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Bahai Internet Agency

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1he Bah Internet Agency states on its website that it "assists the global Baha community in its use o the
Internet, proiding technical support to Baha institutions and supporting promising initiaties o indiiduals.
Lstablished in 2004 by the Uniersal louse o Justice, the Baha Internet Agency operates under the guidance
o the International 1eaching Centre."
1he decision to establish the Agency was communicated to the arious Baha'i "National Spiritual Assemblies"
in the ollowing correspondence, dated June 2005:
"Uniersal louse o Justice, Department o the Secretariat
16 June 2005
Internet Agency
1ransmitted by email
1o all National Spiritual Assemblies
Dear Baha' lriends,
Opportunities to spread the teachings o Baha'u'llah and to make known to society at large the actiities
o the Baha' community hae grown markedly in recent years, especially with the rise in use o computer
technology. lollowing consultations with the International 1eaching Centre, the Uniersal louse o
Justice has decided to create an international Baha' Internet Agency to assist the :Counsellors and
National Spiritual Assemblies in addressing certain issues associated with the propagation and protection
o the laith as they pertain to the Internet. Operating under the direct superision o the 1eaching
Centre, the agency is based in the United States, where it has established an oice with a ull-time
In the months ahead, ater preliminary preparations hae been made, the Baha' Internet Agency will
contact National Assemblies and proide inormation about the serices it can oer. 1he Baha'
Computer and Communications Association ,BCCA, and the Security Adisory Group, which hae oer
the years extended technical and Internet-related support to national communities worldwide,
will :continue to make a aluable contribution to this area o endeaour, unctioning now under the
direction o the agency.
\ith loing Baha' greetings,
Department o the Secretariat
cc: International 1eaching Centre
Boards o Counsellors
Baha' Internet Agency"
1 Bahai Internet Agency \hitepapers
2 Monitoring use o the social networking site lacebook
3 Monitoring o schismatic Baha'i groups and "Coenant Breaker" websites
4 Prior communication rom the International 1eaching Centre to Baha'i academics regarding Internet
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5 Implications o inolement in libel and deamation o critics on public orums
6 "Protection o the Cause: Opposition Sites are known to the Institutions, and action is taken where
8 Resources and articles
9 Contact
9.1 Related Sourcewatch articles
9.2 Reerences
Bahai Internet Agency Whitepapers
"1he Bahai Internet Agency has made aailable a number o new position papers on the theme o the Baha'i
laith and engagement with the Internet. Social networking, blogosphere and olksonomies all get a look in. \e
hae linked the papers here on our domain."
Indiidual Initiatie on the Internet
Participation and the Internet
Blogging and the Baha'i laith
Guidelines or Internet Communication
Understanding Online Social Networks
Responding to Criticism and Opposition on the Internet
Basics o Search Lngine Optimization
Building Internet Communities
1hese documents ,accessible in the resources section, claim to lay out a code o behaior encouraged by the
oicial Baha'i bodies regarding online actiities. O particular note is the Baha'i Internet Agency's stated
position on dealing with online criticism and discussion, gien the actiities o the Baha'i organization
documented by Proessor Juan Cole and lrederick Glaysher
1he document Responding to Criticism and Opposition on the Internet states, "As you well appreciate, the
extent to which such technology adances the work o the laith depends, o course, on the manner in which it
is used. As a medium or Baha's to exchange iews, it imposes on participants the same requirements o
moderation, candour, and courtesy as would be the case in any other discussion. Likewise, those inoled
should aoid belittling the iews o one another. In this regard, the louse o Justice has noted your
understandable repugnance at an apparent temptation to use misleading and inidious labels like
"traditionalists" and "liberals", which diide the Baha' community. 1o the extent that this diisie habit o mind
may persist in the Baha' community, it is obiously a carry-oer rom non-Baha' society and a maniestation o
an immature conception o lie. I Baha's were to persist in this mode o thinking, it would bring to naught
een the most worthwhile intellectual endeaour, as has so conspicuously been the case with societies o the
past. Most important o all, as with any exploration by Baha's o the belies and practices o their laith,
electronic discussion will sere the interests o the Cause and its members only as it is conducted within the
ramework o the Baha' 1eachings and the truths they enshrine. 1o attempt to discuss the Cause o God apart
rom or with disdain or the authoritatie guidance inherent in these 1eachings would clearly be a logical
contradiction. ,Dec 10, 1992 to an indiidual, \e hae been asked to adise that there is no objection to the
conduct o a chat room.which appears to be similar to a ireside meeting except that it takes place oer the
Internet. In general, Baha' institutions should not interere with it. loweer, you may emphasize that, in their
eorts to teach the laith, the riends should rerain rom engaging in argumentation and disputes,
concentrating more on introducing the laith to participants. ,January 26, 2003 to a National Spiritual Assembly,
1he louse o Justice eels that, when Baha's are teaching in an online chat room` and Coenant-breakers
intrude upon the discussion, the riends should not eel obliged to sign o simply because Coenant-breakers
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are present in this irtual space. 1hey should, howeer, rerain rom knowingly engaging the Coenant-breakers
in discussions and, in any case, should aoid being drawn into contentious or disputatious situations. ,October
2, 199 to an indiidual,
"In general, the louse o Justice has no objection to Baha's' participating in public, unmoderated discussions
about the laith, whether those discussions take place in person or through some orm o electronic
communication. 1he wisdom o participating in particular discussions, must, o necessity, depend upon
circumstances preailing at the time. \hen, through such discussions, the laith is attacked or erroneous
inormation about it is disseminated, it may become necessary or indiidual Baha's to actiely deend it. In
some circumstances, howeer, to aoid participating in argumentatie exchanges, attracting attention to enemies
o the laith, or engaging Coenant-breakers, it will be more appropriate to withdraw rom the discussion. \hile
the institutions o the laith may, on occasion, ind it necessary to oer the riends guidance related to
theirparticipation in particular discussions, generally this, too, is a matter let to the indiidual. ,October 2,
199 to an indiidual, 1hus, i any participant in an email discussion eels that a iew put orward appears to
contradict or undermine the proisions o the Coenant, he should be ree to say so, explaining candidly and
courteously why he eels as he does. 1he person who made the initial statement will then be able to re-ealuate
his opinion and, i he still beliees it to be alid, he should be able to explain why it is not contrary to either the
letter or the spirit o the Coenant. 1he participants in such a discussion should aoid disputation and, i they
are unable to resole an issue, they should reer the point to the Uniersal louse o Justice since, in accordance
with the \ill and 1estament o Abdul-Baha, By this body all the diicult problems are to be resoled.` and
it has the authority to decide upon all problems which hae caused dierence, questions that are obscure, and
matters that are not expressly recorded in the Book.` In this way the Coenant can illuminate and temper the
discourse and make it ruitul." ,lebruary 16, 1996 to an indiidual,"
Current guidelines are also gien or conduct in discussion orums:
"Discussion Forums
1. Lach orum has a slightly dierent culture and usually some sort o terms o use. Learn the standards
o expected behaior beore posting.
2. Do not eed negatie discussion threads. Not only is this a waste o time, but also it has the unintended
consequence o making the thread appear more interesting to isitors because o all the postings. Let
negatie postings die on the ine-do not water them.
3. See i your question or topic o interest has already been addressed. Long-term members can become
rustrated with numerous postings on topics that hae been coered multiple times.
4. Aoid quoting extensiely rom preious postings when there is no reason to do so.
5. Aoid posting statements such as me too` or I agree.` 1hese postings simply clutter the discussion
6. Using ALL CAPs is considered yelling in the on-line medium. \ou should neer ind yoursel in need
o yelling. New people oten turn on the caps lock button to add emphasis-don't.
. laing multiple screen names and identities is allowed in discussion orums. \hile obscuring ones
identity is acceptable, lying about onesel is not.
8. Pick a screen name that gies a good impression o you. On the Internet others cannot see you, so, to
some extent, your screen identities represent you and represent the laith i you identiy yoursel as a
9. I you are running and,or moderating a discussion board, make the rules o conduct obious and
clear-cut. Be speciic about guidelines rather than simply exhorting eeryone to be nice.` Lnorce the
rules equitably. Nothing ruins a discussion board aster than perceied bias and aoritism."
Monitoring use of the socia net!or"ing site Face#oo"
In lebruary, 2008, Matthew \einberg, Program Director or the Baha'i Internet Agency, released the ollowing
email letter on behal o the laian Baha'i administration ,see Baha'i laith,. 1he letter reers to the actiities o
the "Coenant-breaker Martin Laallee", a member o the schismatic Orthodo$ Baha%is and warns members
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o the laian Baha'i community against possible 'exposure' to this indiidual arising rom contact on the social
networking site, lacebook. "Coenant breaking" is a term employed by the laian Baha'is to reer to groups
and indiiduals who challenge "the authority o the center o the Baha'i laith", which in this context reers to
the authority o the Uniersal louse o Justice, and is considered "the most serious spiritual oence that a
Baha' can commit. It's called Coenant-Breaking and is considered to be a spiritual disease and is punished by
expulsion rom the community."
"28 lebruary 2008
1o All National Spiritual Assemblies
Dear Baha' lriends,
\e hae been requested by the \orld Centre to alert you to the current actiities o the Coenant-breaker
Martin Laallee on 1his indiidual administers the "Orthodox Baha'is" page on lacebook and
also has a personal page on the site. 1here hae been recent instances where Baha' youth with accounts on
lacebook hae unwittingly accepted initations rom Laallee to be a "riend" or to become "members" o the
Coenant-breaker page. lurther, as a consequence o the lacebook networking scheme, i an indiidual accepts
a direct initation rom Laallee or any other member o his group, the "lriends" list ,with e-mail addresses, o
that indiidual becomes exposed. In this way, those with insincere intentions hae the potential to directly
contact an increasing number o Baha'is, interactions that could pose a threat to the spiritual well-being o
youth and other belieers who are not deepened in the Coenant.
Lach National Assembly will need to determine the necessity and most appropriate manner o discreetly
inorming belieers o this situation in consultation and with the assistance o the Counsellors. In doing so it
will o course be important to aoid creating undue anxiety or curiosity about the nature o Coenant-breaker
material on the Internet..
It is our intention to proide more general guidance in the near uture about how online social networks can be
constructiely and saely used by Baha's.
\ith loing greetings,
Matt \einberg Program Director Baha' Internet Agency
cc: Members o the Continental Boards o Counsellors"
Monitoring of schismatic Baha%i groups and &Co'enant Brea"er&
1he Baha'i Internet Agency also monitors the online actiity o schismatic Baha'i groups, and groups or
indiiduals known as "Coenant Breakers" ,see aboe section,. In correspondence entitled "Good object lesson
or aoiding reading Coenant-breaker sites", Susan Maneck has responded to the issue o the aoidance o
schismatic group's online material as ollows:
"Dear Kathryn,
1here isn't any 'clear' guidance on this issue but i you hae suspicions you can always contact the Baha'i
Internet Agency. 1hey pretty much keep up with what is on the internet. 1here are 'key words' which are oten
used by these groups which help me to spot them right away. lor instance anyone purporting to be a Baha'i who
goes on and on about the "1hrone o Daid" is likely to be a Jensenite because this is something they are
obsessed with. Anyone reerring to mainstream Baha'is as "laian Baha'is" are likely to be hostile towards the
Uniersal louse o Justice whether they are declared Coenant breakers or not. Remeyites use terms like 'sans-
Guardian' and 'heterodox' to reer to mainstream Baha'is. 1hen, o course, there are people like Stephen who
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may throw these terms around without haing the oggiest idea who they imply. ,-}
I would like to add here that i there are any questions people hae regarding some o the material they read on
the internet, they should eel ree to raise them here. \hat I hae discouraged is the posting o the URLs o
Coenant breakers and those hostile towards the laith or the Uniersal louse o Justice.
warmest, Susan"
(rior communication from the Internationa )eaching Centre to
Baha%i academics regarding Internet acti'ities
In illustrating the coercie measures historically employed by the Baha'i organization in dealing with internet
based criticism, Proessor Juan Cole cites a 1996 letter to a Baha'i academic rom Stephen Birkland, Member o
the Continental Board o Counsellors in the Americas, written in consultation with the International 1eaching
Centre ,the body currently responsible or the administration o the Baha%i Internet Agency
,, stating that
"1he International 1eaching Centre has asked me--with the knowledge o the Uniersal louse o Justice--to
warn you that your promulgation o iews contrary to the 1eachings was damaging to the Cause. I you were to
resume in any ashion this course o action, the eect would be to bring you into direct conlict with the
*etter of Counseor +tephen Bir"and to a Baha%i Academic, Imposing Fundamentaism as the Officia
Ideoogy of the Baha%i Faith
"Continental Board o Counsellors or the Protection and Propagation o the Baha'i laith in the Americas
16 July 1996
Dear X:
\hen I telephoned last May to ask or a second meeting to discuss in greater depth a number o concerns
touched on in our earlier consultation, you indicated that you would preer that I put these issues in writing.
1his letter, which has beneited rom the comments o the International 1eaching Center, seeks to respond to
your request. As I explained, my reason or the proposed meeting was a desire to assist you in understanding
how a number o your postings to the members o . . . |an[ . . . internet orum you created last year were in
conlict with the 1eachings o the Baha'i laith, and how their persistent promotion by you was becoming
harmul to its interests. As you know, a special responsibility or the protection o the laith is one o the
primary unctions assigned to the institution o the Counsellors.
\hile I hae not archied your . . . postings, I retained a handul o them which seemed to me particularly
inappropriate and disquieting in the context o a discussion ostensibly intended as a serious study o
Baha'u'llah's Message. Copies o some o these which illustrate the issues mentioned here are enclosed or your
Lssentially, your statements coney an image o the laith in which the Coenant, although it is undamental to
Baha'u'llah's Message, has little substance beyond a kind o nominal legitimacy and certain ery narrowly
deined unctions assigned to its central institutions. 1he broad and unique authority explicitly conerred on the
Guardianship and the Uniersal louse o Justice in the \ritings o the lounders o the laith is systematically
whittled down to a point that would, i taken seriously, paralyze the ability o the Cause to carry out the mission
laid on it by its lounder.
1he issue is not one o your haing iews which may be incompatible with the 1eachings. Baha'i lie is a
continuing endeaor to understand and implement the truths o the Reelation o God to which we are
committed. Nor would expressions o opinion during discussions among groups o Baha'is, howeer
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misleading or objectionable some o these comments might seem to many members o the community,
normally be matters that the institutions o the laith would eel responsible to take up. \hat has aroused the
concern o the International 1eaching Centre with respect to your . . . interentions, and has disturbed many o
your ellow belieers, has rather been a pattern o comment that appears to relect a calculated and determined
eort on your part, in the name o detached scholarly discussion, to impose on the presentation o Baha'u'llah's
Message a strongly held ideological iew that contradicts the authoritatie and explicit interpretation o Baha'i
\hen I raised some o my concerns with you during our discussions in lebruary, it became clear rom your
many--and oten ehement--reactions that this understanding o your point o iew is quite accurate. Indeed,
these comments let me with the impression that you eel no compunction in disagreeing with Baha'u'llah and
`Abdu'l-Baha themseles when their statements come into conlict with your strongly held personal conictions.
1he nature o the problem which your actiities were creating or the Baha'i community were clariied when
you accidentally posted to the . . . orum a priate message apparently intended or a smaller group o
participants, identiied by you as "Majnun." \ou cannot be unaware o the sense o betrayal experienced by your
ellow Baha'is, who had belieed themseles engaged in a scholarly exploration o Baha'u'llah's purpose, when
they read a statement which appeared to lay out a cynical "winning strategy" designed to use the . . . orum to
spread disinormation, attack the United States National Spiritual Assembly, and bring the administratie
processes o the Cause into discredit. Nor should you be surprised at the dismay caused by your readiness, in
this same statement, to recognize a parallel between the actiities o this inner group and those o the notorious
Coenant-breaker Ahmad Sohrab. It was keenly disappointing to all o us who respected both your adherence to
the Cause and your proessional credentials, that you ailed to immediately explain what seemed a disturbing
departure rom standards which participants in such a orum had eery right to expect.
In a statement posted oer a year and a hal ago--and repeated this past May when you adiised participants that
you were closing down the . . . orum--you explained with great rankness the belies that motiate you. Please
let me be equally candid, then, in expressing my opinion that, i you were today to adance such iews in
support o an application or enrollment in the Baha'i laith, no Baha'i Assembly would accept your application
or regard you as ulilling the basic requirements or Baha'i membership set out by the Guardian:
"lull recognition o the station o the lorerunner, the Author, and the 1ure Lxemplar o the Baha'i Cause, as
set orth in Abdu'l-Baha's 1estament, unresered acceptance o, and submission to, whatsoeer has been
reealed by their Pen, loyal and steadast adherence to eery clause o our Beloed's sacred \ill, and close
association with the spirit as well as the orm o the present day Baha'i administration throughout the
world--these I conceie to be the undamental and primary considerations that must be airly, discreetly and
thoughtully ascertained beore reaching such a ital decision." I regret the bald tone o this necessarily brie
and constrained presentation o my concerns as a Counsellor. As I say, it seeemed to me greatly to be preerred
i we could hae discussed such important matters ace to ace, in an unhurried atmosphere o respect both or
your personal conictions and the integrity o the laith's 1eachings. \ou are the only one who can know
whether in your heart you do indeed beliee in Baha'u'llah as the Maniestation o God to our age. Baha'i
institutions do not hae the right to pry into belieers' innermost conictions, but they do hae the obligation to
counsel indiiduals whose dissemination o personal belies is doing harm to the interests o the laith. 1he
International 1eaching Centre has asked me--with the knowledge o the Uniersal louse o Justice--to warn
you that your promulgation o iews contrary to the 1eachings was damaging to the Cause. I you were to
resume in any ashion this course o action, the eect would be to bring you into direct conlict with the
\ith sincerity and concern,
Stephen Birkland, Member Continental Board o Counsellors in the Americas
cc: 1he International 1eaching Centre Continental Board o Counsellors in the Americas National Spiritual
Assembly o the United States
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lurther documents rom Proessor Juan Cole's website relating to this and other issues can be accessed at
Baha'i Documents ,http:,,,~jrcole,bhdoc.htm,
Impications of in'o'ement in i#e and defamation of critics on
pu#ic forums
1he BIA has been alleged to engage in systematic Gang Stalking o critics online
. lollowing a post made to
the site, Baha'i lorums ,http:,,,bahai-orums,,, by a user named "MrBlackSunshine", which
implicated a ormer member, and long standing critic o the organization, Nima \ahid Azal, in a deamatory
and libelous manner
, on Noember 13, 2011, the original author o the thread subsequently stated that:
"It is with some regret that I must, ater so long, cleanse my conscience by stating that what Nima says
below is true. I was indeed instructed by the Bahai Internet Agency to place material here as a deliberate
act o slander to counter his productions. It is to my eternal shame that I hae committed such an act,
and I hae ound that I cannot, in good conscience, hide this act any longer. So in order to ree mysel
rom the sin o this terrible act, I hae placed a disclaimer here reely stating that this act was perormed
not by Nima \ahid Azal, but was placed here on the instruction o the Bahai Internet Agency. Likewise,
I do not doubt that someone within the agency has also been instructed to hack ,or use a Virus,1rojan,
on his computer. In light o this act I hope you reiew your decision to ban him and reiew his
comments more aourably. Listen to Nima - he speaks the truth!"
&(rotection of the Cause, Opposition +ites are "no!n to the
Institutions- and action is ta"en !here appropriate.&
In a 2005 presentation by Glen lullmer, Director o Communications or the Baha'i Community o the United
, Mr. lullmer outlined the actiities, responsibilities and strategies employed by the Baha'i Internet
. During his talk, Mr.lullmer discussed the relationship between the Bahai Internet Agency and
"Protection o the Cause" and "Propagation o the laith", highlighting the relationship between the Agency, the
International 1eaching Center, and the arious National Spiritual Assemblies.
\hen explaining the topic o
"Protection o the laith on the Internet", Mr lullmer reers to a slide which states that:
"Opposition Sites are known to the Institutions, and action is taken where appropriate."
"In general howeer, the best deense is a good oense. Indiiduals and institutions can create lots o
positie content about the laith to counteract the negatie eects o opposition sites."
"In some cases, an indiidual response can be een more eectie."
Matthew \einberg- Program Director
1hane 1errill - Director o Inormation Serices at Baha'i International Community's United Nations
Pedraum Pardehpoosh Representatie
Resources and artices
Bahai Internet Agency Whitepapers
Indiidual Initiatie on the Internet ,http:,,,bia,Indiidual-Initiatie.pd,, accessed
September 12, 2009.
Participation and the Internet ,http:,,,bia,Participation20and20the20Internet.pd,
Blogging and the Baha'i laith ,http:,,
Bahai Internet Agency - Source\atch http:,,,index.php,Bahai_Internet_Agency
o 9 30,0,2014 5:33 PM
,bia,Blogging20and20the20Baha2i20laith.pd,, accessed September 12, 2009.
Podcasting ,http:,,,bia,podcasting.pd,, accessed September 12, 2009.
Understanding Online Social Networks ,http:,,
,bia,Guidelines20or20Internet20Communication.pd,, accessed September 12, 2009.
Guidelines or Internet Communication ,http:,,,bia,Understanding-Online-Social-
Networks_2009.pd,, accessed September 12, 2009.
Responding to Criticism and Opposition on the Internet ,http:,,
2020Internet.pd,, accessed September 12, 2009.
Basics o Search Lngine Optimization ,http:,,
,bia,Basics20o20Search20Lngine20Optimization.pd,, accessed September 12, 2009.
Building Internet Communities ,http:,,,bia,Internet-Communties.pd,, accessed
September 12, 2009.
Baha'i Blog Surey - Pheonix Conerence ,M. Naeimi, ,http:,,
,bia,BahaiBlogsPhoenix.ppt,, accessed September 12, 2009.
Cultiating the Roots Presentation ,http:,,,bia,BCCA-bosch.ppt,, accessed September 12,
NLB\ lest Presentation ,http:,,,bia,\outhParticipation.pd,, accessed September 12,
1he Internet Perspectie ,http:,,,bia,1he_Internet_Perspectie.ppt,, accessed September
12, 2009.
\ebsite: http:,,,bia,
Reated +ource!atch artices
Matthew \einberg
Baha'i laith
Baha' Computer And Communication Association
Baha' Internet Agency ,http:,,,bia,,, accessed March 31, 2009. 1.
Correspondence rom the Uniersal louse o Justice ,http:,,
,uhj,internetagency.html,, accessed October 30, 2011.
Baha'i Internet Agency, Association or Bahai Studies ,http:,,,blog,p~11,, accessed
March 31, 2009.
lomepage o the Baha' Internet Agency ,http:,,,bia,,, accessed March 31, 2009. 4.
Baha'i Censorship ,http:,,,bahaicensorship,,, accessed September 12, 2009. 5.
Responding to Criticism and Opposition on the Internet ,http:,,
2020Internet.pd,, accessed September 12, 2009.
Responding to Criticism and Opposition on the Internet ,http:,,
2020Internet.pd,, accessed September 12, 2009.
Guidelines or Internet Communication ,http:,,
,bia,Guidelines20or20Internet20Communication.pd,, Baha'i Internet Agency \hitepaper,
accessed September 12, 2009.
Coenant, 1he, and Coenant-breaker by Moojan Momen ,http:,,
,ile~momen_encyclopedia_coenant,[, Baha'i Library Online, accessed March 31, 2009.
"Baha'i Internet Agency:the dangers o lacebook riends" ,http:,,,2008,03,bahai-
internet.html,, article and oicial Baha'i Internet Agency letter, posted to Orthodox Baha'i website,
March , 2008, accessed March 31, 2009.
Bahai Internet Agency - Source\atch http:,,,index.php,Bahai_Internet_Agency
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Archie o bahai-st mailing list ,http:,,,,msg11415.html,,
accessed September 1, 2010.
Baha' Internet Agency ,http:,,,bia,,, accessed March 31, 2009. 12.
Letter o Counselor Stephen Birkland to a Baha'i Academic ,http:,,,~jrcole
,bahai,bhcouns.htm,, accessed September 12, 2009.
[Gang Stalking ,http:,,,2008,01,03,what-is-gang-stalking,,,
accessed July 2, 2012
Google Cache o http:,,,persecution,622-nima-wahid-azal.html.
,persecution,622-nima-wahid-azal.html-wahid-azal-baha2i-orums,, Baha'i lorums, accessed
Noember 13, 2011.
Baha'i lorums ,http:,,,persecution,622-nima-wahid-azal.html,, accessed
Noember 13, 2011.
On a Bahais on the Internet Bosch \eekend: And mandala meditation ,http:,,
,cat~331&sb,, accessed Noember 14, 2011.
Video Lxcerpt o Presentation ,http:,,,photos,85934826N00,4362099434
,in,photostream,,, by Baha'i Views , llitzy Phoebie PhotoStream, accessed Noember 14, 2011.
Photo o Presentation Slide ,http:,,,photos,85934826N00,4361594953,,, by Baha'i
Views , llitzy Phoebie PhotoStream, accessed Noember 14, 2011.
Baha'is and the Internet ,http:,,,photos,85934826N00,4362340924,,, Slide:
"Protection o the Cause on the Internet", by Baha'i Views , llitzy Phoebie PhotoStream, accessed
Noember 14, 2011.
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Categories: United States Religion Internet
1his page was last modiied on 30 July 2014, at 11:33.
1his page has been accessed 8,032 times.
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