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Giving Voice to Your Ideas
Coursera Gamification Course: My
Second Assignment
What MOOCs Should Mean To You

Coursera Gamification
Course: My Third and
Final Assignment
Here is my
submission for the
third and final
assignment in
Professor Kevin
Werbachs excellent
(and, I will mention
yet again, free!)
Gamification course
on Coursera. To
have the best sense
of the progression
of the course, I
would suggest that you start by reading my first assignment, and my
second assignment before exploring this one. Both build up to the length
and depth of this final assignment. My assignment submissions are all
copyright 2013. If you like the way I approach these projects, consider
engaging me to consult on your next initiative! I love putting my mind to
challenges like this one.
The Final Assignment:
This last challenge was about a fictional web site, ShareAll, that is in the
collaborative consumption space (like ZipCar, Uber, etc.) We were told
that the company already has a patented technology that will allow people
to share any product or service easily via their web site. We were also
given the following specifics:
They have a global virtual currency called Shares that people can use
to purchase access to any of the assets listed on the ShareAll site.
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Shares can be exchanged for real money.
Users can generate more Shares if they share their items or volunteer
their time to others.
They want to make shared product/service use as common as standard
The company charges a small transaction fee when Shares are:
generated, traded, or spent.
Profit is their priority, but the company has a genuine desire to offer
social benefit, as well.
The submission had to address the following aspects, Professor
Werbachs 7-step recipe for successful gamification:
1. Define business objectives
2. Delineate target behaviors
3. Describe your players
4. Devise activity loops
5. Dont forget the fun!
6. Deploy the appropriate tools
Since we were limited to 1500 words, I framed my response as a direct
answer to the seven points noted above.
My Submission:
1) ShareAlls defined business objectives:
Maximize profits by maximizing Share (global currency) transactions
Render shared use of products and services (the assets) on ShareAll
system as habitual as making standard purchases
Encourage asset sustainability across local and global communities
Justifying a gamification approach to meet these business objectives:
A gamified web site and matching mobile app would be an ideal way to
accomplish these objectives. It would offer:
Motivation: It would offer extrinsic value to participants in terms of free or
discounted access to desired products and services, and other tangible
and intangible system rewards as noted below. It would also intrinsic
value by building a highly engaged local and global community with
trusted relationships, a sense of personal autonomy and competence,
paired with relatedness and shared commitment to sustainability and
helping others.
Meaningful Choices: The site/app will offer a variety of choices in assets,
and how they can obtain and leverage them, as well as choice in how they
access the site (pc, tablet, smartphone), appealing to the widest audience
Structure: We can use the rules of the system functionality we design to
promote and reinforce the desired transactional and sustainability
Potential Conflicts: ShareAll has no conflicts with other rewards



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structures, giving us complete freedom to design a system maximizing
both profits and sustainability.
2) Delineating target behaviors:
Habitual generating of new Shares by sharing or trading assets
Habitual spending of Shares to use others assets
Habitual earning of Shares by volunteering time
Enhancing Reputation on site over time to encourage longtime use
Habitual participation in social/recreational site elements to deepen
community involvement
Regularly enlisting new participants via influencer marketing
The key here is to encourage habitual behaviors, steadily increasing
ShareAll profits through earning, trading and spending Shares. Specific
success factors (for example: a certain number of transactions/month, total
transaction value/month, community projects completed/month, etc.) will
be defined by ShareAll. We can validate that the behaviors are manifested
and contributing to ShareAlls objectives by tracking analytical data
including: logins, DAU/MAU, virality, activity volume, successful referrals,
social interactions, and more. Participants know they are doing well by
number of Shares, points/badges/leaderboard, and Reputation ratings
earned (as well as by how much fun theyre having!). They can also track
communal accomplishments via statistics like overall emissions reductions
(shared vehicles), carbon footprint savings, cost savings compared to non-
collaborative consumption sites, and more TBD with ShareAll.
3) Describing participants (players):
Demographics: Since ShareAll is a marketplace for all asset types, there is
no limit to your target audience (other than local legal age restrictions).
Psychographics: Well appeal to all four basic aspects of participant
motivation. Examples:
Compete: Earn points to unlock more levels, earn merit badges, and
leaderboard standings based on number and types of assets shared,
assets leveraged, and participants helped/expertise demonstrated.
Collaborate: Share opinions and solutions with neighbors in posts and
chat rooms. Weekly community challenge of a real-world problem from
anywhere on the globe: invite participants in teams of three or more
neighbors to devise a sharing-based solution leveraging site assets.
ShareAll picks best proposed solution, posts congratulatory article on the
sites Helping Hand page about how team partnered to create their
solution, and contributes toward implementing the proposed solution.
Explore: Site prompts participants with suggestions for exploring sharing
new asset types and new ways to volunteer, based on their profiles and
activity pattern.
Express: Award points for donating original music, art, and avatars to the
global neighborhood for customizing neighbor profile pages. Earn points
and enhance Reputation by contributing helpful comments and
suggestions on posts, voting up helpful answers from others, and

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4) Devising activity loops
Well leverage Engagement Loops and Progression Loops to onboard
participants quickly and keep them coming back regularly.
Engagement Loop examples:
Site invites registration and promises Your first share is free!
Participant creates profile, and is automatically awarded a New
Neighbor badge, Share currency for a first transaction,
encouragement to make their first transaction, and an asset search and
listing window on ShareMarket page (described below). Participant
completes first transaction, immediately receives a new Share and
Neighbor Points, plus information on points needed for next
badge/level, along with a high-level notation of sustainability impact
and encouragement to continue making transactions.
Each login, site offers fields to search for or offer assets. On
completing any Share transaction, Congratulations message praises
participant, notes any Shares/points/badge earned so far, encourages
progress to next level, and offers search/listing fields again.
Progression Loops: Over time, Participants grow along two feedback-
based Reputation paths:
Sharing Path (transactional feedback): from New Sharer to Share
Buddy to Super Sharer to Share Master.
Hero Path (volunteering/community assistance feedback): graduating
from New Neighbor to Good Neighbor to Great Neighbor to
Neighborhood Hero (mentor).
5) Dont Forget the Fun!
To encourage habitual site usage, well incorporate multiple Fun types
(Easy, Hard, People, Serious), employing principles of positive psychology,
for example:
Appealing visual design, customizable site colors and profile page,
original music, images and avatars shared by participants
Point, badge collecting, leaderboard, and level system
Chat rooms for socializing
Team problem-solving opportunities for social causes
Surprise, time-limited sharing-themed challenges with special rewards
6) Deploying Appropriate Tools
Here are examples of elements for deploying this gamified web site and
mobile app strategy:
Public pages, including:
About Us page: While for-profit, ShareAlls mission is to encourage
communal good by making sharing assets (sustainability) a default
behavior locally and globally. Narrative metaphor: Global
Neighborhood. Participants register as neighbors.
Success Stories page displays recent posts, photos, and videos of
ShareAll participants and their sharing and sustainability successes
around the world.
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FAQs page answers common questions and encourages visitors to
register for their first free Share.
How ShareAll Works page explains:
Easily share, trade, or buy access to any Products or Services on
site using Shares as currency.
Generate Shares (with small per-transaction fees) by sharing assets,
and volunteering time. Option to convert Shares to cash (at much
lower value, encouraging Share retention for transactions, and
maintaining sharing focus). Option to buy Shares if needed.
Reputation: Sharing Path and Hero Path (as detailed above)
Other Rewards: bonus points for every X transactions (10, 25, 50,
75, 100, etc.), and for every month of minimum transaction activity
(example: 5 transactions) on site. Bonus points awarded randomly
each month to one participant in leaderboard top ten.
Members-only pages, including:
Neighbor Profile page: Award Share (enabling first transaction) for
registering on site (option to use Facebook, Google, or Twitter
login) and completing simple profile, including name, city/country
(not street address), hobbies, interests, and favorite charities.
Option to view other profiles listing same charity, and a listing of
other registered neighbors in participants geographic
neighborhood group. Profile Progress Bar shows % completed.
Extra points: uploading personal photo instead of system avatar.
Welcome message generated on completion also offers asset
search/listing window to encourage transaction. Activity Stream
feed shows recent activity from neighbors friended/followed on
site, and a Social Graph provides a comparative overview with your
neighbors. Tell-A-Neighbor program offers 1 Share for influencer
marketing leading to each new registration. Ability to share
accomplishment updates via Facebook, Twitter, etc.
Dashboard: Visible on all pages; option to place on top, bottom,
right, or left of screen. Shows total Shares in participants account,
pending requests to use that participants assets, sharing offers
matching participants own request(s), recent transaction history,
points and badges earned, leaderboard status (with easy opt-out),
and Reputation path status.
ShareMarket page: Easily search for or post assets, and create
asset requests. Points for adding helpful comments; option to
vote up others comments
Helping Hand page: Points for participants posting sharing
opportunities for charitable good, both in local and global
neighborhoods. Posting of weekly global sharing challenge contest
sponsored by ShareAll. Postings of questions and answers from
other neighbors.
Grapevine Chat Rooms page: Registered neighbors chat in any
topic room to encourage community; Randomly-selected daily
Neighbor Profile Spotlight.
Express Yourself! Gallery page: Neighbors earn points sharing
their own original music, images, and avatars, and for each time
neighbors use them on their own profiles.
I recommend a Pilot period (example: 3-6 months) with a select number of
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neighborhoods around the globe to obtain and study a representative set
of actual system usage/behavioral data, and survey feedback to determine
what best motivates participants to make transactions and encourages
sustainability. We would then adjust the system and launch it to the
general public. Remember that running such a site is an organic, growing
process. Details of rewards/levels system may need to evolve with the
active population to keep the site fresh and continue to meet the stated
business objectives. Also, based on name and branding recognition, we
should consider pursuing an ongoing celebrity endorsement from (pardon
the pun) Cher!
Peer Feedback on My Submission:
As with the two prior assignments, each submission is graded
anonymously by five randomly-selected peer students. All five of my
graders gave me the top score of 5 yet again for this final assignment.
And here is their written feedback (again, one left no written feedback):
peer 2 Good description. Covered multiple aspects of the gamified
system and all the key elements have been incorporated. Good work!
peer 3 Tools
peer 4 Excellent all around I am sure it is one of the best. Award
points for donating original music, art, and avatars to the global
neighborhood That is a great IDEA!!!!- it hits a loophole in the current
intellectual rights system and the loophole should be exploited more.
peer 5 Excellent writing assignment. This student clearly demonstrated
understanding of the concepts taught in the class and presented them
well. I liked the last paragraph which proposed a short term pilot period
and even a touch of humor about the celebrity endorsement. (Which is
actually not a bad idea if you could actually get Cher!) It was so thoughtful
and well done that Im guessing this student writes proposals for a living.
Once again, I really appreciate all the great feedback I received from my
peers in this excellent course. And, no, I dont write proposals for a living,
but Ill take the compliment! If you have interest in exploring how
Gamification might enhance your own projects, I would urge you strongly
to check on Coursera to see when Professor Werbach is offering the next
session of this terrific, thought-provoking course. And if youd like to talk
about how you can incorporate subtle elements of Gamification in your
eLearning and classroom training, get in touch with me. There are so
many possibilities.
Coursera gamification Kevin Werbach
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