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William Vitin

Eng 102
SUM 2014
June 30, 2014
Cynthia Hamlett
Asian American Relationships: An Annotated Bibliography
Allport, Gordon. Language of Prejudice. Language Awareness Readings for College Writers.
Ed. Paul Eschholz, Alfred Rosa, and Virginia Clark. 10
ed. Boston: Bedford/St.
Martins, 2009. 263-272. Print
The main arguments from this essay by Gordon Allport, is about how society labels certain
people. People being Chinese, Negro, blind man, etc. The author points out how we start to judge
people by what they are and not who they are as an individual. For instance, the author uses an
example on Jewish names attached on a photograph of college girls. The women who were part
of the picture were asked to rate it, the pictured received decreased in liking, character, and
beauty, but showed an increase in intelligence and ambition.

The essay is a great source for my paper. It hits a main point to my paper and that is how people
label Asians men. Just like my other sources, it talks about the prejudice of language and
stereotyping. The source was found in an Anthropologic book making this source a reliable
source for me to incorporate into my paper. The source is an objective source due to its examples
on research on how society labels an individual.

This essay will help shape my essay by how society labels one another. I will be able to use
information from this essay about how Asians are labeled because of the medias interpretations
of them. The essay has encouraged me to stick with my topic because of it fits very well into
what I want to argue about.

Hsiang, Grace. FOBs vs. Twinkies: The New Disrimination Is Intraracial Language
Awareness Readings for College Writers. Ed. Paul Eschholz, Alfred Rosa, Virginia Clark.
ed. Boston: Bedfors/St. Martins, 2009. 306-308. Print.
The main arguments from this essay by Grace Hsiang, is about cultural differences and how it
affects our relationship with others. She talks about the difference between a traditional Asian
individual to an Asian American and how each one affects their relationships within the culture
and outside of the culture. The point of this argument, is to show the differences between each
culture and how each one reacts to it.

The essay is a great source for my paper. It talks about the cultural differences and how it affects
both sides in a discriminatory perspective. The source, just like Gordon Allports essay, was
found in an Anthropologic book making this source a reliable source for me to incorporate into
my paper. The source is more of a biased source. Although it gives facts, to me it came off more
as an experience like life.

This essay will help shape my essay by how society discriminates an individual for the decisions
they make. I will be able to focus on how Asians are put into a situation about their decision
making, and how it will affect their close relationships. This essay is a really great source for my

Model Minority Stereotype for Asian Americans. The University of Texas at Austin. N.d. Web.
29 June. 2014.
The argument of this web source is to inform the readers what Model Minority Stereotype is.
MMS is defined as what outside cultures believe Asian Americans are ought to be. Outside
cultures believe that Asians are good at math, are wealthy, and have no psychological disorders.
The main point of this web page is to open the eyes of those cultures that Asians are not entirely
what thought they were. They are just like any other human being who is trying to find their
place in world.

This source is a great source for my paper. It gives enough statistical information I need to back
up my illustrations and arguments. The source was found off of Google, yet found on the
University of Texas at Austin student services site. The site is an objective cite for its
informational facts.

This essay will help back my opinions up from its statistical side. I will be able to focus on how
Asians are perceived and how they really are in reality. The psychological information will also
help validate my opinion on how difficult life becomes when an Asian American cannot meet the
standards of their stereotype.

Nittle, Nadra Kareem. Five Common Asian-American Stereotypes in TV and Film. About. N.d.
Web. 29 June. 2014
The argument of this web source is to inform readers the most common stereotypes Asians are
perceived to be through popular media. The audience is given five common reasons on how
Asians are thought to be. The point for each reason is to inform the reader how each common
stereotype is shown through the most popular and latest released movies.

This source is a great asset to my paper because it backs up my reason on how Asians are seen
through popular media. It also explains how each movie may get the viewer, who is non-Asian,
to believe that the way the media portrays Asians is exactly how they really are in reality. The
site is an objective cite for its informational facts on how movies portray Asians.

The essay will help back up my opinion about how movies portray Asians and how it will affect
the relationship side of outside cultures to the Asian culture. I will write about how Asians are to
be seen as the bad guy and not the super hero. Making Asians be put into a negative stereotype

Trytten, Deborah, Anna Wong Lowe, and Susan E. Walden. Asians are Good at Math. What
an Awful Stereotype: The Model Minority Stereotypes Impact on Asian American
Engineering Students. Wiley-Blackwell. 2012. Web. 23 June. 2014.
The main argument found in this scholarly journal is how the MMS is culturally used incorrectly.
Yet, people still use it subconsciously. The authors undergo research to see if MMS holds its fact
that Asians live up to the populations standards on Asian Americans. The point of the research is
to find that MMS is a false stereotype on Asian Americans because all members of any ethnic
group cannot exhibit such traits to be perfect on any subject, etc.

The scholarly journal is a great asset to my paper because it talks about how the worlds
standards on Asians are all false because no one is a natural at something that is expected from
them. It talks about how other ethnic groups are also good at things that Asians are claimed to
be good at too. The source is an objective source given the research methods being done in this

This essay will help back up my opinion on stereotypes are not always true. Because Asians are
thought to be good at something does not mean they really are good at it. The article talks about
other ethnic groups also excelling on subjects Asians are seen to dominate.

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