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Fetching of Rishyasrunga by Dasaratha

Sloka 1: Minister Sumantra continued, "Oh, the great king, I will further narrate all that
has been said by Sanatkumara, the best one among all deities, kindly listen to these
following words which will bestow the best result.
Sloka 2: A king named Dasharatha will be born into Ikshwaku dynasty who will be
etremely righteous in his conduct, endowed with !lenty and !ros!erity and of truthful
Sloka 3: "ing Dasharatha will befriend the king of Anga.
Sloka 4: #he king of Angas will beget a famous son by name $oma!ada. And this king
will be blessed with a daughter named Shanta, of great good fortune and the highly
renowned king Dasharatha a!!roaches $oma!ada.
Sloka 5: #hen king Dasharatha says to king of Anga "Oh, righteous one, I am childless
and hence I intend to !erform a %edic ritual. &et the husband of your daughter Shanta,
sage $ishyasringa, !reside o'er that %edic ritual at your re(uest, for the sake of !rogeny
in my dynasty.
Sloka 6: On hearing those words of king Dasharatha that bene'olent soul $oma!ada, the
king of Anga, considers heartily and agrees to send the one who endows !rogeny by
rituals, namely Sage $ishyasringa his son)in)law.
Sloka 7: On recei'ing that brahman, Sage $ishyasringa, at the re(uest of his father)in)
law, king Dasharatha will accom!lish that %edic ritual feeling 'ery fortunate in the de!ths
of his heart.
Sloka 8: #hat king Dasharatha, the desirer of glory, the knower of 'irtue and the lord of
!eo!le, will re(uest the best brahman $ishyasringa with his !alms ad*oined in
su!!lication for the conduct of ritual, for !rogeny and e'en for his hea'enly abodes.
Sloka : #hat king of all the (uarters of earth will accom!lish those desires from that
eminent brahman $ishyasringa.
Sloka 1!: #here will be four sons to king Dasharatha that abound with 'alour, enrich
dynasty+s re!utation and they will be renowned among all beings. #his is what sage
Sanatkumara said to other sages.
Sloka 11: #his way he that ancient and godly sage Sanatkumaara, who is also ,rahma+s
brain)child like -arada, said this legend in earlier Di'ine .ra, called "rita yuga thus
Sumantra continued his narration to Dasharatha.
Sloka 12: O/ #iger among men/ O/ 0reat king/ May you, accom!anied by your army and
'ehicles, going there !ersonally, fetch sage $ishyasringa, after offering due worshi!.
Sloka 13: 1!on listening to the words of the charioteer, ha'ing taken the blessings of
%asishta, with his counselors and (ueens he went to that !lace, where that brahmin
$ishyasringa was.
Sloka 14: On crossing o'er the ri'ers and forests slowly and steadily Dasharatha entered
that kingdom where that eminent brahman was.
Sloka 15: 0oing to the !resence of $oma!ada, Dasharatha saw that best brahman who
was shining like the bla2ing fire.
Sloka 16: #hen king Dasharatha gladdened at heart !aid ecellent res!ects to king
$oma!ada !rocedurally and in 'iew of their friendshi! and offered s!ecial res!ectful
worshi! to the sage.
Sloka 17: #hen $oma!ada informed the wise sage $ishyasringa about the friendshi! and
relation with Dasharatha, and then that sage worshi!!ed king Dasharatha in his return.
Sloka 18: #hus well recei'ed by king $oma!ada, king Dasharatha s!ent se'en to eight
days with him, and then s!oke this to king $oma!ada.
Sloka 1: "Oh, lord of sub*ects, your daughter !rincess Shantha may come to my city
Ayodhya along with her husband $ishyasringa, as oh, king, I am contem!lating to
!erform a great %edic ritual."
Sloka 2!: "So it shall be" said king $oma!ada agreeing to their tra'el with king
Dasharatha, and addressed these words to that brahman sage and his son)in)law, sage
$ishyasringa "3ou may !roceed along with your wife."
Sloka 21: #hen $ishyasringa agreed and re!lied to the king $oma!ada "So it will be
done" and then ha'ing been !ermitted by the king he set forth along with his wife.
Sloka 22: Dasaratha and the 'aliant $oma!ada !aid mutual res!ects by *oining their
!alms and embraced each other out of affection and felt etremely *oyous.
Sloka 23: #hen king Dasharatha who set forth to Ayodhya bade farewell to his friend
king $oma!ada, and he firstly sent (uick)footed messengers to Ayodhya to inform his
citi2ens about his arri'al along with sage $ishyasringa.
Sloka 24: 4&et the entire city of Ayodhya be well decorated 'ery (uickly with incenses
burning, let the streets be s!rinkled with water and then swe!t, let the flags of welcome
be hoisted #hus, king Dasharatha ordered messengers that are sent beforehand.
Sloka 25: #hen on hearing the arri'al of their king all the citi2ens felt 'ery ha!!y and
readily !erformed all those works eactly as ordered by their king.
Sloka 26: #hen king Dasharatha kee!ing $ishyasringa before him entered the well)
decorated city Ayodhya amidst the full sounding of conch shells and drumbeats.
Sloka 27: #he citi2ens of the city then grew etremely ha!!y u!on seeing that brahman
who was well honoured by the king, who was e(ual to &ord Indra in 'alour.
Sloka 28: Dasharatha escorted the sage into the !alace chambers and worshi!!ed him
there as ordained in the scri!tures, and in bringing the sage here into his country, the king
belie'ed that his desired is fulfilled.
Sloka 2: All the royal ladies on seeing her, the broad)eyed Shantha, who came there
along with her husband felt greatly !leased and ha!!y.
Sloka 3!: ,eing shown great courtesy both by them and the king, she stayed there for
sometime ha!!ily with her husband.
"hus #n$s Sarga 11 of the %ala &an$a of 'al(iki Ra(ayana

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