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ISTQB Question Paper - 3
1 We split testing into distinct stages primarily because:
a) Eac test stage as a di!!erent purpose"
b) It is easier to manage testing in stages"
c) We can run di!!erent tests in di!!erent en#ironments"
d) Te more stages $e a#e% te better te testing"
& Wic o! te !ollo$ing is li'ely to bene!it most !rom te use o! test tools
pro#iding test capture and replay !acilities(
a) )egression testing
b) Integration testing
c) System testing
d) *ser acceptance testing
3 Wic o! te !ollo$ing statements is +,T correct(
a) - minimal test set tat acie#es 1../ 01S-2 co#erage $ill also acie#e 1../
branc co#erage"
b) - minimal test set tat acie#es 1../ pat co#erage $ill also acie#e 1../
statement co#erage"
c) - minimal test set tat acie#es 1../ pat co#erage $ill generally detect more
!aults tan one tat acie#es 1../ statement co#erage"
d) - minimal test set tat acie#es 1../ statement co#erage $ill generally detect
more !aults tan one tat acie#es 1../ branc co#erage"
3 Wic o! te !ollo$ing re4uirements is testable(
a) Te system sall be user !riendly"
b) Te sa!ety-critical parts o! te system sall contain . !aults"
c) Te response time sall be less tan one second !or te speci!ied design load"
d) Te system sall be built to be portable"
5 -nalyse te !ollo$ing igly simpli!ied procedure:
-s': 6Wat type o! tic'et do you re4uire% single or return(7
I8 te customer $ants 9return:
-s': 6Wat rate% Standard or 1eap-day(7
I8 te customer replies 91eap-day:
Say: 6Tat $ill be ;11:&.7
Say: 6Tat $ill be ;1<:5.7
Say: 6Tat $ill be ;<:>57
+o$ decide te minimum number o! tests tat are needed to ensure tat all
te 4uestions a#e been as'ed% all combinations a#e occurred and all
replies gi#en"
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a) 3
b) 3
c) 5d) ?
? Error guessing:
a) supplements !ormal test design tecni4ues"
b) can only be used in component% integration and system testing"
c) is only per!ormed in user acceptance testing"
d) is not repeatable and sould not be used"
> Wic o! te !ollo$ing is +,T true o! test co#erage criteria(
a) Test co#erage criteria can be measured in terms o! items e@ercised by a test
b) - measure o! test co#erage criteria is te percentage o! user re4uirements
c) - measure o! test co#erage criteria is te percentage o! !aults !ound"
d) Test co#erage criteria are o!ten used $en speci!ying test completion criteria"
A In prioritising $at to test% te most important obBecti#e is to:
a) !ind as many !aults as possible"
b) test ig ris' areas"
c) obtain good test co#erage"
d) test $ate#er is easiest to test"
< Ci#en te !ollo$ing sets o! test management terms D#-E)% and acti#ity
descriptions D1-5)% $ic one o! te !ollo$ing best pairs te t$o sets(
# F test control
$ F test monitoring
@ - test estimation
y - incident management
E - con!iguration control
1 - calculation o! re4uired test resources
& - maintenance o! record o! test results
3 - re-allocation o! resources $en tests o#errun
3 - report on de#iation !rom test plan
5 - trac'ing o! anomalous test results
a) #-3%$-&%@-1%y-5%E-3
b) #-&%$-5%@-1%y-3%E-3
c) #-3%$-3%@-1%y-5%E-&
d) #-&%$-1%@-3%y-3%E-5
1. Wic one o! te !ollo$ing statements about system testing is +,T true(
a) System tests are o!ten per!ormed by independent teams"
b) 8unctional testing is used more tan structural testing"
c) 8aults !ound during system tests can be #ery e@pensi#e to !i@"
d) End-users sould be in#ol#ed in system tests"
11 Wic o! te !ollo$ing is !alse(
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a) Incidents sould al$ays be !i@ed"
b) -n incident occurs $en e@pected and actual results di!!er"
c) Incidents can be analysed to assist in test process impro#ement"
d) -n incident can be raised against documentation"
1& Enoug testing as been per!ormed $en:
a) time runs out"
b) te re4uired le#el o! con!idence as been acie#ed"
c) no more !aults are !ound"
d) te users $on:t !ind any serious !aults"
13 Wic o! te !ollo$ing is +,T true o! incidents(
a) Incident resolution is te responsibility o! te autor o! te so!t$are under test"
b) Incidents may be raised against user re4uirements"
c) Incidents re4uire in#estigation andGor correction"
d) Incidents are raised $en e@pected and actual results di!!er"
13 Wic o! te !ollo$ing is not described in a unit test standard(
a) synta@ testing
b) e4ui#alence partitioning
c) stress testing
d) modi!ied conditionGdecision co#erage
15 Wic o! te !ollo$ing is !alse(
a) In a system t$o di!!erent !ailures may a#e di!!erent se#erities"
b) - system is necessarily more reliable a!ter debugging !or te remo#al o! a !ault"
c) - !ault need not a!!ect te reliability o! a system"
d) *ndetected errors may lead to !aults and e#entually to incorrect bea#iour"
1? Wic one o! te !ollo$ing statements% about capture-replay tools% is +,T
a) Tey are used to support multi-user testing"
b) Tey are used to capture and animate user re4uirements"
c) Tey are te most !re4uently purcased types o! 1-ST tool"
d) Tey capture aspects o! user bea#iour"
1> Ho$ $ould you estimate te amount o! re-testing li'ely to be re4uired(
a) Ietrics !rom pre#ious similar proBects
b) =iscussions $it te de#elopment team
c) Time allocated !or regression testing
d) a J b
1A Wic o! te !ollo$ing is true o! te K-model(
a) It states tat modules are tested against user re4uirements"
b) It only models te testing pase"
c) It speci!ies te test tecni4ues to be used"
d) It includes te #eri!ication o! designs"
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1< Te oracle assumption:
a) is tat tere is some e@isting system against $ic test output may be cec'ed"
b) is tat te tester can routinely identi!y te correct outcome o! a test"
c) is tat te tester 'no$s e#eryting about te so!t$are under test"
d) is tat te tests are re#ie$ed by e@perienced testers"
&. Wic o! te !ollo$ing caracterises te cost o! !aults(
a) Tey are ceapest to !ind in te early de#elopment pases and te most
e@pensi#e to !i@ in te latest test pases"
b) Tey are easiest to !ind during system testing but te most e@pensi#e to !i@
c) 8aults are ceapest to !ind in te early de#elopment pases but te most
e@pensi#e to !i@ ten"
d) -ltoug !aults are most e@pensi#e to !ind during early de#elopment pases%
tey are ceapest to !i@ ten"
&1 Wic o! te !ollo$ing sould +,T normally be an obBecti#e !or a test(
a) To !ind !aults in te so!t$are"
b) To assess $eter te so!t$are is ready !or release"
c) To demonstrate tat te so!t$are doesn:t $or'"
d) To pro#e tat te so!t$are is correct"
&& Wic o! te !ollo$ing is a !orm o! !unctional testing(
a) Boundary #alue analysis
b) *sability testing
c) Per!ormance testing
d) Security testing
&3 Wic o! te !ollo$ing $ould +,T normally !orm part o! a test plan(
a) 8eatures to be tested
b) Incident reports
c) )is's
d) Scedule
&3 Wic o! tese acti#ities pro#ides te biggest potential cost sa#ing !rom te use
o! 1-ST(
a) Test management
b) Test design
c) Test e@ecution
d) Test planning
&5 Wic o! te !ollo$ing is +,T a $ite bo@ tecni4ue(
a) Statement testing
b) Pat testing
c) =ata !lo$ testing
d) State transition testing
&? =ata !lo$ analysis studies:
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a) possible communications bottlenec's in a program"
b) te rate o! cange o! data #alues as a program e@ecutes"
c) te use o! data on pats troug te code"
d) te intrinsic comple@ity o! te code"
&> In a system designed to $or' out te ta@ to be paid:
-n employee as ;3... o! salary ta@ !ree" Te ne@t ;15.. is ta@ed at 1./
Te ne@t ;&A... is ta@ed at &&/
-ny !urter amount is ta@ed at 3./
To te nearest $ole pound% $ic o! tese is a #alid Boundary Kalue -nalysis test
a) ;15..
b) ;3&..1
c) ;335.1
d) ;&A...
&A -n important bene!it o! code inspections is tat tey:
a) enable te code to be tested be!ore te e@ecution en#ironment is ready"
b) can be per!ormed by te person $o $rote te code"
c) can be per!ormed by ine@perienced sta!!"
d) are ceap to per!orm"
&< Wic o! te !ollo$ing is te best source o! E@pected ,utcomes !or *ser
-cceptance Test scripts(
a) -ctual results
b) Program speci!ication
c) *ser re4uirements
d) System speci!ication
3. Wat is te main di!!erence bet$een a $al'troug and an inspection(
a) -n inspection is lead by te autor% $ilst a $al'troug is lead by a trained
b) -n inspection as a trained leader% $ilst a $al'troug as no leader"
c) -utors are not present during inspections% $ilst tey are during $al'trougs"
d) - $al'troug is lead by te autor% $ilst an inspection is lead by a trained
31 Wic one o! te !ollo$ing describes te maBor bene!it o! #eri!ication early in
te li!e cycle(
a) It allo$s te identi!ication o! canges in user re4uirements"
b) It !acilitates timely set up o! te test en#ironment"
c) It reduces de!ect multiplication"
d) It allo$s testers to become in#ol#ed early in te proBect"
3& Integration testing in te small:
a) tests te indi#idual components tat a#e been de#eloped"
b) tests interactions bet$een modules or subsystems"
c) only uses components tat !orm part o! te li#e system"
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d) tests inter!aces to oter systems"
33 Static analysis is best described as:
a) te analysis o! batc programs"
b) te re#ie$ing o! test plans"
c) te analysis o! program code"
d) te use o! blac' bo@ testing"
33 -lpa testing is:
a) post-release testing by end user representati#es at te de#eloper:s site"
b) te !irst testing tat is per!ormed"
c) pre-release testing by end user representati#es at te de#eloper:s site"
d) pre-release testing by end user representati#es at teir sites"
35 - !ailure is:
a) !ound in te so!t$areL te result o! an error"
b) departure !rom speci!ied bea#iour"
c) an incorrect step% process or data de!inition in a computer program"
d) a uman action tat produces an incorrect result"
3? In a system designed to $or' out te ta@ to be paid:
-n employee as ;3... o! salary ta@ !ree" Te ne@t ;15.. is ta@ed at 1./
Te ne@t ;&A... is ta@ed at &&/
-ny !urter amount is ta@ed at 3./
Wic o! tese groups o! numbers $ould !all into te same e4ui#alence class(
a) ;3A..L ;13...L ;&A...
b) ;5&..L ;55..L ;&A...
c) ;&A..1L ;3&...L ;35...
d) ;5A..L ;&A...L ;3&...
3> Te most important ting about early test design is tat it:
a) ma'es test preparation easier"
b) means inspections are not re4uired"
c) can pre#ent !ault multiplication"
d) $ill !ind all !aults"
3A Wic o! te !ollo$ing statements about re#ie$s is true(
a) )e#ie$s cannot be per!ormed on user re4uirements speci!ications"
b) )e#ie$s are te least e!!ecti#e $ay o! testing code"
c) )e#ie$s are unli'ely to !ind !aults in test plans"
d) )e#ie$s sould be per!ormed on speci!ications% code% and test plans"
3< Test cases are designed during:
a) test recording"
b) test planning"
c) test con!iguration"
d) test speci!ication"
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3. - con!iguration management system $ould +,T normally pro#ide:
a) lin'age o! customer re4uirements to #ersion numbers"
b) !acilities to compare test results $it e@pected results"
c) te precise di!!erences in #ersions o! so!t$are component source code"
d) restricted access to te source code library"
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