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Lesson Plan Format

Class: Stage Three

Date: Five lessons in total Duration: Each lesson is planned for 60 minutes each.
Key Learning Area:

Religious Education

Lesson Topic: Sacraments- CONFIRMATION
Lesson One: Introduction/ Revision of the Sacrament of Confirmation- Order of the Confirmation Mass
Lesson Two: Exploring the Confirmation symbols and rituals + (Church visit)
Lesson Three: An in-depth look into the symbols used in the celebration of Confirmation
Lesson Four: Gifts of the Holy Spirit
Lesson Five: Saints
Recent Prior Experience (specific relevant concepts, skills and values the school students have experienced prior to this lesson):

By stage three students will have been exposed to the sacraments, including Confirmation. In the following lessons students will further explore the sacrament of
Confirmation and the Pentecost, which students will have also previously learnt about. The whole school went to the confirmation of the year six class from the previous

Syllabus Outcome(s):
One or two only. Please note the syllabus
reference number AND write out in full.

- L3.1
willing to accept their call to respond to
God in their lives (Lesson 4, 5)

-identify challenges to respond to the
presence of God (Lesson 4)

- C3.2
-able to value Word, symbols and ritual in
the celebration of Catholic belief and
traditions (Lesson 1,2,3)

-explain how Word, symbol and ritual are
used in sacramental and non
sacramental celebrations (Lessons 1,2,3)

Indicators of Learning for these five lessons:
Behaviours that contribute toward achievement of outcome(s). Quote
syllabus numbers. Must be clear, specific, observable. Curriculum
Content Strands may be used as headings.

By the end of these five lessons, the students will:

describe the relationship between the sacraments of Baptism
and Confirmation (Lesson 1)
outline the main structure of the sacrament of Confirmation
(Lesson 1)
illustrate and describe the importance and significance of the
symbols and ritual actions associated with sacrament of
Confirmation (Lessons 2 + 3)
demonstrate an understanding of the gifts of the Holy Spirit and
how they can influence their lives (Lesson 4)
explain how the saints have lived the gifts of the Holy Spirit
(Lesson 5)

Strategies which will be used to assess learners
attainment of learning outcomes. Should be
linked to each learning indicator.

See right column besides each lesson for
indepth assessment.

Lesson One: Students must place the parts of
the Confirmation mass in the correct order and
provide some basic observations noticed at
each part of the mass

Lesson Two: Based on a visit from the Church
students must record in their workbooks the
symbols/rituals associated with the Confirmation

Lesson Three: Group presentation on a
significant ritual or symbol used during
Confirmation ritual.

Lesson Four: Students will reflect on the gifts of

the Holy Spirit and how they can show these
gifts in a positive way in their everyday lives.

Lesson Five: Student must present a research
report on a particular Saint and explain how they
have shown the Holy Spirit through their actions.

List resources you used in preparing the
lesson AND those used in the lesson

Resource are listed in the right hand column beside the lesson.
** PLEASE NOTE Some lessons require pre-lesson preparation. For example worksheets need to be printed
and presentations and online videos loaded. These resources are available on the teachers page resource page
on the Weebly attached to this unit

Lesson Content / Indicators of
Learning (What is Taught):
Note key skills, concepts and values
addressed in each section. Link to your
Indicators of Learning.
Teaching Strategies / Learning Experiences:
(How it is taught)
Write detailed steps showing what the teacher (T) will do and what
students (Ss) will do.
Assessment and Evaluation (IN BOLD) +
Resources (NOT IN BOLD)


LESSON FOCUS: Introduction/
Revision Sacrament of
Doctrine -
Baptism, Confirmation and
Eucharist are Sacraments of
Through the Sacraments of
Initiation the Christian is
received into full membership of
the Church

15 mins

5 mins

Venn Diagram Baptism and Confirmation (15 mins)
- Draw venn diagram on board with baptism on the left and
Confirmation on the right and similarities in the middle
- Annotate venn diagram according to what students know about each

Read TKWL Yr. 6, Pg. 101-102
- Explore/Explain the link between Baptism and Confirmation
- Discuss Revisit venn diagram add in new information discovered in

Revise the order of the mass (Powerpoint [PP] Slide 1-2)
1. Introductory Rites
2. Liturgy of the Word
3. Liturgy of the Eucharist
4. Concluding Rites
- Load YouTube video Confirmation Mass

- Print Parts of the Confirmation Mass
sheet 1 sheet per 2 students - Divide
class population by two and print this
amount of copies

-Load Powerpoint lesson



Order of the Confirmation Ritual

Liturgy of the Word (11:55-12:05)
- Presentation of the Candidates
(14:55 15:30)
- Homily (15:30 15:50)
- Renewal of Baptismal Promises
(36:35 38:30)
- Laying of the Hands (38:31
- Anointing with Chrism (39:45
- General Intercessions (43:55
Liturgy of the Eucharist (48:45 49:05)

Will help to find out
- What students have learned
- What they would like to learn
about Confirmation
This will help to scaffold future learning

35 mins

5 mins
Ask students which two parts of the mass they think Confirmation
proceedings occur?
Between the Liturgy of the Word and the Liturgy of the Eucharist (PP
Slide 3)

Watch Confirmation Mass Video (Slide 4)
- Provide Ss with Part of the Confirmation Mass Sheet
- Ss must cut out jumbled parts of the confirmation mass to be glued in
a two column table they must draw in religion books in the correct
order between the Liturgy of the Word and the Liturgy of the Eucharist
-Due to the length of the video the parts Ss have too see have been
written below at the end of every segment pause and allow Ss to
write in their table for approximately one minute. Look in left column
- Provide Ss with ideas of what to write in table
*Signs, symbols, significant people and actions

-Reveal to students (Slide 5) to clarify order
-Discuss observations from the video

Ss are given two post it notes on one colour they must write
something they have learnt about Confirmation in that lesson and on
the other they write something they want to find out or do not
understand about Confirmation
To Know Worship and Love- Year Six
Class copies

Student religion workbooks glue + pens

ASSESSMENT Teacher collects books
to ensure Ss have understood the
correct structure of the Confirmation
and have recorded a appropriate
observations from the video and
discussions for each part of the mass

Post-it notes Two different colours

LESSON FOCUS: Exploring the
Confirmation symbols and rituals +
Church visit

This lesson is the first of two lessons
focused on the ritual and symbols used
in Confirmation.

Students will begin to gain a deeper
understanding of their significance
through a indepth discsussion with the

The information gained in this class will
be used as a basis of learning for the
following lesson which will have Ss
conducting their own research into the

5 mins

30 mins

15 mins

-Prepare Ss for Church visit
*What do you think we will be discussing today?
*What are some questions you would like answered today?

Development - Church visit
- The priest will be discussing with the Ss significant signs and
rituals that are apart of the Confirmation ritual showing them
physical examples of some of the symbols
- Ss will be given time to ask the priest questions

Following church visit
- Brief recap of church visit with Ss
- Ss are then to record the symbols in their religion books

Organise date and time with school Parish
Priest for class visit

ASSESSMENT- Collect student
workbooks to ensure they have
recorded a minimum of five symbols
related to Confirmation


Religion books
symbols and rituals.

5 mins
PMI Positive, Minus, Interesting (Individual reflection)
- Ss record in their exercise books a P,M,I of the religion lesson
- Ss invited to share with the class


(Confirmation specific)

Introduction task To revise previous
lesson content that will help guide
learning in new lesson

Doctrine -
Symbols and rituals signify and
express the gifts of the Holy
Spirit celebrated in the
sacrament of Confirmation
In the sacrament of
Confirmation the anointing with
oil is the central action

Symbols and Rituals
Anointing with Chrism
Some information that should be
- The anointing with Chrism is the
sacramental sign of the seal of the
Holy Spirit
- God Chooses David (I Samuel 16:1-
Holy Spirit
Laying of the Hands
Choosing a Saint

5 mins

30 mins

20 mins
- ations)

5 mins

-Symbol/Ritual match cards
-Scramble cards and place them on board
-Work as a class to match the symbol/ritual picture with its word match

-Group research task
Each student group will be assigned one of the following symbols or
rituals to research and present to the class in a creative way. As part
of their research Ss must also create a poster that will be displayed in
the classroom.

. For each topic students will be given questions to help guide their
research as well as a selection of suitable informative websites that
can be obtained from the Weebly (student section)

Anointing with Chrism
Example guide questions:
-What is the significance of the Chrism oil?
-Explain the history of using Oil to bless people?
-Can you find a significant bible story where oil is to bless
someone? Would you like to recreate this story for the class as
part of your presentation?
-Is there any other times the Church uses oil?
Holy Spirit
Laying of the Hands
Choosing a Saint

-Class discussion
-What are some things we learned today that you didnt already know?
-Where there some groups that you think though of the box with
their ideas?
-Is their a symbol or ritual you now understand better because of a
groups presentation?
- Print symbol/ritual match cards

- Ensure that all class laptops/iPads have
been fully charged

- Select an array of art materials these
may be used by Ss if they wish in their
presentation. For example poster paper,
textas, paints etc.


- Laptops/iPads

- Information books on Confirmation
These will be in the classroom for the
duration of the unit

- Religion books

- Art materials -For group presentations

Assessment -Students are to
successfully research and creatively
present a symbol or ritual action that is
a part of the Confirmation ritual.
Demonstrating the significance and
importance of the assigned
symbol/ritual to the class.
Teacher is to purposely rove the
classroom as Ss work in groups making
anecdotal notes on S participation and
level of individuals S input.
Teacher will observe Ss presentations to
the class and will mark any items of
research or creative pieces presented,
especially the poster that will be
displayed in the classroom.

LESSON FOCUS: Gifts of the Holy

Think/Pair/Share: students personal
gifts, skills and talents received from

Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit
1. Wisdom
2. Understanding
3. Right Judgement
4. Courage (Fortitude)
5. Knowledge
6. Reverence (Piety)
7. Wonder and Awe in Gods
Presence (Fear of the Lord)

The gifts listed above use the same
terminology found in TKWL In
brackets are the terms otherwise used
to describe the gifts This must be
explained to Ss to avoid confusion

10 mins

45 mins

5 mins

-Think/Pair/Share T asks Ss to think of the gifts, skills and talents
they have received from God How have you used this gift?
For example: I have been given the gift of talking extremely loud,
I use this gift to read at Church on Sundays

-T introduces lesson focus: Gifts of the Holy Spirit, read Isaiah 11:1-2
to class
-List the gifts of the Holy Spirit found in the passage on the board
space out words to allow extra room to write around later

-Watch YouTube video Gifts of the Holy Spirit (Duration - 4:44) T
encourages Ss to think about what these gifts mean as they watch the
(Teacher informs students of the different names sometimes used for
the gifts See left column)

-Brief reflection on the gifts after the video to find out Ss
understanding T records S responses one the board using a
brainstorm like structure around the previously written gifts

-Read KWL, Year 6 p. 106 -107
After reading ask reflective questions to lead into next task:
- What gifts of the Holy Spirit do you recognise in myself?
- How have I seen these gifts displayed in other people?
- How will I use these gifts to help me be a better person?

-Explain worksheet Gift of the Holy Spirit
Students must:
Colour in the Holy Spirit flame on the page
Around the flame list the Gifts of the Holy Spirit
Complete the reflection - Select one of the seven gifts and reflect
on why you would like to receive this gift from God and how you will
use it to be a better person.
While Ss are completing worksheet T plays YouTube video Song
Welcome Holy Spirit

- One by one T places posters on wall inviting Ss to share their
responses with the class of the gift they choose correlates with the
- Load YouTube videos (2)
The Gifts of the Holy Spirit

Welcome Holy Spirit (Song for reflection)

- Print/Photocopy Gifts of the Holy
Spirit worksheet
Attached to lesson plans Also available
on teachers pages of weebly in lesson 2
*Copy amount dependent on student

- Print posters of the seven gifts of
the Holy Spirit
To be displayed in classroom Available
on weebly

-Students religious education workbooks
-Pencils and crayons for Gifts of the Holy
Spirit worksheet
-Bible Isaiah 11:1-2
-To Know Worship and Love p. 106-107

Assessment Teacher to mark students
reflections Students must clearly show
how they can incorporate the gifts of the
Holy Sprit in their everyday lives-
providing appropriate examples it
must be evident that the student has
shown a deep understanding of the
chosen gift in their response

poster being placed on wall.



Introduction to lesson is Godly Play
about Pentecost Pentecost links to
the Holy Spirit Students have learnt
about the Gifts of the Holy Spirit in the
previous lesson and will be using this
knowledge to help them in this lesson
on Saints.

In the lead up to their Confirmation
students will need to select a Saint
This lesson is designed to help them
begin this process. Although they are
not required to chose their patron Saint
in this lesson they will need to chose
one Saint to research.

Five saints
- St Frances of Assisi
- St Mary Mackillop
- St Anthony Padua
- St Lucy
- St Christopher

10 mins

35 mins

15 mins
- Perform Godly Play to class The First Pentecost, have students
sitting in circle on floor
- Allow Ss to think about I Wonder questions
- Discuss link of Pentecost and the Holy Spirit discussing the Gifts
learned in the previous lesson

Individual research task Report on a Saint
- Students must research a particular Saint who they believe
displays the gifts of the Holy Spirit
- Student must choose one of five saints therefore they can
group later on in the lesson to reflect on their chosen saints
These can be found on the student pages of the Weebly

Scaffold questions that must be answered in report (Provided in
- When your Saint lived?
- Where your Saint lived?
- Important events in his/her life?
- Your Saints holy day?
And most importantly - How has your saint displayed the gifts of the
Holy Spirit in his/her life? Provide examples of this.

-Students will be organised into groups according to the Saints they
have research ensuring that each group has a variety of Saints
-In the groups Students will one-by-one share what they have found
out about their Saint especially focusing on how they have displayed
the Holy Spirit

- Gather Godly Play materials for
The First Pentecost (Weebly)
- Script
- Red underlay
-Block to represent table
- 3D figures 4 disciples, 8 people from
other countries, including some children.

- Ensure that all class laptops/iPads have
been fully charged

-- Information books on Saints
These books should be in the selection of
books gathered for the Confirmation unit
-Students religious education exercise book
- Access to the Weebly

Assessment: Student must present a
research report on a particular Saint and
explain how they have shown the Holy
Spirit through their actions. When
marking the T must ensure students
have provided examples to support their

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