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Working hours and stor ti!ings"

Every employee has to adhere to respective store timings.
Brak #i!ings:-
Tea Break Morning - 15 minutes
Lunch Break ! minutes

#a Brak E$ning 15 minutes
Lat Co!ing%A&sn'
"# employee is noted to $e 15 mintues late on occasions in a month% &ithout
authori'ation% then it &ill $e automatically treated as ( day Leave.
"# #or any reason you are going to $e late or a$sent% you are responsi$le to keep your
)M * +)M in#ormed.
Pro&ation ( Con)ir!ation
+ll ne& recruits &ill $e on pro$ation #or , months.
Trainees to $e on a period o# , months.
The pro$ation period &ill $e used to esta$lish &hether the person has ac-uired the
re-uisite kno&ledge and skills #or permanent placement in the country.
"n the event &hen an employee under pro$ation does not come up to the e.pectations
a#ter the assessment then the pro$ation period &ould $e #urther e.tended $y months.
There &ill not $e any revision in salary at the time o# con#irmation.
The annual cycle #or the purpose o# leave &ill $e 1
/uly !
Eligi$le #or ! days - +LL 012034E LE+5E
Employees can avail advance o# 6 days o# all purpose leave during pro$ation &hich &ill
$e ad7usted against their leave $alance.
Leave accumulation &ill $e permissi$le up to a period o# 8! days.
3nly 15 days can $e carried #or&ard to the ne.t year.
Maternity leave - 9: days ma.imum on completion o# 1,! days*
Pro$idnt +und ,P*+*-
1;< 3# Basic as employer=s contri$ution to&ards 0rovident >und.
The employee &ill $e re-uired to contri$ute a similar amount ?1;< o# Basic@ to&ards 0>.
"nterest on total contri$ution ?Both employee contri$ution ?"ncluding voluntary
contri$ution@ and employers contri$ution@.
Loan against mem$er=s contri$ution ?including voluntary contri$ution@.
Ta. 2e$ate on employee=s contri$ution ?including voluntary contri$ution@ under 4ection
9! A.
0ermanent &ithdra&al o# mem$er=s contri$ution ?including voluntary contri$ution and
interest component@ on completing 1! years o# service in the same organisation.
Mem$er can permanently &ithdra&:1!!< o# contri$ution #or housing purposes B 5! <
o# contri$ution #or Cospitalisation% children=s education% marriage% housing etc.
E!/0o1s Stat Insuran' Cor/oration ,E*S*I*C-."
:.65< 3# Dross as employer=s contri$ution to&ards E4"A.
The employee &ill $e re-uired to contri$ute 1.65< o# the gross E4"A*
>ree medical treatment #or sel#% spouse and dependant #amily.
Aan claim 6*1;th o# salary in case o# sickness up to a ma.imum o# 9 &eeks in a
continuous period o# ,5 days.
Aan claim $ene#it * pension in case o# disa$lement * death at &orkplace.
Gratuit1 S'h!."
Undr Gratuit1 A't 2345 " 6 7ars
In case of death of employee or disability due to accident wherein the employee cannot be
employed, the gratuity amount is given to the nominated family member even if the employee has
not completed 5 Years.
+s per The 0ayment o# Dratuity +ct%186;% gratuity shall $e paya$le to an employee% on
the separation * termination o# his employment a#ter he has rendered #ive years o# continuous
3n his superannuation.
3n his retirement or resignation.
3n his death or disa$lement due to accident or disease ?in this case 5 years o#
service is not necessary@.
Dratuity is calculated at the rate o# :.91< o# +nnual Basic.
S/'ia0 Pri$i0g S'h!." ?Employee )iscount Aoupons@
To e.tend a discount #acility to employees o# >uture Droup
>eel pride to &ear and use Aompany o&ned product.
To $e $rand +m$assadors
The scheme is applica$le to employees &ho are on the rolls o# the company.
The scheme applies immediately at the time o# 7oining.
The 0urchase limits under this scheme &ould $e as #ollo&s:
L$0 Pur'has Li!it , Rs* /*a*-
Band 2 ,Coordinator- 56:;;;
Band 5 ,S/'ia0ist- 6;:;;;
Band < ,Mid Manag!nt- 2;;:;;;
Band = ,Manag!nt Ad$isor1- 5;;:;;;
Band 6 ,Stratgi'- A'tua0
Panta0oon Shish1a
This program is aimed at sel# development o# >1T12E D2310 employees to enhance their
skill sets $y taking up educational courses in a part-time or distance learning ?correspondence@
capacity thus enhancing their productivity and adding to organi'ational value.
+ll employees o# >uture Droup% &ho have completed 1 year o# service and &ho have received
con#irmation o# employment. Both criteria have to $e #ul#illed.
Employees &ould $e allo&ed to take up courses o# their choice% &hich are relevant to
enhancing their skills and kno&ledge #or their 7o$ and have an impact on their &ork area.
The total value o# the $ene#it can $e availed once in three years #rom the date o#
eligi$ility. That is% over a year time #rame% any employee can take up courses &hose
#ees totally add up to his*her ma.imum eligi$ility.
Band 0osition?store@ A!ount E0igi&0
Pr Cours
Position ,HO (
Zona0 O))i'-
A!ount E0igi&0
Pr Cours
Band1 4ales 4ta## 1pto 15%!!! Aoordinator 1pto ;5%!!!
Band; +)M*)M*
Backend 4upport
1pto ;!%!!! 4r.E.ecutive *
1pto !%!!!
Band +4M * 4M 1pto !%!!! )eputy
Manager * +sst.
1pto 5!%!!!
Band: 4tore Manager *
+rea Manager
1pto 65%!!! 4enior Manager *
Band5 Cead * Ahie# 1pto ;%!!%!!!

To ena$le employees to enhance their skill sets $y taking up educational courses
thus enhancing their productivity and adding to organi'ational value.
To aim at sel#-development o# employees
0rogram )etail +pplica$ility
>ull time 0ost Draduate 0rogram in 2etail
management ?0D02M@
a-Aompletion o# one year o# continuous
service &ith the organi'ation as on 15th
/uly o# the calendar year in &hich the
course is to commence.
&- 4ecured minimum o# 5!< in graduation
#rom a recogni'ed university.
Panta0oon +oundation
Background: Each o# us spend a large proportion o# our lives at &ork &ith our colleagues
&ho $ecome a second #amily a&ay #rom home.
"t is important that all our employees #eel that this too is a #amily that cares #or them and
&ill $e there #or them in their time o# need.
#h Con'/t.
Each employee 53L1ET+2"LF contri$utes a small amount #rom his*her salary each
month to the 0antaloon >oundation
This #und &ill $e registered independently.
+ny employee in need o# urgent #unds #or any medical emergency #or him*hersel# or
his*her #amily can take an interest-#ree loan #rom this #und.
Bn$o0nt Loan
To #acilitate #inancial support to employees &ithin speci#ied parameters in connection
&ith $asic living re-uirements.
Loans are applica$le to con#irmed employees &ho #ul#ill the -uali#ication re-uirements
#or each category o# loan.
The employees should have maintained a credita$le per#ormance rating.
Loan has to $e applied #or on the Loan +pplication >orm.
+pplications &ill $e routed through 4M * +4M.
Sa0ar1 Ad$an'
To provide assistance to the employee to meet his immediate #inancial re-uirement or any
E0igi&i0it1 .
+pplica$le to con#irmed employees.
Standards .
The employee can take advance only a#ter 15
day o# the month.
+mount o# salary advance should not e.ceed more than one month salary.
The said advance is interest #ree.
2ecovery o# the advance amount &ill $e done in su$se-uent month=s salary.
Gi)t 9ou'hr on Wdding ( N? Born Ba&1
E0igi&i0it1. +ll con#irmed Employees.
Employees &ho get married during their employment &ith the organi'ation &ill $e
presented &ith a Di#t voucher o# 2s. ;!!! *-.
4uch Di#t voucher &ill $e presented only #or #irst marriage.
+ gi#t voucher o# 2s. 1!!! *- &ill $e presented to an employee &ho has $een $lessed &ith
a ne&$orn $a$y.
+pplica$le #or #irst t&o children only.
"n case o# $oth couple &orking in the organi'ation% the gi#t voucher &ill $e presented to
either o# t&o.
Long Sr$i' A?ard Po0i'1
To recogni'e% encourage and re&ard the long-term contri$ution and commitment made $y
the employees #or the gro&th o# the 3rgani'ation.
This policy is applica$le to all employees o# 02"L and its su$sidiary companies &ho are
on permanent rolls o# the company.
+n employee &ill $ecome eligi$le #or the a&ard a#ter having put in 5 or 1! years o#
continuous service.
Aovers hospitalisation e.penses #or illness% disease or accident
Sa0int +aturs.
Aovers #or sel#% parents% spouse B t&o dependant children up to the age o# ;1 years.
Aovers only Cospitalisation e.penses.
)omiciliary Cospitalisation B )omiciliary Treatment e.penses not covered
0re hospitalisation up to ! days
0ost hospitalisation up to ,! days &ill $e covered.
4um "nsured 0er >amily is #rom 2s. 65%!!!*- to 2s. %!!%!!!*- p.a.
)omiciliary Cospital e.penses
Eon +llopathic medicine
Aongenital diseases
E.penses arising #rom +")4 and related treatment
1se o# into.icating drugs or alcohol
/oint replacement surgery .
)isease such as hernia% piles% cataract and sinusitis.
3TCE2 BEE">"T4-
"mmediate coverage o# medical e.penses during maternity ?Limited to 2s. 15%!!!*- #or
normal delivery B 2s. ;5%!!!*- #or Aesarean@.
Aoverage o# 1;, day care procedures.
Aoverage o# pre-e.isting diseases.
Aoverage o# employee=s ne& $orn $a$y #rom $irth.
Main Conditions.
0reliminary "ntimation o# Alaim &ithin 6 )ays.
>inal Alaim to $e #iled &ithin ! )ays #rom )ate o# )ischarge.
3riginal Bills% 2eceipts% Aash Memos% prescriptions % other documents to $e #urnished.
"n the event o# dou$le insurance contri$ution &ill apply.
Ao'tor on Ca00
+ doctor &ill $e availa$le in the store #or health check-up during prescri$ed &orking
>ree advice can $e taken #or individual as &ell as #amily related issues.
9isiting Cards
+uthori'e% empo&ered employees to represent the company.
Band A//0i'a&i0it1
Band and a$ove +ll Employees
Band ; Employees involved in e.ternal customer
inter#ace * #ront end roles% dealing &ith
vendors* suppliers. +pproval #rom C3)s is
Co!/an1 Car
To ena$le the eligi$le employees to use the company car #or o##icial and personal
To provide an opportunity to the employee to o&n the Aar at the end o# the : year period.
Band Position Car /ur'has 0i!it En'ash!nt ,i) 'ar
&n)it not a$ai0d-
Band 5 Cead *0resident* 5ice
9 lacs 2s.1,% ,!! *- pm
Band 5 Ahie#*Deneral
Manager* Business
, lacs 2s.1;% 5!!*- pm
Band : Ahie#*Deneral
Manager* Business
:.5 lacs 2s.8%:!!!*-pm
+utur Out/ost"Ho0ida1 Ho!
This document serves to provide the necessary guidance #or the policy governing the running
and $ooking o# The >uture 3utpost% &hich is a ;1 room lu.ury resort in +li$aug
To provide a Coliday Come to employees to un&ind and recharge themselves along &ith their

+ll employees at Cead 3##ice% Gonal 3##ice B 4tores.
Hard +urnishing
The o$7ective o# this policy is to ena$le the employees to ac-uire &hite goods and #urniture
#or their personal use. This documents serves to provide the necessary guidance as a policy
governing the procurement% use and entitlement o# &hite goods and #urniture.
A&out th Po0i'1.
The Card >urnishing entitlement is #or a $lock o# THREE years period.
"n case the employee avails o# the entitlement at a later date% then his THREE
years $lock period commences #rom the date o# purchase on&ards.

Band HO ( ZO
Stor E!/0o1 9a0u ,Rs-
+or th &0o'k
o) < 1rs
Annua0 9a0u
Band 5 Cead* 0resident*
5ice 0resident
E+ %!!%!!! 1%!!%!!!
Band 5 Ahie#*Deneral
E+ ;%;5%!!! 65%!!!
Band : 4r. Manager +rea
1%5!%!!! 5!%!!!
Band : Manager 4M 1%;!%!!! :!%!!!
Band )pt.Manager 4M 8!%!!! !%!!!
Band +sst.Manager +4M ,!%!!! ;!%!!!
Ha0th C0u& M!&rshi/
To ena$le employees in $ecoming a mem$er o# a health clu$ &ith an aim to provide #or
their physical B mental &ell-$eing.
A//0i'a&i0it1 ( E0igi&i0it1.
+ll reim$ursements &ill $e done only on actual $asis B on su$mission o# supporting% su$7ect to
limits speci#ied $elo&:
Band Ma@i!u! 0i!it )or 1ar01 ri!&urs!nt
in Rs*
Band ;5%!!!

Band :
Band 5 ;5%!!!
The employee &ill not have an option to encash this $ene#it i# not availed.
Housing Loan Intrst Su&sid1
To provide employees% the $ene#it o# su$sidy to o&n their o&n accommodation $y means o#
purchase o# plot * house% construction o# d&elling unit or renovation o# #lat.
A//0i'a&i0it1 ( E0igi&i0it1.
Aon#irmed employees in Band B a$ove% &ho have completed , months o# continuous
service &ith the organi'ation% su$7ect to limits speci#ied $elo&:

Band Ma@i!u! A!t*,/r 1ar- Ma@i!u! A!t* ,/r !onth-
Band 6 Rs* 2:B;:;;;%" Rs* 2<:<<<%"
Band = Rs* 2:;;:;;;%" Rs* C:<<<%"
Band < Rs* C;:;;;%" Rs* <:BB4%"
Car Loan Intrst Su&sid1
To ena$le the employees to ac-uire loan #or purchasing car #or $oth o##icial and personal use.

A//0i'a&i0it1 ( E0igi&i0it1.
Aon#irmed employees in Band B :% &ho have completed 1 year o# continuous service &ith the
organi'ation% su$7ect to limits speci#ied $elo&:
Band HO ( ZO
Stor E!/0o1s Loan Entit0!nt
Band : Manager*4enior
4tore Manager 1pto 2s.%5!%!!!
Band )upty Manager +ssistant 4tore
Manager * 4tore
1pto 2s.%!!%!!!
#?o Wh0r Loan Intrst Su&sid1
To ena$le the employees to ac-uire loan #or purchasing t&o &heeler vehicle #or $oth o##icial
and personal use.
A//0i'a&i0it1 ( E0igi&i0it1.
Aon#irmed employees in Band % ; B 1% &ho have completed 1 year o# continuous service
&ith the organi'ation% su$7ect to limits speci#ied $elo&:
Band HO ( ZO
Stor E!/0o1s Loan Entit0!nt
Band +ssistant Manager E+ 1pto 2s.5!%!!!
Band 4r E.ecutive *
+)M* )M 1pto 2s. !%!!!
Band Aoordinator 4ales sta## 1pto 2s.!%!!!
Mo&i0 Phon
To take care o# the communication needs #or $usiness and e.igencies
A//0i'a&i0it1 ( E0igi&i0it1.
+ll employees in Band B a$ove% su$7ect to limits speci#ied $elo&:
Band Mo&i0 Handst Li!it Rnt % Ca00 Chargs Li!its
,/r !onth-
Band 5 1pto 2s. 15%!!!*- 1pto 2s.5%!!!
Band : 1pto 2s.1!%!!!*- 1pto 2s.%!!!
Band 1pto 2s.,%!!!*- 1pto 2s.1%5!!
Band 1B;
?need $asis@
Hill $e provided $y the
1pto 2s. 8!!
#ra$0 Po0i'1.
To make outstation visits in a structured and planned manner to ena$le the assignment to
$e completed on schedule.
To make outstation travel a com#orta$le e.perience #or an employee.
To meet the e.penses incurred $y the employee in connection &ith travel% lodging and
+pplica$le to all employees on tour &ho are on the rolls o# the company.
#rans)r Po0i'1.
The company reserves the right to trans#er any employee #rom one department to another%
or #rom one location to another ?&ithin "ndia@% to cope &ith the e.igencies o# $usiness. The
company &ill assist the employees in meeting reasona$le e.penses &hen they are trans#erred to a
di##erent location.
+pplica$le to employees at Cead 3##ice% Gonal 3##ices B 4tores.
R0o'ation Po0i'1 )or N? R'ruits
To assist the ne& recruit% &ho are relocating #rom a city ?&ithin "ndia@ other than their initial
place o# 7oining B to lay do&n entitlement and procedures #or the same.
+pplica$le to ne& recruits 7oining in all Bands at Cead 3##ice B Gonal 3##ices and applica$le to
ne& recruits 7oining in Band B : at 4tores.

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