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Degree Program Sub-fields (Only for MA/MS Program)
[ ] Prehistory [ ] Historic [ ] Resource
[ ] Diploma [ ] MA [ ] MS Archaeology Maagemet
Applicat!s Full Name "ast #i$e Mi%%le
&he applicat 'hose ame appears a(o$e) %esires to eter the Archaeological Stu%ies
Program o* the +i$ersity o* the Philippies) Dilima, Please e$aluate the applicat!s
prepare%ess *or gra%uate stu%y a% her-his stregths a% 'ea.ess as hoestly as you ca,
/our assessmet 'ill (e strictly CONFIDENIA!,
Ho' log ha$e you .o' the applicat a% i 'hat capacity0
1 your opiio) is the applicat prepare% *or gra%uate stu%ies0 Please e2plai your as'er,
3hat are the applicat!s positi$e attri(utes that ca help her-him succee% i her-his stu%ies0
3hat are the applicat!s egati$e poits that may a**ect her-his stu%ies0
Do you thi. the applicat ca *iish her-his stu%ies i* she is accepte% i the Program0
1 a scale o* " to #) " being $%e %ig%es$) ho' 'oul% you rate the applicat i terms o* the
Patiece4 _____________
15uisiti$eess4 _____________
Perse$erace4 _____________
1itiati$e4 _____________
Hoesty a% truth*uless4 _____________
1* the applicat 'as your stu%et) ho' %i% s-he sta% $is6a6$is her-his class0
&op 789
Other thigs 'hich you may 'at to say a(out the applicat,
1 there*ore recomme% that the applicat (e accepte%-ot accepte% i the gra%uate Program
that s-he %esires,

Do ot se% this *orm through the stu%et, ;i%ly se% it to4
Ar(%aeologi(al S$udies Program
Al(ert Hall <uil%ig
"a.a%ula Street corer E,=acito Street
Dilima) >ue?o City
&el, @A76AB88 local :CCD &ele*a2 @:C67AED
Email4 aspFup,e%u,ph
Name o* Perso
Recomme%ig 4 ________________________________________
Preset positio 4 ________________________________________
Name a% a%%ress o* istitutioal a**iliatio
Sigature4 ________________________ Date4 __________________________

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