half-naked lower body was worn.
Nice little smell been floating around, I would be excited about
Perhaps because Ikanne, was unrelated to erotic thing the past few
days, the gauge seems to accumulate a little.
Later, you'll keep consumption.
Some Ellis and Sylphy, but it's self-restraint.

And, while you are doing such a thing, was likely much evil cozy

"Very much sorry Orusuteddo-sama, we show you such unsightly

Where the processing of roughly finished, Ariel spoke to
Her face is slightly pale, but there is no state in which she is
extremely Orusuteddo.

"Please do not show such scary face"
"It's the my ordinary face"
" oh, this is it's the effect of the curse"
"It is so."

Even so, i wonder why Orusuteddo came out.
never mind.
It is boss decision.
Now, you suppose to watch the conversation of these two people.

"I see. Has had no person Miko, and also Noroi-ko me ....
You will also notice in it, it's that it is strong curse by far the "
"But, it seem know an Art
Al l
to overcome that "
"Be Disconnected. disgust because the royal family and it is
Asura,'s the forte"
"But, in your heart you still didnt trust me"
"Yeah, so, thus I was provided with the opportunity of talking to

Conversation, such as mutual checks and balances.
Now, that's my turn to my comfort to deteriorates.
No, become good audiance would be fine.
Awfully good smell wafting from the robe, anxious and can not

lets straight to the subject.
Why or would Orusuteddo sama want to lend his aid to me"
"because the guy behind Darius is my enemy"
"...... Behind Darius, brother? Grabell the first prince?"
"its Different"
"So who"

your question is hard to answer for now.

" itWas People God
Human nature
"Hitogami '"

Oh, you said Hitogami name.
i wonder what Orusuteddo intend to do by revealing that far.
Although I think its not necessary also Ariel wont turn to become
your enemy.

"from what i know from the myth when people say God, its only
one........the God who create me?"
"me and the same human God are always fighting. but the guy,
Hitogami is always claiming so."
"In order to be What? That such God teamed up with Darius?"
"It's in order to kill you, and made Grabell become a king"
"Huh ......"

Ariel, had a face that was taken aback.
that face remained, she take a look at me.

"I see ..., it is crazy talk, but it does not appear to be a lie as long
as you see Rudeus sama face"

My face is lie detector.
is it so easy to get such expression.
Although I'm going to have such a poker face on your own.
Now, whether I asked to Sylphy.
what she think about my face.
...... I wonder she will say that im cool.

"But, why God Totoki such, ... the brother above?
Again, the person of the brother on, or probably because more
suitable to the king "
"Nope, guy's work is, why more selfish"
"Will it be all right to ask ...... and what"

Orusuteddo saw me.
After you face the difficult little bit, and turn around to Ariel.

". Asura kingdom about 100 years later is exposed to danger from
wheter you become a king or Grabell become a king will affect to
whether Asura Kingdom perish or not "

Something, nephew, and began to talk not that I heard.

if Grabell become king it crisis in military weapon.
tif you became king, and try to de-the crisis in magic "
"When you say 100 years later, were already death ...?"
the policy after the two of you become a king is different.
Grabell taking weapon development, you perform the enhancement
in military magic development "

Boss, the story Oiler, Jans is not listening?

" youre fallen behind back on your weapon development, Asura
kingdom perish.
If it is magic there is chance for victory "
"Hitogami is, he want Asura Kingdom to perish"

You mean, do Orusuteddo been lying?
And weaving a story that is convenient for Ariel.
But ......, Ariel When you have intended to increase the authenticity
in my face, are found to lie?

"Why ...... or what Hitogami want to do by making Asura kingdom
"Because from Asura Kingdom there will be born people who will kill
"The person is, that's the way?"
"There you are."

Ariel had a face like convinced went.

"Then, in the Orusuteddo sama, that person is I need?"
"It is so."

So, place your hand on chin, Ariel made a look-up thought.
she looking at me with somewhat troubled face.
Stop. Do not look at me!
Do not use the lie detector!
No, here's the cover Orusuteddo with a poker face.

"Well, the answer that is different from imagination and too little
I am puzzled.
I wonder ...... may believe, I wonder bad "

It seems I thought lie.

"There is no need to believe me. But I I'll tell you what you want to
know about you"
"What you want to know me, are you?"

Orusuteddo is say patronizingly, Ariel was the face seems

"Luke Notus gray rat is not betraying you.
However, he is tempted by Hitogami "

From the face of Ariel, smile disappeared.
Smile that had been stuck as the default expression has

"What was seduced it?"
"Hitogami said that youre on the wrong road"
"it is a wise who said it, so Luke will easily fooled?"
"When given the self-serving information of their own, human has
tendency to believe other party easily"

Orusuteddo is not me by giving a self-serving information to me.
I will do another with it and do not believe me.

"It is a story you do not believe it ...... suddenly, but what
happens ...... Rudeus sama what do you think?"

I was suddenly shaken.
I think it's a good hand.
indeed if Orusuteddo giving such crazy lie,
me is not to put any strange answer, because she wont understand
that it is a lie on the spot.
But, to this question, I answered.

"I have been manipulated by Hitogami too much.
Appeared inmya dream, the guy was repeated advice made possible
for me to get immediate result.
Thanks to that, many thing not got out of the hand.
But that guy, at the very end, it was a strategic move to betray at
the last moment.
Accordance with the advice of the guy, and believe in him, I
I now end up being fight the Orusuteddo sama last time.
i believe Luke situation also similiar "

as Matter-of-fact im surprised about my own voices.
listening to that the smile on Ariel face dissapeared, Ariel faces
her mouth is opened repeatly, while shook her head and fro.
Once again, looking up and has some idea i think.

"I mean that about ...... Luke is, he isnt in Darius side right?"
"Yes, It is widely recognized by cooperation within does not know,
Luke himself didnt concious about it "

It was the long way around a great deal, but after all what Ariel
want to hear about the most is about Luke.
Authenticity ...... than the word of Orusuteddo.

"To hear it......, I was relieved"
"Do you?"
"Now, if not this time, you would not believe.
But, there is also the part that make me convinced.
Rudeus-sama, ... seems to be concerning awfully about Luke"

I Did not flicker like that.

"honestly, i feel the timing is too good ... but.
Let's decided that you have been deceived, I will try to believe "

Ariel replied while looking towards me askance.
Orusuteddo aside, I wonder things that is willing to believe that of
It's good news, but it 's complicated.

"So, is there anyone else whom become Hitogami apostle?"
"Perhaps, Darius would be so."
"It is what works best. Anyone Else?"
"Possibility Kitatei Obell, god of water styleReida, that area is the
apostle is high"
"...... The Apostle, did theyonly three?"
"Oh, it is not any more"
"I see"

Ariel nodded.

"So Rudeus sama and Orusuteddo-sama,
did you mean that your Purpose is while fighting the three apostles,
it is to prevent the purpose of Hitogami"
"Yeah. You understand it fast"
"Monooboe is therefore that we are proud and good person"

Ariel says proudly, but do not laugh.
From earlier, facial expression tight strength.

"So, what your proposal Orusuteddo sama"
"I think if the purpose is same, whether I also tries to follow the
instructions of Orusuteddo-sama"
"...... Even if you intend to do that, It will not hear the ambient"
"It's all well and good if you have to say tha ambient.
Even if i must sold my soul to the devil, i can not complain If no one
know. "

Oh, Orusuteddo is recessed a little and is said to me the devil.

"I am not going to pick the means to ensure the victory.
The strong ally, one with a lot of good "
"Do you think ...... i wont lie to you and betraying you at last
"im not stupid enough to miss the chance because fear of risk"

Ariel sama youre cool,
Will you do a mood that is loyal to the Great Satan of evil in
When I was also kneeling Orusuteddo, it was such a feeling.
However, my Orusuteddo Corporation is a good company that
welfare is also firm.
Evil guy is likely just because have a president, his treatment for
his employees not necessary bad.

"but for now Orusuteddo sama, i want you to leave Luke to me"
"We are dedicated to fight against the apostles of Hitogami
Rudeus sama,
I will focus on support of nobles and Luke.
I think that in doing so, the burden for each other also reduced,
its the most efficient thing to do "
"it Would be nice..., okay, i leave Luke matter to you.
persuade if possible, and kill him if necessary "
"Leave it to me"

Ariel fell on his knees Orusuteddo, Orusuteddo greeted it with a
scary face as usual.


The feeling that, that was baffled wonder say this kind of mood.
If you notice, Ariel also become Orusuteddo subordinate.
And, he was decided to reveal future plans, present a united front.
He and Ariel.

"Rudeus sama. This thing about, its secret from Syplhy"
"Yeah, i do so more?"
"Yes. I also feel clear at last. Oh, its not that toilet matter?"

Verbatim, Ariel had refreshing face.

"Finally, with this i tied cooperation in true sense with Rudeus

As for me, there is also still uneasy part.
Still, i will just obey Orusuteddo for now and leave it.

"What is it?"
"I should say this first,
if in your attempt to persuade Luke, he is trying to harm Ellis or
I'm going to kill Luke ahead "
".......Youre not following Orusuteddo sama decision?"
"Im following Orusuteddo sama, because thats the only way to
protect my family "

We'll look at it and I tell you the truth for now.
In fact, I do know what happens when.
But, since I've said that with full of confidence only that to get rid
of Luke,
Let's leave it to Ariel.
rather than me to speak one-on-one, who is over there it would be
better to.

"Okay, Rudeus sama. the future, thank you for yor consideration"
"Welcome here"

Thus, Ariel also come under Orusuteddo.
become my collague.

when we comeback while look like getting along,
Sylphy puffed her cheek, of course.

+++One hundred and eightieth episode "tris Teena"

The next day.
I went into Bandits teritory.

There is no one tailing me.
There is also no sign of Obell, or soldier chasing after me.
Anyway, thinking that the only way for passing the border when
exiting from forest is true. Only if youre walking through highway.

Hitogami already foresee such future.
however, i see my arm there is a crest armlet.
Crest armlet engraved by Dragon God.
Thanks to this guy, the future altered in a way that Hitogami
couldnt see.
In other words, by passing through another route we will be
outside of Hitogami prediction.
Should be.

While it may be possible to predict Hitogami, if I remember
seriously the contents of the diary.
with someone in Orusuteddo caliber, its best if we dont think soo.
i cant remember the content of the diary.
It would be better to think so.

When im thinking, suddenly the wind movement changed.

" Stop ...... !"

Ghyslaine who was walking slightly behind me Grabbed my shoulder
at the same time.


with Ghyslaine short word, Ellis appear before me.
Im putting an end to that.
Ellis fist made the negotiation end faster.

Ellis falls back quietly.
However, her line of sight, was looking at my side instead of

"what are you going to do? ...... breaking the encirclement"
"didnt you listen to the story?
im going to negotiating "
"... Oh, I m protecting the Princess sama"

with Gyslaine word, im taken a back.
if you see on the back, wheter Gyslaine talking about in place of
my Eye and Ariel meet.
Ariel give a "Best regards" signal to me

She is acting as if nothing happen yesterday.
she say to leave Luke and other noble matter to her.
Along the way, Luke also seems to talk less and less, but whether
to become ....
Anyway, Orusuteddo allowed Ariel to handling Luke matter.
I will just follow it.


with that assumptio, im considering to negotiate with the thieved.
taking advantage of the first move to achieve victory.
From self-introduction.
thats what my plan, but cant stop the party from showing

"...... Hmpf"

right behind me, Ellis staring ahead and around.
followed her line of sight in the deep forest, a black shadow appear
for an occasional shimmering.
This day.
No, yesterday.
immediately after the raid started, his distance with me is
surprisingly close.
Since yesterday was surprise to Obell, this time he already
prepared for that.

After a while.
Ellis stopped scanning the surrounding.
Apparently, siege seems to have completed.

"Its about five people.'ll Be somehow"

Ellis tells us in a low voice.
When did you have such searching skill.

If you're thinking about, and pushing aside the bushes in front of
me. A man showed up.
At about the same time, from the shade of the surrounding, from
the top of the tree, one after another figure appears.
1 ...... 5 ...... 10 .......
cmon Ellis san, about 20 people come out.
five i guess, only about palm?

Man at the top.
The bearded leader with best fur.
The armed with machetes on the waist, holding a torch without a
fire in the hand.
It's bandits look short.
That person is to be heard in this place, he raised his voice.

"what returned by echo?"

I have heard from Orusuteddo the watchword.

Cellar of rabbit, with it Thrush
Of Saezu
Ri "

this code namely, "what your bussiness?"
"Smuggling, have something to do with the members of the band of
those saying mbussiness here.

Trafficking "fox parents" elsewhere.
Looking for people in the country, "your cat"
Killing of a person passing beard of red dragon "waking up a bear"
Feeling like, it is subdivided.
And wander without knowing this code, their surrounding it mean to
job change to highwayman.

"An ...?"

To hear my reply, Mr. bandits made a quizzical look the neck.

"Tina thrush?"
" striped Acorn "

its code for Tris.
hearing that bandit san make a quizzical expression.
Then shrugged and just do oh well, raised one hand.
Figure of around, go straight down.

"Do not Come"

bandit san tell us that, and igniting the torch.
When I sign "Okay" behind, I could see the air around Ariel

Well, i turned my face before continuing, here is Ellis looking at me
with wide eyes.
Somehow, her eyes has excited look.

"as expected of Rudeus"

im wondering if that exchange just now is really that amazing.

"Let's go"

were following that bandit, to the forest.


were brought to a hut made with Potsun in the forest.
There is a place to tie the horse outside, storeroom and bedroom
and living inside.
Three bunk beds were lined up in the bedroom.
It's sheets and blankets moist likely infested with insects, but
once's bed.
is this the feeling of woodcutter hut.

bandit san.
I do not know his name because I did not Ask, but he receives
money from me,

"i will bring Thrush
. Before dawn tomorrow.
but.......for the meantime, you can stay here "

he tells us, and he has gone to somewhere.
Back to headquarters, and will bring Tris for us.

didnt even heard the detail.
at this place, he does not pry the customer.
but, must pay more money.


putting our luggage for the time being, and going for detailed plan
for our future action.

going to cross the border at dawn.
and asking assistance from the woman who going to come.
Tonight, lets just stay here.

"so we could only pray that our action didnt passed to Darius at

I said that sarcasm word to the puzzled Luke.
For this purpose, I also want to pray so.
its only Premonition because this is too well, its likely going to
turned bad at any moment.
Well, but its premonition after all.

dreaming violated, become plaything for thieves.
Rudeussama. If thats happen let Kleene and Elmore to escape? "

Ariel said jokingly.
since she what going to happen, iguess......
Oh, hey, Kleene and Elmore staring to me.
stop, dont attack me with another joke.

it seem for now i could sleep in place with roof tonight.
...... tomorrow crossing the border with new route going to be
Let rest slowly tonight "

In response Ariel word, were facing each other and began to move.
Ariel face is dark with fatigue colour.
she didnt accustomed to walking through the forest.

I thought two people servant also do so, but these two people's
they massaging Ariel feet now.
Anything, in preparation for this time, it seems they have trained
in seven years.

Luke at the window, hes looking out of the hut vigilantly.
Occasionally, give a sharp glance toward me.
is he still suspecting me.
maybe taht fellow told by Hitogami, such as who are the enemy.
However, rather than Luke it would Hitogami enemy.
Well, it has been decided to leave it to Ariel.
lets looking forward to her for now.

Ghyslaine is standing at corner of the room, in a position
overlooking the whole room.
It's as usual.
Turning a glance, she return with a nod.
Maybe, there is no meaning to this assent.

I went into the bedroom, Sylphy doing cleaning.
I, I do not really know, but I wonder if were going to sleep in that
sheet and blanket.
No, I have brought spare cloth, and whether i should use it as bed.

Behind me, Ellis maintaining her sword.
giving satisfied smile, while cleaning her sword.
coupled with the eerie light the sword gives off, she looked like
downright dangerous guy.
Well, it means she is reliable.

i want to get in touch with Orusuteddo this time... but I.
im not stupid enough to come out and saying im going out for a

For now, lets just check our equipment.


I wonder after about two hours.
Outside, since when did rain falling.
It is not a heavy rain, such as the rainy season of large forest, but
the sound of large drops of rain hit and crackled in the ceiling of
the cabin can be heard.

Ariel fell asleep.
entering the bed that prepared by Sylphy, her sleeping breath
sound soon heard.
Valet Elmore entering the bed together, Luke was stationed as
gatekeeper at the front door.

Three people Kleene, Ellis and Sylphy, talking about something in
low voice.
From Kleene and Sylphy occasionall laugh, likely its not a serious
They would also not afford to feel tense at all times, and relaxing
is important.

Ghyslaine does not move from her position earlier.
she isnt standing anymore, but sit near the entrance, her eyes are
I do not think she is sleeping.

There is no conversation.
Inspection of the equipment is already ended, I'm also has free
I should do something to this free time.


When I think of such a thing, Ghyslaine ear has moved and flutters.

"Someone come"

As response, Ellis rises.
Two people had their hand at their sword.

the room frozen.

little time after that, the door was knocked.
Loud pounding.


Ghyslaine gives a wink.
I returns with a nod, Ghyslaine opened the door.

Then came in, it was a woman covered with hood.
She was dressed in rain gear made with demon leather.
But, I was well understood that even from rain gear, she has plump

"geez.......quickly say your bussiness!"

While muting curse, the woman take off her rain gear.
light brown Hair which isnt rare in Asura Kingdom,
clothes that covering her huge Chest which is rare in Asura
Kingdom uncovered.
Great Breast.
I wonder if its bigger than Ellis.

"then, who is the one that has bussiness with that price?"

Overlooking the room, the woman said in a loud voice.

Surely, not some idiotic matter like replacing some prostitute,
now say your bussiness quickly!
I'm busy Atasha! "

a loud intimidating and frustating sound is heard inside the whole
Ellis frowned, sent Kleene reproachful gaze.
Before she say anything, Sylphy spoke first.

"Well, I'm sorry, there is someone sleeping in the back lets talk
with low voice?"

As soon as that the woman mood became extremely bad.

who want to talk quietly after being Called in this rain!?
are trying to make fun of me! ?
just for you know, this Tris is impatient person "

This woman, like a good tris.
her impression is a little different.
A little more, I had expected shes a quiet person.

However, I've offended suddenly.
she seems to have been fairly respected in the diary, but only
because there is a reason I stole the sacred writings from Millis
cult it.
To me now, there is no point of contact with the tris.
However, it is already meeting and Orusuteddo already in that

"aaa~i~yaa~, what a difficult job..
my mood reaching rock bottom now.
The surface to be huge to Donovan and lost in Sai!
The saliva can measure the woman who became the new slave!
And to be drenched by being called on a rainy day!
To return if requirements do not say! ?
because today im in bad mood!
I've got to say on the day of the mood of the value from the time!

except from the call, the rest of her accusition has nothing to do
with us.
But, to quench our anger now is the first priority.

when im trying to choose the word to persuade her, Luke suddenly
come in front first.
Take Tris hand, he wiped the water that flowing on her forehead
with with a handkerchief.

I aplogize for calling you suddenly, Tris
Please, calm your anger first.
and i think if you will listen to our story first "

Gesture and speech-winded affectation.
Tris got her hand take, opening her mouth and suddenly pow.
her face turn red in a moment, but her eyes is downcast.

"Well, if you say so, but ...... Is that it is about someone a shoulder"

outstanding Effect.
This is ...... how amazing an Ikemen force is.


Luke looked back, he send a wink to me.
like saying that, from here its your job to handle her.
Multiplied by the voice to Luke leaving to slip, tris as Oisugaru.

".....oh before we spoke, i dint hear your name yet??"
"its Luke ......"

didnt ask his family name, Luke just leave it at it.
No ...... hearing that name, i see Tris wearing quizzical look.
its a face saying that she heard that name from somewhere.

All right, now its my turn.

"Nice to meet you, tris-san"

i greet her with my best smile.

"who are you?"

Then, Tris quizzical face changed into overly unpleasant face it
It's full of doubt look.
its look like my smile isnt very effective.
Now, I if i must practice my smile in my spare time.
And ask them to help me ...... Aisha is very adept at this.
Well, it's one.

"My name is Rudeus"

lowering my head while saying so.
Tris raised her eyebrow, looking my body all over.

"Oh ...... look like i heard from somewhere "

in the middle of though it seem she remembering something.
Both eyebrows went up, her look changed to a surprise one.

" quagmire ""

indeed im more famous using that name?

"the worst evilest magician in Sharia.........why are you in a place like
this? "

Worst evilest?.
What kind of information that coming out from there.
And, when I thought.

And, sound rang.

When she heard the sound, Tris opening mouth shut in.
i feel something itching around my back.


Kachin, Kachin and rhythm, sound is heard.
looking at my field of view, Ellis is the one that make that sound.
She is hitting her sword handle with her finger.
send a warning.
To sound as indicated by the crankiness.
Like a rattlesnake, which is entering the territory though.

When I hear the sound, trembling's run throughout my body for
some reason.
from my head to butt, trembled with fear.

"Oh, my bad"

And, the one that shivering not just me.
Tring small shoulder also shaken.

"i didnt mean to prying into bussiness"

Rather than the word with me, it was like an excuse to Ellis.
with one snort, Ellis stopped tapping her sword handle .
There's a what.

when you life in this bussiness, information is important.
knowing thw name and appearance of dangerous person "
"I'm going not as dangerous as it sounds"
"Oh, I know it would be so. You know.
Rudeus name isnt so famous,
but, Quagmire is more known in the market.
Woman over there is also known as Berserker sword [king], and
the Beast over there isnt she "black wolf".
so you already know? "
"... Well, that's good"

It was to herself, it might have been carelessly.
Even so, you know about Ellis.
dont tell me that youre also Hitogami Apostle?
...... No, it was not most likely.
She knows information of Rudeus of "quagmire",
" Kyoken-o
E l l i s
", " Black wolf
G i r e n u
", and" Quagmire
R u d e u s u
" its information that
already widespread.
when everything tied to Hitogami, its likely i will make error

"So, what the infamous Rudeus want to do with this out country
Tris ?"

Now, down to business imprisonment.
finally getting her help to "Toppled seed of evil, Darius ".
But, if suddenly saying such thing, she will reject it immediately.
So, it is not like I can not hear "You're Tris Teena purple hose a
true Asura Noble" and straight to the point from here.
my opponent is one of the Asura grand noble.
If I said about position in this place, i wont have chance for
The things is, we must do it step-by-step.
First of all, we must get along first.
Then, I will tell implicitly in the journey the chance of victory.
Finally, saying the main reason "...... I wish to put an end to the
noble that enslaved you ......topple Darius".
thats my pattern.
if even after earnest request she didnt want to join, lets use more
forced method.
All right.

"you, arent you Lady Tris Teena purple hose, right?"

her voice was heard from behind me.
my plan crumbled.

Looking back slowly, a beautiful blonde stood there.
She's a lying down and getting up, her hair more frayed than usual.
But, her voice is as charismatic as usual.

Looking at her, Tris eyes was opened wide.

"why........ did you know that name "
"Oh, its Tris Latina after all.
...... Hey, do you not remember?
didnt we meet at my five-year-old birtday? "

while wondering what i must do, Ariel take the first move from me.
I'll send a wink.
And just leave it.

"...... oh...... Ariel sama?"

facing her, Tris looking at Ariel with a look of surprise.
And whether you are checking your memory, looking at Ariel
Whether there was familiar, her surprised expression remained.

"Do not, why, Ariel-sama ...... in this place ...?"

while her leg is trembling, Tris kneeling immediately in place.
To displace me, Ariel was out to her before.

"I came back in response to the information that father was sick,
but ... apparently my brother didnt welcome me very much"

Laughing to snorting down, Ariel replied.
I wonder if its alright to say things like that.
And, guy like me 's hard to believe ... but.
saying thing frankly often led to another trust.

"Oh, I see. ... So in an attempt to cross the border safely, youre
making contact with us"

Tris nodded as convinced.
maybe she didnt hear about the information that were ambushed
in the forest.

"Why Tris Tina, ... in the place like this.
Although I had heard that youre missing? "
"It ......"

The question, for a moment, tris in doubt.
But as the will persists, she open her mouth.

"In fact -"


After that, the story advanced by leaps and bounds.
What I was Iumademonaka~tsu.
As if in confession, tris was revealed most of her life up to that
point in Ariel.

What was kidnapped at an early age,
Living as Darius sex slave,
she was sold to bandits,
And life as a boss of thieves woman for a while.
It was the beginning of her training as a thief in the whim of boss.
Become a free man when the boss changed, that leads to now.
There was also quite nasty content, but Tris without also laugh and
cry finished the conversation indifferently.

Ariel shed tears in tragedy of her life.
It was tears of heart.
Ariel has promised in tears, "I do not know the tragedy, but i will
give the damnation that made her life turned into hell a befitting
asking her to "want to be the testimony that you a sex slave for
It is a convincing performance.

Tris did not understand immediately.
Asura Kingdom is Mighty, Darius is a cunning man,
even with that much, Ariel isnt guarantees a victory.

In contrast, Ariel answered no.
Was convinced that we will be able use Pergius name and Sylphy,
Ellis, and Ghyslaine, topple Darius, and take the throne.

Tris was at a loss.
In a time, one hour.
Long, after a long silence, in the end, she nodded her head.
to send Ariel to the king Metropolitan safely,
Then swore to God, to help avenge Darius.

Tris, She became Ariel fellow.

I did not do anything.
skilfully weaving her word, Ariel made Tris into her companion

Of course, with respect to terms, to draw fellow Tris, I was talking
in a meeting with Orusuteddo.
However, in that respect, it has not been the meeting in particular.
Look at me is are you a long-winded way around, it would came out
to not be not even stand even home.

Should say Ariel, indeed.
she Says will manage the noble on her own.
Well, let me also to concentrate on my work.

From tomorrow, the journey begins.

+++ One hundred and eighty first episode "along the way"

Next morning.
after finishing preparation, were leaving the hut.

morning sun isnt even out yet.
the forest look dark, quiet, and thin.

"Venerable, to come with"

with Tris as guide, we proceed deeper into the forest.

The direction is difficult to understand, because the sun is not out
If you look at the inclined ground, it seems to be moving toward
the mountain.
without anyone chit-chatting, we moved quietly.
I think were already so deep in the forest, tooo far to be followed.
But ...... after leaving some bushes,

"Oh ......"

The Forest abruptly dissapearing.
In the forest, there was a large lake.
i can say that its a swamp, but it still a lake.
Lake and high cliff, half-moon, which is sandwiched by tall forest,
had clear blue colour.
There is no waterfall or river.
I wonder if it come from spring water.

"this area isnt chartered in the map"
located very in a position that cant be seen from far away, you
guys wont managed to come out without map "

said Tris, while giving me a piece of information.

we head towar the cliff, by walking along the lake shore.
When we reach the vicinity of the cliff, Tris cast some sort of
spell toward the monument.
Then, part of the cliff that facing the lake disappeared, a cave
opened suddenly.

"Be careful from here. Because the floor is slippery"

Under the cliff, Tris went into the lake while walking on its edges.
Part facing the cliff seems to become shallow.
Water depth, I wonder about my knee.

"Rudeus! Let's go!"

Ellis looking at that scene her eyes sparkled brightly.
she seems to want to go into the cave quickly.
even though she already 20 years old, this part of her didnt
change so much from the old day.
Well, I also like to go into that small cave, as matter of fact.

"hurrying is good, but dont let your horse slipped and drop you into
the water "
"I know"

with selfish face, Ellis pull her horse steadily into the lake while
making shofuu sound.
Shofu is was unlikely that want to enter the lake too,
It pulling Ellis, it was dragged her into the water.
Na ...... like a kappa.
Ellis also seem strong in wrestle.
seems like difficult love.
I've never seen a place that likes and dislikes so much.

"Rudy, were next"

Prompted by Sylphy, starting with Ellis, I was put into the water
the horse in a line.
Water is cold.
It's cold enough even in this time, what will become of it at winter.
I wonder if the horse wont die in such cold.
No, because the lake freezes in winter, you might be able to move
more easily.
I mean, it was raining yesterday, and the volume of water Possibly
It may be that there is only up to calf normally.

Entrance to the cave has become uphill, we were able to rise from
the water immediately.

"you must follow me, because the road is messy and puzzled"

Tris with a torch on the lead, going through the dim cave.
Once, I even summoned the spirit of the lamp.
Looking back on the back, Ariel eyes look trubled while looking at
her mist pants.

"Ariel sama, if you wish ill dry it for you"
"Yeah, I know"

Remains face, and troubled Ariel made a smile To Nikoli[ED : WTH
is this].


After all, yesterday for that Tris was the acquaintance of Ariel, I
settled down to the conclusion that its "Blessing in disguise".
Ariel charisma was drawn fellows as usual, even if by chance of
It's like that.
Air of "as expected of Ariel sama" is rife in the cabin,
Ellis, she become disgruntled for some reason.

Ellis Crankiness aside.
Ariel seems to support me in earnestly.

"Rudy ......"

when were looking each other, Sylphy voice come from my side.

"what is it, my lovely Sylphy?"
"dont look too much to Ariel sama, or Ill pull your ear "
"okay Sylphy, isnt it good if only staring?"

my ear pulled.
Sylphy get along with Ariel anyhow seems not good.
with Ellis and Roxy is good, but bad with Ariel for some reason.
....lets say it somehow similiar to Nanahoshi.
its look like she pulled me away from cheated her.

In return that I had pulled, i lick her back ear.


The floor in the cave was beautifully tiled.
Apparently, it seems to be artificial.

I convoluted because the Kokkara destination. Should not stray in
any way.
Demon does not appear so much, but be careful sometime they
come from the back.
if you see light in the distance, absolutely dont go out.
because its home of the red dragon "

And, while receiving warning from Tris were going uphll.
the cave has high ceiling and its very wide.
But is tortuous said by Tris, there are many branching road.
Not a labyrinth, man-made tunnel.

"Somehow, Its great"

Sylphy is said suddenly.

"Rudy, isnt this a labyrinth?"
"Oh You mean, you know that this is a labyrinth"
"It can be seen ...... such a big tunnel, how to make it?"

asked by Sylphy, I was puzzled.

"well.........from what i hear Red Dragon began to live in this
mountain around 400 years ago,
Prior to that, from the remnant its look like the one living here is
dwarf "
"Oh, is that so ...... then this tunnel is quiet old"

Me and Sylphy walk in the cave while holding conversation between
In front, Ellis is looking curiously in strange way here, then pulled
back by Ghyslaine.
just for the worst case, we stayed overnight in place with roof,
mind might loosen a little.

"Rudy ...... Come to think of it"
"No. ..., it is nothing"

say so, Sylphy glanced back.
While slightly apart, Ariel is right behnd us.
........I wonder if she is disturbed.
The person who can not open a distance from each other so much
would be nice.

Demon seems only in small number, but straying definitely isnt


we passed through the cave.
looking at the position of the sun, just barely around the noon time.
Considering from the time were starting, about 8 hours.

the exit hidden again by magic.
Speaking of the difference, were still in the middle of the forest.

Tris says, the time of smuggling is from morning to evening.
And from the evening to middle of the night, its jam packed
departure schedule.

it seems you didnt miss each other on the way.
we were made to wait in that hut also, has relationship with the

"Yes, here is another Asura kingdom"

As the current position, it is likely located in the southwest of the
If you go to the south of here, Donati territory.
If you go to the southeast, it's Fidoa territory.

"Ariel-sama, congratulations for the immigration" [ED: WTH that
was fast]
" Yeah ......Thank you "

Tris said so on the joke, but Ariel was exhausted.
Even compared with the other squire and Luke, Ariel physical
strength seems low.
Well, Ariel had reigned as charismatic in figure in the Faction.
Even if she can train her magic and she didnt do muscle training,
such as jogging.
In everyday life, I always use physical strength.

such as how she could move despite her muscle pain,
It would be solely thanks to the healing magic.
Healing magic 's work well with muscle pain, back pain, also stiff

Well, it cant recover fatigue.
Let continue while taking a break several times, and aim to go out
of the forest.


Journey from there was well.

Tris, knew the road that was spread around in the back of the
Asura kingdom.
Even though its the back road, it is not the way a person cant
passes onto.
Also other than highway connecting the city and town, it exist
nearby path for convenient use.
Footpath of the carts like remained, horse-drawn carriage the
Princess ride on is igniting curiosity likely.

Move quickly, as expected Obell didn;t come to attack us.
......You can also see that thanks to the routes Tris choose, but I
can not say the possibility of Hitogami didnt know this location.
I should see how the Royal Palace or Imperial City, concentrated
its force at the neighborhood.

Well ...... whether its Darius judgment or Hitogami judgment, the
neighborhood's taboo off guard anyway.


Along the way, we have run close to Fidoa territory.
few years Passed from the first time of the reconstruction, wheat
fields are made here and there.
coming back here the look of people is more lively.
But, not in ours memory, field of wheat, such as the sea of gold.
To to regain it, already took ten years.

Sylphy and Ellis, watching the spreading wheat fields and grassland
for arranging a horse with two people.
Face of two contrasts.
Sylphy has nostalgic face.
Ellis has grumpy face.

"there is more field than when we come before"
"Yes? I do not remember"
"It 's good reconstruction and fast"
"Hmph ..., doesnt matter"

While bending the shape of her mouth, Ellis was turned away and

its not like i dont care probably.
its our hometown.
even knowing about, you still didnt want to come back ...... Ellis? "
"I do not have to back to what i hate"
"Come to think of it, I wonder ...... I also had hated"

To say so, the Sylphy eyes narrowed down in nostalgia.
I nostalgic.
Both of them were born here, but with opposing situation.
Bullied, Sylphy could only cooped up like a turtle.
Ellis was bludgering her opponent before bullied.
if these two meet at the same time, thing will just go wrong.
...... No, that's no good.
Scene of Ellis bullying the crying Sylphy float in my eyes.
somewhat different from the present Ellis, but the past Ellis is
more fierce.
When you have hanging out with Ellis, it will become a day-to-day
hell for Sylphy.
It's day-to-day, such as Roh data to be beaten manager Ann
every day.
It might also have iron fist made nest or tail, if Sylphy now.

"I can tell you Sylphy."
"What, Ellis"
"If I left over there, they did not do anything anyway"

Sylphy was tilted her head.
lovely and like a squirrel.

"Oh, I forgot. Ellis was the Princess of the lord sama of this area"
"Hmph, figurehead anyway"
"But, Ithink Ellis more uncomfortable with such life style?"
"...... Right"

Ellis mood has improved.
The wonder of simplicity.

"But, in addition, Im not necessarily want to be a lord.
there is one that judge me not fit anyway "
"Ellis I massaged those who are waving the sword has became"

Ellis chat with Sylphy does not stop.

"But, if Chigae a little, I'm there is a possibility that Ellis was
doing aristocratic Asura kingdom"
"Its not"
and a feeling that Rudy is allowed to marry Ellis, to manipulate
from the shadows.
I think it 's just what Rudy, and was laid on the head of the Boreas
Ellis in no time "

Sylphyet, too delusional.

"So, Rudy abandon me, approaching to Ariel sama.
Boreas becomes Ariel faction, Rudy and Ellis companion,
So such as Darius, I fight Grabell "

I debauch.
In that case, did Sylphy intend to abandon me.
I mean, in that case, Sylphy and I wont meet again.
Well, it is a delusion, but its quite good.

"Apart, ... that's not not Kawan and now."
"Ellis is the head of the Boreas, Rudy the lieutenant.
And I wonder ...... I think if im look good in it "
"Im good with Waving sword every day, taking care of the children
and Rudeus"

Ellis said so frankly.
im the one who listening feel embarassed.
's Sexual harassment.

" Sylphy, are you not satisfied with just that?"
"honestly, I believe that until now I'm satisfied. after marrying
Rudy, and I was allowed to have satisfied life"
soon after marriage Rudy also I also like monkeys in heat.
Rudy bring me into the bedroom with awesome erotic face at home
alone together.
I'm in my, ... in the pounding I wonder would depart to those of
Rudy today.
I cant even speak about that to this day "

Oh, survive That's right, you said that I quit.
From a little while ago, Ellis is whether you are jealous, shes
stealing glance at me.
It could be such as to Tsurekoma bush with amazing naughty face
during tonight.
It's welcome, but embarrassed.
there is no time for such thing now.

" because I am satisfied with the status quo, I might become
paranoid about the possibility of another"
"...... I also wonder possibility of the children"
"Huh child of Ellis and Rudy, will become naughty kid most likely"
"What I mean ......"

theyre inherited my gene,
theyre going to be a guy lascivious without exception.
If it becomes like that, I'm worried about Rusy future.
Even if Sylphy not too lewduch, like her grandmother's Erinarize.
it might be rebounding again by mixing with my gene,
It might lead to that child growing up, such as eating spree[rape] a
simple and honest boy.
All right, let's do moral education, and continue to looking at her
growth closely as early as possible.

"I'll want fast"
"You will soon. Because Ellis is from human race, so your affinity
with Rudy better than me"

She spit the masochistic words also Sylphy jet's as "than
At least, the affinity of the body would be outstanding.
Even though my beast is aiming on the alert and that it'll let you
make a second child with Sylphy even now.

"But, from a child, now its more important to protect Rudeus"
"That's right"

Conversation lasted since then.
It is a silly story.
When we back home, Sylphy going to teach Ellis cooking,
What Roxy would do by now,
Such as delicious rice Fidoa territory,
Without content, a suitable story.
Ellis and Sylphy spoke well, but Ellis might be hard to say instead
of talking so much, conversation and was bounced to compliment.

But, comfortable in my ear, reply of the conversation were able to
draw a sense of security, such as harbor from behind Sylphy.
Even while I think thatif there will be attack come from
somewhere, it's likely to fell asleep at the wheel.


It was decided to move to spend about ten days, staying in a town
called Rickett.
It is a great town connecting the end of Donati territory, and the
Asura King territory.
To center over the north, It have a role that carries the north on
the central one.
However, hawkers carrying goods to north and from south, not
much less than vice versa.
Therefore, people like village headman of each village of Donati
territory has attracted many.
Flow south the harvest of their own, it's buy in the crop of the
It's feel like an important trade point in the Asura kingdom.

Even so, I wonder a place called the Asura kingdom indeed.
In town, such transfer station like this, its size is larger than the
magic city Sharia.

normally, until the King Metropolis we want to hide our faces.
Have information collected at each village, but also for our
movement cant be seen by our pursuer.
If only this great city, that you troubled with the attack and place
hiding place is also Mai.

Nara is not troubled in reverse, this is place to hide.
It's the place where I think so, but here stands out unfortunately.
Ariel didnt need to said, but Ghyslaine, Ellis, and Sylphy.
their appearances as individual is stand out.
also within Asura kingdom, Luke is a celebrity.

However, it is not possible to avoid this town.
Tris familiar with the road to be sure, but I do not mean that to
make a road.
Furthermore, one of the road, we used to connect somewhere and
And, I tried a poetic expression, but not of what it is.
It is a story for the way leading to the king Metropolitan from the
Donati territory, that it does not come out only from this town.

Simply because it is such a position, may be subject to ambush in
this town is high.
It's the next checkpoint after barrier.

And, although he had thought.
Rather it can be stopped by guards at the entrance to the town,
Without also soldiers Yoroisugata that are Tachifusaga~tsu so as
to block the road on the street.
guided by Tris were moving to her recommended.

It's ordinary inn at first glance, but it's an inn that consists of
only gangster, those who took the breath of the Tris organization.
Building at the front, rear, left, and right are all the property of
organization, in emergency case, we can also escape using
underground passage.
Its just like Ninja House.

Ariel to the information collection withdraw to the inn, tris.
remained on the front, became the escort of Ariel.


Currently, Ghyslaine and me near the stairs on the first floor,
Sylphy and Ellis, near Ariel room the second floor,
we are watching in charge respectively.

In the room with Ariel shopping, Luke with the two servant in
I think it is not indeed, but Let's hope that Luke didnt stab Ariel
in rage.
As frantic, I wish I had about push down ... but.

Even so.
And, I see Ghyslaine.


Standing to the side of the stairs, she was looking towards the
entrance while her ears stood up.

Recently, Im not having much conversation with Ghyslaine.
She is engaged in the role of escort more seriously than me.
In this way, even talk to when you have a watch,
What 's with the sound Dano does hear to say, it would have been
to cut a conversation.

Possibly, I wonder if hated by her.
Such a feeling even sprout.
But, looking at the place you almost didnt held conversation even
with Ellis.


However, she suddenly spoke to me.

"Yes, what is it"
"I was saved during this period"

During this time ...... I wonder about that.

"It's blinding of Conwy Tha"

Oh, that fight forest.

"No, because support is the role of the rear guard"
"You are twist wit at the scene, I do much different from the old

When I say a long time ago, ... ten years ago.
As seen from those days, Im changed quite alot myself.
But, when viewed from Ghyslaine eyes, you do not see such a

"Now that you twist wit, have we had such a Spoken, although I do
not have much"
"opponent that not work, should I fall back to Ellis princess"

Ghyslaine would say such a thing.
And I thought more, this, whether type to somehow alone.

"Ellis is a young lady, because I had worked hard for that"
"Well ......"

I wonder what.
Although I think such as Sylphy and Roxy, I want Ellis to sit still at
I do not think so for some reason Ellis.
As you say Ghyslaine, probably because Ellis has been working hard
for that.
Thats effort showing its results.
Figure of Ellis that are still at home never come to my mind.

I mean, Ellis says such as want children, but I wonder if she is
going to sit still.
I wonder ...... I'm worried.


It Kiri, conversation lose.

What should I do.
I wonder What should I speak.
Old things, uh, uh.

"come to thing, Ghyslaine did you still practicing reading and
"Oh, sorry after i learned i never practicing again. Now forgetting
most of it, sorry after all of your hardwork "

It's a great attitude.
I I want to let emulated Ellis also didnt remember most of it.

"Guys from Holy Land of the sword I did not believe enough, I will
write from that character"
"But, since I write fact, would believe me now?"
"I was laughed ... No, because most of the guys cant reading and
writing, it would only have scribbled suitably even write real"

I wanted to see a little sight.

"The neat? How about those of you or waving a sword?"
"It's all right., including the physical fitness development, we are
doing a type that learned the practice swing is when you can
"I thought because youre magician you didnt train them"
" because Even for magician, muscle is necessary"

I do not aim to top in fencing.
Paul who has that goal also gone.
taught a little swordplay to Norn.
Again, in this world of swordplay, not able to wear fighting spirit is

"Do you remember the promise of the Old days Rudeus?"
"Promise of the old days?"
"Between you and me have forgotten or lost. approach creates a
doll of me"

Oh, come to think of it there was also such a story.
That, of the my 10-year-old birthday of.

"I asked someone, but i wonder if youre still making doll?
When you have time, made one of my model "
"Yeah, of course"
"I do not know about art, but I like the doll that you make"

It is welcome to say it ....
Why human beings of this world, like this kind of talk before the
Although somehow I become anxious.
It s not the death flag.

No, it can be seen.
its the Reverse.
Since I have the knowledge of past life, to speak of that decisive
battle after battle before it would consider such as death flag.
But first I will have to reverse.
If you do not Ika sure each time the reason for the order to
survive, it makes them separate life and death in the emergency


And, Ghyslaine is moved and flutters her nose and ears.
And holding my cane immediately, I take the alert, but was
crucified by Ghyslaine hand.

"No, it's all right"

The came into the inn opened door, it was Tris.
Hold the bag in both hands, she closed the door with her foot.
As she walk steadily towards us, and held out one of the bags.

"Cup of tired, but pledged"
"Thank you"
"Call, as we while thanks to Tris sister"

If you look at the bag received fruit similar to pear came into view.
take one one, and toss to Ghyslaine, she began to eat the crunchy
without also suited skin.

"The chapter is, Good luck"

While waving and fluttering her hands, Tris went up to the second
floor of the inn.

I think in ten days, she also was getting used to the line
As a type, along with two people servant.
That's Ariel believer.
a little cheeky, but she is not a bad person.
Because her dress has large exposure, Im about troubled with
unfocused eyes.

In terms of the degree of exposure, Ghyslaine also not much
different, but here's a warrior of art.
Muscle is an art.

"Tris mood is good today."
"Well, there was something"

While talking Then, I also picked up a pear.
peeling the skin with knife, bite.
It is a taste that was crunchy, but less sweet, and sour.
Fruits of this world, didnt suitable to eat very much.
Well, itsnot that bad.

"Good information to. Geese wonder went so did the hand but, at
such time, mood is improved profusely guys that kind of"
"I see"

Ariel, one way or another made Tris go collecting information.
From the place of private army of Darius and Obell, from what to
she report to her all about worrying thing.
After organizing such an enormous amount of information, and
shift through and come to me for consultation.
I mean there is a possibility that you miss important information as
I ... but.
It probably has no other give up that there is no way for that
Enough to control everything, because I'm not talented.

Come to think of it, Geese had said that hes going to Asura
Possibly, I might meet somewhere "
"If you are, you will come to find from the other side"

I would be so.
Geese is that kind of type.
To come from the other side to find, but it is not reduced contact
on the fly,
he's probably trying to produce a reunion of excitement.

"But, it's that guy. Sucking at gold gambling soon anyway, he would
have already move to another country"
" Geese, not good at gamble?"
"It is when there is no money."

This becomes the story I heard from Roxy.
Asura kingdom, is a place where country adventurer is not easy to
live too.

In addition the number of demon is few,
Knight send to rural place,
Magic division and the Knights, do monsters hunt on a regular basis
and also serves as a training and exercises.
Hence the request of punitive system to nothing.

Since the firm of leading have something like collecting team, no
requests for collection and harvesting.
request for escort to danger zone is small, its relatively safe place
in many cases.

Speaking of things that, it's time-consuming task such as a plain
delivery or people search.
But there seems to be something farm helper depending on time,
Anyway, "the work of adventurers" almost nothing compared to
other countries.

This tendency is increased as you move closer to the Imperial City,
the capital Ars,
even if there is small number of young adventurer,
Go to the local territory Donati and Fidoa territory to increases
their rank,
Rank goes up further, they would move to the north and south.

Do you have a decent arm or more, if you're educated neat,
I hear there is also put to work, such as bouncers and tutor, but
such is to it a handful,
The first place there is no need to be a adventurer.

In short, because of that regard adventurer should be doing, a
professional is already made, the more a country called the Asura
kingdom, he does not need the Arakuremono unidentified.
There is a headquarters of the Adventurer's Guild in Millis sacred
countries, it is a story you know.

"N ...?"

When I talk to, Ghyslaine also moves her ears.
Expression a little tense, maybe its enemy attack precisely this
To hold the cane in hurry discarded calyx of pear, I glares at the

However, Ghyslaine gaze Is not at door of entrance.
It's the top of the stairs.
When you finish the ear, from the top of the stairs, voice like
arguing with someone is heard.

"Hey, I've seen"

If you go up the stairs, Ellis and Sylphy was watching the door with
an anxious look.
Any problems or would happened.

"Oh, Rudy. A While ago, Tris-san came back,
but, Somehow Luke and Ariel-sama starting a fight "

Luke and Ariel fighting?
Hey, ...... Although I said I leave Luke matter to her.
No, fighting at this important time?

"Excuse me, its Rudeus "

knocking once, then entering the room without waiting for reply.
There, Luke was stood with pale face,
Sitting on a chair, Ariel straight face.
And, there was a Tris with troubled face.

"Rudeus sama, I was in a good place Myra"

Looking at me, Ariel face remain calm while said that.

"Did you have something?"
". Tris was bring me the information Yes"

Tris brought that information,'s troubled face.

"Is it what information"
"Information about the ...... Saurosu-Boreas Gray rat"

Of Saurosu.
Te thing is, or concerning appointment with Ghyslaine.
Did not let me check in tris.

"Events in the Asura Royal Palace ,
rather than in king metropolis, the people from this region more
knowledgeable about that .
Person who has known that you do not know is if you live in the king
Metropolis ,
I Want to come to killed noble I thought anxiety "

I wonder a thing like that .

" So , Ive found the main culprit who plunged Saurosu sama "
" Main culprit ...... are you ? "
" ......"

Luke face is scary.
Ariel wear Noh mask .
It is a face with no emotion .

"Again, that person has moved from our faction .
Moreover, that person ...... has a personal grudge to Saurosu -sama

Ariel said without putting Kanpatsu .

"Its is Philemon Notus Gray rat "

Philemon killed Saurosu .
Well , it would be likely .
Notus was the largest noble in Ariel faction .
Boreas is the opposite from Grabell faction .
theyre Enemies .

On top of that , when Philemon hating Saurosu personally .
There is no reason not to move when there is a chance .

That said , that would be expected .
To say Somehow , Saurosu was still a lord at that time .
It is better for you to lose one territory , as long as it was in the
asylum of the first Prince faction,
If it is not noble with the same power, it might not caused a
downfall .

" ... So , what are you intend to do Ariel-sama ? "
" As promised , I leave him to Ghyslaine "

Luke chewed his lips.
Well, someone is angry at it .
Ariel also , something you knew Luke would have to take care of the
house , it can be said that well .
In this case, prioritizing Ghyslaine than Luke .

"But , the last, but only if ...... Notus who had betrayed Philemon
really like .
because at this stage I still cant confirm the reability of the
information yet "
" ............"
" If we are betrayed , then i will executed Philemon , I'm going to
appoint to the family head Luke at that time "
" If you have not betrayed if it? "
"I will persuaded Ghyslaine , we will settle for just another person
" ...... who is that another person? "

Oh , yeah , do you have besides just because Philemon is a main
culprit .
Relatives alive , she kill others .
It's selfish , but It cant not be helped.
Not afford to care human range of invisible , and even I , not a
saint .

" Luke , I hope ? "
" In talking with the validation , betrayal ... also , also the main
culprit , and it is not "

Luke had a sour face .
I understand at the beginning , but it's face I do not understand
what he is thinking .
he is not bulging even when heard his parents going to be killed .

" ...... Someone , trying to breaking us apart"

say so , he see me for an instant .

" Luke , have peace of mind .
As I said before , Rudeus sama will not, take over the Notus house
" Thats Rudeus story in front of Ariel sama ... ! "
"No , simply because it is before , must be placed to say clearly "

Ariel said inhale big breath , as to declare .

for example, leaving much achievement in the fight of this time,
Im Going to give the rank of nobility to Rudeus sama, because I do
not have anything. "

Im going to get one .
I've never thought such a story .

" ......"

But Luke face when he heard this .
like he is facing someone that turned into enemy.


The next day , there was a report from Ariel .
Thanks to the fight yesterday , Luke finally opened his mouth .
As it turns out , Luke had received advice of Hitogami again .

for Advice, Luke has received One .
Timing , while you are preparing the trip .
he hear something like " noting about betrayal of Rudeus " is as an
overview .

Hitogami says .
As much as possible, yeah Rudeus went to Darius side lord of Notus
his Objective Ariel body and gold status .
Without being discovered by Sylphy, seems to be behind the
scenes .
The invitating to the trap while become Ariel ally in the daytime ,
To convey information with guidance toDarius 's side in the middle
of the night .
he hear anything and everything , I had been planning this in secret
for several years .
marrying Sylphy also part of his plan .

It's Rudeus talent and he is talented behind-the-scenes work
really well .
It 's about I want to exchange with me .
If you could spin Standing in cold blood around it , and will be live
life more comfortably .

"I do not think Rudeus interested in such thing " , Luke seems to
did not believe at first .
I did not expect to have been so much credit to him, but this too?
Do everyday .

However , transfer magic circle destruction recently , then
betrayal of Notus house , Hitogami prophecy began to hit the
mark .
with this thing happening, Luke trust in me began to crumble little
by little.
Believe Hitogami unceremoniously , he necessarily began to look
suspicious to me .

By the way , he seems to still suspect me even now .
It's Otasshi and Prove in action from Ariel .

Ariel had to say with confidence the future , Luke keep trying
something .
Well , if the degree of the advice Luke has received only that, it
would be nice to at ease for the time being .
In fact , its not like Darius has seen my face ,
not interested in Paul former home ,
not interested in Ariel body, i dont need another on[ED : good for
you Rudy, so you wont be killed by Zenith].
no matter how much Luke suspecting me, its only a lie without base
It's a lousy advice from Hitogami .
I understand very well, that guy didnt expect anything from Luke.

Anyway , even in such a lousy story , would not polite in that I
suspected .
Thing like right man in the right place, You're still important .


I was going out to the town the next day .

Luke was standing around were hostile to me , and so as not to
alone with the Ariel and me as much as possible .
By declared Ariel is not noble to me ,
Would thinks I'll kill Ariel , and even deliver her head to Grabell .

However, seems so it was not bad separately .
knowing Luke way of thinking ,
Luke action is limited ,
now thing to be concerned in the middle of the journey lessened by

I do not know it or had anticipation that far ,
as expected I should praise Ariel ability.

Oh yeah , same for the revenge of Saurosu , Ariel tell directly to
Ellis and Gyslaine .

" - And So say , the one who plunged Saurosu sama in my faction is
very much "
"Fu ~ un"

Ellis didnt interested a bit , but Ghyslaine eyes is full of
murderous intent .
But , doent mean that Ellis didnt interested at all in the
conversation, I understand that when i look at her hand gripping
her sword on her waist\.
her finger lost colour and turning white, she trying to restrain
herself .

" Ghyslaine , do you want to kill me ? "
" ... No , I will kill the enemy that youre prepared "

to Ghyslaine , seemed not to sticking to kill Philemon .
I was wondering whether there is also a need of persuasion , but it
would be a result of considering the Nari Ghyslaine .

Ellis was silent .
But , nodded so as to follow Ghyslaine words.

" Well , I will also kill the other party that trying to stab Rudeus"

Ellis 's as usual .

After that, thing to do left is settling thing at King Metropolis .

Thinking so , about the 20th .
While taking a number of alternate routes , were at Asura kingdom
capital .
following that arrived at the Imperial City Ars .

+++ One hundred and eighty second episode "Imperial City Ars"

Imperial City Ars.

world's largest Capital.
It is a town named after the hero who led human race to victory in
magic war.

the first time When I saw this town in my life, I cant hide my
The tower on top of a hill, and a princess Silver palace.
Surrounding the castle, is huge mansion of higher nobles.
Streets to walls, also spread far from there such as the fortress
that surrounds them,.
Huge arena.
Gorgeous Training grounds of the Knights.
Beautiful temple for Holy Milis religion.
Aqueduct that was spread around the city.
Headquarters of the world's largest trading company.
Dojo of the god of water styleflow sword style.
opera theater district lined up.
Post town street drifting charm of a fascinating woman.
Gate that was made to commemorate the victory of Laplace
spreading like no end, no matter how far my eyes see.
Beyond the Aruteiru side Mother, beyond ... beyond.

It is said that all the world is inside there, the Oldest Ciity of
Human race.

Excerpt from "walk the world" Author, adventurer-Bloody Kant.


When I saw the Imperial City from a small hill, my mouth and Ellis

Imperial City were wide.
wider than any other city that I looked at in this world.

First, the castle was built on top of the hill.
This castle shining silver has a size equal to or greater than Pergius

Surrounding it is thick walls like fortress.
thick wall enough to seem that it might be there is more than 10
meters in height.
even if stray dragon attacked for example, , It will not passed that

Surrounding the walls even more, theres many glittering mansions.
It was a place where many of High noble live.
Mansion of the castle size is standing with bonbon.
And, still could be enclosed by the wall.

Streets is ordinary but it spread from there,
at some interval its surounded by walls.
its likely the town gradually to have grown Over the years.
It had been added together to match it, also create walls.

However, the city walls, no longer exists in the place that was
counted five.
From there, mix-match town is continuing forever.
to the point of the horizon.

its consuming cost too much to make the walls,
Something for the Knights to get rid of a monsters on regular
somehow Without the walls, it will become like that.

It is probably small compared to the big city in the previous life,
This, looking at this fantasy town is widespread in full view, feeling
impressed entering my chest.

"I came back"

However, each one of us has different expression on our face.
In extremely steep expression, they had glared the castle.
Even Ariel also going down from the carriage, she was looking at
the castle.

"Let's go"

In the words of Ariel, ours went to the king Metropolitan.


Its great, and there was no major problem once you entered
inside from the outside world.
at The entrance of the city, where also a together.
Peddler overflows, adventurers walking.
However very much of young adventurer compared to other towns.
there is some old adventurer, but it seems they didnt have any
energy or heart left to do adventuring.

Speaking of difference, the road width is profusely wider.
there Is six units horse-drawn carriages size Ru Surechigae.
That's three lanes in each direction.
This road, seems to be continued until the town's main square.

"Go to my second house. Before entering the Royal Palace.'ll Based
in there, we must prepare for everything"

By Ariel words, we're on her way.
The aim, it's compartment of higher noble city like such buildings.
Having said that, only to move in the town, it is likely to take about
half a day.

starting with Luke, we advance the way in the order, such as Ellis,
Sylphy, Ghyslaine, horse-drawn carriage, and me.
in Single line.
Although it is roads that complaint is not said to be spread out a
Poison when you pass each other nobles, will give us serious trouble
Usually one not give way is lower noble, but Ariel coach isnt
wearing its crest.
in a case of must show each other crest is just taking too much
time simply.

Then we will continue to move to the town.
At a certain point, the surrounding changed.
From the town for adventurers, to the town for civilian.

Then, those who point at here from the townspeople began to

"...... arent they, Fitz sama and Luke sama ......?"
"It...... really is ... then that carriage by any chance?"
"is Ariel sama inside?"
"hearing about His Majesty illness of, shes coming back!"

From Sylphy and Luke face, the contents of the carriage bared.
Separately, not going to hide your identity more than necessary.
And nor to have wanted hide the figure completely,
If you are a princess, I to be able to represent the figure even
Darius even if he didnt know about uproar in this place, i wonder if
hes ready to launch an attack to Ariel.
This place is not in a hurry in time.

"Aiiieee, Master Luke over here!"
"Subscribe to our Ready to Ariel sama over! Your way!"

Even so, theyre very popular.
From here and there, cheer comes flying.
Sometimes, there was also the flowers thrown.
Although not named, they are all human beings, but about one in
five people us to reacted to see here.

I like to idle more than Ariel us, I thought.
and Luke something about having vacation.
Ariel away from the king city, for 10 years already.
but still this popular, she is amazing.

However, what make interesting is suddenly no one blocking our way.
I wonder there is a rule that, must open the way for the noble
sama horse-drawn carriage.
Those that interfere with the daimyo will be cut down immediately.

"Heave-ho, Fitz sama over here!"

Every time she receive a cheer, Sylphy is scratching and crunching
sound behind the ear.
That's Sylphy habit of when she is confused.
I'll make fun later.

when we passed the square, the cheers became even stronger.
People, coming hearing the news about "Ariel comeback".

with the increases in Commotion, I wonder why the guard didnt
come out yet to calming the commotion.
At the same while we were troubled, Obell is coming from behind.
Na ...... scary.

And, I was fearing that, but there was no attack.
Does not mean there is no soldier.
As with people, they've had the not cheered.
Guy like commanding officer 's take the initiative.

Including soldiers underling, seem this people is Ariel ally.
Even though it is the Asura kingdom, and nor does that are unhappy
with politics separately.
It's who greeted like a hero at all.
It is too popular, shoulders are narrow but about something I.

"I feel great!"

However, it seems you have the different impression, Ellis.


When entering the noble district, the number of cheers decreased.
popularity Just to civilians only, or there is not popular with
Or simply, that noble didnt have a hobby that cheering on the
Or even which way.

When we enter the area of the noble, there was an occasional
group, walking the town with his ranks wearing armor.
The silver body armor, wearing a full-face helmet, these guys look
so heavy.
Compared to the soldiers that had been mixed with the people,
their atmosphere is more serious likely.
Soldier in that street is the police, while the soldier here giving
army feeling.

"I wonder what is that?"
"theyre apprentice knight"

When I ask the unusual question, Ellis has explained to me.

"To become a knight without attending knight Faction, and I heard
do not remember to be such as such as ritual ceremony, the sort of
thing to become apprentice"
"Oh ......"
"The reason for the patrol of such town as well, and seems to be
good role of apprentice"
"You know well"
" Fufun, I did hear from a friend"

It is surprising me that Ellis have friends.
But it is unlikely to be air friends Ji-chan and from the talks.

"What friends, from the Holy Land of the sword?"

The thing is, swordsman friend.
Or Kentomo[Friend of Sword].

"I'm glad My Ellis has friend.
May I fight, but it is possible to suppress myself sometimes, I get
along just fine? "
"But, the child ......"

And, Ellis said is over, she stopped the words.
The line of sight and quickly turned, at the same time grab her

Beyond Ellis line of sight.
One of the apprentice knight, she noticed that you are staring
Due to the Met of full-face, I do not know the expression.
I wonder if enemy.
I feel the unusual sign.

That person, he had said something to the Omowashiki's
commanding officer,
he ran into this place.

"Tsu ...!"

Sylphy, Ghyslaine, and Luke, unsheathe their own weapon.
Sylphy is amazing.
Now, she pulled the cane faster than Ghyslaine.

"...... Wow!"

The surprise in three people who pulled their weapon suddenly, the
person wearing armor was stopped walking.
It was a feeling that he can not hide the confusion, but he lift his
hand and take his helmet.

Came out from in is a beauty.
There is not only be called the most beautiful woman.
flowing Hair. Get wet by sweat, and I feel a kind of sex appeal.

" Ellis! Ghyslaine! This is Me!"

Behind the horse-drawn carriage, her gaze was directed to us.
To be precise, it's to Ellis.


Ellis is staring at the woman from horseback.

"Ellis.. So you survived
...... Surely because your sensei-sama, had said that you wont go
back live if you fight against the Dragon anyway.
Even so, why in the Asura kingdom? If you contact me - "
"whore you"
"...... Ll"

the Woman swallowed a breath.
And she made a somewhat sad face.
It's sad, but it's face but that, if there is any way if Ellis.
It is the face of the people who are well aware Ellis.

"...... Joking"

Ellis while jokingly, she got off the horse slip into place.

"Its long time, because Izolte wearing strange armor, I thought it
was someone else at the moment"
" What a strange armor?
...... this is, the Asura kingdom Knights formal armor isnt it cool? "
"It seems to be hard to move"
"God of water styleflow do not have to move, this is about is good
is just right"

knowing its Ellis acquaintance, Luke has lowered his sword.
Sylphy is also relaxed, but still holding her cane. .
Ghyslaine sword also remained Hanging Nukimi, she is overlooking
the surroundings.
The moment you relaxed simply because it's dangerous, judgment
of her U Tadashikaro.

"Now, rumor that second princess "came back has been flying
around in the town? Do you are serving the person of this horse-
drawn carriage. But why are they in this place?..., Ellis ... ...
Oh,there was a story that they are studying in certain magic city
Sharia. You feel that it was hired because youre [King] rank ......
where you met them? "

Contrary to the seems quiet appearance, do not speak well
Ellis is quiet.
Are showered with words like machine gun, she have taken the
usual pose with her arms folded.
She said.

"Well .................., roughly like that"

Apparently, it seems to have not heard from the middle.
I'm sure, that the conversation of these two woman would always
like this.

"On the recommendation of your sensei sama, I decided to become
a knight.
We will, together with the appointment of formal knight, get the
title of Mizutei "
"Yes, I'm good"

And, where was Luke pondering the Horsehead.
The have moved into this place, he was down from the horse with
he asked with a gentle face.

" Ellis san ...... sorry to bother the time of reunion, are you
"Yeah, so."
"sorry but were in hurry, lets continue our talk later so we wont
lost time now......"
"I know"

saying in soft demeanor, head to Izolte, Luke was bowed gracefully.

"It's not. Sorry Excuse me, lady, but we are the middle of a
Let there be time to take and any time.
At that time, it also serves as such apologize - "
"Thank you"
"and Sorry for being so rude, later "

Izolte to the turn down coldly, Luke does not even show a wry smile,
remains a soft smile, and jumped on the horse.
Luke was moved to the front with his horse.
Izolte was looking in disgust, his figure.

" is That, in any case Rudeus.
as I had imagined, and with sword in his habit of attitude ......
disgusting magician, or are you trying to look cool?
Ellis, did you marry such guy? "
"...... I, did marry Rudeus"
" Huh, Face is good indeed ...? but I ... I do not like his way for
calling another woman in front of his wife. His Hobby is bad Ellis?"

So as not to hear Luke, Izolte had said such a thing in a hushed
Ellis has the face which was set to Kyoton.
Apparently, Izolte seems to mixed Luke and me.
At position to hear the gossip is squarely, i want to move away a
Not going to have to look cool, but I also, ... want to wielding such
as sword once in a while.

"I'll go again"
"Well. I apologize, for Holding back at busy place,.
...... are you staying over here for a while? "

she asked, Ellis glanced at me.
At least, most probably were staying in this city until Ariel take
the throne.
It should return a nod to think so.
Izolte was looking towards me for the first time.
It is a face that was puzzled.

"Well, the person of there?"

And I wonder if Rudeus is good answer.
Well, there is no reason to take a fictitious name, but just before
the other side ...... also hit the gossip, looks to be unpleasant air.


And, where Shofu has moved.
The movement toward the Ellis contrary to my intention, it was
pushed by the head back.
Hey, Is not it move on its own, ... it'll give Chinese cabbage now.

"Jack Robinson, I'm sorry, I did was in a hurry"

However, when She saw that behavior, Izolte gave me guess.

"Well, when I off-duty, I will guide the town.
...... At that time, please introduce some people of that place "

she said the people of that place, send a glance.
If I said, "I was entrusted to introduce, Rudeus" here, what kind
of face she would show.

"I do not know, but it has been found"
"Well Ellis ...... I always do not know well.
So bless saint Millis is always with you "

And so, with the bow gracefully, Izolte went away.
Hmm, what was that woman of Millis religion.

Ellis had seen her back figure, but then Fuitto facing here before
long, she was jumped on the horse.
Check it, Luke begins to move, even horse-drawn carriage began to

"She. Izolte [King] rank of water godstyle. A little while ago we
met in the Holy Land of the sword"
" I see. Unlikely Nakayo, it is good"
"Well, even ......"

And, turn off the words, Ellis was facing the Izolte.
It was where a population of silver form a platoon, and disappear
into the alley.

"...... we may turn into enemy"

Oh, is that so?
Mizu-o Izolte Crul.
I have heard From Orusuteddo, as a "person that may come out as
an enemy", it's there.
The first place, and likely to be enemy Reida [god] rank of water
god sword style, you have to talk to Ellis.
Ellis at that time, she might have been guessed, Izolte will also
turn into the enemy.

If it is position that apprentice knight, I do not think so... but
anything is possible.
her Position is still low, but her skill is definitely [King] rank
If it becomes battlefield, the likely to come out is high.

"So ...... Ellis, good?"
"the debt in the Holy Land of the sword Shall be settled "
"Or along"

I do not know for me, but that kind of thing words that come out
without any trouble, in other words, these two people has such a
It's a relationship that you compete for something.
No not understand.

However, when it comes it is to develop into exchange of life, its
far away from the big categories of the understanding of me.
It is because if possible, I want both of you survived, to continue
to compete.
You're such the end in it and if you die.


Turn right in the middle of the road and start walking uphill.
Huge walls had been guarded by soldiers, but by showing what Luke
have, such as a crest, was passed in the face nearly path.
It is too through the district of intermediate noble, and passing
under the wall again, surrounded the house with a magnitude such
as castles and forts of a small country.
It is a district of the senior nobility.

The second house of Ariel, was in the somewhat distant position
from the royal castle.
Although located throughout the city, it is five times that of my
not to the extent of the Ellis family home that had been used as a
fort during the war, but too huge as a private home.

Time was around the evening already.
And because we entered the town early afternoon, we've spent
half a day already.

When we entering the building garden, people looked like Butler
came out.
Then immediately goes inside at the sight Luke, collecting maids in
big hurry, to greet.
To say that, either five or so people.
Even during her absence, they still managing Ariel house.

we are greeted by the servants, into the building.
Inside, was gorgeous.
Of course, those of Pergius Castle is top luxury. but, looking at the
place where there is a high art seems to be the key point, feeling
that noble mansion of the Asura has Nonetheless villa.
The rank, of the place is on par with Ellis castle.

After being assigned a room each, I dropped the dust of the
journey by bathing.
It contains the decoration made of metal, even the pail that is
used for bathing, was glittering.
There is also a bathtub on a premise, it seems to put the bath.
that it probably would not I use.

After bathing, I took a meal.
there's four people Ariel, Ellis, Sylphy, And Me.
Persons under standpoint, Ariel seems to be dining at a different

"Well, Rudeus-sama"
"with your help Rudeus sama, I was able to come here safely"

After the meal is over, Ariel called me again.

"I will start to move from tomorrow.
To welcome Pergius sama,
And Prepare for topple Senior minister Darius from his "place".
To verify the noble request while Im not here, and information
Contacting allies were allowed to pre-incubation, consensus-
building ...... to each place.
We Will be busy "
"So as not to hit Darius hand, et al, and then expand the" field "on
early stage.
Fortunately, The Major Noble is gathered here in King Metropolis
because of father illness "

soon, there will be decisive battle.

"how much time you need to make your preparation?"
"Ten days"
" OK"

...... ten days.
it was fast.

we already have all card gathered here.
You can hand out to others, but we believe that our victory based
on that no doubt.
Although I think that the possibility is low,
It is also possible that on the "field", it will become a civil war if
theyre desperate "

I think so, but honestly, beyond is a translation had been sparing
forces, and that there is no as low as possible.

I think that we have enough strength here, but if by any chance.
Before that, let see enemy main force first "
"It is"
"I think Sylphy, Ellis sama, and Rudeus sama, you can play that

defeating each one of them.
Indeed, to the other party at the same time guys Kita-shin-ryu it
would be bone.

"But, it will be difficult to launch an attack while keeping our guard.
while were attacking, making sure that Ariel sama arent attacked

Also in this city, Ariel has many ally.
But, there is no one at Kitatei level.
Me, Ellis, and Sylphy is the offense team, while the one that
defend Ariel only Ghyslaine and Luke.
Ghyslaine is dependable, but if they send more than one person
against the Kita-o class, it will lag behind.

"I think because it is. Yes, whether you Tyre"
"...... the fish?"
I will Show a chance to attack this place on purpose.
Because I also in possession of magic items for it "

oh is that the ring to replace for example, the figure.
Using it, someone to impersonate Ariel.
To create a situation that is easy to attack, to hit the opponent
The situation making, it will be when Ariel make her move.
Return from the meeting together with the noble, incidentally of
behind-the-scenes work.
Morning, evening, late at night.
It would be possible to create a gap in various patterns.
If us come from the other side, do not saves the trouble to find.

" but .....Sylphy, it means that you get to play a little dangerous
"I do not have any problem"

was Sylphy immediate answer's.

"This is the game at the time. What you can do, let's do"

When it comes to this, Sylphy is ...... or Ariel role.
Well, there is no safe place if accustomed to fighting.
When you come up here, where it is also together.
it will become source for motivation, I also try to protect her with
full force.

"What will keep you caught"
"Will it place and five minutes ......"

After all, until we enters the king Metropolis, did not attacked
even once.
Although here we was also on alert, and the journey of almost a
month. there must have been a chance to attack.
If it becomes, that Ariel is to provide a "place" is not predicted,
and crush where they have overwhelming force.
I feel likely to be such a high motivation.

"it settle then. unless caught, safety is guaranteed"
"unless caught ..., if caught, It will be all-out war"
"I think in that case, that will add more to your burden Rudeus

I'll be so.
...... Wonder if all right.

"Do you not have reinforcements in here?"
"Ranoa Kingdom prepared some in advance.
But, It is only advanced swordsman, magician, and advanced
mechanic at best.
but to the other party has Kitatei, and Kita-o , The day and place it
in the "field" , were underpowered "


"When it comes to that, we need as much help as we can get"
"almost all you"

Or Orusuteddo.
I wonder if He is already coming to this town.
we still keep our contact, but there is only few thing to be
reported, he is man of few word.
since Luke wary for me, Ariel not meet Orusuteddo again.

"Well, when it comes to that, aid will come"

Sylphy had tilted her neck in this exchange, but it would be nice

"Now, I need your help in that direction"

Things to do in the 10 days were also decided.
From tomorrow, the battle in the Asura kingdom begins.

+++ one hundred and eighty third episode "Dawn of Fight to
the Death"

The next day.
I go to the royal castle along with Ariel.

Preparing Tris be provided to turn at base.
Do not two of his men.
So, it's in five.

Two servant that will become nuisance in combat is certainly,
There was also that there is a house even them, the house of them
would be a big ally for Ariel.
Besides, those two person had been assigned their job from Ariel.
she really intend to finish this to be done in the 10

Well Ojo, for the first time.
As you can see in a long distance, the Princess from the Asura
kingdom, spent in.
Perhaps, it would be huge castle more than the one on the air
Citadel Pergius.
Moreover, on the back side of the castle, the royal palace is
there is Royal family live, and it's the a place where consists
numerous palace gardens.
The location of the palace except I hear that place where anyone
put if having an authorized person, but there is no errands in there
this time.
little Interested to the concubines, but there is no errands.
And a visit of a king withheld to disease, it's booking "venue".

In such a royal castle, you find amazing.
No, it might not to such a degree that it amazing.
If here, it is no wonder even if there is such a thing.
But, if you see there in fact, I could not look twice.

It is a portrait of Pergius.

One of the three lined portraits.
Is hard to tell, it's remarkable becomes a portraitof Balaur face.
And perhaps, the portrait of Pergius, which added a little
beautification, looking 10-years-old-younger than now.
honestly, I did not know immediately that's Pergius.
didnt recognize it at first, I was removed from sight immediately
However, since the plate just below the portrait was eye catching,
I look at it twice.
his name was written.
Pergius Dora,.

I was surprised.
What I was surprised, since had been decorated in the immediate
vicinity of the portrait of the Asura king in history.

and next is the stranger group,
and Face of a man with hair silver blond hair was intermingled.
Perhaps because I saw the name Pergius, he was found immediately,
click here.

North human tribe, Kitagami Kalman.
And, this dragon race which is half human race, would be Ryujin
It is a three hero that defeated Genie .

If it is the me from before, but would have to be making fun of not
However, after hearing Orusuteddo story Iwont make fun of them
too much.
because After all, they defeated full powered Genie Laplace in
For a long time now, the magic dragon king Laplace still reigned as
the strongest in the world, the counterpart.

That's why, portrait would be decorated in such place.
As a hero of legend still live now.

It's a great person.
honestly, somehow There was also strange part in it, Pergius
appeared in the "field",
However, ... when viewed in this way the place of this portrait is
decorated close to the king.
It's Okay.


The Third days already passed.
Strategy is on track.
Ariel venue set-up preparation is progressing smoothly.
According to her, aristocracy who were looking forward to her
return was the increasing.

While become her escort, I was introduced to dozens of nobility.
Honestly, I didnt remember all of their name.

First prince Grabell and Senior minister Darius.
I hasnt introduced to them yet, but was able to see from a
distance only once.

Darius is old-timer if you say a word.
Fat body, flabby cheeks, disgusting eyes.
Was the ugly figure to learn sense of intimacy, he's monster pig.
when looking at me, his face was very frightened.
it just like he is looking at a grim reaper.
and looking at his complexion.....but its not good.
he is showing an easly reaction to undertand, I dont even need to
confuse her he is Hitgami apostle or not.

First prince Grabell is, a normal old man with fluffy blond hair.
not in hi teen or tenty like i imagine from prince.
the feeling i get from his 30-something year combined with his
moustache is little far from prince image.
But, when I saw him, there was something reminiscent of the "I
want to work under this person" and wonder.
Again, this is probably one of the effect of his charisma.

Come to think of it, although I've heard rumors of second prince
lost in politics war with first prince, and now seems to be under
house arrest.
its something that Orusuteddo and me wondering.
Or will I say there is no need to Orusuteddo knew this, be wary of
second prince.

Anyway, you can have for the second prince faction, guys who had
already give up from victory, with the news of Ariel comeback,
have been flocking To any luck.
They seem to help me and Ariel for the "venue" making.

Ariel is in her fight.
while my fighting partner is the one whom attacked Ariel.

were attacked several times.
we didnt catch big game yet, but the assassin has been sent on a
daily basis.
They have only aimed at Ariel.
More specifically, it's Sylphy that dressed as Ariel.
Moving, eating, sleeping.
It's this thing and recently to sleep even have time to eat a meal.
However, the real Ariel, wear a wig masquerading as a maid,
Eat a meal (very luxury one for a single meal) and the poor maid,
While she is sleeping soundly in poor bed room for maid.

"Insanely large number than before, but I'm very comfortable
because Rudy is here"

is Sylphy word.
Although the assasin is only small fry,
Its good for Ellis, me and Gyslaine to accustomed to fight, though i
suffered shotage on it.

But, When I was in one, I would have struggled a little.
Anyway, then I fret over kill or not kill.
If you think so, well, yeah.
I will keep you in that can have Ghyslaine and Ellis, that was good.

At least, the enemy that can break our two attacker Ghyslaine and
Ellis does not come out.
If, if you're going to do that a total war in the "field", it's a little
Kitatei respectively, and Kita-o if corresponding one-on-one, next
will come to my place.
the only good enemy is [God] rank water sword style, but if there
is Sylphy and other forces.
And, if the more one other person, their hand hand will reach Ariel.

Although I hope Orusuteddo is with us somehow before that,
Although cant manage to contact him since entering King
First of all, it's unclear whether he is already in town.

Anyway, it's not resolved by just pray you are aware.
Also for the case of emergency, I want to reduce the number of

Nodded when I advised to Ariel so, she was okay.

"Let's use a little trick"

That day, Ariel was talking about something to noble from prince of
first faction.
It's very Ghyslaine and Ellis becomes the physiology at the same
time, It's a vulgar story of such a feeling such as today.
Caller hears nobility, was watching Ellis with interesting eye.
Ellis had a very uncomfortable look.

It seems to say that by passing a rumor of escort tone is poor, and
will Engaging attack.

However, this strategy was unsuccessful.
Might have been too blatant.
From the next day, even the assassin is no longer come.


it was 5th day.
There is no attack.
Instead, influential nobles surrounding her began to get targeted.
It is those who promote the construction of "venue".

However, they also seemed to have their own self-defense means,
I did not reach important.
However, it was as if to say the raid, and's a warning.
In fact, the accessory of some seems to have attached to the first
prince Faction.

Meanwhile, I met a person there.
Philemon Notus-gray rat.
Information-wise prior, he had changed to Grabell side.

Age, about in mid-30's.
He had a face that was very similar to Paul.
But, in his expression, like a room or confidence was aloof from the
world that Paul has didnt exist.
I had the impression of a fearful and hungry rats.
Afraid of the risk, taking safe way, a type of man that escape to a
safe direction.
I do not hate such a person, but this old-man likely hate Saurosu .

facing him, Luke had been talking about this and that.
The quarrel was not an exaggeration to say the fight.
Why betrayed Ariel, what about their own effort.
such question from Luke ignored by Philemon by saying You wont
understand even if I explain it to you.
Luke face was full of disbelief.
However Luke still pleaded, that its not too late to come out to
this side yet.
However, it isnt even accepted.
Finally, the seen as likely to damn people "even you want family
state?" and left,
worse attitude in the wrong place.

I think it's terrible attitude.
At least, it is not the attitude toward his son, which has been
struggling in a foreign country more than ten years.
However, Paul also to seems to have that kind of fall once,
It was a waste of handicap which I also like.
The Asura noble, there will be a moral nobility of the Asura, and
not going to look down with one sided view.

Luke if Ariel is come out victorious,
from Grabell. Its your win,
youre going to continue as a leading figure who won a political
dispute, at the Notus home.
If you think so, also the attitude of those two, nor that it can not
be said Well, in some ways, and has been able to jealousy against
His inner feelings, I might just hate that Luke simply.

Feelings of my ...... aside.
More than this happens, it's so that is Ghyslaine kill Philemon is,
looks a mistake.

for example if Luke family home is on the brink of collapse.
Is there a feeling that I think what will Luke do if I want to take
care of the house, and I want to have power.
But, there is also a feeling that's important person of my things.

It's a bad situation.


Day 9.
Construction of "venue" has been completed.
Party itself has been done well in the royal castle.
However, the attendance of this time, all of the famous noble
Asura kingdom are participating.
Ariel, she was directed that way.
Second princess Ariel, of nominal party that benefits the first
prince Grabell.
If it is me, I would not participate in the party, that look so much
like trap.
However, whyAsura aristocracy is still attending.
Participation of the party is a noble duty.

It seems there are a number of interference, but Ariel got over it
After that, the production.
And, it's my job.

Tomorrow, it's going to be a tough day.
someone might die.
Ellis, Sylphy, or Ghyslaine.
but....i will work my ass off to not let that happen.
It might not sleep with excitement today.
Ukashira ...... let you entertained per Ellis.


And, though it was like that, at night.

It was a moonless night.
all Preparation is completed, and only wait for the production
Today let just sleep, for better condition.
While I think so, on the way home.

On the middle of the road, a man stood.
If you look at the head, he look like a man from beast race.
It's ear ...... certainly Mirudetto group of rabbits.
It's bunny if a woman, but I wonder if I say what if a man.


Wearing a black matte armor, he stood with straight sword in hand.
So as to block the way of the horse-drawn carriage.

"It's nothing!"

Luke on the side of the carriage is out in front, It was a challenge.

He does not answer.
not even going to answer.
Attackers a name for himself -.

"One person Kita-shinsan swordsman, knuckle guard Kita-o of" twin
sword. '"

Dotta bid.


The next moment, alleged knuckle guard split.
Gently, as if its astral projection, ... he split up to the left and

"I think when such Nakuru brother., It's useless to say the name?"
"Oh, or along.. Gad clever ...... I Do not do was different from the
" because I have been studying in recent years"

is different, it did not do so on division.
it's The twins.
Swordsman with same face, no its two person.

"Certainly, when the employers is someone like Darius, it's no good
to say their name"
"Come to think of it, assassins that always attacked, they didnt
even say their employee name"
" Nakuru brother Oh yeah, so no good to say absolutely"
"I know"

Well, ask the Lord Then someone, although I know even if you do
not say that and only this time.

And, where you have a little anticlimactic, Ellis was out in front.
Down from the horse, and unsheathe the sword.

"Ellis Grey rat"

In response to the massive thirst for blood, the twins ears has
moved and twitching.

"Oh, listen to rumors" Berserker [King] Sword "!"
beastly style swordmanship, like magical beast with its worst
"The Nare etc. only Kayowaki Mirudeddo us!"
"No shortage for the opponent!"

Ellis has set her sword in upward position,
taking symmetrical stance, it was the twins.

"One person we are half a man"
"Serving one person with two people"
"two body in one"
"we wont say it cowardly"

No, two-to-one is probably unfair.
When I thought, another figure was out behind the horse-drawn
It's little shadow.

Its shadow, wore armor of black as filled with ink.
having black sword in his hand And black shield.


He does not say his name.
didnt need to say his name, we already know.

facing him, is Gyslaine.
She is the only granted, She pulled her sword against the man.

"to pay the debt the other day"
" Dorudia...... this a bit disadvantage at night"

Conwy's Tha.
Last time, Ghyslaine was cornered by him.
But the other day, about Conwy Tha trick, I already tell to
Ghyslaine once.
I do not know whether she will understand me, but She would be
okay this time.

Front gate rabbit, dwarf at the rear gate.
Speaking of this, that this situation is strange because this seems
to be very easy,
front gate Kita-o in practice.

Should strike a blow for either.
I will assist Ellis, Luke, or Sylphy is backing to Ghyslaine.
That way, I can make the status of the two-body one.
It's the place where I think so, but can not move.
There is no Obell.
The situation, had rested the move I make.

Ariel isnt in this place.
Using a different route, Ariel has been moved to the second safe
house from the royal castle.
Therefore, it is good to take the formation of Luke is to cover
Ghyslaine, Sylphy is Ellis.
However, when this happens, the enemy will also understand.
That Ariel isnt in this place.

And, they will run away.
because the Target is absent, it's a matter of course.
Tomorrow, they will ambush us in a more perfect position.
That time, one or to more people, increase the number of people.

Now's the chance.
it's chance to Kill two people Kita-o.
If it is not brought down here, tomorrow will be harder.

If, Luke is to cover Ghyslaine, me is Ellis.
In that case, Obell would fight Sylphy.
Sylphy, she cant win againts Obell.
I can not say that absolutely, However Orusuteddo say so.
Again, Im the piece that cant move.

"No ......"

Before, where Obell was lurking?
It is not in the forest, had in the soil.
This time, I'm lurking somewhere nearby.
if lurking nearby, you would be aimed indifferently at someone of

Nara, and I can get.
Find out the hiding place of the guy from this place, to kill him with
a single blow.
That way, you can assist Ghyslaine Ellis without worry.

"its all right Rudeus, even alone i will win "

Ellis Voice resounding in the dark night.
Indeed, no swordman can stop Ellis even that knuckle guard or
Verbatim as half a man, and wondering that each of them is at
KitaKiyoshi level at best.
And if that extent, Ellis can be withheld sword with a single blow.
If either put in Reach, one dies.
Enough to allow it, that seems to be not always hard-working.

Ghyslaine also, but still out of the Reach.
Ghyslaine with her tall stature and WE ter the dwarf, there is too
much difference in Reach.
Even here, it is not put to a pause so easily.

But they will not withdraw .......
Again, probably because after one person.
Three pieces, our opponent has been off the card.
they intended to kill us here.

Obell is somewhere.
which place around here that could be used as hidden place?
Here is hard to say that the place is suitable for attack.
Wall to the left, it's a noble residence on the right.

on the Right appears to multi likely place to hide a little.
However, a house with a garden is surrounded by a high wall is none.
there Is an alley between the house and home.
But because since it is assumed that the carriage passes, its made
quite wide, not easily hidden as it sounds.
If you are hiding in the garden, it appears to break the fence?
Stupid he is not the birdie gurdy.

How 's walls?
It is a wall with a height of about look up.
Come down with a rope from there?
Or come jumping off?
You might can do it ... but Kitatei.

Nara, or under?
As before, that you are hidden under the ground?
No, not it.
On the basis from previous case, he have moved with care on the
I do not think was overlooked.

Where's ....
Is there a blind spot?

I left the rear of the horse-drawn carriage.
Luke is located right in front of the horse-drawn carriage.

Two light sources.
Torch was equipped at horse-drawn carriage.
And, spirit of lights that I was summoned to go.
Light intensity is strong, I have seen clearly even figure of black-
clad assailants.
There is no place that is not visible.

Or still on the wall?
...... On the wall, you can either send down the magic?
And, and looked up at the walls while moving up to the spirit of the



When I saw the wall first, I did not notice.
In the sense of discomfort in that hillside.

Middle of the wall, cloth pattern that closely resembles the color
of the walls had been laid there.
Once was during the day, it would have been obvious.
Alternatively, you will notice that in the light of car headlights,
that there is accident.
The torches at the horse-drawn carriage, a change that can not
possibly notice.
However, if I use the lamp spirit, I will notice the source of
uncomfortable feling.


I directed my cane at the wall.


Not chant.
If it always refers to the operator name to notify With the magic
around, but not as well.

Rock shell.
Momentum with full force.
............ I do.

Farewell, Obell.


But wild intuition.
Or intuition as a warrior.

I did not dare hesitated for even one second.
And to say that he, or likely to have sensed something.
Release the art of hiding just in time, Obell is, to avoid the magic.
No, it is not completely avoided.
Rock Shell demaged Obell foot, make a big gouge.
While taking a passive defense, he fell from the walls.


It has become a sign of battle.


I Unleash magic against Obell, rock shells.
However, leave the attitude that elaborate sag, I was sure Obell
could parry it without difficulty.


Luke approaching from behind.
Inverts the body axis to the left hand, Obell was deflected his
Imbalancing Luke feet, while still lying down and about to stab him.
I blocked with Rock Shell.


springing his body, Obell stand up on one foot.
However, with one of his leg incapacitated most of Obell mobility

He see the front and back while standing, not shaken by one leg,
me and the horse-drawn carriage.


following his line of sight.
During the exchange of the moment of now, grasped the flow of

as she says, Ellis defeated those two person alone.
But Ellis also apparently was not unscathed, she is injured at the
her Left shoulder is hanging loosely.
But, didnt care about her own wound, Ellis had turned around here.
her line of sight is on, Obell.

Ghyslaine had overwhelmed WE ter.
Conwy Tha Already had lost one arm.
And WE ter that have lost his shield, Ghyslaine intact.

When I saw her closely, Ghyslaine is delivering final blow to WE
ter right now.


WE ter shouts.
And, he slams something on the ground at the same time.
Sound like flour and horse manure is sound, I was wrapped in black
smoke in an instant.

some kind of magic tool or magic items.
WE ter of the night to use the blinding black smoke.
It's very different and just know, in the watch actually.
I can not see anything than I thought.

In the field of view, such as dense fog, sound of running WE ter
Following him is, Ghyslaine footsteps.

<Sword is swung down abruptly in front of me>

Was avoided in a hurry.
WE ter is run through, the buckwheat of me.
Have been aimed at me?
or No, aim horse-drawn carriage?

"Leave it!"

The next moment, the door of the carriage is open, while Sylphy
rolling out, I release a magic.
Mixing magic "flame tornado".
mixing Magic of wind and flame blew black smoke, shed light on the

Status check.
Ghyslaine, alive and well.
Luke, alive and well.
Sylphy, alive and well.
Ellis also alive and well.

WE ter was where it disappears into the alley.
Did away?
Fair to middling, even missed WE ter, should I kill Obell.
Theres ..., not the Obell?
Where is that?


Ellis shouted.
looking at her line of sight, Obellusing claw to climb the wall like a
He disappeared into the top of the wall at speed over Sedge.
The other, they can not follow him.
And, it is not the case it is blurred.

" follow the WeStar!"

And make decisions immediately, to enter the alley.
Or catch up?
Only a little, or the wrong decision?
When We Star fled to the back alley, or I should chase
that Guy has lost one arm.
The body was out of balance, you can not run it so early.
But because of that Kita-shin-ryu, training about it .......

And, whe i stepped into the alley to think, I was stopped walking.

WE ter was dead.

Large wind hole opened in his small body, and had fallen to the
blood pools.
this Death was a deja vu fairly.
There is that it has such a death to me.

No sign around.
However, it is likely to have stayed.
And it would've done.
by Orusuteddo.

"I'm done Rudeus ......"

Looking back, there was a Ellis.
It is roughly slashed from the shoulder, Ellis shed blood and sluggy,
was laughing and grinning.

"Oh, Oh ..."

For now, by touching Ellis shoulder, I cast healing magic.
It is a terrible wound.
Do not you would not have gone to the tendon.
what if its cut the meat and bone, but it bad for the heart.

"Thank you"

hurrying thanking me, Ellis struglled herself.
Go back to the passage, crying.

"Rudeus was killing little while ago!"

In her words, sigh of relief flowed around.

"I'm sorry, I was a third wheel"
"No, I know, Rudeus obviously do so he can focus on Obell but ......"
"when he was attacked by me earlier, it was a good chance, but I
was a little slow"
"I missed one, Its reasonable!"

And, to this and that quarrel with each other, and put away the
also, if i use different magic Obell might not have a chance to
It is not likely to be robbed foot, ... Once you have used it in the

and It can not be helped, when i think about it now.
The fight in an instant, it was fluid.
As long as you Oh, a fine thing, it can not be helped to say at a
later to be if we speak.

This time,
Kita-o WE ter.
Kita-o knuckle guard.
we succeded in killing two people (three people).
We have succeeded in reducing the enemy pawn as planned.
Relief was what Obell, but can I say victory.

After that, tomorrow, lets greet the production.

"strange group! Kita-shinsan swordsman! "

irregular fighting style using magic tool, etc. Obell area of
expertise is "peacock sword".
fine skill with flashy outfit, named peacock has been attached.

In order to overturn his handicap of dwarf, Conwy Tha using
"Light and Darkness", was good at tactics to take the view of the
other party.
He himself has a way to fight even when deprived of sight.

Knuckle guard of "twin sword".
Twin Swordsman. To overwhelm their opponents with a combination
like a mirror copy.
One in two people.

Aligned four people, Kita-shinsan swordsman.

+++" Ariel Battlefield " one hundred and eighty fourth episode

The Party is held in Ojo silver palace.

One of the hall that made for large-scale party.
Long table.
Where Who sit, all seats on.
there was a venur that i dont thing it will be really ready by only 10
I mean the venue which became party its preparation is perfectly
completed, and just waiting for the time. heart Na dance indeed.

While standing near the entrance of the waiting room with two
people me and Ellis, become one of the local staff, looked at the
face of the people who came.
To say that waiting room, it is not necessarily small, in fact there is
a buffet party here.

Those who has a look of expectation.
Person who held anxiety expression.
Such people had arrived at the venue early.
Theyre in waiting room, what will they do after hearing Ariel story
or what kind of response for support in Grabell Faction related to
I have to talk and Kyoji.

Looking somewhat miserable, theres not a person in the midst.
They has less impact in either case is, it is small in short.

The first big game, appeared somewhat late.
Philemon Notus Gray rat.
And followed by his escort and eldest son, he has eyes of someone
who likely to curse me who is at the entrance.
And told me.

"do you really believe.............that you could back to Notus home in
this last minute, after abandoning it?"

it is unexpected question.

"I dont even think about it"
" okay, and knows someone cant use the Grayrat name normally "
"Eh, Oh, yes"

To say that a misguided, Philemon After you show the that short of
face of the account in the waiting room,
he disappeared into the private room which had been prepared for
the senior aristocracy.

"What is he ......"

Ellis's angry.

Come to think of it.
Once upon a time, when I was in Ellis house.
I was there that it was said something such as I have has a narrow
shoulders I think.
At that time, although I did not think something narrow shoulders
at all,
Youre not a Notus if Paul bowed to Boreas.
Then, when someone from Notus house was become their tutor.
Among the people like that, and I wonder ...... I wonder had to think
narrow shoulders.

Also, for such is good.
Indeed, for Paul brother, Philemon's a person who hits the uncle
for me, but he is the person will be killed by Ghyslaine later.
To being an asshole to me, not that it hurts.

Starting with Philemon, they appeared one after another, the main
star of this "party".
Parents and two attendants, from Tris home also come.
Then the four major local lord.
Eurus, Zephyrus.
And, Boreas.

Do Say What family head ...... name of Boreas.
Are you sure it is Thomas, ... do it Gordon.
Was the name Kikan-sha like it, but he remembers.
Well, okay. James's.

He, too, was the appearance of your eldest son with someone in tow.
As for face, I wonder is similar to Saurosu than Philip.
he also have a stocky figure.
But his face was haggard fairly.

According to Ariel story, he resigned his ministerial desk job, he
seems to move as one lord.
Listen as lords who lost their territory, and have been in trouble
Still, it takes more than that to crush the house,
Perhaps because the land is left to lose the territory.
Or, thanks to the James hard work.

...... Do, he do his best.

A reconstruction of the fidoa territory not progressed.
However, James is not at all did not do anything, it can be seen
from the haggard face.
He also, in response to the tilt of that loss incident,
It was a desperate mean, so survive.
Meaning of survive, will different from a person who was directly
involved in the transition incident.
Anyway, feeling that he didnt know me, you do not know, such as
feelings of those he was also transferred.


Rather than ...... to me, he give a glimpse to Ellis who is standing
next to me, he went back towards the private room again.

And then shall the end.
Darius senior minister and came later than anyone else.
following by one escort.
when he look at me, Darius quickly looking away with face full of

People of escort was approaching at the sight of me.
And stare hard, have to say it's funny looking head still in a bright
In Kinagashi, head such like mushrooms.
four sword lined on the waist.

looking at book of attendance (..., ...).
the name Bowe Obell Corvette Kitatei.
We Makarito~tsu under the name "peacock sword" in the streets "

when i look at his feet for an instant, and confirmed that he is
standing firmly with two feet.
There is no trace if he is inured.
Seems to have fully recovered.
if he used Asura Kingdom healer, i think that level of injury is

"We have to Kikioyon. Name very much polite. This is Rudeus Gray
"No way ...... of" quagmire ", did you want to be called Dog

When it comes to, Orusuteddo or "owner".
It's a good old name.

However, saying out Dog of Dragon,
Obell is ...... Hey something apostle of Hitogami again.

"You have heard rude ...... husband along the way, has been attacked
several times"
"... Yeah, well"
"It was such as survive in bright Tenami, a thug that use sneaky

I mean ...... youre despicable yourself.
joking tone, his mouth was laughing.
However, Obell eyes isnt smiling.

"Next time, at the Head Match"

that Moment, with a straight face, not look good in the face, and
went away to Obell.
Just now is, or would it be a declaration of war.
He, I think one time also the second time, has been targetting me.
Nara, Again, I wonder if he is the third apostle.

First prince Grabell is not come to the waiting room like this.
Yeah come directly to the venue.
with this the actor was complete.


Looking at the suitable time, the party began.
To enter into the room in order, nobles will sit to the seat that has
been decided.

I was looking at a place that lined the wall, of our escort it.
Today, in the Ariel work, party guards in this venue vicinity almost
all of them absent.
Therefore, most of the aristocracy have come with someone in tow
as escort.

standing with their arm folded nex to me is Ghyslaine and Ellis,
theyre wary of their surroundings.
Sylphy isnt here.
Because in ceremony that begins now, and plays an important role in
it, she is coming out to the outside once.

To see the nobility filled inside the venue, Ariel stood Theravada,
was out to one step forward.

"Today, for taking the time, Thank you for gathered here"

Ariel started her greeting.
Beginning to talk about his majesty illness, this and that of the
domestic situation in recent years,
The term ...... whether I thought the Asura kingdom in what I think
to studying in.

And, the attack began.

"Now, today, at whom gathered here.
I have found two people, I would like to introduce to everyone "

Dressed neatly, showed up at the same time with Ariel word, it was
women who have sex appeal.
She will come out of the entrance, crossing the hall slowly,
And stood next to Ariel.

Looking at her face, Darius eyes opened wide.
In the aristocracy, there are those who stand up with their face
there is, Murasaki-ba
Purpl e hose

In The middle of journey, in place that happen to be my passing
point I meet her.
Purple hose house second daughter, Miss Tris Tina "

That Lady was introduced.
Tris pick the hem of her dress up, bowing in perfect gesture far
from Ellis with her imitated style.

"as introduced, I Tris Teena purple hose"

Venue was astir.

she Should be missing.
Although there is a gossip that she is dead.
turn out to be alive.
and grown beautifully.

from specific direction, there is a little uproar at certain point.

"But why, ... here?"
"When I found, I was protected, she had been very weak.
Such she, to the One who it is entering this field,
If there is something to say some, and did therefore I say so, we
have brought "

In the words, before Tris appear.

Darius that sit above the salt, the immediate vicinity.
Tris ...... started to talk while looking at him like seeing a pig.
Not a way of speaking that was natural for thief everyday.
but in beautiful words befitting of noble daughter.

betrayed by the house, she was bought by Darius senior minister.
kept like a dog by senior minister Darius.
And that she was almost killedback in the Fidoa Transition incident.
Luckily she is picked up by the thieves, she became the Big Boss
and from there began to help Ariel.

Story that was made with some addition and adaptation, has spoken
its a story that has been forged, to make the one who hearing
them cry.
As a thief Tris Tina withstood by her own power,
enduring in that place, and helped by Ariel that happen to be here.

It is a touching story.
Some of the aristocracy, there are those who shed tears blatantly,
but they would be cherry aristocracy, which is prepared of Ariel ...
those whom in Darius side in particular, can not hide the color of
the puzzlement on their face.
A person of purple hose house, greasy sweat is floating in the
Darius as the main culprit seems to be come to the surface.
in the face o her predicament that survived countless times.

Talk is over.

"Well ......"

Ariel came out to the front.
Smiling, a cool smile as usual, open her mouth.

"This was surprised.
Darius sama. I also did not think that it will suddenly known by
And, No, No way.
using your power, Darius-sama, kidnapped children of noble,
...... And beside they are treated as your sex slaves "

Ariel tone suddenly heat up.
denounce to Darius, with her puonding like voice.

"In addition, such thing is done by the hand of senior minister
whom serving as cornerstone of goverment!
In this Asura kingdom, evil shall not tolerate!
Excuse wont do! "

Darius, made his plate sounding with cracking noise with one snort
and laugh.
he stand up slowly.

"Ariel sama, you play today seems too pretty"

As it is, Darius was directed his eyes to Tris like old timer.

And to bring a woman, which is not sure of her origin is,
To be forged as the children of purple hose house.
No, this Darius.
is not someone who will have such rumor about him,
telling a lie like that face to face is the first time "

Laughing and karakara, Darius looking over around.
When his sight on fake Tris, such as gestures and does prompted
to accept around.

"Darius sama, so you said that talk now is alie?"
but, I will question in reverse Ariel sama.
If this dear Tris Tina, really a child from the purple hose,
is there a proof? "
"Tris Tina"

in Ariel word, from her breast Tris Tina took out something.
It was a ring.
Ring with a beautiful purple gem.
on the jewelry, there is horse crafting engraved.

"this is what used when someone from purple hose house to prove
himself. Horse engraved on amethyst "

Even with such evidence, there is no change on Darius face.
Rather, he have more disgusting smile than earlier.

"I see, I see.
have that thing, certainly...... child of purple hose "

with disgusting Eyes, Darius saw Ariel and Tris in turn, while licking.

"How can a place, I want to say"

Darius laughed Nita~a.

"not suddenly, how the other day, miss Tris Tina from purple hose
house had been found"

Ariel tilted her neck.

And everyone here even remembered the operation in King
Metropolis in this early year.
sweeping the bandits in the King Metropolis.
At that time, she was found.
Miss Tris Tina body "

Month before.
And say, already one step ahead.

Of course, seemed to have been washed away in the city already,
its difficult to determined someone with the ring.
But, in Tris Tina body, there is characteristic only known by her
And its features, is in the chest, ...... they have the shape of a
crescent moon bruising "

This is a lie.
Should not do that.
There is no such bruises in Tris Teena.
Should not.
At least, is the feeling when i see her in more revealing outfit, it
was not.

Is that so?
the current family head of Purple hose house.
Freitas purple hose dono? "

But that's a lie, there is no means to make sure.
Here, purple hose family head who is Ariel speaking to, to make
And, if it said to dare to show, no such bruises to tris.
What are you going to do.
did you have such avaible mean?
And such give her wound on chest in advance.
although, from earlier didnt break her poker face smile,
if i were you i wont have that king of patience mind.


figure head man, the head of the purple hose house stood up.
If I look closely, his face indeed resembled Tris.
His figure is shaking and twitching at the edge of his mouth, but
are not even close to the Hasu~tsu Panamax tris sister.

It was, on the Freitas purple hose dono.
Indeed, didnt you confirmed her corpse.
not missing anything, Tris Tina already dead "

the smile that Darius make while whispering devil like voice.

"So, the woman who is in this place, is fake Tris Tina.
what you can say?
to end this nonsense.
If not the case, he in this place where there is much people,
You wont order that lady to show her skin to us "

Darius safety rope.
Ariel Smile.
Freitas Horror.

Intense atmosphere flows through the venue.
Even I only have seen, in the mouth is dry to Caracalla.

"Wa, my daughter ......"

Freitas opened his mouth slowly.

"My daughter, ... by Darius senior minister, was deprived"
"Freitas dono! What?"
My daughter,the one stood there is definitely Tris Tina!
Ariel sama saved her, to send judgement to Darius whom humiliated
her in captivity! "

Darius rises.

" Freitas youre not supposed to say that idiot!
Differents from the supposed be!
then must do marking identification! "
"...... Darius sama, such thing didnt exist"
"...... ~Tsu~tsu!"

Ariel is giving small laugh.
Oh I see.
You're right.
It would be so.
Ariel already contacted Purple Hose family.
Reading Darius plan, and taking a step ahead.
I want to become her apprentice, for that skill.

"Well, senior minister Darius.
......what said by purple hose family head is a matter of fact "

Somehow, I also see Ariel smile is somewhat disgusting.

......kidnapping children of the aristocratic, imprisoned, and
Etc. and said that stalwart of the kingdom how sinful.
you wont escape from your sin.
youll judged by The Kingdom Law "

Darius Face is distorted.
Distorting uglyly, overlooking the surrounding mimesis.
Darius already didnt have ally in this place.
You are baited all the way to here, to fall into our trap.
Or, If someone spoke for Darius, he might survive.
However, those who speak for him will automatically become his
accomplice, such as by a friend that's refuse to pardon was
Even with current situation, Darius still has more power, the first
Prince Grabell victory wont shake yet.
While there is no Ariel, Grabell is already has solid supporter.
Rather, Darius is only a nuisance.
In the future, he is a nuisance.

but, in the end Darius.
Ariel, won againts Darius.
even without doing anything, Darius will be ostricated by other
example, even without big deal is a result of the law.
If there is material to pull the leg, the one to be pulled is Asuras

But in this place, The trouble of losing Darius, one person.
Darius is someone with strong political ability above the other.

"Its great deal of noisy party"

As if had tries to performing at suitable time.
that Guy appeared.

with practical face, middle-aged blond prince.
First prince Grabell.
He came in from the highest table, he glared at Ariel with a cool

Second round begins.


he moving straight in front of Ariel.

"Ariel, what are you going to do? Causing huge commotion when
Father is still sick?"
"I do Nothing ... but protecting the honor of the noble "
"when youre speaking, think about the time and place "

Grabell shook his head frowning.

"Now that the father fell ill, without Darius skill what will become
Asura Kingdom "
"and I want to make example that a sin is a sin "
even for example, its between senior minister Darius and middle
rank noble purple hose.
without saying, the kingdom will take it with utmost justice "

As a protest against the decision to give the relative merits openly.
In previous life crying about human equality, voice of condemnation
would have gone up, but here Asura kingdom.
the inhabitant is difference, but the people from this world accept

"Yes, but of course brother, Again a sin is sin.
not going to judge this, the kingdom not to not Tachiyuki "
Well ...... sin.
Indeed, it's the street.
But Ariel. For human to uncover such crime like that, should he
given punishment,
You have many place to do that, why are you going to punish such
person in this place? "
"Yes, if the condition necessary and required for it I will do it of
course "

what she mean is, "Ariel does not punish sin this way if its
Asura kingdom standing unchallenged till now it have have matured
enough to stand the smell of sin.

"I said, your judgement to Darius is unnecessary, you say that's

Grabell laugh from the nose, was directed to the Ariel relaxed

"Do not parallel lines So"
"It is the street"

Grabell shook his head and just whew,
he looked over the surroundings.

there is no Conclusion if were debating with only two two people.
Can you put a decision in such place, Darius senior minister also
becomes a vortex ...... "

And, Grabell was overlooking the surroundings.
What I wonder about this.

In accordance with the convention, didnt it usually decide by
majority vote.
Much effort, in this place, most of the stalwarts of this country
because she has been mustering.
why not decide which one is correct, Ariel or Me? "

Democracy .......
when there is no other way, its come to that.
he is asking the nobles around.
going to Ariel side, or stick to Grabell.
Yet, and, he thinks either way he will win.

And implied.
to settle which one is ally here.
also say that if youre enemy, you will be purged.


Nobles did not like upset.
they might be thought that someday this time will come, in near
future as well.
Or already hapened once between the first Prince Grabell and
second prince Harufausu.

in that case.
The Nobles, decide.
Now, in this place, you can either go to Ariel side, or you can either
get to Grabell.
It is not a story of whether they could allying secretly.
Whether to support either the face-to-face.

Looking at the situation of this opportunity to make a decision.
Darius sank.
For Grabell Faction, it is a big blow.
But, however.
The Grabell Faction, a number of influential person still remained.
Four local lord, Notus, Boreas.
Besides, no person of senior nobles, are about Grabell.

If you look at the strength ratio, Grabell most probably win.

very well brother.
But, before that.
i would like to introduce one more person to everyone "

Ariel send a signal with her clicking sound.
to servant Elmore that was outside at the terrace, sending a signal
to use the ring.
The next moment.

Along with the roar, pillar of fire blazed from one corner of the
Intermediate fire magic "Flame pillar"
While scorched the walls of the castle, the flame that has been
amplified by maximum power of non chant, rising to heaven.
It goes without saying that it is Sylphy doing.

"Oh ... what?"
"... Stupid!"

Nobles saw the fire to go up.
But, they did not surprised.
because, such magic in this level, you can find it as many as you can
in king Metropolitan.

What they saw, is on the back.
There, was a scenery cant be found even in king Metropolitan.
lit by flame pillar, floating in the night sky.
Is a huge shadow.

"Air Citadel?"
"...... When did so close?"

Air Citadel Chaos Breaker.
A majestic castle steadily is looming here that inspired even fear.
Fly over enough to seem that it might be from striking.
Among all of the aristocracy who tremble to gaze out the window.
Just above.
Directly above the Ojo Silver Palace, the air fortress stopped.


Silence descends.
Even so, Perigius, i wonder how he will come down.
no way ...... he wont jump from there right.
No, come to think of it, he has the authority of metastasis and
summoning magic.
if its only transferred below, you can do it.

" No way...... Did you become ...... "
"no way........thats....but"

And, someone muttered.
with look of excitement on the nobles, blow the earlier tension,
looking out the window.
and servant Elmore is, stood in front of the door squatting.

Or not a seat of honor.
Although some noble wonder with that, but nobody to answer the

Eventually, I heard footsteps.
Rapping , one person.
However, there were also those who are sash in the escort of
nobles, that sign is not one person.
13 people.
the one who notices the number from the sign, trembling.
And, it is as tradition.

Footsteps, stopped in front of the door.

"I came to Come"

with Elmore word, some drank breath.
Then, the door was opened.

And air in this room has changed.


wearing a white cloak, was a silver-haired man gold medal.
his appearance is slightly different from his portrait, but with the
overwhelming signs, the man appeared.

following by 12 people.
Horror, fear, honor, and longing.
While receiving a variety of line-of-sight, he proceeded to break
the venue.
And, going to the place Ariel and Grabell.

12 spirit split into two team consisting of six, they moved to the
end of the hall.
Group one is, standing next as escort to Ariel.
and the other Stand as escort of Darius, next to the Obell.

Sylvaril she is somewhat changed her dress, come next to me.
I do not know by looking at her mask, but today she looks like in
good mood.

Im very pleased with your invitation today.
Ariel Anemoi-Asura.
...... Have I got a bit late? "
"No, there is saying that main actor always come late "

Pergius laughed happily.
Ariel also put a big smile.
Grabell is Taken aback.
And looking up at the tall Pergius, his eyes wide open.

"Everybody, let me introduce.
One of the "Three Heroes of whom Killing Genie".
he is "former dragon king" Pergius Dora-sama "

not head down, Pergius was send around just glance.
rise in a hurry, nobles around, hung their head to following by knee.

"It is Pergius Dora"

Behavior, such as the king, had become more like a comic.
Pergius is great.
Alternatively, ...... than the king of the bill now.
Enough to think so.

"Well, everyone lift your face.
Tonight were invited.
It's terms of arranging the seating order together while one
There is no need to obey respectfully so. "

with his words, nobles rising even while puzzled, but returned to
the seat.
So Pergius was raised voice and parents.
The seats sit the nobility,there is three vacancy.
Side by side from the head table, three.
there standing three people.
Ariel, Grabell, and Pergius.

"Oh, this is three. Vacancy in trouble.
Well, Ariel Anemoi-Asura.
We are, whether it is all right to sit here "

Grabell is breathtaking.
Voice like a swallow salivate of nobles hear.
This is a farce.
Is not only me, everyone knows.
Who called the Pergius.
he is called at any time.

"To the seat of the most significant of course ...... ......, please
Sitting it"

Grabell said so in a trembling voice.
he could not help saying so.
he is intoxiacated by the surrounding air.

For no such power could decide a king, but Pergius.
For no such power could determine the seat of Pergius.
Why I must concede to Pergius.
The person who had the composure that you can point it out, and
normally he was in this place.

However, not yet now.
but to enter , he must consider his own position, had he hesitated
to speak of.
Nobles would have noticed.
Immediately before this farce.
whether Why Darius is accused.

Pergius has said.
Without being disturbed by anyone.

"We. Nope, i wont take the kingship of this kingdom. Its already
passed long time ago from generation to the next generation

Pergius pushed Ariel back.
While referred to as the king of the next generation, he pushed
Ariel forward.

" Ariel. Let me sit next to you in that seat"

At that time, the aristocracy who are in this field was realized.
hes decided who will be King of the next generation Its Ariel.


Ariel gained victory.
I suppress Obell,
She suppress Luke on her own,
We suppress Darius using Tris,
She suppress Grabell using Pergius.
Well, her fight will continue a little more now, but the flow already

To Grabell and Darius, there is no stronger card than Pergius.
And Darius, in the Grabell.

"...... Pergius-sama!"

that moment Sylvaril cried.

Ceiling fell down.

Caught up in the chandelier, one of the nobles are crushed.
In the scattered rubble, some of the nobility of injury.
its not large scale.
destroying the center of the table, the ceiling fell.

Not a ceiling.
Came down it's one person.
To break the ceiling, she fell.

A small stature, and skin deep carved wrinkles.
stabbed on the floor like a cane, the sword with beautiful golden
The old woman stood.

"Whew, revelation with dream such things ...... paddle"

While muttering the name of Hitogami.
She landed in the "field".
Then, by looking down around, she said.

"Come on, Ive come to help you"

Mizukami Reida-Ryia.
Toward Darius, she said so.

Hitogami last card, appeared.

+++ one hundred and eighty fifth episode " Rudeus Battlefield "

God of water styleStyle has five mystic arts .
god of water style Founder is the one whom created it , its
strongest Mystic Arts.

could utilize three of the five of those move, could be considered
as [God] rank.
many of [god] rank disciple mastered till four move, but.......
none of those mastered all of its mystic arts, other than the first
generation of [God] rank of God of Water Style.

Mizukami Reida - Ryia also one of those example, she have
mastered till three Mystic arts .

She is an old woman .
her prime time already long past, waiting to be declined with her
old age .

regardless of that, there is certainty.
about Why are the name of the god of water style now .
she is chosen for teaching swordsmanship in the Asura kingdom ,
ten years .
And her position to her successor , a dozen years .
Why she was kept bearing the name of the [god] rank of god of
water style.

Her talent was not declined ?
it must be so.
Mizukami Reida was defunct genius that fail .
As never compares favorably with another [God] rank of the God
of the Water style in history .
But , just because , she did not had enough talent to win the old
generation .

So, did not have some talent like the others?
thats Not the case .
Right now , those who have mastered the three mystic arts of god
of water style is only few number in the present .
But , why that few one didnt take over Reida burden as [God] rank
in god of water style on her behalf .
they said they wasnt suitable for that, said the one from
[Emperor] rank in God of water flow. And entrust that position to
Reida .

For some reason .

Reida god of water style is used because the rest two of the
mystic arts is said to be most difficult.
It is because those two mystic arts is said to be a combination of
the mystery element , can be called the illusion , also six sense .

" Deprivation sword world "

She , left, right, up, and down from one posture .
from where she is, its possible for her to kill all her opponent in all
It 's possible that if we move even one step, we will be instantly


" Nobody 'm not you move . I wish I did not want to look like this "

he moved as soon as Reida has appeared , he is Pergius subordinate
Arumanfi of "Light" .
He was sheared in half in the next moment ...... and standing behind
Reida in an instant .
Corpse is not left , and atomizing in a particle of light .

It was also then moved , Pergius underlings Torofimosu of " wave " .
Toward Reida hand only , he tried to Hanato something .
No, it would have resulted in another goal .
But , for a moment , Reida is only tilted her sword , Torofimosu was
sheared in half .
He, too, was atomizing in a particle of light .

he moved next to me , the moment that sent the magical power to
the ring that is fitted in the finger was cut off the wrist .
No, it has to be ( ...) seems to be cut off .
what dropped was a wrist prosthetic hand .
My left hand is alive and well .
But , look at the arms disappeared abruptly , I suddered .

moved next was senior aristocracy .
In an effort to escape striving to be first , their legs tendon was
cut .
Whoop also , was stunned by slashing the next .
Was a strike with the back of the sword .

Nobody could not move to escort us .
Ellis likely to move first and foremost as well , Ghyslaine .
Ariel also .
Also Pergius .
Also Pergius underling .
also me.
many Others , who also escort.
All had been glued to Reida .

everyone in This room was aware that theyre in Reida range.
they was understood if something ignited the fire, it was an instant
death .

.....It does not seem anyone dared to move.
Well, Obell "

when Obell was called, he was stiff .
Even swordsman on his level, cannot escape from Reida pressure .

" ...... Na , why are you here ? "
" That's because quagmire ...... after Pergius and Ariel .
cant sleep before we cut the head of those guys quickly "

One person , began to move only Obell .
Reida seen as puzzled by him .

" is that so ? "
" That's right . who do you thing else? "
" But ...... "

There, Obell peering a glance towards Ellis.
only give sideway glance , Reida was spit and Pella left eye was
sitting .

Hey I did not know if Ellis is in the party .
the raid in the forest , the attack on the road at night , you usually
do strange things .
Even such cowards like you , You'll turn behaved like an swordsman
before your disciple "

Remain in the same position , only Reida badmouthing him.

" Youuu , no amount of money could buy your life?
if you North God style only taking gold, losing two brother disciple
on the way.
So probably because you are waiting for your employer to died? "
" ...... "
" YOU should more dirty ? "
"It is likely ...... "

Obell has moved .
with sword in the right hand , good party venue .
and began to walk ,Toward Ariel direction ,.

Bad .
What I must do .
Not move .
What should I do .
Is this one of the hand of Hitogami .
Only with one person [God] rank of god of water style, and this
what happens .
I had heard the counter for god of water style from Orusuteddo.
I was listening to the point .
It's a " move to avoid this ."
The run away out of their sight before you find the god of water
style, then take a stance .
Also in the back , under the heck even before , it is good even on .
The run away and moving while you move .

Although I have been told so .
This is .

" ... Now ! This ! "

At that time , those who had the security of the castle , has
entered the room .
Knights of Yoroisugata .
No, armor of that silvery ...... apprentice knight ?

"instantly , ... discard the sword ! "
" youre the one who shouldnt move ! "

Reida roar, attacking a Knight apprentice.
However , a few steps , there were those who appear before one
person , without asking the advice in it .
Walk a few steps in this pressure , that person , removed his
helmet .

That appeared from under the helmet , it's the person that look
familiar .
Mizu-o Izolte Crowell .
she, Why are you here .
Today , this day , though not supposed to be a knight guarding the
castle .

Or Darius ?
In anticipation of that , just in case , it becomes like this , Did you
place the apprentice knight ?
Or is it just a coincidence ?

" Heck , esteemed master what happen in this place? "
" Oh , ... disciple Izolte "
" ...... using mystic arts in a place like this! "
" Yes yes , I'll 'll explain . there is something to be done in this
place by me [God] rank of god of water style Reida and [Emperor]
rank of North god style Obell ."
"Today ...... duty? "

Izolte is frowned upon that , Reida continue her words .

let see seems two guess here conspired with ORyu kingdom .
blinded by huge amount of gold, and tried to assassinate officials
of the kingdom .
and Ariel was brutally murdered, hen the murderer killed by
apprentice knight who was present at the time by some chance .
Izolte Crowell becomes a hero , god of water style ...... reign "

Laughing with a start , Reida saw the first prince.

"Yeah , though its not to my style but its good scenario .
Hey ...... I should get used to any writer .
Hey guys in that direction , Grabell boy "
"did i just hear something stupid, esteemed master...... ! "

In an attempt to step forward one step , Izolte stopped her legs .
Perhaps in Reida excitement, she was caught Izolte in her area of
attack .

" Do not do too fast ... , Obell "
" ...... "
"what are you doing challange her to a duel, is Kita-shin-ryu already
down that far ?
It 's not a motherfucker , what I was doing now is to compensate
your failure. It 's too late to step down now, do not made the
resolution "

Obell shook his head .
And picking up the sword , and turn around to Ariel .
But , shake his head as hesitated .
you're Wondering .

" Kill the Ariel now ! Obell ! What are you doing ! that bitch over
there as well ! "

Darius cried resounded .
he also included Tris .
for Darius its not only Ariel death which made thing convenient for
Once there is no evidence left, after Grabell became king , since he
is plunged to ally myself .

"I 'll make it somehow is Mine! Not worry about that later ! "

Cry of Darius , Obell seems to have the will persists .
Look a little bit different until now , he was continue walking to
Ariel direction .

Oh, bad .
This situation .
youre not picking that choice right ?

" Chip ...... "

Ellis is trying to move .
Stakes , and trying to escape Reida barrier .

" Ellis , its useless "
" But "
" Please , stop "
" Well , ... what 's gonna be happen"

I do not want to see the place where Ellis dies .
But what will I do.
What should I do .
Do not know .
If I move all at once ?
No, thats it's no good .
It's not skill that is broken in such a degree .
Roughly , I at any rate , a pause is too far face each other .

what about Pergius ?
he does not move from earlier .
No, hes looking at me with a boring face.
what is that face he make in this situation, what he is going to .
Even though his two subordinate is dead, he didnt look impatience
at all .
You mean , there is something around ?

Or rely on something ?
No, no such free time .
Obell is trying to kill Ariel right now .
no choice .
There is no choice but to move .
I will attack Reida and Obell at the same time, both of the.
I will use " blitz " magic.
will be damaged surrounding people, but near me.
It need not be completely defeated , might be incapacitated if i
use lightning .
However , in order to generating the magic itself , under god of
water style pressure ...... the success rate is low.

" No, I will do Rudeus ...? "

It seems to have guessed my sign , move by fluttering the finger ,
Ellis give me a signal through the eyes .
...... together when we die .
Let me pick up Sylphy , bone .

" Tsu ... ! "

And , at that time .
Something passed through the core of the body .

" This , this is ... ! "

Obell body is trembling Bikuri , he stop moving .
From Reida , the amount of sweat is sprayed out heavily .

Nope , it is not just two people .
in this place , most humans have begun their body trembled and
jerked .
Even while the world stopped moving Reida pressure , her face
facial colour is paled .

So I 've noticed .
Oh , ... was good .
Ring a little while ago , magic seems to have been through properly .

" Shit , and I said ...... ...... Darius shucks , that extra Anta "
" ... A , what ? What , what is going on , this cold air ...... What ! "
" plans change . Obell , its bad but you take Darius , you can escape
from this place right now ? "

from Reida words, Obell was puzzled .

" Why Darius...... rather than first prince Grabell ? "
" even this auntie like me wont forget her debt "

Reida laughed thinly .

" hurry ! the Enemy ally will be exterminated in this case ! "

In her words , Obell thought for a moment , he nodded .
Grasp Darius arms, then dragged his heavy body, taking him to
somewhere .

"To this place "
"U , whether or not ...... "

Obell went out from a direction different from the entrance the
apprentice knights came from .
No one can stop anyone .
It is glued by Reida , I do not move a bit .

" ...... "

Into play, silence flows .

" Whew , ... and though I do not know why he is willing come from a
far just to after me. Destination how much me away "
" Why ...? "

And , someone said those word .
Was Ariel .
Even in front of death , her complexion didnt changed.
However , in that why Reida is whether the help Darius , and
seemed to have a question .
I also doubt that regard .

"Why , he is bad guy .
What , no Well uncommon "

Reida has a pleasant looks .

this Auntie is one person , it is the story of when this auntie was
still young lass .
estatic hailed as a genius ,
...... Then , was retaliated against by Nomeshi hit the boy of the
same age in the aristocracy of dojo .
ganged and surrounded by a lot , I was beaten in no time .
At the time my hands, the life of the swordsman got cut off , shes
helped .
Located in the upper level than the aristocracy , one noble boy "

...... What?
It 's Darius ?

"Become a [King] rank of god of water style , she is promoted to
become fencing coach .
If you trying to say , even to bow at that time ,
Become a fat raccoon dog like that now , even if the first marriage
skrewed .
I had not even remember such things "

... .

"Well, I was also disappointed .
After all , he used to be thought that he is a child with straight
sense of justice Shokon is also bad .
looking at younger girls regardless...... If you have met that person
also it was "

Reida had a distant look in her eyes .
To remember even the illusion that she think she can move on if
now .

"Well , it is ...... to tell the end of the first love of the girl .
But Well , i didnt resent that, i just turned to offset the favor of
life "

Reida said.
In short time , the short words .
To anyone as if to be a confession , something unlikely to be of
interest .

" Honestly , I also forgot my own .
But , the way back to the Asura , I though there is a revelation in a
dream suddenly .
If come back again in the royal palace as a god of water style, I
can return the favor at that time "

Hitogami .
And now , a man hostile to Hitogami has come towards us .
While unfortunately his sign poured overwhelmingly, one man is
came running through the castle at great speed .
Obell will run away on the opposite side of the man .
They do not have the power to detect the signs , but he is
understood somehow .
Obell is , a man sensitive to such sign .

" here . I'll Gonna laugh , even though Tatte I had forgotten long
ago "
" ...... "
"But in this age , I did not think .
You have to disconnect the sensual love affair , if you think about
it is to a fresh feeling .
Far from offsetting , favor of life I, I, I think we are still really
look like Marumaru "

So Reida has opened her eyes .

"It seems to have come ...... "

And front door is opened .
coming a man .

" Snatched ? "

Anyone who is in this place , was feeling fear from seeing his
figure .
Some have leaked , and others are elaborate and sag .
Or are those who were hostile .
However , everyone holding a thought almost common .

" were gonna killed "

Silver-haired , gold eye .
a man with horrible face .
Orusuteddo stood .

" Hey Long time no see . this old grandma remaining life is short, I
what came to pass the glory ? "
" Yeah . because youre apostle of Hitogami "
just dawned on me that I had missed in I do not the apostles when
the previous ...... Hey apostle ?
Whew , was it went supposed to fight an opponent jumped at the
last minute "

The place looked , Orusuteddo went to Reida in a straight line .
There was no hesitation .

" " Deprivation sword world . '"

Reida Body is blurred .
sword is not determined .

Every time Orusuteddo walk one step , golden sword den fly .
sword slash is leaving a residual image , Reida and Orusuteddo is
tied with a thread of gold .

sword flash killing each other .

Sparks are scattered around the Orusuteddo .
He is bare handed , he was playing the sword hammer .
One step , two steps , three steps .
Number of sparks increases each time approaching .
Orusuteddo still does not stop .
he moved to the front of the Reida eyes in no time .

" Die "

And all too soon .
Really unsatisfying , Reida chest has been penetrated .
By Orusuteddo transparent hand , Reida is penetrated .
she was abandoned as a rag.

" You , grandmaaa ! ! "

Izolte crying , killing world is gone .
But , as when if it had stopped , no one move .
Why is this happens , anyone didnt understand .
But only fear is dominating .
I think the following that it is their own .

she was moved first , butwas still Izolte .
She was poised to Orusuteddo feet a sword , trembling .

" How dare you ,...... the esteemed master ! "
" ...... "

As if nothing had happened , Orusuteddo was the only one dance
from the terrace .
Chasing him at a gallop , Izolte to start running to the terrace .

" Rudeus -sama! "

So , Ariel cried when she come to.

" Please follow Obell and Darius ! they must not flee ! "

with Ariel roar, the authorities started playing its power.
Nobles fled striving to be the first , the escort tag us along.
Three persons. Ghyslaine, Ellis, and Me trailing Darius and jump
out of the room .

" Ru , Rudy ? What happened ? "

And , Sylphy came, as replaced .
She seems not to understand the situation .
What do you do , you can either get to come with or ?
No, Izolte is still in the room.
She is looking down from the terrace outside stunned .
Of chasing Orusuteddo it seems to have given up ... but .

" Sylphy, Be careful of Izolte! Escort Ariel sama we will follow
Darius ! "
" Okay ! "

Luke and Sylphy Leave as escort of Ariel .
It is judged so to moment , ours ran out to the outside of the
room .

It is not clear Ariel , did I cried and why Hunt for Darius .
Had never honest , the trend of that place .
Do not May I missed the Darius .
You think so , I wonder because I heard the old story of the
previous god of water style.

Ariel said to me to chase she must have another reason .
She also , the dog of the dragon as well as me .
If it becomes , and not afford to miss Darius is an apostle of
Hitogami , you might have thought so .

kill Darius .
It's that what i had decided to first .

" This way! "

Accordance with Ghyslaine nose, we run down to the hallway .
Ghyslaine and Ellis have no doubt in whatsoever Ariel words.
to catch-up because enemy fled , to stifle a smile .
Speed can be felt even such bravery , I run down the hall and
steadily .

Security is low.
It's not the fact that zero at all , but it seems to be chasing
another person than us.
Fled towards the Royal Palace ! To be able to hear a voice saying ,
It would have followed the Orusuteddo even without perhaps .

" I saw ... ! "

Without anyone being disturbed , caught up in a few minutes
unceremoniously .

Darius that had huge form and Obell carrying him .
While luck breath to dying and Ze~eze~e , you have moved the end
of the corridor .

" Tch ... ! "

Looking back on the back with a sharp glance , Obell is one tut-
tutting .
supporting Darius shoulder, and fled into nearby room.

We're also stopped our legs ...... rush into the room immediately .
Darius catching his breath , Obell with his sword unsheated facing

" Ku ... , Ku ! "

While writhing , Darius was glaring at me .

"Do accumulate this , if there is anything stupid like this . this is
funny "
"in your long live Darius dono . there is such thing .
Although I think that laid the body , you should use your head to
get out of this situation now? "

to Darius cry , Obell replied him .
However , Darius refute with a red face .

" all went as that god said! I hunted down and lined there ! "
" Whew ... , it is pious , but if at least ... , while fix the breath , Can
you pray for a certain victory now "

While scraping his cheek , Obell took up sword with a look can not
be helped .
before us , he took up the sword from the front for the first time .
And he identified himself .

" " Kitatei " Obell Corvette "

to that challange , Ghyslaine and Ellis took the stance of [Iaido].

"" Ken-o " Ellis Gray rat "
" Likely " Ken-o " Ghyslaine - Dedorudia "

I wonder what good with whom identified themself .
And , when I hesitated , Darius was pointed at bounced .

" Its you! The one with red hair ! Boreas , it 's who of Boreas - gray
rat ! "

Ellis bites her lips and frowned blatantly .

" It 's different from the other ...... "
" I was doing some help for Boreas convenience! "

Ellis didnt reply to Darius shout while spitting .

" even with fidoa territory disappearance , i helped with gold ! "

...... Come to think of it .
fidoa funds territory search Orchestra , Darius ... or did we had
did out ?
Although heard talk that there was ulterior motive .
But , when caught off it, this part of me I a little weak .
Ulterior motives of investors aside, because many person was saved
with it .

" It is not related to me! "

Ellis spitting her word harsly .
I expected .

"Di , James was also doing to help ! "

James .
That 's head of Boreas , Ellis uncle.

" You 've done it again making a Boreas family head, the guy was
about to come crushed by the total attack of nobles also It's Mine!

It really matter comparatively .

" I met during the reconstruction of the Fidoa territory also going
well ! "

No, no , thats lie .

"I 've seen on the way to the king Metropolis , but Fidoa territory
doesnt seems to willing reconstruction at all "
hearing the youngster said that!
If Boreas completely collapsed , Fidoa territory will become
abandoned by now,
The Dotta hamstrung more than now ! "

If people are telling me so , I feel like that is come .
What would like to Slussen .
In the current situation , but not to go Reconstruction certainly ,
But whether that mean was better than other routes ?

" Well , ... wish I could help grandfather Saurosu "

Was out clearly from my mouth , it was those words .
However, the complexion of Darius change dramatically .

" Saurosu ?
Do not say stupid thing , that toothless lion didnt see the real
The man who tried to use the entire fortune of Boreas to Fidoa
reconstruction territory without thinking the consequences ! "
" ...... "

I think that's manly choice ... but .
Well , you can either choose a bad move as long as you listen to
now .
even with his own house going down , since he is prey to other lords
in the end after all .

" Iwas doing to help James , which has been lamenting about it !
The dead person and Saurosu to advance the things forcibly ,
so by my Guidance James become the family head !
Home of Boreas 's still survive ,
still people from Fidoa territory whom condemn him is still exist ,
It 's the hands of all me !
So help me ! Can I and only I missed ! "

...... Oh .
It 's That's no good .
saying that to the dead person and Saurosu .
I any case , two people may cant be stopped .

" In other words , did you mean that youre grandfather sama
[Sauruso] enemy "
" I see , there is things like that "

in Ellis word , Ghyslaine is giving a nod , they took up the sword
showing their fang .

" Kill "
" gotcha "

Darius giving short scream ,
Obell was sighed .

" I wonder if this is the breakdown of negotiations "

And , the final round begins .


" Fu~u Fu~u ...... ...... "

Darius also whether 've made the resolution .
Sit on a nearest chair, and spat a deep breath .
his shout just now to like a lie , his attitude look calm .

" Obell , can you win ? "
" Well , if my enemy only two sword King , that magician is troubling

Your back to Darius , Obell is facing a sword towards here .
The expression I wonder if I say even with ...... you are calm .
However , the line-of-sight is not determined .
Will it be only glance guy is moving and restlessly , called Chime .

" I know ............ my god also said so "
"God what ? "
"magician in gray coloured robe will come, ... wont kill you .
However , I believe what he said to destroy the surrounding magic
As a result of the king stayed in metropolis and is allowed to
withdraw you 've like this .
I wont believe anymore "

that Hitogami also said so, moving in the back with this and that.
As you said Orusuteddo , chess seems to be a weak point Hitogami .
While it may be that I'll be with gusto and you were unrivaled
game system .

"I blamed somehow . I was hired you for that . One -to-many will
good at ? "
" If you win if ... know , is likely to special reward , but whether it
is all right ? "
" Oh , as promised , to bring , but is good "

While such an exchange Obell was facing toward me .
Squarely now .
To see it , Ghyslaine deep waist , and took up Ellis .

" Kita-shin-ryu ...... " Akasumi '"
" Gaa A~a~a~a~a ! "
" Uraaa~a~a~a ! "

the Moment Obell muttered , Ghyslaine and Ellis is planted .
But at that time , I had always understood the meaning of "
Akasumi " .
I had heard from Orusuteddo , what is that skill .

I grounded .
The red carpet was laid on the floor .
On it , are sown too soon , the red ball .
its late when you notice .

" There ! "
" Sew ? "

At the feet of Ghyslaine and Ellis , a big pop and Pa~an resounded .
Scatter in the feet , strong liquid adhesive was sewn , the soles of
the feet of two people to the carpet .

Was KitaKiyoshi , The ball was worked out of a certain pharmacist
's instant adhesive .
Since the process is complex , and do not remember well how to
make ,
The rupture by giving a strong shock , belching contents .

The adhesive force is strong , I was stopped sewing to the carpet ,
Ghyslaine and Ellis legs .

" " Water " ! "

Use the water magic in the moment , I was washed off the feet of
two people .
This adhesive is vulnerable to water .
The loss of suction force in a moment by being exposed to
moisture .

But , Ghyslaine and Ellis have already destroy the posture when .
Taken off the depression of the killer , but strong legs that have
been trained are going Hanato the sword from any unreasonable
posture .

Slow .
Already , Obell is moved to the next action .
I have moved to sew between the Ghyslaine and Ellis .
Sword of Ghyslaine stops.
Ellis sword stops.
Etc. they are said to Sword flow How much , sword of light does
not release the involving a friend on the other side of the Obell .

" youre the main dish , Rudeus Gray rat "

Obell aim isnt Gyslaine or even Ellis .
it was me .
< two Sword with both hands is swung down to me >
Is visible .
Or thanks to the simulated training with Ellis , foreseeing eye I
had caught the sword of Obell surely .

In the moment , I plugged into the trajectory of the prosthetic
hand sword .
This one .
Another guard while using the art of " Earth shield " with the right
hand .

" Kita-shin-ryu Mystic arts ...... " Oboro cross . '"

< Obell Hand is blurred >

Discard the sword in the hollow , while the upper body down , Obell
had stretched out his hand to cut with a sword left in the waist .
I saw that .
Foreseeing eye had caught the movement .
However , to cover my right side, " Earth shield " had shaped
shaped like a buckler already .
Shield made in order to parry Obell slashing power was heavy and
very hard .
its Weight is , refused turning to my right side.

Obell sword is already under my left hand.
Heavy prosthetic hand made of high magic , there is nothing
beyond the wrist already , if I receiving Obell sword slash directly .

Obell to be drawn sword while making a turn fall .
cant be avoided .
even if there mean, not enough time to do that.

must take a risk .
Stretched my knee , which has been bent , while jumping , Obell
sword received by the left foot.

Something , hot stuff is past the shin .
When I landed , my left foot get a feeling like bending and
If you look at the affected area with the right knee , left foot is
but , it was shaking and Purapura leaving one piece of skin .
Pain came late .

" ~I~i ! "

withstand the pain by clenching my back teeth .
End of the field of view .
Ellis is moving , Ghyslaine also look back , I'm facing here .
I'm not dead .
Obell enclosed by three people, he didnt have any way to go out.

"... ? "

Well , now , something has moved in the back of the field of view .
What now, is Obell tryingto use strange ninjutsu again?
Different .
There is a movement on the edge of the field of view .
Darius , pointing his right hnd toward here .

"Cage Alan of the great fire in the place where the demand of thee
- "

Ghyslaine and Ellis was aware .
Action taken by the two women was almost completely opposite .
Ellis facing to Darius , to stand between Darius and me , Ghyslaine
went to Obell .

" - " Fire bombs " "

From the hand of Darius , mass of fire emitted .
Power , speed , is fine , fire with hidden destructive power to kill
the one person who is approaching .

" Jerk Fun~tsu ... ! "

Ellis was cut the fireball in half .
However , all too soon .
Obell Dagger , such as kunai that had been throwing all too soon ,
had penetrated her flank .

my view returned .
Leave the attitude that throwing a dagger to Ellis , Obell had
received the sword of Ghyslaine .
Were not completely received .
While break the sword that was received , Ghyslaine sword had cut
into the shoulder of Obell .
However , the shallow .
It did not result in cutting .

" Fluoride ! "
" Ga~a~a ! "

Obell fly to the back while perched tapir ,
Ellis waiting in his landing point, launching a slashing attack.
But , probably because of the Kunai in her flank , Obell could parry
it easily .

" ...... "

Bad , taken the distance .
I do not know what went wrong , to Obell taking distance from him
is bad.
why bad .
that guy has variety of skill.
Not a likely different .
I was doubtful whether slashed his leg , Ellis also can run either .
Now , if , if , if Obell run away while holding Darius to .
And become one Ghyslaine .
Yeah .

I have to do something to Darius .
While discarding the Earth shield , I directed my cane to Darius .

" rock shell ! "
" ? Ooa~tsu ! "

Bullets flew at a ridiculous speed , but It was received by Obell
sword .
But , it's within prediction .
The shot now , it is not only a rock shells .

" ? "

To which was run over .
Shell rock that sheared in half explodes near Darius .
Once , was developed when I was traveling in magic continent ,
arrangement of rock shells .
The named , exploding rock shells .

" Gugya Ahhh ! "

Fragments of rock or shell entered the eye , Darius was crouched
while keeping the face .

" Nu ? "

Note Obell deviates .

" Daaa~a~a~a ! "

There , Ellis immediately taking that chance .
Sword of light .

"... ? "

Obell in this situation ...... this .
received it with his side sword, the most thick one blade side.
But Ellis sword bissected it like nothing, and her sword bite into
Obell arm .
Shallow .
Or because her injury, the skill was not perfect.
Ellis sword that cut off Obell side stopped.

" Gaaa~a~a~a ! "

In addition , Ghyslaine said.
Obell who lost both arms , tried to avoid this .
However , those of sword of light is not intended to be avoided .
It's deadly sword of Ken-shin-ryu .
Shifting the depression , thereby destroying the posture , stand in
a position where it does not really expired .
It is possible you do not want shot at devising prior to doing so .
Obell has come so .

At the last minute , I could not .
perfect Sword of light from Ghyslaine enters from around his
shoulders , It came off to the flank .

"It's impressive ...... "

finally muttering clearly, Obell fell and Bataly .
As it is , he was stuck in the blood pools .
he was moving and twitching for a while , but from his eyes , the
light was lost .
............ he is dead .

" ...... "
" Aa~tsu , eye , ! Obell my eyes somehow become white ...... Obell !
my Eye is ! "

It still crouching , Darius was screaming while suppressing his eye .
I looking down at Darius that receives rock shells burst , crouch
is , it's Ghyslaine .

" ...... "

Ghyslaine wielded the sword in silence .
Blood flew up to my cheek and return .


Darius corpse, I left it in that place .
This is a prior arrangement with Ariel .
The person who regardless of the presence or absence of the
murder scene , had been left behind corpse of Darius , if possible
is good .
Possibility that Ariel is accused at a later time is also high ,
more than that, the fact that Darius is seems to be immesenly
popular .

Guy too ...... he was a dog's breath and be happy dead .

" Fu~u ...... "

Unpleasant guy died .
Killed .
The bad aftertaste .
I did not give the finishing blow directly, but it didnt matter .
Now , there is a feeling .
I was the one who killed Darius .
The killing Obell that try to protect him , crushed his eye , making
Darius defenseless .

Could not be realized until now , but it is this time .
I do not know what is the difference .
Will it be a problem of distance .
Do not know .

" Huh ...... "

I think that he that there is no way to be considered .
This is because of the way I chose .

Then , go to the next room , my wound were treated by using the
scroll of the king -class healing magic that I got from Orusuteddo .
I should say as expected of the king -class . torn Feet were also
restored .
But , probably because the blood had flowed , my body is cold .

Next to me is Ellis .
She had been seen in the blue face of my treatment ,
It is over, I patched their wound immediately .
also my condolance , abs ... is tempered well .

" Eh ? "

her flank Wound, had dyed purple .
Poison .
In Obell kunai, there is poison applied.

" ...... "

Use detoxification Beginner, and Intermediate detoxification .
To check that it does not work.
Cold sweat and has spread to my back .

But , I remembered Orusuteddo words immediately .
Obell Poison is used in one kind , and is not lethal .
In addition , he has also antidote .
Go back to the next room as soon as the day after tomorrow to get
the antidote from Obell corpse .
Ellis drink it , and also greased the abdomen incidentally .
As a precaution, ... I who received the slashing or even keep using .

Was dangerous .
if you have more powerful poison, Ellis probably already dead.
Was good , ... really .

"you avoided his " Oboro cross " very well "

When treating Ellis flank, she said clearly .
whether that will be count as avoid ...... .
Well, you say also avoided if in the sense that it is not a mortal
wound .

" Because i was looking at slashing faster . It 's thanks to the mock
battle with Ellis , I was somehow able to avoid "
"I ...... but I've never avoided it "

To say so , Ellis was giving a lonely look just a little bit .
Ellis had taught the sword by Obell .
And I wonder if remembering , that at that time .

" It is a good Well "

I shook my head frankly Ellis .
This character is enviable .

Anyway .
Ellis also I also Ghyslaine also safely .
Total victory .

" Well , lets go back "
" Well "
" Ah "

We'll look at it and triumphant , I am allowed to triumphant .


When you come back to the party venue , unexpected sight flew in
the eye .

" Eh ? "

Luke , he had pressed a dagger to Ariel neck.
Philemon is kneeling , Sylphy is directed eyes of anger to Luke.
What do you situation , this is .

glancing at me to confusion , Luke opened his mouth .
saying words not to me, but toward Sylphy.

"If you want to help Ariel sama, Kill Rudeus "

The question is Sylphy - .
Followed .

+++one hundred and eighty sixth episode "Chaotic Conversation
with Luke"

Party venue had regained its composure.
the one that Was left in the venue, is can be said as main senior
aristocracy and nobility of Asura kingdom.

Gray rat, Blue Wolf, purple hose, white Spider, and Silver Toad
theyre family that served Asura Kingdom in a long time.
with Orusuteddo gone they still not run away in order to witness
the "result", they continued to remain in the venue.

Of course, the party didnt resumed.
But, what happened at a party not necessarily become unsettled.
Darius downfall, Pergius appearance Pergius.
with this two impact, Ariel instilled strong impression to nobility
that she is the one who will become next king.

Of course, for Orusuteddo that appeared abruptly, made many of
them puzzled with their own question.
However, since Ariel is the host of this venue calming them down,
the other noble that still remained had to calm down.


Nobilities feel fear inside their heart.
That Man, appeared suddenly, the man whose body emitting fear,
but saved Ariel as a result.

That man and Ariel are accomplice.
with that regard, even the nobilities will distrust Ariel.

And, it was so in the case of Rudeus.

However, his situation is a little different from Ariel.
a Man, killing Reida and went away appeared only for a moment,
without even giving his name.
but for the matter of Orusuteddo, he was dubbed as "Pergius
Underling" in the eyes of the nobility. [ED: i cant believe this,
despite their real position is reversed]
In addition the same hair, same eyes, their appearance is also
since Pergius stand and rise as a king they didnt think so.

Pergius with an underling beat [God] rank of god of water style in
one blow.
To whoever that just come, they put their trust to Pergius.
memories prior to that is forgotten.

(If you disobey, then youre the next victim)

so the nobles, could only bow their head to Ariel.
and anyone in there didnt prying to much to that matter.

Ariel came back, this place become massacrassed arena.
Darius also fled, he might have live longer.
Ariel will kill all Those who get in her way,.
All who is on the spot thought so ...... Even the first Prince Grabell.
Orusuteddo curse, had enough power to do so.

with the exception of one person.

that person was know better than anyone, better than Ariel.
Than Hitogami, one of them was the person that listening to a thing
Even while being persuaded by Ariel, one of them was a person that
has a slight distrust in Rudeus.

he is Luke Notus Gray rat.

Luke was thinking.
Really, what is good from evil man like that, which Rudeus said to
be his boss.

Luke feel warned.
And whatever theresult, dont let anyone who received help from
someone like that to become a king.
If theres any, Darius's still better.

Hitogami came out in his dream.
giving divine aura, his appearence merged with the gods.
And giving Luke some thought, it was pointing to him in great detail.
what he must do in order for Ariel to become a King, and told him
that Rudeus has been tempted by the evil.

Ariel said.
It is evil god.
she said that it do that so Luke will fall into a trap, and gaining
benefit from their fall.

Indeed, if he matching the prophecy with the fact that how it will
turns out later on, there were many lie in Hitogami words.
No, rather than a lie, he should say its his own mistake in many
He himself misunderstood about the advice and taken a wrong step.
he feel like that.

Luke is Ariel knight.
if his lord said so then he must believe her, more than the
mysterious God. Hes going to believe in his lord.
even in that matter, for example.
following his lord path blindly, live together, and he ready to die

But when he came here, Luke was forced to recognize only a little.
Looking at Orusuteddo, was forced to recognize.

Luke, only good eye for looking at a woman.
On the other hand, he cant discern the true nature of man.
hes aware of it.

But, he still know.
that Orusuteddo is evil.
he is not someone whom you want to associate with.
he is a false god that will lead human to their ruin.
Ariel is wrong.
And, probably Rudeus was fascinated by that false god.
he thought so.

If you see yourself, that should be.
When it becomes clear that's on the way his lord walking to the
wrong direction, what he must to do.

To say his opinion? it would be nice.
But, so what to be called.
Orusuteddo had already running.
And he already giving his aid.
This situation he can say that Grabell and Darius is the loser, Ariel
has taken the kingship.
Already, or it would be better than too late.
strange himself, wonder of what magic or sword being able to.
if Himself even something, or didnt have no meaning.

(I'm helpless)

When Luke was about to give up so.
Suddenly, one person has moved in the field of view.

Move infront of Ariel quickly, the person performed a kowtow


Philemon Notus Gray rat.
He is Luke father.
While giving a smile nasty, he lifted his voice to Ariel.
To be heard in many of the surrounding nobles.

this Philemon, awaited this day so much! "

saying happily, Philemon looked up at Ariel.

"In order to block Grabell faction, Im pretending to change side,
Duh, now i think did i really need to do this.
Ariel sama truly. It seems youve been grown mature enough in a
foreign country! "

Although that is some noble words in good condition, but in this
condition that will only made him someone who want to get a
he is the one who in order to get Grabell trust, sent his own soldier
to assasinate Ariel.
They saw Philemon with contemptuous eyes that said"how dare he
said that now".

"Philemon sama ......"
"No, no, Ariel sama, you do not need to say to everyone.
Some less ally, I also didnt like to cause talk become fighting to
However, if its what Ariel-sama though.
If that happens, let's go back to before the rest,
I become the backing of Ariel sama - "

Ariel did not hear his words till the end.

"Philemon Notus gray rat!"

her roar drowned the word that Philemon just said.

"so what with home!
so what with position!
In regard to that neglecting, let's just say the reason that I was
weak! "

Philemon wide-eyed, looking at Ariel.
Ariel and bellow her is Philemon, in this way is the first time.

"youre but sticking till the end!
After becoming a loser, or else. will will change your side again!
know shame! "
"...... Oh ...... cormorant"

It was black and white eyes, Philemon told me to stop out.

"Also, sorry, there is not"

looking at Philemon state, sound of laugh leaks from the nobility.
Philemon was looking down with the bright red face.
But Ariel anger didnt finish yet.

"Im already prepared the case when youre changing side, for your
house survival.
I will give position as family head to Luke, and you can retire on
I Did not intend to pursue anymore!
But this!
changing side, yet still cuddle with someone who betrayed!
It is too shameless, till I cant say anything!
I already made decision that i wont harming anyone, even the one
that not on my side! "

Philemon Face has become pale.

"Please apologize!"

hearing that, Luke was realized oh, this is's a farce.
From the beginning, Ariel had anticipation that it will becomes like
no word as for now,
but wont be executed.
Appointment with Ghyslaine is, it just verbal promise,
underside, it may be that she was going to help Philemon.

and Philemon For Ariel, he was the biggest ally.
although Nowadays, he become somewhat humble,
It is no exaggeration to say before they run away to Ranoa, Ariel
faction had revolves around Philemon.
The ability, but could not say and never shrewd,
Still Ariel, she was indebted to Philemon.

the one who make arrangements for Ariel to escape to the north it
is Philemon.
Gave them with a numerous help to Ariel It is also Philemon.
Ariel still alive now, it can be said thanks to Philemon.

she wont forget that favor.
But, just because forgiven after betrayal, then want to come back
it will become a bad influence in Ariel political activities in the

enough, if you didnt retrack what you just said, i cant hide what
happen now, so its execution.

"Luke!Lend a Sword!
At the very least, I'll pass the glory in person "

Listening to her words, Philemon saw Luke with a fearful look.
His Eyes ask for help.
Eyes that tell him something from you.

Luke was lost in response to that eye.

--- Luke perspective ---

I knew that my own father is subservient and timid person.
However, i also know there is no way it could made to known.
Became a lord at a young age, but the job performance my father
is a palliative, even from his son eyes, a coward, he was Donude.
his decision as lord, if compared with grandfather results was
discouraging, or beaten by sayingp "if only...... you were like Paul"
even as vassal.
when I was at home I Was witnessed many times, such a sight.
My father in get troubled by his father, he would have suffered as
a result.

Now, such my father is about to be executed in front of me.
Its inception, but father reap what he saw,
Appointment with Ken-o Ghyslaine will also involved.

lying and said didnt think the possibility of father is involved in
the "execution of Saurosu-Boreas-gray rat".
Father and Saurosu relationship was bad.
Or rather, would say grandfather and Saurosu has a good
but there was a relationship like family between the predecessor
of Notus family head and the Boreas family head home,.
But Saurosu is likely did not like Philemon.
Even after saying clearly "he's like a pea" to father before
becoming a lord, became lord ...... and send a complain everyday.

Such Saurosu is he was in trouble.
I do not think it strange at all if My father getting his hand in
Saorosu execution.
he Would do if father.
Well, although I upset when I heard it was also due to Hitogami lie.

When I see father face after eight years.
he is aging much more than the father in my memory, and my
father that I met the first time in eight years looked small.


Suddenly, I wanted to try to talk man-to-man with father.

I was young, I had a lot to talk with my father.
In retrospect, it seems father also seems to have loved by my
By became second son, maybe there was a place to think something.
My father did you not talk about the main thing, but even if there
is a consultation that, it was me saying without any bad intention.
I did not know anything, and my father told me the wrong thing as
well, but still gave me the answer.
Not least also be was said to Think on your own, but still showed us
the way.
But, in father case.

My father is always the case.
clumsy, also always making mistake in his decision.
Such a father as well, father always working hard for Ariel.
the Time we was back to Asura kingdom, when you try to made
Ariel so she will become king, it's me struggling in as Enemy.
The reason is that I would have been intended to be selfish.

I refers to the selfish, but father was serving as a family head,
there is a duty to protect the house.
After Ariel became king disappeared from the city, as he forced
between a rock and hard place, why blame.

And even give his soldier to that ambush, it should be to protect
the house.
so he could gain Grabell faction trust, father was desperate.

"TAriel sama, PLEASE"
"What Luke"
"Will not you please forgive me, my father"

Ariel is facing here.
her eye's cold.
Recently these kind of eyes is increased.
and in particular, From around that day she know my father was
betrayed her.

"I can not do that ......"
"is this because the promise with Ghyslaine?"
"No, because I cannot afford to allow defection"

Would be so.
Father and Ariel, no matter how much they was in have friendly
My father betrayed in a big way, and he was even send his soldier
to kill Ariel.
if she allow this, she can not maintain the face.

Such a thing, I also know.
However after struggling, did a man named Philemon Notus Gray
rat will get such end.

I do not know what that false god did to them.
Rudeus also Ariel also they might be deceived.
But, my father was Defected In fact, if he go back to the original
faction that made him defected twice, saying it shameless action is

But, me.
I didnot want.


I pull out the sword.

"...... Luke?"
"I'm sorry!"

I did not know myself, why I came to such action.
when I notice, I was hugged Ariel from behind.
while pressing the body of the sword at her neck,.

"I've got to do ...... Luke! Anything!"

Sylphy noticed immediately.
she is glaring toward here with stern expression, I can even felt
her murderous intent.
this is the face that she absolutely never let Rudeus to see.
on her, it's a wand for apprentice magician.
Small cane just like the one I use when I started to learn magic.
However, magic is emitted from there, I know this is Grandmaster
class fire magic fromAsura magic division.
Such thing is, directed to me.

"Sylphy, you do not think it funny?"
"I think The funny one is you! Who and have turned the sword to
Ariel sama!"

I'm aware of that this is wrong.
its just like you do what you didnt want to do the most.

The line of sight of the nobles are stuck here.
nobles, They Also have a face that do not know what happened.
...... I also wonder end.
Well, You know.

"Sylphy, whether are you really believe that man?"
" that man? Orusuteddo?
whats with it suddenly! What is the relationship eith what are
doing right now! "
"answer me honestly!"

to my strong tone, while holding her cane, Sylphy replied in a low

"I didnt trust him "
"If it is Why?, to follow Rudeus word
However because of you, that guy become That devil subordinate
of like that! "
"It is because I believe Rudy!"

I do not know the meaning of her words.

"Rudeus are moving as to become Orusuteddo subordinate.
did that guyBehavior different, from before and after he is under
the control of Orusuteddo?
did that guy not deceived by Orusuteddo? "

Separately, it is not like I want to drawn Sylphy on this side.
However, I think since the time Sylphy together with Rudeus, she
no longer think too much.
I think that'll do Rudeus, because Rudeus is said, as if she no
longer has her own opinions.
if it was me, i will taught so.
Listen in silence what your husband said, and get to love That way,
he taught that to his wifes.
...... At least, because my mother did not do so. She didnt love my
father, which has led her leave the house.

"You, did you even thinking?
Even Rudeus, he coud do something wrong? "

Sylphy was frenzied.

"I know that!
But Rudy moving with the thought of protecting us!
For us, to not held our head down and appreciate his efforts, is like
exposing the ugly side!
then I do what i must do rather than saying anything that would
annoy him or causing any misled, I said the opposite opinion,
because I will support him from the shadow! "

Sylphy answered clearly.
The idea of Rudeus subject only.
In the last few years, I think she seems to change quite a lot.

"Because of that, even with Ariel sama in this position!"

But to say so, I pressed the sword into the scruff of my lord.
what Im Pressing is the body of the sword.
After this, I will be executed as a traitor, but can not afford to
scratch Ariel sama skin.
and The skin of the woman, they should always beautiful there.

"You can not say!"

That's really true.

And, in my sight, I saw Rudeus figure coming from the entrance.
Looking at this place, he opened his eyes.

"Hey, Sylphy.
youre respecting Rudeus opinion,
even if that opinion coming from that evil Orusuteddo "
"...... It is, I will always believe him"
"In other words, it is to this situation"

I see the figure of Rudeus.
Is he trying to understand the situation, he is overlooking the
surrounding restlessly.
Looking at a certain point, he sent some glance, but turned away
soon looking disappointed.
in his glancing direction, is Pergius.
Despite being such a situation, he sits on a chair at the head table.
while watching here, With mirth increase the height,.

"If you want to help Ariel sama, Kill the Rudeus"

Sylphy eyes was wide open.

"If I said that, what you're going to?"

Sylphy is not looking back behind.
behind her is Rudeus, she would have noticed.

"If I had to choose between either, if you're going to?"

Even if I do say so myself, it is a nasty question.
I wonder why such a question.
I feel that talk is gone it is.

"I will pick Rudy"

Sylphy didnt hestitated with her answer at all.
At a rate that can be called almost immediate answer, she
answered yes.

"but its bad choice for Ariel sama, it is not made Then a child with
a partner may not be available when it was faced with such a

Just a little bit, it was a lonely answer for me.
Also for Ariel, it would be so.
Rudeus he is posing like "incredible" Hold his mouth with both
hands. arriving behind is frustrating indeed.

"I can keep up with Rudy.
I do not know what the result will be.
we may be fall into some serious problem, and maybe also killed by
Orusuteddo ... but.
Even at that time, I'm going to support Rudy.
that we will remain married for life? "

The words, was through my consciousness like bow and arrow.
Oh, there is things like that, something fell to the bottom of my
Lost in my own, I felt that one answer came out.

"I is ......"

small Sigh came out.
Really, I wonder what Im doing.
If Im wrong example to help Ariel, I even in trouble.
I also, even if she did not like that I wanted in there for Ariel.
As a knight, not like married for life.

is Orusuteddo do that because he is such false god.
If Hitogami and Orusuteddo, I want to believe Hitogami certainly.
However, if Ariel and Hitogami, it's that believe in either.
Goes without saying.

I watch Ariel choice, in accordance with Hitogami words, I wish
protect her even if she didnt want it.
only that, but she was good.
Oh, all, her words seem to come back to her.

"So, Luke"

I must have gone to hear Ariel.
Did you heard my sigh, she had been silent all this time opened her

" Sylphy chose Rudeus More than me, did you will slash me?"
"If so, I want to talk to a little brother before being slashed.
Even if I am allowed to ask things about miss of the country safely
Sylphy us, is it a good idea? "

Ariel, said so in a low tone.

"Do you not ask, and why such a thing?"

I sad.
More than this happens, it can not be an excuse, but she, Ariel was
thought that Im betraying her.

Me that were together as long as I remember,
Me that have served her so much,
Me, which has been used to throw myself,
Until now, the first one that I thought is always Ariel sama.
She thought that it is guy that betray at the last minute.

However, with her following words, that idea was atomizing.

"Just one thing, Luke"
"I am your princess."

Tears was almost out.
For me, that word was enough.
At this stage of the game, Ariel's is still willing that Im her knight.
she didnt think I want to betray her.
She thinks that I absolutely wont betray her.
This, in a situation with a sword pressed to her neck,
And she is not thinking that she is betrayed.


Discard the sword, I released Ariel.
Air of the place is immediately relax with dry sound and Curran.

I knelt, I looked up at Ariel.
Frosty as ever eye, she looked down at me.

"Luke, What are you?"
"Im your knight."

Ariel smiled softly.
Looking at that smile, I bowed my head, it was a pose to show the
neck by dividing the hair.

"So, please, please cut the neck of this traitor"

I still didnt want to die.
I still have many thing i want to do.
But, it is good.
Im Satisfied.


Ariel Picked up the sword, and lift it heavily with one hand,
she strike my head with blunt side of the sword.
Dull pain runs in my brains.

"II will not be able to put up with such abrupt action, and hug me.
Luke, your Womanizing was Masaguri the body"
" originally It is the act that not allowed, but it was where I had
also just horny, so I'll forgive you"

I looked up at Ariel.
smiling mischievously, she gave me a wink.
Oh, Do not look like a smile, for the first time in a long time.
When I was little, her smile was enigmatic Nowadays artificial
product is what it was a laugh a manner that these well.


I was allowed.
Were allowed, a place with no choice but to be seen that behavior,
behavior and betrayal.
It was with our without blame.


When I take a breath, Ariel was turned around to my father that
is pale.
In response to her line of sight, my father was in plain clothes and
hat in hand.

"I will what happened"

my father behaviour.
Can be achieved by forgiving my betrayal, the air in the place has
changed a little.
Such air must not to be permitted was flowing.
However, it did my father is heavy.
It's aimed betrayal, to life.
If you to cook up something, it will not forgive as me.
something, Without reason.

when i think like that, Rudeus is approaching.

"Earlier, Darius had blurted out.
that Saurosu sama excecution is his own doing. Philemon sama isnt
participating in it "
"......what happened to Darius?"
" death ...... I killed him"
" ...... Is that so, let's cause against the Darius all"

To say so, Ariel sends a line of sight behind me.
Unawares, Ellis and Ghyslaine already behind me.
If Ariel remain caught by me, I might have been slashed from

"Ghyslaine, Is that OK with you?"

Ghyslaine has an unhappy face.
So much, would want off the father.
And, there was Ellis was pulled Ghyslaine tail tightly.
Ghyslaine saw Ellis, trembling and Biki-biki to the touch,.
When she released her hand, Ellis raised her chin and folding her

" Ghyslaine enemy! My grandfather sama enemy, dead a little while
ago so!"
"............ if Ellis lady say so."

At that word, Ariel turned towards my father with a satisfied look.

"It is things like that, Philemon sama.
You beat Chasing The Crazy "
"Ha ...!"

Certainly my father, he prostrating on the floor.
you will not go without blame, but at least you life would have

"...... I'm sorry Luke ......"

The voice sounded small, I felt his warmth.

I look around.

while saying something, Sylphy clinging to Rudeus that patting her
With her face down embarrassed, Altogether Sylphy appearance
didnt look so bad.

Ellis are talking something with Ghyslaine.
heard her voice because its loud enough but she is talking proudly
"Rudeus was saying before, this is what I call read the
athmosphere" he said.

Pergius's unchanged.
from what i can see, his face changing to amused one.
The exchange just now, I wonder if there is such amusing element
for former dragon king sama.

My father leave with plain clothes.
The figure, it was still small, but it still seemed to be somewhat

And crying on the dead body of the god of water, apprentice knight
Izolte or something.
there is No sign she is coming towards us.

Darius seems dead.
Lose a large backing, Grabell sits on a chair exhausted.
Nobles are flocking to its surroundings, but they will not be able
much longer .......

Nobles from Ariel faction and are seeing here in the face
Kitsunenitsumamaretayou[ED: is this something like fox face?].
Among them, there is Tris standing with her parents.

The other, not the enemy.


Thus closed the curtain of the battle of the Asura kingdom.

+++"10 days in king Metropolitan and Orusuteddo truth " one
hundred and eighty seventh episode

10 days has passed since Darius defeat.

defeating god of water Reida, defeating Obell, overthrown Darius,
Pergius coming to the Asura kingdom, was enough to overwhelm

Philemon stripped from his position, and now he is under house
arrest in his teritory.
Luke become family head, and Luke big brother seems to fit the
role as his assistant.
Luke Brother is sociable, from that fact they can expect for smoth
way in political war,
hes the one who practically made decision instead of Luke.

Initially, Ghyslaine still hostile toward Philemon.
But, Luke brother that praising Ellis, going as far as make a
marriage proposal to her, made that black miasma dissapear.
Like a dog being happy praised by its master, she look somewhat
By the way, Ghyslaine is still working as Ariel escort.
she already become permanent employee now.

I dont know how her true feeling is, but let say she is good at this


Let me talk in order what happen for 10th days after venue.

First Day 1, The matter with Orusuteddo.

After that, our return from the party venue was triumphant.
as expected from Ariel, Im very tired and return into my room,

even if I say that,
bringing myself into the room, I was fully remember how Sylphy
openly confessed her love to me by saying I choose Rudy in public.
honestly, because iwas dumped in the diary. I was feeling a little
And to proudly choosing me in front of so many people.
I really blessed with the best girl which also my wife.

However, Sylphy also seemed tired, at the end of the game without
having to rush the second round.
Sylphy fell asleep peacefully.
I bathed with cold water to cooling myself,
on the way back, Ellis bursting into me with rough breath and still
in battle excitement, admiring me wildly.
I think, Ellis a wild young lady who learned to control her malise is

The next day my spirit is wasted i even feel like didnt want to
breath, really wasted like a dried fish.
then a maid was coming, giving a letter addressed to me.
Rather than sender, the letter sealed with crest of dragon.
No doubt, it's inter-office mail.

Content of the mail should be brief, worrying of my injury, and the
location of today's meeting was written.

Conference room was a cemetery.
On the edge of the zone lined noble residence, it's cemetery for
only It is not popular, its also wide, and lonely place, such as the
island of town.
the tomb is further in the basement.
the atmosphere at the Location seems to be a fiels that will full
with undead at night.
in There, the one who is more frightening than undead lurked.

"Came, Rudeus Gray rat"
"Ha ha, Im coming!"

sat on the coffin, orusuteddo was waiting with one hand on his
what hes doing is disrespectful toward the deceased.
I can not bring myself to sit on the coffin, creating tables and
chairs with earth magic and set up a candle that was brought.

"Oh, I'm sorry"

Advances to the chair of the president, and I also sit after him.
Well, it's the start of the meeting.

"First of all, let me say it was hard work for you, Rudeus.
Now, Ariel become king is confirmed "
"but, its still cant be confirmed till the previous king death?
whether it is already established?"

i heard that in his old age the King infected with incurable
disease ...... but, there is still time until his death.
during that time Grabell faction will definitely trying to struggling
to return their former glory, and not just once or twice.
we cantbe off guard yet.
still need some talk session with Ariel.

But there still uncertainties.
Mizu-o Izolte whom her teacher killed in front of her eyes.
and Boreas who sticking to Darius.
I should be very careful to these two.

If it becomes like that, they will use all means to searching me.
I thought it 's ... but.

"Oh, Ariel has already become king when she got Pergius backing,
defeating Darius is only matter of time"
very to have convinced about that.
for me, I wont be sure yet, but it seems all already set in stone.

"you look confused, Rudeus Gray rat"

oops, its look like its come out on my face.

"i ~~ee, I was wondering, Orusuteddo sama. There is still some part
that I cant make sure"

Orusuteddo staring to me.
Honestly, is my saying that mean that i dont trust my president?
However, ... I just want to say that its not over yet.

"Iya~, look, Orusuteddo sama, are you sure that you didnt miss
anything Orusuteddo sama?
maybe now its the end, but we cant make sure that Hitogami didnt
left anything behind as parting gift right? "
"so, there is no reason to say that this is already over."

so to say, Ive no choice but to stay silent.
Orusuteddo is still hiding something from me.
Surely, he never tells me what is it.

"Im former Hitogami apostles anyway, you didnt need to tell
me........ "

that Words came out clearly from me.
Words that I did not intend to get out.
Slip of the tongue.
hearing that, Orusuteddo rises.
observing me with his tremendous power.

"Iyaa,I, I'm sorry, I didnt mean that. ... its not like Im unhappy
with things that you didnt tell me"
" Certainly Rudeus Gray rat, I did not completely trust you "

While fully opening my foresight eye, Im looking for the way to
It is useless, Im surrounded by Orusuteddo shadow.
When I run away, he will catch up to me immediately.
It can not be helped, showing my belly is the only

"This time, likely that you betrayed me also taken into account, I
was constantly monitoring you"

Well, I can believe it.
Orusuteddo mood, even Obell, Everybody, seems to watched me
managing all that matter that took a place.

"But, its revealed during this time that youre not a man that just
talk, you can be trusted "
" I. also must apologize to you. Rudeus one gray rats I had lied to

saying so, Orusuteddo said back on his chair.

"youre lying?"

when I ask again, Orusuteddo showing a scary face.
well, he had a difficult face.
This man, I think he must put a little more time for practicing his
smiling face.
smile is a cornerstone of communication.
I also I'm not good at it so much.

"Oh, before, didnt you said. At the same time you get arcane from
the first generation Dragon to fight Hitogami, the power to see
the fate, way to deviate from the management of the world to me"

How was that he can see the rough future of those who he saw.

"Half is a lie. I dont have anypower to see the future "

Hmm ...... I.

"So, but the part about out of the management of the world is true,
Rudeus Grayrat "
I think it's that out of the management of the world, and What
does that mean exactly? "

And, what I also said.
I wonder if there a hint somewhere.
For example curse.
Orusuteddo has, cursed to become hated.
No, do not matter.

"What the ...... is the slow recovery of magic also part of its side
effect "
"Ah, the magic recovery is significantly slow, instead Hitogami cant
interference me.
But, did not you think it strange?
didnt you think why the Prime Dragon included disadvantage trait
like that in his own arcane? "

And why even if you said.
In order to avoid the interference of Hitogami, didnt you left with
no choice but to include such disadvantage.
But, no, Im the one wearing Orusuteddo bracelet didnt have such
disadvantage like that.

"Prime Dragon devised an arcane that will surely made me win
againts Hitogami "
"At the expense of magic, even if im dead where ever and when
ever, the arcane is something that will make me start over while
keeping my previous memories "

say Again.
Orusuteddo is ...... after all.

"first outset is in the northern part Central continent, winter of
KinoeRyu-reki 330 years. In the nameless forest.
approximately 200 years old.
When I passed it, Hitogami killed me. There I forced to return.
In example, if I dead on the way "

Time Leap.
there is possibility for that........but.
No way, if that's really the case.

"I believe that you have already witnessed the time teleportation"
"Yeah, well ..."

the future me, from Balaur ruin get inspiration to travel through
the time.
Balaur, had arcane that could make you incarnated into the future
from the past.
then, Dragon God have the art to manipulating time. it is not funny.
Anyway, It could summarized into something like that.

"if that so, Orusuteddo sama, how many time you already
"I didnt count it after beyond 100"

despite his humble voice, Orusuteddo each word full with malice.
Well that 's 100, 200, 20000 years.
you continue to loop, 20,000 years or more than that .
feeling dizzy likely........

"But, in that the hundreds of the loop, I've seen many times the
battle of Grabell and Ariel.
Who needs, who is not required.
what if Ariel wins, Grabell win or what if none of them win.
And, in this stage Grabell already cant make his come back.
Ariel victory is guaranteed "
"its if Hitogami also involved, right?"
"Yes. Because Hitogami not carried over the memory from before,
and do not know that I have a" start over ",
After that I'll know the existence of the guy, began to fight with
the guy, there was time and again is that you were involved in this
Then, place all of the pattern, from some point Hitogami "Leave" "
"It is, and is the timing is now?"
"It is so."

I Get it.
Orusuteddo's had a convincing phraseology,
it was something that comes from hundreds of experiences till now.

Then there may be exceptions?
There is also a place where I think, exactly in the same situation,
but all that people take the same action.
No way, such as exactly the same, but it still about the possibility
of "exception" is low, I can also see that.

"So, you can be at ease. If we already brought thing this far, Ariel
will be king"
"I understand"

If you're saying that, Ariel will become king.
having too much anxiety will only make Orusuteddo continues to

"Orusuteddo sama. Did you really could win againts Hitogami?"
"Oh, I already know what is required to win and defeat him. Only
one step away. And that is your existance this time. "

Then, I will believe in his word.
Although, Orusuteddo going to be looking at the future,
but it doesnt matter, he will try again no matter how many times.
Now that you didnt have any other work for me to accomplish.

Lets do my best.
In order to protect the family.


Day 3.
I came to the mansion Izolte where were staying.

By the way, the house is what I got from Ariel.
It is one of Ariel private house, it 's smaller, but about twice
larger than my house.
Employees that managing the house also gave me a nod.
As a villa in the Asura kingdom, it's look good and feel free to use.

That the house is good.

She came to see Ellis.
that or revenge.
Casting skeptical gazes at me to be so vigilant, she received a
polite hospitality.

With a greeting to the maids, she is passed under Ellis guidance ,
to the living room.
Ellis asking for maid to bring the tea, Ellis hospitality attitude
toward Izolte was very friendly.
It is in many to use a person.
When it is in my house, stiff shoulder never happen.
Aisha is a maid, but not a servant.

Izolte seems interested in what inside my room.
To be vigilant, we have bowed.

"nice to meet you, my name is Izolte Crowell.
Me and Ellis became acquainted in the Holy Land of the sword.
please treat me well even after this "
"thank you Very much, my name is Rudeus Gray rat. Ellis husband "

When greeting so, she frowned blatantly.

"so...... its You"

Yes, it is me.
it seems that Im quite hated Apparently, I knew it from the
greeting of the other day.

"...... Yes, Im Rudeus"
"the one that ditch Ellis, also married to another two wifes after
" ............ Yes "

This feeling, I know.
It is the same feeling with Cliff.
this thing is, Millis congregation of newcomer!

"Surely, I was mistaken you with that womanizer knight of named
"though i didnt mean to lie?"
"No its fine, because I was just misunderstood"

Izolte, smiling and look quite glad.

"nevertheless ...... Ellis matter already taken care off?"
"Yes, do you see?"

I was told that word abruptly, shake one's head.
I do not know whether it is to cherish Ellis, but it is important to
to Ellis.
However, I do not think to exchange up to now, is that there has
been such an element.

"Mizu-o Izolte came to see.
Disciples of the god of water Reida, Reida was killed in that venue.
Possibly, she might be the enemy of Ariel princess.
Possibly, she might have come to revenge.
Possibly, Ellis might pull out her sword.
If it is not protected, ... and have to fight together.
Yes, It is written in the face "

Nothing, or was it clearly written in such a long face.
really, Recently my complexion often read.
Should I keep the practice of Smile Again.
Well, it is good.

" and, Ellis isnt That lead to more important matter?"
"Its not important to us, anyway. and you would be left alone, why,
because of your third wife "

I want you to not say too much in front of Ellis such as third.
Because it's not going to give me such as permutation.

"honesty, I've been thinking, Ellis is said to be neglected more.
usually only strengthening arms, body, and sword. Seldom to talk,
and he is in such a position .........."

Where the husband rules at the peak.
But, me and Ellis is not talkative person.
It does not come much talk from her side, and when its night
request my body......
Kanpaku wife?
No, instead she do not want to talk, we have something to do
together such as training.

" that Ellis is happy, I was relieved a little "
"If you're so, I also happy"

when I say so, Izolte laughed.
It's crystal clear smile.
Though it looks neat and clean, I can feel her sex appeal.
shes whos likely going to be popular, but it is still id bud form.
after she married, it will become a flower.
That's the charm of married woman group.

e~tto, Ellis san.
It is painful if youre stepping my foot.

"So, then what was that.
I'll not give Rudeus because he is mine "

Ellis showing honest attitude as usual.

"I do not need, things like that"
"What, did you want to fight?"

Such as such as Shout. Na dented.
Izolte had a troubled face.

"Nevertheless, there is also teacher last will,
Ariel sama also didnt made many fuss about god of water style
I will never turn into her enemy "

As scheduled, as soon as the period of apprentice knight end,
Izolte, I hear she was going to be recruited as knight.
she will replace her master as fencing coach.
Yeah knighthood also get in some cases.

"master, there is also seems many who sympathize with her in royal
palace. Ariel princess herself, didnt want to turn god of water
style into her enemy "
"Well, is not that so"

what could I say, swordman in this world is a monster.
but they still avoided and didnt dare to make an enemy, with a
person with higher standing.
The person who was strong at fight is better if he is made into an

"with that, we could escaped from the fate of our dojo demolished,
I'm fine with it"

If you only see the status of that field, Reida was a mere
being angry at someone who pointed her sword at Ariel is normal.
even in a place dominated by politics, how could there is assassin
Assassin that appears too long and out in public, will only get its
fate being pursuited.
In short, What May I Without Barre, but it is there you blame
Tara Barre.
When it comes to Grabell, Ariel, and Darius, it seems to be I want
to erasing your blame to some extent.

This time, Ariel also did not want to exact revenge to god of water
style sect,
I also did not want to fight the god of water style sect, definitely
can not win.
On mutual benefit match, the thing that you no blame.

"though teacher is dead in a shame.
But, since she was to die fighting as a warrior in this peaceful time,
it would have been her long-cherished ambition.
As for me, more of the things that did not receive whatsoever
consultation in advance, but I was shocked "

Says, it seemed Izolte didnt seriously concerned regarding Reida
and say either This feeling, might be close to the adventurer.

"Certainly, ... even if I want to exact revenge, the other party have
Ghyslaine and Ellis. I lack in Rudeus sama of that place, there is no
unfocused downright"

Izolte was likely feeling a little regretted.
I wonder are you a little regret, that you did not chase Orusuteddo
in that place.

"Separately, you dont mind if its only that "
"Please do not say that kind of joke Ellis. Now i has a duty to
protect the dojo.
If Im fighting with another crazy swordman like you, I might get
permanent damage "

It is a word which is good to Ellis

"Dojo, It is just stupid thing"
"It, I say that because, you who abandoned her status and
obligation t her house "

Ellis was silent.
with a discomfort expression.

"Well, it does not passed a year yet since parting.
lets enjoy the moment together to strengthened our bond "

Izolte said so with mischievous eyes.

"Yeah, Yeah!"

Ellis Cheeks flushed, looked as if she seriously thought so.
However, Izolte expression is completely opposite.
Geez, you have the face to me, I'll limit it to keep giving the meat
to the dog.
she is good at handling people like Ellis.

"the main reason I come Today, I just came to see Ellis.
I was wondering Because I came with much effort, to try guide the
Imperial City "
"Yeah. It's the place where you were just to leave! Let's go!"
"Rudeus-san, please go along with us "

Because she can When you are in fight with Ellis on the street,
Possibly, most of the conversation now is a lie, god of water flow
disciple of many might be in store where Ellis has been guided.
Here I should keep up with her.

"If things like that ..., please let me tag along"

With that said, was exploring the Imperial City along well with

Despite my worry, she guide us around the town normally, Izolte
had spent her and had fun with Ellis.
already become like this just a few days after her master is dead,
It may have been her personality.


Fifth day.
Invitation of the meal came from Boreas home.
for two people, Me and Sylphy.
It's invitation to dine in without Ellis.

that or poisoning.
But was received while fully vigilant, goes without saying,
tha Contents of the story, was something that want to get close to
Ariel through me.

They didnt call Ellis, because the feel wary.
It seems to be they have a little grudge toward Ellis, but let just
let it go for now.

Ellis and Boreas alrady oppossing each other,
It would be annoying if Ellis even come back to Boreas this late.
Ellis is mine.

At that dinner, I gave some vague answer.


Day 8.
I toured the state of the post again.

its likely Tris returning to the aristocracy.
It is felt in the standing position, her position is same with such
servant like Elmore, and Kleene.
Ariel seems to think that back door with thieves group is available,
she is trying to use Tris moving behind the scene as deal maker
with them.

Luke and Ariel are moving energetically toward their respective
future, there is likely no spare time.
Darius died, caused a little confusion in the Royal Palace,
its not like that important, Ariel went ready to become a king and

One person, to stay in the castle as a subordinate, Pergius got back
into the air in Citadel early.
When I sincerely give my condolences about the two subordinate
that slayed, I got a reply that they could be revived in the air
It's a convenient familiar.

As you said Orusuteddo, it's really okay.
its look like there is nothing left for me to do anymore.
My work, it was over.

So lets go home soon.
Telling that fact to Ariel, was called immediately next day.


Ariel Boudoir in the Royal Palace.

accompanied by Sylphy, I want to avoid as much as possible
suspected being cheating on my wifes, by visiting Ariel with her.
Iand I didnt told to come alone.

Ariel Boudoir was ultra-luxurious.
Once, it was what there in the royal palace, but had a size of about
no exaggeration to say that house.
the furniture was fluffiness is in highest grade. The sofa feel like
it will be melt.
Look shining brightly but not a metal, this is probably because it is
top class of this world.

If it is usual, the maid would also have crowded or Wansa in this
But it seems for today, you told them to let alone for now.
In the cold and young scene lined luxurious furniture, Ariel poured
wine to me.

"Thank you"

Purple liquid is filled into the golden cup.
Or wine.
This is I wonder if its high quality.

"So you also came Sylphy"
"Yeah, because i cant if strange rumor spread that Rudy meeting
alone with a beauty in the middle of night"
"Well. Certainly, I dont know what will become in a private meeting

Ariel laughs but, Sylphy is not laughing.
I wonder if she though that this isnt a joke.

"if it's Rudy, it will somehow really happen"

There is no trust in my lower body.
well, there is no way it is.

But, I have confidence in Sylphy.
And she told me during this time, and prepared to pick me from
I came honesty, and Kyun.
it seem to Sylphy Ariel is prying mantis that want to eat me.


After finished pouring the wine, Ariel was also sat on her seat.

"Rudeus sama. I would like to said my thanks again.
Thanks, for what youve done so far "
"No, it would be a result of your own effort Ariel-sama"

Ariel personal connections in Ranoa kingdom is moving well.
to fill the hole that the died Darius left,
To replace the aristocracy from Grabell faction,
she made talented person attached to important post.

If I go by that speculation, Ariel will be able to dominate the
Asura kingdom completely.

"giving advice to convince Pergius sama, advice for trip, advices for
some cases.
if I didnt get your advice at time, Rudeus sama,
I would have still frustrated now "
"Im feeling embarssed now"
"Really, as you said Sylphy.
its might be good to spend only one night "

say so, Ariel send a bewitching glance to me.
my eyes also wandering wildly to some place, such as Ariel nape,
but being glared by Sylphy, i hurriedly hung down my head.
Ariel also returns to smile.

"well though it was just joking, but the part about my thanks is
true "
"thank you's Then, such ......"

Because what at this incident.
I got a house.
That house, it probably good to use it as my villa in the future ... ...

"Is there anything you want ?
Before you promise to Luke, knighthood and territory is not raised,
Surprising thing of it, when it was what I be free, you will be give?

I also said so.
Then ...... what I want to get from Ariel.
What to Get.
when its come to Asura Kingdom, here is full of many thing. Maybe
something like manual of magic?

Oh, no.
There was one.
one Things to ask.

"If it is, at first this will take some time,
I already thing about it, please set up and Serve up for sale this
image as a set.
I think It is the image of the Magical race, but if I have Royal
family authorization it will be more easier "
"Oh, is is that what you were talking to Pergius-sama"
"Yeah, what is that hard?"

In Asura kingdom, Millis religion is popular.
if in markt there is huge amount of Asmodian picture sold that get
permission from royal family,
its possible to cause some friction.

"It is not that difficult. It's important to prepare workshops as
well for mass-producing"
"How about Millis religion, will they all right with it?"
"It is all right. That sort of thing could be solved with money "

O~h, the power of money.
That's good.
by becoming Asura Kingdom King, whether it was same as become
the richest man in the world.

"So, if there is progress after returning"
"Yes, I will wait"

I got a studio and sponsors.
After that its growth depends on Juli.
It certainly was written in the diary, when I make a picture book
and sell it.
......also, must find a painter.
To get someone to read to many as possible, that's still a picture
there is many people who cant read, but picture book can be
viewed by anyone.

And, if I have a Toranutanukinokawazan'you,
Ariel strighten her sitting posture, and turned to Sylphy.

"Sylphy was also cheers for good work"
"...... yeah. Ariel-sama, also cheers for good work "

Yesterday, Sylphy officially quitting from her job as Ariel escort.
It seems the takeover procedures also finished yesterday, she
spaced alot yesterday.

"The other, I think there is no need to me?"
"Yes. It is all right now. thank you very much For a long time. "

To say so, Ariel bowed to Sylphy deeply, really deeply.
of that scene where Ariel lowers her head, is unusual.

"Ariel sama, please raise your head"
"But, I do not want to lied to you, I really cant think any reward
for Sylphy feeling, this is the only thing that i could give you.
I want to tell you, with my feelings and words.
youre helped me very much "
"its okay, because were friend of course Ill help you "

while saying so, Sylphy continued to grip Ariel hand.
Will you say even a friend, of 10 years.
Be nice, this kind of relationship.

"but Sylphy, Ill come to play some time "
"Yeah, well ...... If you have any errands towards the Ranoa if, Ariel
sama also, but I would not get Then face in the place of each
medium us"
"Well, since I also at a party in the castle of Ranoa At that time, I
will send the invitation"
"Haha, that's like a VIP guest"

Then, Ariel and Sylphy was talking, laughing with two people for a
listening to them, Iwas reminded of that when i meet Sylphy for
the first time.
It is a figure of Sylphy who was walking all alone.
Sylphy that get throwed with mud balls by the other child, cant
even give some resistance.
the She of those days, now talking, and laughing with the princess
of a country.

Be that, I seemed pleased Mushoni somehow.


Then, the day I leave Asura kingdom come.

+++"Change in Sylphy and practice of farewell," one hundred
and eighty eighth story

Day of departure.

Early morning.
when the sun not even showing itself, a person appeared.

Its Ghyslaine.
bringing three wooden sword with her, she came to the mansion.
What do you do, what you want to do?.
I mean, even without the need to explain I somehow know why she

Ellis and Me received a wooden sword in silence, and went out to
the garden after changing our clothes.

Garden of the house is quite wide, but because of the various
flowers are planted here, I feel its a little cramped.
However, I think its enough for what we will do now.

Standing in the garden, before Ghyslaine, Ellis and Me raise our
Sylphy with sleepy face, somewhat sitting on a chair not far away
from us.
Maid who has been working from early morning, come to see what
we wil be doing.

"lets start the lesson"

with Ghyslaine words, take the sword on our waist. Ellis and me

"Thank you"

Ghyslaine give a small nod, she took up her sword.
our training began.

"lets start like usual-1, 2! "

following Ghyslaine voice and movement, Ellis and Me swing our
wooden sword.
In quiet garden, sound wooden sword being swang breaking the
silence in atmosphere.

Compared to the movement of Ghyslaine and Ellis, my sword
movement look dull.
But, Ghyslaine never give her reproach.
said something to me like long time ago, when i learned sword art
from her. Giving a pointing everytime I swing my sword.
Today, she didnt say anything.

"Rudeus! Dont spacing out!"

Does not seem such a thing.
But, never to be told something in particular with respect to
made my will.
because even Me, I could do as much as possible type style.

"197! 198! 199! 200! Practice swing, stop!"

200 just this, Ghyslaine stopped her movement.
Ellis and Ghyslaine sweating quite number that it stuck at their
only 200 swing.
However, that 200 swings, is the one they do with their utmost
not only about number.
However, their breath is not rough.
well me too.
that kind of movement is only a warm-up.

"Then, lets start with gale kata[style]!"

Ellis and Me swing our sword following Ghyslaine instruction while
holding our wooden sword with fluid movement, cookie-cutter.
never wavered.
It is a type of training that all of swordman know.
A type of basic Ken-shin-ryu, I was also taught this to Norn.
After Iwe are doing it every day with her.

"All right, stop!"

Where all the types to be performed in the training is completed,
Ghyslaine stopped us.

"pairing training!"

With her command, Ellis and Me facing each other.
Its refer to paired practice with teo person involved.
Most cases, its called hands on practince.
in kendo the one who receives the attack is the senior.
But, now Ellis is the one whos attacking.
I hear from a long time ago, it was the case if the pair is married
each other.
Then, its still practiced even now.

"Hajime!" [ED: start!]

with Ghyslaine words, Ellis come attacking me.
Because it is only kata she isnt so fast.
at the end i cant follow her attack rate, and ended up in me like
didnt move at all.
Of course, there is no technique such as stopping the dimension in
sword art,
Ellis in the past did not stop dimension.
now she can.


now its my turn to attack, but my sword didnt reach her at all.
and There is no need to stop dimensions.
Only that, but there is a difference in the swordmanship between
Ellis and me.
the condition will somewhat better if I use foresee eye, but I dont
use it this time.
because i didnt have it , when i was in Fidoa territory.
So I dont use it now.

"All right, stop!"

In response to orders from the Ghyslaine, Ellis and Me stop our
If it is usual, following with practicing the basic.
Me[magic eye] and Ellis neither of us need basic training, the
result is obvious for whoever saw our match.
And, when I think so, Ghyslaine looking at me then pointing her jaw
toward side line not far.

"Rudeusu! You're Out!"

I fall back, Ghyslaine came to replace me.
I fall back about five step, and sit on the lawn.

Ghyslaine facing Ellis, she raised her sword to her hip.

"Ellis this is the last."
"Yes ............"

Ellis nodded, she set up her stance.
When the training with me, not that she set up in the upper part.
And Ghyslaine to take the stance of Iaido, Ellis pointing her sword
to heaven.

those two stance is so contrast.

Cold sweat flows to my back.
the atmosphere become heavy, time has stopped.
I somehow saw that theyre seriously going at each other.
Moment which can be called forever.
There, a breeze could be feel.

...... There was no signal.


And Ko~o~o~on, only that sound rang.
My eyes were not able to capture those two movement.
However, I was only able to see the result.

their position is like pointing sword at each other throat.
If there is a difference, The sword in Ghyslaine hands folded from
its root.
while Ellis sword, even if its slightly bend could give a scratch to


for a while, those two didnt move from their previous stance.
After a little while they slowly drawback their sword.

Ellis tied a figure-to the mouth.
Ghyslaine give a faithful face.
giving small nod, Ghyslaine said.

"with this, I will end the practice"
"Ta~tsu~tsu~tsu thank you!"

In her words, I bowed while remained in my sitting position.
Raising my head, Ellis while biting her lower lip, had continued bow
her head down.
Wrinkled on the middle of the forehead, Ghyslaine patted Ellis

"It's Farewell. Ellis ojou sama ......"
"death, teacher also, ... you, you, in your skillful!"

Ellis face up, almost bought into tears on the edge of the eye, and
once again bowed.

Ghyslaine did not say anything more than that.
Just give me a glance at the end, and went away from the house.
From her eye, will to ask the young lady cant be true to her own
It would not be an misunderstanding me.

I stood up for Ghyslaine, andonce again, bowed by bending my waist
She taught me the sword art, she protected Ellis.
No sticks to thank me.

"Waaa! Waaaaa!"

The moment she no longer see the figure of Ghyslaine.
Ellis cried.
While shouted to distract the sadness, in a voice like reach forever
forever, she cried.


Before departure.
for Sylphy, many people came to see her off.

Although most people's who come was noble from Ariel faction,
And most of them not even know Sylphy are women,
theyre surprised to hear that she is married to me.
However, just because of that its not like their attitude toward
Sylphy changes.
They went away after saying short thank you.

Sylphy has corresponded with a smile to those people,
It probably was not very polite manner.
"Im tired with this kind," I said while grumbling.

like that then come next to Sylphy was two women.
Elmore Blue Wolf.
Two people who are not related with me, but theyre Sylphy close
That I See them sometime and they are also had also told the
farewell in tears.

Came at the end it was Luke.
The time he had place, only about 15 minutes.
As Ariel assistant, as a local lord,
He become more and more busy, he came to say goodbye at the
interval of the work.

" Sylphy... e~rr, take care of yourself"

Luke its look like he feel a little guilty toward Sylphy, It seems he
find it hard to see Sylphy at the eyes.

"Sorry for the thing that Isay at the last minute "
No, Luke at that time youre feeling uneasy and it can not be
But, that show how you really care about Ariel sama,
if It was me, I cant see myself do that "
" so...... Thank you?"
" You're welcome, I also ...... get exchange for doing something
strange "
"That's right"

So saying, Luke and Sylphy laughed.
After that had laugh for a while, Luke looked for words as "uh"
while giving a wry smile.
And Luke was dropped a bombshell.

" Sylphy, If you no longer have a place at Rudeus home ......Come to
the place of my "

The moment I heard that, my body become stiff.
I mean, you know, It is not a marriage proposal, right?
...... that would be no if you said that when her husband right next
to her.

"I wont break up with Rudy ...... or even if you said that I wont
marry Luke even if that happen like that, right?"
"No, it's not such as marriage proposal. However, when you didnt
have any place to go, I wont hestitate to welcome you "

Luke said so manly.
without romantic feeling in his words, or did you fall back and
you're in a pinch.
The Nasaru say that confusing.

But, cold sweat can be seen on Luke forehead.
I wonder did you have some unrequited love toward Sylphy.
...... and youre Keep saying that youre not interested in a woman
without a breast.
No, there will also some hidden meaning to me.
I also a vegetarian.

"Although I think that this is not the case, come to play every
" Oh, also take care "
"Yeah, Luke also take care"

So saying, Luke went away.

Compared to Ellis, he didnt do any prank.
Well, because this life is full with meeting and parting, he is that
kind of person.
It's a long life.
As long as we live, there will be the opportunity to meet again.

Well, I told goodbye.
After, that we just go home.


No ...... there is no need to Journeying back, Pergius can send me.

During this 10-day Pergius's seemed to set up a transition magic
team at the royal castle.
Go to the air fortress with the guy, remained in the fort till
suburbs of magic city Shari'a.
From there, it is my sweet home in half a day.

what a dissapointing way to go back.

from what Ellis described, it look like she would take a month or
more on the way home apparently.

"I what! Is not cried like an idiot!"

And, I was beaten.
No, I think I broke up that's important.
Well, was ruined steering certainly.
Ellis Precious tears is too good.

However, looking at the place where Ellis think. yeah, Ghyslaine also
seems to think the same way.
theyre like teacher and student.
Among them, I just abruptly appeared.

Well, suppose you're more happy using foot instead Pergius since
there is no tasks, or ask to Pergius, only when I have some task.

But ...... No,it wont do good for me. Its emergency route.
Orusuteddo also will write teleportation magic,
not limited to the Asura kingdom, built direct route to each
country sound good.
If it is magic that only we know of it, not even Hitogami could
destroy it.
All right.
Now, Let's Put on the proposal.


opposite from using tranfer magic, we get out of town after the
farewell, then secretly come to the castle later.
by the time we move, Sun has already gone completely.
Therefore it became trend, lets spend a night in the castle tonight.

current Position is a room in the Pergius air Citadel.

in here is me, Ellis, and Sylphy.
When we came with eight people.
back with three people.
I feel lonely indeed.

While I think so, I was looking at the fire of the fireplace.

The bed in the back, Sylphy and Ellis sleeping side by side.
Although they get their own room,
Sylphy also Ellis, for some reason they want to sleep in the same
room with me.
Something, perhaps was also the place where I think.
Possibly, it may be that it was the day of YES today.
But, because Ellis balk when it comes to 3P, its become NO.

Anyway, we slept Become a character of the river in three people
with the help of the room a little bigger, but somehow I cant sleep.
Not in particular, to see the fire which stuck to a fireplace, I lost
in thought.

my Surroundings is quiet.
Only sound fiery, crackling dominate the field.
While watching it, I thought about one of this review.

I win.
I won, againts Hitogami.
It would not be an exaggeration to say that was great victory,.
There is no dead here, defeated all the Apostles, made Ariel
become king.
Well, theres still sometime before coronation ....

However, too many anxiety will made great victory become
After all, the last, It's not just a strategic move that has placed
Will was in the important fight this time, but he only took one
round after all.
In the future, he will continue this battle.
Just anxiety and worry are recruited, is a fight to the young of
feeling as to whether or not won.

I wonder what is good in this state .......
This time, what I wonder what that could be.
I helped Ariel, married Ellis, become Orusuteddo underling.
Does not come in, and ...... I wonder good.

"Rudy ......"

When I was thinking like that, Sylphy woke up suddenly.

"Are you still awake?"
"Anymore, it's late at night?"

She said while looking out the window.
outside is Dark.
Two people from sleeping, a considerable amount of time seems to
have gone passed.

"Whew ......"

Sylphy is not also go back to bed, she sat next to me.
stick her body to me,she put her head on my shoulder.
I was holding the shoulder as a matter of course.


For a while, I spend time in silence.
Sylphy warm body.
And about I think what is also a fever, had been flushed.
When I see around the nape of the neck, there was a Sylphy and
eyes that looked up.
Pupil of the Sylphy was not focused somewhat.

Here will also be a kiss.
When I put the power to hand to bring her shoulders I thought so,

"It something ......"

Sylphy has issued a word clearly.

"If I stop from being Ariel sama escort, I had missing mind"

I decided to cancel the kiss, to hear the story.

"All, I ...... So there was over"

I looked at Sylphy refreshing face.
Eight years, she came for work as an escort for Ariel.

Eight years.
from 10 years To 18 years.
in he youth, she was always with Luke and Ariel.
Possibly, she might felt lost something now.

Really, I wonder can if you'll supplemented with something that to
Im already not Sylphy friend.
Husband and wife should not be a substitute for friends.

"so Rudy. I also thought "

When are Im being silent, Sylphy said clearly.

"Until now, i cant always stay with Lucy coz Im worried about Ariel
sama, and I think from now on, I will always stay together at home"

when I look at Sylphy, she had a face like she decided to do

"Lucy becomes bigger and bigger, now she need me most than ever

But to say so, Sylphy has pressed her head against and muzzles on
my shoulder.
I pat with Washiwashi her head.
Sylphy Head felt like more feverish than usual.

"So,I think I will become a decent mother who dedicated to raising
my children "

I do not think that's mom Sylphy is not decent.
But, if I match it against the common sense of this world,
she could be considered as neglecting her child.
left their child to parenting maid is something that noble do.
We're not noble.

But, I'm the original off-worlder.
I came from a country thats not uncommon for both parents to

"Apart from it, is there anything you want to do?"

Sylphy's 18 years old.
she's a respectable adult in this world, but still she do not live only
in '18.
Such as a dream, that you even want to do, will come out still.
I think if she trying to improve herself while raising children, that
aside I might be neglecting my child care because I want to play, so
Im good.
Well, such a thought, but might be a thing taht come from my lack
of awareness as my father.

"...... Huh that you want to do Well ......"

tilted her head, Sylphy looked up at me.

" Well I think, I wanted to be like Ellis"
" Ellis?"

she said that, I think for a moment and my eyes wandering to her
I wish Sylphy small chest get a bit bigger, but even I will be
troubled if it become too big.
Well, if you want to become big, ...... I can massage every day.
No, I would not have the thing of the breast.

" With fighting. is to stand Together in the same position as the
Rudy. Yes
On an equal footing, such as each other and to protect Rudy back,
I think I want that kind of relationship "
"But I also can not even come close to Ellis, also Rudy, was realized
in the matter of time"

I do not think such a thing.
More than enough, Sylphy was strong.
Indeed, her rank may go down in comparison with Ellis.
But, that cant be helped.
Ellis, because she has lived only for that.
Instead, Sylphy has a lot of thing to do that Ellis didnt have.

"So, I give up over there, I will protect Rudy back in another
meaning "

Oh, So.
Unlike Ellis, what of me that Sylphy will protect.

" is It, mother?"
"Yeah, Because she seems not going to. Roxy also stop being a
teacher for a while
I will work hard, I will take care of children of the house.
I will raise the childs properly and I am not ashamed such as
discipline, and properly educated them, wherever you going out "

It is a welcome story.
And, it's a story I'm sorry.
I'm sure, in near future I will not see too much care of the.
Rather than end of it, work as a subordinate of the Orusuteddo
should come more and more fight against Hitogami.
As of this time, and by visiting the land which I was used to far
from home, I come back fighting.

"From now on Rudy., leave it to me?"

Sylphy is likely to have set a new goal.
Would have found the new role for me.
going forward step-by-step.

"Yeah, Im looking forward to hearing that from you"

Somehow, I've been think that suddenly Im more and more
helplessly fall in love to Sylphy.
Sylphy is always cute, she look more cute than usual today.
Its the last straw, I cant hold it anymore.
As closing to her face, I kissed Sylphy.
Sylphy accept it without any resistance.

Further, I moved my hand from shoulder to her ass.
then irealized on her face, while I hug her, Sylphy eyebrows
distorted in trouble.

"Tsu ...!"

So ......, I stopped moving as Warrior glared at Medusa.
I feel the line of sight.
its from ...... bed.

Ellis that should be sleeping was watching here.
She was watching with wrath in her eyes.
Never, it's eyes it is not likely to sing and hum and Lang Lang.
It's eye, such as the dinosaur.

When I see a scene like this, why I wonder that she will kill sith
slightest sign.
Super scary.

"I thought, I'm going to sleep soon"
"Oh yeah ...... me too"

Me and Sylphy crawling into bed where Ellis waiting for us.
Well, it is not slow sort of thing, even from the back.
In this castle, I could to be in Pergius looker like.

"The other, Ellis, and ...... I do not disturb"
"Please, I'm sorry ...... but, youre so cunning"
"What do you mean ......Im not cunning, want to do 3P now?"
"No, Its impossible, such thing with three person Im so ashemed "

Because Ellis taken such pathetic pose, I've got embarrassed
but ...... I wonder.
Nantes, while listening to two people from talking in a low voice, I
was getting comfortable satisfaction.
Sylphy matter.

In Sylphy heart, there was a great change one.
In this matter, she appears to have grown significantly.
then, wouldnt I also able to be changed a little more.
Leave my back to her, ... to be changed to positive.

While I think so, I fell asleep.

+++ "Return and determination," one hundred and eighty ninth

Magic city Sharia, did not change at all.
from two months ago.
My hometown now under construction, enlarged and almost

turning right.
many feeling accumulated inside my chest.
though Orusuteddo promised my family safety.

if at the start of reunion with my family, Sharia suddenly only its
ashes and dust left.
It is a direct negotiation with the president, wearing headband
with Ariel.
well, Im relieved that i know i could think joke like nothing

Passes through the square, to move to the front of our house.
There is no change whatsoever to my house.
There is no change like burning mark, frozen, or covered with
only Beat doing its photosynthesis in the garden, was shaking and
Gunegune its branch.
Giraud the armadillo, also taking a nap in the kennel.


When I opened the front door, sound Tatatata is come from the
back of the house, Aisha jumped out immediately.

full of spirit, she jumped straight on my chest.
I'm fine.
above all it does not seem to change.

"The souvenir? Souvenirs is it bought properly?"
"Yes, This is it"

In a split second, Ellis retrieve one box from the luggage.
suddenly away from me, Aisha received it.

"Wow, Ellis-nee Arigato[ED: Thanl you]!"

Aisha opened the box immediately, she took the thing inside.
Pottery that looks like a rice paddle.
Exquisite relief is engraved on the handle.
To see it, Aisha eyes was beaming.

" and You have seen this mirror in sea loan!"

Perhaps because there is interaction with Vegarid continent, Asura
kingdom was selling many glasswork.
because its only short time travel this time, what I bought mainly
is glasswork and mirror.

"wo~~w......amazi~~ing! Its so much!"
"Fufun, you seem very like it!"

looking at Aisha making a happy face, Ellis boasting that she choose
it with Sylphy.
and Ellis Sense 's not bad, but her choice is too simple.

"look at this, this is so kawai~~~~~i.....!"

While praising our souvenir herself, Aisha are turning round and
Rirya come out next she is a little delayed, hitting Aisha head and
followed by some rotation.
watching at full spirited Aisha, somehow I feel relieved.
Theyre allright and full vigor.

"...... Rirya-san, Nothing starange happens right?"

I asked for now.
Rirya nodded lightly expressionless as usual.

"Yes, were all alright"
"Is that so"

Its good.
It was really good.
and still clinging to my chest, Aisha expression suddenly darkened.

"But, Oh. Onii-chan, Roxy-nee is ...... ......"

Roxy! ?
what happen to Roxy! ?
...... No way, Abortion! ?
no, if its like that Rirya will say to me.
or did she had been hospitalized coz her condition is bad?

"Roxy-nee~ is......"

And, when Aisha just stopped her words.
my line of sight is directed to a door leading to the living room.
From there, Roxy face was come out.
Its look like she is in low spirit.

"Roxy, Im home"

At least, she does not look unhealthy.
I can not see, but she didnt look injured.
she is very healthy-looking.

"Rudy, Oakaerinasai"[ED:welcome home]

When I say thet, she remained in that pose and replying without
coming here.

"It was, I though it will take a little more time. But its look like its
going well there since you come back as planned "
"Yes. Ariel-sama won the political war safely "

Well, though its not complete victory yet,
News that " princess Ariel death!" Might arrive from getting in
later .......
Well, there is no need to say such a thing.
its because that is the President instructions.

"Is that so, and above all"

Roxy does not show up.
she is only showing her face.
only face, it cant be that her body become more plump.
You mean ... Roxy become chubby! ?
Roxy's gonna say, that there is a myth tell that the body that
already giving birth will become more plump!
Its not like you care about gained weight?
because most likely Ellis weight, is about twice of Roxy ?

"Oh, I'll tell you something onii-chan. Roxy nee somehow become a
little too naive recently so you must tell her gently "

Aisha Words.
when their weight increased with pregnancy, its so with their
And, when she became uneasy, it's my job to reassuring her.

"It is not naive"
"Well, why are you hiding your body for quite a while?"

when Sylphy said so, Roxy showing her body reluctantly.

I leave my house, for about two months.
In the meantime, Roxy stomach become fairly larger.
If you think about it, about the weight increase during pregnancy
its a matter of course.
Because its made ...... for holding the child inside.

Even so, her chest look a little bigger.
will some breast milk come out.
yeah, lets taste it later .......

Even so, although she is Asmodian from Migurudo race ...... I
wonder if they didnt change so much compared to human race.

"Recently, I feel my body is not like my body.
My stomach swelling, Stomach swells come, the inside moving here
and there.
Everyone said there is no need to be worry, but ...... "
"Oh, I understand. I also experience it. But, at that time Rudy is
not here"

with Sylphy consent, my chest feel a little pain.
I'm sorry.
Indeed, athough it cant be helped at that time, but Im sorry.

"Ugh, Sylphy...... Roxy ...... I'm sorry"
"Oh Rudy, I didnt mean that. Im not gonna blame you for
that ,Yeah"

shes taken a back and said that, while her line of sight swimming
here and there.

"Well, Ellis-san. Is it alright for me to spend my time alone with
Rudy today?"
"Oh? Heh, Th -, that 's right"

Ellis had seen her stomach and Roxy stomach alternately.
I wonder if she had thought about her own pregnancy turn.

"So Rudy, Like that you must spend your time with Roxy now,
as for luggage, leave it to me ...... Well, I wonder where is Lucy? "
"Lucy-sama, she is playing with Zenith-sama in the second floor"
"so there she is, thank you Rirya-san.............ho~ra Ellis come on "

Without waiting for my reply, those two people go upstair carrying
the luggage.


though said that to me, me and Roxy moved to the living room.

In the living room, the sacred beast Leo was curled in front of the
at the corner of the room, there is Giraud the armadillo.
when Leo saw me he is barking happily and approaching me while
wagging his tail.
when i pat his head, he is licking my hand.
Oh, that guy love it.


I Sit on the sofa alongside Roxy.

somehow, she doesnt want too show her bodyline too much to me,
so, she only wearing loose dress.
I wonder if she is worried about her body line that dissapearing.
Although I think her figure today's also attractive enough.

"erm, how is your work?, did it goes well that you come back as
scheduled? "
"didnt I already said before?"

its unusual for Roxy to be panicking.
what happened to her. And the panicked Roxy is so kawai~~~.
I want you to not tempted me with such cute reaction.
although, during the journey there is no such thing happened,
Or from the sense of security that I have completed one work, the
proportion of my worldly desires inside my head become larger.

Anyway, the person who was a little naive suddenly changed in to
erotic direction.
a man-that-you-could-easily-read, I must becareful to not showing
my desire too much.
Let's just give her some caring word.
All right.

" uh ......, your stomach is quite big, Can I pat?"
"N, No desu~!"

Immediate answer.
Or useless.
Well, Well, she is at delicate time.

"touching breast also a NO"

I was told ahead.
It seem she already think me want to groping her breast like
I cant deny that.

"Recently, somehow those yellow thing come out"
"I see"

Sylphy also experienced that, the sign of breast milk coming.
it could be treated by massaging them, but I cant do that.

"Well, how about head?"

when I said that, Roxy move her head toward me.
smooth hair and its feel good in my fingers.

stomach and chest is a NO.
But head is good.
I must draw the line first.
to look for breakthrough at last minute.

"Ma~~~ ..., it is oh well"

while blushing, Roxy give me an OK.
Seems to be good.
I stroked without reserve.
Eh, unsatisfied, no its different.
It's not that, it's that of a child.

"eerrrr.......Roxy, I think I could help you as much as possible "
is that so?
But, you dont have to overdo it.
Aisha could do it, and didnt Rudy has manything to do? "
"Its many indeed, but, I dont have any experience attending
pregnant woman.
Ill do anything from climb down stair to helping you bathing "
"Eh, bathing!?"

Roxy was overreact to the word bath.
stomach and chest is NO, but ass and head is YES, bath is not good.

"Well Rudy ...... ... I like it if there is some one help me bathing "

Oh, I love it.
using cloth or not I love them both.
but must be patience wnd hold back myself when i do it, must
prepare some emergency gasoline provision.

"say Rudy, since thing become like that......... "

As if resigned, Roxy was facing toward me.
It's a straight face.

That one?
You mean serious thing, I wonder what happen is more than I
like that actually the baby in her stomach is infected with bad
A voice saying ...... Such as "Call me! Demon World Great!" is heard
from inside the stomach.
No, if its so Rirya will definitely said that to me.
It is abnormal situation no matter how you look at it.
and then, I wonder what.
Ha ha, you didnt mean that the child inside Roxy stomach is saying
Im not Rudy child.
when born has such as tail or horn attached.
oh come on, pardon me from such fate.......


Roxy in a meek face, she unbuttoned her clothing.
Then, roll up her dress, and showed me her stomach.
her White stomach swelled greatly, her navel come out and hanging.
its Existence is cute.
only that.
there is nothing strange such as spot on the skin.......

"What, Is the problem?"
"you'll see, if you look at it?"

...... i Heard it but i dont know where is the weir part.

"...... The navel, arent it come up?"

Certainly it is.
It is, I wonder if this is what she mean.
I wonder...... if not ask that to pregnant woman.

"Yeah ......"
"...... Ugh, is it not strange after all?"

Apparently, Roxy is quite repugnant in this matter.
Well, she's certainly naive.
There is no big deal even when saw by.
But, it is important for the person himself.
Will there be such a thing.

"No ..., it is very cute"
" now,I will not be deceived. because there is a slight pause in your
answer "
"Its not a lie, and i didnt care about that "
"It is a lie. Because, didnt Rudy said it before.
"Roxy stomach is the best after all " while you licked my navel "

That can be such a fool.
Even by me, ... that such word could left deep impression in her
Oh, but no, It could be said, that saying something appropriate
when youre on the bed.

"From that day, I've always seriously cleaning my navel.
Look at this, Rudy favorite navel, probably you was disappointed? "
"Im not"

I was able to answer immediately this time.
I didnt have navel fetish.
if its Roxy body, even if she could fired a missile from her navel, i
would still worship her.

Oh, I remembered now.
Certainly I seems to lick her navel in the midst of adult night sumo,
Roxy she was very shy.
So she earnestly praise aboard the tone.

" Rudy, I will not be deceived. because youre just saying it"

However, Roxy did not believe me.

"I didnt want to be deceived, please show it with action"
"what action i must do"

Speaking of what I'm able to do, and Im true devotee of Roxy cult,
Im about making a speech and rituals before a congregation of
more than 10 million people.
Because it also would take time a little, I can not afford to say it
right now.

And, to think, Roxy move her stomach to me.

"Please lick"
"Do you want"

I unknownly saying that such outrageous words from Roxy.
However, do you do is such a thing.
rather, wont you said its rewar.
I wonderif its okay to ask that.

No, I cant take it too seriously.
This is the will of the God.
All right.
Please hands together!
Lee-ta-da ki Ma su!!.


I Licked.
While pushing away Leo approaching nose, I'm doing something
interesting something and licked Roxy navel.

As soon as that, something moved in the belly.
moving Bikun and Pokon with quite force, is it because youre
touched by tongue, it was found well.

Roxy would also knew.
looked up, her eyes saw my rigid body.

"youre saying welcome...... to your father "

I hug her body.
I pat Roxy stomach.
in spite of that she didnt reject it.

It's warm stomach.
The baby wont feel chill.


on the other hand, Roxy was not shy.
with a cherished look, she piled her hand on my hands.

"I did as you said thank you Rudy. Sylphy. Somehow, I was relieved"

hearing Roxy words, for some reason I was also relieved.

"Again, welcome back Rudy."
"I'm home"

I, came home.


The next day, I give my friends greeting comeback to each of them.

Zanoba, Cliff, Erinarize.
also Nanahoshi, when I stopped by in the air fortress.
Come to think of it, my acquaintance in the magic city Sharia was
also fairly reduced.
All, leaving the town.
Zanoba and Cliff, Also would be gone someday.

While I think so, towards the last place.

Evening time already.
In the sight of orange, the place i come is a cemetery.
Lined with round tomb, Quiet location.
ts not recommended to come at such time, but i have no choice.
Because its time to say hello.

I went in, only say hello to the grave keeper, I stood in front of
one of the tomb.

Paul Gray rat.
written so on the Round headstone.
Toward the tombstone that still looks new, i clasp my hand.

"Dad, this time there isnt anyone that die"

and dedicated the liquor which I bought at the king Metropolis,
flowers which I bought in the neighborhood, it is report time.
Orusuteddo matter, Hitogami matter.
And, the fight in the Asura kingdom.

"there, I also meet your brother. My uncle.
he is Similar to father, but his mind seems rather weak "

I remember Philemon face.
in some way He was similar to Paul.
but his Figure is completely different also their personality,
probably because he is a younger brother.

"there is no one dying from our group.
your nephew, he protected his father live.
Honestly, it was a little envious "

Luke kept his father from being executed.
I didnt hear all the talk, but it was reflected in my eyes clearly.
Philemon is not a man who could be praised in anyway,
I also intended to kill him at first ... but.
Looking at Luke figure protecting him, for some reason I cant do

"Then I killed people.
Its not directly by my hands,
He trying to really kill me, I countered, adn he is dead.
I dont regret that, but its leave bad after taste "

if its about me, its not my first time killing someone.
if I think again, previously also like that.
Its not like there is something special behind.
but for some reason, only this time leaving deepest scar in my mind.
Surely, it was because I listened to the god of water Reida story.


I look back on it this time.

This time, I became somehow.
Nobody did not die is my number one priority, I have achieved the

But, at last-minute.
It was a last-minute.
If something slightly wrong, someone might have died.
though my true goal achieved, but the over results remained and
become lump in my heart.

One cases in this time, successful indeed.
Satisfactory, but total victory.
However, it seems there is many things to reflect to this time.

For example, in the preparation stage, if in touch with Ariel at an
earlier time.
maybe Hitogami wont have his way with Luke and he wont disagree
on the way.
Well, because of it Ariel made a contact with Orusuteddo and lets
keep that as result.

if I could defeat Obell in Akaryuu no Hige.
If Orusuteddo didnt come when God of Water style activated her
Ruination World.
If Obell didnt carry his antidote.

And, there is no means to think like that at this time of course.

However, there may be only one true.
Hitogami is not dead.
One job was over, but the fight is not over.
The Fight I take.

In the future ...... the fight, would it not chaotic in last minute.

I Was lucky this time.
... Well, I was till now.

Until now, I wonder that I didnt have too many failue.
But, I think I never expected to fail.

For example, when Paul died.
I think it can not be helped because it is the best result, but I
used to think so.
Indeed, at that time, in that time, I give my best.
There is error in judgment, and there might be in some point that I
make a wrong choice.
But, what I can do in that place, I would have done everything.
At the end the, an unwanted end come.
The thing that can not be avoided.
Luck was bad.
It Was no choice.

But, Will it be really so.
So, if its good luck, Paul Will survived.
Oh, it will survive curving.
at the end of it, Hydra last attack, Paul died.
then, would he still alive if he is lucky.
Luckily, if something Chigae.
After unfortunately, someone is injured on the way, and he was
supposed to go in reverse.
when the situation is a little different from that time, ... Tara
strength is often even alone.

Once, it is to talk of the lever, but Forget the luck it rubbed like

to Me, now.
L u c k
Such a thing
, I wonder if I need to cling to that one factor to
protect my family.

This time, many people were dying.
Ellis was seriously wounded in the shoulder, and hit by poisoned
Kunai in particular.
Stand at the very limit of the edge of live and remained to clinging
to Luck.
she could succumb to the death in the last minute.

I wonder if its good to rely on luck.
Well, yeah of course, it is also when you do not talk only in luck.
There is also a limit to the ability of human beings, and sometimes
there is something that you can not do.

But, for example, in the case of this time.
I have, just a little more, that can often Tara.
Only a little more, and Tara strong.
In the last minute, do not you would not have the result is not.
A little more, if something not right.
Only a little more, and all of my plan will crumbled.

Something a little more.
Have to haul approach with their own hands, it.
I need to become stronger.
It is necessary to train.

Now, if I fight againts Hitogami as Orusuteddo underling.
I was saved at the last minute, so as survive margin.
to not let him kill my helpless family.
I must become someone who could properly protect them.

So, let renew my determination.

"Dad, I will do my best in the future. Please watch over me "

saying that at the end, I left the cemetery.
Chapter 18 adolescence Asura kingdom Edition - end -

Next Chapter Chapter 19 adolescence under Hen

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