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The ultimate intelligence:

Intelligence Quotient (IQ) - Is about thinking

IQ measures our cognitive ability but academic or cognitive intelligence alone offers little
preparation for the emotional challenges we all have to face in the course of our daily lives. .

Emotional Quotient (EQ) - Is about feeling

EQ is a term used to represent other factors that can lead to healthy relationships and the ability to
respond appropriately and positively to everyday life. It is about recognising emotions and
managing them. EQ is about understanding ourselves, how we relate to others and how others
perceive us. EQ also helps us to understand how others are feeling and enables us to develop more
fulfilling and deeper relationships. All this is essential if we are to be able to manage and resolve
conflict as and when it arises as well as functioning collaboratively and collectively in everyday

But above all this the need of the hour is for the ultimate intelligence which is heavily driven by

Spiritual Quotient (SQ) - Is about being

SQ is very difficult to define. But it needs to be clear it is not about organised religion. SQ is about
questions more than answers. One of the biggest qualities of SQ is wisdom. Ingredients of SQ are
values such as courage, integrity, intuition, compassion, empathy and knowing the limits of your
knowledge. SQ can also mean unlearning what others have taught you; questioning life issues;
thinking laterally or outside the box; seeing situations and issues differently; having a greater
understanding of all possibilities. Spirituality sustains us from within when all else fails; spirituality
allows us to dream, aspire and raise ourselves up.

The need for SQ in the new normal: (THE HEART OF LIVING)
There is a high degree of uncertainty in people today.. Today we are in a situation where one doesn't
know where the economy is headed, whether one has a job or not, or if there is a pay cut lurking! In
business also we tend to be ruthless and short-term. Added to this are changes in the society
resulting in a complete alteration of Maslows hierarchy of needs. What was once a pyramid of
progression from basic needs, social needs, security needs, esteem needs to self-actualization, today
has become a web of chaos without a hierarchy. Today individuals are stuck generating more &
more to satisfy their esteem, never wanting to progress to next stage of self-actualization.
Relationships dont carry any value resulting in higher breakups, divorce which means they are never
satisfied with social needs. And with the uncertainty looming large in the economy one doesnt have
a guarantee that the security needs are in place!

What one needs now is internal cohesion, external resilience, ability to deal with stress and an ability
to operate beyond the ego. SQ channelizes energy into a positive direction when there is a lot of
negativity around. It gives individuals a greater sense of purpose and inculcates a sense of discipline.
It tell us to be long-term, all-encompassing and principle-based in our approach. The need of the
hour is to bring this spirituality at the center of our lives. We call this the heart of living.

Benefits of enhanced SQ:

1. Enables one to live a more balanced life
2. Enables to effectively manage emotions
3. One becomes more reflective & introspective
4. Brings in Flexibility
5. Enhances Self-awareness
6. Creates an ability to face and use suffering
7. Creates the ability to be inspired by a vision
8. Helps one think holistically
9. Creates an ability to work against convention

Some of the key management takeaways from spiritual sources include ethics, righteousness,
creativity, innovation, leadership, compassion in dealing with peers, teams or customers, and the
ability to look at any problem from multiple perspectives

The Heart of Living to enhance SQ:
Putting SQ in the center of the human matrix helps build alignment and congruence among all key
elements of a holistic individual. This will help you identify, claim and develop skills to support all the
elements of the Matrix. What provides the guidance, meaning and support at the heart of your
essence? How do you sustain yourself through all challenges, so that you stay aware and awake
during the highs and acknowledge the lows as another growth point of the leadership journey?
What are the sources of guidance, places, people and activities that fuel your soul for the long haul
of life?

Assessment to map individual spiritual quotient

Mark your score on a scale of 1-5 where 5 means you completely agree with the statement and 1
means you totally disagree.

1. My life has a sense of complete and positive purpose to it.

2. I feel a great connection to and often feel 'at one' with the universe and/or God.

3. I understand and have a deep knowledge of myself. I do what I say and express this in my

4. I am known for my playful, irrepressible and bubbling sense of humour and childlike (but not
childish) view of the world.

5. I am deeply at peace with myself.

6. Other life forms generate in me a sense of awe, wonder, love and respect.

7. I achieve the right balance of appropriate caring for others.

8. I enjoy serving all people to the best of my ability and at every opportunity.

9. I am amazed at my capacity for wonder.

Scoring 4's and 5's indicates a high SQ (spiritual quotient)

Scoring 1's and 2's indicates a low SQ (spiritual quotient)

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