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[TITLE] Qualifications CV Guardian Jobs CV Template


Use your first and family names, not a job title. Place the title at the top of every CV
page. Your CV should not exceed two pages. Use email friendly fonts like Ariel and
Times New Roman.

List these in the footer of the page, include your email address & mobile number,
also a link to your website if you have one if it is career or work related. Dont use a
jokey email or Facebook/Twitter page that could make you look unreliable or

This is a 30 to 40 word statement about what you are like to work with, please see
example in italics below:

An enthusiastic individual I approach tasks with results in mind. I am well organised
and I can work well as part of a team or on my own. I like completing things on time,
and making sure that I keep learning how to do things well and quickly.

If you are a recently qualified graduate list your qualifications including A/S Levels by
institution, course study dates, grade and subject. If you completed any project or
dissertation work relevant to the jobs that you would like to do go into greater detail.
Use up to 40 words to describe relevant course or degree work. See example in
italics below:

Academic institution - York sixth Form college
Start date - Sept 2005 / Finish date - May 2007
Subjects studied A/S Level Maths, Physics & Music
Grades achieved Maths B, Physics A, Music Theory B/ Performance grade 8

Academic institution Portsmouth University
Start date - June 2007 / Finish date - May 2010
Subject studied Policing & Sociological Studies BSc
Grades achieved 2:1 Hons Dissertation The Gender Specifics of Violence
Conducted primary research with the help of Hants, Sussex & Metropolitan police
records office on the gender specifics of murder & serious assault (convicted) cases;
also checking the influence of alcohol and drugs on violent behaviour. Applied
Freuds Oedipus Syndrome to prove disprove paternal conflict link with violence.

If you have one; list your work histories up to three, starting with your most recent
and ending with your oldest one. If you havent worked yet, miss this section out and
go straight to hobbies and interests. See the work history example in italics below:

Work history
Company name Start date: Month YYYY End date: Month YYYY
Position, role or job title eg: Events organiser
Whilst working as an Events Organiser with company X I ran all of the events for on
campus students including two foreign trips per year. I helped to increase profit for
these events by 3% and saw attendance levels rise from 54% of under graduates to
over 65% (on average). I was instrumental in building a Twitter & a Facebook page
so that students could follow events and individual stories which created an on
campus buzz and meant that people didnt want to miss out.

This is a really important section, as your work history (if you have one) is likely to be
shorter than those of older candidates that may be competing for this job too. Show
how what you have taken an interest in relates to the work that you want to do
(where possible) and also identify work skills using 30-40 words. See the example in
italics below:

I am a keen photographer and have won several awards for my work (Under 16
photographer of the year Canon Power Shot UK & Amateur photographer of the year
Portsmouth Herald). I combine my love of events particularly gigs to try and capture
that atmosphere and sense of adventure. Typically I will visit a venue before an event
and take several set up shots, experimenting with light and exposure to get the best
results. I put a lot of work into research before hand to stand the best chance of
getting something special on film.

Anything goes here apart from cycling proficiency, and 10m swimming badges
maybe. So if you got to the top when you were a Boy Scout or Girl Guide list it here.
It says a lot about what motivates you and what you might be like to work with.

Remember put your contact details at the bottom of each page of your CV.


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