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Get ready to write exams…

Harish Machia Kodandera,

Management Consultant and Learning Enhancer, Mysore

The Heat is on—elections, weather, cricket and the examinations. From MAY to WILL is the
way we now need to look at. How do we become HNW (High Net Worth) individuals. Let us try
and explore the H...N..W of the whole is the How, Now and Wow. The How details
the ways and means to achieve it, the Now obviously suggests that whatever we do or plan
needs to be done NOW and needless to say, everything we plan or deliver should create a
WOW and that is testimony to the fact that we have adopted the right means to achieve the
ends—though winning the battle in the preparation for the war of our careers and lives. Here’s
wishing you the best—

I would choose to spread the SPECTRUM as Strategy, Preparation, Excellence, Confidence,

Tactics, Realisation, Understanding and Management as the eight cardinal directions --

Now that you know the exact time left, you need to pitch in what you have done, what needs
to be done, where are you on each subject, what are the trends and patterns over the past few
years, what are the contemporary issues and topics, your ability to connect it with case laws
and testing issues. You could use the following activities to strengthen your ability to look at
your inner strength and blending it with the external event—examination in this particular case-

 Number things
 Use Symbols
 Have order and see patterns

Mind Maps are a graphic, networked method of organising, storing and prioritising information
using key words and images.
Mind Maps stimulate both sides of your brain by using Left cortical skills (logic, words, lists,
lines, numbers, analysis) AND Right cortical skills (imagination, colour, daydreaming, spatial
and Gestalt (the whole picture)

Use Mind Maps for your note-taking because:-

 The central idea is more clearly defined.

 The relative importance of each idea is clearly identified
 The more important ideas are immediately recognisable at the centre of the Mind Map.
 The links between key concepts are immediately identifiable – via key words –encouraging
association of ideas and concepts and improving memory.
 Review of information is effective and rapid.
 The structure of the Mind Map allows additional concepts to be added easily.
 Each Mind Map is a unique creation – which will in turn aid recall.

Mind Maps will help you think pictorially and think in colour – the adage that ‘a picture is worth
a thousand words is true’. A Mind Map is a picture of what you have studied and the points you
want to get across in your exam.


 The Browse - Browse through material you are going to study

 Time and Amount – Decide on periods of study time you have and what you will cover in
each period.
 Five Minute Mind Map Jotter – Jot down everything you know about the subject to get your
brain primed – 5 mins maximum

 Practice makes perfect. The more we learn, the more we remember. The more we
remember the more we learn.
 Read, reflect, retain, reproduce and rejoice
 Writing is the secret even as an exercise and breaking monotony
 Discuss with your group

 Never forget to Laugh and this is a great stress buster. Ensure that you go out, watch
cricket, movies and talk shop with friends.
 Ensure you always are in a mode and mood of Positive Thinking and creating positive
Images of yourself. You need to by design get out of the walking into the trap effect of
imagining yourself negatively.
 Talk about nice and positive things and don’t get engrossed and obsessed with the
examination at all times.
 Take breaks from studying every hour. Juggle or do something different for 3-5
minutes to let your brain absorb the information you have been learning.

Memory– Supercharge your memory. The core memory principles are:
Imagination – The more you stimulate and use your Imagination, the more you will enhance
your ability to learn. This is because your Imagination has no limits; it is boundless and
stimulates your senses and your brain. See the information you are learning in your mind’s eye.
Close your eyes every now and then to imagine/daydream what you have learnt.
Association – Associate the information you are learning with something else that is already
fixed and known to you. Association works by linking or pegging information to other
information such as numbers, symbols, order and patterns.

Use the beginning and end of each study session effectively for revision and planning. We are
more likely to remember things that happen or that are introduced:
 At the beginning – the Primacy Effect
 At the end – The Recency Effect

Make things stand out and associate with something we already know. We find it easier to
remember things that are:

 Associated with items or thoughts that are already stored in the memory.
 Outstanding or unique – as this appeals to the imagination

Your brain is more likely to notice and recall something that has strong appeal. So link things
 Your senses – taste, smell, touch, sound, or sight
 Your particular interests.

Address the common reading ‘problems’ by:-
 Sub-vocalising in your brain – hear the words in your head and SHOUT important words or
 Using your finger or pointer to guide your eyes as you read – will make your eyes feel much
more relaxed and efficient.
 Breaking the habit of back-skipping. Re-reading material has been shown to make no
difference to levels of understanding.


Ask Questions and Define Goals – what do you want to get from the book.

 Overview – Don’t start at page 1 – approach it like you would a jigsaw puzzle – find edges,
corners and fill in bits as you go
 Preview – skim read the text first to discover the core elements
 Inview – Fill in those areas left – difficult areas or areas where knowledge is not complete.
 Review – reconsider those sections you marked as noteworthy – less than 70% will actually
be used. Cover any further information to achieve your goals.

The problem is not your power of concentration; it is the direction and focus of that
concentration. You now have a lot of time, confidence and convictions and with your inner
strengths and skills JUST DO IT.

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