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Individual vs.

collective in Spain
Individualist culture is a culture in which the goals of the individual take
precedence over the goals of the group. Collectivist culture is a culture in
which the goals of the group take precedence over the goals of the individual.
In an individualist culture, success is measured by how far one stands out
from the crowd. In a collectivist culture, success is measured by ones
contributions to the group as a whole.
The fundamental issue is the degree of interdependence a society maintains
among its members. It has to do with whether peoples self-image is defined
in terms of I or We. In Individualist societies people are supposed to look
after themselves and their direct family only. In Collectivist societys people
belong to in groups that take care of them in exchange for loyalty.

Spain is horizontal collective country wherein equality is emphasized and
people engage in sharing and cooperation. Horizontal collectivism is based on
the assumption that each individual is more or less equal. They favor
democratic decision making. The grandparents live with their family. The role
of the woman in Spain is also very traditional. Mothers serve their husbands
and their children daily. Spain is an indirect culture. Time is rarely
emphasized. Business is conducted in a friendlier manner. Family, friends, and
personal interests are a part of interviews and rarely are contracts negotiated
without getting to know the person that people are hiring. When working with
people and the media, it is important to realize this part of the Spanish
culture. They also have get-togethers and all the people of the family dine
In tightly clustered villages in Spain, residents are always under their
neighbors' observation, and potential criticism is a strong deterrent against
culturally defined misconduct and the failure to adhere to expected standards.
Many village communities rarely if ever activate the official systems of justice
and law enforcement; gossip and censure within the community, and
surveillance of all by all, are often sufficient. This is true even in urban
neighborhood because Spaniards are socialized to observe and comment upon
one another and to establish neighborly consciousness and relationships
wherever they live.
They prefer working in groups can be seen in their activities. Like the bull
fight which happens in Spain, people run in front of the bull collectively so
that the bull can reach the arena. Its a joint effort by them. So in Spain all the
festivals celebrated with full cooperation among one other.

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