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Oral galvanism and Electromagnetic Fields(EMF): factors along with

mercury's high volatility and extreme toxicity in significant exposure levels

and oral effects from amalgam fillings. B. Windham(Ed.)

Having diimi!ar m"ta! in th" t""th(".g.#ama!gam$ or go!d and m"rc%ry$ or
tain!" t""! and m"rc%ry) ca%" ga!vanic action$ "!"ctrica! c%rr"nt$ and m%ch
high"r m"rc%ry vapor !"v"! and !"v"! in ora! ti%". (&#&&$'0) (h" amo%nt of
m"rc%ry r"!"a"d into a!iva ha )""n fo%nd )y !arg" t%di" to )" a)o%t &.5 to &.*
microgram p"r !it"r for "ach additiona! ama!gam fi!!ing (2+). (h" amo%nt of
m"rc%ry r"!"a"d )y a go!d a!!oy )ridg" ov"r ama!gam ov"r a &0 y"ar p"riod wa
m"a%r"d to )" appro,. &0& mi!!igram(mg)(+0% of tota!) or '0 microgram(%g)
p"r day(-)$ and oth"r t%di" hav" fo%nd imi!ar r"%!t( .). /v"rag" m"rc%ry !"v"!
in g%m ti%" n"ar ama!gam fi!!ing ar" a)o%t 200 ppm$ and ar" th" r"%!t of f!ow
of m"rc%ry into th" m%co% m"m)ran" )"ca%" of ga!vanic c%rr"nt with th"
m%co% m"m)ran" "rving a cathod" and ama!gam m"ta! a anod"(&#.).
0onc"ntration of m"rc%ry in ora! m%coa for a pop%!ation of pati"nt with + or
mor" ama!gam fi!!ing ta1"n d%ring ora! %rg"ry w"r" 20 tim" th" !"v"! of
contro!(&.)$ and !"v"! in root tip of .& ppm(5). /ma!gam a!o r"!"a"
ignificant amo%nt of i!v"r$ tin$ and copp"r which a!o hav" to,ic "ff"ct$ with
organic tin compo%nd form"d in th" )ody )"ing "v"n mor" n"%roto,ic than
inorganic m"rc%ry.
M"rc%ry and oth"r m"ta! acc%m%!at" in th" ora! cavity in fi)ro)!at$
macrophag"$ and m%!tin%c!"ar giant c"!! of conn"ctiv" ti%"$ in )!ood v""!
wa!!$ a!ong n"rv" h"ath fi)r"$ in )a"m"nt#m"m)ran" of m%coa! "pith"!i%m$
triat"d m%c!" fi)r"$ a!ong co!!ag"n )%nd!" and "!atic ti%"$ in acini of a!ivary
g!and$ and in tooth root and 2aw )on"(5$&&). 3%ch m"rc%ry inc!%ding that in th"
common!y form"d ama!gam tattoo mov" to oth"r part of th" )ody ov"r tim" in
ignificant amo%nt and mor" rapid!y than th" oth"r m"ta!. Macrophag" r"mov"
m"rc%ry )y phagocytoi and th" m"rc%ry mov" to oth"r part of th" )ody thro%gh
th" )!ood and a!ong n"rv"(5). Mot d"ntit ar" not awar" of th" main o%rc" of
ama!gam tattoo$ ora! ga!vanim$ wh"r" "!"ctric c%rr"nt ca%"d )y mi,"d m"ta! in
th" mo%th ta1" th" m"ta! into th" g%m and ora! m%coa$ acc%m%!ating at th" )a"
of t""th with !arg" fi!!ing or m"ta! crown ov"r ama!gam )a"(&#5). 3%ch m"ta!
ar" doc%m"nt"d to ca%" !oca! and yt"mic !"ion and h"a!th "ff"ct$ which
%%a!!y r"cov"r aft"r r"mova! of th" ama!gam tattoo )y %rg"ry(5fghi). (h" high
!"v"! of acc%m%!at"d m"rc%ry a!o ar" dip"r"d to oth"r part of th" )ody.
/ma!gam fi!!ing prod%c" "!"ctrica! c%rr"nt which incr"a" m"rc%ry vapor r"!"a"
and may hav" oth"r harmf%! "ff"ct(&#&.$'4). (h"" c%rr"nt ar" m"a%r"d in micro
amp$ with om" m"a%r"d at ov"r 5 micro amp. / c!inic with conid"ra)!"
",p"ri"nc" d"a!ing with pro)!"m of ora! ga!vanim fo%nd that c%rr"nt ov"r 5
microamp %%a!!y ca%" ignificant h"a!th pro)!"m %ch a h"adach"$ migrain"$
di55yn"$ na%"a$"tc. which wa "!iminat"d wh"n ama!gam fi!!ing w"r"
r"p!ac"d(20). (h" c"ntra! n"rvo% yt"m op"rat" on igna! in th" rang" of nano#
amp$ which i &000 tim" !" than a micro amp('4). (h" m"ta! a!o hav"
"!"ctrica! pot"ntia! which can )" m"a%r"d in mi!!ivo!t(m6). 7n" c!inica! t%dy
d"t"rmin"d that "!"ctrica! pot"ntia! diff"r"nc" of ov"r 50 m6 w"r"
patho!ogica!(*))$ ca%ing ga!vanim$ !"%1op!a1ia$ ora! !ich"n p!an%$ or to,ic or
a!!"rgic r"action to r"toration(*a$&#4). 8n mot %)2"ct with ama!gam fi!!ing$
pot"ntia! diff"r"nc" of mor" than 50 m6 ar" pr""nt )"tw""n r"toration(*a)$ with
pot"ntia! ranging from #.&- m6 to 9&50 m6. :"gativ" pot"ntia! may )" mor"
patho!ogica! than poitiv" on". (h" av"rag" pot"ntia! for m"ta! crown and )ridg"
wa&5. m6 and for )rac" )rac1"t wa -& m6(*a).

:"gativ"!y charg"d fi!!ing or crown p%h "!"ctron into th" ora! cavity inc"
a!iva i a good "!"ctro!yt" and ca%" high"r m"rc%ry vapor !o"(&&$&#+). ;ati"nt
with a%toimm%n" condition !i1" M3$ or "pi!"py$ d"pr"ion$ "tc. ar" oft"n fo%nd
to hav" a !ot of high n"gativ" c%rr"nt fi!!ing(&&). (h" H%ggin tota! d"nta!
r"viion((<=) protoco! ca!! for t""th with th" high"t n"gativ" charg" to )"
r"p!ac"d firt(&&). 7th"r protoco! for ama!gam r"mova! ar" avai!a)!" from
int"rnationa! d"nta! aociation !i1" 8/7M((.5) and m"rc%ry poion"d pati"nt
organi5ation !i1" </M3(.+). >or th"" r"aon it i important that no n"w go!d
d"nta! wor1 )" p!ac"d in th" mo%th %nti! at !"at + month aft"r r"p!ac"m"nt.
3om" t%di" hav" a!o fo%nd p"ron with chronic ",po%r" to "!"ctromagn"tic
fi"!d(EM>) to hav" high"r !"v"! of m"rc%ry ",po%r" and ",cr"tion(''c$'4). 3%ch
fi"!d ar" 1nown to ind%c" c%rr"nt in m"ta! and wo%!d incr"a" th" "ff"ct of
ga!vanim. EM> i a!o doc%m"nt"d in anima! and h%man t%di" to ca%" c"!!%!ar
ca!ci%m "ff!%, and aff"ct ca!ci%m hom"otai ('*$.0)$ which may )" a factor in th"
r"d%ction of m"!atonin !"v"! ca%"d )y EM> ",po%r" in anima! and h%man
t%di"(.0$.&). 8n t%di" on chic1 thi had ignificant adv"r" "ff"ct on via)i!ity
of "m)ryo and chic1. M"!atonin i 1nown to )" prot"ctiv" againt m"rc%ry and
fr"" radica! activity$ a w"!! a r"g%!ating th" circadi%m rhythym cyc!" and !""p
cyc!". EM> ",po%r" !ow"r m"!atonin prod%ction and dir%pt th" !""p cyc!"(.&).
3inc" m"rc%ry i 1nown to hav" om" of th"" am" "ff"ct and EM> ",po%r"
incr"a" m"rc%ry ",po%r" in tho" with ama!gam$ it i not c!"ar in h%man th"
r"!ativ" ro!" of th" ca%a!ity m"chanim. 7cc%pationa! ",po%r" to high"r !"v"! of
EM> hav" a!o )""n fo%nd in many t%di" to r"%!t in m%ch high"r ri1 of chronic
d"g"n"rativ" n"%ro!ogica! condition %ch a /?3(.2)$ /!5h"im"r@ <i"a"
(.'$''c)$ a w"!! a ?"%1"mia and 0anc"r(..$.-$''c). ;oo!"d ana!yi of '$2.-
ca" of chi!dhood !"%1"mia in E%rop"$ :orth /m"rica and :"w A"a!and p%)!ih"d
!at y"ar fo%nd incr"a"d rat" of !"%1"mia in tho" with high EM> ",po%r"$ ov"r
. microga%(.-a). 3t%di" in BC fo%nd that on" in 200 Britih chi!dr"n ar"
",po"d to high !"v"! of "!"ctromagn"tic radiation in th" hom" and that thi co%!d
)" do%)!ing th"ir ri1 of !"%1a"mia(.-). 3inc" EM> ca%" incr"a"d m"rc%ry
",po%r" in tho" with ama!gam$ and m"rc%ry i a!o 1nown to ca%" th""
condition$ again it i not c!"ar th" r"!ativ" importanc" of th" factor inc" th"
t%di" w"r" not contro!!"d for m"rc%ry !"v"! or n%m)"r of ama!gam fi!!ing.
3t%di" hav" hown that m"rc%ry in th" g%m
%ch a from root cap for root cana!"d t""th or Dama!gam tattooD r"%!t in chronic
inf!ammation$ in addtion to migration to oth"r part of th" )ody(5$&0$&5). M"rc%ry$
tin$ and i!v"r from ama!gam fi!!ing can )" ""n in th" ti%" a ama!gam
DtattooD$ which hav" )""n fo%nd to acc%m%!at" in th" ora! m%coa a gran%!"
a!ong co!!ag"n )%nd!"$ )!ood v""!$ n"rv" h"ath$ "!atic fi)"r$ m"m)ran"$
triat"d m%c!" fi)"r$ and acini of minor a!ivary g!and(5$&0). <ar1 gran%!" ar"
a!o pr""nt intrac"!!%!ar!y within macrophag"$ m%!tin%c!"at"d giant c"!!$
"ndoth"!ia! c"!!$ and fi)ro)!at. (h"r" i in mot ca" chronic inf!ammatory
r"pon" or macrophagic r"action th" th" m"ta!(5$'0)$ %%a!!y in th" form of a
for"ign )ody gran%!oma with m%!tin%c!"at"d giant c"!! of th" for"ign )ody and
?anghan typ". M"rc%ry !"v"! ar" oft"n ov"r &000 ppm n"ar a go!d cap on an
ama!gam fi!!ing d%" to high"r c%rr"nt wh"n go!d i in contact with ama!gam
(4$*c$&&$&2$&'). 3imi!ar !"v"! a high a 5000 ppm hav" )""n fo%nd )y E"rman
ora! %rg"on in 2aw )on" %nd"r !arg" fi!!ing or go!d crown('-). (h"" !"v"! ar"
among th" high"t !"v"! "v"r m"a%r"d in ti%" of !iving organim$ ",c""ding
th" high"t !"v"! fo%nd in chronica!!y ",po"d ch!ora!1a!i wor1"r$ tho" who di"d
in Minamata$ or anima! that di"d from m"rc%ry poioning(2*). (h" ></ /ction
?"v"! for m"rc%ry in fih or food i & ppm. Warning ar" giv"n at 0.5 ppm$ and th"
E;/ h"a!th crit"rion !"v"! i 0.' ppm. 3om" of th" ora! "ff"ct of m"rc%ry that hav"
)""n doc%m"nt"d inc!%d" gingiviti$ ora! !"ion$ pain and dicomfort$ )%rning
mo%th$ Dm"ta! mo%thD$ chronic inf!amatory r"pon"$ !"%1op!a1ia$ !ich"n p!an%$
a%toimm%n" r"pon"$ ora! canc"r$ trig"mina! n"%ra!gia$ a!!"ric r"action$ "tc.
(h" compon"nt mi, in ama!gam ha a!o )""n fo%nd to )" an important factor in
m"rc%ry vapor "miion. (h" !"v"! of m"rc%ry and copp"r r"!"a"d from high
copp"r ama!gam i a m%ch a 50 tim" that of !ow copp"r ama!gam(&+). 3t%di"
hav" conit"nt!y fo%nd mod"rn high copp"r non gamma#two ama!gam hav"
gr"at"r r"!"a" of m"rc%ry vapor than conv"ntiona! i!v"r ama!gam (&-#2&). Whi!"
th" non gamma#two ama!gam w"r" d"v"!op"d to )" !" corroiv" and !" pron"
to margina! fract%r" than conv"ntiona! i!v"r ama!gam$ th"y hav" )""n fo%nd to
)" %nta)!" in a diff"r"nt m"chanim wh"n %)2"ct"d to w"ar/po!ihing/ ch"wing/
)r%hing: th"y form drop!"t of m"rc%ry on th" %rfac" of th" ama!gam('$2'$2.).
(hi ha )""n fo%nd to )" a factor in th" m%ch high"r r"!"a" of m"rc%ry vapor )y
th" mod"rn non gamma#two ama!gam. ="c"nt t%di" hav" conc!%d"d that )"ca%"
of th" high m"rc%ry r"!"a" !"v"! of mod"rn ama!gam$ m"rc%ry !"v"! high"r than
Eov"rnm"nt h"a!th g%id"!in" ar" )"ing tranf"rr"d to th" !%ng$ )!ood$ )rain$ 0:3$
1idn"y$ !iv"r$ "tc. of !arg" n%m)"r of p"op!" with ama!gam fi!!ing and
wid"pr"ad n"%ro!ogica!$ imm%n" yt"m$ and "ndocrin" yt"m "ff"ct ar"

Is There A Battery In Your Mouth?
by Dr. Michael Rehme, DDS, CCN on January 27, 2013 in Heavy Metals, Mouth-Body Health
Thats a strange question to ask or is it? Did you know that most metals found in your mouth have the ability to
create an electrical charge? This charge can be responsible for numerous side efects that are rarely associated
with the dental work found in your mouth.
Galvanic current is a term that has been used in dentistry for over 100 years. It is a condition created by the
presence of dissimilar metals in the oral cavity of the teeth and gums, with saliva serving as the electrolyte. Have
you ever felt a shock to your teeth caused by a piece of tin foil or a spoon that touches a sliver or mercury flling
in your mouth? If you answer yes to this question, youve experienced a galvanic event.
There are several diferent types of galvanism: 1) A silver/mercury flling is placed in opposition or adjacent to a
tooth restored with gold. These dissimilar metals in conjunction with saliva and body fuids constitute an electric
cell. When brought into contact, the circuit is shorted, the fow of electrical current passes through the pulp, and
the patient experiences pain. 2) Dissimilar metals coming into contact when the upper and lower teeth come
together and touch each other. 3) Two adjacent teeth are restored with dissimilar metals. The current fows from
metal to metal through the dentine, bone and tissue fuids of both teeth resulting in discomfort and tooth sensitivity.
We learned about the galvanic current in dental school. Weve read about it in dental journals. However, how often
do dentists follow the protocols that are necessary to avoid this condition from occurring? The dental profession
needs to be more aware of the negative efects that are caused by galvanic currents and be committed to prevent
the unwanted, and often harmful, electrical charges or imbalances from occurring.
Other than tooth sensitivity, galvanism can cause a metallic or salty taste in the mouth, increase salivary secretion,
and burning or tingling sensation of the tongue. Other systemic complications may include headaches, chronic
fatigue, memory loss, sleep deprivation and even irritability due to its efects to the central nervous system.
The brain operates on 7 to 9 nano-amps which is 1000 times weaker than the currents resulting from non-precious
metals found in the oral cavity. That is the diference between touching a 9 volt battery and sticking your fnger in
the light socket as far as the brain is concerned. Since the upper teeth are less than 2 inches from the brain, it is
of concern that adding this much excess electrical activity has the potential of creating mis-directed impulses in
the brain.
How can you tell if you have a galvanic current occurring in your mouth? The good news is that it can be
measured. An electrical potential meter known as the Rita Meter can be used to measure electrical charges on
fllings, crowns and metallic appliances. (Normal readings range from +2/-2 micro-amps.)
Healthy gold crowns or composite resins (tooth colored fllings) most often register a positive charge. When they
register a negative charge greater than -2, it usually indicates either decay under an old flling or theres an
amalgam/mercury flling under a crown.
If these symptoms sound familiar or if youve had 4 or 5 diferent dentists caring for your dental needs over the
years, chances are much greater that there are several dissimilar metals to be found in your mouth.
Metals will not necessarily always cause the galvanic efect in the mouth. It depends on the specifc metal and
alloy being used along with quantity and placement in the mouth. However, knowing that some of the above
symptoms could be dental related may provide you with an opportunity to evaluate your mouth from a diferent
perspective and discover once and for all if there is a galvanic current present in one or multiple sites in your
Solution? Remove the ofending material(s) connected with that particular tooth or teeth in order to reduce this
unwanted electrical charge and create a balanced condition. Biological dentistry views galvanism as an obstacle
to achieving overall health and wellness. Keep it simple, keep it safe. A balanced body is a healthy body.

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