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SONA 2014
A preview
Good Governance Through
Accountability and Transparency
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! 8l8 launched lLs 2014 Lax campalgn lasL leb 3, 2014 carrylng Lhe name l love Lhe
hlllpplnes, l ay My 1axes 8lghL. lL's as Lasy as 8l.
! lL also developed a new web-based sysLem called LlecLronlc CerucaLe
AuLhrorlzlng 8eglsLrauon (eCA8) Lo avold revenue losses relaLed Lo properLy
Lransfer Lransacuons, .
! 1he hlllpplnes recelved a largely compllanL" raung ln lLs lmplemenLauon of
lnLernauonal sLandards on Lxchange of lnformauon wlLh Lhe adopuon of Lhe
hlllpplnes hase 2 8eporL aL Lhe 6
Meung of Lhe Clobal lorum for
1ransparency and Lxchange of lnformauon for 1ax purposes las nov 21 Lo 22,
2013 ln !akarLa, lndonesla.
! 1he 8l8 SLraLeglc erformance ManagemenL SysLem (8l8 SMS) was esLabllshed
Lo sLrengLhen Lhe culLure of performance and accounLablllLy
! 3(&'" ,&4(%2" 5*##-6/*%
! rosecuuon of accused senaLors and congressmen on Lhe uAl scam
National Peace and Security
! !anuary 24, 2014, Lhe hlllpplne governmenL and Lhe MlLl slgned Lhe nal
annex of Lhe peace agreemenL ln kuala Lumpur
! March 27, 2014, resldenL Aqulno, MlLl Chalrman Al Pa[ Murad lbrahlm,
and Malayslan M na[lb 8azak wlLnessed "'$ 2(&%(%& *+ "'$ 5*76#$'$%2(8$
,&#$$7$%" *% "'$ 94%&247*#*:
! 14 pro[ecLs worLh 6.28 pesos are expecLed Lo be compleLed before Lhe end
of 2014 lncludlng assaulL rles for Lhe hlllpplne Army and Marlnes,
addluonal uP-1P hellcopLers for Lhe hlllpplne Alr lorce, close combaL
opucs, eLc.
! As of !uly, 2014, 10 pro[ecLs worLh anoLher 17.38 pesos are expecLed Lo be
dellvered ln 2013. 1he ma[or equlpmenL Lo be dellvered lnclude armored
vehlcles for Lhe army, auack and combaL uullLy hellcopLers, llghL ll and
medlum ll alrcras for Lhe Al, and naval hellcopLers for Lhe navy
! Crlme reporung lnslde Lhe counLry lmproved wlLh a LoLal of 1,033,833 crlmes
reporLed ln 2013. Crlme soluuon emclency also lncreased Lo 36.3 Lhls year
compared Lo 26.77 Lhls year accordlng Lo Lhe n
Improving Market Confidence, Trade
Opportunities, and Investments
! 7.3 Cu CrowLh ln 2013, 6.3 ln
! 8aung on hlllpplne CovernmenL
uebL was ralsed one level Lo
8aa3. 1he ouLlook on Lhe raung
wass posluve.
! CovernmenL spendlng lncreased
ln Lhe rsL quarLer of 2014 Lo
187239.23 P mllllon and
reached an all ume hlgh
226647.42 P Mllllon ln 2C of
! 1he hlllpplnes recorded a Lrade
surplus of 718139 uSu 1housand
ln May of 2014
! lnvesLmenLs ln consLrucuon grew by 13.9 ln Lhe rsL nlne monLhs of 2013
wlLh publlc and prlvaLe spendlng [umplng by 31.8 and 11.3 percenL
! 18 ouL of 32 8oad-on 8oll-o 1ermlnal SysLems rouLes made operauonal
! 8roadband speed upgraded Lo 4.4 mllllon blLs per second
! 13.68 pesos from Lhe PealLh LnhancemenL rogram provlded caplLal-
upgradlng supporL Lo LCu and uCP hosplLals wlLh lnfrasLrucLure
! ulLC, uCP, and nauonal Anu-overLy Commlsslon (nAC) provlded supply
sysLem and capaclLy bulldlng measures Lo 37 waLerless munlclpallues, 16
baslc emergency obsLeLrlc and newborn care unlLs, 11 reseulemenL areas,
and 21 pooresL barangays as of AugusL 2013
! 1he governmenL shelLer program channeled 113.228 Lo servlce Lhe houslng
of 299,022 households
! As of 2013, Lhe governmenL has esLabllshed 1,373 CommunlLy e0cenLer
(CLC) LhaL provlded lC1 servlce cenLers and shared lnLerneL access faclllues
ln remoLe areas.
Education and Training
! 1he AusLrallan Agency for lnLernauonal uevelopmenL (AusAlu) allocaLed
$18 mllllon (abouL 731 mllllon) for a 3-year pro[ecL Lo lmprove early
chlldhood educauon ln 36 areas ln Lhe hlllpplnes.
! lollowlng Lhe lmplemenLauon of klndergarLen was Lhe roll-ouL of
enhancemenL of currlcula for Crades 1 & 7 ln S? 2012-2013, Crades 2 & 8 ln
S? 2013-2014, and Crades 3 & 9 ln S? 2014-2013. ;'$ $%/#$ < "* =>
1-##(1-?-7 '42 @$$% 1*76?$"$. (% 3$@#-4#A >B=C.
! uepLd rolled ouL Lhe SPS modellng program ln 36 schools Lo prepare for lLs
full lmplemenLauon ln 2016. 1he ploneer baLch of Lhe SPS modellng
programhas graduaLed ln May 2014. AL presenL, over 10,000 sLudenLs are
enrolled ln uepLd's senlor hlgh school (SPS) modellng program for S?
! 1he ueparLmenL has also creaLed over 102,600 Leacher lLems from scal
year (l?) 2010-2013, whlch LranslaLed Lo around 23,000 new posluons
creaLed every year. WlLh Lhls, uepLd has doubled Lhe average number of
Leachlng posluons creaLed ln prevlous budgeL years.
Education and Training
! ln S? 2013-2014, uepLd also asslsLed more Lhan 809,000 sLudenLs ln prlvaLe
schools under Lhe CovernmenL AsslsLance for SLudenLs and 1eachers ln rlvaLe
Lducauon (CAS1L), a program whereln Lhe governmenL enables ellglble
sLudenLs Lo pursue secondary schoollng ln prlvaLe schools Lhrough Lhe provlslon
of a xed annual subsldy Lo cover Luluon and oLher school fees
! 1hrough Lhe hlllpplnes' 8esponse Lo lndlgenous eoples and Musllm Lducauon
(8lML) program, uepLd expanded access Lo educauon Lo more Lhan 100,000 l
and Musllm learners ln Lhe lasL Lhree years.
! uepLd boosLed lLs lnformauon and Communlcauons 1echnology (lC1) lnluauves
whlch lnclude Lhe mapplng of schools and llbrary hubs nauonwlde. Cf Lhe 46,603
publlc schools nauonwlde, 84 have already been mapped. Cf Lhe 9,833
reglsLered publlc schools wlLh llbrarles, around 9,000 have already been mapped
whlle 133 of Lhe 188 llbrary hubs ln Lhe counLry have also been geolocaLed.
! uepLd has compleLely addressed Lhe 2010 backlogs ln LexLbooks and seaLs,
aualnlng a 1:1 sLudenLs Lo LexLbook, and sLudenL Lo school seaL rauo ln 2012.
Moreover, uepLd has consLrucLed 66,813 classrooms from 2010-2013, closlng
Lhe 66,800 classroom backlog.
Support for the Poor
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! 1hrough lncreased budgeL allocauon-Lhe program's budgeL lncreased by 343
from 10.00 bllllon ln 2010 Lo 44.26 bllllon ln 2013-Lhe program slgnlcanLly
expanded under Lhls admlnlsLrauon: lrom Lhe 786,323 reglsLered households ln
!uly 2010 Lo 3.93 mllllon beneclary households as of May 2013 (a 499
lncrease). Accordlng Lo an lnlual lnLernauonally funded lmpacL evaluauon survey,
Lhe condluonal cash Lransfer program ls achlevlng lLs ob[ecuves: beneclary
households are enrolllng Lhelr chlldren ln school and are spendlng more on
! 1o ensure self-rellance, Lhe rsL baLch of households graduaung from Lhe
program ln uecember 2013 wlll be covered under Lhe SusLalnable Llvellhood
rogram, whlch has Lwo Lracks: LmploymenL laclllLauon, such as 1rabahong
Lansangan, done ln parLnershlp wlLh Lhe uWP, and CommunlLy urlven
LnLerprlse uevelopmenL (CuLu), whlch provldes caplLal seed fund Lo Lhe
Support for the Poor
! G$4?"'
! Cn !une 19, 2013, resldenL Aqulno slgned 8A 10606 (An AcL Amendlng
Lhe nauonal PealLh lnsurance AcL of 1993), whlch mandaLes Lhe provlslon
of comprehenslve healLh care servlces Lo all llllplnos, Lhrough a soclallzed
healLh lnsurance program LhaL wlll prlorluze Lhe healLh care needs of Lhe
underprlvlleged, slck, elderly, persons wlLh dlsablllues, women and
chlldren, free healLh care servlces are provlded Lo lndlgenLs.hllPealLh
now provldes Lhe pooresL llllplno households wlLh full coverage of
expenses for medlcal procedures such as maLernlLy and newborn care
packages, as well as LreaLmenL for selecLed caLasLrophlc dlseases such as
dengue, pneumonla, breasL and prosLaLe cancer, and chlldhood acuLe

Relief and Rehabilitation to Yolanda
devastated Communities
! Accordlng Lo Lhe 8econsLrucuon AsslsLance on ?olanda rogram (8A?) by
Relief and Rehabilitation to Yolanda
devastated Communities
! 5?-2"$# $H*#"2
! hlllpplne Approach Lo 1oLal SanlLauon (hA1S) worklng Lowards Zero Cpen
uefecauon (ZCu) and Lhe on golng lmplemenLauon of Lhe Cash-for-AsseLs
rebulldlng program ln 8eglon vll
! 8eleased Lo 181,000 beneclares
! Wlll conunue Lo provlde shelLer supporL Lo 81,994 households
! Wlll ensure LhaL 3,000 famllles sull ln LenLs wlll soon be Lransferred Lo safer
! IJKL $7$#&$%1A $76?*A7$%" 6#*&#47
! 23,039 workers have beneLed as of uecember 31, 2013
! lnLernauonal Labor Crganlzauon - conLrlbuLed 12.163 mllllon, benemng 3,873
! 3.831 mllllon as parL of 76.809 mllllon for emergency employmenL ln 8eglon 4-
8 for 1,733 dlsplaced workers
! 14 mllllon ls Sugar Amellorauon rogram (SA) lund for emergency
employmenL of sugar workers ln 8eglon 6,7,8
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