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Neri vs.

Senate Committee on
Accountability of Public Ofcers and
Ponente: Leonardo-De Castro, J.
Petition for Certiorari assailing the Show Cause
Letter (Nov. 22, 200! and Conte"#t $rder (Jan.
%0, 200&! issued '( res#ondent Senate
Co""ittee against #etitioner Neri (for"er
Dire)tor *eneral of N+D,!
,#ril 2-, 200 . D$/C entered into a )ontra)t
with 0/+ for the su##l( of e1ui#"ent and
servi)es for the N2N Pro3e)t a"ounting to P-4
2illion. /he #ro3e)t was to 'e 5nan)ed '( the
Peo#le6s 7e#u'li) of China
Petitioner was su""oned '( res#ondents to
a##ear and testif( in the investigation on the N2N
Pro3e)t on a nu"'er of dates, however, he
attended onl( on the Se#t. 24 hearing.
Se#t. -&, 200 . 'usiness"an Jose de 8ene)ia 999
testi5ed that several high e:e)utive o;)ials and
#ower 'ro<ers were using their in=uen)e to #ush
the a##roval of the Pro3e)t initiall( a##roved as
a 2uild-$#erate-/ransfer #ro3e)t, 'ut on >ar)h 2?,
200, N+D, a)1uies)ed to )onvert it into a
govern"ent-to-govern"ent #ro3e)t to 'e
5nan)ed through a loan fro" the Chinese
Se#t. 24, 200 . #etitioner testi5ed 'efore
res#ondent Co""ittees for -- hours. @e
dis)losed that C$>+L+C Chair"an 2en3a"in
,'alos oAered hi" P200 >illion in e:)hange for
his a##roval of the #ro3e)t, and he infor"ed
President ,rro(o a'out the 'ri'er( atte"#t. Bhen
#ro'ed further on what the( dis)ussed, #etitioner
refused to answer % 1uestions, invo<ing
Ce:e)utive #rivilegeD:
- B$N President ,rro(o followed u# the N2N
- B$N she dire)ted hi" to #rioritiEe it
- B$N she dire)ted hi" to a##rove
7es#ondents issued a Su'#oena ,d
/esti5)andu", re1uiring #etitioner to a##ear and
testif( on Nov. 20, 200. @owever, a Letter (Nov.
-F, 200! '( +:e)utive Se)retar( +r"ita
re1uested res#ondents to dis#ense with
#etitioner6s testi"on( on the ground of
Ce:e)utive #rivilegeD that )overs a'ove
1uestions, "aintaining that the )on5dentialit( of
)onversations of the President is ne)essar( in the
e:er)ise of her e:e)utive and #oli)( de)ision
"a<ing #ro)ess and for the #rote)tion of the
#u'li) interest . dis)losure of infor"ation "ight
i"#air our di#lo"ati) and e)ono"i) relations with
Nov. 22, 200 . res#ondents issued the Show
Cause Letter re1uiring hi" to e:#lain wh( he
should not 'e )ited in )onte"#t.
$n Nov. 2?, #etitioner re#lied that it was not his
intention to ignore the hearing and he thought
the onl( re"aining 1uestions were those he
)lai"ed to 'e )overed '( e:e)utive #rivilege. @e
further re1uested to 'e furnished in advan)e as
to what else he needs to )larif(. 9n a letter '( his
)ounsel, it was stated that it was u#on the order
of the President that he did not a##ear, and that
the )onversation with the #resident dealt with
deli)ate and sensitive national se)urit( and
di#lo"ati) "atters relating to the i"#a)t of the
'ri'er( s)andal.
Jan. %0, 200& . res#ondents found #etitioner6s
e:#lanations unsatisfa)tor(, and without
res#onding to his re#l(, issued the $rder )iting
hi" in )onte"#t and ordering his arrest and
detention at the $;)e of the Senate Sergeant-,t-
,r"s until he gives his testi"on(.
/he #arties were dire)ted to "anifest to the Court
if the( were a"ena'le to the Court6s #ro#osal of
allowing #etitioner to i""ediatel( resu"e his
testi"on( 'efore the res#ondents to answer
other 1uestions without #re3udi)e to the de)isions
on the "erits of this #etition Senate disagreed.
$S* . >otion for Leave to 9ntervene:
- Co""uni)ations 'etween #etitioner and
President are )overed '( the e:e)utive
- Petitioner was not su""oned '( res#ondent in
a))ordan)e with the #ower to in1uiries in aid of
legislation as laid down in Se). 2-, ,rt. 4,
Constitution and Senate v. +r"ita
>ar)h 4, 200& . President ,rro(o issued
>e"orandu" Ciru)lar No. -F-, revo<ing +$ G4G
and >e"orandu" Cir)ular N. -0&, advising
o;)ials and e"#lo(ees to a'ide '( the
Consitution, e:isting laws and 3uris#ruden)e
(Senate v. +r"ita! when the( are invited to
legislative in1uiries in aid of legislation.
HSe). 2-, ,rt. 4 of Constitution . Legislative
#owers of Congress . relates to the #ower to
)ondu)t in1uiries in aid of legislation . ai" is to
eli)it infor"ation that "a( 'e used for legislation
. )an )o"#el the a##earan)e of e:e)utive
HSe). 22, ,rt. 4 of Constitution . $versight #owers
of Congress . relates to the #ower to )ondu)t a
1uestion hour . to o'tain infor"ation in #ursuit of
Congress6 oversight fun)tion . )annot )o"#el the
a##earan)e of e:e)utive o;)ials
HPrin)i#le of Se#aration of Powers
- e:e)utive 'ran)h )annot frustrate #ower of
Congress to legislate '( refusing to )o"#l( with
its de"ands of infor"ation
- #ower of 3udi)ial review is availa'le . right of
Congress to )ondu)t in1uiries in aid of legislation
is sus)e#ti'le to a'use su'3e)t to )ertiorari
(Se). -, ,rt. &, Constitution!
9ssues and 7atio:
-. B$N the )o""uni)ations eli)ited '( the %
1uestions are )overed '( +:e)utive Privilege.
(I+S. 2 reasons!
HPower of Congress to )ondu)t in1uiries in aid of
legislation . 'road . legislative )annot legislate
wisel(JeAe)tivel( in the a'sen)e of infor"ation
res#e)ting the )onditions whi)h the legislation is
intended to aAe)tJ)hange )o"#ulsor( #ro)ess
to enfor)e it . li"itations . validit(: done in
a))ordan)e with the Senate or @ouse dul(
#u'lished rules of #ro)edure and the rights of
#ersons a##earingJaAe)ted 'e res#e)ted. Su)h
#ower e:tends to e:e)utive o;)ials and
e:e"#tion )an onl( 'e through a valid )lai" of
e:e)utive #rivilege.
a. /here is a re)ogniEed )lai" of e:e)utive
#rivilege des#ite revo)ation of +$ G4G.
Con)e#t of e:e)utive #rivilege has )onstitutional
KS v. Ni:on . #u'li) interest: #reserve
)on5dentialit( of )onversations that ta<e #la)e in
the President6s #erfor"an)e of his o;)ial duties
(#residential )o""uni)ations #rivilege! .
President6s generaliEed interest in )on5dentialit(
. #rovide hi" and those who assist hi" with
freedo" to e:#lore alternatives in the #ro)ess of
sha#ing #oli)ies and "a<ing de)isions.
9n 7e: Sealed Case . 2 <inds of e:e)utive
#rivilege: (-! Presidential )o""uni)ations
#rivilege . )o""uni)ations, do)u"ents or other
"aterials that re=e)t #residential de)ision-
"a<ing and deli'erations whi)h President
'elieves should re"ain )on5dential . de)ision
"a<ing of the President (se#aration of #owers!
(2! Deli'erative #ro)ess #rivilege . advisor(
o#inions, re)o""endations and deli'erations
)o"#rising #art of a #ro)ess '( whi)h
govern"ental de)isions and #oli)ies are
for"ulated . de)ision-"a<ing of the +:e)utive
$;)ials ()o""on law #rivilege!. /he o;)ials
)overed '( the for"er are those fun)tions that
for" the )ore of #residential authorit( that are
C1uintessential and non-delega'le Presidential
#owerD ()o""ander in )hief #ower,
a##oint"entJre"oval #ower, #ower to grant
#ardonsJre#rieves, et)!
Courts ruled that +:e)utive has a right to
withhold do)u"ents that "ight reveal
"ilitar(Jstate se)rets, identit( of govern"ent
infor"ers, infor"ation related to #ending
infor"ation and foreign relations. ChaveE v. PC**
. se)rets regarding "ilitar(, di#lo"ati) and other
se)urit( "atters. ChaveE v. P+, . Presidential
)onversations, )orres#onden)es in )losed-door
Ca'inet "eetings
SC: +:e)utive Se)retar( +r"ita #re"ised his
)lai" of e:e)utive #rivilege on the ground that
the )o""uni)ations eli)ited '( the % 1uestions
fall under the )onversation and )orres#onden)e
'etween the President and #u'li) o;)ials
ne)essar( in her e:e)utive and #oli)( de)ision-
"a<ing #ro)ess . dis)losure "ight i"#air
di#lo"ati) L e)ono"i) relations with Peo#le6s
7e#u'li) of China (Presidential Co""uni)ations
Privilege and +:e)utive Privilege on "atters
relating to Di#lo"a)( or Moreign 7elations!
- )o""uni)ations relate to a C1uintessential and
non-delega'le #ower (enter into an e:e)utive
agree"ent wJ other )ountries wJo )on)urren)e
wJ Legislature!
- )o""uni)ations are re)eived '( a )lose advisor
of the President (o#erational #ro:i"it( test .
#etitioner is a "e"'er of the )a'inet!
- no ade1uate showing of a )o"#elling need that
would 3ustif( the li"itation of the #rivilege. No
)ategori)al e:#lanation fro" res#ondents to
show a )o"#elling need for the answers to the
1uestions, and veer "ore towards e:er)ise of
legislative oversight fun)tion (Se). 22, ,rt. 4!
7es#ondents: a )lai" of e:e)utive #rivilege does
not guard against a #ossi'le dis)losure of a
)ri"eJwrongdoing (KS v Ni:on . s#e)i5) need for
eviden)e in #ending )ri"inal trial outweighs
President6s interest in )on5dentialit(!
SC: infor"ation in this )ase is eli)ited not in a
)ri"inal #ro)eeding 'ut a legislative in1uir(. /he
validit( of e:e)tuve #rivilege de#ends not onl( on
the ground invo<ed 'ut also on the #ro)edural
settingJ)onte:t whi)h the )lai" is "ade.
7es#ondent: the grant of e:e)utive #rivilege
violates )onstitutional #rovisions on the right of
the #eo#le to infor"ation on "atters of #u'li)
)on)ern (Se). , ,rt. %, Constitution!
SC: Petitioner "ade hi"self availa'le to the"
during the Se#t. 24 hearing, 1uestioned for --
hours, and e:#ressl( "anifested willingness to
answer "ore 1uestions e:)e#t the % )overed '(
e:e)utive #rivilege. Peo#le6s right to infor"ation
is li"ited '( law (7, 4-%, Se). N 7PC, ,rt. 22?N
7, %0-?, Se). %(<!N and 7ules of Court, 7ule -%0,
Se). 2G (e!!. /he infor"ation in this )ase is
)lassi5ed as )on5dential wherein there is #u'li)
interest in its )on5dentialit(. Not ever( legislative
in1uir( is an e:er)ise of #eo#le6s right to
'. /he )lai" of e:e)utive #rivilege is #ro#erl(
/he letter (Nov. -, 200! of +:e)utive Se)retar(
+r"ita satis5es the re1uire"ent for a for"al
)lai" of e:e)utive #rivilege (a #re)ise and )ertain
reason for #reserving )on5dentialit(!. 9t serves as
the for"al )lai" of #rivilege: Cthis $;)e is
)onstrained to invo<e the settled do)trine of
e:e)utive #rivilege (Se)retar( v. +r"ita!, and the
$;)e of the President has advised Se). Neri
a))ordingl(O /he infor"ation if dis)losed "ight
i"#air di#lo"ati) and e)ono"i) relations with
Peo#le6s 7e#u'li) of China.D /he grounds were
s#e)i5) enough so as not to leave res#ondent in
the dar< on how the re1uested infor"ation )ould
'e )lassi5ed as #rivileged. Congress "ust not
re1uire the e:e)utive to state the reasons for the
)lai" with su)h #arti)ularit( as to )o"#el
dis)losure of infor"ation whi)h the #rivilege
sought to #rote)t . res#e)t to a )o-e1ual
2. B$N res#ondent Co""ittees )o""itted
grave a'use of dis)retion in issuing the
Conte"#t $rder.
I+S. F reasons:
- /here was a legiti"ate )lai" of e:e)utive
#rivilege therefore the $rder suAers fro"
)onstitutional in5r"it(
- Co""ittees did not )o"#l( with the
re1uire"ent (Senate v. +r"ita! that the
invitations should )ontain the C#ossi'le needed
statute whi)h #ro"#ted the in1uir(D, Cthe usual
indi)ation of the su'3e)t of in1uir( and the
1uestions relative to and in furtheran)e
thereofD. Co"#lian)e is i"#erative, 'oth under
Se). 2- and 22 of ,rt. 4 of Constitution, to
ensure rights of #ersons a##earing and aAe)ted
'( the in1uir( are res#e)ted.
- 9t is revealed in the trans)ri#t that the
#ro)eeding on Jan. %0, 200& had onl( a "inorit(
of the "e"'ers of the Senate 2lue 7i''on
Co""ittee #resent during the deli'eration (
onl(!. Se). -& of the 7ules of Pro)edure
*overning 9n1uiries in ,id of Legislation #rovides
that a vote of "a3orit( of its "e"'ers "a(
#unish an( witness for )onte"#t. >e"'ers who
did not a)tuall( #arti)i#ate in the deli'eration
were "ade to sign the )onte"#t $rder, and its
validit( is dou'ted. Sen. Pi"entel insisted that
the 1uoru" of the )o""ittee was onl( 2 and
that the will of the lead )o""ittee #revails over
all the other.
- /he Court 5nds "erit in the argu"ent of the
$S* that res#ondent violated Se). 2-, ,rt. 4 of
the Constitution re1uiring that the in1uir( 'e in
a))ordan)e with the Cdul( #u'lished rules of
#ro)edureD, whi)h the res#ondents failed to
"eet therefore its hearings were #ro)edurall(
- 7es#ondents6 issuan)e of the )onte"#t $rder
were ar'itrar( and #re)i#itate 'e)ause it did not
#ass u#on the )lai" of e:e)utive #rivilege and
infor" the #etitioner of their ruling, )urtl(
dis"issed his e:#lanation as unsatisfa)tor( and
si"ultaneousl( issued the $rder. Petitioner was
not an unwilling witness and "anifested his
willingness to testif(. 7es#ondents denied hi"
due #ro)ess of law.
Court was also a))used of atte"#ting to a'andon
its )onstitutional dut( when it re1uired #arties to
)onsider a #ro#osal that would lead to a #ossi'le
)o"#ro"ise it was onl( to test a tool that other
3urisdi)tions 5nd to 'e eAe)tive in settling si"ilar
)ases to avoid a #ie)e"eal )onsideration of the
1uestions for review. >u)h of this s#irit of
)o"#ro"ise is re=e)ted in the generalit( of
language foundi n the Constitution (KS v.
,"eri)an /el. L /el Co.!.
Judg"ent: Petition *ranted. Conte"#t $rder
Dissent: Puno, J.
- /he #rin)i#le of se#aration of #owers is not
a'solute .a her"eti) sealing oA of the %
'ran)hes of govern"ent fro" one another
would #re)lude the esta'lish"ent of a nation
)a#a'le of governing itself eAe)tivel(.
- S(ste" of )he)<s and 'alan)es . the #ower of
)ongressional oversight . to enhan)e its
understanding of and in=uen)e over
i"#le"entation of legislation it has ena)ted
reviewJinvestigation of e:e)utive 'ran)h a)tion
'( legislature6s )orollar( #ower of investigation.
Standard 3usti5)ation: #resu"ed need for
newJre"edial legislation (investigations in aid of
- Legislative #ower of investigation in)ludes
#ower of )onte"#t or #ro)ess to enfor)e
(,rnault v. NaEareno! . in)idental toJi"#lied in
legislative fun)tion .)annot legislate
wisel(JeAe)tivel( in the a'sen)e of infor"ation
res#e)ting the )onditions whi)h the legislation is
intended to aAe)tJ)hange
- 2 re1uire"ents for the valid e:er)ise of #ower of
investigation and )onte"#t of witness for
)ontu"a)(: e:isten)e of a legislative #ur#ose
(in aid of legislation! and #ertinen)( of the
1uestion #ro#ounded.
- 8alidit( of the )lai" of e:e)utive #rivilege
de#ends on the ground invo<ed to 3ustif( it and
the )onte:t in whi)h it is "ade.
- Presidential )o""uni)ations are #resu"#tivel(
#rivileged. /o over)o"e the #resu"#tion, there
"ust 'e su;)ient showingJde"onstration of
s#e)i5) need for the withheld infor"ation. 2
standards: evidentiar( and )onstitutional.
- Mun)tion 9"#air"ent /est . the Court weighs
how the dis)losure of the withheld infor"ation
would i"#air the President6s a'ilit( to #erfor"
his )onstitutional duties "ore than
nondis)losure would i"#air other 'ran)h6s
a'ilit( to #erfor" its )onstitutional fun)tions.
- /he SC )annot assess the validit( of the )lai" of
the +:e)utive Se)retar( 'e)ause #au)it( of
e:#lanation on on how di#lo"ati) se)rets will 'e
e:#osed at the e:#ense of our national interest
if #etitioner answers dis#uted 1uestions. SC
)annot deter"ine whether there is reasona'le
danger if #etitioner answers . Court )annot
engage in guesswor<.
- 9t is self-evident that the assailed 1uestions are
#ertinent to the su'3e)t "atter of legislative
investigation and have dire)t relation to the
su'3e)t and #ending Senate 'ills.
- Petitioner: res#ondents were see<ing to
esta'lish the )ul#a'ilit( of the President or the
ano"alies in the N2N-0/+ Contra)t. SC: "otive
of the Senate Co""ittees in )ondu)ting their
investigation is 'e(ond the #urview of the
Court6s #ower of 3udi)ial review . 1uestions are
#ertinent and there is no eAe)tive su'stitute for
the infor"ation sought.
- Senate 7ules of Pro)edure *overning 9n1uiries in
,id of Legislation is assailed as invalid for failure
to 'e re#u'lished . not a )ontinuing 'od( .
"e"'ershi# )hanges ever( % (ears (ele)tion!
Senators have traditionall( )onsidered the
Senate as a )ontinuing 'od( des#ite the )hange
of #art of its "e"'ershi# after an ele)tion .
does not )ease its la'or, Co""ittees )ontinue
their wor<. 2( tradition, )usto" and #ra)ti)e,
the Senate does not re#u'lish its rules
es#e)iall( when the sa"e has not undergone
an( "aterial )hange. +:isting rules whi)h have
alread( undergone #u'li)ation should 'e
dee"ed ado#ted and )ontinued regardless of
ele)tion of new "e"'ers. 9nternal rules .
res#e)t for )o-e1ual 'ran)h.
- 7es#ondent Senate Co""ittees have good
reasons in )iting Neri for )onte"#t for failing to
a##ear on Nov. 20 hearing. /here is no 'asis for
#etitioner and +:e)utive Se)retar( to assu"e
that #etitioner6s further testi"on( will 'e li"ited
onl( ton the % dis#uted 1uestions.

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