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Section 13210


Note to Contract Specifier
Specification clauses requiring revision or insert are high lighted and underlined.
Specification notes are high lighted and italicized. Contact Landmark for technical assistance
with project specific modifications and appurtenances not listed - phone 8! "#$ 8888 or email
1.01 Su!"#
A Work Included
This section includes the design, construction, testing, and commissioning of a Composite
elevated tank and related work including foundations, mechanical, and appurtenances.
B Related Documents
Drawings and the general provisions of this document, including eneral Conditions,
!upplemental Conditions, !pecial "rovisions and other Division # !ections appl$ to work
in this section.
C Related !ections
!ection %&&%% Concrete
!ection %''%% Coatings
!ection #(%%% )lectrical
&& Spec Note ' add or revise Sections as required.
1.02 Re$e"ence%
The latest version of the following !pecifications, Codes and !tandards are referenced in
this section.
ACI ##* !tandard Tolerances for Concrete Construction and +aterials
ACI &%, uide for +easuring, +i-ing, Transporting and "lacing Concrete
ACI &%. /ot Weather Concreting
ACI &%( Cold Weather Concreting
ACI &#0 Building Code Re1uirements for !tructural Concrete
ACI &,* uide to 2ormwork for Concrete
AI!C !&&. !pecification for !tructural !teel Buildings
A3!I B#(.. "ipe 2langes and 2langed 2ittings
A3!I A!C) * +inimum Design 4oads for Buildings and 5ther !tructures
A"I (.% Welded !teel Tanks for 5il !torage
A!T+ A #6& 7inc Coatings on Iron and !teel "roducts
A!T+ A 6,% !tainless !teel "late, !heet and !trip for "ressure 8essels
December 31, 2012 13210 - 1 Composite Elevated Water Storage Tank
A!T+ A 60. "ressure 8essel "lates, Car9on !teel
A!T+ A **, Welded !tainless !teel 2ittings
A!T+ A **0 Welded !tainless !teel Tu9ular "roducts
AWWA D#%% Welded !teel Tanks for Water !torage
AWWA D#%6 Coating !teel Water !torage Tanks
AWWA C(.6 Disinfection of Water !torage 2acilities
2AA *%:*,(%;#/ 59struction +arking and 4ighting
3AC) R"%#*0
32"A 3)C 3ational )lectric Code
32"A *0% !tandard for the Installation of 4ightning "rotection !$stems
3!2 (# !tandard for Drinking Water !$stem Components
5!/A 6' C2R "art #'6( !afet$ and /ealth Regulations for Construction
!!"C 8I!;0' 8isual !tandard for A9rasive Blast Cleaned !teel
1.03 S#%te De%c"i&tion
A )levated Tank
The Composite elevated tank shall consist of the following< foundation, reinforced
concrete support structure and a welded steel water tank. The support structure shall
e-tend verticall$ from the foundation as a circular concrete wall. A concrete sla9 shall 9e
provided as structural support for the steel tank within the perimeter of the wall. A
reinforced concrete ring 9eam shall 9e provided to connect the steel tank, concrete dome
and concrete support wall. The elevated tank shall 9e in accordance with the shape,
dimensions and details re1uired 9$ these specifications and drawings.
B 5perating "arameters
+inimum capacit$ within operating range gallon
+a-imum operating range ft
+a-imum fill rate gpm
)levation ; overflow:top capacit$ level ft
; grade sla9 ft
; final ground ft
!upport wall diameter =:; 6 ft
&& Spec Note ' contact Landmark for tank sizing information&&
C eneral Design !tandards
!tructural design of the elevated storage tank shall conform to the following design
standards e-cept as modified 9$ this section.
2oundations and !upport !tructure ACI &#0 and A!C) *
Composite Tank AWWA D#%*
D Design 4oads
Design loads shall 9e in accordance with A!C) * for Categor$ I8 >essential facilit$?
December 31, 2012 13210 - 2 Composite Elevated Water Storage Tank
#. Dead load shall 9e the estimated weight of all permanent construction.
6. Water load shall 9e the weight of water when the tank is filled to overflow.
&. Roof live load in addition to snow load< none.
,. Roof snow load shall 9e the larger of #. psf. or the snow load determined in
accordance with A!C) *. round snow load shall 9e determined from 2igure *;# in
A!C) *.
.. Wind loads shall 9e in accordance with A!C) * for wind e-posure categor$ C, and
9asic wind speed of '% mph. >see 2igure (;# in A!C) *?
&& Spec Note ' (asic wind speed will increase for hurricane coastal regions&&
(. /ori@ontal and vertical seismic loads shall 9e in accordance with A!C) * and the !ite
Class as determined in the soil investigation report.
Importance factor I A #..%.
Response +odification Coefficient R A &.% in accordance with A!C) *
) Com9ination of 4oads
The effect of com9ination of loads shall 9e considered in accordance with the following.
#.,D = #.(2 = #.(>4=!?
#.6D = #.62 = 4 = %..! = #.(W
#.6D = #.62 = 4 = )
%.'D = #.(W
%.'D = 2 = )
D A )ffect of dead load.
2 A )ffect of water load.
) A )ffect of hori@ontal and vertical seismic load.
4 A )ffect of interior or roof live load.
! A )ffect of roof snow load.
W A )ffect of wind load.
2 2oundation Design
The foundations shall 9e designed 9$ the Contractor to safel$ support the structure 9ased
on the recommendations of the geotechnical report. 2oundations shall 9e si@ed in
accordance with AWWA D#%*, !ection *, B2oundationsC.
1.0' Su(itt!)%
December 31, 2012 13210 - 3 Composite Elevated Water Storage Tank
A !u9mit the following with the proposal<
A preliminar$ section view drawing of the tank proposed for this proDect. The drawing
shall include sufficient detail to illustrate tank geometr$, materials of construction, primar$
dimensions, support wall thickness and pour height, concrete sla9 thickness, the elevation
of low and high water levels, interior wet, interior dr$ and e-terior paint areas, and other
information re1uired to show compliance with the specification. If the proposed design
does not compl$ with the specifications, the 9id shall 9e reDected.
B Construction Drawings
"rovide elevation, plan and sectional view drawings of the foundation, support structure,
tank and all appurtenant e1uipment and accessories. !how the location, dimensions,
material specifications, and finish re1uirements. The su9mission shall 9e sealed 9$
professional engineer registered in the !tate of the proDect.
2oundation details shall include e-cavation, soil protection and 9ackfill.
Reinforced concrete details shall include construction Doints, openings and inserts.
Reinforcement shall 9e clearl$ indicated on the structural drawings and identified 9$ mark
num9ers that are used on the fa9rication schedule. 4ocation, spacing and splice
dimensions shall 9e shown. "lacement and fa9rication details shall conform to ACI &#0.
!teel tank details shall include weld Doints and a la$out showing all primar$ and secondar$
shop and field welds.
C Construction "rocedures
"rovide procedures for the support structure forming s$stem. "rocedures shall include
form removal criteria and minimum elapsed time for adDacent concrete placement.
"rovide shop and field weld procedures for all structural Doints on the steel tank.
D Design Data
"rovide a ta9le showing capacit$ of the tank in gallons at all levels in one foot increments.
"rovide a summar$ of the design for the foundation, support structure, tank and other
components. Include the design 9asis, loads and load com9inations and results.
"rovide a finite element anal$sis that accuratel$ models the intersecting elements of the
interface region. The interface region includes those portions of the concrete support
structure and steel tank affected 9$ the transfer of forces from the tank cone and the tank
floor to the concrete support wall. The anal$sis shall provide results including the shear,
moment, and compression or tension caused 9$ the intersecting elements in the interface
) "roduct Data
"rovide a separate concrete mi- design for each concrete compressive strength re1uired or
"rovide technical data and color samples of all coating products.
December 31, 2012 13210 - 4 Composite Elevated Water Storage Tank
"rovide manufacturers descriptive information for appurtenant e1uipment and accessories
that are not detailed on the construction drawings.
2 Reports:Certification
"rovide documentation of all tests, inspections and certifications re1uired 9$ this section.
"rovide 1ualifications of all welders.
"rovide proof of insurance for "rofessional 4ia9ilit$ with a minimum limit of E6,%%%,%%%
each occurrence and aggregate.
1.0* +u!)it# A%%u"!nce
A )-perience Re1uirements of Tank Contractor
The work descri9ed in this section shall 9e performed 9$ a compan$ that speciali@es in the
design and construction of composite elevated tanks. The tank contractor shall have the
following 1ualifications<
#. A minimum of ten $ears e-perience in composite tank design and construction.
6. The design, construction and commissioning of a minimum ten Composite elevated
tanks of e1ual or greater capacit$. These tanks shall 9e of the same design and
constructed using forming s$stems as detailed 9$ this specification.
B Approved Tank Contractors
Accepta9le contractors 1ualified to perform the work specified herein are<
CBFI Constructors, Inc.,
4andmark !tructures
"hoeni- 2a9ricators
The )ngineer and : or 5wner shall 9e the sole and final Dudge as to the accepta9ilit$ of a
tank contractorGs 1ualifications. Bidders not named as a 1ualified contractor will 9e
considered non;responsive and their 9id will not 9e opened.
C Hualit$ Assurance
)levated tank design, concrete support structure construction and steel tank construction
shall not 9e su9contracted. These items shall 9e self performed 9$ the contractor.
The contractor shall directl$ emplo$ a full time professional engineer with a minimum five
$ears cumulative e-perience in the design and construction of Composite elevated tanks.
The engineer shall 9e registered in the !tate the work is 9eing performed and shall 9e in
responsi9le engineering charge of the work.
December 31, 2012 13210 - 5 Composite Elevated Water Storage Tank
A 1ualified supervisor directl$ emplo$ed 9$ the manufacturer shall 9e on site at all times
during construction of the foundation, support structure and steel tank.
D Regulator$ Re1uirements
The specifications, codes and standards referenced in paragraph #.%6 shall govern the
work with regard to materials, design, construction, inspection and testing to the e-tent
"ersonnel safet$ e1uipment shall 9e provided in accordance with 5!/A re1uirements and
manufacturers documentation.
1.0, De)i-e"#. Sto"!/e 0 1!n2)in/
A /andling and !hipping
The Contractor shall handle materials and fa9ricated components in a manner that will
protect them from damage. Allow painted materials ade1uate cure time prior to stacking
or shipping.
B !torage and "rotection
"rotect delivered materials and e1uipment from damage. !tore in well drained areas and
provide 9locking to minimi@e contact with the ground.
1.03 P"o4ect Con2ition%
A "ermits and )asements
"ermits, licenses, and easements re1uired for permanent structures, changes in e-isting
facilities or advancement of the construction as specified shall 9e secured and paid for 9$
the 5wner prior to the start of construction. These include 9uilding permits, airspace
authorit$ approval, site access easements, highwa$ crossing permits, etc.
4icenses or permits of a temporar$ nature re1uired 9$ specific trades shall 9e the
responsi9ilit$ of the Contractor.
B )-isting Conditions
A geotechnical investigation has 9een carried out at the site and a report has 9een
incorporated within these specifications. The net allowa9le 9earing pressure of shallow
foundations and:or the allowa9le capacit$ of deep foundation elements have 9een defined
in this report. The Contractor shall 9e responsi9le for securing an$ further geotechnical
information re1uired 9e$ond that provided in this report.
C Access
The Contractor shall provide access from pu9lic roads to the tank site unless otherwise
D Working Conditions
December 31, 2012 13210 - 6 Composite Elevated Water Storage Tank
#. !afet$ and /ealth ; The Contractor shall compl$ with safe working practices and all
health and safet$ regulations of 5!/A, state and local health regulator$ agencies and
+aterial !afet$ Data !heets >+!D!?. "rovide protective and lifesaving e1uipment for
persons working at the site.
1.05 Se6uencin/ !n2 Sc7e2u)in/
A !chedule
The Contractor shall provide a schedule indicating the design, su9mittals, site work and
the maDor components of construction including foundation, support structure and steel
tank. In addition, show tank painting, electrical installation and other significant activities.
Ipdate the schedule as re1uired.
B Certifications
"rovide certification from the engineer of record that the elevated tank has 9een designed
in accordance with the re1uirements of the specification.
"rovide certification that testing and inspection re1uirements of &.%* have 9een performed
and the results compl$ with the re1uirements of the specification.
1.08 Gu!"!ntee%
The Contractor shall guarantee the structure, appurtenant e1uipment and accessories
provided under this section against defective design, workmanship or materials for a
period of one $ear from the date of su9stantial completion. If notified within this period,
the Contractor shall repair an$ defects at no cost to the 5wner. Defects caused 9$
damaging service conditions are not covered.
All guarantees for materials, e1uipment and accessories provided under this section shall
9e o9tained 9$ the Contractor and su9mitted.
1.10 In%u"!nce
In addition to an$ re1uirements specified in the eneral and:or !upplemental Conditions,
the Contractor shall maintain "rofessional 4ia9ilit$ insurance with a minimum limit of
E6,%%%,%%% each occurrence and aggregate.
1.11 Cont"!ct A9!"2
Contract award will 9e 9ased on an evaluated 9id anal$sis. )valuations will consider
capital cost and maintenance costs over a (% $ear life c$cle. The owner reserves the right
to award the contract 9ased on the evaluation criteria, not on the low 9id. The 5wner will
9e the sole and onl$ Dudge in this evaluation.
+aintenance anal$sis will 9e performed 9$ esta9lishing the present value of future tank
coating re1uirements 9ased on industr$ standard repaint c$cles and costs. A &J inflation
rate and a .J interest rate shall 9e used in the life c$cle cost anal$sis.
December 31, 2012 13210 - 7 Composite Elevated Water Storage Tank
&& Spec Note ' life c)cle anal)sis shall (e included for contracts considering alternate tank
st)les. Contact Landmark for life c)cle anal)sis program.
2.01 M!te"i!)%
A Reinforced Concrete
Concrete materials and reinforcement shall compl$ with ACI &#0, e-cept as modified in
this section.
B !teel Tank
!teel tank components, including steel plates, sheets, structural shapes and filler metals
shall 9e in accordance with AWWA D#%*, !ection ., B!teel TankB.
2.02 Conc"ete <oun2!tion
The concrete foundation shall 9e designed in accordance with ACI &#0. +inimum
specified compressive strength shall 9e ,%%% psi at 60 da$s. The service load
reinforcement tension stress shall not e-ceed &%,%%% psi under dead plus water load unless
fle-ural cracking is otherwise controlled in accordance with ACI &#0.
2.03 Conc"ete Su&&o"t St"uctu"e
The concrete support structure shall 9e designed in accordance with ACI &#0. The
specified compressive strength of concrete shall 9e as re1uired 9$ design, 9ut not less than
,%%% psi at 60 da$s. The ma-imum specified compressive strength of concrete for the
wall and dome shall 9e (%%% and .%%% psi respectivel$.
A !upport Wall
!upport wall shall 9e reinforced concrete with a minimum thickness of 0 inches e-clusive
of an$ architectural relief. Wall thickness shall 9e provided such that the average
compressive stress due to the weight of the structure and stored water is limited to 6.J of
specified compressive strength, 9ut not greater than #%%% psi. A minimum total wall
reinforcement of %.#.J verticall$ and %.6%J hori@ontall$ shall 9e distri9uted
appro-imatel$ e1uall$ to each face. A minimum of %.*.J vertical reinforcement shall 9e
provided in the top ( ft. of the wall e-tending into the concrete ring 9eam. +inimum
concrete cover for interior : e-terior faces shall 9e # inch and #;#:6 inches respectivel$.
B Tank 2loor
Tank floor shall 9e a reinforced concrete dome not less than 0 inches thick. The average
compressive stress due to the weight of the structure and stored water shall not e-ceed
#&J of the specified compressive strength, nor greater than (%% psi. +inimum total
reinforcement in orthogonal directions shall 9e %.,%J distri9uted appro-imatel$ e1uall$ to
each face. Additional reinforcement shall 9e provided for stress caused 9$ edge restraint
December 31, 2012 13210 - 8 Composite Elevated Water Storage Tank
C 5penings
The effects of openings in the wall shall 9e considered in the design. 3ot less than (%J of
the interrupted reinforcement in each direction shall 9e placed each side of the opening.
Reinforcement shall e-tend past the opening not less than half the transverse opening
5penings wider than & ft. ( in. shall 9e su9Dected to a rigorous anal$sis taking into account
the stress concentrations and diminished lateral support that e-ist in the vicinit$ of such
openings. )ach side of the opening shall 9e designed as a column in accordance with ACI
5penings 0 ft. % in. or wider used for vehicle access shall 9e strengthened against vehicle
impact and local 9uckling 9$ means of an internal 9uttress located on each side of the
opening. The 9uttress shall consist of a thickened, reinforced concrete wall section that is
integrall$ formed and placed with the support wall. The 9uttress section shall 9e not less
than & ft. % in. wide and ( in. thicker than the nominal wall dimension.
2.0' Conc"ete Su&&o"t St"uctu"e = Stee) T!n> Inte"$!ce
A Interface Region
The interface region includes those portions of the concrete support structure and steel
tank affected 9$ the transfer of forces from the tank cone and the tank floor to the
concrete support wall. This includes a ring 9eam and connection details. The Contractor
shall provide evidence that a thorough review of the interface region has 9een performed.
2inite element and finite difference anal$ses are the re1uired methods for e-amining such
local stresses in detail.
The geometr$ of the interface shall provide for positive drainage and not allow either
condensate or precipitation to accumulate at the top of the concrete wall or ring 9eam.
B Ring Beam
The ring 9eam shall 9e reinforced concrete with a nominal width and height of at least two
times the support wall thickness. +inimum radial and circumferential reinforcement shall
9e %.6.J. 2or direct tension, reinforcement shall 9e provided such that the average
service load stress in tension reinforcement due to the weight of the structure and stored
water does not e-ceed #6,*.% psi.
Ring 9eam design shall consider un9alanced forces from the steel tank cone and concrete
dome, load conditions var$ing with water level, eccentricit$ of loads resulting from design
geometr$, and allowance for variations due to construction imperfection and tolerance.
2.0* Stee) T!n>
A eneral
The steel tank shall 9e all welded construction and shall 9e designed in accordance with
AWWA D#%*, !ection ., K!teel TankC. The re1uired capacit$ and dimensions of the tank
are noted on the drawings and in this section of the specifications. All e-posed lap Doints
shall 9e full$ seal welded on 9oth sides.
B "late Thickness
December 31, 2012 13210 - 9 Composite Elevated Water Storage Tank
All mem9ers shall 9e designed to safel$ withstand the ma-imum stress to which the$ ma$
9e su9Dected during erection and operation. The minimum thickness of an$ steel plate
shall 9e #:, in., e-cept that plate used as a mem9rane over the structural concrete floor
shall have a minimum thickness of #:, in.
C Roof !upport
All structural mem9ers supporting the roof of the steel tank shall 9e flat 9ar or sealed
s1uare tu9ular sections. I;9eams or other sections with hori@ontal proDections ma$ 9e
used if the nominal depth is #% in. or greater. !upport 9eams shall 9e seal welded to the
underside of the roof plate along the entire length of the 9eam.
D Cone
Conical sections of the tank that support water shall 9e designed in accordance with
AWWA D#%*, !ection ., K!teel TankC.
2.0, A&&u"ten!nce% !n2 Acce%%o"ie%
A eneral
Accessories shall compl$ with the minimum re1uirements of the !pecifications, Codes and
!tandards listed in #.%6, and the operating re1uirements of the structure.
B 4adder Access
4adders shall 9e provided from the sla9 on grade inside the 9ase of the support wall to the
upper walkwa$ platform located 9elow the tank floor. The tank floor manhole shall 9e
provided with ladder access from the upper platform. A ladder shall e-tend from the
upper platform, through the access tu9e interior to the roof. A ladder mounted on the
access tu9e e-terior shall 9e provided for access to the tank interior, e-tending from the
roof manhole to the tank floor.
4adders that terminate at platforms or landings shall e-tend a minimum of ,0 in. a9ove the
platform elevations. A safet$ e-tension shall 9e provided at the top of the ladder under
hatch>s?. The safet$ e-tension shall 9e a 4adder Ip !afet$ "ost as manufactured 9$ Bilco
or e1ual. The post shall e-tend ,6;inches a9ove the top of the ladder and 9e constructed
of hot dip galvani@ed steel. +ounting hardware shall 9e galvani@ed.
4adders located in the concrete support structure and access tu9e interior shall 9e
galvani@ed steel. Tank interior ladders shall 9e coated in accordance with the tank interior
coating s$stem.
4adder side rails shall 9e a minimum &:0 in. 9$ 6 in. with a #( in. clear spacing. Rungs
shall 9e minimum &:, in. diameter, spaced at #6 in. centers and plug welded into holes
drilled in the side rails. Tank interior ladders shall 9e provided with # in. diameter rungs
and #:6 in. - 6 in. side rails and shall 9e full$ seal welded.
4adder shall 9e secured to the adDacent structure 9$ 9rackets located at intervals not
e-ceeding #% ft. Brackets shall 9e of sufficient length to provide a minimum distance of *
December 31, 2012 13210 - 10 Composite Elevated Water Storage Tank
in. from the center of rung to the nearest permanent o9Dect 9ehind the ladder. 4adder
9rackets located on the access tu9e e-terior shall 9e reinforced at the access tu9e shell so
that potential ice damage is confined to the ladder and 9racket and not the access tu9e
C !afe Clim9ing Device
/igh strength aluminum, rigid rail safe clim9ing devices shall 9e provided on all ladders.
Rails shall 9e center mounted and e-tend from & ft. a9ove the ladder 9ottom to the top of
the ladder section. +ounting 9rackets, fasteners and splice 9ars shall 9e provided as
re1uired for a rigid installation.
Three trolle$s with snap hooks shall 9e provided that are designed to 9e operated with the
aluminum rail. A safet$ 9od$ harness with front and side rings shall 9e supplied for each
A caution sign shall 9e provided at the lowest point of access to the ladder re1uiring safe
clim9ing devices. The sign shall read KCAITI53 L !afet$ )1uipment Re1uired When
Clim9ing 4adder K. The sign shall 9e secured to the wall.
D Rest "latforms
Rest platforms shall 9e provided at ma-imum .% ft. intervals along the support wall ladder.
"latforms shall 9e minimum & ft. 9$ . ft. and complete with handrails, mid rails and toe
plates in accordance with 5!/A re1uirements. rating shall 9e used for the walking
surface and shall 9e suita9l$ hinged at the ladder penetration. "latforms shall 9e arranged
for straight run ladder and opera9le without removing fall prevention e1uipment. All
components shall 9e galvani@ed steel.
) "latforms
A , ft. wide upper walkwa$ platform shall 9e located at the top of the support wall to
provide access from the support wall ladder to the roof access ladder located on the
interior of the access tu9e. "latforms shall 9e provided with handrails, mid rails and toe
plates in accordance with 5!/A re1uirements. rating shall 9e used for the walking
surface. All components shall 9e galvani@ed steel.
2 !upport Wall Doors
#. "ersonnel Door ; Door frames shall 9e #(;gauge with concealed reinforcement at
hardware locations. )-pansion t$pe anchors for e-isting openings shall 9e installed
near the top, 9ottom and intermediate point of each Dam9 to rigidl$ secure the frame.
Doors shall 9e # &:, in. thick insulated, reinforced, full, flush t$pe with #0;gauge face
sheets and concealed reinforcement at hardware locations. All edges shall 9e finished
flush with watertight seams. !hop applied finish for the frame and door shall 9e 9aked
on rust inhi9itive primer. 2ield finish shall 9e compati9le with the tank e-terior.
!tandard hardware shall 9e stainless steel and include three , #:6 in. 9$ , #:6 in.
hinges, industrial dut$ closer and lockset.
Huantit$ and location of personnel door>s? shall 9e as shown on the drawings.
December 31, 2012 13210 - 11 Composite Elevated Water Storage Tank
6. 5verhead 8ehicle Door ; Door installation shall 9e on the interior face of the support
wall. The door frame shall 9e a steel plate fa9rication suita9l$ detailed, fastened and
reinforced to accept the door. 5peration shall 9e manual with a chain hoist. The
curtain shall 9e formed of 66;gauge steel interlocking slats with end locks and wind
locks designed for a wind loading of 6% psf. Torsion springs shall 9e mounted on a
solid torsion rod, which is attached to an e-terior mounted spring tension adDustment
wheel. A 6,;gauge steel hood shall 9e provided with a weather seal to protect the
assem9l$. !teel 9rackets shall 9e installed to the interior face of the wall with
e-pansion anchors which enclose and support the counter9alance assem9l$ with sealed
9earings. !teel curtain guides are mounted to the 9rackets. The curtain, 9ottom 9ar,
9rackets, guides, hood, pipe and chain shall 9e galvani@ed. "rovide with locking
!i@e, 1uantit$ and location of vehicle door>s? shall 9e as shown on the drawings.
Tank 5penings
#. 2loor ; "rovide a &% in. diameter manhole through the tank floor. The manhole shall
9e opera9le from a ladder located on the upper platform and shall 9e designed to
withstand the pressure of the tank contents without leakage. The manhole assem9l$
shall include a stainless steel hand wheel operator and threaded components.
6. Roof ; "rovide two &% in. s1uare weather proof access hatches on the roof of the tank.
5ne hatch shall allow egress from the access tu9e to the roof. The second hatch,
located adDacent to the first, shall allow access to the interior of the tank via the ladder
mounted on the e-terior of the access tu9e. The opening shall have a minimum , in.
cur9. "rovide aluminum covers with a 6 in. down turned edge, stainless steel
hardware, hold open arm and a locking mechanism.
/ Access Tu9e
"rovide a minimum ,0 in. diameter centrall$ located access tu9e through the steel tank to
provide access to the tank roof from the upper walkwa$ platform. The access tu9e shall
incorporate a 6 in. 9$ 6 in. channel to collect condensation that ma$ form on the interior
surface. A fle-i9le &:, in. "8C hose complete with 9ackflow preventer shall drain the
channel to the overflow pipe.
I Roof Railing
A ,6 in. high roof handrail shall 9e provided to enclose all centrall$ located roof
accessories. The roof railing shall 9e a minimum of #0 ft. in diameter.
M Rigging Access
"rovide a 6, in. - &( in. opening at the top of the support wall. This opening shall 9e
accessi9le from a platform and shall provide access to the e-terior rigging rail located at
the tank:support wall intersection. The access opening shall 9e provided with a hinged
stainless steel cover or a remova9le vent in accordance with 6.%(.+.6.
A minimum 6, in. diameter opening shall 9e provided on the tank roof to provide access
to the tank interior rigging rail.
N Rigging Rails
December 31, 2012 13210 - 12 Composite Elevated Water Storage Tank
"rovide permanentl$ installed rigging rails suita9le for rolling trolle$s at the interior of the
tank at the wall:roof and access tu9e:roof connections. "rovide an e-terior rigging rail at
the 9ase of the tank adDacent to the support structure.
4 "iping
#. Inlet:5utlet "ipe ; "rovide a inch diameter inlet:outlet pipe that e-tends from
the 9ase of the support structure to the tank floor elevation. "rovide a minimum ( in.
high remova9le silt stop where the inlet:outlet pipe enters the tank. The 9ottom
capacit$ level of the tankOs operating range shall 9e at or a9ove the elevation of the top
of the silt stop. "ipe material within the support structure shall 9e !chedule #%! T$pe
&%,4 stainless steel. "iping 9elow the grade sla9 shall 9e flanged cement lined ductile
iron suita9l$ restrained to prevent movement.
The inlet:outlet pipe shall 9e designed to support all related static and d$namic loads.
!uita9le galvani@ed steel 9rackets, guides and hangers shall 9e provided on the support
wall and tank floor at intervals not e-ceeding 6% feet.
The inlet:outlet pipe shall 9e designed and constructed to accommodate an$
differential movement caused 9$ settlement and 9$ thermal e-pansion and contraction
over the range of e-treme temperature differences e-pected for the support wall and
pipe. The re1uired fle-i9ilit$ shall 9e provided 9$ an e-pansion Doint located near
grade in the vertical section of pipe.
6. 5verflow "ipe ; "rovide a inch diameter overflow. The top of the overflow
shall 9e located within the tank at the overflow elevation. It shall run verticall$ 9eside
the central access tu9e and e-tend through the tank floor, at which point it shall turn
'%P and run under the tank floor to the support wall. This hori@ontal run shall 9e
sloped to drain. The pipe shall then turn '%P and run verticall$ 9eside the support wall
to grade. A 9ase el9ow shall direct the overflow through the support wall, where the
pipe shall 9e terminated with a flap valve. "ipe material within the support structure
shall 9e T$pe &%,4 >minimum ## gauge? stainless steel. If the top of overflow is
located a9ove top capacit$ level, the tank shall 9e designed for the additional capacit$
provided 9$ the difference.
The entrance to the overflow pipe shall 9e designed for the ma-imum inlet flow rate
specified in #.%&B. The design shall 9e 9ased on the water level cresting within ( in.
a9ove the overflow elevation. A conical weir shall 9e provided if the entrance capacit$
of the overflow pipe diameter is not ade1uate. A vorte- prevention device shall 9e
The overflow shall 9e designed to support all related static and d$namic loads.
!uita9le galvani@ed steel 9rackets, guides and hangers shall 9e provided on the support
wall and tank floor at intervals not e-ceeding 6% ft. The overflow pipe and weir
section within the tank shall 9e car9on steel and supported 9$ the central access tu9e.
The overflow pipe shall 9e designed and constructed to accommodate an$ differential
movement caused 9$ settlement and 9$ thermal e-pansion and contraction over the
range of e-treme temperature differences e-pected for the support wall and pipe. A
la$out with sufficient upper offset to accommodate differential movement is
accepta9le. If this method is not applica9le, the re1uired fle-i9ilit$ shall 9e provided
9$ an e-pansion Doint located near grade in the vertical section of pipe.
December 31, 2012 13210 - 13 Composite Elevated Water Storage Tank
The overflow pipe shall penetrate the support wall appro-imatel$ # ft. a9ove grade
and discharge through a flap valve onto a . ft. wide - #. ft. concrete splash pad.
&. !tainless !teel Re1uirements ; "ipe and fittings shall 9e T$pe &%,4 stainless steel
fa9ricated from material meeting the re1uirements of A!T+ A;6,%. 2a9rication,
inspection, testing, marking and certification of pipe and fittings shall 9e in accordance
with A!T+ A;**0 and A;**, respectivel$. All fittings less than #0 inches shall 9e
smooth flow, fittings larger than #0 inches ma$ 9e of five section mitre construction.
Backing flanges shall 9e in accordance with A!T+ A60.;C drilled to A3!I B#(..
Class #.%. "ipe, fittings and welds shall 9e cleaned and passivated.
"ipe, fittings and flange thickness shall 9e in accordance with the manufacturers
certified pressure rating for the applica9le service pressures. The design pressure rating
shall 9e minimum #6. psi for piping located within closed or valve sections.
,. Tank Drain L A tank drain shall 9e provided to completel$ drain the tank contents if
the inlet:outlet pipe does not intersect the low point of the tank. A four inch drain pipe
located at the low point of the tank floor shall 9e fitted with a threaded plug and tee
+ 8entilation
#. Tank 8entilation ; A tank vent shall 9e provided, located centrall$ on the tank roof
a9ove the ma-imum weir crest elevation. It shall consist of stainless steel or aluminum
components, including a support frame, screened area and cap. The support shall 9e
fastened to a flanged opening in the tank roof. The vent cap shall 9e provided with
sufficient overhang to prevent the entrance of wind driven de9ris and precipitation. A
minimum of , in. shall 9e provided 9etween the roof surface and the vent cap.
The tank vent shall have an intake and relief capacit$ si@ed to prevent e-cessive
pressure differential during the ma-imum flow rate of water, either entering or leaving
the tank. The overflow pipe will not 9e considered as a vent. The ma-imum flow rate
of water entering the tank is specified in #.%&B. The ma-imum flow rate of water
e-iting the tank shall 9e calculated assuming a 9reak in the inlet:outlet at grade when
the tank is full. The vent shall 9e provided with an insect screen. 8ent capacit$ shall
9e determined 9ased on open area provided 9$ the screen.
In addition to the tank vent, a pressure:vacuum relief mechanism shall 9e provided that
will operate in the event of vent failure. The mechanism shall 9e designed to return
automaticall$ to its original position after operation. The pressure:vacuum relief
mechanism shall 9e located on the tank roof a9ove the ma-imum weir crest elevation,
and ma$ 9e incorporated in the vent assem9l$.
6. !upport !tructure 8entilation ; 8entilation within the support structure shall compl$
with the governing 9uilding code re1uirements, 9ased on occupanc$ classification. As
a minimum, one louvered vent shall 9e provided at the top of the support wall. This
vent shall 9e accessi9le from the upper platform and ma$ also 9e designed to provide
access to the e-terior rigging rails located at the tank:support wall intersection. 8ents
shall 9e accessi9le from the interior ladders, platforms or floors provided. 8ents shall
9e stainless steel or aluminum and provided with a remova9le insect screen.
3 Interior 2loors
December 31, 2012 13210 - 14 Composite Elevated Water Storage Tank
#. !la9 on rade ; "rovide a ( in. thick, &.%% psi concrete floor sla9 in the 9ase of the
support structure. The sla9 shall 9e supported on compacted granular fill and shall 9e
reinforced with Q, reinforcing steel at #6 in. centers each wa$. "rovide #:6 in.
e-pansion Doint 9etween floor sla9 and support wall and at pipes and supports that
e-tend through the floor. "lace cap strip and sealant over the e-pansion Doint. The
sla9 shall 9e sloped at %..J toward the truck door for drainage.
*. Structural +loor ' ,rovide a composite construction structural floor located
ft. a(ove the sla( on grade. -he design shall compl) with the applica(le
requirements of ./SC S##0. /t shall (e designed for a minimum uniform live load of
*0 psf. -he floor shall consist of a concrete sla( supported () a galvanized formed
steel deck and galvanized steel girders.
-he structural floor shall (e a clear span design supported entirel) () the concrete
support wall. .ll loads transferred from the structural floor to the support wall shall
(e considered in the design. -he wall shall (e strengthened as required in the vicinit)
of connections causing point load or eccentric conditions. Loads transferred from
the structural floors to the foundation shall (e considered in the design of the
1nless structural floor and supports are isolated from the wall2 loads on the wall
caused () thermal stresses in these mem(ers shall (e considered. .n anal)sis of the
lateral loading condition shall (e performed and the wall strengthened accordingl).
,rovide a galvanized steel access stairwa) adjacent to the support wall. .ccess
openings through the structural floor shall (e protected with "* in. high galvanized
steel handrails.
5 4evel +onitoring
#. eneral ; "rovide three &:, in. couplings welded to the inlet:outlet pipe . ft. a9ove
grade. )ach coupling shall 9e provided with a stainless steel nipple and an isolation
6. "ressure auge ; "rovide a pressure gauge in accordance with A!+) B,%.# rade
6A. The dial shall 9e , #:6 in. diameter with 9lack markings on white 9ackground.
"ressure range is %;#%% psi.
" 4ightning "rotection
"rovide a lightning protection s$stem for the elevated tank structure and an$ roof
mounted e1uipment that ma$ 9e damaged 9$ lightning.
+inimum re1uirements include two 60 strand 9$ #, gauge copper conductors 9onded to
the steel tank #0% degrees apart. The conductors shall 9e fastened to the interior support
wall at & foot minimum spacing, and shall terminate with 9uried .:0 inch diameter 9$ 0
foot long copper clad ground rods.
4ightning protection for o9struction lights shall consist of an air terminal mounted on the
support and formed to fit around the fi-ture. The #:6 inch diameter copper air terminal
December 31, 2012 13210 - 15 Composite Elevated Water Storage Tank
shall e-tend a minimum of #% inches a9ove the light fi-ture and shall connect to a copper
conductor that terminates in a 9onding plate secured to the tank roof.
2.03 E)ect"ic!) !n2 Li/7tin/
)lectrical work shall 9e in accordance with Division #(
34(struction lighting shall (e provided in accordance with +.. standards. -he
o(struction light shall (e centrall) located on the roof of the tank a(ove all permanent
installations. /t shall (e a stead) (urning2 dual fi5ture t)pe with a lamp-out rela) switch.
-he fi5ture shall (e weather sealed2 corrosion resistant2 with aluminum (ase and
housing. 6ed glo(es with 7-watt clear traffic signal lamps rated at 8888 hour life
shall (e provided. . pilot light located near the electrical panel shall (e provided to
indicate when the primar) (ul( has failed.9
&& Spec note ' remove ,aragraph * if o(struction lighting not required&&
2.05 Stee) T!n> P!intin/
Refer to !ection %''%% for tank coatings. alvani@ed, stainless steel and concrete
surfaces are not coated.
2.08 Sou"ce +u!)it# Cont"o)
A Tests
Review mill test certifications of all steel plate, structural components and reinforcement
to ensure compliance with specification re1uirements.
B Inspections
"rovide inspection of shop fa9ricated components in accordance with AWWA D#%*,
!ection ', KInspection and TestingC.
3.01 <oun2!tion
A )-cavation
The foundation 9earing surface and e-cavation shall 9e inspected 9$ a representative of
the geotechnical engineer prior to foundation construction. 8erification of the applica9le
design and construction recommendations is re1uired. The geotechnical engineer shall 9e
retained 9$ the Contractor. After verification of the foundation 9earing surface, provide a 6
in. thick concrete working sla9 within the lower e-cavation limits. rade the site to
prevent runoff from entering the e-cavation.
B Concrete Construction
December 31, 2012 13210 - 16 Composite Elevated Water Storage Tank
2or shallow foundations, reinforcement placed adDacent to a concrete working sla9 shall
have a 6 in. minimum cover, and shall 9e supported 9$ precast concrete 9lock, metal or
plastic 9ar supports.
The sides of foundations shall 9e formed using an$ suita9le s$stem conforming to ACI
&#0. )arth cuts shall not 9e used as forms for vertical surfaces. 2orms shall 9e provided
on top sloping surfaces steeper than 6.. hori@ontal to # vertical. !traight form panels ma$
9e used to form circular foundation shapes. The minimum design radius shall 9e
maintained at all sections.
C 2inish
2ormed surfaces shall have a smooth form finish when e-posed and a rough form finish
when not e-posed.
Informed surfaces shall have a troweled finish when e-posed and floated finish when not
3.02 Conc"ete Su&&o"t St"uctu"e
A Architectural Concrete Construction
The e-posed e-terior surface of the concrete support wall is designated architectural
concrete. The concrete and formwork re1uirements of this section shall 9e strictl$
enforced to ensure concrete of the highest practica9le architectural standard. 2ormwork
design, installation and removal shall compl$ with the minimum re1uirements of ACI &#0,
ACI ##* and the applica9le re1uirements of ACI &,*, e-cept as modified 9$ this !ection.
Attention shall 9e given to ensure the same concrete design mi- is used throughout the
support wall. The proportion, t$pe and source of cement and aggregates shall not 9e
changed. Iniform moisture content and placing consistenc$ shall 9e maintained.
"lacement is crucial to achieving architectural concrete. All wall concrete shall 9e placed
verticall$ and directl$ inside the reinforcement cage with drop chutes to prevent form
splatter and the resulting surface finish variations. "lacement methods that introduce
concrete hori@ontall$ through wall reinforcement are strictl$ prohi9ited.
!upport wall reinforcement shall 9e installed with plastic supports. +a-imum spacing of
supports for welded wire fa9ric shall 9e . ft. centers, hori@ontal and verticall$. 2orming
s$stems shall 9e designed with the provision of ties and 9racing such that concrete
components conform to the correct dimensions, shape, alignment and elevation.
)m9edded items shall 9e properl$ positioned and secured. 2orm surfaces shall 9e
thoroughl$ cleaned of concrete residue and coated with a release agent prior to placing
reinforcement. Do not allow e-cessive release agent to accumulate on the form surface.
!teel forms shall 9e coated with a non;staining, rust preventative form oil or otherwise
protected. !teel formwork with rust stains and damaged surfaces shall not 9e used.
!upport wall concreting shall incorporate segmented placement procedures. Temporar$
vertical 9ulkheads shall divide the wall pour into segments corresponding to a single
truckload of concrete. The 9ulkheads shall 9e located at rustications, 9raced rigid and tight
to maintain vertical alignment under concrete load. Wall segment concrete shall 9e placed
verticall$ and continuousl$ to full form height from a single truck load of concrete.
8ertical pour rate shall 9e a minimum of #. feet per hour ."lacement from multiple loads is
December 31, 2012 13210 - 17 Composite Elevated Water Storage Tank
not permitted. Temporar$ 9ulkheads shall not 9e removed until adDacent concrete is
The forming s$stem for the pedestal wall shall 9e full$ engineered and detailed with
procedures to meet the increased demands of architectural concrete. The support wall
shall 9e constructed with a Dump form process using form segments prefa9ricated to match
the wall curvature. Concrete pour height shall 9e a minimum of ( ft. and a ma-imum of
#% ft. 2orm panels shall 9e designed for lateral pressures associated with full height plastic
concrete head and eccentric loads resulting from the segmented wall pour procedure.
2orm panels shall e-tend the full height of the concrete pour using onl$ vertical panel
Doints. 2orm s$stem shall 9e designed to lap and 9e secured to the previous wall pour. The
space 9etween the form and the previous pour shall 9e sealed to prevent grout leakage.
Wall forms shall incorporate a positive means of adDustment to maintain dimensional
tolerances specified. Wall forms shall 9e adDusted for vertical plum9 and circularit$ and
locked into position with through wall form ties prior to concrete placement. Working
platforms that allow safe access for inspection and concrete placement shall 9e provided.
2orm surfaces shall 9e steel, plastic or fi9erglass coated material.
The form s$stem shall incorporate a uniform pattern of vertical and hori@ontal rustications
to provide architectural relief to the e-terior wall surface. Rustication strips shall 9e sealed
to the form face to eliminate the grout leakage that results in 9roken corners, color
variations and rock pockets. Broken edges and chamfers will not 9e accepted. All
construction Doints and panel Doints shall 9e located in rustications. 8ertical panel Doints
shall 9e sealed using closures which com9ine with the form pattern to eliminate grout
leakage and panel Doint lines. All Doints shall 9e grout tight. The vertical and hori@ontal
rustications shall 9e proportioned and com9ined to impart a s$mmetrical architectural
pattern to the completed structure. 2orm ties shall 9e located in a uniform pattern. 3o
architectural form treatment is re1uired on the interior surface.
Wall forms shall not 9e distur9ed or removed until the concrete has attained sufficient
strength to prevent forming operations or environmental loads from causing surface
damage or e-cessive stress. !upport wall concreting operations shall occur a ma-imum of
once per da$. 2orms are to 9e removed and the concrete finish inspected prior to the
su9se1uent placement of the ne-t wall pour. +ultiple form movements and concrete
placements within a da$ are not permitted 2orm removal shall 9e 9ased on earl$ age
concrete strength testing. The minimum concrete strength shall 9e esta9lished 9$ the
Contractor, 9ased on an anal$sis of stress at critical stages throughout the forming and
concrete operations. )arl$ age concrete testing shall 9e in accordance with ACI 660.#R;
'.. "ull 5ut testing in accordance with A!T+ C '%%;'', +aturit$ +ethod testing in
accordance with A!T+ C #%*,;'&, or field cured c$linders compressive strength tested in
accordance with A!T+ C #*6 are the accepta9le methods to determine earl$ concrete
The structural floor s$stem shall 9e designed to support all temporar$ construction loads.
Ade1uate shoring and 9racing shall 9e provided to transfer loads without apprecia9le
movements. !horing and forms for the structural dome sla9 shall remain in place until the
concrete has gained sufficient strength to carr$ the floor weight without damaging
deflections. A s$stem of precast segments, concreted and structurall$ tied together can 9e
used in lieu of cast in place.
December 31, 2012 13210 - 18 Composite Elevated Water Storage Tank
In periods of cold weather as defined 9$ ACI &%(, concrete surfaces shall 9e protected in
accordance with recommendations until the component attains &.J of the specified
compressive strength. At this time, protection ma$ 9e removed su9Dect to the allowa9le
temperature differential. A reasona9le temperature differential shall 9e defined, 9ased on
component thickness and restraint conditions.
B 2inish
"rovide a smooth form finish without ru9 for the interior and e-terior support wall. Tie
holes shall 9e plugged using grout on the interior and manufactured plugs on the e-terior
which match the color of the cured concrete as closel$ as possi9le. "rovide a light
sand9last to the e-posed e-terior concrete support wall surface.
C Dimensional Tolerances
!upport structure concrete construction shall conform to the following<
8ariation in thickness<
wall.........................................;&.%J to =..%J
dome.......................................;(.%J to =#%J
sla9 floorRRRRRRRR.;&.%J to =..%J
!upport wall variation from plum9<
in an$ #% feet of height...........# inch
in an$ .% feet of height...........6 inch
ma-imum in total height.........& inches
!upport wall diameter variation.........%.,J
not to e-ceed..........................& inches
Dome floor radius variation................#.%J
4evel alignment variation<
from specified elevation..........# inch
from hori@ontal plane.............#:6 inch
5ffset 9etween adDacent pieces of formwork<
e-terior e-posed surfacesR.. .#:0 inch
interior e-posed surfacesR... .#:, inch
D +ock Ip "anel
A mock up panel shall 9e constructed using the proposed form surface and concrete.
+inimum si@e will 9e , ft wide 9$ ( ft high. This panel shall 9e agreed upon 9$ the
Contractor and )ngineer as the reference standard with which to Dudge surface 1ualit$,
appearance and uniformit$ of te-ture and color for each individual lift.
Review and acceptance of formed concrete surface must 9e made immediatel$ upon form
removal. !ucceeding pours shall not 9e placed until the most recent wall pour has 9een
stripped and the form surface approved. The )ngineer shall not dela$ the Contractor 9$
lack of attendance. 3on;attendance 9$ the )ngineer or designated representative will 9e
understood to mean acceptance. The Contractor shall 9e responsi9le to inform the
)ngineer as to pour schedule.
Concrete with surface defects e-ceeding limitations specified herein or not meeting the
standard represented 9$ the mock;up panel shall 9e repaired to meet that standard.
December 31, 2012 13210 - 19 Composite Elevated Water Storage Tank
3.03 Stee) T!n>
A Welding
Welding procedures and general welding re1uirements shall 9e in accordance with AWWA
D#%*, !ection '.., BWeldingB.
3o structural welding is permitted to an$ steel em9edded in hardened concrete, unless the
weld is at least 6 ft. from the em9edment interface.
rinding of weld contour shall appro-imate Condition BDB of 3AC) !tandard R"%#*0.
B 2a9rication
4a$out, cutting, forming, edge preparation and workmanship for steel tank components
and fa9rications shall 9e in accordance with AWWA D#%*, !ection ..,, B2a9rication and
Construction Re1uirementsB.
C Tank )rection
!teel tank erection procedures and general re1uirements shall 9e in accordance with
AWWA D#%*, !ection ..,, B2a9rication and Construction Re1uirementsB.
D Tolerances
!teel tank tolerances shall 9e in accordance with the re1uirements of A"I (.%, !ection ....
!teel cone shall 9e constructed to the following tolerance. The deviation from the
theoretical conical surface shall not e-ceed %.%&6 SRT, when measured in the radial
direction over length ,SRT, where R is the radius normal to the plate surface at the point
of consideration, and T is the plate thickness.
3.0' <ie)2 +u!)it# Cont"o)
A Concrete Testing and Inspection
The evaluation and acceptance of concrete shall 9e in accordance with !ection %&&%% of
this specification.
The support wall radius, plum9 and thickness shall 9e verified for each concrete lift at all
vertical form panel Doints and at a minimum of (% degree intervals. 8ertical alignment and
radius shall 9e checked using a visi9le 9eam laser. +easurement shall 9e made to the
outside form surface. A log of the measurements and an inspection report certified 9$ the
tank designer shall 9e provided to the 5wner at proDect completion.
B !teel Tank Testing F Inspection
Inspection procedures for the steel tank shall 9e in accordance with AWWA D#%*, !ection
', BInspection and TestingB. Radiographic inspection of full penetration 9utt;welded Doints
shall 9e made 9$ an independent inspection compan$ retained 9$ the Contractor.
December 31, 2012 13210 - 20 Composite Elevated Water Storage Tank
)rection tolerance of the steel cone in the radial direction shall 9e measured. "rovide field
measurements at &% degree intervals.
Weld Doints of plate over the structural concrete floor shall 9e tested for leaks 9$ vacuum
9o- : soap solution testing, or e1uivalent method prior to grouting.
3.0* C)e!nin/
A !ite
The proDect site shall 9e kept in a clean and safe condition at all times. The Contractor
shall remove all construction e1uipment and de9ris at proDect completion.
B Tank Disinfection
Water and sufficient pressure for flushing, cleaning, initial testing and disinfection shall 9e
supplied 9$ the 5wner at no cost to the Contractor. Disinfection shall 9e in accordance
with AWWA C(.6. Tank leakage test shall 9e performed during disinfection.
)3D 52 !)CTI53
December 31, 2012 13210 - 21 Composite Elevated Water Storage Tank

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