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As the Crowe Flies

Book Reviews
by Donald D. Crowe, Ph.D.
Confrontational politics
by H.L. Richardson
ill Richardson served as a Cali-
fornia state senator from 1966-
88. Richardson was a pioneer in
organizing and activating a conserva-
tive agenda. He successfully operated
in California and nationally for Second
amendment freedom, for the death
penalty, recalling radical judgesall
this in California, the left coast!
Tis small book packs a lot of po-
litical punch from one who has had bet-
ter than average success in the political-
conservative cause.
Richardson suggests that the rea-
son conservatives are often unsuccess-
ful is their aversion to confrontation.
We feel at a disadvantage since liberals
have no moral compulsion to be direct
or even answer any question asked of
them. Tey will change the subject with
an emotional question like Do you
want to get rid of welfare and let the
poor starve?
Te liberals guiding philosophy
of humanism leads them to say that
laws are merely human conventions.
By seeking control of education, me-
dia, and civil government they hope to
guarantee their success.
Most Americans prefer compromise
to confrontation. So guess who loses.
Liberals succeed by organizing
minorities. We might wonder why the
macho labor unions would back can-
didates who are pro-homosexual or en-
vironmentalists who would shut down
the plant where they work. But the
groups are united because they all want
H.L. Richardson, Confrontational Politics. Published by Nordskog Publish-
ing, Inc. on behalf of the Gun Owners of America. 111 page paperback.
Counsel of Chalcedon Issue 4 2011
As the Crowe Flies: Book Reviews by Don Crowe
more government control and they all
want a kickback.
When liberals are forced to retreat,
conservatives should not relax but press
the attack. Ideological (principled) lead-
ers and followers matter. For example
in 2004 elections: 216 million eligible
voters, 142 million registered, only 126
million actually voted. In primary elec-
tions less than 50% decide who the can-
didate will be.
Politicians once elected have a new
group of friends and coworkers and of-
ten rather indierent to the opinions of
the folks back home. Beware of phony
CRISES that demand immediate radi-
cal action that would not have popular
support. (like the spotted owl crisis)
Conservatives need to stop educa-
tional lectures and start pushing the
hot button issues. Tis means focused
appeal to one issue groups: pro-life, sec-
ond Amendment, controlling the bor-
ders, etc. Tis does not mean compro-
mising principles. It is a matter of let-
ting voters know that you are with them
on issues they are concerned about.
(for example, can you imagine the
certain failure of a boring candidate who
drones on about earmarks as the cen-
terpiece of his campaign? Tis may be an
important issue but it is not something
that stirs up the voters - Don Crowe)
Te real issue we face in the politi-
cal arena is not a Republican vs. Demo-
crat or Independent, but where are the
principled conservatives who champion
economic and moral policies in accord
with the Bible? Liberal Republicans must
be targeted and systematically replaced.
Will conservatives, especially Christian
conservatives be able to convey the in-
evitable victory of their ideals?
Richardson has a more controver-
sial view on third parties. He says, Pe-
rotites and Libertarians have helped the
reelection of many a left-wing Democrat
incumbent. P. 106. (As Christians we
should realize that no politician is our
savior. We already have a Savior and
need no pretenders. Even with a third
party we wrestle with making a choice
among the imperfect: the Libertarian, the
conservative Roman Catholic, the born-
again Evangelical, the thinly veiled anti-
Christian who says his religion is Chris-
tian. Believe it or not, many professing
Christian vote the fourth choice!)
Richardsons nal appeal is Dont
just react to liberal programs, initiate a
positive plan, let them be on the defen-
sive. Socialist programs are failing in
America as they have everywhere they
are tried. As Christians we have a faith
that encompasses all of life. We have a
biblical agenda that is far from being
fullled. We should be restoring and
improving, our actions in line with our
profession of the assured triumph of the
kingdom of Christ. In civil government
there is only biblical law or chaos. You
know which one we have now.
Donald D. Crowe Ph.D.

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