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SYLLABUS Spanish 1 and Native Speakers

Indian Springs High School

Mrs. Henao- enni!er.Henao"s#c$
*on!erence +eriod, &nd +eriod
I.*-U.S/ 0/S*.I+1I-N
Spanish emphasizes, frst of all, the skills of listening and speaking, so
students can communicate on a basic level with native Spanish
Vocabulary and grammar will be internalized through conversation,
role-play, oral
exercises, and interactive activities. he skills of reading and writing
are also
emphasized through stories, creative writing, and written exercises.
he lifestyle
and culture of many Spanish-speaking countries will be explored. !"s,
transparencies, videotapes, and other visual aids are used to
supplement the
textbook materials.
III. 2-ALS AN0 -B/*1I3/S
Upon completion of this course of study in Spanish , the student
should be able to:
#$% &nderstand advanced conversation in spoken Spanish.
#'% !ommunicate orally, using correct grammar and vocabulary.
#(% !omprehend written Spanish, such as dialogues, stories, etc.
#)% *rite sentences, paragraphs, and short stories in correct Spanish.
#+% !ompare the cultural traditions, lifestyles, values and religious
practices of
,ispanic and -merican peoples.
#.%!on/ugate all tense verbs in Spanish, to understand basic Spanish
word syntax.
I3. 1/41B--5 AN0 6-.5B--5S
0u 1undo0 2lencoe, 1c2raw ,ill
#extbook, 2rammar 3 Vocab. *orkbook, 4ractice 3 -ctivity
5ative Speakers
u 1undo #work book%
#extbook, 2rammar 3 Vocab *orkbook, 4ractice and -ctivity
7n 7spanol0-1c2raw ,ill #textbook%8 7n 7spa9ol0 : #*orkbook%
-briendo 4asos- omo uno y dos, ;owen and ;owen
-4 <anguage and <iterature
3. MA1/.IALS
Materials provided: You will be provided with a Tu Mundo, En Espaol, Abriendo Pasos
Spanish book. n addition, !ou will be able to use !our s"hool#s "o$puter lab, i% available.
$portant &ote: Translators are not to be used, as this is "onsidered "heatin'. (esides that,
translators do a terrible )ob and are ver! eas! to dete"t b! !our tea"her, so please do not use
Important Web Sites:
Password: 'len"oewl4
Materials Needed: You will need a three rin',binder or spiral notebook with paper in order to
keep and $aintain a port%olio o% all o% !our assi'n$ents. Please re$e$ber that !our attendan"e
and "redits %or the "lass depends upon !our pro'ress in the "lass. n addition, !ou should have
pen"ils, pens, 'lue sti"ks, and "olored pen"ils or "ra!ons 6$ost o% these are provided in the
"lassroo$7. Also, at ti$es !ou will be asked to pur"hase poster boards or "onstru"tion paper %or
pro)e"ts, i% not available at the s"hool. P8EASE P9:;<ASE A SPA&S<+E&=8S<
>;T?&A:Y, this will help %a"ilitate !our Spanish ho$ework. 6:e$inder there is a
Spanish+En'lish >i"tionar! at the ba"k o% !our te@tbook7
3i. ./7UI./M/N1S
#$% Attend class regularly, arrive on time, and be ready to begin when
class starts
#'% +articipate as much as possible in oral practice in class. ry not
to worry
about making mistakes because ever8one will make them0 6t is part
of the
learning process. 6n fact, %istakes are enco$raged9 he more
you make, the more you are practicing, and therefore, the more you
learning to speak. =ou will receive a grade based on the number of
you participate in class.
#(% ;ring a loose lea! note#ook to class each day to write down
covered in class. 1aintain a section for Spanish alone.
Rules for Homework Assignments
647 8ate assi'n$ents: 8ate assi'n$ents due to EA;9SE> absen"es will re"eive an e@tension
e5ual to the nu$ber o% da!s $issed. 9&EA;9SE> late assi'n$ents that are turned in within a
week a%ter the ori'inal due date will be down'raded to 3-B o% the "redit that would have been
earned had it been "o$pleted on ti$e. Assi'n$ents turned in a week late or later will be 'raded
down 2-B.
637You $ust write out all 5uestions and 'ive "o$plete answers, $eanin' a %ull and 'ra$$ati"all!
"orre"t senten"e 6unless indi"ate otherwise7, when writin' and answerin' 5uestions on
ho$ework assi'n$ents.
6C7 All o% the assi'n$ent $ust be "o$pletedD otherwise, !ou will be 'raded down %or in"o$plete
ho$ework assi'n$ents.
607 Slopp! work, $eanin' not neat, well or'aniEed, or done hastil! with little thou'ht will be
'raded down or not a""epted.
627 &o translators are to be usedD e@"ept to look up the $eanin' o% a word. ?therwise, do not use
translators to translate Spanish senten"es to En'lish or vi"e versa. Translators do not work well
and are "onsidered "heatin' in this "ir"u$stan"e.
Guidelines for homework:
Homework(when assigned) can be handwritten or typed and should be neat and
completed on loose leaf paper that can be kept in your binder. Journal assignments should
only be completed in your composition journal or spiral notebook.
Final drafts (Essays) must be typed and should meet the following requirements:
12 point font
Double spaced
imes !ew "ork or imes !ew #oman font
$lue or black ink
1% margins all the way around
&roper heading
A proper heading includes your name, class name, assignment and date
Joe 'hmoe
(rs. Henao
'panish !ati)e 'peakers
*haracter +nalysis
3II, Methods o! /val$ation
+resentations:+ro;ects <=)> 1est:7$i??es <<&)>
+articipation<.&)> Ho%e@ork:*lass@ork<.
3III. 2.A0IN2 S*AL/
N$%erical grades will be used. heir e>uivalents are as follows?
A' 1'' B A
D' DA B *
E' EA B 0
)A F Belo@ B G
!"""": #iscipline $lan:
1 firmly belie)e that all students want to learn and be successful2 so in order to create a
learning and positi)e en)ironment2 1 will not tolerate any student disruptions of this
process. 3or this reason2 in addition to 1ndian 'prings High 'chool 4eneral school rules2
1 am using the following discipline plan.
%lassroom &ules:
1. $e punctual and prepared for class. (5ach student must be in their assigned desk
when tardy bell rings)
2. $e on task at all times. *ontribute positi)ely to the learning en)ironment.
0. $e respectful of self2 others2 and property (#isruption of class will result in the
reduction of daily participation points)
/. +sk 6uestions whene)er you are unsure or need clarification.
7. *lean up your desk and surrounding area before lea)ing the classroom.
8. 9rite homework down in daily homework log (or reminder binder)
:. *ell phones2 1&;Ds2 and any electronic de)ice are strictly prohibited in the
classroom < will be confiscated unless appro)ed by teacher for class acti)ities.
offense= 'tudent will be gi)en a warning.
offense= +fter school detention and &arent-4uardian contact (doubled for failure to
ser)e)-low le)el referral.
offense= &arent *onference (on campus)
offense= *ontinuation of low le)el referral > (four low le)el referrals e6uals to an
administrati)e referral.
offense= *lass suspension (+dministrati)e referral)
$lagiarism= *opying from others without gi)ing due credit is not only unethical2 but in
some cases illegal. 1f 1 find that you ha)e turned in work that is not your own2 1 will not
only gi)e you no credit for this work2 but 1 will also contact your parent-guardian2 and
administration if necessary.
': (utoring: 1?m here to help you be successful. 1f you re6uire e@tra help2 please let
me know and we could set up an appointment to meet at a con)enient time. here is also
afterAschool tutoring on multiple days of the week. Depending on the day2 myself or 'r.
(endoBa are a)ailable for tutoring. &lease just let us know that you will be staying in
ad)ance. 1f student is in danger of earning a D or 32 1 will ask student to attend after
school tutoring.
1 C;;D 3;#9+#D ; H+E1!4 + 'F**5''3FC +*+D5(1* '*H;;C
"5+# GGGGG
)y child and " ha*e read and re*iewed the abo*e course outline, classroom rules,
procedures and e+pectations ,e understand the abo*e rules are to be followed to
help make this classroom a producti*e learning en*ironment ,e also understand
that any infractions of these by my child will result in the abo*e mentioned
#ate: ---------------
.tudent /ame: ($lease $rint) ---------------------
.tudent .ignature (.ign): ------------------------
$rimary home language:-------------------------
0est time to reach parents are --------------------------- A) or $)
$arent /ame: ($lease $rint) -----------------------
$arent .ignature: --------------------
&arent-4uardian *ell phone number= HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
&arent-4uardian 9ork telephone number HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
1pdated 2345367

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